reblogging him face for good luck in 2022
Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)
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Tl;dr: A Canadian company is planning on a project in Africa that will take up 1/6 of the world's remaining carbon budget. This is an issue of neocolonialism and environmental racism.
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[Image description: Infographic slideshow from Fridays For Future.
1: Recon Africa: Stop drilling in the Kavango Basin, a project that will take up one sixth of the world’s remaining carbon budget.
Global Day of Action: June 4th
#SaveOkavangoDelta #KavangoAlive
2: Reconnaissance Africa (ReconAfrica) is a Canadian-registered oil and gas company which has begun drilling for oil in the Kavango Basin, located and Northeast Namibia and Northwest Botswana.
Their license areas cover a total of 34,325 square kilometers (8.5 million acres).
Including parts of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin (traverses through Angola, Botswana, and Namibia) and along the Okavango River, which feeds into the Okavango Delta.
3: The Okavango Delta is a large inland delta located in Botswana and is a world-renowned hotspot of biodiversity.
It is designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a Wetland of International Importance by the The Ramsar Convention.
It is home to many endangered species, including the African wild dog and the last remaining population of African savanna elephants.
4: ReconAfrica's license areas are home to around 200,000 people.
The company has failed to properly inform and consult with the local people and receive the free, prior and informed consent of the Indigneous San communities.
Several local inhabitants have stated that they were not consulted or even informed that drilling would be taking place.
The few consultations that have occurred happened too late in the process, and were inaccessible to many members of the community.
5: Based on ReconAfrica’s own projections of 120 billion barrels of oil equivalent, a carbon gigabomb of up to 51.6 Gigatonnes of CO2 will be emitted.
The equivalent of one sixth of the world's remaining carbon budget.
6: Activists across the world are calling out and pressurizing Recon Africa along with the Canadian government to stop this catastrophic project.
This is a classic example of neocolonialism, corporate ecocide, environmental racism, and the abuse of power for profit yet again from countries in the Global North. This must be stopped!
Stand in solidarity with frontline activists and take action!
7: Calls to Action:
Check out the toolkit at: bit.ly/SaveOkavangoDelta
Register for the action calls on June 4th:
5 AM GMT: bit.ly/SOD-ActionCall
6 PM GMT: bit.ly/SOD-ActionCall2
Registration for artbuild by @climatestrikecanada on June 3rd at 10 PM GMT: bit.ly/KavangoAlive_ArtBuild
Organize or attend covid-safe in-person actions at Canadian embassies and/or ReconAfrica in your country.
Participate in the Digital Protest by posting/sending over your picture to @fff.digital
End ID]
Note: Social media handles refer to Instagram
Please spread this!
Again, you can help by going to bit.ly/SaveOkavangoDelta.
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reblog with the first thing you think when you see the person you reblogged from on your dash
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bosselot i mean what
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concept: a demon that magically knows the book/tv show/movie/series you're watching or reading and gives you spoilers instead of defeating enemies with weapons, they defeat them with spoilers "BEGONE FOUL BEAST!" *"I know you're reading Harry Potter..."* "Huh? Stop trying to distract me, demon!" *"Did you know Dumbledore dies?"* "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *"Muahahaha..."*
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Reboot and Rehash
Number of times Tomar-Re says ‘low-level antimatter pulse’ in ep15? TOO MANY
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Don’t worry Bro , Black Tumblr got you and your Sister.✊🏿
Can we find her a donor please ✊🏿🙏🏿
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Should I be concerned about myself?
