Nightmare Fuel
Adults actually find this book (and film) scarier than kids do, with the unsettling feeling of the Imaginarium being not quite right giving way to its later transformation in the climax.
That and the theme of children being so easily lured away by strangers through entertainment and tasty food. Does This Remind You of Anything?
The whole concept of the Imaginarium, a vast amusement park that's actually a trap for unsuspecting children!
The jerky way Elmo Eagle moves in the film. Brrr...
And (in both the book and the film) once he writes that message on the glass of his display, everything changes from a light fantasy adventure to a kid’s horror story.
“Don’t eat... Get out!!!”
When the kids discover Gabe’s journal in the film, we flashback to Gabe witnessing his friends being drugged by the candies to the point of forgetting him and their former lives before they are transformed into a miniature carousel as the poor kid can do nothing but watch. Seeing them smiling with Dull Eyes of Unhappiness before they change is pretty unsettling. The Creepy Circus Music doesn't help.
One reviewer worded it perfectly:
“Imagine being a state where you are you at one moment but then you faded to sudden blurred mind and memory, just blankness and mindless bliss. Your memories slipping away and you don’t even remember where you came from. But then you feel a painless yet unpleasant sensation of your body being physically twisted into some inanimate object and your mind just completely woke up to recognize it. Then spending possibly eternity as that attraction, barely able to move but totally unable to speak or cry for help. That’s exactly how those kids must have felt after eating those candies. And what is even worse, is they didn’t even know what led to it until after it happened."
The whole Nothing Is Scarier approach regarding the Central, which we never see.
Some of the inhabitants of Freak’s Town can be grotesque, which probably isn't helped by how well they're animated in the movie.
In the book, the group pass by a sleeping spider the size of a dog in the Haunted Academy. It's mentioned only briefly, is never explained, and they don't dwell on it. In its own eerie way, it's almost scarier than a spider that’s wide awake because of how nonchalantly it gets introduced and dismissed with no indication of where this enormous spider came from.
In the film, said spider is resting on a giant cocoon encasing something. The whole time you're just waiting for something to pop out or wondering what the hell is inside that giant cocoon.
If anything, the music during that scene can certainly scare the crap out of you, especially if you listen to it in the dark.
Bonko’s true form in the film. Whereas in the book he’s a ghostly entity, here, he’s a HUGE armored spider that is also disturbingly fast. Thankfully, it becomes Nightmare Retardant once he reforms.
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When the group freeze upon hearing the giant cat’s meow, pause the movie and take a look at everyone's expressions. Particularly Elly, Tanner and Ambrose.
“Oh, he’s kidnapping me!”
Liam getting cotton candy stuck all over his body and Elly pulling it off him and eating it during the Imaginarium montage. She leaves one stuck to his head that Karina pulls off and gives to the twins.
At the beginning of the montage, take a gander at Tanner’s “photo op” and try not to laugh.
Franklin's constant sarcasm in general.
Ambrose’s internal snark is actually really funny: 
His first lines: "Good morning, New York—Wait, this isn’t New York.”
In the Imaginarium, he notes the extremely stylized backgrounds: "Man, who designed this place?"
The Running Gag of Franklin and/or Tanner getting Jump Scared by the Guide.
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Soundtrack Listing
Moving Day
New Home, New Friends
Out and About
The Flyer in the Park
Tickets, Please
The Imaginarium Welcomes You
The Kids in the Carnival
Moinoi Moinoi
Something Awful
The Summer Book
Jewel Mine Chase
Freak Show
Knights and Knaves
The Black Cat
Haunted School Hall
Snatched Away
Heroic Resolve
Clockwork Circus
To the Palace
Riddle’s Room
A Clownish Conflict
Race to the Exit
Heart to Heart
Home Free
Honoo to Mori no Carnival 
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To the Palace
Sam Fonteyn - Troop Movement
Plays in:
6b. “Pickles" 
40a. “Squid on Strike”
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Album name: Little Nightmares II - OST (2021)
Song name: Lost in Transmission
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Show - Howls Moving Castle
Song - Famirii
Artist - Jou Hisaishi
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Knights and Knaves
Dave Hewson - Quiz Logo 1
Plays in:
24b. “Imitation Krabs" 
63. "Have You Seen This Snail?" 
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Tickets, Please
Derek Holt - Carousel Ride
Plays in:
23b. “Bubble Buddy”
148a. “The Masterpiece" 
149b. “Tunnel of Glove" 
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New Home, New Friends
Show - Little Witch Academia
Song - Let’s Laugh! Together!
Artist - Michiru Oshima
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Moving Day
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The Black Cat
Show - Little Witch Academia
Song -  Minotaur
Artist - Michiru Oshima
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Race to the Exit
The Summer Wars - Akihiko Matsumoto
Anime: Summer Wars
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The Flyer in the Park
kevin macleod. gone beyond.
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“Madoromi Machi” - Yume Tsukai - BGM
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Snatched Away
Cornelus Joh Bolten - Shock
Plays in:
21a. “Your Shoe’s Untied" 
21b. “Squid’s Day Off”
22b. “Bossy Boots" 
45b. "Doing Time" 
50a. "Wet Painters" 
52a. "Chocolate with Nuts" 
133b. "Squidward in Clarinetland" 
141b. "The Main Drain" 
146b. "Earworm" 
150a. "Krusty Dogs”
182b. “Bumper to Bumper" 
243a. "The Nitwitting" 
244a. "The Krusty Slammer" 
248b. "Squid’s on a Bus”
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Freak Show
Night Sound - Kiyoshi Yoshida
Anime: Kaiba
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