theomonroe · 10 years
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theomonroe · 10 years
"Second of all, you can always go back to your soulmate. That’s what makes them a soulmate."
-Cappie  (via iamthebestyoullneverhave)
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theomonroe · 10 years
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Theodore "Theo" Alan Monroe's Mood Board (part 3)
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theomonroe · 10 years
Spanish is my native tongue, you know! It's just a major bonus that is happens to do things to do you.
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I know what you said I'm just...me. I worry and doubt constantly. God, I'm putty in your very capable hands -- it'll be me, probably. It'll be like...starting over, you know?
Jesus, again with the Spanish. You’re gonna make me melt, you need to chill the fuck out. 
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It’ll happen one day, Theo. I told you that this wasn’t goodbye. And we keep doing.this so I mean…sooner or later one of us is gonna crack…and it’ll most likely be me if you keep kissing me like this. —- I can’t wait either! It’s gonna be like when we first started dating, aw.
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theomonroe · 10 years
Hi. Am...I allowed to say goodbye to you?
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So, I’m leaving in like a few hours. Wow, it’s already one in the morning. Who’s going to be my first goodbye of the night?
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theomonroe · 10 years
I am that clumsy human, always loving, loving, loving. And loving. And never leaving.
Kahlo, Frida. The Diary Of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait. (via wordsnquotes)
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theomonroe · 10 years
I've told you before and I'll tell you again: you are more than enough. Never forget that, mi amor.
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Kennedy Annalise Monroe. Someday. Hopefully. Please, you always look pretty! But six o'clock -- it's a date! I really, really can't wait!
Such a gentleman, one of the many things I adore about you. You know, you’ve always had a way of making me feel good enough. Thank you.
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It’s okay to say Monroe, you know. Because sooner or later, it’ll be Monroe. But yes, yes I am. Good, so it’s settled then. —- Six is good. Gives me enough time to look pretty. 
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theomonroe · 10 years
I would rather have respected my girlfriend and not looked at another woman's boobs, honestly. I don't care that you did, though! Sure have, and I'm telling you that they -- that you are perfect, without any alterations.
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No, it didn't! Kennedy Monr -- Montgomery, are you asking me out on a date? Because if so, I'm would say yes. Absolutely yes. Can I pick you up tomorrow evening say...six?
You could’ve and I wouldn’t have cared, honestly. I stared sometimes.. They were all up in my face, it was the worst. Well, you have seen my boobs like a million and one times so you probably know more than me.
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It worked last time, right? —- Actually, no, I’m glad I caught you though. I’ve been thinking about that whole me working on myself and us working on us thing…and I was wondering…what would you say about going out to a movie or something the next time you’re free? 
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theomonroe · 10 years
Uh...yeah, that's her -- not that I really noticed that, honestly. Please Kennedy, as someone who has seen them many, many times, I'm telling you that you don't need a boob job. At all. Ever. Dammit, just le -- 
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H-Hi. Are you going to try and shut me up the way you did last time?
Is it the blonde professor lady who’s got the abnormally large boob implants? ‘Cause I remember her…we all remember her. Her plastic surgeon did an A+ job —- but they were still like mondo huge and I just feel like if I had boobs that big, I’d fall over and they’d pop and then I’d just land in the hospital and just…no bueno. —- I did have a fine but I took care of it, don’t worry. Ah, yes, I do recall me saying that. Well, in that case…
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theomonroe · 10 years
I hope you never regret me.
5:00 p.m. (Please don’t ever think of me as a mistake)
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theomonroe · 10 years
Hey, not to be mean, but, Mrs. Fleming is just still salty because her husband left her for that younger woman. Don't sweat it. Also, did you have a fine? I can at least pay for that, right? You told me to pester you another time, so here I am, pestering you.
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I forgot to turn in my books at the end of the semester and Mrs. Fleming just ripped my head off. —- Clearly, my iPhone is not doing a good job at reminding me of things. 
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theomonroe · 10 years
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theomonroe · 10 years
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we are the reckless we are the wild youth chasing visions of our future
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theomonroe · 10 years
I just...[he sighs deeply, wishing there were a better way to help her, to take away her pain. He pauses for a moment before quietly nodding] Come to me, okay? Anytime you need someone. Please.
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I will. Don't worry; I'll give her space. Thank you for not...blowing up at me. 
I don’t need you to say anything else, Theo, you shouldn’t have to talk through your friend’s life problems 24-7.
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Bottom line: don’t try and fix anyone else. Fix yourself, decide what you want, and move on from this the best you can. I’m the last person to give relationship advice considering how mine has gone lately, but you’re a good guy, T. I know that, and Kennedy knows that. And you just have to be patient and wait until she’s ready for you.
