theirownmoms · 8 years
Their Own Moms is now closed.
There will be no further updates to this blog. It will remain here untouched for as long as tumblr keeps it up.
If you’re wondering about the source of a gif posted here, check out the source lists. For the gifs themselves, look under the gifs tag. For the stories posted here, use the incest stories tag.
If you’re curious about the person who posted here, you have the entire blog at your disposal, including lots and lots of reader questions. But in particular, there is the about me section.
There is a tag cloud on the right-hand side of the blog that will help you navigate further, but it might not be visible if you’re viewing the mobile version of the site. For the full experience, you’ll need to use a laptop or desktop. (The tag cloud is hosted off-site and may stop working one day.)
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theirownmoms · 8 years
If you missed the earlier announcements - and judging by my messages, some of you have - this blog is closing today. Just to get this out of the way here at the beginning, there will be another post coming later this evening. It'll be a short and sweet post saying the blog is now closed. And probably some links to the source lists and whatnot, just to make it easier for people who might find their way here weeks, months, or even years from now.
But for all intents and purposes, what you're reading now is my last post.
I started this tumblr in September 2012, so about three and a half years ago. It's weird to think I won't be doing it anymore. Doing this blog, and thinking about what I'm going to do on the blog, have become a regular part of my life.
I'm going to miss it. As I write this, I’m honestly sad. I've talked before, and just did again in the last batch of reader questions, about how I don't think my life would be the way it is today if I hadn't started this tumblr. So for that reason alone I'm pretty attached to this place. Doing this blog helped change my life in ways I only could have dreamed of when I started it.
But even beyond that, I'm going to miss it. Everyone probably needs a creative outlet of some sort in their life. And I've never been much of an artist or anything like that. So I felt like the stuff I did here gave me that outlet. I'd always been a fan of the comics and stuff that guys like Johnny Fever did. And tumblr has always been full of porn gifs. When I decided to start this blog, I thought it would be cool to see if I could kinda combine those two things and use gifs to tell little stories. And it was. I enjoyed doing it.
I'm also going to miss the interactions with people here. I'm not sure how well it came through on your end of things, but this blog really felt like a community to me. I can't even tell you like... when I started talking about how we were moving, I got messages from people in real estate. People in banking. People with moving companies. All offering their advice, their help. And some of them offering it for free. Actually, nobody ever mentioned money, but not mentioning money and offering to do it for free are two different things. So I won't say everyone was offering their help for free.
When I posted a couple years ago about getting kidney stones, a lot of you wrote me with advice. Including a couple doctors. Actual doctors. I remember looking at one of their tumblrs and thinking whoa, a doctor with a tumblr. Because I'm pretty sure my doctor doesn't have one.
And now that we're moving, I've gotten several letters of advice from people who have done the same thing we are. Moving to a new place to openly be a couple. And they wanted to share some of the problems they ran into and the lessons they learned so that we can hopefully avoid them.
Those are just examples of the kind of interactions I've had with people throughout the life of this blog. If I had ever run into some kind of problem, I honestly feel like I could have posted about it here and there would have been several people offering to help me with it. Like physically help if they could. If a reader had written in about a problem, I would have gotten letters of advice for them too.
That's not something you find just anywhere. It's something special. I never could have anticipated anything like that developing when I first started doing this. And then there's all the messages I've gotten since saying I was closing the blog, which I also talked about in the last reader questions. It's been really overwhelming.
I'm going to miss it. And I'm going to miss everyone who helped contribute to making it that way.
But there are things I won't miss about doing this. I won't miss looking for porn. Really, I probably never even needed to look for porn in the first place. With the porn I had access to the day I started, I could have made the same number of gifs I ultimately posted here.
But it goes back to that creative outlet thing I talked about before. I had ideas for stuff and I'd always end up looking for new scenes that might match some of my ideas. And it turns into this never-ending search for something that probably doesn't exist anyway. I won't miss doing that.
Mostly, though, I won't miss the little nagging worry in the back of my mind that one day someone would go "Ah-ha! I know who you are!". Was I going to say the wrong thing and a reader would realize they know us? Would tumblr get hacked and information of mine would be exposed? I’ve had those thoughts in my mind every day.
