PSA to everyone in Europe
If you don’t know already, the European Parliament is planning on restricting content we can post. If you live in Europe, GET A VPN. They’re not illegal, but could help you get around the filter. Don’t just do this though, as prevention is better than treatment. Go to change.org, send a letter to your local MEP, we need to keep the internet as we know it. Please reblog even if you don’t live in Europe so that any of your European followers know this!
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Net Neutrality in America, now this in Europe. The freedom of the internet is a global issue.
If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.
On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.
Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.
But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.
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What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.
Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:
Also, sign and share this petition:
We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.
#SaveYourInternet now!
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🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨
Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.
We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.
Here’s what you can do to save the internet:
In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 
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We NEED to get Net Neutrality trending again.
This is enough. Ajit Pai has already succeded MULTIPLE TIMES and you can expect the full removal of net neutrality on APRIL 23RD OF THIS YEAR. We can still contact our senators, we can still fight as hrd as we can, but even though 23 states are suposedly suing for the repeal of this, we need to help it along.
In case people forgot what Net Neutrality is: it is a series of laws that ensure everyone free and fair access to the internet. Without them, you will be charged for the sites you use on top of an already high internet bill. This means creators like us cannot post and be seen. Thia means that smaller schools will havebto switch to out of date text books. This means that starter IT projects that could make our lives better will die because noone can support an online presence that noone can afford to see.
And the list goes on and on and on. I have frienda who have to make their livings through commissions and working online because of multiple health issues. I have friends trying to publish books, post art, post voice acting snippets that will not be seen without these laws.
Please support Net Neutrality and contact your senators!!! This is so important to everyone you know, AND WE JUST NEED ONE SENATOR TO TURN THE TIDE!!!
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Net Neutrality is Dead and You Can Expect Your Internet to Change on April 23rd
Yeah, no, I’m cross-tagging because the lack of attention this is getting overall is pissing me off.
Ajit Pai killed Net Neutrality. You’ll start seeing the effects you were warned about on April 23rd. Oh, and he apparently got an award for Courage from the NRA gun nuts, too.
You can still help by calling your senators and representatives. We just need ONE MORE PERSON on our side to get the senate portion of Congress to overrule the FCC’s decision to kill net neutrality. The battle for the net won’t end there, but it’s a start. Go to battleforthenet to find out who your reps are and where they stand, and CONTACT THEM.
Twenty-three states are also suing the FCC for this. I haven’t looked into it yet, but I assume big businesses like Google and Amazon are as well. Nevertheless, we can’t rely on lengthy lawsuits alone. The changes to your internet start in less than two months. We don’t have a whole lot of time.
Blow this up. Contact your reps. Please, do something! We HAVE to get the decision overruled!
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If we lose Net Neutrality in the next 24 hours, blame congress. Call your lawmakers now:
If we lose it guys we’re not just getting charged for using the internet but were also losing these websites
-ALL online games and networks
-ALL online shopping services
-ALL online classes
-ALL the porn
Just 24 hours until the choice is made. Do your part if you already haven’t. Call the FCC and tell them you don’t want to pay for social media
-CALL: 202-418-1000
Or text RESIST to 50409 and get walked through the process of making your voice heard to your senator. They represent you and always will
But in the mean time Tumblr, BREAK THE INTERNET. Reblog these pics, post your own thoughts/blogs, spread the word, Join the Fight!
Don’t lie down and wait for results, make the results happen, we’re the people, we’re stronger than we know. Now let’s out and show it
@shyvaporwave @chicagoxjapan @sangapmarii @cubedcoconut @cutestlesbian-pearl @baited-in @nacrepearl @whateverman97 @mr-universe99 @coolerdeath @shesavampirequeen
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Battle For The Net has secured commitments from 50 senators. One more and we can take this fight to the House. These are the targets:
John Kennedy (Louisiana) | 202-224-4623 | Email
John McCain (Arizona) | 202-224-2235 | Email
Orrin Hatch (Utah) | 202-224-5251 | Email
Dean Heller (Nevada) | 202-224-6244 | Email
If you live in these states, we need you. Even if you don’t, you can still help the cause.
Go to
to write or call your representatives.
Tell them to support the “Resolution of Disapproval” and overturn the FCC’s December 14 “Restoring Internet Freedom” vote.
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This is the next move to restore net neutrality
If it feels like you’re fighting battles on every side, you’re not alone. The struggle is terrifyingly real. But we can still make this year the best possible version of 2018 it can be. There’s a new opportunity in to restore strong net neutrality protections: The Congressional Review Act.
What is the Congressional Review Act?
The CRA lets the House and Senate repeal administrative laws—rules and regulations set by governmental agencies—with a simple majority in both houses. The resolutions can’t be blocked by leadership, amended, or filibustered.
This congress has used the CRA more than any other to overturn regulations that protect vulnerable people and the environment, but this time we can use it for a good purpose—to reverse the FCC’s decision and restore net neutrality.
We just need #OneMoreVote
Battle For The Net has secured commitments from 50 senators. One more and we can take this fight to the House. These are the targets:
John Kennedy (Louisiana) | 202-224-4623 | Email
John McCain (Arizona) | 202-224-2235 | Email
Orrin Hatch (Utah) | 202-224-5251 | Email
Dean Heller (Nevada) | 202-224-6244 | Email
If you live in these states, we need you. Even if you don’t, you can still help the cause.
