thequietpupil · 5 years
A Mad Scientist (Experiment No.23)
The lab is ready.
The rats are hungry.
The flasks are filled with radiant solutions - purple, pale orange and red.
A big worn chalkboard filled with devious equations.
Ugly dead creatures immersed in formaldehyde.
The scientist looks tired.
Wearing an old lab coat and a rubber glove. 
Bloodshot eyes behind the glass face shield.
A determined mind and a fragile physique.
A rare talent. 
An expert in this field.
It's a different kind of experiment, unlike anything ever tried before.
The intention is to put you, the reader, down the test tube.
The control panel has three big red buttons.
One would set the experiment in motion, 
The second would accelerate the controlled reaction.
The third would get us the desired results and a final deduction.
And just before the scientist was about to press them,
A  “meow” broke the silence and stole the momentum.
Down below in a desk near, a kitty was tangled up in electric wire.
The scientist pulled a lever and killed the power. 
She picked up the poor cat and gave it a good pat.
It purred.
 it didn’t mean to interrupt.
She sighed, but never whined. 
Her stern face somehow remained kind. 
Can’t be mad at a cat for delaying her master-plan.
She went back and started from where she began. 
Now, did you assume the mad scientist to be a man?  
It’s okay…
Socially conditioned presumptions are too hard to reject. 
In the ongoing social experiment, it is an improving defect.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Feel the weight of these words... but be careful
Is it bad luck or am I careless?
Things always slip from my hands.
They fall down, they fragment and the damage is forever done. 
Glass shatters. Food is spoiled. 
I hope that infant doesn’t get a fracture. 
I dropped my phone for the 20th time, that’s a whole new record. 
They say grow up and get a grip,
But a voice inside keeps telling me that it’s not always my fault. 
Sometimes it’s just meant-to-be, there’s no agency for this cause. 
A mysterious force is working 24/7, a devilish seduction from the ground.
Glorious empires break apart. Lenin statues are brought down. 
Titanic sinks. The Twin Towers collapse. The PSLV fails. The Stock market growls. 
Chaos reigns supreme, the supermodel’s skin starts to sag.
Order at its best, is a permanent temp. 
Destruction is the overlord. 
In the way of the world, maybe that’s how it’s written down. 
But not all falls are bad. 
Apples fall and turn into equations. Guillotines fall and end revolutions.
Who cannot clap when Mad Men fall. When Mordor falls. 
Maybe we can learn to appreciate every slip, stumble and spill. 
You are at an eternal party when you start counting everything that falls.
It’s like your favorite rock band drops a new song, every hour. 
But the confetti stops mid-air. 
We are wired to watch things stand.
Things would be better if everything could bounce back like balls.
It’s a child’s wish, but maybe that’s what we want
Also, are we still that toddler trying so hard to walk?
Maybe the point of existence is just trying to hold on. 
Clutch someone's hand fast, before that ECG falls flat.
Maybe achievement is all about making your hands less slippery. 
Maybe all of survival is a fight with gravity.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
The Blinking Cursor
I don’t know what you are waiting for.
A sudden revelation or a slip of the mind?
A secret buried under my brow, brought out and defined?
You don’t give me clue or a key. 
Your hidden expectations are a puzzle to me.
I curse. 
I’m cursed.
A lone vagabond on a plain white desert, 
Forever exiled from space and time.
You blink. 
And then I blink.
For once, there is some semantic sync.
I think I know what I am waiting for.
Some neurons to fire together.
Some alphabets to fall in order.
Till I have an answer for you, my beloved cursor.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Viral Fever
Things happen fast. Trends do not last.
By the time you make some sense of it, the momentum has already passed.
There’s an update every second, everything you hear about becomes a new past.
In the fast lane of LIVE NEWS, opinions swift past the facts.
Everyone is on the same page, so the writing is terribly bad. 
The biggest warning on the internet: Don’t fall in love with a fad.
Instant attention from a million fans, but how long will it span?
Can’t keep a tab on everything, burning up the RAM.
The popular answer to the latest questions starts with a hashtag.
Unless the question really is, What does a mass hysteria lack?
Respond, react and weigh in on everything without any rest.
You have already pledged your commitment to whatever comes next.
Who knows what goes viral and when? Ask the algorithm and the stats. 
As far as the gossips go, every user is a rat.
Forever distracted boyfriends, cant keep a girl in chat.
Living in the moment? Yeah, good luck with that. 
We keep calm and carry on.
Try and catch up with what’s happening now.
But I’m still slow dancing to Despacito.
Where did all the Pokemon GO?
Where did all the Pokemon GO?
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thequietpupil · 5 years
The Infinite Scroll
I, the Emperor of the Universe, will now read the infinite scroll.
l’ll pick my own headlines, I’ll tell the world what I like.
Ruling on the issues with my Caesar thumb.
Okay, let’s hear what you have to say,
Before my curiosity fades or my mind goes numb.