Years back, before I ever even imagined doing a blog like this, there was a message board I used to go to. They had a section there where you could post pictures to be "faked", meaning people with advanced graphic skills would photoshop cum onto the face of the person in the pic. Or put a dick in their mouth. You know, classy stuff.
And as opposed to posting a pic of their favorite celebrity, some posters there would post pics of people they actually knew in real life. Even in some cases, their mom or their sister or whoever. It seemed like a terribly bad idea to me but people did it. And a lot of times, they would just save a picture off that person's Facebook account and post it to the board.
But it turned out, at least at the time, when you uploaded a pic to Facebook the picture would get renamed with a certain pattern of numbers. And part of that pattern was the profile ID of the account the picture came from. If you knew that pattern, you could figure out someone's profile ID. And once you had the ID, you could then look up the person who posted the pic.
So when these posters were saving pics off the Facebook of a girl they knew and then posting them to get “faked”, they were unknowingly providing information on how to find that’s girl’s Facebook profile. And sure enough, some people caught onto this. And I guess just for their own amusement, they started contacting the people whose pictures were being posted. Saying hey, your friend, your co-worker, your classmate, your friend's boyfriend, your brother, your son, is posting pictures of you because he wants to see dicks in your mouth.
Then when I first started this blog, there was (from what I gathered) a pretty popular porn tumblr that had just recently disappeared. It was run by a girl and I think a lot of it was about her sexual exploits. But it just up and vanished one day. And people started to say that she deleted it because someone figured out who she was and sent the link to her parents.
Those are just two of several examples I could mention. But I've had stuff like that on my mind the entire time I've been doing this blog. It's one of the reasons that, for instance, I've never taken a picture of anything and posted it here. I know you can go into the internal data of a picture and find out information, like the location the picture was taken. And it’s something I don’t know a lot about, meaning I'm not savvy enough to be certain I could remove all that before posting something. So I didn't take any chances doing it.
The first year in particular, back before I knew how she'd react, I was somewhat paranoid that I might slip up somehow and someone would send my mom a link here. Once everything happened and I told her about this place myself, that fear went away. But it was replaced by a new one, which was that I was posting about something that isn't legal most places.
I talked to her about that when I told her about the blog, and when we discussed whether I should keep doing it. But by then I knew she had my back and I felt a little more comfortable. And I figured that even if something like that did happen, nobody could prove that anything I was saying here was actually true. It's not like they'd have cameras in our house. I could just be making it all up.
But once we move, that's not going to be the case anymore. If we're presenting ourselves as a couple, which we hope to, then nobody would need to have cameras in our house. At that point, they would only need to prove we're related. And if they had our names, that probably wouldn't be too difficult.
I told you a while back about concerns she raised to me. And that was, while not the only one, I'd say the biggest. And there's really no arguing it. It would be a lot more risky to do this blog once we're openly a couple, because at that point we'd be conceding the thing that would be hardest to prove.
Once I accepted that, I also realized that this was just a good time to stop. Some of you even pointed out that I'd gotten hypothetical questions ages ago about when I might stop doing this. Early on I said if anything ever happened between my mom and I, although I obviously didn't stop then. But I also said if/when we moved, that would be a decent point to stop.
And that's the way it feels for me. I'm going to miss doing this, but we're going to be starting a whole new chapter of our lives. And before you get to a new chapter, you have to finish one. I think this is a good place for this chapter to end.
I know some of you disagree. I've gotten several messages from people saying they're sad because they want to know if she and I make it, if we last as a couple. But to be honest, I'm not worried about that in the slightest little bit. And trust me, I'm someone who tends to worry about things.
She's the only person for me. I've known that all along. And she told me when we first started that the relationship we'd already had for 20-some years was much too important to risk on some kind of fling that might not last. So if she had any doubts that we might not be together for good, she wouldn't have entered into this with me in the first place. We've known from day one that we were going to be together forever. And I know it’s a cliche, but we fall more in love with each other every single day. So it's nothing anyone should be concerned about.
I guess that's really all I have to say. On the surface this big move of ours is because she's taking a new job. She's not starting it for a while yet, so we have a nice long time to get moved, to get settled in, and get started on our new life together.
We’ve moved a few times before, back after my parents got divorced. Including a big one similar to what we're doing now. And every time we did, I remember sitting in the car with her, about to leave our old house, and she'd squeeze my hand and say "Here we go!". Like we were embarking on another new adventure.
