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[»]          P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N          [«]
[»] › N A M E : Dawnelle “Dawnie” Meadows        
Dawnelle? That is a…strange name.
[»] › G E N D E R : Boy 
I’m not gonna judge the choice in attire. People can dress however they want, but why so overtly feminine if you identify strictly as male?
[»] › A G E :  Nineteen   
[»] › H E I G H T :  4’ 11   
That is really short. Especially for a 19-year-old male. Is there a reason for being this short, or was it just to be ~kawaii~?
[»] › N I C K N A M E S :   
Dawnie, Dawn, Nellie, Nelle, Flower, Rose 
Why are some of the nicknames so girly? And where did “Flower” and “Rose” come from? Please tell me we’ll get an explanation for this.
[»] › I M M . S P I R I T :   Xochipilli    
Okay, that explains the flower stuff at least. But given Xochipilli's appearance I don’t think that Dawnie’s makes much sense.
[»] › W E I G H T :   100 lbs 
Congratulations! At least this OC is a healthy weight!
[»] › S E X U A L I TY :   ROOSTER
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The fuck?
[»] › C O I N - S T A S H :   0
[»] › I T E M S :  Sacred Item - Rose necklace (i didn’t draw //sob) 
[»] ›  B O D Y - T Y P E : same as Bambi— 
He has almost a wasped waist and wide hips, & thick thighs
his torso is small, just like the rest of his body
So he has a build like King Tut, minus the cleft foot. Why would you want to give your male OC this build? I don’t think that’s normal.
[»] › L E V E L : 0
P E R S O N A L   I N F O R M A T I O N  
Soft Spoken || Optimistic || Calm || Adorable || Elegant || Happy || Whoops Yandere || Dictator || Sadist || Cruel || Evil
[[ A common term in otaku fandom, a yandere is a person (usually female) romantically obsessed with someone to the point of using violent means to get them in their arms. ]]
Often seen with a sharp weapon and a psychotic grin. 
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I really don’t like yanderes.
[[Aha, aye look I made a yandere this time. Welp, on the outside and during first confrontation,
Dawnie is just a huge loveable Sweetheart that honestly wouldn’t hurt a fly. (unless you touch his bae) He rarely ever
uses curse words, replacing them by saying things like “Gosh darn it" or "Oh bunnies!" Dawnie is extremely fond
of plants and animals, and can understand and talk to them, which was how he met Meli. Meli is his forever husbando, and 
welp touching him means you just have a silly ol’ deathwish you fucking cockslut uvu. Speaking of cocksluts, just like drunk 
Bambi, Dawnie is in fact an exclusive cockslut aha //hit. He’s an extreme power bottom that likes to dominate everything, cause
it gives him a sense of power. ]]
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Dear sweet Jesus, why? Why did I have to read that?
I just-I can’t. I physically can’t. I just-I hat yandere character so, so much. It is never, ever done well. No exceptions. Period.
B I O G R A P H I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N  
[»]   ›HISTORY:
Back up in the whole God World, Bambi and Dawnie were actually still bestfriends. They knew each 
other from when they were little baby godlings, and mind you, they are extremely close. Like extremely close 
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Yeah, we get is. They were fucking. Remind me why you couldn’t tell us. Also, who is Bambi? You keep mentioning this “Bambi” person, but not everyone knows who this is.
He didn’t mind the whole idea of coming down to Earth to get more followers, since that just meant less god duties and more relaxing time with his friend.
Um, that’s okay I guess. I don’t really know that much about Mayan civilization, so for all I know that’s something that makes sense.
He’s currently dating 
 to the Mayan Bee God Meli, whom he loves and cares for very much so, and will kill you in your sleep if you so much as look at him in interest.
We get it!
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They met when Dawnie was playing with a Bee he found while trying to take Mister Kitty home, and it turned out the tiny bee belonged to Meli. Since then they’ve been completely in love, and almost inseparable to the point Dawnie usually crashes at his house cause he wants to snuggle his bishie boyfriend like 24/7
Yeah, because immediately falling in love for legitimately no reason makes perfect sense. #sarcasm.
