thehungry-wife · 14 days
There is something so intriguing to me when combining feederism with a generally helpless situation. There are so many different ways such a situation could be abused for feederism purposes, forcing you to gain tons of pure fat. Just to throw in some examples:
You're in financial trouble? Well, what about some rich and evil feeder who'll pay you $500 per pound gained. The only catch: you'll have to gain at least 100 pounds or you'll be obliged to pay $50,000 in damages.
Got some bad grades? Well, maybe the teacher/professor will make an exception if you put on a few pounds. Wanna pass the course? Gain another 5 pounds. Oh, you want to stop gaining? Well, you don't wanna fail the semester, do you?
Aww, you've got a crush on me? Well, you're way too skinny for my taste. I'll go on a date with you after you've gained 10 pounds.
Just got kidnapped. What better way to keep you here than to fatten you up so much until you're too fat to walk any slightly longer distances? You'll stay tied up until your fat pins you down.
Your BMI is lower than 40? Well, you're legally obligated to have a BMI of at least 40. Get fat or be fined! Maybe go to a fat camp for some rapid gain?
Can't pay your rent? You can stay here for free but only if you get fat. Don't worry, your food will be paid for as well, but I decide how much you'll eat.
I bought you at the slave auction so I own you. And I like my slaves fat, so you'll be force fed for a year until you're somewhere near a size of my liking.
If your mind is really messed up and you're so deep down the feederism hole, you might even like ideas such as being sentenced to death by obesity, where you're being fattened into an early grave.
Anyways, hopefully some of these ideas make you horny and hungry. I'll consider making audios about these ideas so feel free to comment with concepts you like. Also, I'm curious to hear about any concepts you might come up with! :)
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thehungry-wife · 4 months
Vorrei aspuicarmi un buon anno incintradoti di persona per imbottirti di cibo....pagato da me
Mi dispiace ma non organizzo incontri di persona ☺️ posso cmq auspicati un buon anno con un bel video dove mangio ciò che vuoi tu e come vuoi tu, però 😘
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thehungry-wife · 4 months
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thehungry-wife · 4 months
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thehungry-wife · 4 months
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Non blurred version available on 💙🤍
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thehungry-wife · 6 months
How did you approach this with your spouse?
Hello 🤗
There was really nothing to approach, really ☺️ he knew from the beginning that my desire to be fatter and fatter was a part of me that wasn't gonna go anywhere, so since I love him, but he's not the best feeder in the world (sorry, my love, this is the truth 😘), he gladly accepted to let me have online feeders to satisfy this necessity ☺️ also he has a great caregiver personality, that fits perfectly with this lifestyle we created for me ❤️
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thehungry-wife · 6 months
In case you ever wondered, that's how I look when I'm shooting you customs 😘
What kind of video would you request? 😘
Thanks, my dear R. ❤️🐛🦗
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thehungry-wife · 6 months
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It's baking time 🥧
Creamy apple pie, with cinnamon, star anise, cloves and custard ice cream 🤤
Full on 💙🤍
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thehungry-wife · 6 months
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The rule of the 3 Ps:
Pizza 🍕
Pastries 🧁
Pig 🐷
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thehungry-wife · 7 months
Just recently discovered ur blog. Are u Norwegian? We definitely need more fattys like u in Norway 🐷
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thehungry-wife · 7 months
Hey, people of Tumblr, I'm back, and I bring goodies ✨
...I know, I know...
Where the fu*k have I been?
Well.... First of all, I have been away for sometime now, and I want to say that I'm sorry, to all of you that tried to contact me and couldn't find me. 🙏 I'm really sorry, and I hope that y'all will be comprehensive, even if I've been a total mess 😔
I've been focusing on some major changes and issues that happened and are happening in my life, and I haven't been having enough mental, emotional and physical energy to also deal with this other side of my life.