I'm really looking forward to that moment. When we're right about to pull out of our driveway and start this latest adventure together. I'm gonna try to squeeze her hand and say it before she can do it to me, assuming she even remembers that.
I love her more than anything in the world. If any one message came through on this blog, I hope it was that. And I don’t want to hide that anymore. I want to be able to shout from the rooftops about how much I love her. And hopefully, not too long from right now, I'll be able to.
I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss you guys. Thanks for being part of this with me.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
Reader Questions - The Final Load
Before we get going with the questions, I want to mention that, first, this isn’t the last post. There will be another still to come.
And second, I’ve gotten a lot of really nice messages the past few weeks. And over this last week in particular. I’m not going to post them here as most weren’t questions, but I want to acknowledge them so that everyone who sent something knows how much I’ve appreciated it.
As for the questions, I haven’t done a big post like this since November. So this is a mix of standard questions and questions I’ve gotten since mentioning the blog was closing down. There’s a pretty clear difference in tone between them.
And there are always questions that either I don’t receive or they briefly show up in my inbox and then tumblr eats them. In the past, no big deal, people could always re-send their questions if they didn’t get answered. But that’s not the case this time so I kinda feel bad. To anyone who’s question didn’t make it, I’m sorry.
With all that said, on we go.
Did you and your mom have a good Christmas? Did you get her anything special?
We had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for asking.
I did get her something kinda special. To her it was special, at least. It wouldn’t be to anyone else. But to fully explain it, I’d have to discuss personal details about her I don’t feel comfortable sharing. It’s things people who know her may know.
This is probably a waste of all our time, but to try describing it vaguely, she does something, like a hobby, that she enjoys. And it’s a hobby where when she’s finished, she's produced something. A tangible... thing. And she’s produced several, but one in particular she’s really proud of.
I was reading about something and I saw a way where I could take that thing she’s proud of and… display it, I guess would be the best way to describe it. But the method in which it’s displayed actually ties into another thing she really likes. I’m sure this makes no sense at all, so I’m sorry for the crappy answer. But basically I found a way to bring together two things she really likes, and together it shows off the thing she’s proud of.
I thought it was neat. I hoped she’d like it, you know. But I didn’t anticipate it being anything that would blow her away. But boy, it blew her right the hell away. She just loved it. So it was pretty awesome.
Now that you've got a taste for blogging, will you be blogging somewhere else? Politics? Arts and crafts? Small engine repair?
I don't have any plans to. To be honest, I don't think I know enough about any other topics to blog about them. My mom, my feelings for her, on those things I'm pretty much the world's foremost expert. But anything else? I have no idea what I could blog about where anyone would go "Man, I'm interested in what this guy has to say".
So it seems unlikely.
I'm going to ask this here so everybody can read the answer. I remember you said somewhere that if it wasn't for this blog, things would not be the way they are now. Do you care to elaborate on that? Perhaps think about it as taking a stroll down memory lane with us to remember how it was not all a given before moving on to the next stage? How did it evolve from a fantasy into this? What were the stages and pivotal moments, like this blog for example was one of the final ones.
If I hadn’t started this blog, I don’t think there’s any way things would have worked out like they have. There’s a few reason for that, but the biggest one (and easiest to explain) is that without this blog I don't think I ever would have told her how I feel. I probably would have tried to bury my feelings and hope they finally went away, like I always had before. I think having this place to talk about it, rather than hide from it, helped me get to the point where I could tell her.
As for pivotal moments and that kind of thing, starting this blog was definitely one. Telling her was obviously one. But other than that, I think everything else was just the culmination of many little things that occurred between us. How our relationship evolved and became closer after I moved back home. If she ever said that certain moments were more key than others, I don’t recall it at the moment.
Do you think you will still update the Sydnee Steele blog after you stop updating this one?
No. Probably right around the same time this question was sent, I had a message queued up there to announce it closing. It was a fun side project, but I really didn't have much time to update it the last few months anyway.
Did you get the house with the cool shower?
No, but the realtor found out which renovating company (or whatever you’d call them) did that bathroom. So we're gonna have them do it to ours.
