themowrites · 3 years
Theeantidrug: Beyonce’s ‘Yes’ Prompt.
Fatkellyprice: Promasaurus Redo Prompt.
Fatkellyprice: Dairy Queen/Pole Dancer Prompt.
Anon: Different World, Wedding Scene Prompt.
Anon: The Best Man Prompt.
Zenlovethinking: Samcedes Final Scene Prompt.
Modacey: Body Guard (Twist) Prompt.
Modacet: Christmas Train Prompt.
Whoknowstv: Sixteen Candles Prompt.
Dayjav001: Samcedes Making Baby Prompt.
Crtaylor242013: ‘Cedes, San, Matt, & Bree Prompt.
AmberRileyNation: Rileystreet Prompt. 
in no particular order. bolded text in other words means it is currently being written and there is a snippet posted on the page.
The Heist. [hiatus: plot purposes]
Church Girl. [under co: current rp]
November. [hiatus: plot purposes]
in no particular order. bolded text in other words means it is currently being written and there is a snippet posted on the page.
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themowrites · 3 years
One-Shot: Everything Works Out In The End.
+ I would like to thank the anon for giving me the opportunity of bringing his/her PROMPT to life; I hope I executed it properly. Thank you again and readers enjoy! Constructive and Positive feedback is always welcomed. -Mo
“You got me treading on the water. Because I've never learned to swim. And now I know that it's all over. I better learn to start again.” –Kodaline (Everything Works Out In The End).
Mercedes looked over at Samuel as he slept peacefully beside her naked frame, she watched slowly as his chest rose and fell and she shifted gently. Turning her body to face his, trying her best not to disturb him during his peaceful slumber. She’d be leaving for LA in a day and he had managed to convince her to do the unthinkable. She pulled the covers up, a cold night’s chill rushing over her as she laid their bear with him and she managed to pull her herself out of her head long enough to lay her head there. Hazelnut skin pressed against his perfect chiseled chest as she inhaled his scent deeply, what if she never got to relish in this exact moment again. The sex was something, but with or without it, she’d still long for the man as she departed across what felt like the highest mountains and lowest of seas. But she had to follow her dreams, right? She asked herself would it be worth it, as she drew tiny hearts across his skin sadly.
“What are you doing?” Samuel’s gruff voice spoke, a smirk sporting his thick pink lips as he opened his eyes looking down at Mercedes. Her hair was a mess of curls that had fallen and sweated out, however, in this lighting as the moon danced across her skin, she’d never looked so beautiful to him. He grabbed her hand, stopping her motion and he pecked the back of it tenderly before he said “I thought you were asleep…”
His eyes rolled back shut tiredly, as his other hand stroked her head of hair idly. Mercedes head leaned upwards as she looked to him. “Writing I love you across your skin” she answered honestly, not matter how it may how sound leaving her lips. At his next remark she shifted, looking at the window where the moon glowed. “I can’t sleep” she breathed to him; she should’ve been able to after all. He had, had her locked away in his room all evening; losing her virginity had been a full-time job. Or a lesson, depends on who you asked out of the two. He’d done all the work and yet she was still able to please him as he’d done her. That was once she got over the initial shock and uncomfortable adjustment to a size, she didn’t quite picture this entire time. She licked her plump lips at that and looked back at him.
Samuel smirked; his forehead managed to crease between his brows as he asked himself why she was doing that subconsciously. “You should get some rest” he reasoned as he shifted wrapping her up in his long arms. “You have so much to do…” he reminded her, his hand resting on the small of her back, drawing circles there. His eyes never opened though he was watching her no doubt, his chest was pressed against her ample bosom and he wouldn’t deny how incredible that felt. He finally opened his eyes again and looked to her “what’s on your mind?” he asked her knowingly, the words left him just as he left a kiss on her lips. Drawing back to look into her almond orbs, “you can tell me anything” he said softly, green eyes piercing hers.
As he shifted his long body, pulling her closer to him, his arms pressed fluff against muscle mass. She closed her eyes for a moment as he reminded her yet again about her new phase in life.  Heartbreakingly she opened her eyes to stare into his, this time they were glossy, and she said “I don’t want to leave you” her chine quivered only a little as she closed her eyes again. Hugging him back tightly she fell quiet.
As she confessed her true feelings, he nodded his head at her, he hadn’t thought of her move as a negative thing. He wouldn’t forgive himself if he selfishly let her stay, only to waste a dream as big as hers away. He needed her to go to LA, not just for herself, but for him. He wouldn’t be any prouder unless he had the opportunity to fly the plane himself. “You know I love you” he said against her skin as he pecked her forehead “and I’ll do anything for you” he added pecking her forehead again. “And that means sacrifice” he told her sternly. “It’s going to hurt like hell being apart, but you have to do this, it’s your destiny” he reasoned. He kissed her forehead again, lips lingering there for a while as his eyes closed “we will get through this” he said confidently. “It’ll work out, you’ll see” he sighed heavily as he opened his eyes again to look at her.
Mercedes nodded her head against him sadly, she bit down on her bottom lip as her warm tears spilled anyway. As he went on, just making the idea of being away from him harder she sniffled. She continued to nod her head at him, maybe if she kept repeating his words her heart would eventually catch up with her head and she’d convince herself that it would be fine as well. “Okay” she said in a shaky voice in response to him. Words had left her, she knew it would hurt, because it was killing the hell out of her already. She nodded her head again for good measure as she sucked her tears up, wiping them away slowly.
Samuel’s thumb swiped against her skin gently, he’d never like to see her in this light. What man wanted to watch the woman he loved cry? As she finally replied he nodded his head saying “okay” back to her sweetly as his lips met hers in a feverish kiss. His lips parted only ever so slightly so that their tongues could meet with each other again. They’d been apart for too long and the blonde had realized that now. He needed to remind her body and soul, just what they had and why no amount of distance in the World could separate them truly. They were soulmates, destined for a life full of happiness and lifelong memories. He was hers, as long as she were his. And only God could take that away. His hard body shifted against the bed as he positioned himself above her now, moaning deeply into their kiss ever more as her delicate hand slid its way up to his face to cup it lovingly. Oh, how he adored the way, her hand felt resting over his heart, it would be death they’d part.
“Thank you so much for picking me up at the last minute” Mercedes said to Mike as she closed the door to the backseat of his sedan. She looked down at her little boy Cameron safely fastened in his car seat, she kissed his head of hair and looked towards her old friend again. “Something came up and my mother totally forgot about us here at the airport” she finished as she placed her seatbelt on herself.
“It was no problem at all, I didn’t know if you were actually going to come into town or not. Glad you did decide to” he smiled sweetly. “I got to see little Cameron again so that’s a plus” he chuckled as he drove down the road. “So where do I need to go first?” he asked her curiously. “You know… everyone is uh… meeting up” he paused looking at his watch for a minute “at the diner at around 5 pm today” he told her looking back at her and the curly haired little boy in his backseat. He didn’t know how things were doing to go, he was in the middle of all of this and truthfully it was hard to lie to his dearest friend. Though he guessed it wasn’t a lie if the topic wasn’t actually spoken about publicly. However, he still felt terribly bad for Samuel’s sake.