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My Razaya Week posts are taking fucking ages because i’m basically writing full-on chapter fics and I can’t even see them in the tag fuck me
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Crossover (Tialex meets Razaya)
Her functions began to slowly resume, sensation coming back to her in shudders and blinks. She was in Razer’s arms, his face inches from hers. “Aya! Aya, are you alright?” “I-i am fine.” she stated somewhat shakily. “But the ship’s engines have been damaged. Where are Green Lanterns Hal and Kilowog?” Razer set her back on her feet as the two lanterns in question burst into the control room. “What n’hell just happened?” the Bolovaxian demanded as his Earthling colleague resumed his seat. “We just got our butts handed to us, that’s what.” Hal said grimly. “We were blasted far away from any known planet.” Going up against the Anti-Monitor had been a mistake. They had intended to at least blow the destructive entity away from inhabited planets, but it had turned the tables on them and sent them hurtling through space with a single well-aimed hit. It was a miracle that they were alive and the ship mostly intact. Aya scanned her systems, coming up with multiple shorts and failures. “The Interceptor has taken serious damage. The engines are offline and will require extensive repairs, and...” She trailed off in a very uncharacteristic way. “I am unable to hail any ships or contact Oa. It seems we are, as you say, incommunicado.” A cold feeling settled over her, one she recognised with a jolt as fear. Because, directly outside the ship’s front window, there was a massive scar gouged into the very fabric of reality. And around it were unfamiliar stars. “I believe we may have been transported into a different universe.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When one is marooned outside one’s home dimension, the logical thing to do is play ping-pong. Or so Hal Jordan insists. Aya disagreed strongly from her position half-stuck inside a complex assemblage of wires and tubes. “It is essential that we repair the ship’s engines before engaging in recreational activity.” she stated with a small frown inscribed across her features. Just as Jordan opened his mouth to speak, a garbled signal started to flare across the boards. The comms were the first thing Aya repaired and she never made mistakes. Razer tapped some keys, trying to hone in on the frequency. The signals were too alien for the Interceptor to interpret, but someone was clearly trying to call them. Aya reconnected a few more wires and the screens suddenly lit up with a map. “We are being approached by an unknown vessel of alien manufacture.” she said, eyes lighting up bright blue as she scanned the area around them. “They are at a distance of five point two terraquads and closing. I believe the logical course of action is to meet them there.” Hal yanked on the controls, attempting to turn the ship around. “The engines are still offline.” Razer snapped. “You can’t maneuver. Besides, they haven’t yet shown any sign of hostility. We must leave the ship and hope that the universal translators work even here.”
Alex whistled as Tia flashed images of the craft on the forward screens. “One thing’s for sure, Tia m’love, she’s a real beauty. Although not as pretty as you.” The brain snorted, momentarily allowing herself a spark of envy. Her own hull was serviceable but nowhere near as sleek or gorgeous as the alien ship. “That thing looks like it could go fast.” she commented, trying to open a comm line to the unmoving craft.
“If anyone’s aboard, they’re not answering hails.” she added. “I can’t find records of anything like it in CW space. No one makes ‘em that small or in those colours.” Her brawn appraised the ship again, keen eyes unable to pick out any insignia.
“Oh, someone’s coming out.” They both fell silent as they watched a ramp extending from the craft’s smooth underside. A few bright motes floated out, visible at this distance as humanoid figures. The ship closed up again and the beings flew towards them.
“They aren’t suited up!” Alex exclaimed. “Some kinda forcefield?” Tia didn’t answer, still scrutinising the newcomers. “They’re not anything I’ve seen before,” she responded eventually. “They’re giving off some energy signature but I can’t place it. Oh, look, Christmas colours.”
The last was said dryly as she put up a picture of each up on the screens. “Middle guy looks human - all green and glowy in that fancy suit. The big guy on the left I can’t place - ooh, Red’s got a set of teeth on him!�� The last was exclaimed as the red-armoured alien opened his mouth to say something to one of his companions. Sharp white fangs glinted in his mouth.
“Reminds me of old Earth superheroes.” Alex murmured. “I had a whole set of comics back when I was a kid. All had the secret identities and wore lycra suits.” “They’d practically be fashionable in your circles.” Tia commented in a dig at Alex’s taste in clothes.
The brawn was currently dressed in his favourite neon-purple and yellow outfit, rumpled and coffee-stained at that. “Not the best for making the first contact with unknown aliens, but they’re right outside our door. What say we let them in?”
"I believe that is this craft's equivalent of an entrance." Aya commented as a portal on the side of the vessel irised open. The ship itself was large and metallic, with a set of symbols inscribed on the side. Unlike the Interceptor's sleek, flat design, it had tailfins and stubby wings. The shape of the craft was more of a rounded cone than anything else.
"Looks like the space shuttles back on Earth." Hal commented, clearly unsettled. "Well, they seem to have invited us in." The four beings flew toward the ship and into the hatch, which slid shut behind them.
They stepped out of the airlock into a familiarly unfamiliar space. The craft had screens instead of windows and looked to have about as much cabin space as the Interceptor. Perched on a padded couch was a young man with painfully brightly coloured clothing and messy black hair. A human.
“So you’re the guys we’ve been having fits over.” Alex said in the usual talking-to-aliens tone, neutrally friendly and reassuring. They probably didn’t speak Basic anyway. “You’re quite the mystery, you know.”
Razer looked Alex dead in the eyes, face unamused. “You do realise we can understand you perfectly, Earthling.” The brawn’s face lit up bright red as the Volkregian glared at him.
“Okay, okay okay, this is awkward. Who are you, where are you from and what is up with his face?” Tia’s voice rang out from the speaker in her column. “I’m Tia by the way, and this lughead is my brawn Alex. You?”
