thefinny-d · 5 years
Right Back
Tagging: Finn, Rachel & Friends Location: Taylor & Jeremy’s Apartment Notes: Finn and Rachel go to a party at Taylor and Jeremy’s apartment and Rachel brings along a new friend.
Finn was so happy with how everything was going for him and Rachel. While it had been about a month since the wedding, he still couldn't believe she was his wife. Her baby bump was finally at the point where she couldn't hide it and he truly loved her being pregnant so much. Finally all the things they had talked about for so long were happening and he knew they were in a place where things felt stable for once. While his mom was still sick, he was still waiting to find out if he was a match for the liver transplant and he knew he wanted to help her in any way he could. Once she was okay, he knew that everything in his life really would be perfect for the first time. Finn took a moment to look around at all his friends before he shifted his gaze back to the TV where him, Jeremy and Taylor were playing a game. While parties weren't really his thing, he always liked hanging out with Jeremy and Taylor and he knew Rachel enjoyed getting to see all her friends as well. Once the round was over, Finn excused himself from the couch before he moved over to where Rachel was, him offering her a small smile. "Hi wife," he said with a smile on his face before he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips, his hand caressing her baby bump for a moment before he pulled away. "How are you feeling?" he asked her. He knew he checked in a lot with her pretty much all the time but he couldn't help it. She was carrying their baby and he wanted to make sure they were both happy and healthy at all times. "You're seriously gonna stop playing to pester her again? Come on, dude. We're gonna lose without you! Jeremy said from his place on the couch, causing Finn to laugh and roll his eyes before he focused back on his wife.
Rachel felt like her entire life really had changed so quickly. Rachel never thought she'd be a mom, and well, here she was -- incredibly pregnant and married to Finn. She was the happiest she had ever been, that much she was sure about. Plus, Finn really was helping her through a lot of this and while he was very involved and didn't leave her alone a lot of the time because she was pregnant, she still loved that he helped her as much as he did. After coming back from their honeymoon, it definitely felt weird to be with everyone again and just being normal. If she could, Rachel knew that she'd much rather just stay on vacation with Finn forever, but unfortunately, he did have to get back to work. Plus, once Rachel got home she had found someone that she had been putting all of her energy into -- some duo that she really thought would be able to make it in the industry and Rachel really wanted to try and make all of this happen for them. As Finn walked over to her, Rachel looked at him and offered him a small smile. "Mm, hi, husband," She whispered before meeting his kiss. "I'm perfect, just like I was when you asked me an hour ago." She giggled, her only laughing slightly harder at Jeremy's words. Rachel leaned up to kiss him again as she held onto his shirt and she only pulled away when she heard Taylor start to complain. "Yeah, yeah. We'll keep it PG. Sorry, it's not my fault that we're technically newlyweds and allowed to do this kind of stuff." When Rachel heard her phone ring, she went to answer it, smiling when she heard her friend on the phone. "Oh, hey. Yeah, I'll let you in." Rachel excused herself for a moment moving over to the door to let Amber inside the house and leading her in with some conversation before bringing her to Taylor and Jeremy. "Hey, guys. Stop playing for like... two minutes. This is Amber, the girl I was telling you about that I found at that show I went to. We've been hanging out and I wanted her to hang out with us and everything. And bring her with us to the studio and like... show her the ropes and everything. She's just getting started, but she can totally make it."
Finn smiled at Rachel before she pressed her lips back to his, the two of them kissing passionately until Taylor started to complain. "You keep it PG? Marriage has changed you," he said teasingly as he looked into her eyes. When her phone rang, he watched as she answered it and he immediately knew it was Amber. While he had only met the younger girl a handful of times, she seemed nice and he loved that Rachel was so eager to help someone find their way in the music industry like she did. Finn moved back over to Taylor and Jeremy to get back in the game and only when Rachel asked them to stop did the pause. "Oh, sweet. Rachel's seriously been talking you up. You must be activating her mom senses or something because she's ready to get your whole career set up," Taylor said with a laugh as he looked over at her. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jeremy. I write a lot of the songs. I'd be happy to help you write some of your own." Finn looked over at Jeremy as he spoke before he bit down on his lip to try and hold back his laugh. God, he knew one of them would end up finding Amber attractive and try to get with her. "It's good to see you again, Amber. I know I've already said this but you really couldn't be learning from more talented people.," he said with a small smile. "You want anything to drink?" Jeremy asked as he quickly stood up from the couch and moved closer to Amber and Rachel. Finn set Rachel a look before he laughed softly and shook his head. "Is this your plan while you're pregnant?" Taylor asked Rachel. "Start up other peoples careers while you take a break?"
Rachel laughed and rolled her eyes at Jeremy's words. "God, why do you have to try and fuck every person I introduce to you? Give the girl a break. And she's with someone, so give it up. Even though I yelled at her because fucking your band members is never a good idea," She said before bringing her hand to rest on her bump. "I'll take a drink, thanks." After everyone was introduced and speaking to each other, she shrugged at Taylor's words. "I mean, yeah. I'm not going to be performing and yeah, I'm still recording and everything and having meetings and... and I'm planning for the future and doing a lot of stuff for me, I miss being as busy as I was. So this at least gives me that opportunity. And I know she can make it. She reminds me a lot of myself and I did a lot of crazy shit to even make it in the business so if she has an in, I mean, she can make it far. Maybe if we go to the studio tomorrow or some time this week we can have her try and record a little something. To see how it feels." Rachel looked at Amber and the girl smiled. "That'd be cool. Rachel told me a lot about you guys. Thanks so much for everything. It's been really cool getting to hear all about her and her life and how you guys got where you did. It's just been crazy." As Amber spoke, Rachel nodded gently. "Look, I know what it feels like to think that you'll never get out there and be... big. And have the fans. And now that I'm here it still doesn't feel that real and I still feel normal, but it's... it's really great. And I'm not going to be here forever so I want to help people so they don't go through all of the shit I did to even get a gig in LA."
Finn was proud of Rachel for taking Amber under her wing. He knew she really did want to help this girl and that she saw a lot of herself in her as well. In fact, he could see a lot of Rachel in Amber and he hadn't even heard the girl sing yet. "It's so crazy to think you're as big as you are sometimes," Finn said softly as he looked at Rachel. "It feels like yesterday I was watching you play the piano when we were teenagers or watching you play at smaller venues with Taylor and Jeremy." Finn smiled at his wife before he shifted his gaze to Amber. "Believe me, you can definitely create a career for yourself. If Rachel thinks you have something, you definitely do because she would never lie about something like that." Finn offered Amber a small smile before Jeremy returned with a drink for her, him quickly handing it over before he plopped back down on the couch. "Yo, is Sav coming to the party or is she ditching another one?" Jeremy asked Finn, causing him to shrug. "I don't know. I haven't spoken to her much outside of work since the wedding so I just - I don't know," he said softly. Finn hated that things were still uncomfortable with Savannah but he really did hope that if he gave her some space that she would come around because he missed having one of his best friends in his life. "So um - Amber. Which of Rachel's songs do you like the most?" he asked her. "Because I'm sure one of them has probably inspired you. I know every time I watch her write or hear her record I'm pretty amazed. It's cool you'll get to see the process a bit too," he said with a small smile. He knew how important this was to Rachel and he really did want Amber to be excited about this whole situation.
Rachel really was looking forward to seeing what this girl had to offer. She knew that Amber had potential -- Rachel had seen it in her from the moment that she met her. And honestly, if Rachel couldn't be performing or going on tour because she was so pregnant, then Rachel wanted to help some other person get to a good position in the business. When Finn was working, it wasn't like Rachel had much of anything to do, anyway. As Jeremy mentioned Savannah, Rachel sighed. Rachel knew a big reason the girl was probably avoiding Finn was because of her, but she also needed time away to get her head on straight before trying to be friends with him again. Rachel understood -- she had been away for so long and the girl probably thought it was her chance but she very clearly didn't have a chance at all, especially because they were married now. As Finn asked Amber a question, she shrugged and smiled. "I mean, I like them all. She's an amazing artist and I love that all of her songs are her own. Like... she doesn't have some writing team write them for her. It's real, you know? I like the older stuff a lot but her new stuff is definitely on my car playlist," The girl said with a grin, Rachel laughing gently. "Well, thanks," Rachel said with a grin, nudging her. "We'll definitely get you involved and I'll try and get you talking to some producers and stuff while we're waiting on this little one to show up," Rachel said, rubbing her bump gently. "It's going to happen so quickly but we have a little bit to go still. I'm going to start nesting soon and I'm going to need the nursery to be in tip top shape because otherwise I think I'll start going crazy." It really was insane how quickly everything was happening, but Rachel knew she was so excited to be a mom. She was excited to finally prove everyone wrong that told her that she'd be a shitty mom. "But... make yourself comfortable, Amber. Have some drinks, make friends. Jeremy and Taylor might try and get you into bed all night, but that's their way of bonding," Rachel teased hearing Taylor scoff. "Hey, that's not me. That's all Jeremy. He sees a girl and like... instantly becomes horny as fuck. I at least can control myself." Rachel chuckled and rolled her eyes before moving back down to sit on Finn's lap, seeing Amber go to sit near Jeremy, her on one of the extra chairs near the couch. "The baby misses you," Rachel whispered softly as she leaned forward to kiss Finn's cheek, smiling gently against his skin before pulling away.
Finn was so proud of Rachel for helping Amber. He knew how much she really did see potential in this girl and he loved that she was using her platform to help someone else excel in their career. It amazed him sometimes that Rachel was this famous singer who people loved, especially since he was usually so separated from that world of hers. Sure, he went to her shows but he was always backstage. The only time he really ever felt just how famous she was, was if they went to events together or if she was recognized in public. As Rachel talked about how she would try and help Amber as much as possible before she had the baby, he couldn't help but smile at his wife. He loved hearing her talk about the baby because he knew she was so excited and he knew she was going to be such an amazing mom. God, he couldn't wait to see her holding their child. "If you want them to go away from you, just let me know. It's my job to contain Jeremy and Taylor," he told Amber, watching as she laughed before she moved to sit down. When Rachel sat on his lap, Finn smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, his hand resting on her baby bump. "Well I missed our baby," he said softly. "I can't wait to hold him," he breathed out as he rubbed her stomach gently. "When we have him I really don't know if I'm going to be able to go back to work. I'm already having trouble leaving you two and it'll be even more difficult once he's here," he said with a small smile as he looked into her eyes before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you," he breathed out against her lips before he pulled away slightly, him smiling at her as his gaze met hers.
Rachel smiled gently as Finn rubbed her stomach gently. Sometimes it was crazy how much she really loved him and how much she needed him. But from the moment she met him, she knew that things were different. Finn was different and it was clear by where they were today. As he talked about going back to work, Rachel smiled gently. "I love you. And I know that you definitely are not going to want to go back to work. Just... stay home for a little bit. I know you get some time off of work, but they can deal with you away for a while. I'd say to take a leave but I know you and no matter how much money we have, it doesn't matter do you because you just... need to work." She laughed softly before shrugging and bringing a hand to rest on her bump. "It's going to be nice for me to have a break. I mean, I already have one but... my whole career is going to change. Maybe I'll do what I'm doing now with Amber. Or I'll produce or something. I can't keep going on tours now. Maybe just on the west coast or going away for a day to a concert and flying back at night. I just don't want our kid to be away from us all of the time in some day care. I want to be home and be with him all of the time," She said with a soft sigh. "I know I'll figure it out and everything but I already know I'm never going to want to leave him. He's like... the best thing that's ever happened to me aside from you and he isn't even here yet." Rachel really did feel like a different person in the best way possible. She loved that things finally felt normal and she liked being just to be able to be a family with Finn with nothing in their way. "He's gonna be here before we know it. We really don't have that much time left and pretty soon we're going to be walking zombies. If you weren't stuck with me before, now you're really stuck with me."
0 notes
thefinny-d · 6 years
Tagging: Finn, Rachel & Friends Location: Malibu, California Notes:  “We are just like the waves that flow back and forth Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there to save me And I wanna thank you with all of my heart It's a brand new start A dream come true In Malibu“
- Malibu - Miley Cyrus
Finn couldn't believe that this day was finally here. Today Rachel was going to become his wife. Today he was going to become her husband. It was crazy to think of everything they had been through up to this point and he knew that he was so incredibly grateful to have her in his life. Not only were they finally getting married after being together for so long but they were also going to have a baby and while not everyone knew about that part yet, he was thrilled. God, he was happier than he had ever been before in his life and he knew that Rachel was too. It was insane to him to think back to when they had first met in high school or when they had been going through so many ups and downs around the time Josh passed away and on her last tour. There had been so many times where he thought they were over and they somehow always managed to find their way back to each other. He didn't know how it was possible - how they were possible - but it was all really happening. "Well, at least we know this time you're actually getting married," Sam said with a laugh, causing Finn to laugh softly as well and roll his eyes. "Please don't remind me about how I almost married Haley. That would have been the worst mistake of my life." There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to marry Rachel, that she was the one for him and he couldn't wait to see her in her wedding dress. "Dude, you're gonna pass out when you see Rachel in her dress. Me and Taylor just saw her and that was definitely the reaction she was going for when she picked it," Jeremy said as Taylor nodded in agreement, causing Finn to laugh. "That's always the reaction she's going for when it comes to me." As everything started to get going, the wedding planner having him stand at the end of the aisle, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. All of his friends were here, his mom was even here and he couldn't believe this moment was happening. There was no way in hell his fourteen year old self would have even imagined he would be marrying Rachel Berry and now it was becoming reality. It was becoming his reality and he was more excited for it than he knew how to explain.
Rachel was pretty sure she could burst out crying if anyone even said one word to her that made her the slightest bit emotional. Between being pregnant and honestly just dealing with the emotions of having her wedding day, she felt like an emotional mess. However, she was doing her best to keep it together and she thought she was exceeding to a certain extent. There had been a few tears shed, but she really was just happy that they were able to even be here. There were times when she definitely didn't think that she'd be marrying Finn. They had been apart so many times and hell, she had even been to his other wedding -- one that thankfully hadn't happened. It was a little weird to have practically none of her family here to see her get married, but it had been how she wanted it. She didn't speak to her family and she really wanted to keep it that way. Plus, her friends were her family at this point. After Taylor and Jeremy had finally left her alone to finish getting ready, Mia put a bit of extra makeup on her, a large smile on her lips. "You're so gonna make him cry," Mia laughed, Rachel chuckling. "Yeah, well, I'm already on the verge of crying and I'm pretty sure he'll just be crying in shock that this is all actually happening. I'm just excited that we get to finally do all of this, you know? I didn't think I'd ever get married, and well... here I am. I finally brainwashed him enough to marry me," Rachel teased, her moving to look at herself in the mirror, a hand running over her dress in the front. "So does this scream 'I'm pregnant' or am I good?" Once Mia assured her that everything was fine, Rachel touched up a few last minute things and she was just honestly excited to get this part over. Of course, she was excited to actually marry Finn, but she was definitely excited to just enjoy the rest of the night with her friends. The second she was walking down the aisle towards Finn, she was pretty sure she could pass out, but she was incredibly happy that this was her reality. That she got to marry him and be with him for the rest of her life. A small smile rose on her lips as she looked at him, thrilled to see him after being apart from him all day. Once she reached him at the end of the aisle, she honestly couldn't wipe the small smile off of her lips. "Hi," She murmured, looking up at him and feeling her heart swell with love.
Finn could practically hear his heart beating in anticipation as he waited for Rachel to walk down the aisle. The second she stepped into view, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. Of course he had thought about marrying Rachel for forever but nothing compared to this moment. Nothing made it more real than him getting to see Rachel in her wedding dress. They were going to get married and a part of him wasn't sure that any of this was real. He was still his old loser self in high school dreaming, that had to be it. Finn could feel his eyes start to sting with tears just looking at her and while didn't want to get overly emotional, he really couldn't help it just thinking about everything that had happened to get to this point with her. "Hi," he breathed out as she moved to stand in front of him, Finn immediately reaching out to take her hands in his. "You look beautiful," he told her. He barely heard the officiant begin to speak as he looked at Rachel, him squeezing her hands gently as he offered her a small smile. When it was time for him to say his vows, however, his face flushed for a moment as he looked at the officiant before he looked back to Rachel. While he had gone over his vows a million times, he was still him and he was pretty sure speaking in front of people would give him anxiety until the day he died. "I'm um, I'm not usually the best with words so I'm sure you can imagine how long I tried to think of the perfect words to say for this moment," he said softly, glaring over at Jeremy when his friend snorted. Yeah, he knew he had been a little crazy over wanting things perfect but that was just who he was. "Anyway. I think while I was pouring over the perfect thing to say... I kind of realized that there isn't one perfect thing to say about us and how much I love you because we're not perfect. And I don't want to be some cookie cutter perfect couple because what we have is real. What we have is everything," he said softly. "Rach, I've had a crush on you since I was fourteen years old and even though we didn't even talk until our senior year of high school, I always knew there was something special about you. You loved me when no one else did a-and you made me feel like I mattered. I know we've been through hell and back together but I would do it all again if it meant that I got to stand with you here in this moment and know that you're going to be my wife." Finn offered Rachel a shaky smile as his eyes stung with tears slightly, him shifting his feet slightly as he held her hands in his. "I love you Rachel and I... I promise that I will keep loving you for the rest of my life. I... I will always be here for you through anything and I will always keep you safe. You are my everything, Rach and I promise I'll make it my mission to make sure every day for the rest of our lives that you know how much I love you and that you know how special you are." As Finn finished his vows, he smiled at Rachel and he knew that he was ready for this moment. He was ready to marry her more than he had ever been ready to do anything.
Rachel couldn't wait to just finally be his wife. She didn't need the rings to tell everyone how much her and Finn loved each other. That honestly meant nothing to her, especially because she knew how much they had been through. She knew how much their love meant to them and she couldn't wait to experience the rest of her life with him. She ha been the girl who didn't think that she would ever get married, and here she was, going to marry the love of her life. It wasn't just something she would get tired of -- their relationship meant everything to her and she truly didn't think that she would be where she was today if it wasn't for him. As soon as Finn started speaking his vows, she smiled gently at him, her hands still tightly in his. It was weird, really. She felt like they were just here all by themselves and she felt like she couldn't take her eyes off of his. It felt so personal, yet she was so happy that she could share all of this with their friends. As he spoke, she squeezed his hands gently, looking into his eyes. She knew it would always amaze her how much Finn really loved her, but she would never get tired of it. When the officiant told her to speak her vows after he finished his, she took in a soft breath, smiling. "This is typical, I guess. You have this nice thing prepared and I always wait until the last minute to figure out what to say," She said with a soft smile, bringing her gaze downwards before she looked up at him. "I'm pretty sure that I could play at least seven of my songs to show everyone how obsessed with you I am and how in love with you I am, but I guess I'll actually talk about it instead of singing it." Rachel felt like she could talk for hours about it -- about how much she truly cared about him. "We've been through so much and I know that we've had our ups and we've definitely had our downs but I'm so happy that we're here. And I'm really happy that us working on some random project turned into this -- the rest of our lives. I knew you were going to change my life but I didn't know how much and I'm so happy that we get to finally be us and we get to have the amazing future we always wanted. We have so much to look forward to and I know that high school me never would have imagined this all happening but I'm so happy it did. I'm so happy that you chose to fall in love with me and I just- I know that I'm never going to stop loving you." She stopped, feeling her eyes sting with tears. She bit down on her bottom lip for a moment and took a deep breath before looking back up to him. "I know that I would never be here without you. And that's not being dramatic -- it's true. I owe everything to you, babe. I love you more than I've loved anything in my entire life and I promise that I'm never going to stop. I'm always going to be there for you, no matter what. And I know that it's your job to fix people, but I promise that I'm always going to be there to fix you, too. I love you so, much." She told him, her offering Finn a tiny smile. She couldn't believe that they were really here, especially after going through so much. There had been times where they had been apart for years and she thought that she would never see him again, but they somehow made it back to each other. There were times where she had completely gone off the deep end, yet she was still here with him in this place even when she thought it was impossible.
Finn felt his heart swell with love as Rachel said her vows. It amazed him sometimes to know how in love with him she was, especially when he had always felt like the loser who got lucky to have the most beautiful girl in school somehow want him back. But here they were, getting married with those days of feeling like two innocent kids in high school long behind them. When she started getting emotional and tears filled her eyes, he could feel tears stinging his eyes as well. God, he loved her so much. Just hearing her say that she wouldn't be here without him caused a tear to fall down his cheek and he squeezed her hands gently as he looked into her eyes. There had been so many ups and downs with her addiction and he knew that he would be grateful for the rest of his life that she was here. That she was sober. As they started exchanging rings, Finn could feel his hand shaking and he laughed softly as he struggled for a moment to slip the ring onto her finger. "We're getting married and you still make me nervous," he whispered to her with a laugh as he looked into her eyes lovingly. It wasn't long before he was finally told to kiss his bride and Finn smiled before he wrapped his arms around Rachel to pull her close to him as he pressed his lips to hers. He kissed Rachel passionately as he held her in his arms and he knew that this was the moment that they had both been dreaming about for so long. This moment was everything. "I've been waiting for that kiss for so long," he breathed out as he pulled away slightly, his forehead resting against hers. "Our first kiss as a married couple." Finn smiled at Rachel as he looked into her eyes before he kissed her once more, laughing against her lips when Taylor called out for them to get a room. "I love you Rachel," he said softly, taking her hand in his as he started walking with her back up the aisle.
Rachel smiled gently and looked at him as they went to exchange rings, her giggling softly at his words. She was pretty sure Finn would always be that same nervous boy that she had met in high school and she loved that she was able to still see that side of him. He really had changed so much since then, but she was still able to see glimpses of the same boy that she had fell in love with way back when. SHe was sure that he still felt the same about her, though her past self wasn't exactly something she had been the most proud of. "It's okay, you make me nervous, too." Once she got the ring on his finger as well, she offered him a tiny smile. Kissing Finn and being close to him had been on her mind since she had woken up this morning and she was happy to finally be able to. When Finn wrapped his arms around her, Rachel moved to wrap her arms around his neck, her smiling before she met his lips and kissed him back passionately. Rachel smiled as he pulled away, her looking into his eyes. "Mm. Definitely a kiss to be remembered," She whispered gently before she leaned up to meet him for another kiss, laughing after she heard Taylor's words. "Don't worry, we will." She teased back, looking over at him and laughing. She could see his slight eye roll and she couldn't help but grin. When Finn took her hand, she went to hold his hand tightly, her free hand moving to hold onto his arm to keep close to him. "I love you," She said as she looked up at him, a small smile on her lips. Once they were away from all of the guests and finally in private, able to just be together for a few moments, she went to pull herself close to him, her leaning up to kiss him as her hands went to his cheeks for a moment. She kissed him tenderly before pulling away after a moment and looking into his eyes, her hands moving to his suit jacket. "I never got to tell you how sexy you look in this suit. I've seen you dressed up like this a lot, but somehow you look ten times better right now," She told him, her fingers brushing over the fabric of his jacket. "I love you so much," She repeated for probably the millionth time of the day, looking up into his eyes. "How does it feel knowing that you're stuck with me forever now?"
Finn laughed as Rachel made a teasing comment right back to Taylor before they started heading back up the aisle together. Once they finally had a moment alone, he turned to face Rachel, slipping his arms around her waist as she pressed her lips to his. Somehow kissing her felt even better knowing that she was his wife now and he knew that he was more in love with her now than he had ever been - if that was even possible. When she moved her hands to his suit jacket, he kept his hands resting on her hips, him smiling as she spoke. "I look good? Have you seen yourself?" he said with a laugh. "I love you too. I love you so much." When she asked him how it felt being stuck with her forever, he couldn't help but laugh. "It feels amazing knowing that I get to me with you for the rest of my life. This is what I've always wanted." Finn felt his heart swell with happiness as he looked into her eyes. "How do you feel knowing that you're stuck with me?" he asked her playfully. "Also, did I mention how stunning you look?" he asked her, one hand still resting on the curve of her hip while the other moved to her collarbone, his finger tracing teasingly down the deep v in the neckline of her dress. "You are so insanely sexy and I'm pretty sure you were trying to get me to pass out with this dress," he said with a laugh. Finn bit down on his lip as he looked into her eyes before he moved his hand to rest on her tiny baby bump. He knew that no one else would be able to tell she was pregnant but he knew her body and he loved the fact that they were starting to see the signs of their little baby growing. "Do you think the baby is happy their mom and dad are married now?" he asked her playfully, his fingers brushing against her stomach affectionately before he slipped his arms around her waist once more. "Because I know I'm happy. I've never been this happy before."
Rachel looked at Finn with a small grin as he talked about her dress. "Hm, well.... I mean, I definitely wanted to shock you. I thought it would be nice to see you get a little worked up over it. I mean, I thought it looked pretty amazing when I tried it on, but I wanted to get something that you would like, too. I mean, that was probably stupid, considering you probably would think that I'd look sexy in a paper bag, but I think the dress is perfect. A little revealing, but just enough for you. Anything else and it would have been a little too much," She laughed, looking up into his eyes. As he moved his hand to her small bump, she smiled gently and went to look down at his hand. "I think the baby is very happy that their mom and dad are married now. I'm pretty happy, so the baby is extra happy. And I think the baby is even more excited for me to eat." She had eaten a pretty large breakfast -- but she had been nervous and overwhelmed and hadn't been able to eat too much else the rest of the day. As Finn wrapped his arms around her, she smiled. "I've never been this happy before, either. I really do love you. So much, babe. I'm just so happy that we finally get to have this... this amazing future together." She was pretty sure that she was going to be in shock that they were married for at least the next few days, but she was looking forward to it. And she was also definitely looking forward to just having some alone time with Finn after this. Rachel leaned up to kiss him again, one hand moving to his cheek before it moved into his hair, her fingers threading into it gently. She deepened the kiss slightly and moved herself closer to him, her pulling away when she heard Taylor and Jeremy's voices. "How did we know that you'd be sneaking off and trying to get naked only minutes after the ceremony?" Taylor teased, Rachel rolling her eyes as she pulled away and moved into Finn's side. "That's rude. I'm not even trying to get him naked. Not my fault you guys are making it your mission to catch us sneaking off. And would it really be my wedding if I wasn't trying to sneak Finn off into some random room away from everyone else?" Taylor chuckled, shaking his head. "We don't want to crash your party, but you have to be all prim and proper for a little bit and take some pictures, probably."
Finn couldn't believe that him and Rachel were married. They were married and they were going to have a child together and he was so incredibly excited for their future. "I love you too, Rach. I love you so much," he whispered before they shared another kiss. When she moved her hand into his hair and threaded her fingers through it, he gripped onto the fabric of her dress slightly as he tugged her closer to him. It was only when Taylor and Jeremy started talking did him and Rachel pull away and he couldn't help but laugh as Taylor spoke. He wrapped his arm gently around her as she moved into his side and while he definitely liked the idea of sneaking off with Rachel, he knew that they did at least have to look okay for pictures before they could. "Yeah, yeah, we know we have to be prim and proper for the pictures. But I already know at some point during the reception Rachel will be sneaking me off so you guys better stop looking for us because you're going to end up walking in on something you'll regret seeing," he said with a laugh. "Ew, okay, yeah, no more looking for you guys on your wedding day. But for real, the photographer is ready when you guys are." Finn looked down at Rachel and smiled at her before he followed after Taylor and Jeremy so they could all take pictures. "Hi sweetie. I'm so happy for you," his mom said as him and Rachel met up with everyone outside. "Thank you, mom," he said softly, moving away from Rachel for a moment to pull her into a hug. She looked sick and it scared the hell out of him to see her so weak. He could only hope that the doctors would tell him he was a match so they could do the liver transplant because he knew he needed her to be okay. Finn pushed those negative thoughts out of his mind as he hugged his mom, knowing that today was an amazing day, one that he wanted to remain positive no matter what. "Thank you for inviting me. I do wish you could have invited your dad. I know you two don't get along but I wish you would." Finn sighed as he pulled away from his mom and offered her a small smile. "Of course I invited you. And I know you wish that... I'm sorry," he said softly. When it was time for them to take pictures, he was thrilled to get some photos with his mom, his friends and of course, Rachel. He was never the kind of person that really liked having photos taken of him but when he was feeling this happy and this excited, he didn't mind it at all because these pictures were capturing the happiest moment of his life so far.
Rachel knew that they were doing things slightly out of order -- especially being pregnant before their wedding. However, no one knew yet except for a few people, and she was happy to keep it that way for as long as possible. It was nice to not have to answer questions and to just have something that her and Finn could look forward to together. As Finn spoke, Rachel laughed gently and shook her head. "Okay, you all don't need to attack me. You all know my sex drive, I'm just trying to make sure that everyone doesn't have to witness me all over Finn." Rachel knew that she wanted to be able to enjoy her wedding day and that definitely included spending some alone time with Finn, whether it was during their reception or afterwards. It didn't matter to her. When they eventually moved to take pictures with everyone else, she kept close to Finn, she kept near Finn as his mom approached them. She knew he was really stressed about the entire thing with his mom, and she obviously was really worried as well, but she didn't want him to worry when they were supposed to be enjoying their day. Rachel kept her mouth shut, not wanting to stir anything up to upset Finn or upset his mom -- she just wanted today to be perfect. Rachel just followed what the photographer wanted as they switched between different people. SHe didn't exactly want to sit around taking pictures, but she wanted to have the memories to look back on and that included pictures of her and Finn. Rachel made sure to get a few pictures with Taylor and Jeremy, definitely wanting to capture the three of them because they were finally good friends again. Rachel knew that she had screwed up a lot of things for a long time, but she was happy to have all of them together. When Rachel moved back over to Finn, she went to wrap her arms around his waist, leaning up to kiss him before smiling against his lips. When she pulled away after a moment, she grinned at him, moving to wipe at his bottom lip slightly. "All of my lipstick is going to be gone before we even get to the actual reception. It's a good look for you," She whispered teasingly.
Finn was glad to have pictures with everyone. He knew to some people it was probably weird that him and Rachel had no family there other than his mom but that was unfortunately the situation that they were in. They both had shitty upbringings in different ways and he knew that there was no one in his family other than his mom that he cared about being a part of his wedding. He got a picture with Sam and Artie and he knew that none of them could believe that he was really marrying Rachel after all of this time. Somehow he had actually gotten the girl he had a huge crush on and he knew his friends were just as amazed as he was. When he was finally reunited with Rachel after taking pictures, he smiled when she moved into his arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. He kissed her back lovingly and when she pulled away and wiped at his bottom lip, he couldn't help but smile. "This is why I don't get the point of lipstick when it all just ends up on my face," he said with a laugh. "I mean, is it at least my color?" he asked her playfully before he pressed another kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, he looked over to see Sam and Artie approaching them and he smiled at his friends. "We didn't get a chance to talk to you yet, Rachel. It's crazy because we were just talking about how much he used to be obsessed with you in high school before you two even met and now you're married. What were the odds of that actually happening," Artie said, Sam laughing and nodding in agreement. "We're really happy that you two are finally married though. I think once you two dated in high school it was pretty obvious that this was going to happen one day, even if it took a little while to get here." Finn smiled at his friends and he knew that if there was anyone who knew his and Rachel's relationship from the very beginning it was them. Sure, they hadn't really been involved in the extremely dark times but that was only because Finn didn't really tell anyone about that other than Taylor and Jeremy since they were in the situation as well most of the time. "I swear a part of me is scared that I'm going to wake up and all of this is a dream," he said softly, a small smile on his face as he looked down at Rachel.
