thenuancecrusader · 3 years
Every post I see about chik fil a & Uganda features recipes for how to make their food yourself & very enthusiastic comments about that but like. I’ve yet to see one with resources on how to help Uganda’s LGBT+ people. I’m sure there’s more, I’m extremely tired but I went looking a bit & here’s what I found
Donate to SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda)
Donate to this vocational program training impoverished LGBT+ ppl in Uganda and providing them with internships (at $1,737/$5,000 as of 11/29/21 and they’ve been working on this for nearly a year)
Please feel free to add more
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thenuancecrusader · 3 years
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Melanated Female Inventors. Ten inventions that happened because of Black Women.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
Agreed but Ty Lee was coerced into helping Azula, she didn’t do it for the “lulz”. 
legend of korra is such a bizarre show because throughout the series, korra is an ardent defendant of the status quo - as the avatar, korra is always protecting the existing power structure from those who wish to change it. but while most forms of media that have a hero who enforces the status quo would also celebrate said status quo, lok doesn’t. amon’s anti-bending revolution is bad and scary but non-benders are shown to be suppressed and jailed for gathering outside of curfew which is also bad. the red lotus is bad and scary but the leaders they speak out against and attack (korra withstanding) are incompetent at best and oppressive at worst. kuvira is bad and scary but wu is just a pompous idiot kid who shouldn’t be leading a nation. the status quo is lok is just marginally better than its challengers and korra dislikes all the people whose power she’s protecting. the devil you know is better than one you don’t, i guess? when the system gets reformed, korra is never an active part of reform. the switch from the council to a presidential system happen off-screen between seasons one and two. zaheer takes down the earth queen. wu is the one who decides to abolish the monarchy. the show takes a strictly anti-revolutionary stance even though the power structure of the world textually requires political upheaval since it’s shown to not be working. but any good political change that happens in the show happens without korra’s involvement! as avatar, she’s the one whose supposed to be bringing balance but i guess for korra to challenge the existing power structures would be too radical? i don’t know what i’m saying with this post – it’s just baffling how the show sets up people in power to be incompetent or evil and then just doesn’t have korra do anything about it. bad writing, bad politics, it’s just not good.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
legend of korra is such a bizarre show because throughout the series, korra is an ardent defendant of the status quo - as the avatar, korra is always protecting the existing power structure from those who wish to change it. but while most forms of media that have a hero who enforces the status quo would also celebrate said status quo, lok doesn’t. amon’s anti-bending revolution is bad and scary but non-benders are shown to be suppressed and jailed for gathering outside of curfew which is also bad. the red lotus is bad and scary but the leaders they speak out against and attack (korra withstanding) are incompetent at best and oppressive at worst. kuvira is bad and scary but wu is just a pompous idiot kid who shouldn’t be leading a nation. the status quo is lok is just marginally better than its challengers and korra dislikes all the people whose power she’s protecting. the devil you know is better than one you don’t, i guess? when the system gets reformed, korra is never an active part of reform. the switch from the council to a presidential system happen off-screen between seasons one and two. zaheer takes down the earth queen. wu is the one who decides to abolish the monarchy. the show takes a strictly anti-revolutionary stance even though the power structure of the world textually requires political upheaval since it’s shown to not be working. but any good political change that happens in the show happens without korra’s involvement! as avatar, she’s the one whose supposed to be bringing balance but i guess for korra to challenge the existing power structures would be too radical? i don’t know what i’m saying with this post – it’s just baffling how the show sets up people in power to be incompetent or evil and then just doesn’t have korra do anything about it. bad writing, bad politics, it’s just not good.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
I love how you actually like Iris and aren't like those basic idiots who hate her because she says "your just a kid" to ash. She's far more interesting than Misty, Serena and Dawn and her dynamic with ash and in the show is really good. Did you enjoy the B/W saga in general though? Lots of people hate it, but I love it ngl
Wait, IRIS is the least favorite companion for Ash to most people? Why the hell is she the- Wait, nevermind. I know why.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
Wakanda forever.