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theomonroe · 10 years
I...wow. Wow. I've never been more proud of you in my entire life. You're the strongest person I've ever met in my entire life, Kennedy, and all I've ever wanted was for you to be happy and healthy. But...I know I can't heal you of your wounds or take away that pain; only you can fix yourself fully, just like only I can fix myself fully. I'm so glad you recognize that. I love you, I love you, I love you. God, if you loved yourself as much as I love you, you would never feel low again. I'm so proud of you, my love; I'm so, so, proud of you for taking these steps in the right direction.
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I understand. But Kennedy, you need to understand...I would literally wait my whole life to be with you. It will always be you, you, you. I'm not going anywhere. Ever. I love you, and you never give up on the people you love.
I told you, Theo, this isn’t goodbye. It’ll never be goodbye when it comes to us. I…I want to be with you again, I want to get married to you, I want to have a life together but I’ve also decided that before I can let myself be with you….I have to fix myself first. I’ve spent so many years saving you and fixing you that I completely forgot about myself. You know what I went through but you don’t know what goes on in my head. All the compliments, all the words, all the love you give me are amazing and I appreciate them and I believe them, I do…but there’s a part of me that just doesn’t…function right because of my dad. I need to fix that, I need to get some sort of help and just…save myself because you will never be able to fully do that. You’ve put pieces of me back together, Theo and for that, I’m always, always going to be so thankful for but —- I have to put the rest of them together. I can’t keep walking around like some broken toy. 
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It’s not going to be easy but I just need you to try and be patient with me. We’ll be together again, hell, we’re doing a pretty shitty job at being broken up so far, we might as well just be dating again…but I just…please don’t walk out. I’m not asking you to wait for me, but…stick around, I guess. I’m not sure how to really phrase it into words so I just hope you’ll understand, somehow.
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theomonroe · 10 years
They say in order to get to the rainbow, you have to go through some rain, Bella. It's a dumb quote, but I think it applies here and...I don't know what else to say to you. I'm sorry. Have you ever thought seeing someone? A therapist?
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Okay, wait a minute, this was in the span of more than a few years. I love Charlotte but I'm not in love with her and that's what everyone fails to realize. I did a shitty thing by liking her as more than a friend but I'm not in love with Charlotte and that's that. I've been in love with Kennedy for years. Almost seven, to be exact. I couldn't have fixed you, Bella...I hope you know that. Only you can fix yourself; just like only I can fix myself. And I'm brimming with faith; I know we can do it. I love you, too. I'm...not sure what the next step is, honestly. I think I'll just...continue to lie low, you know? Probably best for everyone involved.
The good isn’t worth the bad, Theo- I’d like to see me happy too but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me. And I can’t take anymore hurt, I just can’t.
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I’m not mad, I just wish none of this had ever happened. And I know you do too, which is why it’s frustrating that everything is such a mess. You loved me, you love Char, you love Kennedy- all in the span of a few years? I don’t know what any of that is about, but I didn’t like ‘everyone but you’, I had one boyfriend in highschool and he screwed me over by leaving when I needed him the most. So I have no idea where you got that idea from, but maybe I’ve been with guys who aren’t you because they actually stepped up and said something because the joke’s on you- I would’ve gone out with you. I would’ve fallen in love with you. But that’s all stupid and irrelevant now, and I just- I want you to know that I love you, even if you screwed up. I just want you to be careful with whatever the next step for you is.
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theomonroe · 10 years
I love you too, Kennedy. So, so much. I keep turning around in the apartment looking for you, looking for your beautiful smile and it feels like the wind is knocked out of me every time I reach out for you only to find empty air. I hate that we aren't together and I hate myself for what I've done to you but...I understand that you need space. It will always be you, Kennedy. I asked you to marry me. I asked you to hold onto my heart. You're the one who saved me from myself and everything I left affect me, you're the one who propped me up when all I felt like doing was falling, you're the one who holds my hands when I feel like everything is just too much. You're my everything and you always have been. And now...you're the one who got away. And again, I'm so sorry. 
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I love you, Theo. I love you, I love you, I love you so fucking much and I just…I miss you and I am trying so hard not to come running back to you because I just…I just need to prove this to myself for once that I don’t need anyone. I-I don’t…but I need you so much it hurts and my heart is beating so fast and I’m pretty sure you’re gonna have to call 911, ‘cause I’m so close to having some sort of heart attack and its all your fault, it’s always…your fucking fault. You have this stupid hold on me and no matter what fucking happens…it’s always going to be you, Theo. 
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I just…went off on you…I-I’m sorry.
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