Rachel looked over to Sam and Artie as they walked over to them, her keeping close to Finn as they started to speak. "Oh, it's okay. I'm glad you guys are here. And I mean, I'm glad to actually be able to start enjoying the day because even if everyone says weddings are a lot of fun, they're also a lot of work." Rachel knew the fact that her and Finn were together was insane, but she was so excited about it. "Yeah, what, did you guys tell me that he was staring at me in the lunch room all of the time? It's amazing that we're actually here. We've been together and not together and everything in between so it's just really crazy." She knew that she could have ended up alone and drunk in LA for the rest of her life but she was so grateful for Finn and the love he gave her. "It definitely won't be a dream. We're gonna wake up tomorrow and we're going to look at each other and it's going to feel even more real. Hopefully, anyway. It would suck really bad to wake up and to have this be all a dream. It would be a really amazing dream, but I'd much rather have it be real." A laugh escaped her lips and she snaked her arm around Finn's waist, holding onto him gently and resting her head against his chest. "I'm so happy that you guys are here and that all of our friends are here. It means more to have you guys here than any family ever would." Rachel did wish that she had some kind of family here for her, especially because she never got to have a mom to go wedding dress shopping with and she wouldn't have a dad here to have a father-daughter dance with at her own wedding. However, she was just glad to be able to have all of her friends so she could celebrate with them and make some amazing memories.
Finn knew that he was so grateful for all of their friends that were there for them because they were truly their family more than their actual family. "I'd rather it be real too," he said softly as he looked down at Rachel with love in his eyes. "It definitely means more to have you guys and everyone else more than family. I mean, my mom is the only person from my family that I talk to. She's literally the only family member here," he said before he shook his head. It sucked that him and Rachel had such bad relationships with their parents because even though his mom was at the wedding, he still had huge issues with her. She still had problems with him because of the fact that he didn't get along with his dad even though the only reason for that was because of how his father treated him. After talking with their friends and finishing up any other pictures, they were off to the reception. It was crazy to hear them announced as Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and a part of him knew that he'd be in shock that they were married for the rest of his life. As the song started for their first dance, Finn slipped his arms around Rachel and smiled as he looked down at her, them swaying to the music. "I don't think we've slow danced since prom," he said softly before a laugh escaped his lips. "It's weird to have everyone watching us all day, I'm not used to being the center of attention." Finn was definitely relieved to have a moment with Rachel, especially when he knew that they would be pulled in a million different directions all night long. "I can't get over how beautiful you look," he told her. "I'm the luckiest guy on the planet," he said before he dipped his head down to kiss her softly. "Promise me after they serve the cake that we can sneak off for twenty minutes," he whispered in her ear. "I think they'll all be too drunk to notice by that point." Finn smiled as he looked down at Rachel, knowing that he loved her more than words could describe. She was his everything, his wife and the mother of their perfect little baby. It was crazy that all of this was happening but he knew he was loving every second of it.
Rachel couldn't believe that she'd get to be Rachel Hudson now. A part of her knew that there was no rush to really change her name right away on paper because it didn't exactly matter, but she knew she'd be absolutely insane about it and go the absolute next day to get her name changed legally. It was something that was important to her and she couldn't wait to be able to share Finn's last name. When they started their slow dance, she laughed gently at his words. "You're probably not wrong. I think it's been a really long time. We don't really go out that much so we have no real reason to dance or anything," She said, shrugging gently. "I don't mind, but it's nice to be able to dance with you. It's a weird feeling, though. And you always say you have no rhythm. I know a lot of ways to prove that you do," She told him with a soft giggle, a grin on her lips. When he pulled away from their soft kiss, she smirked at his words. "I'm not even the one to suggest sneaking off -- being a married man changed you already," She teased as she continued to sway with him. "We can do that. Twenty minutes is long where people might look for us but not too long where they'd worry," She told him, her just happy to be able to have any time with him at all. "I can't wait to go on our honeymoon. We're not leaving the bed the entire day when we get there. Except to eat. But... you know, I guess we can eat in bed, too." She was excited for the alone time with him, especially since she had been looking forward to having any kind of vacation with him. Plus, having an excuse to basically wear clothing for an extended period of time with her husband seemed like a really amazing time if she was being honest with herself.
Finn raised his eyebrows at Rachel's comment about knowing ways to prove that he had rhythm before a laugh escaped his lips. "I have rhythm with you, not with music," he said with a playful smile. "And being a married man has definitely changed me already. I know the whole point of a reception is to celebrate with everyone but I just want to celebrate with you." When she started talking about their honeymoon, he knew he was looking forward to it right along with her. They had been wanting to go on a nice vacation for the longest time and they were finally going to get that and get the chance to celebrate being married. "I can't wait either. And believe me, I know you're not letting me leave the bed for the first day. And even when we do go sightseeing I doubt it'll be for long," he said with a laugh. "I love you so much. I can't believe we're really married. All that planning and the day is finally here, you know? We did it, baby. We made it." Finn looked down at Rachel with love in his eyes before he kissed her once more. When their first dance song came to an end, he moved with Rachel over to where they had a table set up just for them and he knew he was looking forward to the food that they had picked out. So much work had gone into planning their wedding and he knew they were both looking forward to enjoying every second of it. Finn hadn't even realized just how many people they knew and while it was a little overwhelming having so many people come up to them, it made him happy too. When Savannah walked over to where they were seated, Finn offered his friend a small smile. "Congratulations, you guys. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and the reception is too. Everything is perfect," she said softly. Finn knew that after Savannah had told him that she had feelings for him that things had been awkward but he was relieved that everything was getting better. "Thanks, Sav. I'm really glad you came," he told her. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it. I um - enjoy everything. I'll see you at work when you get back from your honeymoon."Savannah smiled softly before she moved away from them and Finn couldn't help but feel relieved. "I didn't realize how many people we knew. It's kind of exhausting talking to so many people in one night," he said as he turned to Rachel.
Rachel loved that they were finally married. She was so happy that they could just be married and celebrate now -- there was no more stress about anything. Of course, they had to still worry about her pregnancy, but she knew that it was something they'd both be able to enjoy now. They could both go to appointments and just not have the wedding to stress about too. Rachel loved the fact that they finally got to have their wedding but she also wanted to just have time to relax and to enjoy Finn. She wanted people to enjoy themselves, buts he also didn't want to worry about entertaining everyone. Once their dance was over and they were sitting down at their own table, Rachel looked up when she saw Savannah walking over to them. She was happy that the girl was being friendly, but she definitely didn't want the girl to get overly friendly. Things had been better after everything had went down with her and Finn, but she just wanted the girl to learn to keep her distance. "Thanks, Savannah. It's great that you're here." Rachel knew that Finn obviously wanted her there and she wanted Finn to be able to have his own friends. Rachel didn't want to have to worry about every single person he hung out with and she knew that she had no reason to, especially because Finn was awkward with practically every other human on the planet. "Yeah, well, we are pretty popular. I'm glad everyone could come, though. I don't want to have to walk around all night, I just want to enjoy ourselves." Rachel looked to Finn for a moment and ran a hand through his hair gently. "Are you gonna dance with your mom? I think she'd like that." She whispered softly, a small smile on her lips. "I'm glad that she's here for you. She's looking... rough. But I know that she's going to love that she came and she was here even if she's not feeling the greatest."
Finn laughed softly when Rachel said that they were pretty popular. "We are, aren't we? I finally know what it feels like after all these years," he said playfully. He turned to look at her as she ran her hand through his hair and when she asked him if he was going to dance with his mom, he managed a small smile back to her. Finn knew that Rachel was more than aware of the fact that the situation with his mom was something that pretty much constantly stressed him out. Her health was on the decline and if she didn't get this transplant, he was going to lose her and that was just not something he was willing to let happen. "I - yeah, I'm going to dance with her," he said softly. "I'm happy she's here too. And she's sober, so that's a plus," he added. Finn was worried about his mom. She told him that she was still waiting to hear back from the doctor if he was a match and he couldn't help but wonder what was taking so long. He wanted to help his mom - he needed to help his mom and he knew that if she had this transplant that her whole life could change. She could finally get on the right path and stay on it. "I um... I'll go grab her," he said softly before he got up and spoke to the DJ. As the song started for his dance with his mom, he smiled as he led her to the dance floor. "I can't belive that you're my son sometimes," she said softly as she looked up at him, causing Finn to smiled softly as he looked down at her in confusion. "Why do you say that, mom?" he asked her. "Because you're so good, Finn. And you were born like that too. Me and your father... we didn't teach you to be the man that you are, you just are. And I know that I made things hard for you when you were little and forced you to grow up too fast but you just - I'm so proud of you." Finn looked down at his mom sadly as she spoke and he couldn't help smile softly. "Mom, you're not perfect but that's okay. I never needed you to be perfect, I just need you to be here for me. That's all." When her eyes filled with tears and she pressed her face to his chest as they danced, he looked at her worriedly as he held her close. He knew she was going through a lot with her health and the whole situation was terrifying but he knew he would do anything for his mom. When the song drew to a close, he hugged his mom tightly before moving back over to Rachel. "I'm worried about her," he said softly before he sat down. "But um... you still need to have your dance, you know," he said, his spirits lifting immediately when he saw Taylor and Jeremy standing on the dance floor, beckoning Rachel over. "Get over here, Rachel," Jeremy called out with a laugh.
Rachel was so happy that her and Finn were finally married. Honestly, she never thought she would be the kind of girl to get married. It wasn't even because she was young, she just really didn't think that she would ever find someone to love her like Finn did and she never thought she was worth enough to actually be a wife to someone. When Finn spoke about his mom, she nodded gently. "Yeah. I- I'm happy she's here for you. I'm happy she's sober." She definitely didn't look good -- Rachel could tell that she wasn't doing well. But Rachel wanted to do whatever she could to help Finn and his mom. Rachel rubbed his arm and smiled gently at Finn, nodding when he said that he was going to go grab his mom to dance with her. Rachel didn't always approve of everything that his mom did, especially because Finn always did so much to her and she always just pushed him away. There was a time when Rachel didn't approve of Finn doing anything for her, but Rachel knew that she couldn't exactly tell Finn to let go if he didn't want to. Rachel played with the fabric of her dress slightly as she watched the two of them, her leaning forward to lean her elbow against the table, her head resting in her hand. A small smile was on her lips as Finn danced with her, her eyes just stuck on him as he moved with her. Once Finn was finished, she looked at him and smiled when he went to sit back next to her. "Me too." She said softly before he continued speaking. She was immediately confused, and when she saw Taylor and Jeremy standing out there, she looked to Finn. "Did you set this up? I'm gonna kill all of you. I didn't need this," She said, her feeling Mia move to push her out of her chair. Rachel walked over to Taylor and Jeremy, her rolling her eyes playfully. "Isn't this supposed to be a father daughter dance? I didn't know you got off on the whole daddy kink," Rachel said, a grin on her lips. Taylor groaned before moving her into his side, Rachel giggling. "You guys are so lame." "Hey, don't make us regret trying to give you some nice dance. We were just trying to be good friends," Jeremy said, feigning hurt. Rachel nodded, a small smile on her lips. She went to rub slightly at the corner of her eye, offering the two of them a small smile. "You two assholes are gonna make me cry. I'm too emotional today for this." The three of them danced together for a few moments, keeping up soft conversation. "We're really happy for you," Taylor said, Rachel looking over at him and smiling. "Thanks. I'm really happy, too. I'm so happy that things turned out this way. I know you guys have seen me at my best and at my literal worst so I just... thanks. For everything." When the song was over, Rachel went to hug the both of them, her holding onto them tightly before walking back over to Finn, moving to kiss him gently. "Have I mentioned how much I love you today yet? Or should I remind you again?"
Finn smiled at Rachel when she asked him if he had set up her dancing with Taylor and Jeremy. It had really been something that all three of them had come up with together and he truly was so happy to give her a special dance since her fathers weren't there. "I might have had something to do with it," he said with a laugh before she headed out to the dance floor. Finn looked after her with love in his eyes and he watched as she danced with their friends, knowing that this moment, this night was something that he would never forget. When they were finished dancing and Rachel made her way back over to him, he felt his heart swell with love at the sight of her. His wife. God, he couldn't believe it. When she pressed her lips to his, he kissed her back lovingly, a smile on his face as she pulled away. "I mean, you've mentioned it once or twice but I really like hearing it. Have I mentioned that I love you too? Because I love you more than anything," he told her. As the night continued on, Finn was happy to have dinner and just enjoy being around his friends and family. When Taylor and Jeremy dragged him and Rachel onto the dance floor, his eyes widened in fear. "Slow dancing I can do but please don't make me dance to anything that is more than swaying," he said to his friends. He knew everyone was ready to party and everyone was also pretty tipsy by now and while he wanted to have fun and let loose a bit as well, dancing wasn't exactly fun to him. "Rachel? Help," he said with a laugh as he looked over at her, watching as Mia moved over to them happily. Yeah, everyone was definitely drunk already. "It's your wedding, Finn! Party it up a little bit," Jeremy said with a laugh as Finn stood there awkwardly while everyone danced to the music that was playing.
Rachel wanted to be able to have fun at her wedding, and she was grateful for her wedding planner because she definitely was a lot less stressed about everything that was going on. Rachel didn't have to worry about every little detail going perfectly. It was nice to just spend time with Finn and talk with everyone all night. The food was great and everything was just moving along very nicely. Everyone was pretty drunk, and well, it was still weird to be the sober one, but she was very happy to be the sober one, especially because she was pregnant. It wasn't just her not drinking because she was trying not to -- she really didn't want to screw anything up in their lives right now. When her and Finn were on the dance floor with their friends, she laughed at how awkward Finn seemed to be. He was never much of a dancer, honestly. He really never even wanted to slow dance because he was so awkward about it. "I'm not helping," She laughed gently, her dancing with Mia for a moment. Rachel twirled Mia around gently before she moved over to Finn, her giggling and wrapping her arms around his neck and moving gently against him. "I know you have basically no rhythm at all, but you gotta let loose a little bit. You look like a statue out here," She said to him, her forcing him to at least sway along to the music. "It's been a really amazing day so far. And even if we might be the only sober ones, I'm having a lot of fun. I'm so glad that everyone is here with us."
Finn couldn't help but laugh when Rachel told him that she wasn't helping him. "But I'm your husband, you're supposed to help me," he said teasingly as he watched her dance with Mila for a moment. When she moved against him, her arms wrapping around his neck, he moved his hands to rest on the curve of her hips. "It's not that I'm not letting loose, I just can't dance," he said with a laugh, him trying to move along to the music the way she wanted him to. He was horrible at dancing but he knew that he'd dance if it meant that he could be with Rachel like this. "I'm having a lot of fun too. And I'm always the only sober one so this is a completely normal situation for me." Finn laughed softly as he danced with her before he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I'm glad you're having fun but I can't wait to sneak you out of here later." Finn bit down on his lip and smiled as he looked down at Rachel when he pulled away slightly before he pressed his lips to hers. If everyone wanted him to let loose, then he was going to do just that. Finn deepened the kiss as he held her close to him. He wasn't usually one for PDA like this but he didn't care - it was their wedding day. If he wanted to make out with his wife in the middle of the dance floor then he could do just that. "Oh shit, Finn's going in!" Taylor called out, causing Finn to laugh against Rachel's lips for a moment before he flipped off his friend. "It's my wedding, I can kiss my wife whenever I want to," he said as he pulled away, him smiling down at Rachel. "You wanted me to let loose a little bit, right?"
Rachel loved how awkward Finn could be sometimes. He had gotten a lot less awkward since she had first met him, but she loved when she could catch glimpses of the old, awkward Finn who couldn't even talk to a girl if he tried. And still, he couldn't really talk to girls -- if anyone flirted with him, he would never have any idea. As Finn moved to whisper in her ear, she smirked gently and leaned up to meet him for a kiss. Rachel couldn't believe what they had sometimes. Everything truly was so perfect and she was so happy to be able to have this for the rest of her life. When Finn deepened the kiss, she was honestly surprised. Finn was usually pretty private and Rachel was the one trying to push him to get a little out of the box, but she definitely did love this side to him. "Mm," She mumbled as he pulled away, her eyes moving up to meet his. "You can definitely let loose like that whenever you want. And we can also let loose in some random closet if you're feeling up to that," She teased gently before leaning up to kiss him again. With her arms wrapped around his neck, she kept close to him for a moment before pulling away and looking up into his eyes. "I'm always up for a good party, but I'm definitely completely ready to go back to a nice comfy bed tonight."
Finn laughed when Rachel told him that he could let loose whenever he wanted. He knew that she liked when he was a little more assertive with their relationship and her reactions always made him want to push himself out of his comfort zone more and more. "You say the word and I'll let loose with you wherever you want. All you have to do is ask," he told her, a smile on his face before they shared another kiss. When she pulled away, he looked down into her eyes and when she said that she was ready to go back to bed that night, he knew he felt the same way. He was happy to spend the night celebrating with their friends but he couldn't wait until they were finally alone again. There really was no better way to celebrate than them being together. "You look so beautiful in this dress but I kinda can't wait to get you out of it," he told her, a smile pulling up at the corner of his lips as he gripped her hips tightly. He was doing his best to keep his hands where they belonged since they were surrounded by their friends and his mom but he was finding it more and more difficult to focus with her.
Rachel was enjoying their wedding more than anything. She loved that they were together with all of their friends and she loved everything that they were experiencing but she was definitely excited to be done with this day. Rachel was so glad that her and Finn were finally married, but she would have been fine just having a small party of a few of her friends before she went home but she was definitely glad they could get everyone together. After partying for a while, it was nice to just have some cake and some other dessert and to calm down slightly. When her and Finn were sitting at their table, Rachel brought a piece of cake to her lips before moving in her seat to look over at him. "So... how obvious do you think it would be if we snuck out early from our own wedding? I'm kind of ready to go and I'm definitely ready to start focusing on this honeymoon that we get to enjoy," She told him, her hand running a hand along his arm gently. "I mean, I'm having fun and I'm glad everyone else is having fun, but I already know that people are going to leave soon and while I want to leave to have somef un of our own, I definitely am exhausted." She told him, her laughing gently. "And while I also feel beautiful in the dress and the makeup and the hair and everything, I'm ready to get out of it all and slip into one of your t-shirts. Or... well, nothing." Rachel definitely knew that the entire honeymoon thing would be her favorite part, especially because she wanted time alone with Finn. "I'm definitely excited to kind of just turn off our phones and ignore everyone for a while."
Finn was grateful that the wedding had gone perfectly. Sure, they had a wedding planner that helped them through everything but with his and Rachel's history, things had a way of not going how they planned. But this night was perfect. Everything was perfect and he was so incredibly happy that him and Rachel were finally married. Once the cake had been brought out, they went back to their table to eat and Finn practically inhaled his slice. He was definitely happy to have been a part of picking that delicious cake out, that was for sure. As Rachel spoke, he turned to face her slightly and he couldn't help but smile. "It would be pretty obvious to the people who are sober. So... pretty much no one. I think everyone expects us to head out early anyway, I'm pretty sure Taylor and Jeremy even have a bet going on." He knew that they were both looking forward to just being together. Their honeymoon was going to be amazing and he was thrilled to have that time to focus on Rachel and how in love with her he was. "I'm excited to ignore everyone for a while too," he said softly. "And I'm ready to go if you are. This night was amazing but I'm ready for you to slip into nothing so we can enjoy the rest of our night together." Finn smiled playfully at Rachel as he looked into her eyes. "Plus, I mean... this is gonna be our last first time together, you know. I'm pretty excited about that."
Rachel looked at Finn and managed a soft laugh, nodding gently. "That's true. I mean, everyone pretty much is drunk. I can't blame them for taking advantage of the open bar," She said with a grin, keeping her eyes on him. "And I mean, hey. Who are we to mess up Taylor and Jeremy's bet? I think that one of them was probably betting on us going at it the second we were actually married, but we kept things together. I'm surprised we didn't sneak off, but I was tempted. Very much so. But I'm definitely happy to be able to get out of here soon. I mean, it's my job to keep you satisfied at pretty much all times so I definitely have to get you out of here eventually." Rachel couldn't believe that she was actually married, but she was definitely excited to be able to wear both her wedding band and her engagement ring day and night. It made her feel so incredibly whole to have a ring on her finger that belonged to Finn and it made her so incredibly happy. "Mm, I'm definitely ready to go. I want to just spend some time with you and relax. Or not relax." She paused for a moment and leaned forward to kiss him. "Mm, yeah. We're definitely not relaxing," She said with a small smirk. "I'm tired of sharing you with everyone. I can't wait to just have you all to myself. And then after our honeymoon we have to go back to normal which... kind of sucks but I guess we'll have to be social again at some point." A laugh escaped her lips before she looked into his eyes again, a small smile resting on her lips. "And our last first time sounds kind of sexy but also really sad. I mean, we'll have to make the most of it so... I guess we won't really be sleeping. But I'm more than okay with that if you are."
Finn laughed softly at Rachel's words. "I mean, I'm kind of surprised we didn't sneak off right away either but I'm proud of us. We kept it together and we'll have all those really nice pictures too. But, I mean, if you want to do your job of keeping me satisfied we should definitely get out of here soon." Finn smiled at her and when she told him that she was ready to go, he nodded in agreement. When she pressed her lips to his, he sighed happily into the kiss, unable to keep a smile off his face when she spoke. "Mm, not relaxing at all. Not until much later," he whispered. "And I can't wait to have you all to myself too. And don't think about going back to normal right now because right now all we have to worry about is each other. I'm also more than okay with not sleeping tonight, baby. I wasn't planning on it anyway." Finn looked around at everyone for a moment before he moved to stand up, him holding out his hand for Rachel. "This is why we got a venue where we could spend the night right here," he said with a laugh. "Let's go to our room and have some fun because we have a day of traveling for our honeymoon tomorrow."
Rachel didn't want the night to end, but she also didn't want to be stuck here without a chance to have alone time with Finn. Honestly, she never even thought she was going to get married, and while this definitely was her dream wedding, it wasn't something she necessarily needed. She would have been fine going off to some random place to get married and just have a big party with everyone a few weeks after her and Finn were on her honeymoon. As he talked about being okay with not sleeping, a small smirk rose on her lips, looking up at Finn as he went to stand up. She honestly loved the fact that they both craved each other so much because if Finn didn't have the same sex drive as her, she honestly was sure that she'd be a lot bitchier than she was. "Mm, you're definitely right. I'm definitely happy that we have a room in here so we don't have to go back home." Rachel grabbed his hand and started to pull him out of the room, her looking back at him with a small smile on her lips. "You know even if we have a day full of traveling tomorrow, we're still having fun tomorrow, too. Don't count out our creativity," She grinned. Rachel went to look to her right, a soft laugh escaping her lips at the sight of Mia giving her a small wink. There was pretty much nothing that would stop her at this point, especially since alone time with Finn was all she had on her mind. When Rachel walked to the room that they had reserved for them, she went to shut the door behind them. She turned her back to him for a moment and brought her hair to one side of her neck. "You want to help me get this off? I know that you very clearly love this dress, but I definitely know that you want to see it on the floor."
Finn smiled at Rachel when she grabbed his hand and started leading him out of the room. He wanted to be alone with her so badly and he was relieved that her mindset was in the same place as his. When she told him that they were still having fun the next day despite it being all traveling, he raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Are you going to try and get me to join the mile high club tomorrow, Mrs. Hudson?" he asked her playfully. While having sex in public places was nerve wracking, he knew Rachel could get him to do anything. All she had to do was give him that look and she was his, that much he knew for sure. "I will never doubt our creativity though, babe. I'm sure you'll come up with something interesting." Finn smiled as he followed after Rachel and when they finally reached their room, he only felt ten times happier. They were married. They were finally married and finally alone together and he knew he had never been so happy in his entire life. When she turned her back to him and tugged her hair to the side of her neck, Finn smiled softly at her. "I do love this dress but I definitely want to help you get it off," he whispered as he stepped closer to her. Very carefully he undid the back of her dress and the second her bare skin was revealed to him, he ran his hand down along the smooth expanse of skin. "I can't believe you're my wife," he breathed out before he pressed his lips to the back of her neck, kissing her softly. "You make me so happy, you know that?"
Rachel definitely knew that she could get Finn to do basically anything, especially with the high they were both riding right now. Being married was pretty amazing, especially because it still felt so surreal. "Mm, I mean, we are flying with amazing seats, and I'm pretty sure I can get you to join the mile high club and you wouldn't even bat an eye," She teased. Honestly, Rachel stopped caring about what other people said about her or did, and she just wanted them to have fun. Honestly, even in high school she barely cared about what other people thought of her -- she just did what made her happy. As Finn's hands went to the back of her dress, she sighed contently, her fingers running through her own hair slightly. "I'm glad you love the dress. I knew you'd like me in anything, but I couldn't walk out here in some ballgown because it's not me, you know?" She said, her holding the front of her dress to herself slightly before smiling as she felt his lips against the back of her neck. She shut her eyes gently, keeping a happy smile on her lips. "I can't believe you're my husband, honestly. You make me so happy, too." Rachel turned around after a moment and she moved to lean up to kiss him, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Mm, I definitely can't wait to have you all to myself now," She said as she pulled away, her hand moving to the tie around his neck, loosening it before pulling it off and moving it to the floor. "I really love you in a suit, babe. I really love it." Rachel started moving her hands to the buttons of his shirt, working at them slowly as she went to look up at him. "I never thought we'd get married and now... here we are. Married and having a kid," She laughed gently, shaking her head playfully.
Finn nodded as Rachel spoke. "A ballgown is definitely not you. But this dress? This was practically made you for," he told her. When she told him that he made her happy too, he couldn't help but smile and as she turned in his arms to press her lips to his, he kissed her back eagerly. God, he loved this woman. When she told him that she couldn't wait to have him all to herself, he looked at her with a playful smile on his face. "I know you've been waiting for this all day long," he said teasingly, watching as she tugged his tie off. "Honestly, I think I'm gonna start wearing suits more often because I really, really love the reactions I get out of you," he told her as she unbuttoned his shirt. "Hmm, married and having a kid. It really is crazy but I'm so happy it's all happening. I always knew we'd have this one day," he told her as he shrugged off his shirt before he pressed his lips back to hers. Finn guided Rachel over to the bed, him gently helping her onto it before he moved over her, his lips never leaving hers. "I can't believe you're my wife - I feel like I'm going to be in shock for the rest of my life," he whispered as he pulled away from her for a moment, a smile pulling up at the corner of his lips before he started pressing teasing kisses down her body, his eyes focused on hers. There was nothing that would ever compare to this moment, that much he was sure of and he knew that he loved Rachel more than words would ever be able to express. They were married and he truly felt like everything was finally right in the world.
0 notes
thefinny-d · 6 years
Call it Magic When I’m Next to You
Tagging: Finn & Rachel Location: The apartment, Doctor’s Office Notes: When Finn and Rachel go to their first ultrasound, they are more than excited finally see their baby. What starts as a perfect day, however, doesn’t seem to end like one.
Finn couldn't believe that Rachel was really pregnant. He couldn't believe half of the amazing things that were happening in their lives lately and he really was so thrilled for all of it. Just knowing that in the next year they would be in a house, married and have a baby was insane but it was something that he was pretty sure he had been imagining with her ever since he had fallen in love with her. Finn couldn't help but smile as he laid in bed beside Rachel, her still sleeping peacefully. Their appointment was fairly early and while he knew that they had to start getting ready, a part of him just wanted to stay in this peaceful moment with her beside him. "Rach," he whispered softly, him leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek as he ran his hand up and down along her back. "We get to see our baby today." Finn couldn't help but smile just saying those words because he knew he couldn't wait. Sure, their baby was probably the size of a grape but that didn't mean he wasn't thrilled in every way imaginable. They were going to see their perfect little baby and they were going to get to hear his or her heartbeat and Finn knew that when he heard that sound that everything was going to change. That sound was going to make it all real. "Are you excited?" he asked his fiance as he laid beside her, him smiling happily. "Because I honestly feel like I'm a little kid waking up on Christmas morning right now."
Rachel was positive that she was still in a state of shock. It was still so crazy that she was pregnant, but she honestly really loved it. She loved that she got to have that dream family and that she got to have everything she ever wanted with Finn. While Rachel obviously knew she was definitely pregnant, it didn't always feel completely real unless she went to an appointment. Well, that, or when she had morning sickness. Because then, she definitely knew that she was pregnant and not experiencing something else. When Rachel felt him press a kiss to her cheek, she turned slightly in bed and sighed as he spoke to her. It definitely was way too early to be up, but she was already looking forward to the day ahead of them. "Hi," She murmured after a moment, opening her eyes slowly to look over at him. "I know, we get to see our little baby." She said softly, closing her eyes again as she went to lean towards him, her pressing a soft kiss to his lips before leaning her head back to her own pillow. "I'm really excited. I wish I could say that I'm more excited than you but I don't know, you seem pretty excited." She said with a soft laugh before sitting up and yawning. "It's gonna make it feel so real." Rachel got out of bed quickly and stretched slightly, her bringing her hand to rub gently over her stomach before smiling gently over at Finn. "We'll get to see our little munchkin. I'm really excited, though. I'll probably cry. I mean, I know I will. But I mean... I'm excited for today but I'm also excited for a few more weeks when we can see if we're having a boy or a girl. I don't care either way, but I just... I'm so excited to be able to buy shit."
Finn sighed happily as Rachel pressed a kiss to his lips and Finn knew that he was the luckiest guy in the world that he got to have every morning be like this. "I know, after this we're going to have pictures and - and just... just have those little reminders that there really is a baby in there," he said softly as he moved his hand to rest on her stomach. "You can't really tell at all but, you know, I'm definitely starting to see a little difference in your stomach. You're starting to get a tiny bump," he said happily. "I'm excited to buy stuff too. We need to get started on moving if we want to have a nursery space to start decorating too." Finn pressed another kiss to Rachel's lips before he moved to sit up. "Okay, we need to get going so we're not late. I want to be there early so we can get all the paperwork filled out and just get to see our baby finally," Finn said quickly as he moved to get up and get ready. He had gotten the day off of work for this appointment and he really was thrilled to see their little angel. He knew once he heard the heartbeat that he was going to get emotional - they both were - but he also knew that their baby was something they both wanted so badly. Something that was proof that they were in a totally new place in their lives and in their relationship and they were so ready for this moment.
Rachel looked at Finn with a small smile on her lips as his hand went to her stomach. "I know, there's a little bump. I can tell because I feel like I'm putting my jean shorts on and I'm bloated, but I know it's not like... me actually being bloated. It's a little bump and you know, while I'm sad that I don't fit as well into my clothes, I'm way more excited to have some huge bump. I mean, I can't believe that in a little bit, I'm going to be waddling around. It's going to happen so quickly." She smiled gently and looked at him before she saw him start to get up. Rachel went to grab some clothes from the closet before putting on a pair of shorts and a loose shirt, a pair of sandals to match. "I know you want to be there early. You always want to be there early for everything," She said with a soft laugh before putting a brush through her hair and looking in the mirror for a moment. "Sometimes, it's just really weird to think that it's not going to be just us anymore. I mean, it obviously will be us, but we're going to have someone else to worry about now. A whole human that we have to raise all on our own." She said, a small smile on her lips as she turned to look at him. "Also, this is pregnant me talking but can we grab food after the appointment? I mean, I'll eat a little something before I go but I'm going to be starving when I leave. I know you will, too. And then we can just have an us day and do whatever we want. And admire the ultrasound pictures all day, too." She was looking forward to the day, honestly. The appointment would definitely be the highlight of her day, but she was excited to be able to experience everything with him.
Finn laughed softly as Rachel spoke. "Yeah, yeah, I know I always want to be early, I can't help it." Finn smiled at her before he got dressed, turning to face her as she brushed her hair. It was crazy to him sometimes that this was his life. That he was engaged to Rachel and waking up each morning with her, being all domestic with her. God, he loved it - he loved her. "I know, it's definitely going to be a change of pace with a baby. I mean, I know that we can prepare like crazy but nothing is really going to prepare us completely for what it will be like to have a tiny person to take care of and raise." As she mentioned food, he laughed softly. "Of course we can grab food after the appointment. I'll take you wherever you want for breakfast, baby. And I figured we could have some fruit before we leave. I'll definitely be super hungry afterwards too, though." Finn knew that it was going to be an amazing day and he truly was looking forward to not only the appointment but just spending time with Rachel. They really were in such a happy, in love bubble lately and he wanted to appreciate every second of it. Once they had a little something in their stomachs and they were ready to go, they headed out of the apartment and into the car. As he started driving towards the doctors office, Finn reached over to take Rachel's hand gently in his, his thumb brushing against her soft skin. "We're so close to finally seeing our baby," he breathed out happily, him glancing over at her before shifting his gaze back to the road ahead.
