thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
Life is sad, but Octavia is pretty badass so...
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
So who is “Number 8″?
I need to write this down. It could be just another theory, I could also be on to something, or I could be totally wrong. But the point is, it’s part of my healing process. In no way do I want this article to give any false hope to anyone (including myself), and I’m not trying to make excuse for anyone on the 100 staff (some of them have been very vocal in their approach to grieving fans, some of them not so much), and I could also be grasping for straws by writing this, but if there are those among you who can find the time to read this, and maybe start their own healing in the process, then this is for a good cause.
After 3x07 I’ve tried more than ever to dig those finale BTS photos and videos that are seeded all around the web in an effort to find something. Ever since the whole outrage has started, I’ve been hurt, I cried, I barely ate and slept, but I’ve also has a nagging feeling in the back of my head that maybe we are missing something. Why? Because the way Jroth is handling the whole crysis. Yes, one could say he’s being a dick with no empathy who is only concerned about his creation and how well it is received, since he has only retweeted articles that barely touch upon the impact Lexa’s death has had on the fans, and focus more on the AI story. But, maybe he’s doing it for a reason. He has asked us, the fans, to trust him, so to have it all destroyed in one episode with a horrible trope of a lesbian death minutes after lovemaking is just… Out of character. It’s true that many things have been rushed in this season, including the whole Bellamy arc, and I’m sure had Jason and the writers had more time/or more episodes to work things through and in more detail, they would’ve. Why am I so sure about this? Because they have worked so hard to bring us a universe without labels, in which a woman can be smart, a warrior, brave, and a lesbian, and not be judged by anything else but their interaction with others. They also gave us male characters who ache, are vulnerable, and not afraid to express their feelings out of fear for being mocked afterwards. And I treasure this, because I’ve seen far too many shows and movies with badly written characters, especially females.  To have it all crushed in one episode, in that one painful scene just doesn’t sit as true. Unless he has a plan for Lexa later in the season finale. That’s why he continues to post articles that explain the story more in an effort to make us understand that maybe it was not really her end. Many of us believed he invited the fans to see the finale being filmed only because he knew the ratings would drop after Lexa’s death, and he needed us to continue watching. But, what if he is also a bit more sensible than we all give him credit for, and he knew the uproar her death would cause, so he wanted us to see that she is not really dead? Also, I feel like the participation of the cast and their support through social media is a way of saying „We know, it was poorly done, it hurts, but we’re with you and we want to tell you there’s more to the story than it seems right now“.
Now, I’m not gonna go through theories about what will happen in episodes after 3x07 because I feel there’s still so much we don’t know, and I just can’t think straight. But I’m trying to put all these pieces together, and if we can figure it out TOGETHER, that would be awesome.
So, Clarke enters the CoL. I think she did it with one of Jaha’s pills because her image in CoL is taken right out of S02. Why? Because that’s when Clarke wasn’t broken by all the pain after MW, and had no idea her heart would be ripped apart by Lexa’s death right after they made love. „There’s no pain in the City of Light“ so she is portrayed as the version of herself ridden of guilt she NOW has to bear. She has to take that chip because there is no other way for her to enter the CoL. And as she enters it, she sees it as the illusion that it is. How come she can do it, but nobody else can? For some reson, she’s special. She is the only one of the kids who could recognize they were under influence when they ate the halucination-inducing berries in S01. She knew it wasn’t real. She knew her father wasn’t real. And yet, she tells Lexa „You’re real“ once they meet in the CoL. This is why I believe both Clarke and Lexa are real, and only visually manifested on the Col. As soon as Clarke enters the CoL and recognizes it for what it is – A L.I.E., the virtual inteligence recognizes that, flags her as some type of a computer virus and sends it’s agent to wipe her out. „There’s no pain in the City of Light“, remeber? Then how is it possible that these agents can hurt and cause physical pain to Clarke unless she is real? You can clearly see that in the leaked videos, she is hurt, she bleeds. And that’s where Lexa comes to save the day. If she were dead, and only an image in the CoL, how the Hell could she possibly defend Clarke and beat those agents and cause them real harm? And btw, Lexa’s image in CoL is her usual badass warrior in the flesh. Not the image she was when she died. She’s wearing her warpaint and her kickass get-up, and for a good reason.
Now, I can’t tell how it will truly come to this, and how it will play after that, but this is just my little rambling of how all these tiles came together in my head. Also, there’s a damn good reason they’ve talked about „Number 8“ between two lovemaking sessions, and I have a feeling it was placed there for a reason. Everything in this show is placed somewhere for a reason. So who is number 8? Lexa’s twin? That would be half-assed way to weasel out of the story, and I doubt the writers would go for such a cheap solution, after they have worked so hard. A clone? Possible, but I’m not sure how it would all fit with the whole story. There could also be something I have missed as the 3rd, 4th or X solution, so feel free to contact me so we can theorise about it more. We have to pick ourselves back again somehow.
Again, it’s not meant to give false hope to anyone, but if it can make anyone to think outside the box, make a new theory, and point me to something I haven’t seen, I’m all in for that. Let’s bring this community even closer, and show our strength in numbers.
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
Talking to my self again
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
Yeah I’m smiling in the thumbnail but crying in real life
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
Monty Green (Me right now)
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thenotsoproject · 8 years
Click at your own risk
i've been thinking a lot about you and the promises
and what we could have been
if you hadn't left
i've been thinking a lot about you
moving to the capitol
traveling far away
just to see your face
i've been thinking a lot about you
your intentions
were they for the good
of your people
I’ve been thinking a lot about you
during my time away
under the sheets with someone else but you
may we meet again
til the very end
i’ll tell you when I'm ready
youre so sorry
you never meant to
turn me into this
cause you're the voice of reason
blood must have blood, you always find
a way, out of here
may we meet again
til the very end
i’ll tell you
i've been thinking a lot about you
when you went down on your knees
held your head up
and you begged me please
i've been thinking a lot about you
late at night you're at my door
i was expecting something like
i told you so
you're the one that saved me
and you're here to protect me, and everyone else
you're the commander in chief
we deserve better than this, maybe we do, we do
light your candles, watch them flicker
lets figure it out later
maybe someday, i can't just watch you die alive
if you betray me, watch me kill you
your 12 clans won't be here to save you
maybe some day, maybe someday.
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