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Also, please someone tell me that this caracter wasn’t made solely for the purpose of “hot yoais.”
, just someone lie to me so I ca have a moment of joy.
 M I S C E L L A N E O U S    I N F O R M A T I O N
 ✔ Animals
✔Cute things
✔Baking Pastries
✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Roleplaying aha
✔sex and playing with himself—//hit
✔ Dominating things
✔ Winning (He’s hella competitive) 
✔Sharp Objects
We. Get. It.
~Fucking Yandere~
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✖ Loud Noises/Loud people (They scare him badly) 
✖ Crowds
✖ Lightning/thunderstorms
✖ Being away from Meli
✖ Animal Abuse
✖ When Animals or Plants die
✖ Spicy foods (sensitive tongue)
✖ Disgusting Food (Meli’s a great chef so he loves him even more QvQ )
I, personally, have never met anyone who
animal abuse.
disgusting food (which is more-or-less subjective) for that matter.
I hate throw-away traits. They fill up the space that could be used for
details and are usually just things of no consequence or are obvious.
[»]   ›IMM. SPIRIT:
No appearance given
God Of:
 Flowers (Nicknamed the ‘Prince of Flowers’) 
 Sex / Homosexuals / Male Prostitutes
Even with some of this in mind there is really no reason for
whole existence to be
~hot yandere yoais.~
[»]   ›TRIVIA:
  ✿ Can do almost any dance (Lap Dances and strip tease included honhonhon) but he’s a bit weak when it comes to belly dancing; Bambi teaches him (Bambi’s a pro ;v; )
✿ Blacks  out and goes unstable when his jealousy trigger is activated
✿ Has flower tattoos scattered and hidden on his body
✿ Hella Dominant when drunk
✿ Enjoys Hot Springs
✿ Hella emotional
✿ Knows cheerleading and gymnastics
✿ gets confused for a girl often, which is a-okay
✿ dont touch Meli //sob
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Seriously though, just stop telling us the same things over and over again.
 Hate |  Dislike |  Neutral |  Like |  Interest |  Friend |  Best Friend |  Love |  Family
   Meli / Ah Muzen Cab ” touch him and ill make you wish you never existed ♥♥♥ 
  Bambi Lockheart / Amun-Ra || ”Ah! I-I love him! 
 Axel Grey / Apup | “ He’s like a-a big brother to m-me..~”
  Aizen Miy’o  ”I’ve only ever met him o-once.. 
[»]   ›OTHER:
 Behavioral Science/Behavioral Psychology
Behavioral Science is the systematic analysis and investigation 
of human and animal behavior through controlled and naturalistic observation, and disciplined 
scientific experimentation. By studying micro expressions in a persons face, and deciphering
the difference between truthful micro expressions and the opposite in a persons’ face, he is able 
to tell when someone is lying or not. He also has a small job on the side, where he helps people 
who need to know the truth.
Think of that one Doctor Lightman from Lie to Me. 
He also has some Medical Training
Of course he has medical training.
will add soon TBA
R O L E P L A Y    I N F O R M A T I O N
[»]   ›METHODS:
 ▴ Skype - This is probably the easiest way to roleplay with me, since i’m logged in almost all the time. Note me for my skype name.
▴ Notes - This is okay as well, though I would prefer Skype over it, but I can still manage. I’m mostly on my phone, so notes takes a bit for me.
▴ Comments - Ehh.. I can if you really want to, but i would prefer Notes or Skype rather. 
[»]   ›RP STYLE:
 ▴ Para/Lit - I prefer these over anything else; I absolutely love to do Para, so please bear with me if I suggest 
▴Script - Ah, I do these whenever i want a fast paced, quick RP, but they’re not something I prefer. I’ll do it if you want, though. 