Rachel knew that Finn was like a different person now that she was pregnant. He obviously cared about her and her well being before, but now, he was even more crazy about making sure she was keeping healthy habits and eating right. She was doing her best, obviously, she wanted everything to turn out just as well as he did and she thought she was doing a pretty decent job. But she loved the moments where he would bring her a snack of something healthy to have when she made a small comment about craving something. Of course, she'd call him out on it and he'd deny it but she knew that he was just trying to do everything he could to help her. "Good. We can even grab something and bring it back here or grab stuff to make breakfast. I'm just hungry, honestly. I'm eating for two now, I have to eat a lot," Rachel laughed gently, a small smile on her lips as she looked over at him. Once they were on their way to the appointment, she smiled gently as he took her hand. "Yeah, I know." She said softly, her putting her phone in her lap from her other hand and looking over at him. "We'll get to see our baby a lot, hopefully. I know it's only usually every once in a while, but... I'm sure every time will feel like a lifetime away. But then we'll actually get to hold them and we'll be even more excited." She was excited to have the baby even if she knew she'd be terrified when she actually did go into labor. But she had no reason to be terrified, especially when Finn practically could help her with anything and tell her what was going on. Even when she was sick, he recommended so many different medications to make sure she got better quickly even when it was just a tiny cold. "I'm really excited, obviously. But I mean... I'm nervous, I guess. Not like... because I think things are going to be bad, but.... I don't know. I guess I didn't expect this to happen yet and we're keeping it quiet and it's the one thing that I really thought would never happen for me. I mean, like, I'm going to me a mom. That's fucking crazy," She chuckled softly, her looking down at their hands. "But I'm mostly excited. Because you know every picture we get today is going up on the fridge." A teasing smile was on her lips as she looked at him, happy to just feel so carefree. "Well, it can stay up on the fridge until we decide we're moving, but that needs to happen soon, obviously. I want to be able to help with the whole moving process and everyone tells me I'm going to start nesting and wanting things to be perfect when I'm further along and I don't want there to be boxes everywhere when we're trying to take care of a newborn."
Finn smiled softly as he glanced over at Rachel. "I know, when we finally get to hold our baby, I think I'll be in total shock." Finn truly hadn't expected to have a baby with Rachel so soon and while it was certainly overwhelming, he was so incredibly excited for this. He wanted to be a dad so badly and he was so excited to get the opportunity to do things right for his child the way his parents hadn't done for him. He wanted his child to be a kid, to be innocent and to not have to deal with the influence of drugs and alcohol looming over their heads. Finn knew that him and Rachel were going to do everything they could to take care of their baby and to make sure that he or she always knew they were loved. "I'm a little nervous too, baby, you're not alone," he said with a small smile as he squeezed her hand gently. "It is crazy that no one really knows about this. After the wedding and the honeymoon we'll have to have some kind of get together to tell all our close friends before we tell the world. And, you're going to be a mom and I'm going to be a dad, it's definitely crazy." Finn laughed softly for a moment and when she told him that every picture was going upon the fridge, his smile widened. "I mean, we can do that but is that really hiding the fact that you're pregnant if one of our friends who don't know comes over?" He was so glad that him and Rachel were so happy because he knew they had never been so carefree before. They had never been more in love than they were in this moment and he knew with each day they were falling harder for each other. "I promise we'll get out of our apartment soon. Let's look at places online today and we'll plan a day to look at a few of them at once." It wasn't much longer before he was pulling up at the doctors office and Finn parked the car before he turned to face Rachel. "I love you so much," he whispered softly, him leaning over to press a soft, loving kiss to her lips before he pulled away slowly. "Let's go see our baby," he breathed out, him smiling as his gaze met hers.
Rachel smiled gently and looked at him as he talked about them telling people after the honeymoon. "I mean, yeah. We can tell everyone after a while, I'm not in a rush. I hope that I'll make it to the wedding without people noticing I'm pregnant, because I mean, like you said, I already have a little tiny bump and I know that once you start showing, all of a sudden you just pop. And I'm super small in general so I feel like I'm going to be super huge," She said with a soft laugh. "And yes, I don't care if the picture is on the fridge when people are over. We'll hide it if we have to. But I want to be able to wake up every morning and see our little bean, you know? I just want to be reminded of it all of the time." Rachel was excited to move, but she was also a little sad, honestly. There had been so many memories in this apartment, both good and bad ones, and she just wanted to be able to start somewhere new with their baby. She wanted the perfect master bedroom for her and Finn and she wanted the beautiful nursery to be able to show off to all of her friends. She wanted everything to be perfect, and she knew that it would be. After all, they had the money to do whatever they wanted, but she also knew that they just wanted something perfect for them, it didn't matter how cheap or how expensive. Once they arrived, she smiled as he pulled away from a kiss and nodded before getting up to go walk into the office. She held onto his hand as she walked up to check herself in at the desk before moving to sit down in the waiting room, seeing a few other women who were much further along than her. She sighed contently and brought her hand to rest over her stomach for a moment before looking over at Finn. "I can't wait. I also really can't wait for them to start kicking even if we have to wait a really long time. I'm just excited for it all. For everything."
Finn was so excited to see Rachel with a baby bump and while he knew they were trying to keep everything quiet before the wedding, he was looking forward to being able to tell everyone because he knew that would make it all that much more real. The two of them shared a kiss before they headed into the doctors office together and once they were checked in, they moved to sit down. As he sat beside Rachel, he noticed her rest her hand gently on her stomach and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. She already loved their baby so much and he knew she was so ready to be a mom. She was so ready for it all even if she didn't know it just yet. "I can't wait either," he said softly. "I can't wait until the baby can recognize our voices and kick for us. Every little moment is going to be so exciting." Finn looked at Rachel happily as he draped his arm over the back of her chair, him dipping his head down to press a kiss to her cheek. "I was reading the other day about how our baby is growing and it really is amazing how quickly it happens, you know? He or she already has a spinal chord and a brain growing. And they already have a heartbeat and little arms and legs. I know on the ultrasound that they might still not look totally human but that's our little baby, you know? They're going to be so perfect." Finn smiled softly as he looked at her before he shifted his gaze to her stomach, him moving his other hand to rest there gently. "I feel like I'm in school again with all the research that I've been doing on everything but I just - I want to know all that I can so we can make sure that you feel amazing and the baby feels amazing. There are so many different dietary options that people suggest and exercises that people say help your body and can even help during labor." Finn stopped himself talking after a moment, knowing that he was probably rambling a bit. "Sorry, I'm just really excited," he said softly before a laugh escaped his lips, him shaking his head.
Rachel looked at Finn and smiled as he spoke about their baby. She knew that he was really excited and she was thrilled, too. She was just so excited about everything to come and she knew that there would be so much still to come. "I know. I was reading that book that I bought the other week and I've just been trying to read more about things. Because I mean, some things'll happen and I obviously know that they're normal, but I like to know why, you know? I mean, there's someone else growing inside of me, I'd like to know what's going on." Rachel shrugged and looked at Finn with a small smile. "I know you're excited, but please Finn, let the other people do their jobs and just... let them do their thing. You may know practically everything about everything but I just... I want you to just be able to be there for me, I don't want you to be my doctor. Just... let them tell us what they think is best and if you think that it's something else, we can do something else when we get home. You already make me eat all of this healthy shit and everything so I know I'm fine. And I feel really good, you know? I feel healthy. So I'm just happy that things feel good." When someone called her name, Rachel stood up and went to hold onto Finn's hand as she started walking towards the nurse that led them to a room and went to go get them set up and ready for the doctor. "I'm sure you two are really excited." The woman said as she started taking Rachel's vitals, Rachel just nodding. "Yeah, definitely. We're just really, really excited about everything going on. It's our first one so it's all really new."
Finn nodded understandingly as Rachel explained that she wanted to understand everything that was going on with her body. When she told him that she wanted him to be there for her and not be her doctor, a small sigh escaped his lips before he nodded. "I promise that I'll be here for you and I won't be your doctor. I mean, I'm not even qualified to be your doctor anyway since my specialty is oncology and I better never have to be your doctor with that. But I am happy that you're feeling good, I know that I can be annoying but I like cooking for you and making sure that you and the baby are eating right." When Rachel's name was called, the both of them moved to stand up and Finn smiled at his fiance as she grabbed his hand while they walked towards the exam room. "We're definitely excited," he told the nurse as he moved to sit down beside Rachel, him still holding her hand in his. "We just really can't wait to see our baby," he said happily. The nurse smiled at them and after asking Rachel a few questions, she let them be as they waited for the doctor. It didn't take long before the doctor arrived and Finn offered the woman a small smile as she greeted them before moving to sit down, her beginning to ask Rachel questions. Finn bit down on his lip to stop himself from asking too much because he knew he wanted this experience to be amazing, the last thing he wanted to do was accidentally annoy the doctor or his fiance.
Rachel waited patiently for the doctor as her and Finn sat in the room, her just sitting on the exam table as she waited. She played with the hem of her shirt and looked over at Finn every once in a while with her hand still in his. It was honestly just so exciting to experience everything and she couldn't wait to have all of these memories about everything. It was terrifying, yes, but she knew that this would be something she would remember for the rest of her life. A part of her wished that she could just skip through the pregnancy and finally hold their baby, but she also knew that there was so much for them to look forward to. As soon as the doctor arrived and started asking questions, typing things into her computer, Rachel just answered whatever she could to the best of her ability, smiling gently as she answered certain things. "Well, it seems like you're being well taken care of and you look great. We'll see how your baby is looking, though. You're a healthy young woman, I don't see why anything should be wrong." The doctor started setting things up and Rachel looked at her, feeling her heart race slightly. "Just lay back a little bit and pull your shirt up and if you could just pull down the waistband of your pants slightly." Rachel nodded and did so, her hearing the doctor warn her about the gel being slightly cold. Rachel barely heard her as the doctor started trying to locate their baby, Rachel looking at the screen before looking to Finn for a moment with a small smile. After a moment, the doctor stopped, pressing a few buttons and pointing to the screen. "That's your baby right there. And the heartbeat sounds really good. It's hard to see what it really looks like right now, but that's your baby."
Finn looked between Rachel and the doctor as they spoke, him relieved that she seemed to find everything sounded good. He needed Rachel and their baby to be okay and to know that everything was on the right track was a massive relief in a way he couldn't explain. When the doctor started getting the ultrasound ready, Finn felt his heart start beating just a little faster in his chest. As the doctor started trying to locate the baby, Finn looked down at Rachel and returned her smile, him holding her hand in his and leaning his elbow on the edge of the bed. When the doctor stopped her movements and pointed to the screen, he felt his breath catch in his throat. The sound of their baby's perfect little heartbeat filled his ears and he smiled as he looked at the screen. When the doctor began to point out what was what on the baby and how they were positioned, Finn felt completely frozen as he stared at the screen. "That's our baby, Rach," he breathed out as he squeezed her hand gently in his, him feeling his eyes well with tears. He was going to be a father. This was all really happening and he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that this was real life. "He or she already looks so perfect," he whispered. "And listen to that heartbeat, so strong." Finn smiled, him bringing his hand that wasn't in Rachel's to wipe at a few tears that fell down his cheeks. He was pretty sure he had never been so happy before in his life and he knew that he couldn't wait to hold their little angel in his arms.
Rachel looked at the screen and could feel her heart swell with love. The second she found out she was pregnant, she had instantly felt different knowing that she was carrying Finn's baby. And honestly, now, knowing that there was a heartbeat and that there was something that looked like something, even if it was just a little blob, was just so exciting in a way that she couldn't describe. "Yeah, it is." She said softly as she stared at the screen, her feeling Finn squeeze her hand. She could feel herself get slightly choked up, a lump forming in her throat and she bit down on her bottom lip. "Wow," She said softly, her still looking at the screen before she went to look over at Finn. When she saw him wiping at his cheeks, she could feel her eyes instantly well up with tears. "Don't cry in front of a pregnant woman, you're just gonna make me cry now, too." She said before bringing her free hand to wipe at her eyes slightly as well. "I'll get you a few pictures, too." She said, Rachel smiled gently and nodding before she moved her eyes back to the screen and smiling gently before sniffling. "It's just so crazy. I mean, other than a few symptoms that I usually would just get with PMS I just... I would never know that I was pregnant so it's just... it's so amazing to see that. And to hear the heartbeat. It's just so fast." Rachel said, the doctor nodding. "I know. And the heartbeat is normal, don't worry. It's supposed to be that fast."
Finn was completely taken back getting to see their baby for the first time and he knew that if he wasn't excited before that he was definitely excited now. This was really happening. They were going to be parents and he couldn't wait for the day that he could finally hold their baby in his arms. When Rachel told him not to cry and he saw her wiping away tears as well, he couldn't help but laugh softly. "Sorry, baby," he whispered. "It's definitely amazing to see. We've obviously known about you being pregnant but getting to really see the baby is a whole different experience." As the doctor spoke about the heartbeat, Finn smiled before he looked back to Rachel. "Typically it's about 120 to 160 beats per minute. How crazy is that?" he breathed out. He had been doing so much research on babies and getting to hear that everything was progressing normally offered him a relief that his research could not. Their baby was okay, everything looked and sounded okay and he knew that he just wanted to make sure everything stayed that way. It scared him because there was nothing he could really do to help other than take care of Rachel but he knew he'd be there every step of the way.
Rachel knew that Finn had a lot of knowledge about everything that was going on even if this wasn't exactly his specialty. He worked with kids a lot and he obviously had a lot of knowledge just from school that he was able to apply to what she was going through. However, she was glad that he was holding that side of him back because she just wanted him to be there to support her, not to try and take over everything and piss off their doctor. As Finn talked about how fast the heartbeat was, she looked over at him and smiled gently at him. "That is really crazy. It's just... so crazy that all of that is happening inside of me. I don't know. It's so weird but it's really amazing. I really can't wait until they start kicking." The doctor laughed slightly before moving the device over Rachel's skin for a moment. "You have a while to go for all of that, but it'll happen quickly, I promise. And we'll see you back here in a month or so to see your baby again. And then we'll be able to see the sex of your baby, as well. Hopefully. Sometimes the babies don't want to cooperate. But you're around twelve weeks right now... we'll see you back here at either sixteen or eighteen weeks to see if we can see if your little one is a boy or a girl," The doctor said, Rachel nodding gently. The woman wiped some of the gel off of Rachel's stomach with a towel before handing Rachel a few tissues. "You can clean the rest up and get your clothes situated and I'll have the pictures ready up at the front desk. They'll have you make another appointment when you're up there." After saying goodbye and getting things cleaned up in the room, Rachel saw the woman walk out and Rachel moved to look over at Finn for a moment. "That's so amazing," Rachel said as she fixed her shorts on correctly, her pulling down her shirt all of the way, as well. "I still can't believe it sometimes. That we're really having a baby. I'm the last person on earth that I thought would ever have a baby. But it feels so amazing to be here right now and I feel like I still need to pinch myself to tell myself that I'm not dreaming."
Finn was thrilled that their next appointment would be getting to know if the baby was a boy or a girl. He really didn't have much of a preference but he was just so excited to know because he knew that was yet another step that was going to make everything feel so real. Plus, then they could seriously start planning the nursery and thinking of what names they wanted. It wasn't long before the doctor was cleaning Rachel up and once she left, Finn turned to face Rachel more fully. "It really is," he said softly, him looking at her with love in his eyes. Seeing their baby truly was one of the most amazing things he had ever seen and he knew they were both just feeling even more excited than they were before. "I can't believe it either. I mean, I knew one day we'd have kids, you know? I just - I didn't think it would happen now and I'm just... I'm really excited and I'm so happy that you are too. I know that for a long time the whole idea of being a parent has been really scary to you and believe me, it's scary to me too but I'm just so happy that we're both happy and ready for this. You're going to be such an amazing mom and I wouldn't want this with anyone else." Finn offered her a small smile before he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her lips. As he pulled away, he sighed contently, him getting up from his chair and holding out his had for Rachel to help her up. "Let's get those pictures and grab something to eat after we make our next appointment. Now that we finally saw the baby I'm starting to realize how hungry I am," he said with a laugh.
Rachel nodded gently at Finn's words and smiled over at him. "I knew that we'd have kids one day too, but I don't know. It's weird. But I'm happy that we're both happy, too. It feels really good to have all of this together. To be starting a family and to be moving into a new home and stuff. We get to really start our lives in a new place. It'll just be really amazing. Plus, we'll be married and everything and it'll be so different. I mean, not that different, but it'll be really great." Rachel moved to get up when Finn outstretched his hand for her, Rachel grabbing it and moving to get off of the exam table. She smiled when she was on her feet and leaned up to kiss him, pulling away to look up into his eyes. "Now we can go get food and get home. I'm definitely ready to do nothing the rest of the day. Because I mean, you took off... and I'm off. I think we can have a very, very interesting day ahead of us." Rachel went to go back to the desk to make a new appointment, her smiling at the woman who handed her a small folder with the ultrasound pictures in them. "Thanks. I'll see you next month," Rachel said before moving out of the office with her hand in Finn's. As soon as they were back to the car, Rachel went to open the folder to look at the pictures, a small smile on her face. "It barely looks like anything but it's really cool that it's our baby."
Finn smiled as he helped Rachel to her feet and when she leaned up to kiss him, he sighed happily against her lipss as he kissed her back. As she spoke, he raised his eyebrow and he couldn't help the smirk that pulled up at the corner of his mouth. He really, really loved his fiance. "A very, very interesting day, huh? I can't wait to see what you have planned," he said with a laugh. Once they headed back to the front desk, Rachel made another appointment while the woman handed her the small folder with the ultrasound pictures safely tucked away inside. They headed hand in hand back to the car and once they were inside, he smiled as he looked over at Rachel when she pulled out the pictures. "It is really cool. That's our little blob," he said playfully. "It's crazy though, next time we're going to really start seeing features develop, you know?" Finn started up the car before he headed towards a little cafe where they could pick up some breakfast and once they had their food, he drove them back home. The second they were back at the apartment, Finn grabbed their bag of food and headed inside with Rachel, a content sigh escaping his lips the second they were in their home. "It'll be weird when we move out of this place. This place has been home for forever, you know?" He smiled as he looked over at Rachel before moving to sit down at the kitchen island, him immediately taking a bite of the sandwich that he had gotten. "Next time let's eat before we go," he said with a laugh between bites.
Rachel couldn't wait to see their baby start to develop, especially because it meant that they'd be that much closer to actually being able to hold their baby in their arms. "Yeah. Our little blob. But it's definitely going to be cool to see what it's like when they start growing more. And I really can't wait to feel them start to kick and everything. It's going to just be so cool and kind of weird. Our little human." She smiled gently as she looked over at him. Rachel was incredibly happy to finally get some food and the second they were both home, she was more than eager to start eating. She had been so hungry for so long and the tiny amount of food that she had eaten hadn't been nearly enough. Rachel sat next to him and started eating, her nodding at his words. "Yeah. It will be weird. But it'll be nice to be able to make memories in our new place and just have it really be ours. I mean, it doesn't need to be our forever home but I'd love if we found that. A bigger place, you know? Somewhere we can grow into. Because I'd love to have more kids with you as unlike me as that sounds. Not right away. But I think we could do more." She said, her continuing to stuff her face with food as she sat next to him. "God, now I know what it feels like to be you and constantly hungry. I mean, you eat like half of your weight in food every day and now I totally get what that feels like."
Finn looked at Rachel with love in his eyes as she spoke. "I'd love if we found our forever home too. And I think we could probably manage another kid," he said, a playful smile on his face. He could feel himself falling even more in love with her just hearing her talk about another kid and he knew that they were going to have such a perfect little family. "It'll be cool to give our kid a brother or sister, I think. Neither of us had siblings so it'll be very different." The two of them continued to eat their food and when Rachel told him that she knew what it felt like to be him and always be hungry, he couldn't help but laugh. "Welcome to the club, Rach. It's not easy being hungry all the time, especially when I'm at work and I have no time to eat." It didn't take him long to finish his food and once he was finished, he started cleaning up the kitchen a bit, making himself another cup of coffee in the process. Ever since med school, he had definitely learned to live off of coffee on a regular basis. "So what do you have planned for our very, very interesting day, baby?" he asked Rachel as he grabbed his coffee, him leaning back against the counter before he took a sip. He couldn't help but smile as he met her gaze, knowing that he really was falling harder for ever with every second they spent together.
Rachel watched as Finn finished his food and she smiled gently before she started to finish off his food. "Yeah, I could see why working all of the time and not eating would suck. I mean, I've felt that being at rehearsals and concerts and stuff and not having time to do anything but I always try to eat. I'd take little bites of protein bars between songs sometimes while I was on stage," She said with a soft laugh. Rachel kept her eyes on Finn as he worked around the kitchen, her smiling gently as she watched him. "Well..." Rachel said as he spoke to her about what she wanted to do for the day. "I mean, I guess we can do something productive with our day, but I'm definitely looking forward to just spending some time in bed. But we can save that for later. I'll help clean up around the house and stuff, but I kind of want to just have an us day. We can do whatever, though. I don't really mind. I just want to relax. It's not very often that we get to have some time, just be and you. I mean, we do see each other a lot, but you work really long hours sometimes and then are just super tired and are trying to catch up on sleep, so I like to take advantage of days like this," She teased gently as she looked at him. "I'd definitely love to put on a movie today and not actually watch it. And we can do something nice for dinner. I mean, like... we can make something really easy. Like... pizza or something. I know you try to feed me shit that's really healthy but I'm having such bad cravings right now for something like pizza. Also a lot of chocolate. I thought that people were joking when they talked about pregnancy cravings, but they weren't. The other day, you were at work and I literally ate like half a container of pickles. And then peanut butter afterwards. It was so good," She laughed as she looked at him. "I try not to give in to the really gross cravings, though. And anyway, most of my cravings include you so it's not hard to curb those cravings."
Finn raised his eyebrows when Rachel said that they could do something productive with their day. "You're definitely becoming a mom because pre-pregnancy Rachel Berry would not have productivity on her mind," he said with a soft laugh before he took another sip of his coffee. "But I like the sound of that. I love having the day off and just getting to spend it with you and not be exhausted." Finn knew that his job was crazy and while it was steadily getting better the longer he was there, the long hours were just a part of the career that he had joined. "I always like the sound of not watching a movie with you and as for dinner, we can get pizza, Rach. Of course it's important to eat healthy so that you and the baby get all the necessary nutrition but it's also important that you give into some cravings. The baby wants them, after all." Finn couldn't help but laugh as she talked about what she had eaten and while it was kind of gross, it just made him so happy to hear Rachel talking about pregnancy cravings. It made him so happy because they were having a baby and things in their lives were finally going in the right direction. "I mean, I don't mind you craving me. You know I'll always give you whatever you need," he said with a small smile on his face as he looked into her eyes. Finn drank more of his coffee before he set his cup down and moved over to Rachel, him standing behind her as she sat at the island. He brought his hands to her shoulders and rubbed them gently before he leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I can always give you a little pampering too, you know. A massage, a bath - anything you want. Your body is kind of making a human right now so I want to make sure you're taken care of," he said softly.
Rachel knew that Finn wanted her to eat healthy, but she also didn't want to have to worry about making sure she was eating perfectly all of the time. She always tried to eat well when she was at home alone and Finn wasn't there, but she definitely gave into her cravings. She couldn't count the amount of times on one hand that she went to the store to pick up snacks or just postmated something so she could get something quickly. "Well, I'm definitely getting the baby the nutrition it needs. I'm taking vitamins and you're feeding me a lot of healthy shit. This baby is going to be huge and it's going to be because you fed me too well. Plus, you know, because you're huge." She said with a laugh, her looking at him as a small smile rose on her lips. "And good, I'm glad you don't mind me craving you. Because that definitely happens a lot. And it always happens at the worst times ever because you're always at work or something shitty and then I can't have you." Rachel didn't mind -- she took care of herself some times. And on days where nothing but Finn would really satisfy her, she just tried to pamper herself and take a nice bath or something. As Finn mentioned a bath, she smiled gently and felt him move behind her. "Mm, I could use some pampering. And you know I'm going to take full advantage of that when I'm actually carrying a huge bump and my back hurts. But I'll take advantage of a bath and a nice little massage in the actual bath. But I can always return the favor." She said before she got out of the chair that she was sitting on and going to move into his arms. "I always would love a little Finn Hudson pampering. Most people would think that pampering their girl is annoying but I know that you definitely don't ever mind. I mean... it's a win win for the both of us."
Finn laughed softly. "I actually wasn't a huge baby, you know. I was a huge toddler though," he said with a smile. As he brought his focus to Rachel, him standing behind her and rubbing her shoulders gently, he looked at her with love in his eyes when he could feel her relax beneath his touch. "I promise you, Rach, I'll be pampering you through this whole pregnancy. There will be plenty of back massages and foot rubs whenever you want them. And you don't have to return the favor, you're the one carrying our baby. You're doing all the hardwork right now." When she moved out of her seat and into his arms, Finn smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her body close to his. God, he loved her so much. "Anyone who thinks pampering their girl is annoying shouldn't have a girlfriend. I like taking care of you, I always have and I always will. Plus, it's definitely a win-win, you always take care of me too." Finn dipped his head down to press a kiss to the top of her head before he pulled away from her slightly, him looking down into her eyes. "I love you, beautiful," he said softly, a small smile pulling up at the corner of his mouth. "Now, let's start our day of relaxation." Finn pulled away from Rachel and made his way into their bathroom, him starting to fill up the tub with nice warm water (making sure it wasn't too hot for the baby, of course). "What bath bomb do you want, babe? You have a ton of them," he said with a laugh as he held them up so she could pick. Just knowing that he was going to get to spend his whole day relaxing with Rachel made him so happy and while he loved his job, he really loved days like this too. He loved every second that he got to spend with Rachel.
Rachel smiled as Finn went to go lead them towards the bathroom, her following after him. She was more than happy to just have a day of relaxation, especially since today had been a huge roller coaster of emotions for the both of them. She knew that they both needed time to just be together and to relax, especially when their days were usually super busy. They had a lot to plan -- between the baby, the wedding, and the new house, there was always so much to do. Rachel picked a bath bomb as he held out the options, her taking one and putting it into the water before watching it start to fizz. "I love a good bath bomb. My skin is always so soft after them so it feels really good. Having a bath bomb and shaving? That's like heaven," She teased before moving to take off her shirt and throw it onto the floor. "So are you going to shave my legs when my stomach is too huge for me to bend over to shave them?" Rachel knew he obviously would -- he'd do anything for her at this point, but she did like to tease him about the rest of the pregnancy. Rachel started to unbutton her shorts and she looked at him, a small smile on her lips. "And I hope we have a lot of really awesome baths like this while we actually have time to relax for ourselves. Because once this baby is here, we're not going to be doing much relaxing."
Finn smiled at Rachel as she moved into the bathroom with him and once she took the bath bomb she wanted from his hands, he put the rest away. "Your skin is always so soft no matter what, it's one of the many reasons that I love touching you," he said with a smile as he tugged his shirt up and over his head while Rachel did the same. When she asked him if he'd shave her legs when her stomach got too big, he laughed softly. "Of course I will. Anything you need, you know I'll take care of for you. Plus, I mean, by then I'll be your husband so it'll pretty much be my job to do all of those things for you." He was so excited to marry Rachel and to think that it was going to happen so soon just made his excitement increase even more. "We will have plenty of awesome baths before the baby is here, I promise. Even if I have work I'll be happy to get in the bath with you when I get home, it'll probably help me unwind, honestly." After getting the rest of his clothes off, Finn moved over to the bathtub, him reaching his hand in for a moment to test the temperature before he got into it. "Wow, the water feels so good. And this bath bomb smells amazing," he said with a smile before he held out his arms for her. "Come here, baby," he said softly, knowing that just getting this time to relax with her was all he needed.
Rachel managed a slight laugh at Finn's words, her shaking her head before she took off her bra and let her shorts drop to the floor. "I mean, that's true. You'll be my husband. That's another crazy thing to think about. That's going to happen so quickly. I mean, honestly, thank god we have someone taking care of the little details and organizing that little shit because I literally wouldn't be able to handle all of that. Plus, you'd be upset if I was all stressed out with the baby and everything. I would have loved to plan every little detail but we're having a pretty big wedding, so I mean, I would definitely be super stressed out. And since we're not planning every little thing, we get to have little moments like this, which is definitely way better." Once Finn got into the water, Rachel followed in after him and she went to sit between his legs, her leaning her back against his chest and sighing contently. She let her eyes shut and she just let herself relax, her moving her arms to rest against his slightly before letting them fall back into the water. "Mm, this definitely was a good choice." Rachel really did love moments like this, and she knew that she would do anything to just relax with him like this every day. They did have time to relax with each other all of the time, especially because they took advantage of whatever time they could when he had even just a small time off from work. Even if he came home and ate and went right to bed, she just usually relaxed in bed with him. "I love you," She murmured, her turning her head on his chest to look to the side for a moment. "I'm so glad that we have time to do this. I know you're busy a lot because of work but I'm just really glad that we still have time for this."
Finn knew that the wedding was going to be there before they knew it. They wanted to get married before she really started showing and it was obvious that they didn't have much time left before that happened. Sure, he could notice that she was growing a tiny bump but he knew no one else would be able to tell. The second Rachel was in the bathtub with him, Finn smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. "It's definitely better to have moments like this instead of getting crazy over the wedding. Only a few weeks left, you know. I can't wait to marry you," he whispered. Finn closed his eyes for a moment as he relaxed in the warm water with Rachel, knowing that the warmth from the bath and the feeling of her body against his were exactly what he needed to relax. "I love you too, baby," he breathed out, his eyes fluttering open as he moved his hand to rest gently on her stomach while the other stayed put on the curve of her hip. "I'm happy we can do this too. And I know that my job is crazy but I'm just so happy that no matter what we still make time for each other. I don't care how tired I am, you know? I just want to be with you. I want to talk to you and relax with you because above everything you're my best friend and I just love being around you so much." Finn smiled softly as he held Rachel close before he dipped his head down to press a kiss to her cheek. "I know we've been through hell and back but I - it was all worth it to feel the way I feel with you right now," he breathed out. There were so many moments where he truly did think their relationship was over but somehow they always found their way back to each other and Finn knew that he never wanted to let her go. Finally they had stability and trust restored between them and he knew it was never going to go away again.
Rachel couldn't wait to marry Finn either. She knew that it would be so amazing to finally just be married to him and to be able to have that ring on her finger and to see one on his, as well. She loved him so much and she knew that this was really the start of the rest of their lives, as cheesy as it sounded. "Yeah, your job is crazy, but I mean, you work long hours and then get to be home for a while before you have to go back sometimes. But I mean... I can be home or not home as much as I want, so it's really just your schedule that we work around. And it's not that horrible anymore, I mean, I've gotten used to it by now," She said as she shrugged gently and let a soft sigh escape her lips. "I know, it really is just... it's so amazing to be like this with you. I love you so much." Rachel was so happy to be with him and to just relax after a long morning, no matter how amazing it was. "Pretty soon we'll have everything we ever wanted, you know? We'll be married... Have a house. A baby. It's just so amazing. Even though it's all happening really fast, I know that I wouldn't want it any other way." Rachel was honestly so surprised that things were turning out the way they were, but she was incredibly happy. There was nothing more that she wanted other than him. "If this is how the rest of our day is going to be, I'm definitely going to enjoy today. No clothes... super close to my fiance. I wouldn't want anything else," She said with a teasing smile as she rested against him. Rachel knew that they always had moments like this together, but it was always so incredibly special. She loved that every single time, everything just got better and better and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with Finn by her side.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
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↳ INSTAGRAM finnhudson posted a photo 2 minutes ago
I’m going to marry my best friend in the whole world. Rachel, you are the only person who has ever loved me the way that you do and you are the only one who accepts me for everything that I am. Thank you for going along with my weird obsessions, thank for you sitting with me when I play video games and I know you’re bored and most of all, thank you for loving me. I can’t wait to marry you. (Also, yes, her going along with my storm trooper costume for Comic Con is why I’m marrying her.)