I miss it tho. I miss it hard. I miss my chats with you, I miss my interactions on here, I miss my beautiful friends, I miss making a pig of myself in front of the camera, I miss all the big and small joys that you people brought in my life in the last year ❤️
That's why, now that my situation became a bit more stable and easy to handle, I decided to come back 🎉
Unfortunately, I can't promise that I'm gonna be as available and as productive in posting as I was prior to this, but I can say that I'll try my best to at least, keep more in touch 😘
If you wrote to me and didn't receive an answer, PLEASE, write to me again 🙏
💎 And for all of you that followed me also on my 💙other site🤍, especially all of you that $ubbed in the last 8-6 weeks, watch your messages on there, you're gonna be hearing from me very soon (as soon as I understand how to do it)😘
For the moment, I can just say that I'm very glad to be back, as my belly is ❤️
See you around ✨😘
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Ehi, gente di Tumblr, sono tornata e porto dolci e bignè ✨
...Lo so, lo so...
Dove cazzo sono stata?
Beh.... Prima di tutto, sono stata via per un po' di tempo, e voglio dire che mi dispiace, a tutti voi che mi avete provato a contattare e non siete riusciti a trovarmi. 🙏 Mi dispiace davvero e spero che riuscirete a comprendermi, anche se sono stata un disastro totale 😔
Mi sono concentrata su alcuni importanti cambiamenti e problemi che sono accaduti e stanno accadendo nella mia vita, e non ho avuto abbastanza energia mentale, emotiva e fisica per affrontare anche quest'altro lato della mia vita.
Mi manca però. Mi manca tanto. Mi mancano le mie chiacchierate con voi, mi mancano le mie interazioni qui, mi mancano i miei bellissimi amici, mi manca ingozzarsi davanti alla telecamera, mi mancano tutte le grandi e piccole gioie che voi avete portato nella mia vita durante tutto questo anno❤️
Ecco perché, ora che la mia situazione è diventata un po' più stabile e facile da gestire, ho deciso di tornare 🎉
Sfortunatamente, non posso promettere che sarò disponibile e produttiva nel pubblicare post come lo ero prima, ma posso dire che farò del mio meglio almeno per restare più in contatto 😘
Se mi hai scritto e non hai ricevuto risposta, PER FAVORE, scrivimi di nuovo 🙏
Per tutti voi che mi avete seguito anche qui su OF, soprattutto per tutti voi che vi siete iscritti nelle ultime 8-6 settimane, guardate i vostri messaggi lì, avrete mie notizie molto presto (non appena come ho capito come farlo) e riceverete un periodo gratis, come ufficiale richiesta di scuse da parte mia😘
Per il momento posso solo dire che sono molto contenta di essere tornata, così come lo è la mia pancia ❤️
Ci vediamo in giro ✨😘
#bbw #italianbbw #ssbbw #feedismgram #feedism #fatbellygirl #fatbody #glorifyingobesity #forcefeeding #fatgirl #fatrolls #backfat #feeders
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thehungry-wife · 10 months
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Lately I'm obsessed with pink 🦩✨🩷
(And with my belly hang, especially in this set ❤️)
In this video I pass from being a lovely obese barbie, to a messy, dirty, chocolaty, ice cream monster 🍨
If you're into messy stuffing, I wouldn't lose it for anything in the world 🥵✨
You know where to find it 💙🤍
(Thank you, U. This is the kind of custom that leaves me dripping 💦❤️)
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thehungry-wife · 10 months
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My idea of camping 🦩🩷✨
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thehungry-wife · 10 months
Best combo for the perfect obese wife: beached on the floor, videogames for hours and a huge amount of junk food 🔥
(Continues on OF💙🤍)
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thehungry-wife · 10 months
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Sneak Peek from today's custom 👀
Let's talk about how low my lardy apron belly is hanging ✨
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thehungry-wife · 11 months
You know this isn’t normal right? The human body isn’t meant to eat 24/7 and walk less than 100 steps a day. You have to stop this eventually. Everytime I see you your simply stuffing your face and masturbating and its like you live for nothing else but your own pleasure. Like come on this stomach is so big I don’t even think you can reach down there without working up a sweat. Whens the last time you got up on your own? Come on try it. Oh come on you can’t be serious you can’t get up on your own? Well I guess if you really are ok with this choice you made theres no going back… I’ll go get you’re third shake now.
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thehungry-wife · 11 months
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Well, last year swimming suit is a PAIN to get into ❤️ my husband had to use his muscles to shove my fat and rolls into the fabric 🥵 in the end, barely fitting is still fitting 🔥
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