[»]   ›RATINGS:
Fluff || Smut || Quickies/One Night Stands || Relationships || Casual || Drama || Mature 
I’m comfortable with anything really, like Hardcore BDSM, Kinks, ect. Just, try to inform me beforehand, so I can prepare. I’m not familiar with all the kinks, so if I don’t know what it is, you’ll have to explain it to senpai aha. //tears
[»]   ›RP SAMPLE:
{{The person has a lot of sueish characters but this one takes icing to the cake to me-}}
And I can see why. This one is really bad. Granted, I have seen worse but this is still really bad. Just bad enough that I can’t think of a way to improve them without getting rid of them and starting over. Most of this just screams “otaku weeb OC maker” to me though so I don’t hold out much hope for the remake.
Either way, lets just get this over with. Yanderes are usually some of the first to infect others.
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I stumbled on this blog, and I have to say it’s really cool. I also saw that you do reviews on original characters. If you don’t anymore, go ahead and delete this. But I created a Creepypasta character (Who still needs a bit of development, but I thought might as well get any kinks out now before they get to bad.), and if you don’t mind could you review her?
I apologize for the lack of a picture, but I’ve been reworking how I draw at the moment.
Aww, well aren't you a sweety! And yes I will review people's OC per request and don't mind at all so I will gladly be looking over this!
Name: ??? (No one can figure it out due to how much gibberish she spouts in between coherent sentences)
Hm...yes very interesting. Lets see where this goes.
Age: 20-something to 30-something (No actual records exist, so guesses are made based on her physical appearance)
Gender: Female, although she will respond to ‘it’
I think there could be a better way to word this. Maybe something like "appears female, but will respond to anything." For all I know this is perfectly fine, but I tend to get paranoid about my wording at times.
Looks: she has raggedy and matted short blonde hair, green eyes, a scrawny build, and various stitches/lacerations along her body, as well as a large chunk of her left cheek ripped off (Reason as why this exists will be given in her bio)
So far so good, I must say. Although I personally enjoy creepypasta monsters that aren't necessarily super humanoid in appearance this is at least something that makes sense. It seems pretty obvious that you aren't trying too hard and I can appreciate that.
Bio (This is what needs the most work, but a lot of it is interconnected with another story, so it may take a bit.) :
Take all the time you need, dear.
She was found by a group of doctors, who worked for a slightly crazed man who wanted to make as many creatures to protect him as possible but that’s a much longer and more complicated story, outside their lab building with a large chunk of her left cheek missing. After asking her about it, they could make out that she was lost, and due to starvation, cut it off with a jagged rock to eat.
Sufficiently creepy. Also, kinda interested in hearing about this crazy man who wanted the protection monsters.
Also, while it seems a bit...strange to me about her cutting off part of her cheek to eat I am willing to suspend my disbelief due to this being a creepypasta. I mean, if I can suspend my disbelief for Jeff the Killer I can suspend my disbelief for this. Especially if everything else is well done. Which, I have faith that everything will be okay here.
They took her into the lab, and like many other people they lead in with false promises of shelter, locked her in a room, and over several years, experimented on her. They were told to make some sort of anti-“Slender” creature, as their boss was paranoid that his ‘daughter’ (Who didn’t actually exist) was the next victim of the Slender.
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The years of constant torture and experimentation broke her mind completely,  and when the whole lab went to chaos, she found her way out, free to wreak havoc on the world.
Enemies: None, as her mind doesn’t function well enough to register names of people. She has a large distaste for people in the medical fields, being more brutal towards them.
Yes, makes sense. It seems all good so far.
Other: She lures people into alleyways by pretending to need help, then waits until their back is turned. The last thing people hear when they follow her is a distorted voice uttering the phrase “You shouldn’t trust a stranger”. All that remains of her victims is a pile of bones scattered about, as she devours their bodies. 
So what are your thoughts? Go ahead and rip into her, as I welcome critiques. Thank you for your time.