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Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
gone too fuckin soon. chadwick boseman represented one of the only black super heroes for young black kids to look up to, to follow, to aspire to be. i beleive his reign will continue on because his talents and prowess were unmatched. this just proves that you REALLY have no idea what people are going through and how much they are fighting through. he filmed more than 4 movies right when he was diagnosed and CONTINUED to film through surgeries and treatments. he is a powerhouse of a man and i will forever look up to him. he paved the way for minorities in big movie companies and we will always look to his work and cherish every second. chadwick boseman died in his home with his wife and kids beside him. he was loved by so many and i believe he knew that and that love will carry on with his legacy. may he rest in complete peace and power ✊🏾💛
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
here’s a twitter thread of charities related to colon cancer that you can donate to in honor of chadwick boseman (x)
here’s a suicide hotline for if any of you are in need of immediate support (x)
please take care of yourselves and your friends tonight everyone
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
since school is starting up again: pirate your textbooks!! my fave for this is library genesis. the most functional extension as of right now is libgen.is but literally whatever works. search by title, or better yet by ISBN to make sure you have the right edition, download...& profit. english majors make sure you’re searching in the right section (fiction will, obviously, have novels & poetry, but the default is sci-tech). i have a more in-depth post here too if you want to share your free texts with your classmates. go ham
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
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fun fact that many people do not know, princess tiana is real!
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
The Very Basics of Not Killing Your Computer
If you have a laptop DO NOT use it on a soft surface like a pillow or on a blanket, it’ll block the vents on your computer and make it get really fucking hot inside.
If you have a desktop you gotta open it up and blow out the dust sometimes.
If you are moving your laptop in a bag turn the laptop off. Don’t put it to sleep, don’t just shut the screen, turn it off, because otherwise it’s in the bag generating heat and there’s nowhere for the heat to go in the bag. OFF. Not sleep. OFF.
Okay I know that should be obvious but drop damage to your hard drive is bad bad news. Be as careful as you can to set your computer gently on flat surfaces; don’t leave it hanging out on a bed where it can get knocked off, don’t set it on the roof of your car. And yes, just dropping it a couple inches can kill your hard drive or totally shatter your screen.
Look I’ve seen four people ruin their laptops because they had a pen on the keyboard and closed the laptop and it fucked up the screen and the keyboard and it sucks so much and you feel awful after it happens because it’s so avoidable just don’t put things on your keyboard and always check that your laptop is clear before you close it.
You’ve only got one power jack and a limited number of other inputs on your computer and if they detach from the motherboard you’re fucked. USB ports get damaged because people use them a lot and eventually it weakens the connection and then they just stop working and it sucks. You can get around this with USB ports by using a USB hub to connect things like your keyboard and mouse.
For your power plug you just gotta be careful. Avoid tripping over the cord at all costs, don’t yank the plug out of the computer. It will SUCK VERY MUCH A LOT if you have to buy a new computer because the power port lost contact with the motherboard.
Don’t move your computer with things plugged into it. Take the power cord off before you put your laptop in the bag, take out the USB mouse dongle, do not travel with little nubby bits sticking out of your computer that can easily get caught or get tweaked or snap off inside of the thing.
(I really can’t emphasize enough that most of the “it will cost more than it’s worth to fix this” laptops I see are because of USB ports and power jacks. People don’t seem to know that this isn’t something that can be fixed easily; a broken power jack is a “remove the motherboard and resoldier components” job, not a “plug a new one in in fifteen minutes” job and most computer repair shops aren’t going to solder things for you and if they DO it’s going to be very expensive)
You should probably restart more than once a month but whatever. This is actually something that I consider part of reducing heat stress because when your processor is straining to keep up with all the background bullshit that’s running from a program you opened three weeks ago it’s going to use up resources and get hot and look just restart it once in a while.
Also the updates are almost always okay and safe and generally running updates is a good and secure thing to do (though maybe follow a blog dedicated to the OS you run because if there IS a problem with the updates that blog will probably talk about it before the update gets forced on your computer)
Yes you should probably be running an antivirus.
Sophos is free and it’s fine. But don’t pay for it - if you’re using Sophos use the free version.
If you’re looking for something paid and a little more comprehensive I recommend ESET - get the cheap version, renewals cost less than the initial purchase, and feel free to get a multi-year version, the credentials follow your email not the computer so if your computer dies before your license expires you can install the license on a new computer.
