theojcinna · 2 years
crying because this fic has no reviews, favs, or follows on ffnet, is the only one in its fandom, and is 46,440 words. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14012607/1/A-Second-Shot-At-Love i have no idea if the writing is any good, but not being recognised at all as a writer,,,, that,, i can't
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theojcinna · 2 years
Day 1
- CW: Obsession, References of the Christian God, Sacrilege(?), Heartbreak, Metaphorical use of Icarus, Allusions to inevitable death(i think), Idealisation, Devaluation, (let me know if there's any i need to add)
nothing sexy in this one i know, but feelings like these are looked down upon. based on my own cluster b experience with some added flair that i usually get when writing poetry or having a psychotic episode. please enjoy!
I’d never seen someone so beautiful. It wasn’t always like this.
When I first met him, he was like anyone else. I found him somewhat strange, and a bit annoying.
A strange person, the likes of which I had only seen in videos. He was a curiosity to me, and then he became my friend.
I hated his family.
Every fibre of my body was set alight in a blaze of anger with every word that came out of his mother’s mouth. How dare she. How dare she do this to him. He was my darling. My best friend. The one who held my world. Everyone had been so cruel to me, and the friends I’d carried with me seemed to drift so far away, but here he was, right in front of me; staying. A gift from God. When I woke up in the morning, he was there, and when the moon was the brightest thing in the sky, he was by my side. I’d never had so much fun. He made me happy. He was the light. He was God. His grace was divine, and his tears; sacred. He was my sun. His light kept me alive. Everything about him was perfect. He was perfect. So perfect, in fact, that it took me too long to realise his perfection was my ruin. Much too long, and it was far too late.
I had become Icarus, my lover the sun, had melted my wax wings and I was plummeting back to the earth to be taken by the dark sea, thrust from my kin. A wise poet had said, to take caution with love, but a lovesick fool listens not to wise words, but the beating of his heart. I listened to my heartbeat, as my tears were swept away by the upwind, the cold air incomparable to the freezing claws dragging across my chest, pulling the life from my lungs. I was crying. I was crying because I could no longer reach him, though it was his burning desire that has rid me of my wings, I knew him. I knew him, but I never suspected that the wax of my wings would melt. I thought our love was stronger than his flames. I’m a fool. I am a fool. I cursed as I fell. I cursed him for the love I felt. I cursed that he did not fall with me. I cursed him for my fall. I cursed him, for I cursed myself. What wretched luck I would’ve said, but I knew it was not luck, but fate. It was inevitable that I would fall, and my wings would give in. Heaven was not made for me, but I too, wanted to become one of the angels.
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