All-in-all this seems to be pretty good. She needs a bit more fleshing out to be sure, but maybe not on my level of detail. I'll go onto a fourth page of a word document...so I may or may not go overboard.
Personally, I'd make her extremely difficult to understand due to her missing a portion of her face. Maybe even have her tongue loll out of that side of her face since she lost protection for that part of her mouth. Maybe missing a few teeth even?
Also I would add lots of details to the backstory, maybe a little more to her killing methods. But overall she's really not that bad and I don't have too many specific suggestions.
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This is yuuki my dbz oc, ain’t she cute!
>of course she is…
I paired her with Trunks!
>Oh…thats so clichee… but its nice to see a >oc which isnt paired with vegeta…
She is a saiyian but she is part wolf and can control like snow, ice, water.
>Oh …. is this a crossover between twilight , >frozen and Avatar? 
She is goku’s adopted daughter so she is gohans older sister though she can live forever.
>Oh dear… gokus adopted daughter is kinda >ok…but immortal? WHAT? 
She is a famous singer all over Tokyo, but her family comes first before music.
>And next comes that she is the best friend of    >hatsune miku… oh and of course she always  >looks after her family…
She is a very happy and powerful girl, and is the most get alongable girl ever!
>Im done…im so done…
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Well, considering you sent his on Anon, I had no option to reply to this post privately. So if you want questions to not show up on here you'll have to send them off Anon.
Also, please refrain from using the names (real or usernames on anything) when you send anything in. It protects them from being harassed, as discussed on several other Mary Sue blogs. So if you want a character to be reviewed its best to just send them in through the submit.
And finally, I don't know anything about Fairy Tail. So I personally can't review anything from this fandom. So if you wanted a review for anything from the Fairy Tail fandom you'd have to do it yourself and then submit it. Although I am open to the idea accepting other moderators at some point so that could also be an option.
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I really like you, Whovians unite! Also I found a juicy Mary Sue if you want too see it. :D
Aw, well aren’t you a sweet Anon!
Also yes, I definitely want to see this Sue. Sent it on in!
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Hello. I have an idea for a story and I can't share it with anyone in RL. Please tell me if its good. so. a world where all women are imprisoned in camps and men guard them. This happened because the leader has serious mommy problems. Our heroine wants to break out and change the system (stereotypes all the way yes). but no one has escaped before because reasons Idk. She, her gf and some others makr a plan to escape etc. Do you think it would work? Didn't really thought of the details yet
I think it might could work. Granted, it is a very stereotypical setup, but so long as you can do something creative with it I don’t really think that matters. I mean, if TV shows are allowed to take the same plots and use them over and over again with little variation why can’t authors do the same thing (but with more variation because it takes more investment to read than watch a sitcom)?
Now, this isn’t exactly my cup of tea right off the bat. But if you do something really good with this story I’d be more than willing to give it a shot. Also, lesbians are super important so I’m already on board with your inclusion of a lesbian relationship if nothing else.
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Hi! I had a bit a trouble navigating your blog, so apologies if what I'm asking was something you have already answered. Do you accept normal OC's and review them, or only Mary Sues? I am roleplaying/writing a Fire Emblem awakening story with two OC's and have been trying for the past HOUR to find an active site to review them. Thank you for your response, and if you don't take normal OC's or are no longer accepting I completely understand. Thanks!!!
Oh, I’m sorry to hear about you having trouble! Maybe I should make some kind of rules page or something then when I update the page? Not that I mind answering questions like this.
Also, I am more than willing to review OCs of any nature. Good or bad. So go ahead and send in your OCs and I’ll be happy to let you know what I think. I can understand what it’s like to feel like you need a second opinion on characters so I’m pretty much always open to assisting people on this front should they need it.
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Idk but how would one make a good OHSHC oc? Im very curious about that because i've seen very bad ones around and very few good ones. Any tips?
Ah, thank you for your question! I’m always willing to help someone out in the field of OC creation especially considering I have so damn many.