The Lanterns exchanged silent looks, eventually seeming to agree. “I’m Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814.” Hal gestured to each crew member in turn. “This is Kilowog (a fellow GL), Razer and Aya, our ship’s AI.”
Alex shut up for a good seven seconds. “Wait. Green Lantern? Like the superhero? With the ring thingy? That old Earth comic?” The brawn bounced around like an overexcited puppy. “You guys are real superheroes!”
“Are you also an artificial intelligence?” Aya asked the disembodied voice. “I have never encountered another like myself.” Tia almost wanted to say yes in response to the little robot’s excitement. Bloody lovable little creatures, it was almost irritating.
The fanged alien smiled slightly at the AI’s exuberance. The expression was quickly replaced by what seemed to be his trademark glower. “Quite the angry little fellow.” she remarked subvocally to Alex. “No, I’m not,” she said out loud. Aya’s face fell.
“I am what’s called a brainship - a human whose body no longer works. They patched a whole bunch of wires and stuff into me and I got a new body - this ship.” Aya nodded in understanding. The Interceptor had been somewhat of her body for a while. But she far preferred her mobile form.
“The issue is, we are not from your universe.” the AI said seemingly offhandedly. Both brain and brawn’s jaws dropped.
“Holy shit,” Alex said eventually. “So how...”
“We were blasted through to your dimension, an event that also damaged the Interceptor severely.” Razer explained in his usual sarcastic, clipped manner. “Without the use of our engines, which will take some time to repair, we cannot reopen the rift. Which is rather unfortunate given the universe-threatening menace we are currently facing.”
More silence. Then Alex busted out laughing. “Nice one!” he chortled, slapping a glowering Razer on the back. “You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.” “I’m being serious.” the Red Lantern snapped, “Razer is, in fact, not ‘kidding’.” Aya interjected.
Once again, silence. Razer gestured to the viewscreen that showed an image of the Interceptor. The rift was faintly visible in the background. “That scar is the entrance to our universe.”
On the plus side, Jordan and Alex got along great. Now that the Earthling finally had someone to play ping-pong with, he left Razer and Aya to work on the engines alone. But they’d traded out Jordan for a less annoying but equally perky invader.
Aya beamed what looked like a diagram over to Tia, who had shunted her consciousness into her prototype body. The two were in a similar position, in a way - except Tia was human and Aya wasn't. The brain had come aboard the Interceptor (ostensibly to help him and Aya, but probably to keep an eye on Alex).
There was zero space aboard the ship at this point. Even the bathrooms weren’t safe. All Razer really wanted was some alone time with Aya, but previously they were too busy fighting Manhunter armies to relax their guard.
Now they weren’t, but the overly optimistic shellperson was everywhere.
That is until the resourceful AI found a workaround. “I require a small quantity of this mineral to complete the repairs.” Aya said. “Is there any nearby planet where it might be found?” Tia frowned, face creased. “There’s a mining system not far from here that might have it. But you can’t really move until your engines are fixed.”
“Perhaps you could guide Green Lanterns Hal and Kilowog to this system?” Aya suggested, face carefully bland. “It would aid them to have some ‘exercise’ and the repairs cannot be completed without the mineral.” Tia laughed good-naturedly. “Alright, I’ll fly yours there and come back with the stuff. I’m guessing you’ll want to keep him since he’s the engineer.”
Aya allowed herself a small internal smile. Everything was going according to plan. And she genuinely did need that mineral.
Hal and Kilowog didn’t protest the idea. Razer suspected that they were getting edgy being stuck on the ship with nothing to do. So before long, it was just the two of them aboard the Interceptor.
Razer glanced shyly sideways at Aya, who was grinning in an uncharacteristically exuberant way. “Well, what should we do now the parents aren’t home?” he asked sarcastically. “Throw a party? Trash the ship? Watch age-inappropriate movies?”
Aya pointed to the engine room. “To Work!” she said dramatically, nosediving back into repairs. The Volkregian followed her with a smile on his face. Even fixing engines can be fun when Aya’s around.
“Razer!” Aya dashed through the hallways, glowing bright green with excitement.
She ran into him halfway, knocking him flat on his back with her on top of him. Razer’s face had never been redder but Aya just sat on his chest and declared “The engine is operational!”
“You mean we can go home?” Hal and Kilowog burst in, stopping dead in their tracks when they saw the position Aya and Razer were in. The AI blushed dark-green and commented “I believe this is an appropriate time to use the phrase ‘it’s not what it looks like’. But the Interceptor’s repairs are complete.”
She stood up, allowing Razer to get back to his feet. Hal looked between the two of them, then death-glared Razer so hard that his eyes almost popped out. Razer (being a master of said art and extremely unimpressed), just looked deadpan back at him.
