Perfect Harmony 🎵
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I had a lot of fun with this. Hope you like it!
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was writing a kallus scene for postmortem and had a realization
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I think the Ghost crew moved on from the whole "the Child of the Prophecy" thing way too quickly
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what if they didn’t lose their memories (chishiya centered)
a short fic of an alternate ending to alice in borderland s2 in which none of them lose their memories. it’s pretty short and chishiya-focused bcs i like chishiya and wanted him to meet kuina again
also i don’t write very much so hehe it might not be that good but whatever it was a self indulgent fun thing to make
word count: 1148 words
based on the live action version of alice in borderland
posted on ao3 too by tano_sparks
Chishiya lies in his hospital bed and stares at the ceiling. After all he went through in the borderland it’s such a weird feeling to be back in the real world lying in a hospital bed. A few hours of listening to passing nurses’ conversations had passed and he had been able to piece together a few things. He hears someone coughing and groaning beside him and can't tell if he’s annoyed or okay with that person being Niragi. Chishiya turns over to Niragi who's covered in bandages from head to toe. It's a stark contrast to Chishiya who's bandaged injuries aren't visible under his garments. It was Niragi who shot him.
“What do you want?” Niragi says in an annoyed tone, as if he was telling Chishiya to fuck off for judging his bandaged state. Though both of them know they're too tired for this and Chishiya isn't in the mindset to be judging.
“Apparently, your heart stopped as well.” Chishiya replies.
Niragi lets out a soft laugh. “That's funny. I don't remember dying, though maybe I should have.”
Chishiya feels similarly. “It happened to me too. Apparently only 1 minute passed in the real world during our entire time in that place.”
“That sounds like a cruel joke.” Niragi replies. To think all of the pain and suffering for weeks had been nothing but a minute.
Chishiya understands what had happened- all the people who would have died in the meteorite strike got sent to that mysterious world to fight for their lives. Getting out means they had successfully fought the battle for their lives. It is to symbolize perseverance to live, a second chance as they stood in between the border of life and death from the real word meteorite strike. He doesn't have the energy to tell any of that to Niragi. Even though Chishiya doesn't hold any hatred towards him for shooting and almost killing him, he’s far from wanting much to do with that man. Even though he’s accepted that they're similar, they can have this conversation another day.
“Since all the games have been cleared and we made it back to the real world, did anything change with you?” Chishiya asks him.
“I'm not so sure. Well I guess I look flashier than before. What about you?” Niragi hasn't changed much. Chishiya thinks for a moment of what to say.
“Since I’ve wasted my life until now, I think I'll be able to live a more useful life from now on. That’s about it.”
“So you were a good for nothing jerk too huh?”
He’s not wrong. In the end, the two have their similarities.
“Yeah.” Chishiya says.
In a few days Chishiya is able to walk again in a limp. He gets out as soon as he is permitted to walk out the room and around the hospital by himself because he’s sick of staying in his room. He wonders where his friends are, if he can call them that. At least he knows he has one friend, Kuina.
He was about to ask the hospital staff if Kuina had by any chance been admitted to the same hospital as him, but he didn't need to. There standing in front of him in the hallway was his friend. The one he could trust and fought along his side during their time in the borderland. They had been separated for a while, but he knew Kuina was strong and would make it out alive. If he was completely honest with himself, he was worried about the chance that she did not make it, but of course she did. It made him so happy to see her alive.
“Kuina.” he says calmly with a small smile. The way he always did.
“Chishiya…” Kuina is almost in tears. She walks up to her friend quickly and stops in front of him a bit awkwardly as they are in the midst of the busy hallway filled with people from children running around to both the elderly and the young in wheelchairs. 
“You know, I was looking for you. And Ann. I was worried I’d never see you again.” Kuina can't seem to hold back her tears no matter how hard she tries. Chishiya smiles as a warm feeling takes over his heart. He feels sorry for making his friend worry so much, but at the same time it feels heartwarming for someone to cry over him. He thinks he doesn’t deserve any of this, but it’s better to just let it be.