Now, because this got a touch lengthy I put up a “read more.” Y’know, to be kind to your dash.
My first suggestion would be to think of “what makes a good OC?” I know that’s the basics, but because OHSHC is at least somewhat grounded in the real world it’s a good place to start. Once getting past the basics its important to apply the rules of said universe. So for this particular fandom that means normal hair colors (unless they wear wigs or dye it) and normal eye colors (unless they wear colored contacts).
As far as their role in the school, any type of “androgynous girl who get recruited to the Host Club for any reason” is pretty much out. Because we already have Haruhi, we don’t need another. However, if one were to create a female OC who they wanted to have interact with the Host Club they could have them be a regular customer of the club and that would work out just fine. Or (and this could be an interesting set up for a fan fic or roleplays) be part of a rival Hostess Club.
As for if you create a male OC, I think actually putting them into the Host Club in a way that would make sense would be really difficult. The set up that the show/manga started with is really good so I can forsee problems arising if you were to put another member in the Host Club. So having them be a member of another club, or just a friend of one of the hosts who didn’t ant to join, would be the best option here.
Now, as for the relation said OC has to canon characters I must stress this: do not make them related to them. This is exceptionally difficult to pull of because it pretty much always breaks canon unless there is some way to have your OC be a mostly undressed member of someone’s family. For example, I have a Game of Thrones OC who is a very distant Lannister cousin living in Lannisport. This doesn’t upset the flow of anything and it doesn’t force her into the goings-on of the main portions of the story. So that seems pretty okay to me.
I must also stress this with the creation of OCs for OHSHC: do not have them dating a member of the Host Club. This basically messes up the whole dynamic of the reverse harem genre of anime. This is Haruhi’s unwanted harem of pretty boys, not your OC’s. Furthermore, dating someone in this line of work (i.e. someone who gets paid to date other women) wouldn’t really be a good idea for the vast majority of people.
Really, that’s all the advice I have. Some of it was pretty general, and with some tweaking I’m pretty sure this advice could apply to most any fandom. Overall, the main aim of creating OCs is to have fun. But keeping canon and plot devices/believability for readers or roleplay partners is important. Just because you create an OC for yourself doesn’t mean it isn’t nice when other people like it, so just sticking to some fairly logical and non-canon breaking options is usually the best option. For some people it can really challenge their creativity and that can be fun. Plus its always nice to have a character you can be proud of. Anyway though, I hoped that this advice helped!
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Holy crap! I come back from my time on the role playing side of Tumblr and find boocoos questions and submissions. This is really exciting!
I'll have to get on all this stuff when I'm back on my own computer so that I have access to all my GIFs. But I just wanted to address my having not been here for a while (so yes, this blog is still a thing) and thank you guys for sending in your reviews and asks!
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
My Little Pony Frienship is Magic: Sonic Rainboom
Also, while I’m here; have this freaking horrible Mary-Sueish, overpowered OC I found.
This is the legit backstory;
"Her name is Sonic Rainboom (please post bio :) )
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I can’t get the picture to load, so I’m gonna assume she looks like that…
She was born as an Earth pony when Rainbow Dash did a sonic rainboom for the first time, and she is the Sonic Rainboom in pony form.
That, um…but rainbows are in the air…and the Sonic Rainboom is a rainbow…and…
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Rainbow Dash found her and didn’t know what to do with her so took her to Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia looked into Sonic Rainboom’s eyes and foresaw that she would be the most powerful pony in all of Equestria someday.
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I can’t respond to this high a level of bad…
She adopted her and raised her to be the princess of Equestria and her successor. She taught her everything she knows and the importance of friendship.
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But…Twilight Sparkle…
On her tenth birthday, Celestia walked into Sonic Rainboom’s bedroom and found her adopted daughter as an alicorn. Everyone was really confused and Luna took her in and did loads of tests on her to see why she had grown a horn and wings.