“I decided at the last minute. Cameron is so young you know” she told her friend. “I haven’t really traveled with him like this before, mother always came to us” she said looking back down at the tired child once more. “But it’ll be fun to catch up and see everyone, it’s been what? Almost two years?” she sighed. “My mother’s house, I’ll be staying there. I opted out of a hotel” she acknowledged. “I just” she sighed heavily to the man shaking her head, “I uh, I don’t know Mike. I have so much guilt weighing on me it’s hard to think or breathe most days…” she actually confessed to him for a change.
Mike continued to carry them down the road in the vehicle and he licked his lips slowly listening to her. He got it, lapsed judgement and scare caused her to lie to the man, break off their relationship, and hide his only child from him for the last how many months? He could understand her desire to protect everyone in the situation at all cost, but he also understood the negative impact it had on her life no matter what she was trying to accomplish in all of this. He didn’t really see how it would be possible for someone to attempt to hide a child, but he intended on honoring wishes to his fullest ability. “Listen” the man spoke confidently “you are a lot of things, a big character” he chuckled lightening the mood. “However, everyone knows your heart ‘Cedes” he breathed “if it’s becoming too much lessen the burden, release it to the wind” he said poetically. “Tell him, Samuel knows your heart better than we all do. He would have to understand exactly what you were trying to achieve; don’t you think?” he asked her though he didn’t really believe that statement himself, he’d be livid if the love or his life or past love had done this very thing to him.
Mercedes looked up at her friend, watching the back of his head as he spoke. At one point of time, she looked away and out of the window as she offered Cameron her hand to play with as he sat there. She nodded her head despite the man being incapable of seeing her, she didn’t know. All of this happened to be overwhelming and confusing at times. “You are right” she finally offered to him after a while of going over the thoughts and things he just said in her own head. “Thanks again Mike.”
Mike walked into the diner that they were all supposed to meet up at mutually, 5 pm on the dot. He asked the hostess for the party’s location and happily traveled towards the table. He saw Samuel, Artie, Blaine, Kurt, and Jake at the table chatting among themselves. They were early to the reunion or perhaps on time, which was unexpected in his opinion, but he greeted them all casually and grabbed himself a seat. “How is it going?” he asked them all mutually. “I expected to be one of the first ones” he said with a smirk as he made himself comfortable sitting on Samuel’s right.
Jake looked at Mike offering the man a simple head nod, “we all kind of hitched rides with each other” he chuckled lightly.
“We didn’t expect to be on time either ole pal” Samuel said with a goofy grin.
“Well, we don’t get to do this often, so, you know” Artie said with a shrug “it’s worth being on time for” he said with a smile. “The whole gang is back, give or take a few….”
“Agreed” Mike said gesturing to Artie with his pointer finger. “This should be a fun gathering…”
“What held you up anyway?” Samuel asked Mike turning his head towards him, once the thought occurred finally.
“Ah, I had some errands to run” Mike said to Samuel, “had to swing by the airport and stuff” he told the man without much thought.
Samuel nodded his head and said, “oh yeah, who did you pick up?” curiously as he picked up his glass and took a sip of his drink.
“You actually would never guess it” Mike said to the man with a small smirk. He opened his mouth to respond to him the best way he knew how, however he was interrupted by their server.
“Hi there” the woman said to Mike “what could I get you to drink this evening?” she asked as she grabbed her guest check pad and pen from her apron.
“Hello” Mike told the woman and he looked down at the menu for a moment before he went with his gut and ordered a “root beer” he spoke. “Have you all ordered?” he asked the guys.
“Not yet, we were waiting on everyone” Kurt said “we did order a few starters” he admitted.
“Well in that case, just the root beer” Mike said smiling to the woman.
Nodding her head, she said “alright, one root beer. And do any of you guys need anything, while I grab that and check on your starters?” she pressed the group. After getting a moderate no thank you from everyone, she moved to walk off from the table again.
“So, who was it? Tina?” Blaine asked nosily, curiosity would kill the cat today because unlike everyone else he actually really desired to know who all planned on coming.
Mike chuckled shaking his head “no, no. I’m not sure if she came in town, you know not everyone really responded to the email threads. But I did uh, pick Mercedes and Cameron up from the airport, dropped them off a few hours ago and then I had some other errands to run” he shrugged, having let slip a huge secret in the process.  
Kurt eyes grew as Mike went on to explain where he was, what he was doing, and finally who he had picked up from the airport.
Artie eyebrows stitched together as he tried to recall a Cameron in his memory bank. It wasn’t ringing a bell however and perhaps he was the only one who didn’t know. Wonder if it’s a new boyfriend, juicy, he thought to himself know all the details to Samuel and Mercedes’ break-up.
Blaine tilted his head “who’s Cameron?” he asked aloud before he looked at Kurt with a raised brow. The forceful kick the man supplied him under the table was a red flag that clearly his significant other knew something he didn’t. He had overstepped somewhere. So instead of meeting the eyes of the other men he grabbed his glass of water and took a long sip from it.
Samuel rolled the paper from his straw between his fingers “Mercedes” he said first, very unaware that she was coming. Afterall, she hadn’t been seen in almost two years and they weren’t quite on speaking terms. Well in his head at least. However, upon the mention of someone named Cameron he raised a brow and looked at Blaine then Kurt to his left. “Who’s Cameron?” he asked Mike looking over at him again.
Mike looked down for a moment, shit, he said to himself before he looked over at Kurt. He needed the man to throw him a life vest but obviously he much like Mike couldn’t think of a good enough lie at the moment. And just like that save by the bell again, thank you God he said as Quinn approached the table with Brittany in toe.
“The boys beating us to the punch, how lovely…” Quinn said cutting in with a wide grin. “How is everyone?” she questioned them as she moved to grab a seat between Mike and Samuel.
Brittany smiled at everyone scattered about the chairs around the huge table. “Hey guys!” she said cheerfully. She followed behind Quinn who happened to have been her ride, she sat down at the table next to Artie planting a soft kiss to his cheek before she smiled at Jake who was sitting on her other side. “I missed you guys” she said hugging Artie gently.
Kurt looked towards Quinn, thankfully and he smiled at her as he moved his hand for Blaine’s knee. “Well, we all just about piled into each other’s car so that helped” he said to her changing the subject gladly. “Doing great, you?” he asked, looking at her directly.
Samuel looked at Mike who avoided his question, yet again. He looked over at the women as they rolled in and he sat back in his chair. If any of them thought for a second he was going to sit at a table with Mercedes and her new boy toy they were sadly mistaken. Just the simple thought of that was making his blood boil. He pushed the straw paper aside as he lifted his glass and took a long sip from it again, his eyes fixed on the side of Mike’s face.