Your love story inspired me so much I've decided to make a web comic based on it :) I was hoping to send you the pilot episode before you decide to close the blog or not on February 1 but I'm afraid I wont be able to make that self-imposed deadline. In any event, I'm calling it Tommy and Gina and I hope I can do justice to your solid writing skills :D Hope you don't mind me using your lovely words for this project.
I'm sorry I won't be able to see it. That sounds really cool.
How would you feel about taking a break from this for a few years and then publishing your findings in an e-book anonymously? I frankly don't give a hoot about the salacious details, but the more mundane "life under cover" challenges of our type of unique relationships is rare to read about. Best of luck.
I dunno, I guess it mostly depends on how anonymous it would really be. I'd probably have to find some way to publish it where it couldn't be traced back to us.
And it would probably depend on what kind of issues we run into. If our experiences teach us things that might help others in similar situations, it's probably something I'd think about. Several people in situations like mine, starting fresh in a new place with this kind of relationship, have reached out in the last month with advice based on things they've gone through. Which I've greatly appreciated. If I was able to help others in the same way, I'm sure I'd consider it.
What do you want your legacy to be? Great blogger? Top notch erotic gif maker? Pioneer for the acceptance of incestuous relationships?
My legacy? I dunno... I just ran a tumblr for a few years. I don't think it's important enough to have left a legacy.
I just hope people liked the blog, that's all. But if I had to pick something more profound than that, then I guess... I've had people tell me that they've found this blog (or been shown it) and it's kinda opened their minds a little. Like they say they’re for equality with marriage laws and that kind of thing, but someone would go "Well, what about being able to marry multiple people? What about two adults getting married who are related? Are you for that?" and they weren't.
But they read some of my story and saw there was nothing sinister going on. Just two people who love each other. And it helped them see things a little differently.
So if anything here has helped people look at things in a new way, that would be good. I think I’d pick that legacy over “he made good naughty gifs”. Not that I’m not proud of the gifs.
A while back you said if you told anyone about your relationship with your mom it'd be your aunt (her sister). Have you done that yet? If so, what was her reaction? If not, do you plan on telling her or anyone else?
No, we haven't told her. We don't have any plans to tell anyone. I think if we ever did tell her, it would probably be because we thought she'd already figured it out for herself. Or if we needed to for some reason, though I'm not sure what such a reason would be.
What's the source video of (your url)/post/103274670489 ? Who is the actress? What is the name of the scene?
There are source lists to answer just those sorts of questions. That one’s older, so check the second one.
Hey man. I've been following your blog since practically the beginning, and I've had a question I've been wanting to ask. Since the blog is ending, it's now or never. I know you say that the incest thing isn't a big part of it for you - that you don't want her to mention it or play on it or whatever. But do you ever have/have you had moments while you're having sex where you just get focused in on the whole thing? Like "holy shit... I'm having sex with my *mom*. It's really happening."
I can't specifically remember just zeroing in on the mom thing. Even today I have moments where I can't believe we're doing it. Or that she feels about me like she does. But it's bigger than just because she's my mom.
She's the woman of my dreams. And it actually happened. This incredible amazing beautiful woman picked me to be with. Why? It boggles my mind. There are many reasons why it's hard to believe sometimes, and the fact she's my mom is only one of them.
But with that said, I can't say I never focused in on just the mom aspect at some point. I probably did. But it would have been back at the beginning and I just don't remember it.
Obviously you've had to lie by omission for reasons of privacy. No arguments there. However, did you ever tell a fib in your personal story that was a whopper? Come on -- 'fess up.
Well, I guess I can come clean now. To be honest, my mom really isn't all that hot. And when I told her how I felt about her, she kicked me out and hasn't talked to me since. But other than that, it's all been true.
No, there's nothing I can think of that was a particularly big lie. Any outright lies I told would be so that if someone who knew us in real life was also reading this blog, they wouldn't be able to piece certain things together. Like if I were to say that we're officially moving on a certain day, I wouldn't say the actual day. I'd say a day weeks after we moved. Or weeks before. Because people who know us in real life would know the day we're moving, and if I gave the same day here they could go "Hmm".
So stuff like that.
Do you have any regrets about the blog? Anything you wince about now when thinking? As well, any surprises looking back?
There are some things I wish I hadn't said. I'm not going to mention what they are, but I liked to think I had a good ability to filter out certain things. And it failed on a few occasions.
