honestly the first Christmas away from my family has me crabby. I miss my michiganders
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My gears are grinding
When having discussions about topics we as humans do not know the correct answer to, and being told my idea's and opinions on said subjects are wrong really fucking pisses me off. People are fucking idiots. They don't know if their ideas are even correct so dismissing someone else's idea's shows you are probably not open minded enough to even be having a discussion on unanswerable questions.
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Twats killing people
I am deeply saddened by all the deaths happening in our world currently from people who think they have the right to take someone else’s life away. But at the same time I don’t understand how making a status saying you are praying for France or any other countries being attacked, do we as people need to get attention through social media to make us feel like better people?
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I thought people on Highdeas would be positive as fuck. But every single time I post a thought on life’s wonders or post positive vibes, all these negative muh fuckuhs comment and totally suck the fun of the website for me
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The kind of stoned you get and have ambition to do a mad cleaning shesh to the house is always a welcome buzz 😚
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Let’s talk about blunts
Deeply saddens me when I see people post pictures of smoking blunts and you see they are just rolled HORRIBLY, smoke a fat blunt that looks like a damn Cuban cigar if you are going to post it on the world wide web. (Will make you look cooler because that’s what you are trying to achieve)
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And the theme song to my bad ass life.
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Having the person you love become so depressed they can't enjoy life for being what it is and sleeping all the time is really a heart breaking thing to watch.
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I am my own leader and my own follower.
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Long Live ASAP
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Come with me and we drift away, we can all get high together and drift away.
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I am in the happiest mood and everyone else is crabby and negative so deciding to drown the shit talking about their shitty lives with some old school Tech N9ne 🤗
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Everybody wants to be Somebody's Everything.
Chance The Rapper
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Being and Earthling is kind of a crazy experience, we all communicate our ideas and theories about the Unknown, and even though we have no actual answer that has been proven correct, we all assume our opinions are the answer which causes a serious lack of respect for the other persons beliefs and ideas. 
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“I can see with closed eyes the beauty that dances…”
~ Rumi
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Be Different. Do Different Things.
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