Artie blushed a little at Brittany and looked at her with a fond smile on his face “we missed you too” he told her kindly. He stared at her for a few more minutes before he looked at Quinn and said, “no complaints here, everything has been great.”
“Who else is showing up?” Quinn asked them all as she removed her jacket and draped it on the back of her chair revealing her, somewhat revealing dress before she laced her fingers together and rested her hands in her lap.
“Rach” Blaine said in response to Quinn politely as he took her in, she looked amazing. Though he guessed she kind of always did.
“And Tina” Kurt added looking to Blaine for a brief moment a smile on his face. “She text me a hour ago and said she made it in and will meet us here as soon as she’s freshened up and stuff” he added, his eyes moving towards Mike now. Confirming what the man claimed he didn’t know just moments ago.
Samuel looked to Kurt before he said “and Mercedes” all the chipper tone in his voice gone now. “As a matter of fact, Mike was just letting us know she was bringing some Cameron person with her, however none of us know who that is” he said as he looked over at Mike once more, bitterness in his tone and a great deal of anger in his eyes. “Weren’t you Mike?” he asked.
Quinn looked between Blaine and Kurt before lastly, she looked at Samuel, her eyebrows rising as he spoke. Well, it was no secret that Mercedes untimely breakup left the man bitter, angry, and alone. Among the group of friends there had been plenty rumors but even she had no idea who Cameron was. However, if it were another man of some sorts, she might have lucked up tonight. She almost canceled on them for work sake, but she had to admit no amount of money would be worth missing this.
Mike looked over at Samuel, sighing a bit to himself as the man spoke. “I never said that” he told him his head hanging low “I didn’t say she was bringing him here” he corrected. “And he’s not a boyfriend of hers, she doesn’t have one” he said before he looked up at Kurt from across the table.
Kurt swallowed hard as Samuel pressed Mike to speak up and the man finally did. Kurt kept his eyes low after he swapped a glance with Mike and he focused on his glass sitting above the wooden table.
Artie looked at Samuel, then Mike, his eyes moved to the rest of the table as everyone stayed silent for a while.
“Then who the hell is Cameron?” Samuel asked the man, his eyebrows stitched together.
Quinn looked at Mike as he spoke, and she followed his eyes over to Kurt. As it was made clear that Cameron was not Mercedes significant other it then and only then dawned on her who this person could be. Her eyes quickly shot towards Kurt again. “Did you guys order?” she said quickly trying to change the subject once more and she finally picked up her menu.
“Hello, hello, hello everybody” Rachel said as she Tina and Mercedes walked up towards the massive table. “I cannot believe you guys successfully put together some kind of reunion without my help and expertise” she teased them all as she moved to sit down beside Blaine. Offering Jake a kind pat on the shoulder.
“What did we walk in on?” Tina asked sitting down beside Mike at the table and she pushed out the chair beside her a bit for Mercedes to nestle between her and Artie.
Mercedes smiled despite herself, she was well aware that today’s events had two possible ways of ending. On a good foot or perhaps a bad, depending. She hadn’t been in the same room as Samuel since she departed from him to leave for LA. It was her fault that happened to have panned out that way, she knew. But it was didn’t make it any less awkward when you really thought about the reasoning behind her doing so in the first place. She moved for the seat next to Tina it was the only free chair anyway and looked at everyone with a smile deciding not to glance in Samuel’s direction.
Quinn looked at the other girls as they came in one after the other and she sighed heavily, welp, when you speak of the devil, he shall appear she thought to herself. “You guys look good” she said taking them all in, but truly examining Mercedes from head to toe as if that would give her a real inkling to what was going on. But it didn’t especially considering the girl did have a massive coat on. Even if she didn’t you couldn’t look at her and tell she ever had a baby, or could you?
Artie leaned towards Mercedes gently and said “I missed you” with a slight hug assuming they were all going to drop the conversation from beforehand once again. Which was probably for the best anyhow.
As the rest of the group finally joined them Kurt looked towards them and smiled, it really was great to see everyone despite what was currently being examined. He looked over at Samuel, after Tina made yet a very leading question that he truly hoped didn’t cause the blonde to have yet another unnecessary meltdown. “The waitress should be back any minute with starters and, Mike’s drink, we could all like order or something” he chuckled awkwardly.
Samuel watched Rachel as she walked into view, and then Tina thereafter. Mercedes was behind the shorter girl and he looked away, focusing on the table before him and he found that piece of paper again. He toyed with the paper as he did before, rolling it against the tabletop as he fell silent, allowing the group to talk among themselves.
Tina nodded her head at Kurt and said “cool” before she turned to Mike, bumping him with her shoulder lightly. They weren’t together at the moment, but did that mean they had to be awkward, no. They were planning to just be friends until they figured everything all out with themselves. “I was going to call you for a ride, but you had to go get ‘Cedes” she said in a soft whisper to him.
Mercedes looked to Artie and smirked at him sweetly leaning into the man. “I missed you more” she breathed sweetly to him.
The server returned to the group seeing that everyone who should be there was finally there, she sat the root beer in front of the gentlemen who ordered it. She quickly sat the starters in the middle of the table one at a time before she lowered the tray in her hand. “Hi ladies, what can I get you all to drink?” she asked, she sat the tray aside and moved to grab her pad and pen again.
Looking up at the woman, Mercedes she shifted and said to her “water please?” without thought.
Seeing the appetizers, she smirked “water with lemon” Rachel said to the woman before she actually turned her attention to the menu before her to figure out what she wanted for dinner.
“Coke for me” Tina said lifting one finger up for the woman to see as she wrote down the drink orders.
“Sweet tea, please” Quinn said to the waitress, looking at Samuel who sat next to her, finally since Mercedes walked in. She looked at him for only a moment before she looked away again.
“Can I have a coke too?” Brittany asked the woman, the last to order within the group before she grabbed an onion ring and popped it into her mouth. “Two waters one with a lemon, two cokes, and a sweet tea” the young woman repeated back to the table before she said, “are we ordering now too, or do we need some more time?” curiously. When collectively they all asked to have some more time, she nodded and left the group to grab their drinks.
“So, Mercedes, what have you been up to?” Jake asked curiously, despite the early conversation he always though it was pretty cool she got out of Ohio and moved all the way to LA. “I mean what is LA really like?” he asked her as he grabbed a mozzarella stick.
Quinn looked over at Jake with a bit of disappointment. They were all deflecting here, and he was obviously not on board with everyone because he just opened another door or window, depends on who you asked.
Mercedes pulled her eyes and attention away from Brittany and Artie, “uh” she paused smirking at Jake. “I have been great; I have no complaints whatsoever” she told the boy. “LA is” she said trying to think very hard on her answer “sometimes it’s everything I pictured and not so much during other times, but I could have never asked for a better opportunity” she told him. “Life throws tons of surprises and I try to handle, well uh take it in strides” she breathed.