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thefinny-d · 6 years
Where Your Love Lies
Tagging: Finn & Rachel Location: California Notes: A series of moments from Finn and Rachel’s relationship when they were in high school.
Finn was relieved to have the apartment all to himself for once. His mom and dad had gone off somewhere for the weekend and while he was pretty sure he'd be worried about his mom the whole time, he knew he needed a break. When Rachel had agreed to spend the night at his apartment, he was more than excited about it, especially since she told him that he could play video games with her. Well, she would watch him play video games since she wasn't too interested in playing, but still - he was excited. Rachel and video games were his two favorite things and he was excited for the night ahead. In preparation for their night together, Finn had made sure to clean the apartment so it looked nice and he nervously double checked that he had condoms in his nightstand. It had only been about a month since they had sex for the first time and while he was more than comfortable with her now, he was still a little nervous sometimes. His girlfriend was Rachel Berry and he had a hard time believing she wanted to be near him sometimes, let alone have sexual relations with him. It wasn't long before he heard a knock at the door and Finn gave himself a quick glance in the mirror hoping he looked alright before he headed towards it. "Hi Rach," he said with a smile as he opened the door, him shifting back and forth on his feet nervously before he quickly dipped his head down to press a kiss to her lips. "You look pretty," he told her as he pulled away, him stepping aside so she could move into the apartment. "I um - I know we usually hang out at your place but I'm really excited that you're here tonight. I know we've played Halo together - at least, you tried to play Halo but tonight I'm treating you to the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls saga. Tonight, we're playing Skyrim," he said excitedly as he moved into the apartment, the game already loaded up on the TV screen. "Before the game begins, would you like anything to drink or snack on?" he asked her. "I'd be a pretty terrible boyfriend and host if I didn't ask." Finn adjusted his glasses on his face and smiled at her as he looked into her eyes, more than excited that she actually wanted to hang out with him even if he knew it wasn't particularly thrilling like he knew she preferred.
Rachel didn't know how she had started dating Finn Hudson, but she was pretty sure that it was the best relationship that she had ever had. He actually genuinely cared about her, he didn't just care about getting her naked. While they were having sex now, it wasn't like that was the only thing he cared about. They didn't even have sex every day, which was a little strange for her, especially since she was used to relationships being super intense, but she was just happy that Finn really cared about her and that he wanted to be with her. When she arrived at Finn's apartment, she smiled as he opened the door for her. "Hey," She said with a smile before leaning up to meet his kiss. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," She smirked, her stepping into the apartment and looking at him. "You know that I don't care what we do. And hey, we don't always need to be at my place. I mean, obviously it's better if we want to fuck or whatever because no one is ever home and we always have alone time, but it's nice to... I don't know. To see your shit, too." She said, shrugging before tucking some hair behind her ear. "And nah, I ate before. If you're going to eat something I'll snack on whatever you want but I'm not starving. I'm okay." She said as she looked at him, moving over to him to kiss him again before moving towards the couch. "If I need a drink or something, I think I'm capable of getting myself a glass of water," She said with a teasing smile before sitting down on the couch and crossing her legs. "Alright, show me everything there is to know about the Elder Stars or whatever you said it was," She said with a small smile, her looking up at him.
Finn felt his face heat up slightly as Rachel spoke. "Uh yeah, the alone time at your house is nice. But I'm glad you're happy to be here too," he said softly. It was rare that Rachel came to his apartment because he just didn't want her to have to see his mom drunk and he definitely never wanted her to meet his father. The older man was horrible to everyone and the last thing he ever wanted was to be that way towards the girl he loved. When she pressed another kiss to his lips, he smiled softly and as she moved towards the couch, he looked after her with love in his eyes. He really didn't think that he would ever get over the fact that he was dating Rachel Berry. God, how was it possible to feel this way about someone when he was only eighteen? "I know you're more than capable," he said with a soft laugh as he moved to sit down beside her, him reaching for the Xbox controller. "Baby, it's Elder Scrolls," he corrected her, a small smile on his face as he leaned back into the couch, him leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek before he loaded up his game. "Okay, so since we're starting kind of in the middle of the story here, let me give you a small preface. The main storyline is that my character is refered to as a dragon born. Now, this term in this era hasn't been used in thousands of years - actually, not since the Septim bloodline died out. So my character is the first of their kind in all that time and the reason for this is because dragons have come back. They've also been gone for thousands of years and were believed to be extinct but really, they were lost in time. Basically in another dimension. So, as dragon born it is my duty to kill the main antagonist of the game who is a dragon named Alduin. He's trying to end the world as we know it and have dragons take over once again. Right now I'm doing a quest trying to find an Elder Scroll which will grant me a special power - known as a shout - that will help me defeat him." Finn barely even realized how much he was rambling on as he was playing, him just excited to have Rachel with him as he played one of his favorite games. "Like I said before this is the fifth installment of the series. Tamriel is the name of the continent that we're on and Skyrim is one of the provinces, basically. The previous games featured other provinces like Cyrodiil and Morrowind."
Rachel was so happy that she had Finn. He was everything that she really wanted and he really was just so sweet to her and he had her doing normal things. She was just not used to someone actually being a good guy and she was waiting for him to screw something up or be an asshole, but Rachel honestly didn't think that he had an asshole bone in his body. "Sorry, sorry. I'm not good with names of games, you know that. I was barely able to understand Halo, but I tried to listen." She said, laughing gently before getting comfortable against him. As he started to talk about the game, she honestly didn't really understand a word that he was saying, but she was trying to be nice and pay attention for him. He always tried new things for her, and she knew that he deserved to have her pay attention to him, too. She did pay attention to him, but stuff like this she just really had trouble relating to in the slightest. "I know that you play a lot of games, but I really don't understand why all of the games you've ever showed me have crazy ass names. Like... why can't they have normal names. I really want to meet the people that make this shit up and I want to ask them what the fuck goes through their minds," She laughed gently, her moving to lean her head against his arm as she watched the game on the TV. "So I mean... I get that you're supposed to kill that guy with the name that starts with an A or whatever but like... what do you do? In the game? I mean, Halo was like super crazy and you did a lot of shit in it but... I don't know. What do you do here? Do you just like... run around and kill stuff?" Rachel moved to wrap one of her arms around him slightly, her hand resting at her lower stomach. Rachel knew that her and Finn hadn't been together long sexually, and she knew that if they wanted to have normal dates to do normal things, she couldn't really try to tease him because he didn't take much to get him going and while she knew that she'd rather be having sex than watching this game, she wanted to be able to do things that he enjoyed, as well.
Finn felt like half of the time in his relationship with Rachel, he was waiting for her to realize exactly who she was dating and leave him. He was - well, a loser and she was - god, she was Rachel Berry and it amazed him that she loved him. It certainly terrified him to love her as much as he did because he knew if she did walk away that he would be totally broken. "I have no idea how they come up with the names. It amazes me how they create these whole words with their own histories and lore, you know? Like... the amount of time and thought it took to create all of this is crazy." Finn smiled to himself as Rachel leaned against his arm and he glanced down at her as she spoke. He knew she didn't exactly care about video games but it made his heart swell with love to hear her asking him questions and showing interest even if he knew she didn't really care all that much. She wanted to do things with him just as he wanted to do things with her and it each time they shared moments like this it proved to him that this was real. She loved him and she cared because he knew she wouldn't be this way with anyone else. "I mean, the game is open-world so you can freely explore Skyrim. Running around and killing stuff is kind of a basic summary though," he said with a laugh, him glancing down at her hand on his stomach for a moment before he looked back to the TV screen. "Halo is a more straight-forward, fast paced storyline than this but that's because it's an FPS - first person shooter," he explained. "See look? That's a dragon. They're pretty difficult to fight but see how cool they look?," he said as he fought off the dragon in the game, him smiling once it was defeated. Finn shifted his gaze away from the screen and down to Rachel and he couldn't help but smile. He was so in love with her and it made him so happy that she wanted to spend time with him like this. "You're the best girlfriend ever, you know that? I - um... it's okay if you'd rather we do something else, though. I know watching me play Skyrim probably isn't super entertaining."
Rachel looked at Finn as he continued playing his game, her just happy to be with him rather than to be alone in her huge house with nothing to do. She loved being with him, especially when she just got to be alone with him. She didn't want to worry about anything else when she was with him like this. "Oh, okay." She said as he explained more about the game, her offering him a small smile. "I feel like running around and killing stuff is pretty much the usual when it comes to the games that you play. Well, the games that anyone plays, honestly." She said, shrugging as she gripped onto the fabric of his shirt for a moment, her thumb rubbing against him as she moved her gaze back to the TV screen again. "Well, yeah, I mean, I feel like you could sit down and beat Halo in one sitting. Not everyone, but you definitely could," She laughed, her keeping quiet for a moment as he began to fight some dragon in the game. She really wasn't interested in the game, honestly. However, she was interested in Finn and she was interested in making him happy by supporting things that he liked. "No, you can keep playing." She said as he asked her if she wanted to do something else. "Babe, we do stuff I like all of the time, and I don't care if we do something you like. And I mean, you like playing the game and I just like being with you." Rachel moved her head away from his arm to look at him more fully, her offering him a small smile. "Plus, I mean, you're enjoying yourself and if you're enjoying yourself, so am I." Rachel leaned forward to kiss him, smiling when she pulled away. "I won't distract you from your game anymore," She grinned as she went to lean her head against his arm again, watching the screen once again.
Finn smiled softly when Rachel told him that he could beat Halo in one sitting. "The earlier games, yeah but, I mean, I don't know about the newer ones. You should see people who speed run games - it's crazy." When he asked her if she wanted to do something else and she said no, he looked down at her with a bit of surprise in his gaze. It wasn't that he thought Rachel was miserable watching him play video games but he knew it also wasn't the most fun thing that they could be doing when they had his apartment to themselves for the night. When she leaned in to press a kiss to his lips, he couldn't help but smile softly, his eyes fluttering open as she pulled away. "I love you so much, you know that?" he told her. It amazed him sometimes just thinking about the fact that Rachel Berry was his girlfriend. He had a crush on her since he was fourteen and here they were, eighteen years old and they were in love with each other. She didn't even mind sitting with him playing video games and while to some people that wouldn't mean anything, to him it meant so much. To him it proved she loved him because he knew Rachel Berry didn't do anything she didn't want to do. As Finn focused back on the game, he couldn't help but smile to himself as he felt Rachel leaning against him. "Hey, Rach? Do you think what we have is like... the real love that people always talk about?" he asked her softly. "Because I just - I don't know - I think it is. I think we might be it." Finn shifted his focus from the TV for a moment to look a her and he couldn't help but smile softly as their eyes met.
Rachel looked at Finn as he told her that he loved her, a small smile on her lips. "Yeah. I know. I love you, too. You know that," She said softly, looking into his eyes as she sat next to him. She loved him so much and she was convinced that he would be the only guy she ever loved. She cared about Josh, but that was never the end all for her. She knew that she deserved more for her life and after meeting Finn? She knew that this was it. It had to. She never thought she'd be the girl who would be in a relationship, but with Finn? She felt like it was really the only person that she could ever be like with this. She couldn't imagine just sitting around with someone and telling them she loved them with anyone else other than Finn. Rachel brought her attention back to the TV for a few moments before she looked back at him when she heard him speak again. "Hm?" She asked softly, looking into his eyes. "I think so." She honestly did. SHe really couldn't imagine anything else in her life and she just loved him more than anything in the world and she just couldn't wait to experience more with him. "I never thought that I'd find someone like you. Someone I thought that I could really be with and just... do all of these new things with. Because I- you're changing me, Finn. You are. But for the better. And I- I love you so much, you know? I don't give a fuck what we do with our day and I- I could sit here with you and watch you play video games or- or we could just sit and talk all day and I'd fucking love it because I'm so in love with you. And a year ago I never thought I'd be saying that to anyone. But I am now and I'm so happy that I am because I could never see myself with anyone else. And it makes me so confident that this is that kind of love that you're talking about, you know?" She said, her smiling gently and leaning forward to kiss him gently before pulling away and looking into his eyes. "We're still really young and I don't know, it's weird to feel like this, but we both do and I'm so happy that we do. Because I just- I can't imagine me being here without you at this point in my life. I know you're in my life for a reason, Finn. And I'm just- I'm so happy that you chose to love me."
Finn couldn't help but smile as Rachel spoke, agreeing with him when he said that he thought that the love they had was the real love that people always talked about. He knew that they were young and that they weren't perfect but he knew he was in love with Rachel and he knew that he had never felt this way about someone before in his life. When she kissed him, he sighed happily against her lips. It meant the world to him that she loved him just as intensely as he loved her. "It's just... it's crazy to hear you say that you're happy that I chose to love you when I'm the one constantly in shock that you love me. I mean - look at me, you know? I'm... I'm me and you're well - you're you. When we first started dating I was so scared that maybe it was just some joke but you just - you make me so happy, Rachel. I know you say that I changed you for the better but you've changed me for the better too. You - you make me want to come out of my shell a little and take risks and realize that I can have a little fun and still achieve my dreams." Finn smiled softly as he looked down into her eyes before he leaned in to press another kiss to her lips, him deepening it for a moment before pulling away slowly. "I think I'm going to be in a state of shock that someone like you could ever love someone like me for the rest of my life. But I um... I promise that I'll always make sure you feel loved and I'll always take care of you to the best of my ability." Finn looked at Rachel with adoration in his gaze before he set his controller down on the coffee table and settled more comfortably onto the couch with Rachel, his arms slipping around her waist. "I appreciate that you'll sit here with me all night and watch me play video games but I really want to focus on you tonight," he said softly as he looked into her eyes, him smiling before he pressed his lips back to hers.
Rachel smiled gently as Finn spoke, her eyes on his. She honestly knew that it was crazy. Everyone always looked at them walking down the halls and thought that they were insane. While this was the first time in a while that she didn't really care about what people thought, it was still weird walking down the hallway with Finn. She knew that people talked about him -- she had popular friends that would tease him, and of course, she always stood up for him. And honestly, she knew that the Finn they saw wasn't really the Finn that she saw. He was so amazing and so sweet and she was just so happy to have him. "Well, I'm glad I make you want to come out of your shell a little bit. I know that there's things that you'll never do and that's okay. Because there's things I don't want to do anymore that I know that you don't ever want to do. And... I don't know. Maybe we can do new things together, you know?" She said with a small smile. As Finn moved to put his controller in front of them on the coffee table, she smirked gently as he went to wrap his arms around her. "Mmm, I like the sound of that. And I mean, how could we not take advantage of the empty apartment?" She asked softly as she pulled away from their kiss for a moment. Rachel smiled gently before leaning forward to kiss him again, her moving to straddle him on the couch. "I'm more important than video games, huh? Proud of you for being the guy who's obsessed with video games but still knows that they can't get him off like a girl can," She laughed gently before pressing her lips against his and deepening the kiss for a moment. Her lips traveled to his jaw for a moment, her sighing contently. "Fuck, I love you." She said, her moving to kiss back to his lips.
Finn liked the sound of him and Rachel doing new things together. While they were pretty much polar opposites, they also had a lot in common and he was excited to keep exploring new things with her by his side. When she shifted on the couch and moved to straddle him, Finn smiled into their kiss as he held her close, his hands resting on the curve of her hips. "Hey, I might love video games but I'm not stupid. I love you way more," he said with a smile before they kissed once more. When her lips moved to the curve of his jaw, Finn's eyes fluttered shut for a moment. It felt so good to be with her like this and while he was still fairly inexperienced with sex, he was certainly more comfortable than he had been. "I love you too," he whispered before her lips pressed back to his. Finn kissed her back eagerly as he held her close, his hands slipping down to her thighs and squeezing gently. There was nothing that could compare to how good it felt to have her in his arms and he knew that he wanted this for the rest of his life. He didn't care if it sounded crazy, he knew that Rachel was it for him. God, he knew he was meant to love her. "You're so beautiful, Rachel," he whispered between kisses, him pulling away for a moment so he could look into her eyes, a smile tugging up at the corner of his lips.
Rachel loved being able to be close to Finn all of the time. She knew that it was weird to be with him. It truly was. Not even because he was who he was, just because she never really had an actual relationship like this. Sure, she had been pretty steady with Josh for a long time, but this was nothing like that. She actually felt like Finn cared about her more than just for sex. It was proof enough that they had waited as long as they did to have sex. Most people she was with, they started having sex pretty much right after she met them, but Rachel was just happy to finally have someone who cared about more than just her body. Even though Finn was definitely starting to appreciate sex, it wasn't the main part of their relationship, even though she was sure it would be the focus whenever they had her house or his apartment to themselves. As he called her beautiful, Rachel looked at him when he fully pulled away. She could feel her heart swell in her chest, her bringing her hand to his cheek, a thumb rubbing against his bottom lip. "You have no idea," She whispered out, looking at his lips before looking into his eyes. "You just have no idea what you make me feel like when you say shit like that, Finn. I've heard sexy and hot and perfect and just... shit like that but it's just... I don't know. It's how I know you're different. I mean, I still like when you call me hot and sexy and stuff, but I- I don't know. I just love that you're different, you know?" She said, leaning forward to kiss him again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself impossibly closer to him. She wanted nothing more than to be with him and to experience everything that they had to look forward to in the future.
Finn looked at Rachel with love in his eyes as she brought her hand to his cheek and he couldn't help but smile as her thumb ran across his bottom lip for a moment. He loved her so much and he really didn't think there were any words that could describe what he felt for her. "Well you are beautiful and I always want to make sure you know that. You're hot and sexy too but, you know, very beautiful," he said softly before her lips pressed to his. Finn knew that in previous relationships Rachel hadn't been appreciated the right way. She had always been in weird relationships that weren't fully monogamous and were with guys who treated her more as a body than the person that they loved. Finn wanted to make sure she always knew how much he loved her - how much he adored her inside and out. She really was such an amazing person and it made him so happy to know that she wanted to share herself with him the same way he did with her. He knew he was a loser in school but when he was with her he actually felt cool. He felt important and she was the only person who had ever managed to make him feel that way. As they kissed eagerly, Finn couldn't help but smile against her lips before he pulled away after another moment. "Should we go to my room?" he asked her with a small smile pulling up at the corner of his lips. "Because, you know, as much as I wouldn't mind staying right here, I won't be able to think of this couch the same when I'm sitting here with my mom," he said with a laugh before he pressed a soft peck to her lips.
Rachel rolled her eyes playfully as he spoke. "Well, I mean, I'm glad you also think that I'm hot and sexy because I'd be pretty offended if you didn't," She teased gently as she looked into his eyes after pulling away from their kiss for a moment. Rachel leaned forward to kiss him again and she grinned gently against his lips before she felt him pull away. Rachel was so happy that they were able to be with each other like this. While sex wasn't everything in her relationships, she knew it was a pretty major part of being connected to the person that she was with. She was more than happy with Finn before anything had happened, but she also knew that she definitely appreciated being able to feel good and to make him feel good. When he asked her if they should go to his room, she just looked at him and bit down on her bottom lip. "I mean... we could stay here, babe. Because I don't know, you sitting in this spot and getting turned on thinking about fucking me here kind of turns me on. But we'll go to your bed, I guess. So you don't hate every second of sitting with your mom in front of the TV," She teased, her giggling and moving to get off of his lap. Rachel went to pull off her shirt as she went towards his bedroom, her looking back at him with a small smirk. "Come on, Hudson. I don't have all day." She laughed as she started to take off her bra as well, disappearing into his room. She was more than excited for the rest of the day, especially being able to take advantage of their alone time without anyone at his apartment for a while. Her house was always empty, but his was not, so it was nice to have alone time in his own place, as well.
Finn couldn't believe that high school was over and he certainly couldn't believe that he was going to prom. He was going to prom with his girlfriend. He was going to prom with Rachel Berry. Finn knew that he had never expected this moment to happen. If someone had told him in his freshman year that he would be dating Rachel and taking her to prom, he absolutely would have thought they were lying to him. And yet here he was and he couldn't believe it. "I can't believe we're really going to prom," he said to both Sam and Artie as Sam drove towards Rachel's house so they could pick her up. He had borrowed his dads nice car and was driving extremely carefully and Finn couldn't help but find it funny. "I know, we always used to talk about not even bothering to show up at this thing. But here we are - and hey, one of us has a date," Artie said with a laugh. "I'm telling you, man, we can find a date there. Plenty of girls are going solo and we'll just try and find someone that way," Sam said, not taking his eyes off the road. When they reached Rachel's house, Sam and Artie waited as Finn got out of the car and rang the doorbell. As he waited, he nervously adjusted his tie, feeling more anxious than ever in a suit since it was so out of his comfort zone. He wasn't sure if her father's were home or not but he knew that he just wanted to see his beautiful girlfriend already.
Rachel had been to plenty of dances in her lifetime. She had usually just gone with a big group of people, though it had always been assumed that her and Josh were going together as a date. However, now, she knew that this year was a nice change. Being able to go with Finn and being able to experience this with him was just so exciting. While most people would have their parents doing everything for them the day of prom, Rachel didn't. Her parents were away, but she didn't exactly care. She got her nails done that morning and she had gone home to do her hair, and after spending a lifetime on her hair, she did her makeup. She didn't want to go too extreme, especially because she knew Finn would love it any single way. Rachel was putting on her shoes as she heard Finn ring the door bell, her opening the door and smiling gently as she saw him. "Hi." She said softly, her looking at him as she held onto the door. "You look really handsome." Every time she saw him and she saw his little smile on his face, she just never could get over the fact that they were really together and that they were doing so well. "My dads aren't home, so.... if you want to come back here after prom, we can." She looked at him for a moment before closing the door behind her and locking it, biting down on her bottom lip before turning around and looking to him. "God, you look so fucking good." Rachel moved closer to him and she played with his tie slightly for a moment before looking up into his eyes. "I love you. And... and thank you for picking me up."
Finn felt his heart stop for a moment when Rachel opened the door, his jaw dropping slightly at the sight of her. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his entire life and he knew that he was so, so in love with her. When she told him that he looked handsome, he felt his face flush slightly and he smiled nervously, looking down for a moment before looking back into her eyes. "Thanks, baby. You look - you look - wow. You're the most beautiful girl in the world," he told her. When she said that her dads weren't home, Finn smiled softly. "I'd like that. I want to spent the night with you." Finn watched as she locked the door and when she turned back to face him, he felt his heart skip a beat once more. "I look good? You look amazing. I can't believe you're my girlfriend sometimes," he said softly. "I love you too. And don't thank me, I mean, it's really Sam driving. And, you know, we have the nice car because of his dad," he said with a slight laugh. "Oh! I - I almost forgot." Finn quickly held up the tiny plastic container that the corsage he had gotten Rachel was in, him smiling nervously as he held it up. "I know that - you know, these are kind of stupid or whatever but, you know, they're tradition, right? And plus, I mean, I picked it because I think it matches your eyes and you mentioned your dress color so I figured it would look pretty." Finn forced himself to stop talking before he looked into Rachel's eyes. It amazed him how she could still make him nervous sometimes but he knew it was just because he wanted everything to be perfect.
Rachel couldn't believe that this was her life sometimes, but she was so happy that to be close to him and to have these experiences with him. "Well, thanks. I spent the entire day getting ready, practically. I know you don't exactly care about me looking like a model so I just- I didn't want to go crazy. But I'm glad you think that I look good. I just- I wanted to look good for you because I knew you'd look good, obviously. Any man in a suit is hot, but you know, you somehow make it even better," She said teasingly as she looked at him. When he held up the corsage for her, she bit down on her bottom lip and held out her wrist. "You didn't have to, Finn. I've been without one during every other single school dance, so it would have been fine. But it's beautiful," She told him, her looking at it before she leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. "We could have had a fake prom right in my living room in our PJs and I would have loved it just as much as going out. Anything with you is perfect, babe." Rachel knew that while she did enjoy prom, she also did just enjoy spending time with Finn by herself. Rachel went to her bag and looked at him after pulling out a tiny box. "I got you a boutonniere, but... it's not as nice as what you got for me." Rachel grabbed the box and she went to put it on his suit, her looking up into his eyes for a moment. "We don't have the crazy parents taking five million pictures of us, so this makes it a lot easier. And that we we don't need to hold up your friends."
Finn didn't understand how Rachel just seemed to get more beautiful every time he saw her but she absolutely did. "I wanted to get you one, Rach. I want tonight to be perfect," he said softly as he looked into her eyes before they shared a soft kiss. "We can always continue prom in the living room after the real prom in case it sucks." Finn smiled at his girlfriend and when she grabbed a tiny box from her bag and took out a boutonniere, he couldn't help but feel his heart swell with love. "I love it, Rach. And I love that you got it for me," he said, looking down as she pinned it to his suit. "I guess that's one nice thing about having absent parents, right? We don't have to have people taking pictures of us all night." Finn smiled softly at Rachel before he took her hand in his and led her towards the car. He helped her inside before he moved to sit beside her, him still amazed that this was really happening. "Wow, Rachel, you look great," Sam said, Artie nodding in agreement. "I still can't believe that one of us has a girlfriend let alone a date to prom," Artie said as he looked back at them. "I mean, I thought it would be me but I'm happy for you, Finn," he said jokingly, causing Finn to laugh. "Hey, I can't believe it either." As Sam started driving towards the venue where prom was being held, Finn looked down and Rachel and smiled softly at her before he dipped his head down to press a kiss to her lips. "I love you," he whispered. "Tonight is going to be perfect."
Rachel managed a soft laugh as Finn spoke about their parents being gone. "Yeah, I guess that's true. I mean, not having them around is good for a lot of reasons. Some that I'm sure we'll explore tonight," She said with a soft laugh as she looked up into his eyes. Once they got back to the car, Rachel leaned against him slightly and leaned her head against his shoulder for a moment. "Thanks, guys. I mean, I only slaved over the way I looked today for half of the morning." Rachel looked at them as she sat next to Finn before she went to sit up fully again. "Hey, come on, I really don't think it's that odd that Finn has a girlfriend. Plus, you guys are really nice and it's not like you're bad looking. You guys can totally get a date if you tried. And you can try and find some girl there. Because a lot of girls at places like this are always down to fuck or find some random guy to dance with. I wouldn't be scared of finding someone," She said with a soft laugh before looking over at Finn. "Love you, too. So much." She said, looking at Finn and going to kiss him again after he pulled away. "It's gonna be really perfect," She said as her hand moved to his leg for a moment before pulling away with a slight smirk and looking forward. "It'll be fun, guys. And I mean, it's not like you need to leave us alone all night, I don't care if we're not by ourselves. I mean, we all came together, obviously. We can all hang out and stuff when we're there."
Finn laughed softly as Rachel spoke to Sam and Artie. He knew his friends wanted to try and find girls at prom and he really did hope that they could. It wasn't fair that people like Josh were the ones who always got attention from girls when he treated them horribly. As he focused back on his girlfriend, he felt his heart swell with happiness as she told him that she loved him back. He was pretty sure that he would never get tired of hearing that from her. When she moved her hand to his leg for a moment, he felt his body heat up. God, he really couldn't wait for the night ahead because it was clear what Rachel planned on doing once they left prom. "I mean, yeah we're all gonna hang out tonight but like, we also really don't want to hang out while you two are dancing or telling each other you love each other every ten seconds," Artie said with a laugh, Sam nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, we love you guys but when you bring someone to prom the whole point is kind of for it to be romantic so we'll give you two space when it's clear you need it." Finn laughed softly at his friends words and when they finally arrived at the venue, he got out of the car before holding out his hand for Rachel to take. As they started walking, Sam and Artie walked ahead of them a bit and Finn squeezed Rachel's hand gently in his. "Is it weird that I'm kind of nervous? I just... I've never really been to anything that our whole grade is basically at and I'm kind of just, you know, waiting for someone to break my glasses or throw a drink in my face," he told her. "I just... I know how some of your friends feel about you being with me and I don't want tonight to be anything but perfect," he said as they started walking inside, him feeling his anxiety building slightly.
Rachel knew that her and Finn were all over each other a lot of the time, but she couldn't exactly help it. She always wanted to be around him and she loved that things always felt so perfect between them. "Hey, we don't tell each other that we love each other every ten seconds. And I mean, come on. I promise I won't be grinding on him the entire night," She laughed, looking at them as she sat next to Finn. "But yeah, I guess we'll be all mushy and romantic and shit." Rachel knew that it would definitely be a change of pace for her, especially because her other proms were so different. As they got to the venue, Rachel smiled as Finn took her hand in his. "Don't be nervous. And I don't give a fuck about what they think, so don't worry. I promise that it'll be fine. And if anyone ruins your night, they'll ruin mine too, and well, they know not to fuck with me." She said as she walked with him inside of the venue, her still holding herself close to him. "We look really great, and I know that we'll have a perfect prom. Because babe," She said as she continued to walk inside, holding onto his hand, "You know that I don't care about what other people think when it comes to us. I love you and I love what we have and I just want to have a good night." She knew that they would, especially if they just got to dance and enjoy themselves. "And if things get shitty or we're not having a good time, you know we can always leave and do our own thing if you wanted to. I don't really mind either way. I just want to enjoy our prom together and dance, you know?"
Finn nodded when Rachel told him not to feel nervous but he knew it was easier said than done. He wanted this night to be perfect but being around everyone in their grade scared him since there were a lot of people there who's lives seemed dedicated to making his existence miserable. As Rachel spoke he looked down at her and he couldn't help but smile softly as he looked into her eyes, feeling his nerves calm slightly. "I love you too and I know as long as we're together we'll have a good night," he said softly. When a photographer motioned for them to take a picture, he watching as Sam and Artie headed further into the venue before he stepped to the backdrop that was set up with Rachel. "I can't believe I actually have a date to prom," he said with a laugh before he smiled for the picture, hoping desperately that he didn't look terrible in it. "Let's go see where Sam and Artie are sitting," he said as he walked with her once the picture was done. Finn could feel people staring at them as they walked and he knew that there were still a lot of people that were shocked Rachel was dating the biggest loser in school. He didn't want to feel insecure but it was tough when he knew that so many people had no idea why she was with him. A shaky breath escaped his lips and he adjusted his glasses with one hand while the other gripped her hand just a bit tighter. When they approached the table Sam and Artie were sitting at, Finn quickly moved to pull out a chair for Rachel before he sat beside her. "Does this suit look weird on me?" he asked Rachel. "Because I - I feel like people are looking at me," he said before he looked down, attempting to adjust his tie or fix anything that might be amiss. "Wow, would you look at that." Finn felt himself shrink at the sound of Josh's voice and as he looked up at him, he felt himself growing even more anxious. Maybe prom was a mistake. "You clean up nice, Berry," Josh said with a smirk. "And you're still doing your charity work," he added as he gestured to Finn. He kept his gaze firmly on the table, knowing that he really didn't want to have to deal with Josh tonight. "Just thought I'd let you know that if you want to have a real party after this, there will be one at my house. You're invited but, you know, that dress isn't," Josh said with a smirk.
Rachel didn't want Finn to feel awkward about this entire thing. She didn't want him to feel weird that he was at prom with her or feel as if everyone was judging him. She just wanted him to enjoy himself and to just have this amazing memory with her. She wanted to be able to look back on this moment and just be able to say that she was so incredibly happy. Rachel followed Finn to where his friends were sitting, her still holding onto his hand to keep herself close to him. As she saw him adjust his glasses, she smiled gently and looked at him, squeezing his hand gently. She went to sit down and she looked over at him when he spoke. "Babe, stop fussing. You look good. And stop messing with your tie. If you pull that shit any tighter you're going to choke yourself," Rachel laughed gently before her laugh died when she heard Josh's voice. She looked over to him and leaned back in her chair slightly. She rolled her eyes, looking to her boyfriend for a moment before looking up at Josh again. "Oh, tempting. You know, the party. But I don't think you have to worry about me having fun later. Because, actually, I'm already going to a party later," She said, her eyes on Josh's. "And don't worry, the dress isn't invited to that one. But Finn can take care of getting it off for me." Josh laughed, rolling his eyes. "The dress is probably the only thing he'll be getting off." Rachel sighed. "Don't worry, he doesn't really have a problem in that department. Just fuck off, Josh. Let me actually enjoy my fucking night," She said, her turning towards Finn and moving to loosen his tie slightly, her hand resting on his chest for a moment. When she didn't hear footsteps, she looked back over at Josh. "Did you not fucking hear me?" She saw Josh roll her eyes and she could feel her anger start to rise. "Well, if you change your mind, you actually can get off later and hang with your actual friends." Rachel sighed and went to look towards Finn again. "I swear, I'm going to fucking kill him. I just want to enjoy you. Can we please just try and pretend like he's not here tonight? Please?"