As for surprises, I've talked several times in the past about how surprising it's been to me that this blog has been popular with girls. Or women. Girls and women. I never know what word to use. "Girls" seems to imply someone young, the same way "boys" does, and “women” implies someone older. Is there a feminine version of "guys" that doesn't imply anything about age? The only thing I can think of is gals, but nobody ever says gals. I realize it's a bit late in the game to be asking this.
Anyway. It's probably just my own cluelessness, but it never occurred to me that, um, ladies had fantasies about their dads. Or had "daddy" fantasies in general, even if it wasn't about their actual fathers. And likewise that mothers had incest fantasies, even if not about their actual sons. For whatever reason, I just thought it was a guy thing. So that was definitely surprising.
Then there's stuff like I just mentioned in a prior answer, people telling me this blog has helped them see things differently. People have written into say that I inspired them to tell the love of their life how they felt. Or that this blog helped them deal with feelings or fantasies they had, whether it’s being less ashamed of them or giving them the courage to broach it with their significant other for roleplay ideas and that sort of thing. I never could have expected anything like that.
I’ve gotten a lot of messages like that this week and it’s very surprising for someone to tell me that this blog had an impact on them. And a positive impact at that.
If you leave can you let us know any other sites with stories about incest please
There are lots of sites with stories about incest. Literotica is probably the most well-known, but just google "incest stories" and you'll find lots of stuff.
Hi, can you please update your about me with a list of people who know about your relationship?
I know. She knows. If you're reading this, you know.
That's the list.
Will you be living in this new place as husband and wife?
We plan/hope to live openly as a couple, but I don't think we're going to pretend we're actually married. I wouldn’t mind doing that but there are a lot of issues that go into it.
In your 'How I Told Her' post of two years, ago, she broke off the conversation for a phone call from her sister. I am curious, what was her thought process during this time?
At some point back then, I'm pretty sure I explained it from her side. I would just link it for you, but I have no idea which post that's in. So I'll just tell you as best I remember.
Back at the time, I thought she was on the phone that entire time after our talk ended. But she told me later she laid on her bed for at least a half hour or so, kinda freaking out. Good freaking out, not bad. She was aware that she'd been feeling things that weren't typical motherly feelings, but she hadn't ever said to herself that she was in love with me. Or that she otherwise had any kind of romantic type feelings for me. That's when she realized that that's what those feelings were. That she felt the same way I did.
I think the word she used was overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed (in a good way) by everything I had said to her about how I felt. And then realizing she felt the same way was overwhelming too, also in a good way.
But she wanted to give it a lot more thought and not rush into anything. So she basically put it all aside to think about later, and had to get herself together, and then she called my aunt back and had to keep from saying anything about it.
The "Summer of '78" story was beautiful and sad. Were those real events or a fictional story? Do you know if the writer has written anything else?
I'm honestly not sure if it was meant to be a real account or not. The author didn't mention having anymore stories. It just showed up in my inbox. It doesn’t seem to have been posted anywhere else, which would make me think it might be something that really happened.
I'm not sure if you elaborated on this, but I'm assuming the house you're leaving is the one you grew up in. Are you guys going to miss the house where all this started? Did you consider that when you were thinking of moving? If you were to come back to the house in a few years would you have a moment like "Oh the stories these walls could tell!" or something like that?
We've lived in our current house for many years, but we moved a few times after my parents got divorced. So it's not the "house I grew up in" as though I'd lived in it all my life. But we've still spent a long time here. So yeah, I definitely think we'll miss it. It's a really nice house and we have lots of memories here. Some sexier than others for sure.
Are you a troll?
I don't think so.
Has your mum ever been back to that psychic?
The psychic as mentioned in the previously linked “How I told Her” post, yes, she's been back. The psychic has never said anything about our relationship, if that's why you're asking. Some people have asked that before. I think the closest she's come is just saying that she can tell both of us are very happy about where we are in life, or words to that effect.
Mostly they talk about what dead people have to say. But no dead people have said anything about it either, so I guess that's good. Maybe they approve.
Or... you know. Maybe it's all bullshit. But she's not a big fan of that suggestion.
Will you keep blogging but not about this subject? Or would bridging some of your audience to a new subject rather miss the point of closing things down?