Samuel looked up as Mercedes spoke and he squinted his eyes a bit before he looked away from her. “Care to elaborate for us small town folk?” he asked her sarcastically.
Mercedes slowly looked towards Samuel across from her and she furrowed her brows.
“Now Sam” Rachel said from the left of him, she gave the man an all well knowing look. He didn’t need to make a scene right now; they were here to have a good time.
“Now Rachel” Samuel said as he looked over at her “I asked her question let her answer” he said back to the brunette, who he had no trouble leaning forward to gaze it from across Blaine and Kurt.
“Sam, we are here to have a small gathering to catch up. Are you sure you want to do this?” Kurt asked the man leaning in a bit. The two men was sitting directly next to each other, in another world Kurt would’ve probably slapped him. However, his personality didn’t allow him to inflict someone with such violence. But the blonde was really becoming annoying and all around excessive.
“Yes, I want to do this” Samuel snapped as he looked at Kurt. “Why not do it?” he shrugged, a small chuckle leaving him. “Why not do this right here and right now…”
Mike licked his lips and looked around the table before he sighed and said “Mercedes, I slipped up about Cameron. But Samuel doesn’t quite know who that is…. still….” He said quietly.
Mercedes looked past Tina and at Mike, her eyes large and confused. How could the man have let that slip? He’d kept the secret for this long of course today he lets the cat out of the bag. She couldn’t be mad at him of course, any of them keeping the secret was doing her a favor everyday of their lives. But what was she supposed to say or do right now?
“I think we all should maybe let Samuel and Mercedes talk” Kurt said looking around the table.
“No, let her say what she has to say right here in front of everyone” Samuel said to Kurt. “I think to many of you have been talking among yourselves this whole time anyway.”
Mercedes blinked a few times and she looked at Samuel “okay” she said simply to him. “I ended our relationship, against my better judgement because I was trying to keep a secret from you that I thought would be very detrimental to our lives and relationship” she offered him. “We have a one-year-old son, his name is Cameron” she said. “And before you get angry, I was just trying to do what I thought was best for all of us…”
Samuel looked at Mercedes as she spoke, she really had put a very cute spin on breaking his heart and he couldn’t believe that was the story she was going with. They were fine when she left, everything was perfect outside of the distance. And then a few months into her moving to LA she hit him with the words he’d never imagined leaving her lips. A breakup was what it was, a breakup that was not mutual among them both, that she didn’t even give a good enough reasoning as to why for. And now after all this time he finally gets his real reason, and it was because she was pregnant? With their child. His son? And she didn’t tell him because she thought that was what was best for them both? “Wow” was the only thing his lips could form in the moment as he moved to stand up from the chair, he was in. “You are despicable” he said his finger gesturing in her direction “and any of you at this table who knew this shit and didn’t say anything can rot in hell along with Mercedes” he said coldly as he left the table and the group.
Mercedes looked at Samuel as he spoke, she looked down, she didn’t know what to say. As he continued, she looked back up her eyes watering a little from his harsh words. She couldn’t blame him, what were she to expect from telling him this? When he stormed off, she looked back down again as the embarrassment set in.
“I sorry Mercedes” Kurt said from across the table as, his eyes left her and looked towards Samuel as he moved through the restaurant to leave.
Rachel walked up towards the Evans’ home with her purse in hand and she rang the doorbell gently waiting for someone to surface.
“I have it” Samuel said as he moved for the front door slowly, he looked outside and saw Rachel and he huffed. Unlocking the front door, he looked at her and said “I don’t want you over here so it’s in your best interest to leave” without even thinking, his finger pointing towards her car.
“Look, I don’t want to come into your home, I don’t want you to forgive me if you don’t want to, you don’t even have to listen. But I am going to say what I have to say to you face to face” Rachel told Samuel. “Some of us knew, we didn’t all agree. But we understood and as friends and family we supported her. We supported each party the best way we knew how during this time” she told him. “I am sorry that a secret that big was kept from you for the two years. And I really can’t imagine how you must really be feeling right now” she said her eyes low. “But I say that for you, not her, you. It would be best if you hear her out and at least demand to see your son” she said to him. “She’s owes you that much, and I know that is what you’d want to do right now” she told him simply. “We don’t always do the right things, none of us are perfect. But we deserve the right to make it better if we can” she sighed. “That’s it” she said quickly as she tossed her hand up at him, moving to turn around and leave the front porch of the man’s home headed for her car.
Samuel listened as the woman spoke and he squinted at her slightly, didn’t she know he had every right to close the door in her face if he really wanted to do so right now. It would be that simple. He didn’t want to hear anything from Rachel, she wasn’t the one that owed him an explanation or apology. However, he listened to her, every word even if he didn’t want to. He licked his lips slowly and watched her as she departed from his presence “Rachel!” he called out to her. “Rachel” he repeated even as she kept walking.
Rachel ignored the man as she unlocked the car door and climbed inside to leave. She had said what was needed to say to the man and she didn’t plan on speaking on the subject further. It was between the both of them now, she felt compelled to say what she needed in regard to the part she played in it but that would be it. She couldn’t give him any more details, that he had to seek for himself from Mercedes own mouth.
Hearing a knock at her parents’ door Mercedes squinted slightly, who could it have been she didn’t know. “Stay right here” she told Cameron with a stern finger as she moved to walk out of the living room and towards the front door. She looked to see who was on the other side of the door before she opened it “Sam?” she breathed as she looked up at the man.
Samuel stood before the Jones’ front door with his hands in his pants pockets, he waited for someone to answer and when Mercedes did, he looked at her. “Hi” he breathed he didn’t know what else to say. He hadn’t thought this far ahead and now that he was here, he was conflicted. He wanted to curse her out no doubt but now as he stared into her brown eyes he couldn’t. “Look, I am pissed at you, I am so damn pissed at you, I can’t even think straight!” he said voice booming. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to end things with me, and because of a baby?” he asked her. “I would have given anything to be there, to help, to experience that with you! How could you be so got damn selfish?” he asked her seriously. “I loved you” he told her “I love you” he corrected “how could you do that to me Mercedes?” he said.
Mercedes waited for something to be said and he said ‘hi’ to her, which was a shocker considering. Before she could even get her own greeting out to him, he said what he felt deep down inside from the events that happened from the day before. She looked down unable to say anything at first, she knew she was wrong, and she didn’t really have an excuse for it at all. He was right, he was in love with her as she were with him and it was inconceivable that she did break it off with him and justifiably so. A child had not ruined everything but in her mind it would have. He believed in her, believed she would go off and make him proud. A baby was not a part of the deal, but it had not been a deal breaker. And perhaps it was her own immaturity that did not notice that until now. “Sam” she said softly, blinking gently as her eyes watered, tears filling it. “I didn’t want to let you down” she said blinking heavy tears, allowing them to fall as she looked up at him.
