theinsanitydiaries · 3 years
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My newest DnD character - meet Tīki! A wood elf druid who f*cked her first attempt at Wild Shaping whilst running away from a genocidal human army, and got herself permanently stuck as a centaur... of sorts.
Also somehow strong enough to carry a fully passed out Dragonborn and monk fighter on her back at the same time, and also yeet a Construct from the water onto the warf???!! First session was a blast, can't wait to see how tomorrow's session goes.
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theinsanitydiaries · 3 years
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I had far too much fun drawing this one - constructing the doll form was a proper thought exercise and really had me grinning figuring how tf proportions work (ish)
Isn't it fascinating how many layers you can add to highlight or bury different aspects?
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theinsanitydiaries · 3 years
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Finally bit the bullet and tried my hand at animating again.... I may have found a new love
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theinsanitydiaries · 3 years
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Obligatory not my character aside, this is me as Gracie from the in-production non-for-profit kids cartoon set to air on Youtube, Piper Star! Once I got the role I couldn’t help but draw the feisty fox familiar in my own style, with a personal touch to her too ^-^
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theinsanitydiaries · 3 years
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Why hello there Tumblr!
This be my very first post, and I’ll be honest I haven’t the foggiest what the heck I’m doing so join me in my journey of watching this burn practicing and “perfecting” my attempts at ART!  I’m looking to start creating an art portfolio here and also will be opening commissions as soon as I can set up a paypal..... ok nahh let’s be real it ain’t gonna happen until I actually learn how the hecky doodah to promote myself. So if anyone somehow does manage to find me/see this drop me a hello! You’ll make a grown-ass 21 year old squeak like a little kitten with joy ^-^
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