As I mentioned earlier, I don't expect to be doing any blogging of any kind. But if I did, I don't think I'd ever mention that I'm the guy from this blog.
A mom here. I sometimes wish I could do that "Movie Night" technique to get my son to stay but I worry it'd keep him away more!
Hey, you never know, you can never underestimate the allure of a blowjob. Especially if he doesn't have a girlfriend or anything. But you know him best. Don't listen to me.
I feel like you're totally bullshitting us. You've never actually had sex with your mom, or else you would have actually proved it.
It's a shame you waited so long to send this, because I would liked hearing your suggestion on how I could have proven it without publicly posting our pics, names, and my birth certificate to prove they all matched.
The first time you saw her naked you said for as long as you've wanted to see breasts in general you'd wanted to see her breasts in particular. Now that you see them all the time, is it any less exciting? Does it still make you hard or are you so used to seeing them that they don't have the same effect anymore?
I'm sure in some sense I've gotten used to seeing them. I mean, I'm not worried anymore that I might cum or pass out just from the mere sight of them. But I get hard watching her unbutton her blouse. So seeing them is still very exciting.
good moms give their sons pussy
You should make that into a bumper sticker.
Put up a pic of your moms cunt
You first.
My favourite story was the one about the wrestler and his mom. Have you ever heard more from him?
No, I think that's the only thing I got.
Any regrets? What about words of wisdom? Hypothetically, your secret life were to go public, what would you want to say?
I have no regrets. I'd like to hope there's some small degree of wisdom contained somewhere in these answers, but I couldn't tell you where to find it.
If it went public, I'd want people to know how much I love her. My big fear is that if we were ever found out, she would get the blame. Like I couldn't have fallen in love with her of my own volition, she must have groomed me or something like that. Like a predator. And as you’re well aware if you've read this blog, that would be completely untrue.
You and your mum are in different phases of life. Will you want children? But at her stage of life, would she?
She can't have more kids, so the only issue is whether I’d want to. And I really don’t. I do think she feels kinda bad that I won’t be able to. But I’m not worried about it.
How would you answer the Proust Questionnaire?
Thoughtfully. Carefully. You weren't asking me to answer the whole thing, were you?
So did you lick eggnog off her tits again this year?? lol
Yes. And Bailey's Irish Cream, which she always likes to get at the holidays. I think we might stick with that going forward, I like it better than eggnog.
Hey mate it's Mac, no updates or anything just wanted to send a message to WineMom via you lol anyways to WineMom: if you are really unhappy, he's cheating on you and there isn't anything really keeping you together divorce your husband. There isn't any point in staying in a relationship if you are not happy I think.
I’m not sure if she’ll see it, but I’m posting it in case she looks.
It's a publicity stunt. You'll be back after February. You can't stay away! You just can't quit and walk out?! Goddamnit fight you pussy! Continue doing this cause it's all you can do' We need you here doing this! You know you'll be back.
I'll miss you too.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but you've said that you never spied on your mom, masturbated with her panties, that sort of thing. Since you lived with just her it probably would've been fairly easy to. So why didn't you?
I just loved and respected her too much to do stuff like that. It would have been violating her trust in me. Violating her privacy. At the time I thought that as much as I wanted to see her naked, it wasn't going to be worth how bad I'd have felt for doing it.
Having now seen her naked, I think it actually would have been well worth the guilt. But I'm glad I didn't.
I have a question I don't think you've actually been asked before: I've been following your blog for awhile and you have answered many questions about your Mom. Obviously you love your Mom and you're okay with having sex and a relationship with her. What I'm curious about is what if you have a daughter and she felt the same way about you? Let's say she's over 18 and she told you that she's wanted you for years. Would you engage? Would you discourage?
Well, it's hard to answer a completely hypothetical question. I can't say what kind of feelings I might have for someone who doesn't exist and that's a pretty important part of the equation. And where's my mom in this scenario?
I think it would have to be an extremely specific situation, pretty much exactly like my situation with my mom (except in reverse), before it was something I'd even think of giving any consideration to.
Have you two filmed yourselves at all?
A few times here and there. Not like setting up a tripod by the bed or anything. Mostly just playing around.
What would you do if your mother made you a deal your senior year of high school that she will willingly give you head or titfuck you anytime and anywhere you ask her to. But the only catch is that you have to stay at home and can't date any other girl would you take the deal?