“Well, you ended up doing far more than that, you do realize that?” he asked her. “Keeping my son from me, was a bigger let down then the entire situation and all of its layers combined” he breathed. Samuel folded his arms over his chest as he looked at her still in disbelief a little.
Mercedes tucked her lips inward as she sniffled, her hand wiped away a few tears. Nodding her head at him she agreed with his statement, “I get that now, yes,” she breathed. “I don’t know” she shrugged a little, a bit of a cry leaving her lips after she did. “I didn’t say anything, and then he was here. And I just didn’t know what to say after that” she added. “I was confused, embarrassed” she listed. “It was stupid, and I am truly sorry Samuel. I did not mean for this too grow into all of this” she stressed. “I just didn’t know what to say, or how to even say it when I did find the words” she swallowed hard. “I never tended to hurt you, with any of this. The breakup or with keeping him as a secret from you” she said looking into his eyes.
Samuel listened to her, he continued to stand there with his arms crossed over his chest. In his heart of hearts, he didn’t feel she were lying about a single thing. Though his brain throbbed as he tried to understand what the hell possessed her. Even now, the move was one he could not have pictured her making. Not her out of all people in the World, it didn’t fit. He nodded his head back at her and he said “is he here? Can I see him?”
Mercedes watched him and she sniffled again, wiping more tears from her face. She dried the tears that rested under her chin with the back of her hand before she nodded her head. “Yes, of course” she nodded as she moved to allow him into her parent’s home. Opening the door wider from him she sniffled once more as she waited for him to walk in and once, he did, she closed the door behind him and locked it. “He’s in here” she said as she moved to walk through the home towards the living room where Cameron stood eating cheerios from a kid sized bowl while watching Blue’s Clues idly.
Samuel nodded his head and he moved into the large home; it was as he remembered it. Always neat, clean, and in decent order every time. He didn’t know why but in the moment all of the anger he had melted away. Not because he was understanding of the situation at this time but because it had been replaced with nervousness. He didn’t see fatherhood greeting him for at least another few years and now he was being thrown in it full speed, in a very instance. And he didn’t know what to think or how to feel about that, what if he wasn’t good at it? Despite that the boy didn’t even know him. As he followed Mercedes into the living room, he took the boy in, though it was only from behind he could tell how ridiculously adorable he was.  
“Cameron” Mercedes said sliding her hands in her back pockets as she watched him. “Someone is here to see you” she said to him softly. She watched the boy turn around, his hazel eyes moving from her to the taller man next to her and back to her familiar face. “Mama” he said in response back to her before he turned back to the bowl and placed another cheerio into his mouth chewing lightly. He turned back around before he moved to walk away from the bowl and towards his toy car. Mercedes stepped towards the child and hoisted him up into her arms pecking his cheek lightly moving closer to Samuel.
Samuel watched the little boy as he turned around, his full head of curls bouncing lightly as he looked between her and him then back to her cutely. He smirked a little, he looked like the perfect mix of them both, it was astonishing. The little boy continued his snack eating and playtime, ignoring them both until Mercedes moved to go pick him up walking over towards him “hey” he said waving at the little boy awkwardly.
Mercedes looked at Cameron and then grabbed the toy car that was stealing all of his attention, holding it in her hand and at her side. “Say hey” she said as she looked at him, he cowered in front of the tall man sticking his hands into his mouth as he looked at him. He pulled his hands down eventually and said “hey” before he rested his head on his mother’s shoulder shifting in her arms gently. “Cameron” she said softly as she shifted him in her arms again “this is your daddy” she said pointing to Samuel with the same hand the car was is.
Samuel watched the kid placing his hands in his pockets gently as she tried to get the little boy to interact with him. When the child finally did talk and then moved to hide himself away from Samuel he smirked. When she told the boy who he was he looked at her then at the little boy. He risked the chance and held his hands out for the boy, he could or could not come. What would it hurt?
Cameron watched Samuel and he looked at his mother before he leaned into the man and allowed him to hold him as well. He looked at the side of the man’s face, blinking a few times before he looked at his mother and then back at Samuel. Mercedes sat the car down on the couch and looked at Cameron again “daddy” she said pointing to Samuel again.
Samuel and the little boy glanced back and forth at each other, when he looked at his mother again Sam adjusted him in his arms. He hugged the boy to his chest gently closing his eyes as he basked in it for a moment or two. He opened his eyes again and he looked at the little boy who had his fingers in his mouth once more eyeing him.
Mercedes sat on the edge of the couch watching Samuel, she picked Cameron’s car up in her hand and she toyed with it for a moment. She looked between them both and the toy car a few times as the man got acquainted with his son for the first time.
Samuel moved towards the couch with the child in his arms and he sat down with him. Shifting the child in his lap he looked at Mercedes “how is it possible to be in love with someone you just met for the first time?” he asked her seriously.
Mercedes shifted on the couch and looked at Samuel, a smirking forming on her lips and she spoke. “I don’t know” quietly “it just happens, I can’t explain it” she said with a small chuckle as she looked at the child. “He looks just like you” she commented as she looked down.
Samuel looked at her and then back to their son, he hugged the boy close who was now stretched out across him watching tv again. He was a little more comfortable with him he guessed, and he relaxed himself on the couch. He looked back at her and smirked “no, he looks like you” he told her. He looked back at the little boy, he couldn’t believe one night filled with love and adoration for each other could create such perfection, but not only that night however perfection that would last them both a lifetime. “I can’t be mad at you” he told her seriously as he moved his hand to hers, grabbing it in his and holding it gently. “But I really wish I could have been there” he said sadly “he’s so perfect, I can’t imagine what it would have been like to see him when he was first born” he sighed.
Mercedes looked at Samuel again placing the boy’s car aside, as he grabbed her hand, she allowed him to. It was comforting receiving any kind of touch from him even after all of this time. At his words she looked at Cameron and then pulled her bottom into her mouth biting down on it hard. She didn’t say anything in response to him, there was plenty of photos, videos, and things she could show him, and she would in the future. She knew she owed him that and needed to make sure it was something that she did out of respect for him. “Despite how it panned out, I am glad that you finally got to meet him. And that you can now be a part of his life.”
Nodding his head at her, he said “thank you” quietly. “Especially for him, you could have done something totally different, but you didn’t. Thank you for that” Samuel said sensibly as he looked her in her eyes.
“The thought never crossed my mind” Mercedes replied back to him seriously, looking into his eyes once more.
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themowrites · 3 years
New Story Alert: New Fan Fic Story Named Unlawful Coming Soon!  I will be posting the full story / chapter on fanfiction.net !
Mercedes groaned groggily as she rolled over in her sleep, six hours, that may be a new record for her. She reached over towards her nightstand and picked her work phone up, answering it with her eyes still shut. “Jones” she breathed tiredly as she began to rub sleep out of her eyes. 
“I think he’s back” a gruff voice said on the other end, the short hello acted in the way that it was intended to. It woke Mercedes up fully and she began to climb out of bed, walking across the hardwood floors towards her bathroom flickering on the first sign of life there had been in the condo since she fell asleep only moments ago. Fully prepared all the while to start her work day early as she was prepped about the latest.
