My muse has been drugged! Send “Are you alright?!” for your muse to discover this.
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“I prefer to think of myself as a realist,” Dean said, taking another bite of his meal and savouring it for a moment. “No point sugarcoating it. On the other hand, I am a whole barrel of fun at parties. You ain’t seen nothing.” He flashed Adam a mischievous wink, and Sam rolled his eyes in mild exasperation.
Ádam snorted. “Dear Lord, I hope that´Í never have to witness that.” He could only guess what he would be like, based on the guys like him he had known in high school and college. He poked his food. “So, after we’re so no boogie men lurk here anymore, we just go back to Bobby’s?”
“I thought this was meant to be easy.”
“Simple,” Dean corrected, shovelling out another load of dirt from the grave. “It is simple enough. Dig up the body, salt it, burn it, bury it again, hopefully before the ghost tries to wring our necks.”
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That was a pretty good question, and Bobby frowned slightly as he thought it over. “I don’t know that I enjoy it in the sense o’ havin’ fun,” he replied finally, “but I feel like I do a hell of a lot more good with it than I would’ve as just some crazy old junkyard owner. I’ve helped a lot o’ folks an’ I like to think I’ve saved a good number o’ lives, even if I messed up sometimes.”
There was a lingering pause, before he added, “An’ I got more of a family than I would’ve otherwise.”
Adam picked the fabric of his jeans as he consider Bobby’s reply. Guess with some this kind of life beated the one they would have otherwise had. Although Adam wasn’t even sure what his life would have been like if he hadn’t gone to Hell, if he hadn’t said yes or even died. Would he had ended up going to medical school and just becoming a doctor like he planned? Or would just some other monster at some other point have come after him? Or his mom? There was so many what-ifs... “You mean Sam and Dean?” he asked quietly? He didn’t really count them as family. He had known them for what, less than a day? And after Sam had been rescued from the Cage, he hadn’t heard about either of them again.
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Reblog this is if it’s okay to come into your inbox with ic asks any time!
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“Yeah, I’m old as dirt,” Bobby said lightly. “Just try an’ take it easy, okay? I know this’s rough, an’ there’s no easy way to work through it, but I’ll do whatever I can to help you out.”
It seemed like the kid was getting tired again - understandably, really, given all he’d been through - and so the old hunter lapsed into silence again as they trundled along the road. He didn’t want to poke if Adam wanted rest, but he was more than willing to talk.
It wasn’t really tiredness, more the weight of reality starting to slowly sink in, now that he for once he had the peace and calm to start looking at what his situation now was after getting eaten alive, brought back to life and went through literal Hell. Even though the world around him looked so familiar, it felt like something had cracked and was now off. Adam watched out of the window at the passing light posts and trees, He felt weirdly simultaneously paralyzed, but also restless. Finally he broke the silence. “Do you like your life?” he asked quietly.
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Sam glared at Dean and leaned over to rest his hand on Adam’s shoulder. “Hey, you know we’re just worried about you, right?” he said gently. “We don’t want that to happen to you or your mom ever again, that’s why we’re filling you in on all this now rather than waiting for it to come up bit by bit.”
“Hunting ain’t something you can learn out of a book,” Dean added, softening himself now. “Not the vital stuff, anyway. You just go out there and you do it, and you hopefully survive long enough to get good.”
Adam glanced briefly at his brother, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as he stuffed the memories back down. Now was definitely not the time to deal with them.
When he was sure that he had pushed them deep enough, he turned to Dean, raising a sardonic brow. “Wow, you must be really fun at parties with all that gloom,” he huffed.
“I thought this was meant to be easy.”
“Simple,” Dean corrected, shovelling out another load of dirt from the grave. “It is simple enough. Dig up the body, salt it, burn it, bury it again, hopefully before the ghost tries to wring our necks.”
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michael: starts to say anything
adam: oh my god you dramatic bitch
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“Sure, thanks.” Bobby accepted a small handful and ate them slowly while Adam tucked in himself. At the next question, he half-smiled and shrugged. “Thirty-odd years of experience, I guess,” he explained. “Trust me, first time I crossed paths with all this supernatural shit… I was terrified. But from what happened to me, I decided I wasn’t gonna just sit by an’ let it happen to anyone else. So I took it an’ I learned to hunt these things. An’ it just became my life.”
“Oh, that’s a really long time...” Adam said quietly. He couldn’t help but wonder if that was his future too. Although he hadn’t really survived more than half of that even alive, so it was likely jumping the train. He glanced at the older man, realizing that he hadn’t seen him with anyone else other than his brothers. And it didn’t seem like them or his dad had had much if any friends either. And all of his thought he was dead... Adam slipped lower on the car seat, pulling into himself.