Earth Ponies are not capable of magic, and in order to become an Alicorn you (at least in Twilight’s case) have to create new magic. How did an Earth Pony sprout wings and a horn?
What is the reasoning behind anything that’s happened?
Furthermore, why does everything have to be an Alicorn? They’re basically the gods of the MLP:FiM world (or at least that’s what it seems like). I mean, most people in the fandom can reach the agreement making an Alicorn OC is a bad idea right? Right? Am I the only one who thinks it’s a bad idea?
Her cutie mark is the same as Rainbow Dash’s except the lightning bolt is purple so it’s not copying.
Actually, yeah it is.
And what’s even “Sonic Rainboom’s” purpose? Why is her Cutie Mark the same as Dashy’s? Why would an earth pony have a pretty Pegasus-specific Cutie Mark?
Luna found out that Sonic Rainboom was the Element of Power which meant that she was all of the Elements of Harmony combined (due to her being born from a rainbow), and she had the power to absorb talents and powers from other ponies.
She’s a black hole. Like, this OC is a legit black hole.
She accidentally absorbed the power from Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence and nearly went mad with the power. Celestia taught her to control her new magic and everything was fine for a few years.
Discord then invaded Ponyville and killed Princess Celestia in front of Princess Sonic Rainboom’s very eyes. Sonic Rainboom vowed to take revenge and chased after Discord and found him attacking the Mane 6. The Mane 6 were about to die when she stepped in and unleashed her power of power and absorbed all of Discord’s power and used it against him.
By doing this, Discord used the last of his chaos magic to send Princess Luna back to the moon for all of eternity in revenge, leaving Sonic Rainboom as the final successor to the throne of Equestria (Twilight is not princess here).
She mourned Celestia for days but then was calmed down thanks to her new friends, the Mane 6, and ruled Equestria as a kind and fair ruler.
She eventually married Shining Armour and had a foal called Princess Celestia after her deceased mother.”
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I physically can’t. Like, legitimately I don’t think I could process all of that if I tried for the rest of my life.
There is absolutely no way to fix this OC. I can’t even begin to comment on how awful all of this is. I…I’m done. Let’s just put this virus carrier out of her misery and move on.
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
So I had an idea for a skyrim oc. Hear me out. Born in the ratway by a runaway prisoner. She was found wrapped in her mothers bloodied dress by Delvin Mallory who took her in to the Ragged Flagon. She stayed there being raised by the many thieves. Learning their ways and keeping to the shadows. While she is good at sneaking and keeping quiet. She can't pickpocket to save her life. I'll have more info on her later but what do you think so far?
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This, I like this! Definitely interesting, definitely has potential. Just keep working on her and I'm sure you'll get something great!
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
Do you review stories? Like give tips on how to make them better, what would you suggest to improve this story? I have a creepypasta story that I really would like to have reviewed. If you don't then do you know anyone who does?
I would be willing to give it a whirl, yes. I actually do (sporadic) fan fiction reviews on Sailor Sue Reviews and do some editing for a few of my friends.
So if you submit the story I’d be willing to give it a shot. Alternatively, if it’s your own and you don’t want it to be seen by the other followers you could shoot me another ask and I’ll let you sent it to me via email.
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
Multi-Fandom: Kaoru Yuuka
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Hoo boy...after a long awaited decent internet connection, procrastination, more bad internet, more procrastination, my computer deciding it wants to break, and then finally breaking down and using internet explorer I can present to you my review of Kaouru Yuuka.
What you see above is two incarnations of Kaoru Yuuka. Kaoru Yuuka [Also known as Kamora Eudora] is one of the biggest self-insert multiverse sues you will find around. Not only have they have in over 30 fandoms, but the character has been paired with every Canon from said fandoms.
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Now, I have a few OCs that can fandom-hop, but they're small in number and a large amount of things about them gets changed. Granted, they only fandom-hop for roleplaying purposes, but the point of this being said is to prove that it actually can be done pretty well. I do it, I've roleplayed with people who do it.