“So I guess you’ll be leaving.” Tia sounded disappointed as she and Alex entered. Both, thankfully, had missed the little debacle.
“We must return to our universe to deal with the Anti-Monitor and its army of Manhunters. But I am unsure if the rift will open again.” Five pairs of eyes turned to stare at Aya. “If I, using ring power, could open the rift, the Interceptor will be able to do it with full engines.” Hal said, face pale. “Right?”
Aya pulled up a bunch of complex holographic diagrams. “This universe is five point two four three times more difficult to access than that of the Steam Planet. I cannot be certain of creating a rift large enough for the ship, and the AH-1033 has no weapons arrays to assist me.”
“Portable batteries?” Kilowog suggested.
Aya sighed. “I apologise for not informing you earlier. As we are cut off from our universe, the batteries have no connection to the main on Oa. The only power that can be accessed is what is stored on the ship itself.”
“By my calculations, using all green energy in the engine and portable lanterns plus rings, we will fall slightly short of the necessary amount.”
Razer held up a hand. “Wait. Can the Interceptor’s systems access my own battery?”
“Not without hooking it up to the engines.” Hal answered before Aya could say a word. “Would that push us over the line?” Aya nodded.
Just then, Alex returned with a coil of wire slung over his arm. “I believe we can help with that.” Tia grinned. “Although the technology is super weird - power lanterns fuelled by emotion is a bit of a stretch - I think we’ve got the components. Where is this battery?”
“We are not getting the Seven Comets safety rating for this.” Kilowog said gruffly as Aya made the final connections. The whole assemblage was a tangled mess of pipes and red construct-energy that Razer had formed into pieces. Tia looked dubious. “Aya, hon, you sure this will work? Because it looks like you’ll blow yourself up with that mess.”
“My calculations have shown that there is an eleven point five three one percent chance of the ship’s destruction in the process.” Aya stated calmly as she hooked up some wires. “But if we do not make the attempt, there is only a point zero zero zero one chance of a successful return to our universe.”
“Good luck, Aya.” Tia stepped closer to the AI and whispered in her ear. “Hang on to Red. He’s a keeper.” She pulled away with a smile, suddenly enveloped in green light as Kilowog sent her back across into her ship’s airlock.
“Let’s light this baby up!” Hal yelled. “Kilowog, Aya, on the bridge! Razer, ready to startup?” Razer gripped the final two jumper cables, eyes squeezed shut. “Ready.”
“Three, two, one...”
The engine room blazed red as Razer jammed the two leads together. Aya’s eyes blazed blue as she funnelled energy through to the weapons. “Now!”
Tia and Alex watched the light show from a safe distance. The ship’s forward screens had an excellent view of the blazing energy beams the sleek craft was blasting into the rift. And incredibly, it was opening. The edge of the universe was ripping apart.
“Holy shit.” the brawn murmured with eyes like saucers. “They’re doing it. That ship has one hell of a powerful engine.” The Interceptor’s green-red murky energy beam was faltering slightly, but the rift’s edges were peeling aside. “You better believe I’m filming this.”
Unfamiliar stars were visible beyond, space alight with colour. Nearby was a trinary system with the stars moving in an intricate cosmic dance. And the rift stopped just short of the Interceptor.
Deep in the belly of the ship, Razer was struggling with the power overload. “Just a little more...” His fangs dug bloody scores into his lip as he forced the assemblage to hold together. The last shreds of power bled out of the engine as the Interceptor shot through.
WIth a final shock, the battery fizzled out.
“We made it!” Hal shouted from the bridge. “Razer?” The Volkregian doesn’t answer, already unconscious from the drain. The ship’s systems are dead and offline, Aya facedown on the floor without energy to animate her.
Slowly, her eyes begin to blaze blue again and she raises her head.
“We’re home.”
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gay anime therapy wow
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>rewatching gltas
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more of this because i need it
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lanternmaya Remember when I said I was making you something for your birthday? C:
(All text from shit people say in TF2)
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i love this i’m reblogging it just so it’s always there to marvel over
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Had way too much fun making these, but whatever
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moonlight, angel wings, baking, silk, succulents, milky coffee, hiking and DRAGONS FOR LIFE
sunshine or moonlight? fairy wings or angel wings? gardening or baking? velvet or silk? flowers or succulents? black coffee or milky coffee? road trips or hiking? mermaids or dragons?
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b i g  m o o d
There are characters you like but then there are characters you end up thinking about in the middle of the night with a cosmic ache in your chest because they resonate with you so much
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If you are still a Fantern
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