thefirstcoming · 8 years
What about an Airbnb Sterek AU where Derek has a guest room that he rents out in his Brooklyn apartment and Stiles just needed to get out of his apartment for a weekend because Scott and Kira are planning their wedding and it’s driving him insane so he found the cheapest Airbnb available on short notice and booked it.
Derek is one of those hosts who will give you travel booklets and offers to pick you up from the airport and take you around the city if you’ve never been there before and want a guide, but Stiles is just like, nah I’m cool I don’t need a ride and takes the subway two stops to get there.
And Derek doesn’t know what to do with this guy who looks like he hasn’t slept in a week because he doesn’t need any of the tourist information and he doesn’t need help finding his way around the city because he very quickly told Derek that he had lived in New York for almost 10 years, he just needed to get away from the hell that was his apartment for a few nights. But mostly Derek doesn’t know what to do with him because he’s never wanted to shove a guest against a wall to kiss them before.
Stiles tells Derek he’s cool to just go about his weekend as usual, but Derek’s weekend as usual usually involves showing his guests around the neighborhood and sometimes spending the day with them if they’re cool and invite him to. 
But he doesn’t want to mess us Stiles’ weekend away from the craziness of his daily life so he just gives him the wifi password and a key to the place and gets back to work on his most recent chapters for his novel, but the entire time he’s thinking about the guys lips, about his long fingers that he kept running through his already messed up hair, his whiskey colored eyes that he would happily drown in. 
Except this is Stiles we’re talking about so he can’t sit still for more then a few hours.  So after he takes a nap he knocks on Derek’s office/bedroom door and asks him if he’s still willing to show him the touristy shit since he’s lived in New York for 10 years but hasn’t done most of it. 
By the end of the day they’re both exhausted because Derek took him to the Statue of Liberty (and insisted on paying), to 30 Rockefeller Plaza, and then out to dinner Di Fara Pizza.  
But Stiles still kissed him when they got back to the apartment even though he was nearly asleep on his feel and Derek smiled into the kiss before saying, “I’m kind of glad your roommate drove you to leave the apartment.”
The rest of the weekend is spent watching Star Wars and eating shitty takeout while they cuddle on the couch, sitting on the fire escape and listening to the nighttime sounds of New York while they tell each other about their lives, laying tangled up in the sheets and each other while Derek lazily traces patters into the moles on Stiles’ back.
And the next weekend when Derek takes his guests around the city because they’re from Idaho and have never been to a big city Stiles comes and holds Derek’s hand and kisses him in Central Park. 
By the time they get married 3 years later they’ve moved into a bigger apartment in Brooklyn, but they still spend the occasional weekend showing tourists around their favorite parts of the city, most of which have nothing to do with the history of New York and everything to do with the history of their love. 
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thefirstcoming · 8 years
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Teenage Dream by matildajones [E | 58,596 | 7 Aug 2015]
“I’m married. I’m married to Derek Hale,” Stiles says. Everything seems to hit him at once. He pushes aside the fact there’s a celebrity sitting right next to him, and then thinks of why the fuck he can’t remember him, why he doesn’t know who he’s married to, and how much time he must have lost.
After an accident, Stiles wakes up to what can only be a dream. He has money, he has fame, he has award winning actor Derek Hale as his husband. It quickly seems more and more like a nightmare because Stiles doesn’t remember getting any of it - and it’s hard to accept the reality that Derek can still love him.
If We Could Match by InTheArmsofaThief [E | 23455 | 28 Feb 2015]
As Stiles waits behind the camera during an interview, he thinks he should maybe quit. Because, in all honesty, despite the charming smile the actor is pulling out for EW, Derek Hale is kind of a jerk.
Show Me How We Can Escape by secondstar [E | 9,858 | 18 Sep 2015]
Stiles needed a vacation. He deserved it, after working nonstop. Australia felt like a world away from the limelight; just what he needed. He didn’t expect to meet Derek, though.
Wheatgrass and Froot Loops by WhoNatural [E | 6,885 | 13 Jun 2014]
“You’re falling for him,” she says, and it’s not a question. Stiles looks up, blinks, and shakes his head.“No,” he lies. “We work out, have really intense sex, and then eat cereal marketed for children. We have a system, okay? Why upset the arrangement?”
I Know Places by ericaismeg [G | 21k | January 2015]
Stiles is tired of the fame and the media that comes with being a famous actor. Lydia, his manager, gives him a three week break from his social calendar while his agent, Peter, is off doing who knows what, who knows where. At the last function before his break, Stiles finally meets Derek Hale - the nephew that Peter has been shunned by for the past six and a half years.
Stiles knows how twisted the tabloids get things, it’s why he’s avoided doing anything remotely scandalous for his entire life. But when Derek Hale wants to get coffee with him, Stiles doesn’t care what anyone else says. He’s going.
Traditionally Non-Traditional by Angelwithwingsoffire [NR | WIPfg | June 2015]
Stiles Stilinski has been looking forward to two things his entire life: Going to San Diego Comic Con and cosplaying his favorite characters ever and meeting his soulmate, the person he is destined to meet and either fall in love with or be best friends forever with. He hopes its the first option. But he never, in all those years, thought it both of those would happen at the same time, or that he’d be one of those lucky/unlucky people who are soulbonded to a celebrity.
