Please don't tell me it is what I think it is.
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Porygon. Nice.
please look at this
edit: reblog and tag the pokemon you get
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Not exactly inaccurate
Dark Pit: (holding up Pichu) LOOK AT THIS MOUSE!
Ridley: A serial killer.
Dark Pit: You are out of your mind. Do you know anything about Pokémon?
Ridley: This mouse is capable of a lot of dark things.
Dark Pit: This Pokémon is smaller than the palm of your hand!
Ridley: So is a bullet.
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Oh my. This is gonna be interesting.
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pages 5 - 6
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My take on Toon Zelda wearing the Phantom’s armor!
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"Honor" Among Thieves
Wario: Hey Joke boy! 
Joker: (sigh) What do you want Wario?
Wario: Money, but right now I want to test something.
Joker: You, test? That’s a first.
Wario: SHUT UP YOUR FACE! Are you a thief or not?
Joker: Yes Wario I am. I thought that point was made clear to you, the minute I stole your bike.
Wario: Well any chump can steal a bike when a guy’s not around, but it takes an expert stealer of stuff, like myself, to snatch a prize off a victim.
Joker: So basically pickpocketing?
Wario: Yeah.
Joker: Is there a point to this? Because so far you’ve only managed to steal my time away from me.
Wario: Of course there is; I bet you can’t get to my wallet by the end of the day. If I win, I get your car.
Joker: You do realize the car is Morgana right?
Wario: Yeah I’ll take that too.
Joker: And what do you offer the Phantom Thieves, when I win?
Wario: A new handsome member named Wario.
Joker: Yeah, I’m going to take a hard pass on that bet of yours.
Wario: Fine! I’ll give you the combination to the Smash Villian’s Vault.
Joker: Wait a minute. You guys have own vault?!
Wario: Yeah, it’s where we keep our hard cash, gold bullion, and the creepier of Ridley’s body pillows. Ganondorf doesn’t want anybody to know about it, and I’ve done a great job at keeping it secret.
Joker rolling his eyes: Sure you have.
Wario: So do you take the bet now?
Joker: Alright I’ll take your offer.
Wario: (heh sucker)
Joker: But how do you know if I didn’t already steal it?
Wario: HA! That’s where I got you beat! I booby trapped it so I would know if you stole my wallet!
Joker: You mean this wallet.
*Joker holds up a pink wallet with a big “W” on it.*
Wario, reaching into his pockets to find his now missing wallet: What?! But I thought I just-
Wario: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wario pulls out his hand revealing a mouse trap with a Phantom Thieves trademark card attached.
Joker: So, about that combination.
Wario still in pain: Wah, Ganondorf is going to kill me.
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do kids these days know abt numa numa
235K notes · View notes
(Little Mac jumps out of a giant birthday cake)
Joker: I was expecting a girl.
Little Mac: Twelve years we’ve known each otha and you don’t wanna see me jump outta the cake. You disgust me.
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Fun fact: a character doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good character.
73K notes · View notes
All of them. Except maybe lawful neutral and chaotic evil.
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A wild comfy sofa chair has appeared!!
…..What will you do?
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I am not gonna say anything about this.
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Oh look, we just made the Three Goddesses, Din, Nayru and Farore.
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Something seems different, but I don't know what. Hmmmm...
Happy April Fool's Day, everyone.
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Today I felt like trapping Corrin on my lock screen using a brick wall.
It was a good day.
Edit: How the fuck did I not notice the typo in the last post is beyond me. Really? Coorin? How did that happen?
Edit number 2: the post mentioned in the last edit had been deleted because of the typo.
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Pssst. OST update. ;)
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This gives me an idea *cheeky smile*
“On days like these… ghosts like you deserve to burn in hell.”
— Hero to Dusknoir at some point, probably.
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Fire Emblem Heroes: Book III out of context
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And finally, who could possibly forget
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