Go to battleforthenet.com to write or call your representatives.
Tell them to support the “Resolution of Disapproval” and overturn the FCC’s December 14 “Restoring Internet Freedom” vote. 
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Net Neutrality Update - Our Last Chance
So I haven’t seen anything on this subject in quite some time, but I am subscribed to FreePress’ email newsletter where they keep people updated.
Guys, the battle for the net isn’t over yet, just because you don’t see any more posts on it. This text is copy-pasted from the update email I received.
The Net Neutrality repeal is about to become official. The FCC is expected to publish its Net Neutrality rollback in the Federal Register tomorrow, which means that Congress will be able to examine the rules and move forward with a vote to reverse them. This also means that we have a limited amount of time to get all of our elected officials on board to save the open internet — but we have a plan to get there.
Millions of people have spoken out against the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal because they recognize how important the open internet is for racial justice, free expression, innovation and economic opportunity. The momentum we’ve seen has been grassroots and creative, and gives us hope for the future.
Here’s a recap of what’s happened since the FCC’s vote:
• Legislation that would enforce Net Neutrality has popped up all over the country. • We filed one of the very first lawsuits to overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality-killing vote and at least 22 state attorneys general are also suing the FCC. • Burger King (yes, that Burger King!) created an ad explaining Net Neutrality. • Team Internet activists have been showing up outside their members of Congress’ offices all over the country to tell them to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. • The pressure people are putting on Congress is working: Members have been signing on to support the CRA effort to save the open internet left and right. We’re just 1 vote away from winning a CRA vote in the Senate — but we have our work cut out for us in the House. • Along with our allies at #BattlefortheNet, we’re gearing up for another internet-wide day of action to save the open internet…
On Feb. 27, we’ll launch Operation #OneMoreVote, a massive day of action to secure the final Senate vote needed to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. Will you join us?
On this day, internet users, small businesses, online communities, public-interest groups and popular websites will mobilize to flood lawmakers with calls, emails and tweets. Our goal: to secure the final vote in the Senate needed to pass a resolution of disapproval that would overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. We need your help to make this happen: RSVP to join us online on Feb. 27.
There are a ton of ways you can take part in Operation #OneMoreVote, ranging from changing your profile photo, to tweeting and calling your members of Congress and spreading the word. Everything helps.
See you online on Feb. 27th!
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Net neutrality is now dead.
You will start to feel the effects of it on April 23rd. I’m fucking pissed about it, everyone’s pissed about it. https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/14/net-neutrality-what-now/
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Reminder that Ajit Pai wants us to forget that Net Neutrality is dead.
Things seem normal now, but within the next couple of months we will start to see some changes to the internet infrastructure.
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Net Neutrality
Okay folks, listen up: 
February 27th is the day we fight for net neutrality, so add that date to your calendars, but for now you can still find ways to help. Join with FFTF and makes posts on all your social media accounts, write to Congress, do whatever you can to fight this and make your voice heard. Net Neutrality is incredibly important and we have to do whatever we each can do to save it.
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Dont forget about net neutrality just because its not “trending” anymore.
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nikittypaprika replied to your photo “tfw your ISP is the only ISP in the area and net neutrality is dead…”
pardon my ignorance here im sorry, but the bill to kill net neutrality thing hasn’t gone to congress yet, so does that mean it hasn’t 100% been implemented? if so, wouldn’t this mean this is still currently illegal to do? either way, it’s disgusting that ISPs keep getting away with throttling :/
actually, net neutrality being killed wasn’t a result of a bill. what happened was, ajit pai, the new head chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (which has to abide by government law but isn’t actually a governing body) pushed for a rollback of net neutrality regulations put in place under the obama administration, and despite lacking any concrete data suggesting the regulations were in any way detrimental, somehow the vote was scheduled. the people voting were commissioners (i.e. higher-ups, overseers) of the FCC, NOT members of congress. (fun fact: although the FCC has many bureaus and offices [i.e. subdivisions of responsibility], there are only 5 commissioners). congress had no actual say in the outcome of the vote BUT they did have the power to stop the vote from happening. the problem was, in order to do so, they would’ve had to draft a bill that limited the FCC’s power and push it through to their OWN vote before the FCC vote happened. an attempt at doing that was made, but ultimately it didn’t make the deadline.
there have been other attempts to get rid of net neutrality, and to be completely honest i don’t know why they failed since i turned a blind eye toward all political shit for basically my entire life until recent years. i sure as hell don’t know how or why congress hasn’t gotten their shit together over this by now. i don’t know how it can be that 75-80% of americans support net neutrality but only 5 people determined the fate of it. i do know that ajit pai was chosen as chairman by tr*mp which means 3 of 5 FCC commissioners are now republicans, which probably has something to do with it. i know numerous (although i can’t find an exact number) states are looking to take this shit to court and they might actually have some pull since there was actually widespread identity theft involved in manufacturing pro-repeal comments.
tl;dr congress had nothing to do with the repeal and the fate of net neutrality was decided by five (5) members of the FCC.
it is disgusting and i hope to god something gets done about it
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If your New Years Resolutions don’t include “fight for Net Neutrality”, please add that. I’m tired of people saying it’s dead when it still needs to go through court. We can still fight for it! And we need to.
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reblog if you’re smarter than Ajit Pai
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