AKA This is the story of a Youtuber and an Actor who have a long journey ahead of them before they figure out just what destiny has in story for them.
its derek hale wtf by bleep0bleep [E | 38.6k | June 2015]
Stiles doesn’t buy the whole magical, transcendent soulmate reveal story, snickers at all those movies where the couple touches each others marks for the first time, eyes glimmering over in emotion when they feel the bond surge through their bodies (who comes up with this stuff?), shakes his head at all those dreamy-eyed people willing to shell out money to track down their other half.
Stiles is just really ambivalent about the whole thing. He meets his other half in his lifetime? Cool. If not? It’s just fine; he’s happy where he is.
At least that’s what he keeps telling himself.
You know how this story ends, but how does it begin?
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thefirstcoming · 8 years
This idea has been stuck in my mind but I don’t think I have time to write it, so I’m throwing it out here as a not!fic.
Just imagine, for some reason, that Derek is all wolfed out in the aftermath of a fight, trading barbs back and forth with Stiles, and Stiles almost misses it – thinks it’s just a trick of the light.  Stiles loses his train of thought for a moment until Derek furrows his brow in confusion, eyes burning bright blue again, and then Stiles snaps back to attention and carries on as if nothing happened. 
But Stiles is Stiles, and he loves a puzzle, and his mind keeps turning it over and over, what they had been talking about when it happened, and when the realization hits him it’s enough to make him bolt straight upright in his bed, plans and schemes already spinning in his head.
Subtlety is not Stiles’ forte but he tries.  Just a comment here and there so that Derek doesn’t get his back up.  Trying to just throw it out there, trying not to stare too intently at Derek’s eyes, watching for it.  But it’s there, every time.
“It wasn’t your fault.”  (Flicker)
“You didn’t deserve that.” (Flicker)
“You were doing your best in a crap situation.”  (Flicker)
“Nobody blames you for what happened.” (Flicker)
And sometimes Derek does get angry and defensive, and other times he just ignores Stiles as if he’s just humoring him, but eventually, every once in awhile, there’s a little nod, as if Derek is registering the truth in Stiles’ unwavering tone and steady heartbeat.  Until over months and months and maybe even years and years, the flicker gets longer and longer until one day Stiles can smile up into Derek’s beautiful golden eyes. 
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thefirstcoming · 8 years
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Meet the Cast - Tyler Posey
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thefirstcoming · 8 years
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Tyler Hoechlin on the field at the MLB Celebrity Softball Game
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thefirstcoming · 8 years
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Merman Derek
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thefirstcoming · 8 years
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hoechlin talking about dylan accidentally slapping him during filming 
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thefirstcoming · 10 years
Lactation kink? Please?
Are you sure you didn’t mean to send this to drunktuesdaze?!?!
I’m not sure I’m qualified for this, but here goes:
The baby slept through the night for the first time when she was thirty-four days old, and Stiles woke up in the morning in a confused panic, chest achingly full, the room way too bright, where was the baby where was the baby where was—
The baby was in Derek’s arms, rooting fruitlessly at his hairy chest, trying to find something to latch onto. Stiles took her with shaking hands, his blood still singing with adrenalin, and she opened her little hungry mouth for Stiles’ nipple and just guzzled when she clamped down it. Stiles was so relieved he didn’t even wince. He just blinked down at her, reeling a little from all the different emotions he’d just experienced in thirty seconds, and practically wept over every little snuffling grunt as she gorged, probably ravenous after going all night without.
Derek carefully squeezed in between Stiles and the headboard so he could wrap his arms around both of them and pet the baby’s downy head while he watched her eat, let Stiles feel his strong wolf heart beating against his back. Stiles leaned against him and let Derek take their weight; the familiar warmth of Derek’s body and the familiar coziness of their position already helping him calm down. He didn’t feel awkward about breastfeeding anymore, and Derek never had—he’d handled it better than anyone else, including Stiles.
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thefirstcoming · 10 years
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Tyler + glasses
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
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august 12: protector
stiles stilinski and a wolf version of derek hale. (yeah, i drew even more teen wolf fanart. no shame.)
graphite for lines, photoshop cs3 for color.
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
spookyoldwolf replied to your post: my entire dash is discuss…
is this dylan obrien related? his nipples seem to always be game for a show
YES. I literally just told Jessie I’m gonna buy him a training bra. 
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
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Sorry,I want……
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
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I Call You Names Because I Love You
Stiles/Derek - Teen Wolf Reverse Bang - Art by Nana Summary: Years of touring with Stiles would never have prepared Derek for the day his beloved techie fell in love with someone else.
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
Ok this is breathtakingly good! Damn you (someone) for making me want a completely different show. I knew I wanted it, but to see it? Damn! And LOOOOOOVE! But still, damn!
Sterek - Opening Credits
  If Teen Wolf was a show that revolved primarily around Stiles and Derek’s supernatural romance, these would be the opening credits.
Holy shit, this is awesome!
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
The first time I got into bed with someone after ditching the wax, I panicked. I clearly remember thinking “Jesus, I’m going to take off my tights, he’s going to scream, jump off the bed, call his mum and start crying”. Except, well, he didn’t: in fact, I’m not even sure he noticed – and if he did, he didn’t mention it. Nor did any of the lovers that followed. When I quizzed a male friend on the subject, he told me that he was normally too happy to have someone getting naked in his bed that he sincerely could not care less whether she had some hair on her body or not. These wise words were echoed by nearly all the men I asked, which, when thinking about it, hardly is that surprising.
Sex, friends and strangers: what to expect when you stop shaving (via sexisnottheenemy)
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thefirstcoming · 11 years
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