“Did you seriously think I could have died? I’m a bit disappointed.”
“If you died I would kill you myself.” Kuina snaps through her tears. It doesn’t make any sense, but Chishiya gets it. He laughs at the illogical response as Kuina wipes away her tears.
“I probably deserve that, so it's okay.” Chishiya replies, “I’ll let you do whatever you want once we’re out of this place.”
Chishiya stretches his arms out, “I got shot twice already, but I guess a punch or two from you would be-” Chishiya doesn’t even get to finish talking before Kuina’s fist arrives right in front of his face. It stops, but it’s enough to startle him. Chishiya was joking. He doesn’t actually want something like that since Kuina’s punches would knock him out cold, but he can’t take back his words.
Kuina freezes for a moment. There’s tears in her eyes again while Chishiya’s are wide open, still in a small state of shock. It brings her such a warm feeling in her heart to know that her friend is in front of her. So warm that she wanted to punch the usual laid-back look off his face, but instead, Kuina’s strong arms give in to her caring heart and she hugs him. Chishiya is still startled, this time in a different way. Despite being the master of diamond games, he couldn’t predict something like this since they're not really the type to hug. He's happy. He hugs Kuina back slowly and jokes that this is very different from a punch. It earns him a “be quiet” in response. Chishiya can't remember the last time he received a hug, perhaps it happened in a distant childhood memory, so he quietly cherishes this moment. 
Finally, it truly feels like they've made it. Like they've really made it out of the borderland alive and nothing else matters other than the fact that they're both with each other. When Kuina stops, Chishiya wishes it was a bit longer and that makes him realize he's changed a lot. He’s a lot mellower now, and looking at Kuina, he doesn't hate the feeling.
“So,” Chishiya says, “We have a bit of catching up to do, don't we?”
Kuina smiles and nods in return. She sniffs and wipes her tears away again as they make their way down the hallway.
thanks for reading! 
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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couldn't resist redrawing this with their new looks because I can't believe we actually got to see the Squad all together. they're so dorky cool
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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"Odalia. You girl-bossed, gatekeeped, and gaslit too close to the sun. I can't male-wife, mansplain, or manipulate for you ANY LONGER!"
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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"Odalia. You girl-bossed, gatekeeped, and gaslit too close to the sun. I can't male-wife, mansplain, or manipulate for you ANY LONGER!"
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
Small details in the owl house that mean a lot to me
Principal Bump offering teenage Eda a stress toy to help with her destructive tendencies in a safe way.
In reaching out, when Alador goes in for a hug and Amity stops him in favor of a handshake.
When Amity knows Luz is lying to her about the human realm but still makes a point to not go through her phone.
Willow showing Gus how to breathe through his anxiety attack, and in turn Gus showing Hunter how to breathe through his panic.
Eda holding back King and Hooty from crowding Luz and Hunter when they get back from the emperor’s mind.
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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content warning for scary body imagery hee hee !!
the way I am absolutely terrified for belos to see flapjack for the “first“ time
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
As above rush darkened skies.... 🦉🌙
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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*tires screeching*
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
Look what I found on the internet. Again.
This is a Dragon Headed caterpillar (Google said it's also called Polyura Sempronius). It is adorable AND it looks like an Aarapillar (the famous one that Aaravos gave to Viren. I don't know if it has a name)
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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Oh wow… sports
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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Master illusionist
[ID: two images of bright digital art of Gus Porter standing, looking at the camera. They are the same art, the latter more zoomed in.
Gus holds a glowing blue orb before him and his left eye emanates teal smoke. On either side of him are chronological hands— they draw white circles of light reminiscent of how spells are cast. Behind Gus are three statues from the illusionist graveyard. The one in the center holds its hands down in a mirror of Gus’s pose, where Gus’s head and shoulders are framed by the statue. Gus has a halo surrounding his head in yellow, as well as a blue circlet that matches the galdorstones held by the other two statues. Gus’s halo is the light source. End ID]
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thefranticshipper77 · 2 years
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