Finn hated that he was such a loser sometimes. He knew he had a lot of trouble with confidence and while being with Rachel was certainly helping him, he knew he had a long way to go before he would feel comfortable in his own skin. God, he was so happy high school was almost over because he knew he was ready for college and the rest of what life had to offer. As Rachel spoke back to Josh, Finn looked at her with a small smile on his face. It meant the world to him when she stood up for him and it was definitely in moments like these where he felt the love she had for him. He hated that Josh always seemed to act like he wasn't good enough for Rachel sexually when Finn knew that he could take care of his girlfriend. Sure, in the beginning it had taken him time to learn exactly what she liked but he knew now and he was going to continue to memorize her and make her feel amazing. When Rachel focused her attention back on him, her loosening his tie, Finn offered her a small smile before he looked back up at Josh. "We can do that. We can - we can pretend that he's not here," he said softly, relieved when Josh finally walked away. "He just - he picks on the sexual stuff because he knows he can't live up to the boyfriend part of the relationship." "Why didn't you say that to him?" Sam asked, Artie nodding in agreement. "Because I don't - I don't want to fight with him. It's not worth it. I - I already won anyway." Finn turned back to Rachel and smiled at her before he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. "I love you. A - And he won't ruin our night," he said softly. Finn shifted his gaze downwards for a moment as he sat facing Rachel before he looked back up into her eyes. "I know this isn't probably how you planned on spending your senior prom. And if you... if you want to go to that party later, we can. I just - I want you to have fun." Finn knew he wasn't the most exciting person, he wasn't the most fun person but he loved Rachel and he wanted this night to be everything she wanted and more. He wanted her to know that she could have fun with him because he knew once upon a time Josh was the person she had fun with and he didn't want to lose her because of that.
Rachel knew that Finn was insecure about a lot of things. However, things got a lot better. There were times where she could never imagine her life without Finn, which was definitely most of the time. She loved that they had grown so much together and she definitely loved that he had mellowed her out some. It wasn't too much, because she definitely still was insane, but she was happy to be able to be with him and to experience things that he liked, as well. As Finn spoke once Josh left, she sighed. "Babe, you really don't have to worry about shit like that, you keep me more than satisfied, he just knows how to push your buttons, that's all." She said as she looked at him before smiling as he talked about winning. "You're so fucking lame," She laughed with a slight roll of her eyes before leaning forward to meet him for a kiss. "Believe me, this is going to be a great prom. And I don't want to go to any lame party, I already know that we're going to have a really, really fun party later at my place," She whispered as she looked into his eyes, a smirk rising on her lip before she leaned forward to grab onto his tie, pulling him forward slightly to kiss him again. "I'm gonna have lots of fun tonight." She said as she pulled away. "Let's dance. I know you're kind of awkward on your feet, but you know, we can manage. We can handle a few dances. And some slow dances. And if we get bored, then we can go back to my place and eat random shit and just lay around in bed. Because I bought really great snacks for a little later and I'm definitely looking forward to just laying around naked in bed all night. So I mean, I hope you don't have any other plans tonight because I plan on keeping you really busy."
Finn laughed softly when Rachel told him that he was lame before they shared a soft kiss. He knew he wasn't the best looking or the most popular but when Rachel looked at him the way she did, he really did start to believe that he wasn't as big of a loser as he felt he was. She made him see himself in a whole new light, in a whole new confidence and while that was still developing, he was feel better every moment he spent with her. When she told him that they were going to have a fun party at her place later, he felt his heart speed up for a moment before she pressed her lips to his. Yeah, she definitely gave him a confidence that he had never felt before because knowing that she wanted him the way that she did made him feel so good. "I like the sound of that," he whispered, him smiling softly as she pulled away. When she told him that she wanted to dance, Finn looked at her nervously. He wasn't exactly gifted when it came to coordination but if his girlfriend wanted to dance, he was going to dance with her. "We're gonna see if we can find any fellow single ladies, you two have fun," Sam said with a smirk as he headed off with Artie. "In what world would I have any other plans tonight that don't involve you?" he said to Rachel with a smile as they made their way onto the dance floor. Finn looked around nervously for a moment before he brought his focus down to Rachel, him offering her a small smile. "I'm so bad at dancing," he told her. "This is how you know I love you, I hope you know that," he said as a soft laugh escaped his lips. Finn looked around at some of the people dancing around them and tried to mimic some of their moves and while he knew he probably looked stupid, he just wanted to have fun with Rachel, especially when he knew they only had the summer before they had to be long distance. "Did I mention how amazing you look tonight?" he said to Rachel, raising his voice a bit since the music was fairly loud. "I can't believe I get to be your boyfriend," he said before he attempted to start dancing again, trying his best not to look like he was struggling with what he was supposed to do. These were the moments he hated how tall and awkward he was.
Rachel laughed gently as Sam said to have fun. "Oh, don't worry. We will," She said before bring her attention back to Finn. She was grateful that he wanted to dance with her, even if she was sure that they'd mostly be just standing around and swaying to the music. It was one thing she loved about him and being able to be with him was because they could make the best out of everything. "No one is bad at dancing. I mean, Finn, we could just fucking sway here and I'd be happy," She laughed gently as she looked at him for a moment, her shaking her head with a smile. "You might have mentioned it, but I like hearing it." She said as she looked at him before managing a soft laugh. "Babe, I fucking love you. You're so awkward in the best way. Just like... relax. And anyway, guys don't even really dance," She said as she went to wrap her arms around his neck for a moment, looking up into his eyes before she went to kiss him. "Guys kind of just stand there and let the girls grind up on them all night, but you know, it's a little change," She said with a laugh before she turned in his arms to have her back to his chest, her hips against his. "This is kind of the standard, but knowing us, I don't know how long we'll last if we're on top of each other all night. Well, I'll rephrase that," She said, leaning up to kiss his jaw, "I probably won't be able to hold myself back, not the other way around." Rachel smirked before she went to run her hand through her hair, pulling it to one side of her neck.
Finn didn't exactly know what he was doing when it came to dancing and when Rachel told him that he was awkward in the best way, he couldn't help but laugh softly. "I'm trying to relax - do I not look relaxed?" he asked her quickly. "I told you I'm not good at this." The two of them kissed softly and when she wrapped her arms around his neck, he slipped his arms around her waist. "I just... you know, I've never been that guy before," he told her as she explained that guys typically just stood there while a girl grinded on them all night. While he had been to a couple parties with Rachel, no one was ever usually dancing and he ended up feeling so uncomfortable that they didn't stay long. He wasn't the guy who danced or knew what to do in environments like this and while it intimidated him, he wanted to have a good time and if Rachel wanted to dance, he was going to try his best to figure out how to do that. When she turned away from him, her back pressed against his chest, he bit down on his lip just feeling her body pressed against his. He truly had the most beautiful girl in the room and it made him feel so good knowing that she wanted him the way that she did. "I mean... if you keep doing that I might not be able to hold myself back either," he breathed out as she pressed her lips to his jaw. Finn kept his hands on her hips, him squeezing gently as he tried his best to move to the music with her. As they danced, he dipped his head down to press soft kisses along the curve of her shoulder, trailing them slowly to her neck. "I kinda like dancing now," he whispered softly in her ear, him smiling for a moment before he resumed his gentle kisses to her soft skin.
Rachel obviously knew that her boyfriend wasn't exactly the most popular kid in school. However, she didn't care. She didn't care how experienced he was with certain things and she didn't care whether or not he liked things that she did. She just loved him and loved how they both were with each other and she just wanted to be able to introduce him to things while he introduced her to new things, as well. As she moved against him and he commented about not being able to hold himself back, she felt a small smirk rise against her lips. "Mmm, good. That sounds like a good plan. I mean, I did spend a lot of money on this dress so we'll have to stay for a little bit but us leaving early and going home definitely sounds like a plan. This may be a good party to some, but I mean, I think we know how to party a little better than this." She said as she felt him squeeze her hips slightly. She let her eyes shut for a moment as his lips moved along her shoulder before she laughed gently at his words. "Mm, I knew you would." She said before she opened her eyes, looking around her for a moment before she caught Josh's eyes. Rachel had been with Josh long enough to know his looks. And this was one that previously would get her going because she'd know exactly what he wanted. Her. And at one point, she would have dropped everything for that gaze, but not now. Not when she knew that someone else could give her everything so much better than he could. "I think dancing is way better with you," She said, her hands moving to his on her hips for a moment before she turned around in his arms and went to look into his eyes for a moment before leaning forward to kiss him gently. "I love you. I know that this isn't exactly the first place you'd want to be, but I'm really happy that we're here. That I'm here with you."
Finn couldn't help but smile as Rachel said that they knew how to party a little better than this. He was definitely excited for the night ahead of them, that much was for sure. While the whole prom part of the night made him a little uncomfortable, he was happy to be spending time with Rachel and he loved knowing that she was his girlfriend - he loved knowing she wanted everyone to see that he was her boyfriend, too. He laughed softly as she spoke, him trying his best to move with her hips as she danced against him. Obviously he knew he wasn't great at dancing but he finally felt like he was getting the hang of it for the most part. "I think dancing is better with you too. Although, I mean, I only really know dancing with you but I'm happy with that experience level," he said with a laugh as she turned in his arms. Finn smiled at her as their eyes met and when she leaned up to press her lips to his, he kissed her back tenderly. "I love you too," he said softly, him feeling his heart swell with love as he looked down at her. "I'm happy anywhere if I'm with you, Rach. This might be... you know, out of my comfort zone but, I don't care. I love you, you look beautiful and this whole night is worth it because of you." Finn looked down at her with a small smile before he dipped his head down to press a kiss to her lips, deepening it for a moment before he pulled away and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I swear I'm going to love you for the rest of my life," he breathed out. "Because I know that nothing else will ever make me feel the way you do."
Rachel knew that they had a lot to look forward to with the night still. Obviously, things weren't going to be boring when it came to them. While he was a lot more mellow, honestly, sometimes she would have preferred to do what he wanted to do. Sitting down and just being near him or watching him play video games was just everything that she needed. She just wanted him and everything that he wanted. "Me too. And I just- I'm glad it's out of your comfort zone. I don't want to push you, but I want you to do more things with me. I love that you are." She said as she looked at him before she went to meet him for a kiss, her smiling as he pulled away and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I hope you do. I really hope you do." She really didn't know what she'd do without someone in her life like Finn. Someone like Josh was fun, but he wasn't someone that she'd be able to be with for the rest of her life. It wasn't a meaningful relationship, it just used to be good sex and someone who had the same dream as her. But now? Now everything was just so much better and she felt like she really found something that was going to last. Rachel knew that they probably looked incredibly lame just practically standing on the dance floor, but as the song changed to a slow one, she figured that they at least looked a little more normal. "All I ever wanted was you. And I mean, I would go through all of the shitty guys I was ever with to get to this point. To you. And that's so fucking cheesy but I don't know. I mean, we just- we work, you know? I would have never believed that I'd be dancing with you at prom when I was a freshman. I wouldn't have thought that I'd be having you take me home later. But I mean, here we are. And believe me, I want this with you. For the rest of my life. And you know I don't say shit like that and I- I really mean it, Finn. You're so fucking scary to me sometimes because this is shit that I never thought I'd have and it's just fucking wild that I get to have it with you. I mean, you fucking bought me a corsage and we're at prom. That's more than I could have ever asked for."
Finn knew if someone had told him when he was a freshman that he would be taking Rachel Berry - his girlfriend - to his senior prom that he would have thought they were crazy. But this was real life. This was happening and he knew he had never felt like this before. No one had ever loved him before, not the way Rachel did and he knew that now that he had found her that he never wanted to let her go. He knew they were young and he knew they had a lot of life left to live but he was so, so certain that he wanted to live it all with her. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. When the song changed to a slow one, he kept his hands around her waist as he attempted to sway to the music accordingly with her, him looking down into her eyes. "I like it when you're cheesy," he said with a small smile on his face. "A-And, Rachel, believe me, I never thought I'd be here with you either. I thought - I thought that on prom night I'd be at home. I never thought that I'd have a girlfriend let alone fall in love with the most amazing girl on the planet and have her love me back." Finn looked down for a moment before he looked back into her eyes. "I wish you didn't have to deal with shitty guys in your past but I promise that you'll never have to again. You deserve the world, Rachel and I mean that. You're... you're so special a-and beautiful and intelligent and you make me laugh and I just - I really do mean it too when I say that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life making sure you're happy and loved." Finn smiled for a moment before he leaned down to kiss her slowly, him resting his forehead against hers for a moment as he pulled away. "I love you more than anything," he whispered. "I still can't believe that I'm at prom with Rachel Berry." A playful smile formed on his face as he pulled away from her slightly so he could look down at her, him running his hand up along her back to play with the ends of her hair. "You're so beautiful, you know? You're stunning," he told her, knowing that he would be in awe of this moment with her for the rest of his life.
Rachel wanted to believe that things would be perfect. She wanted to picture herself with Finn for years and years to come, and honestly, it was easy to. It was easy to imagine herself just chilling at home with him or sharing a home with him because that was what she wanted. Finn was the one guy who made her believe that it was all possible for her because a couple of years ago, she really didn't think it was. As Finn spoke, she could feel her heart swell with love and she knew that she was never happier in her life with anyone else. He just made her feel so loved and so appreciated and he made her feel like she was good for more than just a night in bed. Hell, they had been all over each other and all lovey-dovey right after they got together, they didn't need the sex to feel like that. That was what made her sure that Finn was different. "Well, you're also incredibly hot and very, very handsome so I think we both got pretty lucky," She said softly as she looked at him, a small smile on her lips. "If you don't want to dance or do anything crazy, we don't have to, babe. We can just sit for a while if you want. I'm cool to do anything. And if you ever get bored, I'm always down to leave. Just you know, not yet." She added at the end with a soft laugh. "It just feels really good to be here and to know that this bullshit is almost over. School. Seeing all of these people. Then we can just focus on us for a while."
Finn felt his face flush slightly when Rachel told him that he was hot and very handsome. He was pretty sure that he'd never get used to her saying those things about him. "Rach, I want to do whatever you want to do tonight. As much as I don't really feel comfortable dancing, I want tonight to be perfect so that when we look back on it one day we know we made the most of it, you know?" Finn smiled softly as he looked at Rachel before he shifted his gaze downwards when she brought up school almost being over. "It's scary that it's almost over," he said softly. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it is. I mean, it'll be really nice not to get shoved face first into walls anymore but I just - it's scary. I'm scared to go away to Stanford and I - I just don't even want to think about being away from you, you know? I just love you so much and we're together so much I can't imagine not being with you all the time." Finn knew that they were going to make the most of every second of their summer together and while going away to school was scary, he knew they could handle it. Their relationship was strong enough to handle anything.
Rachel looked from the screen that was in front of her to Finn who was next to her on the couch. She was so happy to just be here with him after everything and she knew that things could have gone so differently. How they got to this point definitely wasn't smooth or perfect, but she knew that while she would change some things, she couldn't when it led her to this point. She was pregnant, engaged to the love of her life and she just knew that she didn't want to change anything. Rachel looked back at the screen for a moment and bit down on her bottom lip for a moment. She could remember this exact moment happening so many different times in their past and each and every time they were just in such different points in their lives. But here they were. Better than ever. But that was what it always felt like between them, she just really hoped that it was different this time. They had so many bumps in the road, but now she was just happy to be in a stable place. When her eyes caught sight of her engagement ring, she smiled, her thumb toying with the band before she looked back up at Finn. "Hey, Finn?" She asked softly, her turning herself more towards him slightly. She knew that things were good now, but she also knew how crazy their relationship had been. It had just been a crazy ride and she couldn't believe that they were here sometimes. Not when they both were so close to being in other positions. "I know you're going to say I'm just being stupid and crazy but I- You still really want to marry me, right?" God, she knew she was being stupid. But thinking back to how they were years ago in this exact moment absolutely terrified her. They were in such a different place now, but still, she knew that all it really took was one thing for everything to completely turn around.
Finn bit down on his lip as he focused on the TV screen while he played Fallout 4. It wasn't often that he got to really sit down and play video games between work, Rachel, wedding planning, getting ready to move and preparing for a baby but when he got the chance, he made every second count. It meant the world to him that Rachel didn't mind to sit with him while he played. It was something they had done together their whole relationship and while to some people it was stupid, to him it meant everything. When she said his name, Finn paused the game and set the controller on the coffee table before he turned to face her, offering her a small smile. "Yeah, Rach?" he asked her softly as he looked into her eyes. When she asked him if he still wanted to marry her, Finn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment. "I - what? Of course I want to marry you, Rachel," he told her. "I want to marry you more than anything. And I want this baby with you more than anything," he said softly, him shifting a bit closer to her before he brought his hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing against her soft skin. "Why are you asking me that?" Finn knew that after everything that happened between them that there were a lot of people who doubted them but he figured there had always been people like that in their lives. While he knew their relationship had been crazy, it was all worth it to get to the place that they were in now and he knew that he wanted to marry her. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and their little family that they would be starting in a matter of months.
Rachel knew it was a stupid question to even ask, especially since he was the one who had to ask her to marry him in the first place, so he was obviously sure, but she was still scared of him deciding something else when they got closer to having their actual wedding. "I just-" Rachel sighed as he continued to speak, her looking down for a moment before she felt him cup her cheek, her looking up into his eyes. "I don't know. I just feel like I've been doing a lot of thinking about our past and I know it's stupid because we're really different now, but I don't know. I just- it's stupid. I just- I love you so much and I really want to marry you but I know that some people just stick around to support a kid together and I know that's not you, but it just scares me." Rachel looked down and bit down on her bottom lip for a moment before moving to look up at him again. "I love you, Finn. So much. And I want to marry you so badly. But you know who I was like... so many years ago and how I never thought that I'd have a kid or get married and here I am and I just- I don't want you to... I don't know. Regret marrying me, that's all." She said, her shrugging slightly. "It was a stupid question. I don't know. I guess I'm just being hormonal and overthinking everything because that's what I've been doing the past week and I've just been crying over stupid shit all of the time, so that's probably what it is. I just can't believe that... that this is where we are in life right now."
Finn looked at Rachel sadly as she spoke. He stayed silent as she talked and he knew that he loved her more than anything. He knew there were moments in the past where he hated how much he loved her. Where he hated how he couldn't give up on her. However, he was grateful for all of those moments because it finally brought them to where they were now and he was so glad that they had never given up on each other despite all the ups and downs in their past. "First of all, I'd never marry you just to stick around for our baby. I'm marrying you because I love you and I want you to be my wife. I want to be with you for the rest of my life," he told her, him offering her a small smile. "And Rach, yeah, I do know what you were like so many years ago but you need to remember that I fell in love with you over and over again all those years ago and I never stopped. And I wasn't the best version of myself then either, you know? It's not a stupid question but I don't want you to doubt this or how much I want this, okay?" Finn looked at her with love in his eyes before he closed the space between them and pressed a kiss to her lips. "I told you this when we were seventeen and I'll tell you again now - I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. I don't care about mistakes we've made in the past or problems we've had in the past - I care about now. You are the most amazing woman I've ever known and I know you have moments where you don't always see that but I promise you, Rach, you are. I love you so, so much and I never want you to think for a second that I'd regret marrying you. I'm honored to marry you and I'll be shocked that I'm lucky enough to be your husband for the rest of my life."
Rachel nodded gently as Finn spoke, her looking down for a moment before meeting his eyes again. "I know, I just- I know that things are better now but it's been so rocky in the past. But I know that I want to marry you so badly, you know? I still can't believe that we're having a baby sometimes. I mean, I'm going to have your baby. That's so crazy. I just- I don't know. I always was afraid to be a mom but you kind of make me think I can do it. That I can be a mom and a wife and make you happy. And I know that I make you happy already and you make me happy and everything." Rachel moved to kiss him as he leaned in to kiss her, a small smile on her lips as he pulled away. "I- okay." She said softly, looking into his eyes and smiling gently. "I don't think that you'd regret marrying me. And we're going to just have a really beautiful wedding and then we're going to have an even more beautiful baby," She murmured softly before leaning forward to meet his lips again. "We're gonna be together for the rest of our lives. It's so crazy. And just... wow. We're going to be parents. You're literally making me do the two things that I said I never would. Get married and have a kid," She said with a soft laugh, her shaking her head as she looked down for a moment. God, she really still couldn't believe that she was here with him sometimes but she knew that she couldn't change anything for the world. "I already knew that you were gonna change my life and I'm so glad you did, babe. So glad. Because I couldn't imagine anything different. I can't believe that you want to marry me and that... that we're gonna have a baby."
Finn knew that his and Rachel's past was scary but he knew that they weren't going to go down that road again. They weren't going to break up again. They weren't going to lose each other. It just wasn't an option anymore, not after everything they had been through. "You can do it, Rach. You're going to be an amazing mom," he said softly. Finn knew that they were going through a lot pretty quickly. They were getting married, having a baby and having to look for a new place but it was all going to be worth it. God, he knew it would all be worth it. "We're going to have a perfect baby," he said with a smile before they shared another soft kiss. He couldn't help but laugh when she told him that he was making her do the two things that she said she never would. "I mean, it makes me pretty happy to know that I'm the person that you'd want those things with. I always wanted to get married and have a family but I guess my whole life I just never thought I'd find anyone that wanted to be with me. But... here you are. You actually want me and I'm pretty sure I'll be in shock over that for the rest of my life." It felt so good to know that they were where they were meant to be in their lives because he knew they had fought through hell and back to get to this point. "I'm glad you changed my life too. And I definitely can't imagine anything different. I just - I love you so much and I'm so excited for everything that we're going to experience together. It's all happening really fast but I - I'm so happy."
Rachel knew that they'd be a perfect family. She knew Finn would do absolutely anything for their kid and she already knew that he'd be the perfect father. He had wanted to be a dad for a long time, she knew that. However, they really weren't in a stable place to even have a child, but the couple of pregnancy scares they had proved that he would have done absolutely anything to make sure that their child had a stable environment. She didn't want their child to relive their pasts -- she just wanted them to have two loving parents. "I know we will. I know this little bean will be absolutely perfect," She said as she rested her hand against her stomach for a moment. "Of course I want a family with you. I would have given you a family years ago, but I mean, we weren't ready and I definitely wasn't in a good place. But I feel really good and... normal. And I know that now is the right time, you know? We're stable and we just have so much going for us. I'm just happy that we're able to just... support our family. I know my job isn't exactly conventional and yours definitely is insane with hours, but I know that we're going to make so much time for this baby. It'll be our lives, obviously. I'm excited. But I'm nervous." She said as she looked at him and smiled gently. "Because you're right, it is happening really fast but it's stuff we want to happen. And I know it's really stressful but it feels so good to be at this point because I feel really good and I- I feel like we're really good now and we're ready to have a baby and I just- I feel healthy and so happy and I know that we're ready for this all. I mean, we're gonna have a really nice house and a beautiful family and we're gonna have all the lame traditions and shit with our own family. I'm just... I'm so excited. And I'm really, really excited to marry you. And I'm excited for our honeymoon. Because I'm already pregnant and horny all of the time and honeymoons are basically made for nonstop sex so I mean, me being pregnant just makes that even more nonstop," She said with a soft laugh, her leaning forward to kiss him. "I wish I was kidding but I'm not."
Finn smiled softly as Rachel spoke. "Now is definitely the right time. And I'm nervous too, believe me. I've always wanted to have kids but, I mean, it's going to be a lot, you know? Our whole lives are going to change and I'm nervous but I'm also just so, so excited. I'm ready to be a dad, I know I am." Finn wasn't confident about a lot of things in his life but he was one hundred percent confident in the fact that he was going to be a good dad and he was going to take care of his family with everything he had. It made him so happy to know that Rachel wanted this too, that she felt so good about herself and about everything that was happening. He knew they had never been in such a good place before and he was so happy to finally be moving forward after such a long period of back and forth. As she started talking about them getting married and their honeymoon, he couldn't help but laugh softly. When she pressed her lips to his, he kissed her back lovingly, a smile on his face when they pulled away. "Believe me, I know you're not kidding, Rach," he said with a laugh. "I didn't think it was really possible for you to be more horny than you normally are but being pregnant definitely proved it absolutely is possible. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I'll take care of you whenever you need me. And I promise our honeymoon will be filled with plenty of nonstop sex." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel before he pressed another kiss to her lips, him deepening it for a moment before he pulled away. "I love you so much, baby. And I know we fought like hell for each other to get to where we are now but I - god, I'd go through everything over and over again to finally be at this moment with you."
Rachel looked at Finn and laughed gently at he pulled away. "What can I say? I mean, we're already addicted to each other and I know it's just going to get worse. And I mean, if I'm this horny the entire time I'm pregnant, we can have as many kids as you want," She teased gently before smiling when he leaned in to press another kiss to her lips. "I love you, too. And I know we went through a lot to get here. I know that. I mean, I knew you were different, you know? I knew that we were going to be something really amazing and I'm just glad that we actually got to this point where we can be together and not worry about anything else. I mean, babe, I really couldn't imagine myself in this position with anyone else, and I know that you probably feel the same way." She said before she moved to lean against him more, her moving to take his hand in both of hers, a small smile on her lips. "I love that we're here. I love that we're doing all of this new stuff together because it just makes me so happy. I mean, I just can't wait to move in somewhere new and just... organize everything. I mean, I have like five friends so if I have a baby shower it'll be really small, but I mean, fuck, Finn. I can't wait to see all the little clothes and shit. It's going to be so crazy. And I know that I'm nervous deep down inside and everything and I know that I'm enjoying being pregnant right now but I know I'm going to feel like a beached whale in a few months but you're going to think I actually look good, probably." She teased, her smiling before rubbing her hand over his and intertwining their fingers.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
Reality in Motion
Tagging: Finn, Rachel, Mia, Jeremy Location: Dress shop, the apartment Notes: What starts off as Rachel going dress shopping with Mia turns into an unexpected visit from Jeremy.
Rachel was really excited, honestly. She also could already feel her emotions going crazy, but she was just excited to be able to go out and have fun with her best friend in the search for her dress. She had an idea of what she wanted to wear. However, she also knew that some dress options were out of the question because she couldn't do it anymore because of her baby bump that would ultimately grow as they waited for the wedding. She knew that they were rushing the wedding a little bit and just telling everyone they wanted to get married sooner, but Rachel knew that it was because she didn't want to get married with a huge baby bump in the way of everything. She was thrilled that she was pregnant, but she didn't want that to be the center of attention. And Rachel really didn't want to get married after they had the baby, either. Rachel was walking around the shop and looking at the different dress options and she couldn't help but smile gently, looking around the room at all of the white dresses. It was a little weird, really. Thinking that she was getting married especially because she thought that she never would. She did so many things with Finn that she never thought she would do in her life before. "Just... pick something you want to see me in," She told Mia, looking over at her with a small smile. "I mean, I obviously want your opinion on what looks good, but I think we're both on the same page of what I want. We know what I look good in and I'd like to make sure I don't wear something totally weird on my wedding day. I'm going to have to see those pictures forever," Rachel laughed gently, her looking at a dress more closely as she moved the hanger slightly to look at it, smiling slightly as she felt the lace beneath her fingers. "I'll try your pick on first and we'll... I don't know. We'll go from there." Rachel was so excited. She was excited to be able to experience all of this and she knew that she wouldn't change any of it for the world.
Mia couldn't believe that her best friend was getting married but she was more than excited about it. The whole rushing the wedding thing was a little overwhelming but she understood why Rachel wanted to do so. She had been with Finn for so long so it only made sense that they wanted to get married and really start their lives together as soon as possible. As she walked alongside Rachel, Mia smiled at her best friend before she started looking at all the beautiful dresses they were surrounded by. "Um, you're going to wear something hot as fuck because that's what you always wear," she said with a laugh. "No huge poofy dresses, that's for sure. I'm thinking tight and low cut for you, girl." Mia smiled at her best friend as she looked over one of the dresses before deciding against it. "I can't believe you're getting married," she said, laughing softly as she turned her focus to Rachel. "Do you remember when we met? You had been broken up with him for years and were still writing angry and heartbroken music about him. I should have known then that was the dude you were marrying." Mia smiled at Rachel before she brought her attention back to the dresses and when she found one that she liked, she immediately grabbed it. "Okay, you for sure need to try this. It looks sexy as fuck and we need something that will make him turned on and speechless for you all at the same time."
Rachel was just excited to get to the actual wedding day. Sure, planning everything was fun and having a wedding planner to take the stress off of her and Finn was even better, but it was still incredibly overwhelming and she just wanted to enjoy her day with Finn and just marry him already. They had been together for so long and she was just excited to be able to finally say that she was his wife. Sure, they had been off and on a long time, but she knew that Finn was the right guy for her. Hell, Rachel knew that she wouldn't be doing anything like this if he wasn't the one. "No, absolutely not. I know I can pull off a sexy dress, I don't need to hide my body. I don't usually, so I'm not going to cover up because it's my wedding. And well, I mean, it's not like I'm innocent," Rachel laughed, continuing to look around at the dresses. "Yeah, well, I mean, sappy love songs and Finn are my specialties," She grinned, her letting go of a dress in her hands before continuing to look around. As Mia handed her a dress, Rachel smiled gently and laughed as she held up a dress that she had in her hands. "Well, clearly, great minds think alike. We have pretty similar stuff. I like yours, though. I'll try yours first," She said before starting to walk towards a room to try it on. Rachel was glad that she didn't have to deal with annoying consultants (except for help with trying things on) because Rachel was sure she'd be yelling if she was unhappy -- she'd much rather just have the experience with her best friend and ask for help if she needed it. "Give me a second," Rachel said after disappearing into a room, her getting her current dress off and getting help from a consultant to get into the dress fully, her zipping up the back and pulling it back with some clips to make sure it fit her snugly. Rachel ran her hands over the sides and went to get out of the room before standing on a small platform, looking at herself in the mirror. "Wow," Rachel said softly, fixing her hair slightly as she looked at herself in the mirror. It was tight and fit her snugly, which she liked, but she couldn't help but worry that if for some reason, she'd be showing a lot for her wedding and the dress, while beautiful, would show every single change in her body. "Oh my god, I'm gonna be huge," She breathed out, turning to the side slightly to look at her figure. Rachel could feel her eyes stinging with tears as she looked at herself in the mirror, partially from the fact that she couldn't believe that this was happening and partially from the hormones that had been making her a little crazier than normal. However, she knew she'd be emotional for this, but she was trying her best to keep her emotions at bay.
Mia laughed when Rachel said that she wasn't innocent. "Not at all. In fact, are you allowed to be wearing white?" she asked her friend playfully. She was so excited that her best friend was getting married and she could tell that Rachel was beyond happy too. After everything that had happened in the last year, it was good to see her happy and know that her life was on the right track. As much as she missed getting to party with her best friend, she also understood that it wasn't healthy for her because she took it too far. Hell, even Mia knew she took it too far herself sometimes too but it had gotten to a point for Rachel where it had all been too much. Once Rachel had a few dresses, Mia followed her to the fitting rooms and moved to sit down on a chair outside the room, her waiting anxiously to see her friend. While Rachel had obviously been engaged for a while now, she knew that seeing her best friend in a dress was going to make this whole thing reality. And she couldn't wait to see Rachel's reaction to it all. When Rachel emerged from the fitting room, Mia smiled at the sight of her friend and watched as she moved to stand on the small platform in front of the mirror. "Oh my god, you look gorgeous! That's so sexy, I love it," Mia said happily. However, when Rachel said that she was going to be huge, she furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her with confusion written all over her face. "Huge? What do you mean you're going to be huge? You're skinny as fuck and you'll look so hot in that." Mia noticed that there were tears in Rachel's eyes and she grew even more confused as she looked at her best friend. "If you don't like it, it's okay. But you look really pretty. And you're not huge," she said, her standing up and moving to stand by Rachel, looking at her friend in the mirror before turning to face her. "Are you alright?" she asked her. While she knew that wedding dress shopping often caused tears, these didn't exactly look like happy ones and she wanted to make sure that Rachel was okay.