Also, OCxCanon can be done. It's kinda hard, as the OC has to have a personality that would mesh well with the Canon character's and the Canon character must not be altered and made to act in an OOC way.
With all this being said, do I have any faith that this has been done well in an OC that is in at least thirty fandoms and has at least one Canon lover in each fandom?
And you shouldn't either. I'm not saying this to bash anyone or their OC, I'm saying this because thirty fandoms is stretching an OC way too thin. Also, there's not way in hell that an OC's personality will mesh with every canon character's every time. There just isn't.
The character has no flaws, a barbie-esque body...
Everyone here hopefully already knows why characters need flaws, so I'm not even going to comment on that. I also don't have to comment on why having Barbie's body is bad, because lots of people have already done that for me. So here's a pretty info graphic that tells you the most important parts you need to know about why Barbie (and OCs shaped like her) can't function.
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a moving cowlick that expresses emotions...
Hair doesn't work like that...it just...it just doesn't.
can juggle multiple careers[like being a j-pop star and a lawyer]...
Oh God, she is Barbie.
Please, please just tell me I don't have to explain why this is bad. Please.
and can turn any canon into a sue. Beware if you see her if your fandom.
Beware and run like hell. Pretend like you never saw her, if you don't acknowledge her maybe she'll leave you alone.
Now, I don't fee like fooling with all the information from Encyclopedia Dramatica because it's just way too much to sift through. Plus it's the longer version of what' here already with a partial list of fandoms included. And I saw some fadoms that I have pretty big soft spots for, so I know it would a bad idea to try and talk about them. No one has that much time.
Just know that there is no way to fix Kaoru Yuuka.She's way too far gone, and as evidenced in the information present, she spreads the Mary Sue virus and must be put out of her misery.
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
Kill it with fire!
Oh sweet baby Jesus! I was afraid of this day, really I was.
However, I will not let down my first submitter. It'll just take some time for me to get the review done well since there's no formal bio for this...thing, so please be patient.
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
Creepypasta OC Submission: Riptide
This is the Slender Mansion-esque bio;
Alias: Riptide Name: Unknown Gender: Unknown Age: Unknown Looks: Wisps of white hair can be seen when the hood is removed, but it is falling from its rotting scalp. Large black eyes, with no irises or whites. Face consists of square patches of reddish purple skin, held grotesquely together by thin stitches, barely stretching to fit the head — leaving patches of foul-smelling rips in the flesh. Weapon of Choice: Fingers stretch into claws that can cut through any substance. The claws are said to be made of shadow, but this is not certain. Revealing the claws causes all bones in the hands to shatter and reform to elongate the fingers. Clothing: Dark clothing and a dark hood. In fact, the material is so dark that it can barely be deemed ‘black’. It is almost as if the creature IS part of the shadows. Friends: None. Prefers to work alone, but will work alongside others if it would put Riptide at an advantage, or if it is asked to — it obeys most of the time. It does, however, have no loyalty and a very strong survival instinct, so if it comes into trouble on a spree, it will dissolve into the shadows, not making any effort to rescue anyone relying on it. Enemies: None. It does not form relationships with people or other Creepypastas. It simply keeps to itself in the Slender Mansion, communicating only when necessary. Relationship Status: Single. Will remain this eternally, as it cannot feel loyalty or care towards any other being. Voice: Unknown. Riptide has never spoken aloud in the entirety of the time it has resided within the walls of the mansion. It communicates through thoughts and impulses in your mind. You will never quite know what it is trying to say, but you will feel its presence within your head, soundlessly urging you to do its bidding.
And this is the background/story;
Say the name around anyone with common sense, and they’ll tense up with fear.
Everyone who knows the tale of Riptide knows that saying the name aloud means certain death. Nobody knows when, or how, but there is no doubt in their minds that it will happen.
You could say it and be dead within seconds. It could take days, or weeks. In certain circumstances, it could take years.
