thegreywarxn · 2 years
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Louis Partrdige (b. 20003) British, if you do have more precise informations, please let me know colo @ultraviolences elements @andthereisawoman cadre @la peau bleue
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thegreywarxn · 2 years
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Louis Partrdige (b. 20003) British, if you do have more precise informations, please let me know colo @ultraviolences elements @andthereisawoman cadre @la peau bleue
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thegreywarxn · 2 years
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Louis Partrdige (b. 20003) British, if you do have more precise informations, please let me know colo @ultraviolences elements @andthereisawoman cadre @la peau bleue
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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Following the popularity of my first resource masterpost, I’ve decided to release a second one with even more resources and tutorials. Like or reblog this post if you found it helpful, and please make sure you like or reblog the posts below if they’re from blogs to support their creators!
Textures & Things:
Unblast Free Mockups
Cole Poska Mockups
Andrey Azizov Free Texture Assets & Layer Styles
King’s Studio Free Texture Pack
Adobe Stock Royalty-Free Photoshop Templates (free with trial or subscription!)
Pixelbuddha Free Textures, Mock-Ups, Brushes, Fonts, Etc.
Creative Veila Free Mock-Ups
IndieGround Free Textures, Fonts, Mock-Ups, Etc.
Graphicsfuel Free Textures, Fonts, Mock-Ups, Etc.
Watercolor Textures & Brushes Masterpost by @asheathes
GIF Overlays (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Frames (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Misc. Texture Packs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
Unblast Free Fonts
Fontshare Free Fonts
Pangram Pangram Foundry: Free Fonts for Non-Commercial Use
Use + Modify Free Fonts
Andrey Azizov Free Font Pack for Personal Use
Velvetyne Free Fonts
FontFabric Free Fonts
Collletttivo Free Open-Source Typefaces
How to Find Fonts With Photoshop
Make Simple GIFs in Photoshop
How to use mock-up templates in Photoshop (1, 2)
Color Grading in Photoshop
Clipping Mask Tutorial
Gradient Map Tutorial
Icon Tutorial
Vibrant Coloring Tutorial
How to Fix Orange-Washed Characters by @aubrey-plaza
Mega Coloring Tutorial by @inejz-ghafa
GIF Blending Tutorial by @morningstr
Rainbow GIF Coloring Tutorial by @favreaus
Gradient Text Tutorial by @anya-chalotra
GIF Tutorial Masterpost
Misc. Photoshop Tutorials (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Misc. Resources:
Google’s Library of Hundreds of Free Icons
Anti-Whitewashing Adjustment PSD by @evansyhelp
Material.io Color Palette Generator
0to255 Color Tool to Find Adjacent Colors
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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Justice Smith (b. 1995) Afro-american and european ascent, if you do have more precise informations, please let me know colo @ultraviolences texts & elements @andthereisawoman
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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Justice Smith (b. 1995) Afro-american and european ascent, if you do have more precise informations, please let me know colo @ultraviolences texts & elements @andthereisawoman
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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Kiernan Shipka (b. 1999) Slovak, German, English, Scottish, French, Irish and Italian ascent. colo @ultraviolences texts elements @andthereisawoman
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
Je me pose une question. On parle de diversité mais pourquoi on ne voit jamais de personnage avec des problèmes de poids? Des célébrités dit plus size sur les rpg? Parce qu'on véhicule déjà une idée de la perfection aux yeux des gens. Maigre, jolie. Pareil, j'ai voulu jouer un personnage handicapé ( précision: sourd du à un feu d'artifice), et aucun lien n'est venu. Que faut il faire pour accepter tous les personnages? Signée: une désespérée de la diversité.
(En tant que meuf grosse je vais t’avouer un truc : je ne suis pas certaine de vouloir lire des personnages plus size, pas quand l’idée de la grosseur est encore si mal présentée, de façon si problématique (cf les émissions grossophobes de M6 et co) - j’veux pas lire des sob stories sur combien c’est difficile de s’accepter, de trouver quelqu’un, d’être la fat friend, avec tous les clichés qui en découlent et zéro recherche sur le sujet, sur le vécu, sur le côté psychologique du truc. j’veux pas non plus lire des trucs qui se servent de ce personnage gros pour descendre les autres morphos. c’est un peu du gatekeeping et un peu hypocrite de ma part, de prôner de la diversité mais de redouter à mort, je sais. sans comparer une cause à une autre, c’est cette réticence à voir ma condition mal exploitée qui m’a fait pleinement réaliser à quel point les personnes racisé.e.s doivent péter des plombs en voyant les trucs inappropriés, clichés, stéréotypés, problématiques et full on racist qui ressortent régulièrement. genre okay, ce sentiment négatif, là, que ça évoque chez moi, qui découle d’un truc que je vis au quotidien et des discriminations vis-à-vis de ça que j’ai pu me bouffer dans la gueule, il est pas provoqué par les mêmes bails que celui qui s’invite chez les victimes de racisme mais c’est tellement désagréable que je vais clairement lutter activement pour que les gens ressentent le moins souvent possible quoi que ce soit de ce genre) (Pardon je m’égare) (Soyez pas grossophobes, soyez pas validistes, bordel de merde)
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
tips on writing arab characters
first let’s cover the main mistake people make: what is an arab?
an arab is generally any person whose lineage comes from an arabic-speaking country. some examples:  Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
now that you know what your character is (if you were aiming for east asian/south asian this is your cue to leave and educate yourself!) let’s talk about some important factors of an arab character.