He’s back; played in her head over and over again as she slowly buttoned up her shirt. In all of her years working as a profiler very seldom did people get past her. But this man was sneaky, a sly fox who was just within her reach every time he committed another murder, but he managed to be a world apart at the same time. He was back to haunt her again, though she tried not to allow this one murderer reside within her subconscious twenty-four hours of the day, but he did.
There was a piece of the puzzle she was missing, this time she was determined to find it. It was time to end this once and for all, she thought as she looked herself over in the mirror.
“Jones!” a deep voice called out, the woman had barely put the car in park and climbed out before he commanded her presence. She grabbed her coat throwing it on before she locked the car doors and moved for the building. The man approached Mercedes without much thought “Schmitt” she said addressing the other special agent formally. 
“I going to brief you” he said removing the toothpick from his mouth. He turned to the direction of the warehouse pointing at the dark building saying, “it is not a pretty sight in there” honestly.
Mercedes looked at the man sliding her hands in her coat pocket, she looked around them. The warehouse was certainly on the outskirts of things, there was nothing for miles around them. Far beyond the eye could see was trees and snow, it was freezing. “I was already briefed on the phone by Hansen” she said cutting him off quickly. In her line of work the less details she had the better and beyond that Schmitt happen to have always rubbed her the wrong way. He was a great family man, very dedicated to his work. But his personality was crap and he lied about the unbelievable, for example the trench coat he had was a horrible Burberry knock-off but he’d swear he paid hundreds for it. Sad, fifteen years with the FBI and he’d still kill to fit in with the big dogs.
“Oh” Schmitt said nodding his head at the woman, he stuck the toothpick back into his mouth and said “of course he did” downplaying the awkward interaction. He quietly walked along her shadow now considering how rudely she had dismissed him.
Mercedes offered the man a fake smile and a pat on his broad shoulder before she began her trek into the massive structure. Upon reaching the entrance or what was used as one she took in the scene before her. The lights of cameras flashing brightly as photos were taken bombarded her, the collecting of evidence from every surface was steadfast and careful. She saw her senior supervisory rubbing his bald head, that could only really mean one thing. She continued to walk slowly around and over people as they worked before her. There was blood splattered across the walls and he eyes moved up one as she took it all in. Her eyes moving away from the wall she looked down at the ground, the ocean of blood that had pooled around the woman’s body gave way to how gruesome her murder was.
Hansen turned to see Mercedes had finally entered into the building, he approached her, glad to see a brain that worked harder and faster than his and everyone else’s in the room at last. She had been profiling the very man they all thought committed this crime off and on for the last three years. No one knew this man better than she did, sometimes he felt even the serial killer in question didn’t know himself as much as she did. “What do you think? Is it our guy?” he asked her outright.
Mercedes looked at the older man as he spoke, she looked around him for a moment. Grabbing the pen out of his coat pocket she licked her red lips and finally stepped over the crime tape. Using his pen, she bent down close to the deceased, sliding it under the rope that kept the woman’s hands bound. She squinted closely, then looked at the rope around her ankles “it’s his knot” she acknowledged aloud. For a split second the crowded space became a little quieter. “She’s gagged” she said as she moved to stand upright again “rape kit will come back nothing, unless he made a mistake this time” she breathed. Sighing, Mercedes walked around the girl making sure she didn’t step to close “I still don’t think he’s able to… perform sexually”.
Hansen watched Mercedes as she examined the latest victim, he didn’t say anything at first. Instead, he just let her brain work to process everything around her.
“She’s blonde” Mercedes said as she moved to step back over the tape, offering the man his pen back. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and as she walked slowly “something is off though” she stopped. She turned on her high heels slowly as she tried to pinpoint exactly what was different to her in this instance. 
“What is that?” Hansen asked her.
“How long has she been dead?” Mercedes asked as she looked at the blood that painted the walls and adorn the floor once more for a clue or answer.
The coroner looked at Mercedes “she’s fresh, rigor mortis hadn’t even sat in yet” he acknowledged. “Maybe three hours, tops” he explained.
Mercedes looked at Hansen, “his schedule changed” she told him. “He was a night owl” she reminded him “did all his major crimes during the day… leaving them out as trophies for us. She’s well hidden, we are miles away from the city” she pointed out. “It’s three in the morning,” she told herself, he eyes moving for her watch. “He might have lost his job… got a new one?” she questioned throwing out ideas. “He may have a love interest now. Something changed in his life, something major” he told them. “But it’s him” she said nodding her head “that’s plain to see” she said looking at the girl again “he clipped her fingernails…” she breathed as began to retreat from the building to her car. “Those marks around her neck lets us know he’s escalating. We have to get him this time” she sighed stepping back outside in the cold air.
Mercedes looked around the area again slowly, releasing a chilly breath into the darkness surrounding her. “Who are you?” she asked herself, softly as she shifted on her heels. “Who are you?”
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themowrites · 4 years
+ I really didn’t plan to get on here with a sob story. 
However, in the time I was gone I finished about four of my one-shots completely. And after relocating with my fiancee, I lost my flashdrive with all of my short stories, fanfiction, and roleplay tools on it. It was really devastating for me. And I didn’t know how or where to begin when it came to this page and any of my roleplays. However, I have gotten to the point now where I am trying to gather what I can and comeback. 
I apologize. It seems like all I do is make excuses or go missing. But I promise you all this time I was coming with the uploads. SMH. 
I am prepared to buy a new flashdrive and start all over. I’ll be around and try to post what I can, when I can! Thank you if you still remotely care and wish to read and have stuck around. 
- Love Mo
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themowrites · 4 years
+ Technical difficulties with my internet where I am. I tried to get the completed one-shot up to no avail. I apologize for the inconvenience. Just when I decided to upload some one-shots this happened. But hopefully I can get it squared away this week and will be able to upload soon. Thanks for the support as always. xo
- Mo
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themowrites · 4 years
+ Snippet. 
Mercedes looked over at Samuel as he slept peacefully beside her naked frame, she watched slowly as his chest rose and fell and she shifted gently. Turning her body to face his, trying her best not to disturb him during his peaceful slumber. She’d be leaving for LA in a day and he had managed to convince her to do the unthinkable. She pulled the covers up, a cold night’s chill rushing over her as she laid their bear with him and she managed to pull her herself out of her head long enough to lay her head there. Hazelnut skin pressed against his perfect chiseled chest as she inhaled his scent deeply, what if she never got to relish in this exact moment again. The sex was something, but with or without it, she’d still long for the man as she departed across what felt like the highest mountains and lowest of seas. But she had to follow her dreams, right? She asked herself would it be worth it, as she drew tiny hearts across his skin sadly.