I probably would have taken that deal so fast, the speed of it would have caused the Earth to start rotating in the wrong direction. But she never would have said anything like that. And if anything like that had actually happened, I don't think we'd be where we are now.
"Just before Christmas, my mom kind of suggested that, with our move, maybe it was time for me to stop doing this" and then you'll sit down and she'll say she doesn't think you two should have sex, and you'll probably move back to where you live now, or where you went to college. She's having second thoughts dude, and you need to get out now.
That's an interesting take on it.
What were the positive and negative benefits for you, and possibly your mother, from operating the blog? (We'll take the endless spam and abusive users as a given.) What were the risks of running it? Now that it's over, what do you reflect on the cost benefit analysis of the exercise?
Well, as I said in an earlier answer, the overwhelming positive is that I don't think things would have worked out as they have if I hadn't started the blog. So it's pretty hard to top that.
The risk was that someone might find out about us. But since that hasn’t happened and things worked out like they did, I'd say it was well worth it.
Do you play any video games? Also what kind of music are you and your mom into? Favorite TV shows?
I used to play video games but I haven't really done it since everything with my mom happened. When we're both home, I like being with her. And when I have time by myself, I work on this blog among other things. So I haven't really had time. Maybe now that I won't be doing this anymore, I'll start again. I dunno.
I like most any kind of music. So does she but her favorite is stuff from the 70's and 80's, her formative years. I have no such connection to 90s and 2000's music, though.
I wrote about my favorite shows once here.
Dude, don't hold out on us; you've got to tell us about fucking your mom in her office? Did you bend her over the desk, was she sitting on the desk? Against the wall? All of the above and more? C'mon, spill...
We mostly did it... I wouldn't say she was bent over her desk, but she was leaning forward with her hands flat on the desk. Then she wanted me to sit on the edge of her desk (I kinda half stood and half sat) so she could sit in her office chair and give me, you know, a mouth hug.
That was really it. It couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 minutes. Just a quickie.
And just to update the list of places we've done it, we also added the hotel we stayed at when we went to look at houses. And when we were looking at houses, the realtor would show us all the highlights and everything. Then she'd go set up shop in the kitchen or somewhere and do her realtor business, return calls and whatever, while we explored the house.
So we fooled around a little bit in a few houses. No actual sex but a blowjob or two and some other orally related fun.
Can you repost the story that got you into this? You know the one with the 2 sons and 2 moms ones a therapist
Sure. This appears to be the same version I remember finding back then, with the original names and everything.
A while ago you mentioned that your step-mom is the nosiest member of your family. Will that be an issue moving forward? It may be the sort of thing that boils over when you return for family visits – I think you two need to bail from Facebook totally.
I imagine it will be an issue to some extent. How big an issue I won't know until it comes up.
I don't think I've used Facebook in over a year. I think for her probably even longer. But there are definitely things like that we'll have to stop doing now. There's a lot that goes into something like this, but I think we're going in with our eyes as open as they can be.
I sent this comment in a few years ago. I’m glad things worked out.
So am I. Thank you for the advice.
Who'd play the two of you in a film?
Hmm. If I could pick anyone, I’d probably go with... late-1990s Catherine Zeta Jones for her. She’d like that. And for me, The Rock.
One last question: it's said we have the best sex with our spouses because it's flavoured with the thousand experiences of a long marriage, events positive and negative. Our appreciation of the person's eroticism becomes deeply nuanced because we've been with them through different phases of life and thousands of experiences. This normally takes couples a decade or more but have you two reached that stage sooner for obvious reasons? Thanks for everything, Phantom. (A and L)
I definitely think we have. For both of us, our first time (once we got rid of the initial jitters and stuff anyway) was markedly better than any sex we’d ever had with anyone else. Which doesn’t mean a lot from my perspective, having less experience. But it does from hers. And I think it’s because we had such close emotional ties already.
And it’s only gotten better and better since then. It’s a very powerful combination, taking the close relationship we had for 20-some years and adding the bond that... I don’t want to say “lovers”, as I’ve never liked that word, but I can’t think of a better one. The bond that lovers share. I wish everyone could experience what that’s like.