decide what country they are from: this is ridiculously important! each arab country has a unique history and their cultures vary DRASTICALLY! it is extremely offensive to take bits and pieces of different cultures from various arab countries and stuff them all into one character. so first choose from where exactly your character hails. note: if you are writing in a fantasy world, this still applies! look into your specific country of choice and work around that.
not all arabs are muslims: while islam has greatly influenced arab culture, muslims and arabs are not synonymous. islam is a religion, arab is a lineage. if you choose to make your character muslim, be mindful of that religion, and if not, do not give the character islamic attributes (ie: hijabs, islamic names)
on naming your character:
first names: once again, be mindful of the character’s religion here. many names that have come to be associated with arabs are in fact islamic in origin (mohammed, abdullah, aabid…) look for arabic names and check the meaning and origin to be sure (here and here are some good websites that give definition and origin). arabic names generally do not have nicknames. yes even ‘mo’ for ‘mohammed’ or ‘al’ for ‘ali’ are all a foreigner’s look on arabic names. they don’t work. don’t use them.
middle names: arabs generally do not have middle names (which is to say, they aren’t assigned any at birth) instead, the child’s father’s name is their second name. so ahmed, son of salim would be ‘ahmed salim’ rather than be given an entirely new name.
last names: the last name of any arab is their father’s last name. generally, a married woman keeps her own last name rather than change it to her husband’s, and the children inherit their father’s name. 
fashion: once again this differs entirely based on what country you’ve chosen but also please mind the year! if your novel is set in the equivalent of the 1800s traditional big turbans have been out of fashion for centuries!! more modern clothing can include checkered turbans that are worn by men and draped on the head, set in place by igal. but again, this depends on the country of choice. kuffiyehs are more symbolically worn in countries like palestine, syria and jordan. here and here are more in-depth descriptions. 
the arabic language: arabic differs drastically from english in regards to grammar so using a translator site isn’t going to cut it. the main reason for this is that there each arabic country has its own dialect, and while some are similar, they all have obvious differences. a translator will give you the official arabic, which isn’t used in day-to-day speech. my advice is to have an arab speaker read through your lines before publishing. 
stereotypes: for a bit of background, it was an arab (Al-Haitham) that became one of the first founders of modern optics by creating the first camera. an arab (Ibn Firnas) who first attempted flight. arabs invented the numbers currently used all around the world (yes 0-9 were created by an arab named al-Khwarizmi!) so let me tell you it is extremely disrespectful, hurtful, and downright wrong when arabs are presented as uncivilized, uneducated, and violent in books and media. keep this in mind while writing your character.
more than sand and camels: while many arabs hail from the desert and indeed a good many travels were taken via camel, that does not mean your arab character is required to know this. not all arabic countries are deserts. not all arabs own camels. if you must give them a form of travel, an often overlooked talent of arabs was horse-riding, and some of the best breeds of horse are arabian, so look into that instead!
misogynism and homophobia: this is a harmful arabic stereotype bred from the misunderstanding of islamic values. hijab/niqab (head and face covers) are the chosen form of dress for muslim women (though once again not all arabs are muslims!) along with many other values held by muslim men and women, there are cultural influences some arabs hold that are mistranslated by western countries. i might make a separate post about this alone, but just be mindful about this as you are writing your character. don’t make the girl oppressed and in need of saving. don’t make the guy sexist and arrogant.
war is not culture, it’s circumstance: the middle east has generally come to be associated with war and pain, a circumstance of which no one is happy about. this does not mean that your character should desire violence, wish to inflict pain, come from an abusive family, desire war, come from a background of war. these are all offensive and just another painful reminder of how the west sees arabs. if your character fits into any of those categories, now is the time to fix that.
if anything remains unclear, shoot me an ask! 
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
En 2021, faut que les white rpgistes arrêtent de :
(Vous pouvez re-blog, mais merci de laisser UNIQUEMENT les personnes racisées participer.)
— Parler de racisme anti-blanc. On a compris que vos ancêtres bretons se faisaient manquer de respect par le reste de la France, mais c’est pas du racisme.
— De nous dire qu’on est là pour la détente et pas pour parler de sujets importants/graves. Tant qu’on sera pas détendu.e.s, on va laisser personne se détendre.
— Faire des blagues sur nos origines non-blanches alors que vous pleurnichez quand on vous rappelle que vous êtes blanc.he.s.
— Demander aux personnes racisées de vous expliquer la vie. Quand on fait du rp à partir d’un téléphone ou d’un ordinateur, qu’on arrive à trouver des ressources et concocter un aes soigné pour son personnage, je suppose qu’on peut aussi googler sur le racisme.
— Attendre de la bienveillance de notre part quand vous venez tout juste de nous agresser avec votre racisme ordinaire et que vous faites absolument aucun effort pour comprendre ou vous excuser.
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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In this masterlist, you’ll find  ( 240+ )  links to POC-friendly PSDs and related resources (eg. tutorials), all neatly organised for easy browsing. These PSDs do not whitewash or over-saturate darker skin tones and are all free for personal use. Please like or reblog this post if you find this helpful, and remember to like or reblog the original PSD posts if you use them!
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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Aidan Turner (b. 1983) Irish ascent. colo @ skatevibe
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thegreywarxn · 3 years
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Aidan Turner (b. 1983) Irish ascent. colo @ skatevibe
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