thequickargint · 4 years
I love this so much! <3 Thank you!
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Character Board: Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver { @thequickargint  }
“Together. We are stronger. Together. We sacrifice for those in need. Together. We engage the impossible. That is why we are a team. That is what it means to be an Avenger. Fighting together. Now… and… forevermore.”
Happy holidays from your Secret Santa 💙
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thequickargint · 4 years
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Secret Santa Gift for @rescue-49
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thequickargint · 5 years
Pepper could only roll her eyes. Yes, she was well aware she had acquired the biggest bias for Tony. That a happened when you were in the courtship process and if they could come to a mutual agreement they’d also be bedding each other more than frequently. Pietro was quaint. It was ego versus ego. It was one of the mysteries that Pepper was casually curious to crack on why was Pietro’s ego so inflated. Tony she understood. Hell she was very capable of marketing that. The speedster? She had no idea.
“If you’re going to make a crack about me being basic,” She rolls her eyes,”Not everyone is enhanced, Pietro. Sometimes it’s more about finding a peaceful center, than the flexibility aspects.” 
Pietro snorted. A peaceful center? Really? That sounded like the biggest load of horse crap he has ever heard. Of course, it would to someone whose mind worked a thousand times faster than literally everyone on earth (Assume Pietro was the only speedster...and thus far he seemed to be.) Pietro was positive all these journey's to find ‘peaceful centers’ were just a band-aid on whatever was bothering them. No amount of balancing in odd poses was going to ease your mind. Pietro shot Pepper a bored expression as he sipped his drink. Of course, he would tire easily, and of course, he never hid it.  “Uh-hu. Sure, Whatever you say, Girlie. I’m sure you put that flexibility to great use.” He winked, confident Pepper wouldn’t take his flirtatious comment too seriously. 
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thequickargint · 5 years
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Quicksilver by Carmine Di Giandomenico, bless
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thequickargint · 5 years
All New X-Factor hit us with one of the biggest hot takes regarding Quicksilver and that's that the Avengers couldn't give two fucks about him
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Like I can't even, 'your sister loves you' Pietro was literally on the 2nd ever roster of Avengers and the only value they see in him as a person is his relation to Wanda. And?? This is how like the majority of comic writers also treat him like hello he deserves better!!!
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thequickargint · 5 years
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his babies
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thequickargint · 5 years
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X-Factor (1986) #72
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thequickargint · 5 years
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lil teddy bear
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thequickargint · 5 years
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thequickargint · 5 years
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Wanda tried to bring back a smile, squeezing her brother’s hand back. She’d missed this when he was away. The natural sense of having her greatest support always right there. 
She wasn’t really looking for him to say anything in particular. It wasn’t really something that she wanted to talk about either. Rather, just the assurance that her brother was there and that she was not alone was probably enough for the moment. 
“Yes. It is.” She needed to move on at some point, right? Even if it was hard. “Any suggestions, brother?”
Pietro paused to think a moment, stretching his long legs out before crossing them. 
“You’re really asking me for advice?” Pietro smirked. “I would suggest coffee but...” He held up his paper cup, tipping it to her before taking a sip. Pietro didn’t have very many hobbies surprisingly enough. Inbetween superhero work, all he really did was read or write, take care of Dibbles, and occasionally swipe through Tinder. He’d gotten used to being bored most of the time, and this hadn’t bothered to really fill his day with any activities.  
“I always like just walking around and people watching?” He suggested. It was lame, but it was something to do. “Its that or...” He pulled out his book and shrugged, laughing. “I could read you to sleep.”
Coffee Break
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thequickargint · 5 years
“Is it?” An amused eyebrow was raised. Natasha was interesting. Very interesting. It wasn’t the fangirls that made things interesting, no it was the gross internet fanboys. 
“Bruce is very nice indeed, if I can’t vouch for Tony,” Pepper knew exactly how to rile Pietro up. “Bruce is quiet and trustworthy and is  very  good yoga companion.”  
Pietro sneered a bit, Of course she wasn’t allowed to vouch for Tony, She was a beyond bias source! Not that Pietro had much against Stark. He was cool...they were cool. A bit of a know it all...and they butt heads on multiple occasions given the fact Pietro didn’t take orders very well...Tony understood that on some level. From one stubborn son of a bitch to another. 
“Yoga? Everyone seems to be doing yoga these days!” Pietro threw up a hand in defeat. “Even my sister does it. I don’t see the point other than it makes you look ridiculous.” 
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thequickargint · 5 years
'Dwell in the moment.’
Easier said than done when moments didn’t last a lifetime. Pietro fidgeted as he sat cross-legged under a tree. Nature was supposed to be calming and inspiring right? What else did that stupid book say?
‘Breathe in, calming body and mind. Breathe out, ignoring that glowing bird.’