Rachel shook her head as she looked in the mirror, her biting down on her bottom lip ass he tried to calm herself down slightly. She was glad that her friend thought it looked nice because she really did love the dress and thought it was beautiful, but she also knew that this wouldn't be an option because she was pregnant. She was happy she was pregnant, she was, and her and Finn were so excited about buying things for the baby in the future and she knew that her and Finn would love being parents together especially since she'd get to stay at home with the baby all of the time, but little things like this were really overwhelming. "I'm pregnant, Mia." Rachel looked over at her friend before looking up to try and get rid of some of the tears in her eyes. "I found out a while ago, we just... wow. It was before we went on vacation. Like, right before. And you know, the vacation was nice. A lot of celebrating. We just didn't tell anyone," She said, her bringing her hand to her stomach as she looked in the mirror and took in a deep breath. "I just- wow. We're rushing things because I- I don't want to get married with a huge bump and I don't know, we didn't want to rush it at first, but we're trying to... you know, make it so no one knows." Rachel bit down on her bottom lip and smiled, her wiping at her eyes slightly. "Sorry. I'm like... even more emotional than usual. But you can't tell anyone, we don't want anyone to know about me being pregnant yet because we want to at least be married before everyone judges us for having a kid before I'm even married to the guy. Then again, when do Finn and I ever do normal things?" She said, managing a slight laugh.
Mia looked at Rachel in shock the second that she said she was pregnant. Yeah, she definitely hadn't been expecting that - that much was for sure. "You're pregnant?" she breathed out. She was just wrapping her head around the fact that Rachel Berry, the ultimate party girl was getting married and now apparently she was going to be a mother as well. "You're going to be a wife and a mom? Holy shit," Mia said with a laugh as she looked at her best friend. "I mean, I understand you don't want to get married with a huge bump. You're sure you don't want to wait until after you have the baby to get married? Then you won't have to rush so much," she told Rachel, not wanting her friend to overwhelm herself. Especially now that she knew she was pregnant. Mia laughed softly before she pulled Rachel into a tight hug. "I can't believe you're really pregnant!" There were so many things that were going to change for Rachel and while Mia was a little worried about her friend and how she'd handle it all, she really was happy for her. Especially since Rachel really did seem happier than she had ever been. "Don't worry, I mean, I won't tell anyone about it. I just - wow, I'm so excited for you. How far along are you? Have you - have you been to the doctors yet?" Mia smiled as she looked at Rachel before she stepped back from her a bit, shaking her head before a laugh escaped her lips. "You being pregnant explains so much, you know that, right? I mean, first of all, you never cry so I should have guessed it from that. But you and Finn have been all over each other lately. I feel like you two have been attached at the hip and I thought it was because of the wedding but it's totally because of the baby," she said with a laugh. "How does it feel being pregnant? Are you super horny all the time? Well - more than you normally are?" Mia smirked as she looked at Rachel. She was so thrilled to be the only person to know and this only made her more excited to find the right dress for her best friend.
Rachel nodded when her friend once again asked if she was pregnant. "Yeah, I am." She said, a small smile rising on her lips. She knew that it was crazy -- really crazy. Rachel went from being convinced that she'd never be married or tied down to anyone for the rest of her life, but here she was, with a ring on her finger and her pregnant. She was nervous, yes, but she was also so excited to explore a part of her life that she thought she'd never be able to have. "No, I don't want to wait. It's going to be just as overwhelming when we have a baby, so I think it's just easier now. Plus, I have a planner and she's dealing with all of the little details, I'm just making the choices." She was overwhelmed, sure, but she was really excited. Rachel laughed after Mia pulled out of the hug, her running a hand through her hair. "Not really far along, I'm probably a little over two months. Our next appointment is our first ultrasound. And to confirm our due date. We've been to the doctors, but not for an ultrasound. We're both really excited, though." She smiled, her holding a hand over her stomach for a moment before laughing gently at her friend's words. "Yeah, I know. And believe me, I'm way hornier now than normal," Rachel laughed, her shrugging gently. "I had some morning sickness for a couple of weeks so I was kind of off limits, but now it's better. Plus, Finn doesn't complain." She looked down and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, sighing contently. She really was so excited and she couldn't wait to get further along and experience different things with Finn. "So... as much I love this dress, I don't think it'll work. I'll try on one that's similar that I picked, though. Just... give me a second." Rachel walked off of the platform and back into the dressing room to get the dress off, her slipping into another one and closing up the back before looking into the mirror and smiling, fixing her hair slightly before walking out of the room and back out to Mia. "I really like this one. And you know, it's baby bump proof," She said with a teasing smile before standing back up onto the platform, her looking to Mia for a moment. "It looks really good," Rachel said, a smile on her lips as she looked at herself and felt tears rise in her eyes again. "I hate being emotional all of the time," Rachel said, her laughing and taking in a deep breath. "It's just so weird to see me in a wedding dress. Though, I mean, I do like that it's not... white. Not that I care about the old traditions about not being able to wear white if you're not all innocent and stuff, but... I think it looks more me."
Mia understood that Rachel just wanted to get married to Finn. Planning a wedding while having a baby definitely sounded more difficult than planning a wedding while pregnant. "I'm so excited for you guys. You better show me the ultrasound pictures when you get them. If I'm going to be the only one to know about this, I need to be fully in the loop," she said with a laugh as she looked over at Rachel. "Wow, so you actually are hornier when you're pregnant? Now I really can't wait when that happens to me one day." Mia smiled at her friend as she stepped off the platform and nodded as she told her that she was going to try another dress. She moved to sit back down as she waited for Rachel to change and when she came out of the dressing room in another gorgeous dress, Mia smiled at her. Wow, this one was definitely gorgeous. "Definitely baby bump proof. Well - your baby bump proof. I don't think it would hide it once you're over five months," she said with a laugh. "It's so pretty. I love it. Finn won't be able to take his eyes off of you in that." When she saw tears shining in Rachel's eyes again, Mia couldn't help but laugh softly. "Hey, you have an excuse to be emotional. You're getting married and having a baby. Those are like... two major life events and they're happening at the same time. Plus, you've been with Finn for forever. You deserve to be this happy about everything." Mia smiled as she looked over the dress, her amazed by how wonderfully it fit her friend. "It's definitely you. I love it." Mia felt tears start to rise in her own eyes and she quickly looked up at the ceiling for a moment to blink them away. "I'm just really happy for you, Rachel. There were a lot of times where I really thought things between you and Finn might not happen but I knew how much you two loved each other and now it's happening. You're really going to be Rachel Hudson," she said before she shook her head. "Your emotions are rubbing off of me," she said with a laugh as she wiped at her eyes. "So, are you going to say yes to the dress?" she asked Rachel teasingly.
Rachel was so excited to be able to do this. She always wanted to know how it felt to try on dresses like this. Sure, she had worn plenty of nice dresses to events and she was sure that a lot of them had been more expensive than this dress, but she knew that this meant more than all of those combined ever would. "Yeah, well, I'll be getting married before that point, so it'll be baby bump proof enough for me. I just can't have it be... super tight. Plus, with me being so small, I'm afraid I'll start showing a lot earlier than normal, so I don't want people thinking it's super obvious. I mean, everyone who knows is going to be able to tell probably, but... that's okay. I just don't need to be advertising it," She said with a small shrug as she looked at her friend. When Rachel saw her starting to cry, Rachel groaned. "Mia, don't. I'm really gonna cry if people around me cry. I've been an emotional mess the past few weeks." Rachel was definitely not used to crying like this -- but she wasn't used to anything that was going on. "I know. I can't wait to be his wife." Her question made her laugh, Rachel nodding. "You're so lame. But yeah, I think this is it. It's perfect." Rachel leaned to hug Mia before standing up straight and looking at herself again and going to move off of the platform. "If I keep looking at myself, I'm just gonna keep crying, so I'm going to change before I have a mental breakdown," She said teasingly, her getting out of the dress and back into the dress she had worn to the shop, her running a hand through her hair as she moved over to Mia. "Let's just order it and get out of here. Maybe we can grab dinner tomorrow or something, too. I would hang out after this, but I kind of want to get home to my fiance," Rachel said as she walked over to the counter to talk to the consultant to get the dress ordered. Once she finished the entire process, Rachel went to turn to Mia. "Well, are you ready to get out of here? I can only take so much emotional stress before I feel like sobbing," She said with a laugh, her rubbing her stomach slightly. "I'm so excited," Rachel said as she exited the store, sighing contently. "It's so crazy, you know? I never thought this would happen to me and now it's all happening at once."
Mia laughed when Rachel told her not to cry since seeing her cry was going to make her start crying again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't want to make you cry," she said. When Rachel decided that this was the dress she was going to get, Mia smiled at her friend before the two of them hugged. "I can't believe you have your wedding dress. And please, the second you see him when you get home you're going to start crying again because you know this just made it ten times more real." It didn't take long for Rachel to get out of her dress and into her clothes and once she was out of the dressing room, Mia moved to stand up and smiled at her friend. "Dinner tomorrow sounds good. I know you want to get back to your baby daddy." Mia smiled at Rachel as she followed her over to the counter and once she had the dress ordered, she nodded when she asked if she was ready to leave. "I'm ready to go. I don't think I can take any more emotional stress either. Seeing you trying on dresses makes me want to get married but unlike Finn, my boyfriend is not ready to be a husband yet," she said with a laugh. It made her happy to see Rachel so excited and she was pretty sure she had never seen her best friend so excited in all the time she had known her. "I'm so happy for you, Rachel. You're gonna be such a good mom. Oh my god, your baby is gonna be so cute." Mia smiled as she looked at her friend before she hugged her tightly. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? You get back to your man and don't you dare tell him anything about the dress," she said with a laugh as she pulled out of their hug. "And you better stop walking around with your hand on your stomach if you wanna keep this a secret," she said playfully.
Rachel laughed gently at her friend's words, shaking her head. "Hey, I mean, you guys have been together for such a long time. Maybe after Finn and I get married, he'll propose to you. I mean, stay hopeful. You never know. I really thought that Finn and I would never be together like this so... I'm taking it all in as it comes. I would have waited longer to have this. But I really thought I lost our relationship after a few minutes. If you're confident that you're going to be with him, who knows what'll happen, you know?" Rachel dropped her hand from her stomach and felt her cheeks heat up in a blush slightly. "Sorry. I've been looking at myself in the mirror all of the time with my hand on my stomach and I've just been at home doing it all of the time, so I don't realize." After saying goodbye to her friend, Rachel went to go drive home, her happy to be able to spend the rest of the day with Finn. She loved being close to him all of the time now, especially because they were closer than ever, really. Between being engaged and her being pregnant, they were pretty inseparable. Once Rachel got home, she opened the door gently and went to kick off her shoes, happy to be able to relax. While she was mostly over her morning sickness, some days she just felt more tired than others and while today wasn't one of those days from all of the excitement, she definitely could feel it catching up to her. "Hi," She said with a smile on her lips as soon as she saw Finn, her moving over to him to wrap her arms around him and press a kiss to his lips. "I missed you," She murmured against his lips, her smiling against him. "And so did our little pea growing inside of me," Rachel laughed softly as she pulled away, her looking into his eyes. "I had a good time. Got a really nice dress. I can't wait for you to see it. Which actually is a lot sooner than we think. But it's going to be so amazing. I'm just hoping I don't randomly pop before then. I'm hoping we can keep this a secret between us for as long as possible. But... well... Mia kind of knows, but she won't say anything, which is good."
Finn couldn't stop smiling all day long just knowing that Rachel was wedding dress shopping. He still couldn't believe that they were engaged sometimes and he knew that he couldn't wait to marry her. God, he couldn't wait to marry her and he couldn't wait until they had their baby. It was crazy to think that all of this was happening so fast but he knew they were thrilled about everything and taking it all day by day. Finn knew that this was what they needed and the fact that it was all happening when their relationship was stronger than ever just made it that much more enjoyable. When he had gotten home from work he quickly changed into comfortable clothes before settling on the couch and watching TV. It wasn't much longer until Rachel came home and his face lit up at the sight of his fiance. "Hey, baby," he said happily as she moved over to him. Finn stood up before he slipped his arms around Rachel and kissed her back lovingly. "I missed you too," he whispered softly. "And I missed our little pea too." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel and when she told him that she had found a dress, his smile widened. "Yeah? I can't wait to see it either. The second I see you I know I'm probably going to break down," he said with a laugh. "And I had a feeling you were going to tell Mia today. I was actually reading up on everything and I think we should be good for the wedding. With first pregnancies a lot of the time you show a bit later. It's the next pregnancies that will be way harder to hide." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel before he moved to sit down, him tugging her onto his lap. "I missed you like crazy," he whispered before he pressed his lips to hers, kissing her slowly and lovingly before he pulled away to look into her eyes. Finn brought his hand to rest gently on her stomach and he felt his heart swell with love just knowing that she was pregnant with their baby. "How've you been feeling today?" he asked her as he rubbed her stomach soothingly. "I have to make sure my two favorite people are okay," he said with a smile as he looked into her eyes, his fingers still brushing over the fabric of her dress as he continued to run his hands over her stomach affectionately.
Rachel smiled as she looked at Finn as he tugged her into her lap, happy to be able to relax with him. "You probably will cry, but you're more emotional than I am. I usually just get really pissed off, I don't cry. But I'm sure I'll be crying on our wedding day too, though." As he talked about her showing, she nodded gently. "Already talking about future pregnancies, huh? You're so sure that I'm going to let you knock me up again right away?" Rachel knew that wasn't what he meant, but she couldn't help but tease him. She had a feeling she'd want another kid possibly in the future if she felt confident about this child. However, she knew that anything with Finn would be amazing. She never thought she'd get married, and here she was. She never thought she'd be pregnant, and yet here she was. "I'm okay. I'm just getting a little tired now, but I'm okay," She said with a small smile. "We're okay, though. Just really hungry as per usual. And missing you a lot," She murmured before leaning forward to kiss him again. "It's so weird to think about. Me being pregnant. I mean, there's gonna be a little bump here soon." Rachel brought her hand to rest over his, her smiling gently as she met his eyes. "I love you, babe." She said with a small smile. "I know that we never imagined this happening and I know things sucked for a really long time, but it feels like things are amazing. And I'm so happy to be doing things with you because you know that I'd never do them with anyone else." Rachel knew that she was thrilled about everything, especially because she knew that a much younger version of her always wanted the picture perfect family. At this point, she was just so happy that she had someone who loved her as much as she loved them. "It's going to come so quickly. Before you know it, I'm going to be huge."
Finn couldn't help but laugh as Rachel teased him about wanting to get her pregnant right after she had the baby. "I mean, when we see how cute our baby is you absolutely would let me. But, you know, I'm not trying to rush a second kid before we even have the first." It was amazing to feel like this with Rachel, to feel so in love and carefree. While they had obviously experienced it before in their relationship, it was never like this. He had never seen her so happy before and he knew it was because of the baby. The whole thought of being a mother truly seemed to alter her perspective on everything and he knew that this was changing her. No longer was she going to drift back and forth between alcohol and sobriety because he knew she wanted to be a good mom to their baby and he knew that she would be. God, there was no one else that he ever wanted to share this with. "Hungry and missing me, huh? Two things I'll gladly fix for you," he said with a smile before they shared another soft kiss. "It is weird but I'm so, so excited. You're gonna look so cute with a baby bump. And I love you too. I love you more than anything." As she spoke, he couldn't help but smile. He knew she had never really imagined herself as the person who was going to get married and have a baby but now that it was happening, he could see how thrilled about it she was. "I'm just really proud of you, Rach. Because you're already a good mom, I can see how much you care about our baby and they're not even here yet," he said with a small smile on his face. "And I know time is gonna fly. But let's focus on the wedding first, then we can focus on how I'm gonna have to help you up from chairs when your stomach gets big." A teasing smile formed on his face before he pressed another kiss to her lips, him deepening it for a moment before he pulled away slowly. "I can't believe how far we've come," he whispered as he looked into her eyes. "I know we've had a lot of ups and downs and I know there's a lot of people who doubt us but I just - this wedding and this baby are exactly what we needed. I feel like everything has been put into perspective for me lately and I hope you know I will never take you or what we have together for granted, Rach. I love you so much."
Rachel smiled gently as he talked about her looking cute with a baby bump. "Yeah, I mean, I think I'll look cute. I'll wear dresses all of the time because I refuse to wear those weird pants with the elastic waist band until I absolutely have to," She said with a soft laugh before looking into his eyes. "I already love this baby more than anything. I mean, other than you," She said with a grin before she leaned forward to kiss him, pulling away with a small smile. "I know. I love you, too." They really had come so far and she couldn't believe it sometimes. She couldn't believe how far they had come, especially because they really had points where she didn't think they'd make it. A lot of those points she thought that they were over for good, but she was so glad to make it as far as they did. "i know. I mean, I don't want to say that the baby and the wedding saved us, but I just- I know things have been really hard on us for the past while and this definitely is helping us. I mean, I never felt closer to you than I do right now," She told him with a small smile as she moved her hand to brush against his cheek, her looking into his eyes with a small smile. "There were times where I really thought that I fucked up enough to ruin us forever, but I just- I'm glad that we're okay now. I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes, you know?" Rachel knew that things could be way different if they hadn't tried to fix things. She had ruined things more times than she liked to admit, but they were trying, and that was all that mattered. "I just- I never thought I wanted any of this until I met you and now that I have it I know that I just could never have it with anyone else. Ever. I mean, plus, we're gonna have pretty adorable kids, so.... I don't think I could have a baby with anyone else," Rachel teased with a soft laugh.
Finn knew that Rachel was going to look perfect with a baby bump and he knew when she started showing that it was just going to make the both of them even more excited for their baby. "I love you and this baby more than anything too," he said softly. When she told him that she never felt closer to him than she did right now, Finn knew that he felt the same way. Of course when they had gotten back together their relationship had strengthened but he knew that the whole process of planning their wedding and the fact that she was pregnant was only making them redouble their efforts on them. As she brought her hand to his cheek, he smiled softly as he looked into her eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you either, Rach. And I know we've been through a lot but I think it was all worth it to get us to where we are now." It made him so happy to know that she had never been able to imagine this with anyone else because he knew that he felt the same way. "I'd never want this with anyone else either, baby. And we are gonna have really adorable kids," he said with a smile. "We're crazy for doing this all at once but I'm so excited to marry you and start a family with you." Finn leaned in to press a loving kiss to her lips before he pulled away slowly. "Can you believe that we're gonna have our first ultrasound next week? I can't wait to see our baby," he said happily. Just knowing that Rachel was pregnant with their child made him fall impossibly more in love with her and he knew that he had never been this happy before.
Rachel was so happy to be with Finn and to get even more excited about the idea of getting closer to finally being able to see their baby on an ultrasound. Even if it would be small and basically unrecognizable, she was just so excited to make it seem even more real. Sure, she was very positive that she was pregnant and that she felt pregnant. She was bloated and she was getting over her morning sickness and she was extremely emotional and hormonal. Honestly, sometimes, she could barely understand how Finn put up with her being so emotional sometimes, especially because she never was before. Mostly, she was just pissed off at people. "I know, I'm so excited. It seem like it took forever to finally be able to see our baby in an ultrasound, but I'm so excited. I mean.. we'll really be able to feel like it's real. I mean, it's my body, I obviously notice a difference in myself, but I mean... without a bump or pictures of an ultrasound or something, it just doesn't feel completely real. I could still feel like I'm dreaming sometimes." Rachel looked at him and smiled before smiling gently. "I love you so much, Finn. I can't believe this sometimes. I mean, we're gonna have a baby," She breathed out, a smile on her lips. "And hopefully get married before anyone else finds out. Mia knowing is one thing and a couple of our friends but-" She paused, her laughing gently. "Honestly, only our friends is left to know really. I don't give a fuck if any of my family knows and I mean, your mom already knows. Who else is there to tell except for some of our friends?"
Finn nodded understandingly as Rachel spoke. Sure, they knew for a fact that she was pregnant - her doctor had confirmed it and she was definitely showing a lot of hormonal changes but it wasn't the same as actually seeing their baby. And god, once she started showing he knew that would just make it ten times more real. They were going to be parents and he was pretty sure he had never been so excited about anything in his entire life. "I feel like I'm dreaming too," he said softly as he looked into her eyes. "I love you too, Rach. I love you like crazy and I can't wait to meet our little baby." It was crazy that they were getting married and having a child together, especially when sometimes he felt that their relationship was all over the place. However, he knew this was the stability that they needed - that she needed - to stay on the right path. "Oh, we'll definitely tell Taylor and Jeremy. I figured we'd tell them after the ultrasound and show them the pictures, you know?" It was crazy to him that his mom was the first person to know but with everything going on with her, he figured it was only right. He wanted her to know and he hoped that maybe them having a child would cause her to want to get better and allow him to see if he was a match for her. "There really isn't anyone to tell other than our friends. But, I mean, our friends are our family, you know? I just - I'm just really happy that our baby is going to have two parents who love him or her more than anything. The cycle we both grew up in is going to end with this baby." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel before he pressed another kiss to her lips. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, there was a knock at the door and he pulled away from her, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion. "Did you order food or something?" he asked her as he looked into her eyes before he moved to get up. Finn made his way over to the door and pulled it open, his eyes widening when he saw Jeremy. "Jeremy? What are you doing here?" he breathed out, standing in front of the door so Rachel couldn't see who it was. If Jeremy wanted to fight with her again, there was no way he was letting it happen, not when she was pregnant and had to take it easy. "I'm not here to fight with her, Finn. I want to - um... I want to apologize," Jeremy said softly, causing Finn to look at his friend in surprise. "I - okay. Okay... come in then." Finn stepped aside to let Jeremy in, closing the door before he moved back over to Rachel, him sitting beside her. "Jeremy wanted to talk to you," he said softly, placing his hand comfortingly on her thigh and squeezing gently.
Rachel felt a smile rise on her lips as Finn spoke. "I'm so excited to get pictures. I mean, it's obviously real, but I mean, we can like... hang the pictures on the fridge and shit... it'll be really cute." She said, looking into his eyes. "And yes, we're going to be the parents that put every single picture they draw on the fridge." A laugh left her lips and she shook her head before smiling sadly at his words. She knew he was right -- they'd do everything for their kids and she knew that their kids would never experience what it felt like to not have a normal childhood. Rachel wanted more than anything to just be able to give their baby a normal life and a happy life -- one that they really didn't get. Rachel kissed him back eagerly and moved to wrap her arms around his neck, knowing that while she was enjoying speaking, she definitely wouldn't mind moving the conversation to something with a little less clothes. When he pulled away, she sighed, her hands at his shoulders. "I don't know, just ignore it. It's probably something stupid," She told him, leaning forward to kiss him before there was another knock and Finn started to get up. "No, I didn't order anything. I wish I did, though. If it's some guy with a pizza and he has the wrong address, take the pizza," She giggled as he looked at Finn as he started to walk away towards the door. She sighed as she relaxed against the couch for a moment before feeling her expression change the second she saw Jeremy walk into their home. Rachel sat up a bit as she saw him, knowing that Finn was nervous that she'd get upset the second he placed his hand on her thigh. "It's fine," She said softly to Finn, her moving her gaze to look over at Jeremy who was moving to sit down on the chair near the couch. "Look... I just- I don't want to fight." He said softly, Rachel just staring at him. Rachel didn't want to fight either -- it wasn't worth the stress and it wasn't worth the time anymore. They had been on such bad terms for so long and she was just tired of it. "I don't either. I'm tired of it." She said, looking at him and sighing as she looked to Finn before looking back to Jeremy after a moment. "Yeah. I'm just- it sucks always trying to avoid you while I'm still trying to talk to Finn and shit and it's just stupid. We used to be really close and we were best friends and I miss the trio, you know? We were really good. And I know that shit got really messed up and maybe you were different and maybe I was but I know I took things really far. And I'm sorry, I am. I feel shitty that I let it go on this far and I-" He said, Rachel cutting him off as he continued to ramble. "It's okay," She said softly, looking at him and sighing. "I'm just tired of forcing myself to be mad at you. I know I was shitty, I do... And I'm sorry too. I acted like a bitch so I deserved you guys being shitty to me. I even deserved Finn leaving me for a while. But... I'm good now. I feel fine. And Taylor and I worked things out and I want to be able to talk to you again. I know how close you and Finn are, I can't be mad at you forever. I miss you and I know Finn's tired of our shit," She said, managing a soft smile.
Finn was nervous the second that Jeremy walked into the apartment. For so long him and Rachel had been fighting and Finn just wanted them to be okay again. Jeremy was one of his best friends and he hated that all of them couldn't hang out the way they used to. Having Taylor and Jeremy over had always been so fun and while he wanted them to make up, he had also gotten tired of getting his hopes up. When the two of them admitted that they didn't want to fight, he looked between them in surprise. Finn knew that once upon a time Rachel had been extremely pissed at Jeremy but he could tell that she was just over it at this point. They had so much going on in their lives between getting married, looking for a new place to live and having a baby that he figured she was learning to let go of the small stuff. Pregnancy had definitely been changing her, almost calming her down and he was so proud of her for the person she was. "I'm definitely tired of your shit," he said with a small laugh, causing Jeremy to laugh as well. "I know you are, man. I don't want to fight anymore or pretend that I hate you anymore, Rachel. I was... I was mad by what happened at that meeting but I also know that you weren't... you know - you at the time. And I was just an asshole who didn't want to hear it anymore." Finn knew that Rachel had definitely gone through a rough patch when she hadn't been sober the last time and he knew that Taylor and Jeremy had been tired of her bad moods. However, she was sober now - she was different now and he was relieved that Jeremy saw that and wanted to fix things and admit to his own mistakes as well. "I said a lot of shit to you that I wish I hadn't but I hope you know I'm sorry for everything. I just want to be your friend again. I want to make music with you and Taylor again and just be able to hang out with you guys like we used to." Finn smiled as he looked between Rachel and Jeremy, more than happy that this moment was finally happening. "This is going to make our wedding a whole lot easier," he said with a laugh as he looked between the two of them. It made him so happy to know that him, Rachel and Jeremy could hang out again because he knew that he missed the dynamic that they shared and he was so excited to have all his favorite people in one room again.
Rachel knew that being angry just wasn't worth it anymore. Honestly, sometimes, she felt like she didn't even know what was going on anymore. She knew why they had fought in the first place, but she really couldn't believe that it was still going on. Things with Taylor were way better now and she just wanted to be able to have both of her friends back. Plus, she wanted to be able to just have Finn not worry about what he was able to say and what he wasn't able to say. She understood where Jeremy was coming from and she knew that she couldn't continue to pretend that she was mad at him because. Rachel just wanted to get her normal life back and she didn't want to worry about anything else. "Yeah, well, I mean, I wasn't me for a long time. I was being shitty, I know. And I mean- I can't blame me drinking and shit for all of my problems, but I was trying to figure things out. And failing. I was doing a lot of bad shit, and I... I deserved a lot of the shit everyone said to me. I was being a huge asshole," She said, managing a soft laugh. When Finn spoke, she laughed gently and nodded, looking back to Jeremy. "So yeah, now that we can act normal with each other again, I can send you a wedding invite now," Rachel said with a teasing grin before she got off of the couch and went over towards him. "Now give me a hug," She said with a smile, him laughing as he got up to hug her. "You're so lame," He said with a teasing roll of his eyes, her laughing and nodding. "Yeah, I know, but I've been lame for a long time." As she pulled away, Rachel went to sit down on the edge of the couch again, her looking to Finn for a moment. She knew that he was probably thrilled that things were going to be back to normal again, especially after how long things had been dragging on. "Taylor has been mopey so I'm sure he'll be glad that we're talking again, too. I know that we're still going to have the memories of the past and we'll still feel pissed off at each other sometimes but I mean- I'm just happy we're able to talk and I know we need to do more talking than this probably, but I just- I'm glad you came. Because you know that I'm too stubborn to ever go to you," She said with a grin.
Finn didn't even know how to express how relieved he was that Rachel and Jeremy were finally talking again. Finally they had apologized to each other and it was a huge weight off of his shoulders just knowing that he he didn't have to watch what he said about either of them anymore. He could talk to his best friend about his fiance and he could talk to his fiance about his best friend. God, he was relieved. "Yeah, Jeremy, getting engaged has made Rachel just as lame as I am," he said teasingly as he draped his arm over her shoulders, him leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek. Finn nodded as Rachel said that Taylor would be relieved as well. Ever since her and Taylor had made up, the two of them had been stuck in the middle of Rachel and Jeremy's fighting and he knew their friend would be relieved to hear that things were finally patched up. "I am so happy that you guys are okay right now," he said with a laugh. "Because I really want you at our wedding and it would have been weird for you to not be there." Jeremy laughed softly and nodded in agreement. "It would be weird not to be there. I mean, I haven't known you guys for your whole relationship since you've been on and off for forever but I've known you through most of it and I'm really happy you guys figured your shit out. I really don't think I've ever seen you this happy before." Finn smiled at his friend before he looked at Rachel. "We have a lot of reasons to be happy. I mean, we're moving soon, the wedding, the baby -" Finn froze after the word baby left his lips, internally cursing himself for saying it so soon. He knew they had been waiting until their first ultrasound appointment to tell some of their friends but he figured his excitement about it was going to make that kind of difficult. "Wait - baby? You guys are... you're pregnant?" Jeremy asked, looking between them in shock before he looked at Rachel. "Are you actually serious? I - I mean, it's awesome if you are I just - wow. I was not expecting that," he said with a slight laugh.
Rachel wanted things to be normal again. She just wanted to be able to talk to her two friends again and she wanted to be able to go to them with her problems because she knew that it had just been so long without that kind of normalcy. "Yeah, I know, I mean, I would have felt horrible if you weren't there. I mean, it's just really crazy how long everything went on and I feel shitty that it did but I know we needed some time, I guess. I needed time away from everyone. We spent so long fighting and even Finn and I needed time apart otherwise we would have been horrible." She knew that she would have loved to not take a break, but it was unrealistic that they could have stayed together and worked through things. "Yeah, we're really happy now," She said softly, looking at Finn and smiling gently. Her smile dropped as he mentioned the baby and she let out a sigh. "Finn, we can't keep telling everyone before we even get to see our baby on an ultrasound," She said before laughing, looking back at Jeremy. "Yeah, I'm pregnant. It's a big surprise, I know." The last time she thought she was seriously pregnant she was on her first tour with Taylor and Jeremy and there had been a lot of drama, especially with losing Josh. "I can't believe I'm pregnant, but... I'm really happy. Everything is happening really fast but I can't really stop it from coming as quickly as it is. I mean, I'm happy it's happening really quickly because we have it all planned out and we have a wedding planner and stuff so it's not as stressful on us and everything and it's a big help. I mean, Finn doesn't let me get stressed out because he's always worried about something happening to me like always but now that I'm pregnant, it's even worse," Rachel laughed, her looking at Finn and grinning. "I don't even want to imagine what he's going to be like when I actually start showing because he's probably not going to let anyone within a five foot radius of me unless it's him because he's so worried about me." Rachel really did think it was cute, but it definitely was going to be a lot in the future. "I'm excited to have a baby. I never really thought I wanted a family until I met Finn and I really didn't think I was going to get married until I met him either, but I'm happy that it's all happening. It's really good timing, I think."