Two grand seconds is all I can offer,
This scroll is a monster without a tail in sight,
There is always something more to conquer.
One day, my subjects may bore me to death.
Or worse, refuse to bow down to my entitled opinion.
*Spoiler: There are way too many self-crowned Kings on this Earth!
But I’ll keep falling down this bottomless pit,
It’s a royal feeling, It feels like flying.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Woke people don't sleep at night
Anything that is countable, doesn’t satisfy you a lot.
The money you earn, the calories you eat.
Thirty days in a month, seven days in a week.
When your choices are rounded up to a single digit.
The pattern of beats in that song, you keep playing on repeat.
Anything that is not countable, unsettles you a little.
Grains of sand in the Besant Nagar beach.
Roads not taken at 21, destinations you will never reach.
Friends of friends of friends and enemies you will never meet.
The waves of faces, that you walk past on a busy street.
Anything that is predictable, wears you down.
Anything that is not predictable, makes you insecure.
Anything that you try to change is so ingrained.
Anything that is status-quo is essentially defeat. 
When the lights are out, 
And when silence is the demon you end up sleeping with,
The scariest sound in the world is your own heartbeat.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Netflix and no chill
Heart beats fast, when watching an action flick.
Romance in the air, when two random actors kiss.
Erotic desires, wasted on the screen.
Tear-jerking scenes, the only time you weep.
Intimate details about people you’ve never seen.
Problems that impact, from places you’ve never been.
Experiences you gather without ever moving your feet.
So many exciting adventures on your witnessing checklist.
Things you wish you said, to people you wish you’ve known,
All the attention of a lead, that you yearn so much to receive.  
Your imagination is losing every war with HD
Your best friends ever are characters on TV?
Guns, stunts and scandals, crimes you will never dare commit.
Your armchair creaks, when you hear a protest song scream.
All the beauty in the world, the richness, the scenery.
Luxury in the ad that you can pause, but never keep.
Pleasure or pain, your strings are attached to the screenwriter’s theme.
It’s all secondary sense, you only feel how you think it feels
The monkey sees and it sees. The content never cease.
You still jump to the sky, with every new release.
Will you be a cautionary tale when your watch history gets obese?
Why create or participate, when everything is on lease?
Binge on it all, you are a big-time pro at this spectator sport.
But, what are you a part of? what is it all for?
How long before you disappear, when you live only though art?
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Audience Reaction
Ramesh was convinced that corruption is a crime.
Manoj, he was masturbating through the whole time.
Julia thought the whole thing was a little pompous and severe.
Nivetha was too overwhelmed to speak, she was seen leaving with a single tear.
Aashik was confused, but he promised that he’ll give it a re-view.
Murugan stormed out, before it was even halfway through.
Durai was frantically tweeting “I was pleasantly surprised, #whataride”
Vijay was high on the hero’s swag, his face was damaged by the hard punchlines.
We couldn’t understand what Ganesh was saying, 
He was still munching through the popcorn and the fries.
Bala was blown out of his mind, 
He has never ever seen anything of this kind.
Naren like Bala, felt so inspired.
The goosebumps on his arm had not yet reclined.
We asked an unnamed old man to share his thoughts, 
He called us names and angrily declined.
Priya was still processing,
Let’s wait for her deep dive in the ‘Arts and entertainment’ section.
Praveen will probably disagree with her, 
He’s a blogger with a completely different perspective on fiction.
Rajan raved about the symbolism in that stand-out shot, 
The acting was okay, the editing was neat. 
Fatima was thrilled throughout the three act plot,
She was dangerously pushed to the edge of her seat.
Suresh was counting the scenes where the actress screeched, 
It’s a thesis he is working on, soon to be complete.
A band of three conveyed their critic in whistles and cheers. 
They must have been glad with the fan-service.
Also, they boasted about big figures on the box office.
A guy walked by with zero expression. 
He was the first to reach the parking zone.
We met a girl with a remarkable smirk on her face, 
She had all the loopholes noted down in her phone. 
John and Shekar were debating the use of technology, 
The newest lens and the fanciest lighting.
Lekha came for the music, not the movie.
When she crossed us, we could hear her humming.
After all them have had their say,
For the yet-to-sees, the top three questions will be
Is it worth your money?
Is it worth your time?
Will it release soon on Amazon prime?
It’s on you, whether you see or skip it. 
But the audience have already given their verdict.
It’s a watchable film with lots of mixed reaction.
That’s three yellow stars in popular opinion.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
D for Damnation, E for Eternal Damnation
Genital mutilation, Self-flagellation,
Piercing your body for reasons other than fashion,
We keep recycling hate in the name of religion,
Getting hung up on all the cruel and meaningless tradition.
Caste discrimination has been tearing apart a whole nation,
Letting others scavenge for your sanitation.
Arms against fiction, Ritual addiction,  
Chastising a person’s sexual orientation,
How come honour-killing is still getting traction?
