thegvaconnoisseurs · 2 months
Curious, but why does Second have two figures in his swap? Does that mean the Hue Crew has 6 instead of 5?
Good question! This has to do with the way Skim made his joke character on the Alan Becker server - here's the original image:
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As you can see, the character is, well, dead. As funny as it would be to have TSC replaced by a rotting corpse the whole time, there was an opportunity here. One of TSC's most notable traits is his power surge in AvA V after he "dies", and he has no memory of what happens afterwards. So, the compromise was to split the character into two "entities" - Dormant, who takes the role of the Orange we all know and love in AvM/AvA IV/Etc., and Deceased, the "authentic" character that takes the role of the god-like Second Coming.
TL;DR // Think of it as a possessor <--> possessed type of relationship, which will be further elaborated on as this account develops.
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thegvaconnoisseurs · 2 months
Hey! Welcome to the Games vs Animation Tumblr page.
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GvA // Games vs Animation is an Alan Becker AU that swaps the stickfigure cast of AvA, AvM, etc. with the AvG crew and other online creators associated with the channel.
Below is a diagram of the main swaps:
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(If this looks familiar, that's because this was also shown in the AvG 1 Million Subscriber Special.)
Some tidbits regarding the AU
What was the origin behind this AU?
The "origin" of this AU can be derived from CharlieV's (AvG Director) and Torribash's (AvG Thumbnail Artist) stick OCs, which were created for a now cancelled community project. However, their existence, along with Skim's (AvG Editor) joke character, and Alan and DJ's thumbnail stickfigures perfectly filled the roles of the Color Gang & TSC. Thus, the Hue Crew & The Dormant One made their debuts. (Torri and Charlie contributed additional info for the AU, too.)
How are swaps decided/how do they work?
It was pretty easy at first to decide who's who with the AvG cast in mind. But when those choices are filled up, or when it's a minor character, or even when we need to swap around an area (ex. Herobrine's school cause he's swapped as well), we try to incorporate swaps that, well, swap in other ways while still adhering to the intended "vibe" of the AU. For example, Victim being swapped with Carl-bot was due to the joke that Carl-bot on the AvG Discord Server was renamed as "off-brand skim," a relationship that could mirror TSC and Vic. This eventually lead to the mercenaries, who were also void of any online creators to swap with, being swapped with the other AvG Bots.
Why is DJ swapped with Blue and not Green, his favorite character?
On the TikTok page (and from DJ himself), we've been asked why DJ wasn't swapped with Green. There are two reasons for this. One, when we asked Torri and Charlie which characters Mar and Rhonk would fill in for best, Torri responded with Green. And we just rolled with that. Additionally, Alan and DJ working together for their part in AvM S3 seemed fitting, and that happened with Yellow and Blue. Keep in mind, though, that there is some overlap between Mar's characterization and Kenji's, so one could argue that the roles of Green and Blue are mixed among them.
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Phumgum (left) // Co-owner of Acc // @phumgum
Eppilem (right) // Co-owner of Acc // @eppilem
Tiktok Sister Acc (they smell) // Tiktok
Lady Seer // Header/Poster Artist // Instagram
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