But it will come. Riptide will come for you.
Nobody who ever sees it lives to tell the tale. Nobody has ever escaped, but all of the deaths are the same. The corpses are always similar; torn and ripped apart, skin hanging from exposed bones in tattered ribbons, the same unintelligible expression carved into their face.
Investigations and conspiracy theories, hundreds of them — all turned up with no results. Nobody knew of any weapons that could do such damage, leaving muscle and flesh pulverised into pink masses upon the floors of what used to be happy homes.
Thus, the tales of Riptide were born. People who were with victims before their deaths all reported the same things. The victims would begin acting strangely, gaps in their memory becoming apparent. They’d repeat themselves, sometimes only a few seconds after they first uttered the sentence. Then, their nerves would start to act up. Heads turning in ways that seemed almost inhuman, fingers elongating only slightly enough to catch a brief glimpse, fast enough so you’re never quite sure whether you imagined it or not. And the victims would all say one word, seemingly without reason: “Riptide”.
They could be in the middle of a conversation, or completely silent, even when alone: but the word would inevitably fall from their lips.
'Riptide. Riptideriptideriptide'.
Each syllable was accompanied by a jolt of the head, before the person in question would continue their previous activities seemingly with no memory of speaking. When questioned, they simply give a blank look.
And, every time, they turn up dead with the same mutilated corpse as the one before them.
Stories began to surface, people claiming to have seen the entity responsible with their own eyes.
Of course, none were true, as it was made sure of that nobody saw the creature and survived.
But over the centuries, hints were pieced together. Never enough to get the full story, but enough to get the corners of the jigsaw puzzle.
It was said that Riptide was humanoid. Nobody knew if it used to be human, or if it has simply always existed in a state of decay. Nobody will ever know. It is unknown if Riptide has a gender or even an identity to speak of.
All that is known is a vague appearance, deciphered by myself after having managed to catch the most nightmarish of tiny glimpses in my red-light camera.
I’ll never forget the moment I saw it. The image is burned into my eyelids.
Its face is grotesque. Under a hood, tight squares of red skin can be seen, barely stretching to fit the expanse of the head so that patches of foul-smelling, oozing liquid can be seen between the squares, held together by thin stitches. The foulest of odours permanently follows with it. Large eyes, lacking whites or irises… simply black. It seems to don what looks like dark clothing, so dark that they can’t be deemed ‘black’. It is almost as if it were part of the shadows.
Its fingers stretch into sharp ends, twisting, bones snapping and rearranging so it can reach you. Colourless clawas decorate the tips of its appendages.
I heard the stories. I’ve researched the existence of this creature for the majority of my life. I thought I was getting close, though I was going to be able to figure everything out, figure out exactly what Riptide was.
I think it’s been watching me all this time. I didn’t realize until they told me.
Told me I’d said it.
Riptide. Riptideriptideriptide.
I like this! I like this a lot actually, especially the story. It's not a rip-off of a pre-existing Creepypasta and is actually really original. In fact, if made longer/with more details it'd make a good movie or book. I mean, I'd watch/read it so at least that's one person. Everything seems to fit within the parameters of what makes sense for a Creepypasta.
Also, I really like the details added of what could possibly be a personality for this...thing (lack of loyalty, strong sense of self-preservation, & so on). Everything added to the bio in a good way and helped me to get a good feel for the character.
Furthermore, I especially like that Riptide wasn't just added onto another Creepypasta's story. That always annoys the hell out of me and screams "bad OC" every time it happens. So kudos! You seem to have done everything right and have yourself a very nice Creepypasta here.
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
What does the OHSHC middle school uniform look like?
Male uniform:
Female uniform:
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themarysuehunter-blog · 10 years
Mary Sues and Gary Stus are terrible characters. They are flat, static, and unrealistic. They are boring and they are craft failure. Don’t write them.
Does your protagonist change throughout the story?
If no: You need to change that. Your protagonist needs to be dynamic. They need to change...
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