thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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I found this and decided it’s the answer to (almost) everything.
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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stiles stilinski + tongue action
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
reblog if you agree
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
pretend to be me in my ask and ill rate its accuracy /10
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
Send one of the following to see how my muse responds:
"I'm not saying you're an idiot, I'm just saying a smarter person would have seen that coming."
"I took a blood oath that I wouldn't tell you what she said about you, but if you bring me some tequila and nachos, I might be inclined to break that oath."
"If I told you I took a picture of you sleeping last night, would that be creepy or romantic?"
"I was trying to teach myself how to knit and, long story short, I'm in the ER now."
"I don't actually know what I've done to make you hate me so much, but I don't care anymore, so either get over it or fuck off."
"I love you, but the fact that you don't like ice cream creeps me out a little."
"If you're going to McDonald's and you don't at least bring me back fries, I'll never forgive you."
"I dropped your phone in the toilet, and I'm really sorry, but I'm not reaching in to get it out, so it's just... it's gonna stay there until you or someone else gets it out."
"If you pray for someone to meet an untimely demise, and then they do, are you karmically responsible for their death?"
"I've always thought that Harry Potter was overrated."
"I'm not saying you're evil or anything, but I'm pretty sure if you crossed a church threshold you would burst into flames."
"We should have a Disney movie marathon this weekend."
"I just really need you to shut the hell up right now."
"I'm a better kisser than you are; you're just going to have to accept that as a fact of life."
"Would you rather die by drowning or strangulation? I'm just curious, not, like, plotting your death or anything, I swear."
"I would do any number of borderline illegal things to get tickets to that show."
"We should play strip poker tonight."
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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“We live inside a place that seems to have no way out.”
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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AU - Stiles studies magic.
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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the three stages of Derek Hale fangirling. [insp]
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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insp ( x ) 
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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#we are all lydia
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
Warning: This character is prone to sudden bursts of violent, emotional fits of rage.
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
teen wolf sentence meme;;
'We're supposed to take care of each other.'
'You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat.'
'Something's happening. I got this sudden rushing feeling, like we're running out of time.'
'I love you. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of us.'
'Are you willing to die for him?'
'Well, I shouldn't say I told you so, 'cause it's not strong enough. How about, I'm always right, and you should listen to whatever I have to say, and never disagree. Ever.'
'Mom would have believed me.'
'We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this.'
'You know, sometimes I really begin to question this "friendship."'
'Why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't wanna be Robin all the time!'
'We’re here to save a life, not end one.'
'Is it me or is this place getting smaller?'
'Yeah, I go through your stuff. Especially when you keep things from me.'
'Killing doesn't run in a family.'
'I want you to be honest with me. Totally and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?'
'I hate ninjas.'
'When are you people gonna start trusting me?'
'Why are you looking at me like this is my fault?'
'You're supposed to be dead.'
'You're coming back, right?'
'I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over.'
'Oh my god, what is that? Is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out.'
'I'm gonna rip your throat out. With my teeth.'
'How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head.'
'We need each other. Sometimes when you need help, you turn to people you'd never expect.'
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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What happens to cats in zero gravity ?   more educational gifs«
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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Sterek will never d i e.
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thefoxamongwolves · 9 years
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340 notes · View notes