Finn laughed softly when Rachel told him that they couldn't keep telling people she was pregnant before they even got the chance to see their baby on an ultrasound. "Sorry. I promise Jeremy is the last person I'll say anything too. I mean, only him, Mia and my mom know. So - yeah, no one else," he said with a laugh. He couldn't help the fact that he was so incredibly excited for them to have a baby and he just wanted to tell every single person that he walked past. However, he also knew that Rachel only wanted their close friends to know that she was pregnant before the wedding. After that, he could tell anyone he wanted to. "I mean, I just want to make sure you and the baby are safe. The first trimester is really when you need to be most careful," he said. Finn knew he was overprotective but he really couldn't help it. He had always been overprotective of Rachel and now that she was carrying their baby? God, he knew he wanted to keep that baby safe however he could. "I mean, did you expect anything different, Rachel?" Jeremy said with a laugh. "It's amazing timing. I just - wow, I can't believe this is all happening at once but I'm really happy it is. Finally we're going to be married and then soon enough we'll have a baby too." It was crazy to think of how fast it was all happening but he didn't care. It felt right and he knew that they were going to be the best parents to their child that they could be. "I mean, this is pretty much the best reason you could get to stay sober too, right? I'm sure this will totally change everything," Jeremy said. Finn's face fell slightly at the mention of Rachel's drinking. It wasn't that he didn't think she would stay sober while she was pregnant - not at all - he was just worried if things did change after she had the baby. Their child would not have the childhood he had, that much he knew for sure and while he was a little scared about Rachel, he also had faith in her. Their last break and this baby had changed everything and he knew things would only to continue to get better since they had so much good in their lives. "Everything is really falling into place," he said softly. "And it's only going to keep getting better." Finn smiled softly at Jeremy before he looked down at Rachel, him running his fingers along her shoulder before he leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek.
Rachel laughed gently and shook her head, looking at Finn. "You didn't even really tell that many people. I kind of just told everyone, honestly. I let it slip to your mom, to Mia... It's not my fault I'm even more emotional than usual. But at least now I'm not really angry at everyone, I just want to cry all of the time," She teased with a grin, looking over at him. Rachel was so happy that things were going the way they were. Even if she didn't necessarily think that she was ready to have a baby, she was ready to really start her life with Finn. She couldn't wait to move and to start their family and to get married and finally relax. She was excited to not work for a while and just have some time to relax. She knew that if she did anything, Finn was going to be freaking out and she didn't blame him. She wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong, too. As Jeremy brought up her sobriety, she sighed softly. "Yeah. Well, I mean... obviously, it's good for that reason but I'm just tired of drinking, anyway. I mean- I always feel like shit and it puts me in a big rut and the last time I started drinking again, I started getting into drugs and I'm not going down that path again. I don't want to do anything to make the baby unsafe and I just want to be a good mom. If I never touch alcohol again, I'll be fine. It's not like I crave it, you know? I always felt like I needed it to get over things. And I don't. I'm just trying to stay in a good mindset." She paused for a moment and sighed before looking over at Finn, a smile rising on her lips as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Well, I'm proud of you. You don't need that shit. You're always so much happier without the drinking or the drugs. And a lot nicer." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay. I'm just really nice right now because I always just get emotional and cry, I don't actually get pissed off. And if I do, I just end up crying." Rachel laughed and shrugged, her playing with the fabric of her clothing. "Are we still going to... you know... make music? Or are we putting it on pause?" Rachel looked up at him and offered him a small smile. "That's all I know how to do. I don't know about tours and stuff, but we can release some low key stuff. Or just write music for people. Help other people make it. With the baby I'm not going to want to go on tours or anything like that and after that long, I'm not going to be cool and mainstream anymore. So let's just... try and have fun. Not kill ourselves with work and stuff."
Finn was so happy to hear Rachel say that she was tired of drinking in general. He knew that there were moments she struggled with staying sober but he knew that after the last time she relapsed and the fact that they were having a child that history wasn't going to repeat itself anymore. He trusted her more than anything and he knew that they were both going to be the best versions of themselves for each other and their child. Finn smiled as Jeremy told Rachel that he was proud of her and he couldn't help but laugh softly as she said that she was emotional. "You are pretty emotional lately, baby. But don't worry, you're really cute when you're all emotional," he said with a playful smile on his face. As she talked with Jeremy about making music, he felt relieved that they both wanted to continue on that path. Sure, the whole tour thing would have to be put on hold for some time since she was pregnant and since he knew she needed a break but that didn't mean they had to stop making music. "We are looking for a house too, you know. We could always find a place that has a cool space we can turn into a recording studio, right? It feel like it would take a lot of weight off your shoulders if you could just go downstairs or something and work on music. Especially when we have the baby I feel like it'll be really convenient." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel, his fingers still brushing against the smooth skin of her shoulder. He knew that they had so much to focus on with moving, planning a wedding and having a baby but he truly was excited for all of it. Especially now that everything with her and Jeremy was repaired.
Rachel wanted to do everything possible to make sure that she was completely there for her child. She didn't want to keep screwing up and even though she knew that she had been previously fine for a while and then would relapse, she was tired of doing so. She just wanted things to be able to work out and she wanted to be better now for the first time in a long time. It felt good to just be doing normal things and to feel healthy. It felt good to just wake up next to Finn every day and to feel normal and to feel healthy. Knowing that she was pregnant honestly made everything so much better. "That can work. I mean, I just want to do stuff for us. I don't care about... about being on the radio or going on crazy world tours anymore. After this baby I'm not going to want to go that far without it or Finn. But getting a house and turning something into a recording studio sounds awesome. We can try to find somewhere with a finished basement and soundproof the room and stuff so we can still record." She smiled over at Finn and went to lean against him, letting herself relax. She was so happy that things were finally falling into place again and she just couldn't wait to see what the future held for her and Finn. And of course, their little one on the way.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
How to Save a Life
Tagging: Finn, Rachel & Carole Location: Carole’s Rehab Notes: When Finn and Rachel go to visit Carole, nothing turns out the way that Finn hoped it would.
Finn was nervous to see his mom again. Ever since their argument about his dad while she had been in rehab they hadn't spoken. He knew that she was angry with him because he wanted her away from his dad but his opinion of his father was never going to change and he wished his mom would just see how horrible he was. God, he didn't understand why she continued to go back to him time and time again. Now that his mom only had a month left in her sober living community that she had been staying in, he hoped desperately that her mind had changed on his father. All he wanted to do was get her set up in her own apartment far away from him but he knew that he couldn't do that if she was adamant on going home to the guy. "I hope she's in a better place mentally now then she was, you know?" he said to Rachel as he drove, him glancing over at her and offering her a nervous smile. "I just - I really want to see her and talk with her and have everything be okay again. We used to be so close and then out of nowhere she started getting so angry at me all the time." Finn bit down on his lip nervously as he drove, trying his best to relax since he knew him being all worked up before they even got there wouldn't be good for anyone. "I'm just really happy that you're going to be here with me this time," he said softly to Rachel as he reached over to place his hand gently on her knee. "I don't know if I could do this without you." It didn't take long before they arrived and once he parked the car, Finn turned towards his fiance. "I haven't told her that we're engaged yet so I'm hoping that'll lighten the mood. And I - at least I know that if I'm feeling bad that when I go home I get to be with you and our baby." Finn smiled softly at Rachel before he leaned in to press a gentle kiss to her lips. He breathed out shakily once they pulled away and when he got out of the car and started heading towards the visitor center with Rachel, he felt his heart begin to race in his chest anxiously.
Rachel really hoped that this went well, just for Finn's sanity. She knew how much his mom meant to him and she didn't want this to ruin anything even worse than it already was. His mom could say anything to him and she knew that he'd continue to try and help her any way he could. "I hope she's in a better place too." She said as he placed his hand on his knee, her offering him a small smile. She knew that she didn't exactly love the fact that he constantly went to help his mom and she constantly treated him like garbage, but she was just trying to be supportive and she knew she'd do anything to help him. "I'm always going to be here for you, you know that." She told him, her smiling gently before she went to meet him for a kiss. Once he pulled away, she rubbed his arm gently and she offered him a tiny smile. "I don't know if us being engaged or me being pregnant is the best thing for her to hear if she's pissed off at you because the last few times that I've seen her, she hasn't exactly been that thrilled to see me." She said, looking at him and shrugging gently. "Just relax, though. I mean... if things don't go well, you have the power to leave and she really doesn't, so just... take things slow and see what happens." She said, offering him a small smile. "But like you said, you can go home with me and the baby if things are shitty." She said as she approached the door, opening it and walking in slowly but making sure to keep close to Finn. "Everything is going to be fine," She assured him, looking over at him and smiling gently.
Finn knew that his mom hadn't exactly been thrilled to see Rachel in the past but he hoped that she had gotten over whatever annoyance she had towards his fiance. If anyone had been there for him in his life it was Rachel and he wanted his mom to see that. He wanted her to appreciate that. "You're right, I'll just - I'll just take it slow and hope for the best," he said softly. When she told him that everything would be fine, he nodded and once they were signed in to see his mom, they were led towards a private room where they would be able to talk. As they waited for his mom, Finn tapped his foot nervously. He needed everything to go well. He needed things to be okay with his mom for once. The second that she stepped into the room, Finn moved to stand up from where he had been sitting and he immediately pulled her in for a hug. "Hi mom," he breathed out. "I missed you." Carole hugged him back gently before she pulled away and offered him a small smile. "Missed you too, sweetie," she said softly. Finn moved to sit back down besides Rachel as Carole sat down across from them, clearly looking uncomfortable as she looked between them. "So... how've you been? You only have a month left at this place. Do you know what your plans are going to be once you leave?" he asked her. He couldn't help but notice that she looked worse for wear and all he found himself wanting to do was help her somehow. His whole life he had looked after his mom and it scared him to see her looking so weak even though she was sober. "I'm fine, Finn. And you know what my plans are. I'm going home. So if you're here to convince me to go move in to some apartment, please just drop it already,"she snapped. "Oh, I - okay. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to fight with you anymore," he said softly even though all he wanted to do was tell her not to go back to his father. "Rachel and I are engaged," he told her as he reached over to take Rachel's hand in his. "We're planning on getting married soon." Carole looked between them and nodded before she avoided his gaze. "Congratulations. I'm sure your wedding will be nice." Finn's face fell at his mom's lack of excitement, especially when being engaged to Rachel meant everything to him.
Rachel wanted to be supportive of Finn, she did. He never gave up on people, and that's one of the reasons she knew that she was still around. Honestly, she wouldn't have blamed him if he gave up on her a long time ago. She had promised him a lot and she never delivered until more recently. Especially now. Honestly, this was what she always wanted with Finn and she was glad that things were finally really falling into place the way they both wanted it. As they walked into the room, Rachel moved to sit down and as Carole entered, she kept where she was, knowing that her faking happiness to see the woman wasn't going to get them very far. As Finn began to talk with his mom, she looked at her for a moment before looking to Finn, keeping her gaze on him. She intertwined their fingers after he took her hand in his, trying to show her support for him. Ever since she got home from the tour, she had been pretty good at being nicer to people and fixing relationships, but his mom completely brushing off everything he had to say wasn't something that she could just sit back and let him take. "Yeah, it will be nice." Rachel said, looking at Carole. "I thought you'd be a little more excited to hear that your only son was getting married, but I guess I was wrong." She said before sitting back a little in her chair and crossing her legs. She didn't want to be rude and upset Finn, she really didn't, but she couldn't help herself. She looked off to the side for a moment before looking back to Carole, trying to keep things at least somewhat civil. "Finn just wants to talk with you, I feel like the least you can do is try and listen to what he has to say. All he wants to do is talk to you and catch up and help you." Rachel figured it wasn't really rude, she was just trying to force things along. And even if Carole took it the wrong way, at this point, she wasn't even really sure that she cared.
Finn wished that his mom wasn't so distant, especially when all he wanted to do was get back the good relationship that he used to have with her. When Rachel spoke, Finn looked down sadly. He was grateful for her because he knew that she always had his back. She always wanted to make sure that he was treated right and it saddened him to know that she had to be this way towards his own mom. "This isn't the first time that I've heard he's been engaged so sorry if I'm not too sure a wedding will actually happen," Carole said, narrowing her eyes at Rachel. "And I don't need help. That's all you ever want to do, Finn. Help me. But I don't need your help and I want you to stop acting like I'm a child. I can make my own choices and whether you like it or not, I'm going home after I'm out of this place." Finn looked at his mom sadly, not understanding why she was so hostile towards him. "I'm not here to tell you what to do, mom. If you want to go back to him then go. I can't - I can't control you. I just... I just want you to be happy and healthy and I get scared that you'll go home and start drinking again. And please stop being rude to Rachel because she's been here for me more than anyone else has." "You mean she's been there for you more than I have, right? Because apparently you had such a horrible childhood," Carole said, her crossing her arms. "Yes, she has been here for me more than you and I did have a horrible childhood. I took care of you my whole life and you used to actually be grateful for that. I don't know what changed but I - I'm tired of you talking down to me all the time," he said, his voice shaky as he looked at her with sadness in his gaze. "If you were so miserable then why are you marrying the person you've been taking care of this whole time too? How many times has this girl cheated on you? And how many times has she relapsed? History is just repeating itself." Finn raised his eyebrows at that comment, unable to understand why his mom seemed to think that she knew everything. "Our problems with all of that is behind us, mom," he told her. "Oh, right. That explains why Rachel was on TMZ snorting coke a few months ago. It's all behind you guys now. Until she slips up again."
Rachel managed a laugh at his mom's words about him being engaged previously. "Oh, right. But who was still there when he was getting married last time? Me. So it's not like I'm some random girl he decided to marry. I've been with him forever." She said, shaking her head as she looked off to the side for a moment. Rachel really didn't understand what was up the woman's ass, but she being incredibly horrible towards Finn and she couldn't understand why. Especially when all Finn wanted to do was to figure out how to help her. She was glad Finn was trying to stand up for her, but she knew Finn could never be too awfully mean to his mother, especially when he always wanted some kind of relationship for her. Rachel knew that he did have a shitty childhood, especially because she did too and she knew all of the feelings that he did. "I've relapsed, yeah. That's something a lot of people go through. And I don't understand why the fuck you care so much what I'm doing and if I'm clean or not when you should be worrying about yourself. And you know nothing about our relationship so don't even try to bring any of that shit up." Rachel knew that she hadn't exactly been perfect but she was trying to be the best version of herself and she was trying to be everything Finn needed her to be. Plus, she was still trying to learn how to prepare herself to be a mom and that took up most of her space in her mind. "Maybe Finn has been taking care of me. But at least he takes care of me and I still actually love him and care for him. I've been there for all of his shit. At least I've tried to. And you continuously push him away and he just wants you there," She said as she looked at him, her running a hand through her hair as she felt herself getting worked up. "Everyone always thinks that they can sit here and insult me about the shit I've been through but half of the people doing it don't know anything about me or what I've done. I don't need you of all people telling me that I've been shitty to Finn and that I'm just going to relapse again."
Finn hated that this visit with his mom was just turning into a fight and he especially hated that fact that Rachel was starting to get worked up. She was pregnant and the last thing she needed was this stress. "Rach... baby, relax," he breathed out softly as he moved his hand to her back, rubbing it gently as he tried to calm her down. "Mom, you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to Rachel, okay? She's had her rough times but things are getting better now. She's focused on staying sober and I'm right here to help her through it all. And I - I wanted to be here for you too. I wanted to help you stay on the right track too." When his mom looked down sadly and shook her head, he couldn't help but feel more and more confused. Why was she acting the way that she was? What happened to the woman who used to love him unconditionally despite her flaws? "Fine. I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to Rachel, fine. But I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to you, Finn. You always think that you know what's best for everyone. You hate your father so you don't want me to be with him, you -" "My relationship with dad doesn't have anything to do with why I don't want you around him, mom," he said, cutting his mom off. "I don't want you around him because he makes you drink. He drives you right back into that lifestyle because he makes you feel bad about yourself. All he wants to do is make everyone and anyone feel lesser than he is." "No he doesn't, Finn. He's good to me. It's just that whenever you're around he gets upset and it makes everything worse," Carole said softly. "Like I was saying, Finn. I'm your mother and as much as you think you know what's best, you don't. I don't want to fight with you but I don't want to hear your opinions about my situation. It doesn't even matter anymore." Finn looked at his mom with sadness in his eyes, hating that their relationship had truly turned into this mess when it had once been so strong. "What do you mean, it doesn't matter anymore? Of course it does," he breathed out. "Please mom, I just -" "I'm sick." Those two words sliced through the angry tension in the room and as Finn looked at his mom, he felt his heart plummet into his stomach. "What do you mean you're sick?" he asked her. "I have cirrhosis. My... my liver is on it's last leg. So... it doesn't matter anymore, Finn. All of this will be done with soon enough." Finn was speechless as he looked at his mom, unable to fathom the fact that she had waited so long to tell him any of this.
Rachel looked at Finn as she felt him put his hand on her back, meeting his eyes for a moment. She appreciated that he didn't want her to get overwhelmed, but then again, he was incredibly protective of her even more now that she was pregnant. She didn't mind, honestly. She knew that it would probably get a little overwhelming when she was further along and he got even worse, but she knew she needed him to keep her settled and to stop her from getting overworked. She looked at him and let out a soft breath before looking down and biting down onto her bottom lip. She knew that Finn wanted his mom to get better and to see that there was a better place and a better option for her, but she just never would. Rachel stayed silent for a little bit and she just let Finn speak, not wanting to make his mom uncomfortable. She wanted to make a nasty comment about his dad, but she held herself back surprisingly even for her. The second his mom said that she was sick, she looked up in shock for a moment. "What?" Rachel asked softly, her looking over to Finn for a moment before looking back to his mom. "Well, don't say that it doesn't matter anymore. Don't say that." Rachel said, her trying to at least keep her positive and turn the conversation around a little bit. "There has to be something they can do. I mean, you can't just let yourself wither away and just... give up." Rachel didn't exactly love Carole, but it was Finn's mother and she knew that he cared. "There's nothing? I mean... they have to have told you something about what to do. They don't just tell you you're sick and let you go without giving you options."
Finn was in total shock when his mom told him that she was sick. While he obviously knew her heavy drinking was horrible for her health, he hadn't expected this. He hadn't expected her to get sick like this. "I - mom, please don't say that it doesn't matter. It does matter. You matter," he breathed out. When Rachel said that there had to be something that the doctors could do, he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, there has to be something mom. What exactly did they say to you? And...And you not drinking all of this time was probably good too. The liver is a remarkable organ, you'd be amazed what it's capable of in terms of healing." Carole looked between the two of them and sighed before he shifted her gaze downwards. "The damage was done before I went to rehab, Finn. And then I went to the doctor because I was having bad fatigue and I was getting sick. They told me that I had cirrhosis and that it was too advanced to treat other than transplant. So I've been on a list for a couple months and I'm sure I'll be on the list until my liver fails and I'm gone. I'm sorry... I'm not trying to be morbid but that's what's going to happen. And I know I've been a horrible mother to you, Finn but you can't fix this anymore. You can't fix me." Finn looked at his mom with tears in his eyes, unable to believe that she had known about all of this and not told him. "I can do the transplant," he breathed out without thinking as he looked at his mom. Carole's face twisted into shock as she looked up at him with wide eyes. "W-What? No, Finn. No. You're not doing that," she said quickly. "Why not? I'm your son, I'm sure I'd be a match. And - And they would just take a piece of my liver and replace yours. And mine would grow back, it would be fine." Finn wanted to help his mom, he wanted to save her life and even though things between them were not on good terms, he still wanted to help her. He would always help her no matter what.
Rachel knew that if anything, Finn would at least be able to think of a different solution for his mom. Honestly, he pretty much thought of anything and if he couldn't think of a solution, he always researched one and tried to figure out the right way to do things. Rachel knew that if she continued on the life she was living before that stuff like this could happen to her and she just didn't want to imagine something like this ever happening to her. She knew that the lifestyle was bad, she understood -- but she just never listened or really tried to care. When Finn offered to do the transplant without even really thinking about it, she looked over to him and furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, what?" She said, her staring at him in shock. She was sure that what he said about his liver growing back was true, but she really had no idea. For all she knew he could be lying, but then again, he was a horrible liar and she'd be able to see right through him. "How long would you even be recovering for? What if something happens to me and you can't even take me to an appointment? Or if something happens in the surgery and I'm stuck raising a kid on my own?" She said quickly, her taking in a short breath. Of course he'd want to help his mom and she knew that this would be a conversation that they'd continue later, but she just couldn't believe that he would agree to doing this without even really thinking about it. And while she wanted him to talk to her about it, she was obviously going to say no or make him rethink it, and well, she knew why he wouldn't ask first. "If something happens to you because you're trying to help I really don't know what I'd do." Odds are, he'd probably be a match and if he was, she knew that he'd do it without much second thought. That's just who he was. She knew that even if one of their close friends needed help, Finn would do anything in his power to help.
Finn knew that he would do a liver transplant for his mom to help her. Regardless of their relationship, he would do a transplant to help save her life because there was no way he was just going to let her wither away and do nothing. When Rachel began to ask him about it, he knew that she didn't want him to do this. "It's not that long of a recovery period. And nothing is going to happen to me, Rachel. I'd have it done at my hospital with people that I trust more than anything and they would make sure that everything went smoothly. I know they would. This is safe, Rachel. And it would take a few months and then my liver would return to normal size and function. It's not like I drink so I wouldn't even have to worry," he explained. "Wait - wait. Did you say kid? Are you pregnant?" Carole asked as she looked at the two of them in shock. She was clearly overwhelmed by everything but Finn knew that he wanted to help her, he wanted to fix this. "Oh um... we - we haven't said anything to anyone yet but... yes, Rachel's pregnant," he said softly, a small smile on his face as he glanced over at his girlfriend. "Well then you're definitely not doing this for me, Finn. I'm not letting you," she said, crossing her arms in defiance. "Well I'm not going to let you die," Finn said, raising his voice slightly. "Mom, you're not - you're not just going to sit here and wait to die. I want to help you. Please let me help you." Carole looked at him and shook her head before she looked down, wrapping her arms around herself. "Don't you want to be at my wedding? Don't you want to meet our baby?" he breathed out as he looked at her. "I want you to be at your own wedding and be there for your own child. It's not your job to take care of me, Finn. Not anymore. Please just - stop helping me and let me go," Carole breathed out as her eyes filled with tears.
Rachel wanted to believe Finn, she did. She wanted to believe him when he said that everything would just be fine and that she wouldn't have to worry about anything happening, but she really didn't believe him. She just didn't know how to imagine that him getting part of his organ removed would be even remotely fine. But she didn't want to overreact even if she knew that she already had. When Carole spoke again, she nodded gently, bringing one of her hands to her stomach for a moment. "Yeah. I'm pregnant. Like Finn said, we're not... uhm, telling anyone yet, I guess. We were going to wait for a little bit before saying anything." She said, her looking over at Finn for a moment. Rachel knew that if her dads were ever seriously sick that she'd definitely think about helping them, but then again, she couldn't just watch her parents die when she had a way to help them even if they weren't the greatest to her. As Finn continued to talk to his mom, she sighed as she looked down, knowing that any kind of words against this from her weren't going to stop him. Rachel could say anything and while he'd care, he still would find a way to do the transplant for his mom. As the room fell silent for a moment and as Carole looked as if she was about to cry, Rachel sat up for a moment and took a deep breath. "Carole, you know that he won't take no for an answer. I can say everything I want to him about what I think and he won't listen to me, either. So just... think about it and I'll talk to him too but you know he's going to do it anyway. So you have this option. And Finn's right, there's a lot of life left for you to see and you have the wedding and the... the baby and I don't know, I just- I know he wants you there and I want him to be happy and if doing this is what he wants I could literally make up a hundred excuses and he wouldn't care."
Finn knew that some people would think he was crazy for offering to go through with a liver transplant for his mom when their relationship was a mess. However, he loved his mom despite how strained their relationship was and he couldn't just sit there and watch her die when he knew that he could be a match for her. As Rachel spoke, Finn looked at her with love in his eyes. He knew she didn't want him to do this and he knew when they got back to the car that she was going to tell him just that. However, it meant the world to him that she was supporting him anyway. God, he loved her. Carole looked at Rachel for a moment before she looked down at her hands that were resting in her lap. "I know he won't take no for an answer," she breathed out before she looked up at Finn. "How are you my son?" she asked softly. "How did someone like me and... and someone like your father create you." Carole offered him a sad smile and Finn returned it before he looked down sadly. "Mom, I want to do this for you. And I don't need you to answer right now because I know you need time to think about it. But I just need you to know that if I'm going to do this for you, the drinking needs to stop." Finn stayed silent for a moment as he looked at his mom and when he saw a tear fall down her cheek, he wished he knew how to fix all of this. "I don't know, Finn," she breathed out. "I - I need some time, please. I need some time to think about all of this." Carole quickly moved to stand up, her moving her hand up to wipe away some of the tears that had fallen down her face. "Mom, at least let me see if I'm a match. Can we please at least do that?" "I don't know, Finn. I need to go. I'll talk to you another day." Carole hurried out of the room and once Finn was alone with Rachel, a sigh escaped his lips. "I can't believe this," he breathed out as he put his head in his hands for a moment, trying desperately to process everything that had just happened.
Rachel looked at Carole with sadness in her eyes as she talked to Finn, knowing that she felt horrible. She wished that things were so different and she knew that Finn wished that his mom would have been there more in his life. Rachel really wished that she had been there more, too. But Rachel knew that Finn wouldn't be Finn if he hadn't gone through all that he did. As soon as Carole walked out of the room, Rachel moved to rub his back gently, offering him a small smile. "Hey... hey. Relax, babe. I know that it's insane and it's just... so unexpected. But she knows that you want to help her, you know? She knows that you're here for her." She said as she rubbed his back, her hand moving slowly. "Let's just go home and talk about it, okay? Let's just try to think about something else and just... relax and try and get your mind off of all of this. I know that you're worried and I'm worried too. But you need to give her a little bit of space," Rachel said, her pulling her hand away for a moment before letting it rest on his arm. "I'm really sorry that today had to end up like this," She said, sighing and looking down for a moment. "You know I don't want you to go through with it, but I know that you will anyway. And I know that you want to help her and I... I want you to be happy. I want you do do what'll make you happy. I just don't want anything to happen to you."
Finn nodded as Rachel spoke, trying his best to get his head around everything that was happening. His relationship with his mom wasn't the best. It certainly wasn't as strong as it used to be. However, he knew that he wanted to help her. God, he needed to do something because he wasn't about to just let her wither away. When Rachel said that they should go home and talk about everything, he looked at her and nodded, offering her a sad smile. "I know I need to give her a little space... I feel bad that I overwhelmed her but I just - I can't believe she never talked to me about any of this earlier." Finn bit down on his lip and looked down at the floor for a moment before he brought his gaze back to his fiance. He loved her more than anything and he knew that he was so grateful for her being there for him the way that she was. "I know you don't want me to do it," he said softly. "And a part of me wants to be selfish and not do it but I - I just don't think I could live with myself if I didn't help." He paused for a moment before he moved to stand up, knowing that he just needed to leave. He just needed to go home. "Let's go home. Then we can - we can sit down and talk about all of this. I know that an operation sounds scary but I promise it really wouldn't pose any risk to me," he explained as he began to lead her out of the visitors center and towards where he had parked the car.
Rachel knew that her and Finn needed to talk about this. They couldn't just go every day and not talk about this, especially because Rachel really didn't care for his mom. She knew that it was his mom and that she had to at least support what Finn wanted to do with her, she didn't have to like her. Rachel just never liked how his mom treated Finn and while Rachel had once gone to her for advice way back when, the woman had ruined any chance of any future relationship. Rachel really just hated how Carole had never done anything to show her anything differently. Carole always just went back to the same thing, and while Rachel did the same thing, Rachel had tried to turn everything around. And Rachel figured that being pregnant and figuring things out with Finn had been a little better. Rachel just nodded as Finn spoke and sighed softly, starting to stand up with him, grabbing his hand. "We'll go home and figure things out and we'll talk, okay? I know you, Finn. I can tell you know and you'll do it. But just... know that I'm not happy about it, that's all." She said, walking with him. Once they got into the car, Rachel buckled her seat belt and ran a hand through her hair. "I love you Finn, I do. And I know that you know everything about surgeries and I really shouldn't have a say. But I... I'll let you do what you want. I just wish that there would be a limit. If you do this for her, and she doesn't do anything else for you? If she doesn't do anything else or show you that she cares about you at all? This is the last thing that you're doing for her. I don't care that you feel like you need to do anything for her. This needs to be it. This is something huge, you know? We're going to have a family and I just- I can't have you feeling like you need to keep doing extreme things for your mom when she won't even do anything for you in return."
Finn knew Rachel didn't want him to go through with this but he knew that he also couldn't just sit by and let his mom die. Not if there was something he could do to help. If she didn't want his help, that was a different story but if she accepted this then he was going to do whatever he could to change things. Once him and Rachel were in the car, a soft sigh escaped his lips as he turned slightly in his seat to face her. "Rach, you have a say - of course you have a say. You're my fiance - you're having our baby," he said softly. Finn didn't want Rachel to think that she couldn't have an opinion about this, especially when he knew it was a huge deal. While the surgery obviously wouldn't have that much of an impact on him, it was still a surgery and it was still something that would take recovery time if he did it. As Rachel spoke, he looked over at her with sadness in his eyes before he shifted his gaze downwards. "I know this needs to be it," he breathed out. "I just - this is my mom, you know?" he said softly as he looked back up to look into Rachel's eyes. "I'm not good at letting go. I just - I guess a part of me still remembers when I was little, when she still acted like my mom. It just scares me to think that she could - she could die. I mean, she's going to die unless she does this." Finn closed his eyes for a moment as he gripped onto the steering wheel, a sigh escaping his lips before he started up the car. "I know she's been horrible to me the last few years and I know that she might not deserve this but I can't just let her die, Rachel. I can't," he told her, his eyes filling with tears before he shook his head, struggling to calm himself down. "I've been taking care of her my whole life and I - I'm not ready to lose her. I can't," he said shakily. Finn knew Rachel didn't want him to go through with this and while he fully understood why, he also couldn't bring himself to stand by and do nothing. As he started up the car and started to drive home, a part of him was still in shock that any of this was happening and he knew he just wanted all of their problems to go away.
Rachel didn't want Finn to do this. She didn't want him to have any part of this, but she knew that she couldn't exactly tell him no. Sure, she was his fiance and she was pregnant with his child, but it wasn't like she was the boss of him. She could tell him no and let him know why, but if he didn't follow through, it wasn't like she could force him to do anything. She just listened to him speak for a few minutes before she nodded and looked down, taking in a deep breath. "I know it's your mom, Finn. And I- I know we've both been in the same situation, you know? Like... we both had our parents in our lives when we were smaller. But Finn, it's been so long. We're really old now. I mean, we're still young in the grand scheme of things, but our parents had so many chances. And I- I know you can't let her die, Finn. And I know that I really hate my dads, but if something happened to them, I really don't know what I would do. I don't know what I would say. I mean, I know you're not ready to lose her yet but if she continues to be shitty to you, I'm not going to let you keep helping her, babe." She said softly, looking at him and offering him a small, sad smile before looking out the front window and watched as the scenery passed her. "I know that you'll probably bounce back from the surgery quickly, so I just- I know that things are going to be fine, but I just- if we were in a different time frame, I would be saying a hard no. I can't stop you from doing this, but if I was like... eight months pregnant and about to pop, we'd be having a slightly different conversation right now because you'd be recovering when I need you a lot. And we're still supposed to get married at some point before I have some huge bump and I just- I want to make sure that you're going to be okay." Once they arrived at the house after a while of driving, she looked over to him with a sad smile. "I love you, Finn. So much. And I- I want to make sure that you're going to be okay, that's all. You know that I care about your mom too, but I care about your well being first. I want you to be okay. And if you think that this isn't risky and you'll be fine, then I want you to do what you need to do. And I'll obviously help you get better and everything, you know? I'll make sure that you're healing well and I'll make you food and stuff while you're getting better," She said with a teasing smile as she looked over at him.