Thank you too, BTW. I couldn’t reply to what you sent earlier in the week, so I’ll just do it here.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
BTW, the reader questions post will go up later this afternoon. But it is now done, so I’m not taking anymore questions.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
A lot of people have asked for suggestions on other blogs to follow. I just reblogged a post full of them, and be sure to check the notes/comments on that post for even more suggestions people have added.
You can also check out the resurrected Incest Family tumblr for more sites.
There are also a lot of incest groups on reddit. The main one is here and on the right you can see where it says “related subreddits”. There are several under that, including ones for porn and one for relationships. So you can check into those too.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
One of the best things about your blog is the reader's submissions. Seriously, the "Above And Beyond" entries are fantastic! Any chance you'd be willing to link other blogs who would post reader submissions? I'm willing, but I have a small blog.
For anyone interested in sharing their story, here’s a blog that would post it.
I guess this is a shoutout, so I lied a minute ago when I said that was the last one. Oops.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
Obviously I'm going to miss you and your story and your gifs. Everything you do, basically. LOL. But I'm also going to miss the stories people send you. As far as I can tell there isn't another tumblr that gets the amount of story submissions you do. I think it's because with your way of writing and your voice, you connect with people and help draw it out of them. They feel comfortable sending you their experiences. What I want to ask is where are those people going to send their stories to now, but you have no way of knowing that. I don't know, I just wanted to get that out.
I didn't even know that, that other tumblrs don't post as many stories. I've pretty much been in my own bubble the last two and a half years, so I know very little about what's going on outside my own space here.
You're right that I don't know where people will send them now. But I thought I'd post this in case other blogs want to put out a call that they're interested in taking stories. I know one that is and I'll post that right after this.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
Hi, it's too bad that you are closing this blog, it's amazing! Before you go, can i have a shotout please?
You can have the last one ever.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
One more gif post to go
It will go up tomorrow. Two guesses on who’s in it.
I just wanted to mention something about the one that posted this morning, the two parter. In the final gif of the first part, you can see the mom go “Well, he’s MY son!”
That’s not really what she says. She says stepson. But I was able to cut the frames saying “step” and you can hardly even tell. I’ve tried to do the same thing before, even where there’s nothing in the gif except the mom talking, and it’s always obvious that something was cut. Her head suddenly jerks into a different position or something.
But in this one, even with a woman bouncing up and down right next to her, it somehow worked perfectly. It’s crazy. I just wanted to point it out so we could celebrate this momentous occasion.
Anyway, more to come tomorrow.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
My decision
As of February 1st, a week from today, I will no longer be doing this blog.
Since I first brought this up a couple weeks ago, it’s seemed like 90% of you that have written in figured this is what would (or should) happen. So based on that, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be a surprise to most of you. But I just want to be clear that this is what I’ve decided.
I don’t plan to delete the blog. I don’t plan to give it to anyone else to run. It will stay here until tumblr decides to get rid of it for being inactive, I guess. If they even do that. I don’t know if they do.
My plan for this final week is to post all the gifs I’ve made and haven’t shared yet. I think it’s around 10 sets. I've posted all the stories and Johnny Fever stuff already, so there’s no more of those. I will also do one last reader questions post. As I said the other day, if there’s anything you ever felt like asking me for any reason, now would be the time.
And before I go, I will explain my decision to stop in more detail.
That’s all I have to say at the moment. The gifs will start tomorrow.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
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(Part 1 of 2)
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theirownmoms · 8 years
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“Too Hard To Say Goodbye” by Johnny Fever
(Part 1 of 2)
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theirownmoms · 8 years
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“The Drink” by Johnny Fever
(Part 1 of 2)
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theirownmoms · 8 years
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“The Drink” by Johnny Fever
(Part 2 of 2)
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theirownmoms · 8 years
Are you going to answer questions again before you go? Also, once you decide whether or not you are closing the blog, are you going to announce your decision then or wait until the 1st?
I will do another answers post before the 1st. So hey, if there was something you always wanted to ask, now’s the time.
As for the second part of the question, I’ll announce it when the decision is certain. She and I will probably talk about it this weekend.
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theirownmoms · 8 years
Keep deleting and then re creating my blog. Can I get a shoutout?
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theirownmoms · 8 years
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“Company Inspection” by Johnny Fever
(Part 1 of 2)
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