Wait, that can’t be right! Pietro stared at the bird as it plucked up leaf before flying back in the direction it came in. The little ball of energy seemed to be on a mission. The bird has a familiar glow to it, one that very much felt like home to the speedster. However, something was different about it. He couldn’t place it exactly, other than it wasn’t his sister...could it? 
At any rate, it was something to do that wasn’t wasting his time with these stupid self-help books. In an instant, he was up and following the bird. He followed it to its ‘owner’ A raven-haired young man. 
That definitely not his sibling. 
He’d never met someone with a power set so similar to Wanda’s. He had to talk to him. He moved faster than Billy could perceive, leaning against a tree to Billy’s left. Slowly down enough to speak. 
“Interesting talent you’ve got there.”
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While Billy could fix his apartment if something went wrong sometimes it was a good idea to practice a few things outside.   Avoid potential questions from neighbors.  He also really didn’t want to mess up Teddy’s place.  Even if it offered a bit more privacy and understanding people.  
Cupping his hands together her murmured quietly into them.   A bird of red and blue energy formed into existence.  It warmed his palms before taking off.  Swirling around him before darting through the trees.   Billy sent it on a goal to see if he could control an construct.   Have it fetch a leaf from the other side of the place and bring it back to him.    It scattered a few more of the autumn leaves making them drift down as it completed its task.
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thequickargint · 5 years
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-This is so dumb. Sweeden should’ve won this year.
-Oh, given up on your home country, brother?
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thequickargint · 5 years
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“Well, that doesn’t sound harsh of you at all, Brother.” Wanda rolled her eyes, leaning back against the bench. “I think I have great taste. You’re just weird.” She nudged him again, glad for the teasing between them if for no other reason than a sense of normalcy. 
“Yes, you and everyone else I think. I guess I kind of shut myself away a bit after, uh –” She stopped, looking down and giving a shrug, not able to bring herself to say Clint’s name.
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Pietro wordlessly pawed at her hand, forcing his hand into hers and intertwining their fingers. The action was effortless and natural, something he’s done probably thousands of times. 
“I know...I know...” He said softly with a sigh. Wanda was always more in tune with her emotions, wearing them openly. Pietro, on the other hand, liked to pretend he didn’t have any. If it wasn't happiness or anger, the speedster pretty much ignored it. Thus, Pietro hadn’t said much about the topic of Clint and planned to keep it that way. He gave her hand a light squeeze.  “Today is a new day after all. Time to finally get out and enjoy the sun.”
Coffee Break
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thequickargint · 5 years
Pietro was always so charmingly cocky. It was entertaining to say the least that he thought it worked for him. All of the avengers had their quirks. “Really assuming you’re better than Natasha?  I’d like to watch you say that to her face.”  
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“I don’t think it’s a secret that I have way more fans than her.” Pietro boasted, snatching up a handful of pretzels from the snack table. He felt comfortable bragging about that because Natasha wasn’t one to care too deeply about any fangirls trying to send her their obsessive fan letters. Then again, Natasha didn’t seem the type to get into any arguments with him. She gave a passive air towards him, Neither warm or cold.  “You still didn’t answer my question!” He brought it back up playfully. 
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thequickargint · 5 years
“I guess,” She shrugs half heartedly. It had taken her a while, but she came home feeling like she was herself again. Like she wasn’t just Tony’s shadow, she still immensely tethered to him, but that’s what happens when  you work with someone for twenty years. 
Pepper shakes her head,”No, it’s fine. I’m not pissed. Annoyed, probably.” 
“oh, annoyed I can handle.” There was that smackable smirk. “That’s pretty much everyone's default around me.” He glanced around the room, taking in the thick crowd of party-goers. He switched topics fast.  “So who's your least favorite Avenger? I would have asked favorite but it’s obviously me so..”
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thequickargint · 5 years
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“Must be some sort of twin thing.” Wanda said with a laugh. “We do have a fair bit of time to make up for still.” 
Wanda slid onto the bench beside her brother, eyes following the book in his hands. His expressions he said the title amused her. Of course her brother would react that way to an Austen novel. “Oh come now, brother. Pride & Prejudice is great. Though if you’re going to react like that, perhaps you should n’t look to my shelves for reading material.” She teased, nudging him slightly. 
“Nothing in particular. Just out for the walk. Working on getting out of the tower more again.” 
“Oh, I have. you have terrible taste.” The speedster stated matter of factly. “It’s a classic, sure. There wasn’t anything else to read, so I grabbed this.” He gave a small shrug. He wasn’t sure how many times he’d read it, but it was easily up into the double digits these days. It was easy to read anything multiple times when you could literally finish reading in a minute. “That’s good that you’re getting out though, I was starting to think you were becoming a hermit.” 
Coffee Break
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