“What are you doing?” Samuel’s gruff voice spoke, a smirk sporting his thick pink lips as he opened his eyes looking down at Mercedes. Her hair was a mess of curls that had fallen and sweated out, however, in this lighting as the moon danced across her skin, she’d never looked so beautiful to him. He grabbed her hand, stopping her motion and he pecked the back of it tenderly before he said “I thought you were asleep…”
His eyes rolled back shut tiredly, as his other hand stroked her head of hair idly. Mercedes head leaned upwards as she looked to him. “Writing I love you across your skin” she answered honestly, not matter how it may how sound leaving her lips. At his next remark she shifted, looking at the window where the moon glowed. “I can’t sleep” she breathed to him; she should’ve been able to after all. He had, had her locked away in his room all evening; losing her virginity had been a full-time job. Or a lesson, depends on who you asked out of the two. He’d done all the work and yet she was still able to please him as he’d done her. That was once she got over the initial shock and uncomfortable adjustment to a size, she didn’t quite picture this entire time. She licked her plump lips at that and looked back at him.
Samuel smirked; his forehead managed to crease between his brows as he asked himself why she was doing that subconsciously. “You should get some rest” he reasoned as he shifted wrapping her up in his long arms. “You have so much to do…” he reminded her, his hand resting on the small of her back, drawing circles there. His eyes never opened though he was watching her no doubt, his chest was pressed against her ample bosom and he wouldn’t deny how incredible that felt. He finally opened his eyes again and looked to her “what’s on your mind?” he asked her knowingly, the words left him just as he left a kiss on her lips. Drawing back to look into her almond orbs, “you can tell me anything” he said softly, green eyes piercing hers.
As he shifted his long body, pulling her closer to him, his arms pressed fluff against muscle mass. She closed her eyes for a moment as he reminded her yet again about her new phase in life.  Heartbreakingly she opened her eyes to stare into his, this time they were glossy, and she said “I don’t want to leave you” her chine quivered only a little as she closed her eyes again. Hugging him back tightly she fell quiet.
As she confessed her true feelings, he nodded his head at her, he hadn’t thought of her move as a negative thing. He wouldn’t forgive himself if he selfishly let her stay, only to waste a dream as big as hers away. He needed her to go to LA, not just for herself, but for him. He wouldn’t be any prouder unless he had the opportunity to fly the plane himself. “You know I love you” he said against her skin as he pecked her forehead “and I’ll do anything for you” he added pecking her forehead again. “And that means sacrifice” he told her sternly. “It’s going to hurt like hell being apart, but you have to do this, it’s your destiny” he reasoned. He kissed her forehead again, lips lingering there for a while as his eyes closed “we will get through this” he said confidently. “It’ll work out, you’ll see” he sighed heavily as he opened his eyes again to look at her.
Mercedes nodded her head against him sadly, she bit down on her bottom lip as her warm tears spilled anyway. As he went on, just making the idea of being away from him harder she sniffled. She continued to nod her head at him, maybe if she kept repeating his words her heart would eventually catch up with her head and she’d convince herself that it would be fine as well. “Okay” she said in a shaky voice in response to him. Words had left her, she knew it would hurt, because it was killing the hell out of her already. She nodded her head again for good measure as she sucked her tears up, wiping them away slowly.
Samuel’s thumb swiped against her skin gently, he’d never like to see her in this light. What man wanted to watch the woman he loved cry? As she finally replied he nodded his head saying “okay” back to her sweetly as his lips met hers in a feverish kiss. His lips parted only ever so slightly so that their tongues could meet with each other again. They’d been apart for too long and the blonde had realized that now. He needed to remind her body and soul, just what they had and why no amount of distance in the World could separate them truly. They were soulmates, destined for a life full of happiness and lifelong memories. He was hers, as long as she were his. And only God could take that away. His hard body shifted against the bed as he positioned himself above her now, moaning deeply into their kiss ever more as her delicate hand slid its way up to his face to cup it lovingly. Oh, how he adored the way, her hand felt resting over his heart, it would be death they’d part.
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themowrites · 4 years
Theeantidrug: Beyonce’s ‘Yes’ Prompt.
Fatkellyprice: Promasaurus Redo Prompt.
Fatkellyprice: Dairy Queen/Pole Dancer Prompt.
Anon: Different World, Wedding Scene Prompt.
Anon: The Best Man Prompt.
Zenlovethinking: Samcedes Final Scene Prompt.
Modacey: Body Guard (Twist) Prompt.
Whoknowstv: Sixteen Candles Prompt.
Crtaylor242013: ‘Cedes, San, Matt, & Bree Prompt.
AmberRileyNation: Rileystreet Prompt. 
in no particular order. bolded text in other words means it is currently being written and there is a snippet posted on the page.
The Heist. [hiatus: plot purposes]
Church Girl. [under co: current rp]
November. [hiatus: plot purposes]
in no particular order. bolded text in other words means it is currently being written and there is a snippet posted on the page.
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themowrites · 5 years
+ The one-shot I am currently working on and that was posted, is not on the list of prompts I owe at all. It is an idea that popped up in my head while listening to the song. After this prompt is posted I will be finishing the prompts I have listed and the one that is currently next in line to be posted to the page. Thanks for rocking with me.  
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themowrites · 5 years
One-Shot: Sleeping with the One I Love.
+ Snippet. 
“If you have those files on my desk by 6 pm we may actually be able to enjoy our weekend.”
At that Mercedes looked up slowly a smug expression written across her face, there was no way she’d spend her weekend in the office so 6 pm would suffice. However, in order to remotely beat the short deadline, she was given by her obnoxious boss she certainly needed a cup of hot coffee to keep her mind focused and sharp, not to mention to give her a little energy boost. She’d take one for the team and skip lunch, is what she told herself as she got up from her office chair and moved for her door to exit the room. Walking down the hall her eyes swept over the tall green-eyed blonde man standing by the water dispenser waiting his turn, her back to him as she poured herself some fresh coffee drowning it in sugar and hazelnut flavored creamer. 
“George called me today, asking me what your favorite flower is. It was the craziest thing you know…” 
“George never calls you Mother” Mercedes said with a raised brow as she shook her head. “And why would he need to be reminded of that? We’ve only been together how long? 10 years?” she said thinking to herself with an eye roll. “That is why it was the craziest thing” her mother emphasized again for the woman. “He could have forgotten, needed a refresher…”
“No, he’s just pathetic… careless… and inconsiderate” Mercedes listed off on her fingers as she drove down the road. She got those files on her bosses’ desk by 6pm and she was out of the office before 6:30 pm. The weekend was hers and she would do with it what she wanted. She looked out her rearview mirror before she said “it’s neither here nor there, he’s probably trying to kiss up for that crappy birthday dinner he threw” she shrugged. 