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Peer into my muse's memories
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Adam started to shift through the pile of snacks. "Goldfish?" he offered as he opened one of the bags. This was surprisingly normal all things considered, like a roadtrip. "How do you seem so used to this all?" he asked after a while.
Adam threw him a look before wandering among the shelves. He kinda wanted something warm, so he got himself a hot dog and a bunch of snacks, whatever looked like it hadn’t sat too long on the shelves. He didn’t want to break his teeth on anything dried up. Eventually he carried his haul to the cashier. “I think this should do.”
Waiting patiently by the checkout with his own selections, Bobby smiled at Adam as the young man approached and put down his food. “That oughta keep ya goin’ till we get back,” he said lightly, paying up and heading back out to the truck to get them underway again.
Once they were on the move, he settled back to eat, figuring that Adam would ask any questions he felt the need to.
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Send ‘👫’ for the mun to introduce you to a npc in my muses life.
for multimuse blogs specify the muse.
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The guy was clearly armed, which didn't reassure Adam's nerves, so he hold up his guard. "Adam. Adam Milligan," he introduced himself.
"Maybe I'm both," he suggested, flashing a small smile and putting on his best bravado. Because if he had learned something from all he had been through, it was that seeming weak painted a massive target on your back.
"And doesn't that kinda make you at least one of the either too?" He still hadn't gotten nowhere near enough supplies, so he could only hope the man, Tallahassee (what kind of name was even that?), would let him pick some more.
The world is going to hell...
It had been a year since people had starting turning into these awful zombie like creatures, and to say the least it hadn’t been the best year or Tallahassee’s life. Still, he made the best of it by trying to enjoy the little things (after all, what choice did he have?).
That particular morning, Tallahassee was on a provisions run. He was carrying of course, as you couldn’t be too careful these days (even on a shopping run). He wasn’t unduly worried or anything, but he was on alert at usual. There were many downsides to the current situation, but at least shopping had become more interesting? and less crowded…
As he was walking down the street he spotted someone up ahead, he could quickly tell that they weren’t a zombie so he wasn’t overly concerned but he kept his fingers poised by his gun just in case, as experience had taught him that appearances could be deceiving and that he should assume nothing (assuming things was dangerous, assuming things could get you killed). The Floridian kept his eyes locked on the guy, waiting to see what he would do…
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Adam threw him a look before wandering among the shelves. He kinda wanted something warm, so he got himself a hot dog and a much of snack, whatever looked like it hadn't sat too long at the shelves. He didn't want to break his teeth on anything dried up. Eventually he carried his haul to the cashier. "I think this should do."
“Well, I’m not a gambler, so better not to risk it.” Adam wavered though along the coffee, pondering should he risk it. On one hand coffee might make him feel a little more alive, but rest stop coffee was usually horrendous and at worst case would give him upset stomach since he hadn’t eaten… well, in a long time.
“Is that a nice way of saying that I look like I’ve risen from the dead?” he huffed, although amiably.
“Well, you kinda did, so…” Bobby shrugged, though he also glanced round to make sure nobody else was listening. “Anyway, grab whatever you fancy, I got enough to cover it. Then we can get back on the move.” He got himself a cup of the coffee, though, despite Adam’s dubious look at it.
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Adam was not doing it consciously, but it was a defence mechanism as his world was turning over. If he didn't take things too seriously, maybe things wouldn't really be. He was about to quib back but the last thing Dean said got him to shut his mouth and just go to poking his food. He had done his very best trying not to think about them, the smell of blood as they tried literally to eat his mom.... He shuddered slightly at the memory.
“I thought this was meant to be easy.”
“Simple,” Dean corrected, shovelling out another load of dirt from the grave. “It is simple enough. Dig up the body, salt it, burn it, bury it again, hopefully before the ghost tries to wring our necks.”
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oh adam ABSOLUTELY learned that expression from kate sorry i don't make the rules
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Some More Injury Prompts/Starters
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"Well, I'm not a gambler, so better not to risk it." Adam wavered though along the coffee, pondering should he risk it. On one hand coffee might make hi feel a little more alive, but rest stop coffee was usually horrendous and at worst case would give him upset stomach since he hadn't eaten... well, in a long time.
"Is that a nice way of saying that I look like I've risen from the dead?" he huffed, although amiably.
“Is It even riskier than convenient store sushi?” Adam asked, a bit amused. He likely couldn’t find anything fresh, but likely at least something edible. He wandered into the rest stop, looking a bit blearily around. “You still feel like driving?” he checked.
“I’d say it’s close.” Not that Bobby hadn’t taken the risk once or twice anyway; his stomach was pretty close to cast iron these days after all the questionable stuff he’d eaten or drunk. “I’m good on the drivin’ front,” he assured Adam, as he picked out a few decently filling snacks. “You look like you could use another day or so of sleep as it is.”
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