DO NOT INSTALL NORTON OR MCAFEE THEY ARE EXPENSIVE BULLSHIT. Kaspersky is whatever. It’s less bullshit than Norton or McAfee but not as good as ESET for about the same cost.
If you think you’ve got a virus run the free version of Malwarebytes and get your shit cleaned.
Again this should be obvious and yet. But seriously, just make a rule for yourself that drinks aren’t allowed on the same table as your computer and you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches.
Okay I fucking hate amazon but here’s a thing you should be using, just search the rest of the internet for “surge protector/UPS” and you’ll find something that isn’t from amazon - APC is a solid brand for this.
Basically you want a fat surge protector that has a little bit of a battery backup and you want to plug your computer (desktop OR laptop) into that instead of into the wall. The benefit of this is twofold:
1) if there’s a power surge the UPS will prevent your computer’s power supply from getting fried and possibly frying parts of your motherboard
2) if there’s a power outage and you’re *at* your computer you’ll have enough time to save what you’re working on before your computer loses power (like, you’ll maybe only have a minute or two on a small UPS but that’s still time to hit CTRL+S and keep from losing work)
At a bare, bare minimum your computer should be plugged into a surge protector but NOT directly into the wall.
[we interrupt this yelling for me to tell you that Western Digital has apparently released their new My Passport line and I’m obligated to inform you that you can get a 2.5″ USB 3.0 backup drive with FIVE FUCKING TERABYTES OF STORAGE for $130. Or you can get 4TB for $93. Or you can get 1TB for $53. basically what I’m saying is that it is not only cheap computer season it is also cheap hard drive season.]
[also if you’re getting a backup drive get western digital not seagate seagate fucking sucks and has a much higher failure rate]
Uh, okay, anyway - Do an image backup of your computer every once in a while so that if you get infected or your hard drive dies or whatever you can just restore from backup and move on like nothing happened.
You know what is cheap? USB Keyboards and USB mice. You know what is not cheap? Fixing the touchpad on a laptop or replacing a laptop keyboard.
Get yourself a USB hub, a USB Keyboard and a USB Mouse (wired or wireless, doesn’t matter) and if you’re using your laptop at home plug *that* into your computer.
Also if your keyboard on your laptop breaks it’s fine just to use a USB keyboard instead I promise; if the screen breaks it’s also usually cheaper and easier to get a used or inexpensive monitor than it is to replace the screen. Your laptop is basically just a very small version of whatever bullshit is going on inside a desktop, if the peripherals break but the core components are fine you can just use it like a desktop.
Unless it’s a piece of shit that doesn’t have any USB ports or video out in which case you got ripped off, friend, demand functionality in your devices I’m sorry.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
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Katara + favorite waterbending moments ✧
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
Thinking about M’gann again…. And the evolution of her powers and her arcs involving self control along with self acceptance.
See in s1, M’gann has set fairly stringent limitations on her powers—specifically her shapeshifting. There is no reason M’gann couldn’t transform into boys (she even contradicts this statement within the same episode by transforming into Red Tornado). She refuses to transform into boys in s1 because she’s desperate to be seen as an Earth Girl. She limits how often she does things like grow extra limbs (after Wally’s bad reaction to her in Schooled). She also refuses until late in the season to transform into a genuine white martian form because she’s running away from that baggage.
Also note, in s1, she is still new to Earth, she is still getting used to the fact that on Earth it isn’t acceptable to be in everyone’s heads all the time (where on Mars, it isn’t just accepted it’s expected). We watch as she establishes the rules of using telepathy. “Don’t speak telepathically,” “Except on a mission,” “Don’t read people’s minds,” “It’s okay if it’s the bad guys,” She’s learning where the limits are.
By season 2, M’gann is still passing as a green martian, but she no longer avoids transforming into boys. And while in the first half of the show it would seem she has no self-imposed limitations on her use of telepathy, we only see her using it in mission contexts. And she also limits the opponents she brainfries to dangerous human traffickers (which is what Kroloteans, Psimon, and Kaldur are as far as she knows). In fact, the fact that she doesn’t know about the plan already indicates that M’gann isn’t just going into anyone’s heads without direct cause (ex. pulling Gar out of a PTSD flashback).