“Mercedes, don’t call him those things. He does try” her mother corrected “he’s a good man Mercedes, he’s always been. He has his moments, but hell! What man doesn’t?” she asked. “And I liked your birthday dinner, he set up a great time. We all loved it, what are you talking about?” she asked confused. Mercedes sighed exhaling softly, “I know, I know, I know. He’s a good man” she said shaking her head as she turned down the street finally reaching her condominium. “Mhm” she said agreeingly, though her voice was laced with hell no’s and sure-whatever’s. “Before you began to ramble about George, I just want you to know that I’ve reached home. I am tired. I love you. And I will call and talk to you tomorrow. Kiss daddy for me?” she rushed out as she parked her car in her assigned parking spot, grabbing her things from the passenger seat. 
Knowing her child wouldn’t listen, having found out early on that she just didn’t plan on appreciating the man for who he truly was, she nodded. “Sure thing” she sung out before she hung up the phone before Mercedes got the chance to do so. 
Mercedes smirked, “great” she said as she grabbed her phone as her mother hung up before she happily did so, she shot a certain someone a quick text. Thanking the doormen as she entered the building, she moved for the elevator. Hopping on and riding the elevator up to her floor, she chatted back and forth with said individual for a few more moments. Once she reached her door, she used her key to unlock the door and she moved forward looking at all the decoration. The home was filled with flowers, tulips, her mother had told the man tulips was her favorite flower, yet she loved lilies. Did no one know her? She moved forward to hear the music playing and she turned the corner to see her long-term boyfriend. He was all dressed up and standing before a table that had a dinner spread that screamed take-out because he damn sure didn’t cook, he didn’t know how to. He had on his favorite cologne and he reeked of cockiness, probably assuming he’d accomplished something completely amazing in the moment. She’d be the judge of that however, and the jury.
“Hey baby” George said looking to Mercedes, a velvet box in his hand. He clutched onto it out of both fear and excitement. He had planned for this day for some time now and he’d talked himself out of several other dates before he finally settled for this day. Her birthday had been the perfect time as well, but the day didn’t turn out to be so perfect, and despite him trying intimately after the dinner he had thrown together. She went out with her friends and chose to have a girl’s night out rather than stick around with him. So here he was, in a nice suit, nice shoes, bright smile waiting for her to walk through the door as breathtakingly beautiful as she was. 
Sitting her purse aside and her phone Mercedes looked around again and said “hello” quaintly back to him. “What is all of this?” she said gesturing their house. 
“I have been wanting to do this for so long. And I just couldn’t find a time perfect enough, but today I made it up in my mind that I needed to do this now, that I had to” George told her. 
“Do?” she asked him as she moved further into the room “are you proposing?” she said with a bit of a chuckle as she looked down at his hand. “Is this really happening?” she asked him before she rested her hands on her full hips. She was smart, always had been actually. Being quick on her toes was one of the reasons he’d fallen in love with her, but in the moment, she was really stealing all the shine from him. “I” he nodded. “Yes” he said clearing his throat a bit “I love you with all of my heart, you know that. And I know you feel the same way about me, so it’s time. We’ve been together 11 years and I think it’s time, I officially make you Mrs. Thompson” he said as he began to lower himself on one knee. 
“10” Mercedes replied back to him, watching as he rested there on his knee “we’ve been together for 10 years” she said, they had been agonizingly painful years of her life she wouldn’t get back, so she remembered every one. It wasn’t the response he was expecting, he figured she give him a yes or no? Maybe some tears? Did she not want this? Or was he reading everything all wrong in the moment, he wasn’t sure. “10, yes, 10” he said nodding his head “what do you say?” he asked opening the box and flashing the diamond ring for her to see. 
Mercedes sighed to herself before she said “yes” plastering a smile on her face as she did. “Of course, I’ll marry you, of course, of course” she told him holding her hand out. 
Smelling the lilies in the vase she closed her eyes, taking the scent in slowly “I love lilies” she breathed to the man. 
“I know” he said kissing her neck gently as he rounded the kitchen grabbing them both a glass. “The ring looks good on you” he complimented with a smirk before he poured her a glass of red wine, something she preferred and poured himself a glass of whiskey. 
“Please” Mercedes breathed as she removed her engagement ring and sat it down. She looked to him, gazing into his green eyes before she said “it’s nothing, it’s a ring. It changes nothing….”
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themowrites · 5 years
✍🏽To-Do List.
Theeantidrug: Beyonce’s ‘Yes’ Prompt.
Fatkellyprice: Promasaurus Redo Prompt.
Fatkellyprice: Dairy Queen/Pole Dancer Prompt.
Anon: Different World, Wedding Scene Prompt.
Anon: The Best Man Prompt.
Zenlovethinking: Samcedes Final Scene Prompt.
Modacey: Body Guard (Twist) Prompt.
Modacey: Christmas Train Prompt.
Anon: Military Samcedes Christmas Prompt.
Whoknowstv: Sixteen Candles Prompt.
Dayjavoo1: Samcedes Making Baby Prompt.
Crtaylor242013: ‘Cedes, San, Matt, & Bree Prompt. 
in no particular order. bolded text in other words means it is currently being written and there is a snippet posted on the page.
The Heist. [hiatus: plot purposes]
Church Girl. [under co: current rp]
November. [hiatus: plot purposes]
in no particular order. bolded text in other words means it is currently being written and there is a snippet posted on the page.
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themowrites · 5 years
+ I now have a BMC link on my page. 
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themowrites · 5 years
+ I believe I have nearly 15 prompts on my to-do list. Please do feel free to send more if you desire to do so, I just wanted to update everyone of how many I currently have! 
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themowrites · 5 years
Can you please write a prompt please?.. The night before Mercedes left for LA in S3 she lost her v-card to Sam.. Now a couple months later her and Mike go back to Mckinley to help the glee club. While Mike and Sam and the other Glee boys are having a conversation Mike brings up something about Cameron (samcedes baby) and Sam gets suspicious of who 'Cameron' is so he asks Mike and Mike tells him he should ask Mercedes. Cameron is Sam's baby but Mercedes didn't tell him...🙈
Welcome! Hey love! Aw, I love this idea anony! I would love to write this up for you guys! Let’s rock and roll - of course, this has been added to my to-do list.
+Thanks for all the support Mo.
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themowrites · 5 years
+ revamping this page for future content I intend to upload!
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themowrites · 5 years
FF Prompt
amberprileynation: Hii..is it possible for you to make a RileyStreet FanFiction? Maybe one of them after glee ended? But they were secretly dating or something?🤷🏽‍♀️ Just make it your own cause I love your stories!😩😍
Hmm, I hadn’t done much Fanficiton uploading as of late. I have not really been on there. But I may be able to do something with this for you darling. 
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themowrites · 6 years
+ Currently online and writing... you can send more prompts if you like. 
sn: I also recommend turning post notifications on. For all the messages I have received about retuning and when I am getting to certain prompts on my To Do List, that could help keep you alert when I post!
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themowrites · 6 years
modacey: Still out here patiently waiting for the full thing 😉
I am going to stop lying to you guys. Find these files. And upload. After I post a life update on my main, I’ll reblog it here and actually do something productive lol. 
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