So many victims without a damn conviction.
I know, Is anything more infuriating than this scheme of repetition?
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thequietpupil · 5 years
滚开 (No Subtitles)
Pikachu squeaks in English,
Sunny Leone learns Tamil,
One in seven speaks Chinese,
Delhi still sticks to Hindi,
Everyone understands ‘Selfie’.
Me and my friend, we once tried to learn and speak French,
But I said au revoir at 101, I could never remember the right gender for a bench.
There’s a place in Kodambakkam, where they teach you everything you need to know about an American accent.
I don’t know, I never had a problem with turning the subtitles on for ‘Lost in translation’
Hollywood is waiting for the alien’s arrival, they already speak their tongue.
Google translates everything. 
Hope they get it 100% correct, when there’s a meeting with Kim Jong-Un.
If programming is a language, tell me how do computers curse?
How do you truly communicate, when your vernacular is only mediocre,
and your literary skills are worse?
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Scientific Truth(s)
“Pluto is not a planet,
Fat is not making you fat”
Of course, that’s right. 
No big surprise.
So many things that you were taught at school, turned out to be totally wrong.
Anyway, it’s good for us to better our (k)nowledge and keep moving along.
“Dolphins rape, Babies are fools, Love is a literal chemical reaction”
Seriously Mr.Science? Do you always have to put it like that?
It’s understandable when you can’t have any sentiment,
But can’t you downplay that lousy attitude, when you try to make your BIG statements?
Not really asking for you to care, 
Just watch your tone when you say things, you know our hearts won’t bear.
“Coffee is good, Coffee is bad. Coffee is okay, Coffee makes you sad.”
Wait, that doesn’t sound like science.
Rather: Click bait, Click bait, Click bait. Click bait.
Thank god, I no longer think with just 10% of my brain.
Science Journalists, quit being reductionist, you're sounding unbelievably insane!
Global warming is real, that is the coldest fact.
Here’s the scariest truth in the whole world right now:  It might already be too late to act !
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Warning: Hardcore whining ahead!
Present, tense
Past, tense
Future, tense
Why is it always so intense?
Sometimes ‘life’ just feels like a sentence.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
What kind of jokes do you laugh at?
A fat guy punched in the face.
A humorous take on a rape.  
Astronauts, lawyers and priests.
Idiots, geniuses and creeps.
Cat videos on the loop.
A hilarious comment on YouTube.
Silly movie comedies
And their even sillier parodies.
A six year old’s serious doubts
A spelling mistake or a typo, before someone strikes that out. 
One liners delivered with a snappy wit.
A stupid politician captured on camera, 100% legit.
Awkward silence in unpleasant situations, when the facial expressions speak.
Pranks, when they go about embarrassing random strangers on the street.
Intelligent, insightful commentaries on the rotten state of our society.
Sitcoms, Stand ups, TIMES NOW, History...Comedy could come from any random entity. 
With so many different kinds of jokes, some concerns could slip through the cracks.
With every unsure joke you crack, there are so many questions to ask.
Do they stand up for what you believe or do you hide behind the laugh tracks?
How can you ever truly tell, if a joke’s gone too far?
How do we measure the length of our laughs, our spontaneous hahas?
Should we all go on a joke-diet, cutting down on the harmless fun?
Should social justice be stamped, BRIGHT AND RED over every pun?
Once in a while, for the unsmiling others, will you silence your inner-comedy routine?
Do LOLs and ROFLs lack empathy? Will anything be spared by the meme-machine?
Who is the judge when your black comedy shakes hands with grey morality?
Has your sarcasm become your foe’s anthem? Oh, the irony.
In the end, It all comes down to this.
Would I laugh right back at hate?
Would I laugh at my own mistakes?
C’mon, why so serious?
Let’s put a smile on that face.
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Windows 98
Long long time ago, In an age before YouTube....
It was raining hard that Sunday afternoon, and I had nothing to do. 
I stood by the window, witnessing something (wonderful?) 
The muddy rainwater was on the move, slowly flooding the vacant land in the neighbourhood. 
It's just a hazy memory with no context, too young to be pinned down on a diary page,  
But I remember feeling so alive, amazed, vivid, present and even a little strange.
No, scratch all that.
I can’t even begin to describe, what was going through my petite mind. 
Childhood was when you have the purest thoughts,
Then language takes over and fucks it up.
Now, no matter how I hard I try, I can’t see through time’s veils.
This reboot always fails. This reboot always fails. 
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thequietpupil · 5 years
Cleanup Day
When your head-space is a total mess, how do you collect your thoughts?
Step 1: Pile them up, build a heap.
Step 2: Sort them out, rank and repeat. 
Step 3: Now pick one up and ask yourself, ‘Does this spark joy or make me weep?’ 
Step 4: Take a deep breath......
and throw out the thoughts you don’t wanna keep ?!
Wait, never mind.
You can never really ‘Marie Kondo’ your Mind. 
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