Even at the beginning of s2, She has limitations. And it’s really up to interpretation if she was already living by that rule before she crossed the line with Conner or if she’s backed off on brainfrying and mind reading since he broke up with her.
At the midpoint of season 2, where M’gann realizes she’s hurt Kaldur (who is actually good) and endangered Artemis (who is actually alive) and she’s been lied to and manipulated by Dick and Wally, we see M’gann now actively refuse to use her telepathy. Even when it could have really helped (ex. when fighting Black Beetle, when fighting Despero, and when verifying Green Beetle’s honesty—though Green Beetle also used her white martian status to further stab at her self esteem).
She only recovers her willingness to really use her telepathy after she’s helped Kaldur recover, but we never see her brainblast someone again this season.
Then in season 3, M’gann is no longer trying to pass as a green martian, she’s no longer afraid to transform into a blatant martian form in front of teammates, and she has firm, but not inflexible limitations on her telepathy. She uses it for missions, she’s also comfortable using it for casual communication. She doesn’t dig into people’s minds, instead using her training as a counselor to help the kids in her care. But if Gar is in a mysterious coma, she’ll go deep in his psyche to pull him out. If Artemis is about to sell her soul to Wotan, she’ll give her an imaginary landscape to mourn in instead. If the fate of life itself is at stake and there’s no other time and no other plan, she’ll brainfry a room of villains and mind-controlled heroes.
It’s just really fascinating the ways M’gann is shown to navigate and self-limit her abilities, and how when she’s limiting herself out of self-consciousness or guilt, she’s not as effective or healthy as when she’s limiting herself out of a concern for ethical conduct and respecting boundaries.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
Why would Aang found a capitalist city on stolen Earth Kingdom land that explicitly allowed Fire Nation colonists to stay and even be part of the governing body? Why would Toph create a police department? Why would Sokka allow Republic City’s government to only have bender representatives? Was that a change that only occurred after Aang’s death? Where is Suki? How did Amon’s chi-blockers learn chi-blocking? From Ty Lee? Or from wherever Ty Lee learned it from? Where did Ty Lee learn it from? Where is suki? How did Yakone learn to bloodbend? Why wasn’t Katara at Yakone’s trial? Why wasn’t Katara important in LoK? Why wouldn’t Zuko want to personally train Korra in firebending? Where is Suki?
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
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This is so important when dealing with the misconception of black history and what Americans are taught about the Civil Rights Movement.
There is more on Instagram at wokescientist
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
anyways, there’s a difference between not wanting kids, not wanting to be around kids, and being a hateful little imp who creates a personality on hating a living creature on the basis that they need care, attention, and are not capable of expressing themselves in a way that would make that care and attention a little easier. it’s not cute, it’s not funny, and it directly affects the way children are treated, which affects how they view themselves as they grow up.
treating children as a burden is evil, point blank period. a child can never be a burden. they have no choice but to depend on their caretakers or they will die. if you don’t want to have the responsibility of taking care of a child, don’t fucking have kids. don’t agree to take care of someone else’s kids. don’t go places where kids are welcome and frequent. unlike them, you have a choice where you go, who you hang around, what you do in your day to day life.
children are experiencing the exact same world we are with absolutely no reference for what the heck is going on. to treat that as an imposition on others is an act of abuse, at the end of the day, and it definitely makes you a bad person.
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thenuancecrusader · 4 years
there will be NO katara slander in this tumblr. katara is that cousin that fight with your homophobic uncle every holiday. katara is that friend who stayed all night making posters for the parade. and yes, she is the mom friend, not because its her personality but because she was obliged to take care of everyone for so long and be the mom of everyone, even for her older brother that she doesn't know how to stop. she would be arrested for punching a trump supporter who refuses to wear a mask, because she has a bad temper. she would be in all black lives matter protest because she knows what it is to feel racism and she would never turn her back on the people who need her and the first time toph believed she was beautiful was when katara told her, because she could feel that katara wasn't lying.
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