themoabmercury · 11 days
Long story short: Michael Flynn vs. a preacher who actually reads the Bible.
No compromise here; this is "strong meat" as Paul put it in is letter to the Hebrews.
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themoabmercury · 12 days
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themoabmercury · 15 days
An entirely unbiblical development. These reactionary priests will end up driving a stake through the heart of the church.
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themoabmercury · 1 month
This whole argument assumes that "gender transition" is the medically accurate term for the surgery. It is not.
This is one case where science, not mysticism, must be given place. It would also be valuable to discuss the legal framework around gender confirmation surgery in different countries. It does not work the same way everywhere you go.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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First of all, $60 for a Trumpy Bible? Just Google it, and you can have a Bible for free -- any time you want.
Second of all, the last paragraph of this piece is everything (Just click the Source link below left). Pastor Warnock knows what's up.
As for Trump's threat to "Make America Pray Again", you can find a copy of the Constitution on line for free, too.
First Amendment, in case you're curious.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
My girl, Shinny, told the truth. The focus should have been on how everyone else hated their lives being disrupted BY the truth.
As Shinny said here.
The Vatican were the changers of money when they should have been Jesus Himself.
Unless you become as little children . . . .
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October 3, 1992:  Sinead O’Connor appeared on Saturday Night Live singing an  acapella cover of Bob Marley’s song “War”, changing some of the lyrics to include references to child abuse, and ending the performance by tearing up a photo of Pope John Paull II and saying “fight the real enemy”.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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We here at Civil Society are Catholics and Jews who despise the dominionist movement.
Spare us the part where the amoral, transactional, sex-addicted, and biblically illiterate Donald Trump speaks for ANY religion besides the one that worships him.
It's not Christianity that's under siege; it's Trumpism.
Carry on, soldiers. And remember the name of dominionist stooge and Trump apologist, Karoline Leavitt. Trump will be giving her a higher public profile in the days ahead.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
Just wanna say something: It is a sin and a shame for an investment banker to call himself "an old-time Christian", and arrange for his client's CEO to make 350 times what the company's employees make.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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Our parent company, Civil Society, employs bi, intersex, gender non-binary, and gender-ambiguous people of color.
Just so you know where we're coming from.
So. If you claim membership in the lgbtqia community, but spew hate speech against other marginalized groups, we don't know you.
If your first reaction to expert medical advice is, "I'M NOT A JEW!!!", we don't see you, and we don't hear you.
Your queer identity will NEVER give you a free pass for religious hatred.
One other thing: We met with the person who inspired this post because some of our Jewish employees asked us to see what we could do to help.
This was the thanks we got from the object of our efforts. Their handlers warned us to keep their client's identity confidential.
We might not do that.
And we have the money to withstand all legal challenges.
We hate antisemitism, and we shun antisemites.
That is all.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
How Uncommitted Are You?
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It's 2016 all over again as youngsters cruising through college on Daddy's money urge their fellow kids to use their ballots as toilet paper, and sit this election out in protest of . . . Netanyahu???
No, we don't think over-earnest students dreamed up the Uncommitted campaign.
No, we don't conflate Netanyahu with the state of Israel, with Zionism, or with Judaism.
We do agree with you that both candidates should be exhibits in a museum somewhere.
But, mostly, we wonder how "uncommitted" you'll be when the winner dies in office, and we're forced to come to terms with, say, Trump's vice president ascending to the presidency.
Will it be Marjorie Taylor Greene? Tucker Carlson? Some state attorney general who wants to inflict the death penalty on women who've had abortions? Or, the perpetrator of the latest mass killing?
Or, will you just "Leave It Blank", and go back to doom-scrolling?
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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Oh, what crazy times!
These pictures were meant to contrast American Democratic leadership with Trump's leaden, Eastern European style, and they did -- on the surface.
But everyone knew that a Clinton, an Obama, or a Biden was just as likely to steal you blind as a Trump was. In fact, they'd get together at Davos and laugh themselves sick over it after it was done, and you were left wondering how you'd ended up with nothing.
That's one thing you'll never get from the Moab Mercury or our parent company, Civil Society. We're here to restore income equality, and to resuscitate the American Dream.
No, none of us are running for anything. At companies like Bethlehem Steel, Hillshire Farms, and now, See's Candies, we're offering a living wage and then some, spectacular benefits, and a work week that tops out at 59 hours during the holiday rush.
Yes, we're hiring -- at all three of those companies.
Come see us, and find out who we really are when the cameras stop flashing.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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Watch these elections
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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Must-read. Uplifting as the old Reader's Digest.
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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Who cares what Trump meant by "bloodbath"? The only thing that matters is how his disciples will take it.
This is our second warning to the Trump campaign and its supporters: The Second Amendment and Stand Your Ground laws app!y to EVERYONE who isn't voting for Trump, and everyone who isn't voting at all. You want a bloodbath? We'll be here. With our registered guns and our unregulated, high-capacity magazines.
See you soon. 💥💥💥💥💥
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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themoabmercury · 2 months
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The most sensible proposal we've heard yet.
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