Finn understood why Rachel wasn't exactly excited for him to do this. And honestly, he wasn't even sure if his mom would take his help but if she did and be was a match, he was going to help her. He needed to. "I know, Rach," he said softly as he drove towards their apartment. "I know you won't let me keep helping her if she keeps up how she's been with me. And I - I love you for that, I really do. I know you won't let her keep taking advantage of me." Finn let out a shaky breath as he kept his gaze on the road and he knew that he was scared. He was so scared to lose his mom and even though she had never really been a mom to him, she was still his mother and he had been taking care of her for his whole life. God, if she was gone? He knew it was going to hit him hard - a lot harder than he could have ever expected it to. "I know, baby. And I wouldn't do that to you. I'll make sure this is all overwith before you're too pregnant because I want to be with you and the baby for as long as you need me." Everything seemed to be happening at once and while most of it was all amazing, it was still incredibly stressful. They were getting married, having a baby, moving into a house and his mom was dying all at the same time and he was really finding it difficult to calm himself down since he was so overwhelmed. When they got home, Finn turned to face Rachel and he offered her a sad smile. "I love you too, Rach. And I know that you want me to be okay. And I know you'll take care of me too but I really don't think you'll have to that much." Finn smiled softly as he looked into her eyes before he leaned over to press a kiss to her lips. "I love you so much, Rach. Thank you for being here for me. I just - I don't even know how I'd be handling any of this if I didn't have you," he said softly. Rachel was his everything and while he knew she didn't exactly what him to make this sacrifice for his mom, he knew that he needed to at least try. He couldn't stand by and just let her go if there was a way for him to save her. He was a doctor, after all, and it was in his blood to want to make sure everyone was okay.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
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Vacation time with the love of my life.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
On My Way to Believing
Tagging: Finn & Rachel Location: The Apartment Notes: While Finn and Rachel are packing for their vacation they realize something bigger beginning to happen between them.
Finn was so excited that him and Rachel were going on vacation together. She was doing so well with her sobriety and he knew that a little getaway was exactly what they needed. "I can't wait to just lay on the beach with you," he said happily, the both of them moving around their room gathering everything that they wanted to pack. "I haven't been on a vacation in forever." Finn knew that being a doctor didn't exactly offer him a lot of off time to go on trips but he was doing his best to make sure that he forced himself to take the time to focus on himself and Rachel. He pressed a kiss to her cheek as she busied herself packing their suitcase before he headed into the bathroom to grab all the toiletries that they would need. Once he had all of that stuff together, he made his way back into the bedroom and took a seat at the end of their bed. "Babe, we have to run out to the store later to get more tampons for you. You only had like two left in there. But that's the only thing that we have to run out and get. Except maybe some more toothpaste." Finn offered Rachel a small smile as he turned to face her. He was so happy that this trip was happening - their first ever vacation together - and he knew that he loved her more than anything. Their relationship was better than ever and he knew this would only make it better.
Rachel knew that her and Finn needed to get away. They never went on vacation and if they ever did get away, it was them going to some random hotel for a couple of nights for something for work, not just for fun. Rachel knew that she needed to just stay focused on staying sober, and she knew that Finn had been keeping the both of them as busy as possible to keep it that way. Rachel continued to pack her clothes and pack some of Finn's clothes. He was fine at packing his suitcase on his own, but Rachel wanted to just make sure that he had everything he needed. When Finn came back into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, she folded up a shirt of hers that she was holding, smiling gently at him as he spoke before she felt her smile fall. "Tampons? I-" She paused, her head immediately spinning. She really hadn't thought about needed tampons, and honestly, she couldn't remember the last time that she had bought a box of tampons. "I can't even remember when I bought that box. It had to be down there for so long," She said, putting the shirt down in the suitcase. "I... I don't know if I'll need any." She ran a hand through her hair and she looked to him, biting down on her bottom lip. "You said you're running to the store? Can you pick me up a test?" She asked, blushing softly. "Like uhm.... a pregnancy test?" She really didn't think that this was the best time to get pregnant, but she knew that her and Finn wanted this. Just not exactly before their wedding, but she was pretty sure that they never did things the correct way.
Finn furrowed his brow when Rachel said that she couldn't remember when she had bought the box of tampons that had been in the bathroom. "What do you mean?" he asked her when she told him that she didn't know if she would need any. However, when she told him to pick up a pregnancy test for her when he went out to the store, Finn felt his jaw drop slightly. "A - A pregnancy test?" he breathed out before he moved to stand up from where he was seated on the edge of the bed. It wasn't as though she hadn't taken a pregnancy test before. They had some scares in the past but he couldn't help but feel like this was different. Everything about their lives and their relationship was different now and thinking about a baby made him both nervous and excited in a way he couldn't explain. Last time she had taken a pregnancy test their relationship had been on the way out and this time they were more in love and stable than they had ever been. "I - okay. Let me run to the store now then," he said quickly. Finn offered Rachel a small smile before he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "I'll be right back." After grabbing his wallet and keys, Finn practically sprinted out of their apartment and to his car. It didn't take him too long to run to the store to get a few pregnancy tests and when he finally got home, he hurried back into their bedroom. "Okay, I - I bought a few of them. I just, I know that one isn't always accurate and sometimes it depends on the time of day too," he said quickly as he set the boxes down on the bed. "Just - don't look at it without me."
Rachel looked at him, trying to gauge his reaction. She knew that she had taken a few before and honestly, she knew that there had been a few times where she had taken a test without Finn knowing because she had been a few days late for her period. But every times he had taken one before, things with her and Finn were bad, and she just really felt like it was way different this time. They weren't ready to have a kid all of the times before, but if she was actually pregnant, she knew that they'd at least be somewhat more prepared. "Okay. Uhm... grab a normal test and grab one of those digital ones. I mean... just to be safe." Rachel was already sure, knowing Finn, that he'd come home with a handful of tests because that's just who he was. Rachel packed nervously and moved the suitcase to the floor after she was finished packing. She knew that she just wanted to pace around nervously while he was gone, but she knew that she had to keep herself somewhat distracted. Once he got back, Rachel bit down on her bottom lip and grabbed one of the boxes, her looking at him for a moment. "I... yeah. I'll take one now and see what happens and I'll take another one in the morning if this one isn't super clear. Just... give me a second." She said before she went into their bathroom, shutting the door as she opened the box nervously, looking at herself in the mirror. Rachel really didn't know why she was always so nervous, but she really didn't ever see herself being this kind of girl. She didn't think she'd ever be able to be a mom but she wanted to. She wanted to give Finn kids and she wanted to be happy with him. After taking the test she put it onto the counter, her breathing out nervously once she exited the bathroom. "Uhm... we just need to wait a few minutes." She said, biting down on her bottom lip. "Can you look at it first when it's finished? I'm nervous." She whispered out softly, looking at him. She paused for a moment, fidgeting with her shirt. "This is uhm... okay, right? I mean, I know things are different, but I just don't really know how you're feeling. You're hard to read sometimes."
Finn nodded when Rachel asked him to give her a second as she walked into the bathroom. He couldn't believe that this was happening now but he also knew that if the test was positive that he would be happy. They were engaged and they had been talking about having a kid. Of course, they had been talking about having a baby once they were married but if it happened sooner he wasn't going to be upset. Finn bit down on his lip as he waited for Rachel to come back into their room and when she finally walked through the door, he offered her a small smile. "A few minutes feels like years with these things," he breathed out. When she asked him if he could look at the test when it was finished, he felt his heart swell with love as he looked at her. He could tell that she was nervous and he quickly moved over to her. "Of course I'll look at it, baby. And I can tell you're nervous. I'm a little nervous too." He reached out and took her hands in his, squeezing them gently. "This is okay, Rach. It's more than okay, believe me. I - I'm nervous because we obviously weren't planning on this but if the test is positive, I'm not going to be upset." Finn smiled softly as he looked at Rachel before he dropped her hands and moved to wrap his arms around her, pulling her into him. "I love you, Rachel," he breathed out before he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I know you're nervous but I promise you that if that test is positive that we're more than ready for this. We - we're better than we've ever been and this might not be happening in the order we thought it would but, you know, it won't change the fact that everything will be okay." Finn pulled away from Rachel after a few moments and smiled softly at her. "Alright, I'm gonna go get the test." He could feel his heart racing in his chest as he moved from their room and into the bathroom, him holding his breath as he reached for the rest on the counter. When he glanced down at it and saw two pink lines, he felt his heart leap into his throat. "Rach," he breathed out as he hurried back into their room, a smile on his face the second that their eyes met. "Baby, it's positive," he told her as he held up the test, pretty sure that he'd never be able to wipe his smile off his face.
Rachel was nervous. And she very rarely got nervous. Every single pregnancy test felt like nothing compared to this. This time felt all too real, especially because it had been a really long time since her last period and she knew that being careful or thinking about her period wasn't really on her mind. Plus, she was sober and she was trying really hard and she didn't want to ruin all of that. Especially not if she was pregnant. As he reassured her that things were fine, Rachel looked at him and nodded, her taking a deep breath as he pulled her close to him . "I love you, too. And I- I know we're ready but I just- I don't know. It's scary. I never thought this would happen to me and now I actually want it to happen and I'm really nervous. I thought we'd uhm... you know, have a wedding first, but if you're okay with it then I'm okay with it." She told him, her sighing as he pulled away, She nodded nervously and watched him walk back towards the bathroom to get the test. She wrung her hands together nervously in front of her, waiting for him to walk back into the bedroom. "What?" She said quickly as she heard him say her name. As soon as he said it was positive, she moved over to him, her heart racing in her chest. "Are you serious?" She said, her voice caught in her throat slightly. "Oh my god, let me see." Rachel grabbed the test from his hand and she looked at it, seeing the two pink lines. Neither of them were faint -- they were very strong colored lines and she could feel herself internally freaking out. "Holy shit, I'm pregnant." Rachel said, still looking at the test. "I'm pregnant." She repeated again, her eyes stinging with tears slightly as she went to wrap her arms around Finn's neck, her kissing him before she just went to hug him tightly. She knew that she was completely freaking out and she knew that she had reason to. Rachel really never imagined that this would happen, especially not so soon. Rachel honestly never even thought she'd have a kid, but then she got with Finn and her entire life changed. "I can't believe this is happening." She said, her still holding onto him tightly. She was so overwhelmed and as she pulled away slightly from him, she looked down at the test again before looking back up at Finn. "I'll take another one in the morning. Just to make sure."
Finn smiled as he walked into the bedroom with the positive pregnancy test in his hand. Rachel was pregnant and he was so excited. God, he was so happy. When she took the test from his hands, he smiled as he looked at his girlfriend, trying to gauge exactly how she was feeling about the whole thing. "You're pregnant," he said softly, a bright smile on his face as he looked down at her. When she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his, Finn kissed her back passionately as he slipped his arms around her waist, tugging her impossibly closer to him. When they pulled out of the kiss and hugged each other tightly, Finn closed his eyes for a moment as he ran his hand up and down her back. "I can't believe it either. I - god, I'm so happy right now," he breathed out before a laugh escaped his lips. When she pulled away from him slightly to look at the test once more, he followed is gaze down to it and bit down on his lip as he saw those two pink lines. "Of course. You'll take one in the morning and then - then we need to make an appointment to make absolutely sure and... and make sure everything is healthy." Finn paused for a moment as he looked down at Rachel before he smiled and leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. "We're gonna have a baby, Rachel," he breathed out as he pulled away before he lifted her into his arms. "We're gonna be parents," he said excitedly as he brought her over to the bed. Finn laid her down gently before he got onto the bed with her, leaning over her and shifting his gaze to the test in her hand. "I think we need to frame this thing," he said with a laugh. "How do you feel, Rach?" he asked her as he looked into her eyes with a small smile on his face. God, he felt himself falling more in love with her in this moment and he knew that there truly was no one else that he'd ever want to have this moment with.
Rachel couldn't believe that any of this was happening. She really didn't think she'd be a good mom. She didn't even really have a mom and she was expected to be one. But she knew that she'd do whatever she could to be a good mom and she knew that Finn would help her and support her through everything. With a nod of her head, Rachel agreed with his words. "Yeah. That's... that's fine." She said before she looked at him, leaning to meet him for his kiss before she laughed gently at his words, wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up and brought her to the bed. Her eyes moved up to look at him as he looked down at her and she shrugged gently at his words. "I... I don't really know how I feel. I'm terrified but I'm excited. I just... I want a family with you and I want to experience this all with you but I'm really scared, that's all." She was scared for anything to go wrong and she was just scared to be bad at being a parent. "I know you'll say I'll be perfect at being a mom but I'm scared I'm not going to do a good job, I guess." Rachel said, leaning over to put the test on the side table. "And I'm just a huge mix of emotions." She paused for a moment, looking up at him and smiling as she brought a hand to cup his cheek. "How do you feel?" She asked him as she bit down on her bottom lip.
Finn nodded when Rachel told him that while she was excited she was also terrified. He knew she was scared that she wouldn't be a good mom. It had been a fear of hers ever since they had been together but he knew that she would be amazing. He knew Rachel and he knew that she would love their baby more than anything in the world and he knew that she would do whatever she could to give their child an amazing life. The both of them had grown up with shitty parents and he knew they were both determined to make sure their kids wouldn't have the same experience. "It's okay to be scared, Rach," he said softly. "And you will be perfect at being a mom, I know you will." When she moved her hand to cup his cheek, Finn smiled and leaned into her touch. God, he loved this woman more than anything. "I feel - I feel so happy," he breathed out. "Don't get me wrong... I'm scared too. This is - this is overwhelming and unexpected but I just - we're gonna be parents." Finn paused for a moment and smiled as he looked at the woman he was going to marry and he knew that nothing could be bad if it was happening with her. "I'm so in love with you, Rachel," he whispered softly. "And I know this is terrifying because we didn't plan for this but I know that this experience will be amazing. I want to give our baby the life we never got to have, you know? I want our kid to get the chance to be a kid, to be innocent. I want this with you more than I've ever wanted anything and I know that we're going to be a team and be the best parents. I know we can do this." Finn smiled at Rachel before he sat up slightly on his knees, him moving his hand to rest gently on her stomach. "I will take care of you and our family in every way I can for the rest of my life, I hope you know that," he breathed out. He wanted to show Rachel how sure he was about them and their life together because he knew it was something that she needed to hear. She needed to know how much he believed in her.
Rachel knew that she could be terrified of anything in her life and she could listen to Finn talk to her for a few seconds and she'd immediately feel ten times better. It was like Finn always knew what to say and she loved him for it. She loved that he was always able to make her feel better no matter what. "I know. We're gonna be parents." She said softly, looking into his eyes. She didn't speak for a moment, she just looked up at him and smiled gently as she tried to wrap her head around the entire situation. "I love you," Rachel whispered, her heart swelling with love. She honestly had never been more in love with Finn than she was right now and she just couldn't believe that any of this was happening. As Finn moved up onto his knees, she looked down at his hand on her stomach slightly, her biting down on her bottom lip as she felt her eyes sting with tears slightly. "God, I love you so much." She whispered, her voice cracking softly. Rachel let her head rest back against the bed again as she sniffled slightly, taking in a shaky breath and letting it out in a heavy sigh. "Wow. I just- I can't believe that this is happening. We're gonna have a baby." Rachel knew that the test could very well be a false positive, but she really hoped it wasn't. She wanted this more than she really liked to admit. "I know that I'm not perfect but I- I'll do anything for this baby and for... for you. I- I want to be a good mom and I'm so happy that we have... we have the power to give them a good life. Because we both didn't really get that chance and I- I don't know." Rachel took a deep breath and shut her eyes for a moment, bringing one of her hands to rest slightly on her stomach. Honestly, she still felt like she was in shock. "I just can't believe that I really get to have this chance to be a mom. Before you I just- I didn't know if I ever would. And now I want it and I'm so scared but I really want this. So much."
Finn smiled as Rachel told him that she loved him and when he saw her eyes filling with tears, he felt his heart leap into his throat. It wasn't often that she allowed herself to be emotional and to see her so happy, to see her just as in love with him as he was with her in this moment brought tears to his eyes as well. "I love you too. So, So much," he breathed out. When she moved to lay back down, Finn laid down beside her, him resting on his elbow as he looked down at her with love in his gaze. "I can't believe it either." As she spoke once more, he knew that he had never been more in love with her than he was right now. "Hey, you will be a good mom. And, Rach, you're perfect to me. You have - you have no idea how much I want this with you. I know that you've had a hard time seeing yourself as a parent but I hope you know that ever since I fell in love with you I thought about this. I thought about us having kids and how amazing you would be." He knew that she was terrified but he also knew that when it came to her being a parent that she would give absolutely anything to make sure she was a good mom for their child. When she moved her hand to rest on her stomach, Finn smiled softly before he moved his hand to rest over hers, lacing their fingers together. "I want this too and I've only ever wanted it with you," he whispered. "Rachel, I -" Finn paused for a moment and bit down on his lip before his gaze flicked from her stomach up to meet hers. "For a while I felt like I was going to lose you. I felt like... like one day I was going to wake up and see a news article that you were gone or... or that you'd leave." Finn's eyes filled with tears as he thought about their break and he knew that he couldn't believe they were where they were now after all of that. "I was so scared that we'd never get to have this, you know? But here we are. A-And I know that it's scary but I hope you know how grateful I am for you, baby. For wanting this with me. Because I - if you didn't want it I'd support you no matter what but I - I'm so happy we get to be parents together. We're gonna get to experience all of this together."
Rachel felt like she was dreaming. She had imagined having this moment before but she never thought that it would happen. She had pregnancy scares with him before, but they definitely weren't ready to have a child. And honestly? All the other times, she knew that she would have had the baby because it would have made Finn happy, but now, she really wanted to have the baby with him to have a family. During her tour, she really didn't think that she'd have this good of a relationship with Finn, but she was so grateful that they had this back. As Finn intertwined their fingers, she looked up at him and when she met his eyes, she bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head gently. "When I was on tour... none of that ever passed through my head. I never took that ring off because I wanted to come back. In my head everything made sense, but I just- I know it didn't. And now this is just... all I want. I want to just settle down and have a family with you. When we thought I was pregnant during the first tour with Josh, I... I was happy but I was happy because you were happy. I knew I wasn't ready and I wasn't really sure I wanted it and I mean, I turned out to not be pregnant anyway, but... this time? I don't know. I really want to have a family with you and I want the house and the fence and all that shit because I never thought that I'd get to have any of that." She said, offering him a small smile. "And I... I know that the test could be wrong but I really don't think it is." She said, her bringing her hand to his cheek to meet his gaze again. "I love you. And I know that we'll be a perfect family. When we know for sure, I swear, I'm going to the store and buying so much shit." She said with a laugh, her trying to cut through the heavy emotion that they were both feeling. "God, I just... I'm so happy. I never felt like this before. I know that things will be really hard and everything, but... I'm really looking forward to it. Just imagining going to appointments and stuff... I'm just excited. I never thought that I'd be able to have all of this. But I never wanted this with anyone else other than you."
Finn felt like he was dreaming as he listened to Rachel tell him that this was all she wanted. She wanted to settle down. She wanted the family and the house and he knew that he wanted all of that with her. God, he'd wanted that with her since he was seventeen if he was being honest. "Well, you get to have all of it, baby. We're gonna have everything that we ever wanted... even the stuff that we didn't even know we wanted," he said softly as he looked into her eyes. "I don't think it's wrong either. It just - everything feels different this time." When she moved her hand to his cheek, he smiled as he looked down at her with affection in his gaze. "I love you too. And believe me, I'll be right there with you buying a ton of stuff that we probably won't even need yet," he said, laughing softly right along with her. "I'm happy too, Rach. I'm so, so happy and I'm looking forward to all of this. I can't wait until we go to the doctors and know for sure. And I can't wait until the day we can listen to our baby's heartbeat too." Finn smiled as he looked down at Rachel and he knew that they were both more in love with each other than they had ever been. It was clear to him that this whole experience was only going to bring them closer together and he was more than excited for all of it. "I can't wait," he said with a smile as he laid with her, a content sigh escaping his lips. "You know what? We should have figured you were pregnant with the way you've been shoving your hand down my pants all the time lately," he said teasingly as he looked at her. "It's so crazy, Rach... a little person that's half of each of us," he breathed out. "I've been imagining what our kid would look like for so long."
Rachel couldn't wait to experience all of this with Finn even if it was incredibly terrifying. She knew that she wanted to be able to just decorate a room and buy clothes and enjoy preparing for their baby. "I know, I"m really excited. And I mean, that day might come sooner than you think. I had my period right when I came home from the tour and I haven't had it since, so I don't really know how far along I am. But... I'm excited to just see an ultrasound. I'm excited to be able to experience it all." She said, her looking up at him. She was so incredibly happy that Finn was happy, especially since it was so out of the blue. "Hey, hey. I'm always horny, but you're not wrong that I've been even more all over you lately," She couldn't help but laugh, biting down on her bottom lip. "I know. Half of you and half of me and I really can't wait to see them. I mean, they'll probably look like an alien during every single ultrasound, but they'll be our little alien." It was exciting to think about everything that was happening and that would happen in the future. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" She asked him softly, looking into his eyes. "I don't really care, I just want them to be healthy. And I- I know that we'll make them so happy, you know? I know that we're really busy all of the time but our lives will change so, so much. I mean, I'm not going to want to leave the baby alone ever. I'm not going to want to even put them down let alone leave them to go out and work. Thankfully I don't really have to work too much or anything so I can just enjoy it. I can't wait. We can look for new places, maybe. Somewhere a little bigger. Because even if this is a lot of space for us, one kid will take up over half of this house on their own."
Finn raised his eyebrows when Rachel told him just how long it had been since she had her period. "Wow, you could have been pregnant all this time and we had no idea. That's crazy," he said, a smile on his face as he looked at her happily. "I mean, that's true. You are always horny. And I mean, I don't mind you being all over me at all so pregnant or not, feel free to keep it up," he said playfully. God, he was so happy and he knew that the two of them having a baby would be everything they needed and more. "Our little alien. I like the sound of that," he breathed out. When she asked him if he wanted a boy or a girl, Finn smiled softly as he allowed himself to picture what their future child might look like. "I don't really care either, honestly. I just - as long as they're healthy I know I'll be happy. A girl would be kind of cool only because it would look like you and a little Rachel would be pretty adorable but a boy would be awesome too. Anything that's half of me and half of you will be perfet." Finn knew he wanted to be a father more than anything. He wanted to take care of his family and give his kid a life that he never got to have. Just the thought of his child not having to worry about them, not having to worry about money or anything other than just being a kid made him so happy. "I'm not going to want to leave the baby alone either. Or you. I'm happy we don't have to worry about money, you know? We can just - just really enjoy this and everything that comes along with it. And looking for a new place would be cool." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel before he leaned in to press a soft kiss to her lips, pulling away slowly and sighing contently. "Where would you want to live?" he asked her. "I mean, I think we're both interested in a house, right? Not an apartment like this. But I - I just want to get the perfect place where we feel comfortable and happy. But also one that has a good school district because that's important too."
Rachel nodded gently as Finn spoke, a small smile permanently on her lips. She was so happy that they were so excited about this and that they'd be able to do everything like this together. She couldn't wait to get a home and raise their child together and do everything together. "Yeah. I know. I mean, I could not work and I'd still get money, Finn. Brands give me money and give me things just for wearing their clothes or... or appearing in an ad. And I mean, I'll just write after this, maybe. Or just write and record and put out music and music videos and not really do much else. I just can't not do stuff with music, you know? I need to do something. But it's not as important to me as a baby. I'd give it all up for them if I had to, you know?" She shrugged, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "Yeah, I want a house. Nothing insanely huge, but I want a few bedrooms. I mean, I know I'm pregnant with this kid now but what if a year or two from now we want another kid? Then we need the space. Plus, we could use a spare bedroom and an office and stuff. But a good school district is important, yeah. I want to make sure that they're happy and they're safe and everything. I want something in a safe area that's a little quiet. Nothing too extravagant, but we have the money to get something really nice." She smiled gently, shrugging before chewing on her bottom lip. She was excited, really. She wanted to get a bigger place and settle into it and she just wanted to enjoy the entire process. "If we do want to move though, we need to do it now. I don't want to be house hunting when I'm waddling around because then I won't be able to help with packing all that much. At least now I can still help a lot."
Finn nodded understandingly. "I love you for saying that you would give it all up for them if you had to but you won't have to, baby. You'll still have your music and I'll still have my job but we'll make sure we make the time for our baby. I know my job can be crazy with hours but from the people I talked to at that dinner the other day I really think that I'm on my way to being promoted. And then I'll have more stable hours and it'll all be in perfect timing for this baby, too." Finn loved his job but he also wanted to be there for his child and Rachel. He wanted to be a father who was actively involved in his kids life no matter what. "I want all of that too, baby. And I - I like the sound of some extra space if we want another kid." The fact that Rachel was suddenly talking about having another kid and moving into a home made him know that she had been thinking about this for a long time even if they didn't always talk about it. She was ready to be a mom and even though he could see the fear in her eyes, he could also see just how excited she was too. "I'm up for looking into moving soon. I love this apartment and everything but I'd love to have a house, you know? A place we can really fully settle into. Oh and we can get a pool," he said excitedly. "Also, I just pictured you waddling around all pregnant and that's such an amazing image. You're going to look so cute with a baby bump." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel before he moved to sit up on the bed slightly, his back resting against the headboard. "I can't wait to move into a home with you and just... just really start our lives together, you know?"
Rachel wanted to move. Badly. She loved their apartment and her and Finn had experienced a lot there together, but she was ready to start their lives with their family in a new place. "Yeah. I mean, we just... we need extra space in general. There's going to be toys everywhere and I need my space. We need the space for our stuff and for the baby. And for any other little additions." She had dreamed for so long about what it could all be like and she was so happy to be able to finally have it all happening. "I really want a house. It doesn't need to be our forever home, but if we find something we really like, it could be something like that. I mean, we're at the point now where we can handle having a house. We're not moving all of the time anymore and we can just settle down and find a nice place. And yeah, we can get a pool." As he talked about her with a baby bump, she moved onto her side to look at him as he sat up. "I'm going to be waddling everywhere and it'll be really hilarious. It'll give me an excuse to buy more clothing even if it's maternity clothing for when I feel like a beached whale." A laugh left her lips, her shaking her head before she moved to sit up as well, sitting closer to him. "This is so crazy." She said, sighing. "I know I keep saying it but... wow. Just wow. I feel like I can barely figure out what to say. When we wake up tomorrow, I'll take the digital test and I'll see what it says. And I guess we'll have to get to the doctor as soon as we can. I know you always saw us getting to this point, but I never really did. Kids in my class back in high school talked about finding a man and having a family and then having a family and I could barely think about what I was going to do for dinner the next day. Now I'm having a kid. It's wild." She paused, running a hand through her hair. "And we'll have to tell people eventually. Not right now. But... our friends will probably freak out."
Finn was excited to just find a perfect home to share with Rachel. He knew it didn't have to be their forever home but it was going to be the home that they raised their child in and he was more than ready for that experience. "I can give you my t-shirts to wear whenever we're just hanging around the house and you'll look so cute in them. God, I can't wait for all of this. I mean, I know we might be getting ahead of ourselves but I don't even care, you know? I just want this with you so badly." When Rachel moved to sit up with him, Finn gently wrapped his arm around her and tugged her close to him. "I know," he said softly when she told him that this was crazy. "I'm in shock too. I mean, I'm happy but definitely in shock. And, I mean, I definitely thought about this my whole life but I never really thought about it seriously until I met you. It might sound weird and I - I never really told you this back then but I imagined this with you. I was so in love with you and I knew that it wasn't just some high school relationship, you know? I could see myself marrying you and having a family with you. And now it's really happening." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel and he knew that he had never been so content before in his life. "Our friends will definitely freak out but it'll be awesome. I think we should wait a little while before we tell anyone. I mean, I like the idea of this being our secret for a little bit anyway." He ran his hand gently up and down along her arm as he held her close to him, closing his eyes for a moment as a smile pulled up at the corner of his lips. "Hey baby?" he asked her softly as he looked down at her. "What are we gonna do about the wedding? I mean, I know we don't have anything set in stone but I - I don't know if you wanna get married pregnant or if we should wait until after you have the baby." Finn knew he was thinking way down the line but he couldn't help it. He couldn't help but think this way when he knew that there was a strong chance Rachel was carrying their child.
Rachel smiled a bit wider as Finn pulled her in closer to him. She loved that they were so close and that things were so great between them because if this had happened at any other moment, she didn't know how this all would have happened. She didn't know if they would both be as happy. As he spoke, she smiled gently and let a soft sigh escape her lips. "I never thought that this would happen so having this happen now is just amazing." She said, looking into his eyes. "I know that our relationship was something special, but I never knew how special it would really be. I just never knew. I'm happy that everything is the way it is now, though. I don't know where I'd be if I wasn't with you." She said, a smile on her lips. Their friends would most definitely be in shock, especially when they were just seriously talking about getting married again. "I mean... we've been engaged for a really long time now. I don't want to get married with a huge bump. I want a nice wedding but I don't want to wait. I want to have the baby and already be married. I get that it's hard to do but I mean, we can just buy any venue we wanted. We could rent out a fancy restaurant for the night as a venue if we can't get a random place to host a wedding. As much as I wanted a really extravagant wedding that I planned myself, I kind of don't want to wait that long. I've been waiting so long to marry you and I mean, I feel like we shouldn't do everything backwards. Maybe we should actually have rings on our fingers before I give birth to our kid."
Finn smiled softly as Rachel told him that she never realized just how special their relationship would be. "I don't know where I'd be if I wasn't with you either, Rach. You're the reason for so many amazing things in my life... the reason I took some of the risks I did and I know that without you I wouldn't be this happy." While they had their ups and downs, all of it was worth it because it brought them to where they were now. As they shifted the focus to their wedding, he nodded understandingly when Rachel said that she didn't want to get married with a huge bump. "I want to have the baby and be married too. I mean, obviously there's nothing wrong with having a baby and not being married but I think we both wanted to stick to the plan for the most part." Finn knew that him and Rachel had more than enough money to have the wedding that they wanted when they wanted. "We're actually going to do the socially acceptable thing?" he asked her with a laugh. "I like the sound of that though, I just want to marry you already too. I want you to be Rachel Hudson already." Finn bit down on his lip for a moment as he sat with Rachel, a smile on his face as he ran his hand gently up and down along her arm. God, he couldn't wait to marry her and just knowing that it was going to happen sooner rather than later made him so happy. "We're going to have a baby and speed plan a wedding? Our lives are about to get crazy," he said with a laugh as he looked into her eyes. "I can't wait to call you my wife. I just - I know it won't change anything about our relationship but I can't wait to just... to finally be married to you. I feel like we've been waiting so long to be ready for this and everything is really falling into place."
Rachel knew that they should probably just wait to get married so everything was perfect, but she was tired of waiting. She was tired of always worrying about their wedding and she just wanted to get everything finished. She wanted to be able to be his wife. "Okay, well, when we get back from vacation, we can buy rings, get a date a few months away, and have a small little wedding." She said, shrugging gently. "I'll get a dress and I... I'll get one that's not super fitted so I can wear it if I suddenly pop right before the wedding." She said, looking at him as he ran his hand along her arm. "I want to be Rachel Hudson, too. Really badly. It's going to sound really amazing when I tell people what my name is." She said, biting down on her bottom lip slightly. "It'll be really crazy, but I'm so, so excited. I mean, we can't really get married past six months from now. Then I'll be showing a little too much and I kind of don't want to be. It's okay if I'm showing a little bit, but I don't want to have some huge bump. If we can do it really son, then I mean, it would be more ideal, but... we'll see." She said, offering him a smile. "It'll be too stressful when I'm super pregnant. We'll be moving and we'll be going to appointments and stuff and I don't know, I'd rather just do it sooner rather than later. But it's up to you. I don't want to rush it, but I don't want to wait too long, either."
Finn nodded when Rachel said that when they got back from their vacation they could buy rings and set a date a few months from that point. It was crazy how fast everything was happening but he knew that they both didn't want to wait anymore before they got married. "I hope you know that when we get married I'm going to be telling everyone that you're my wife. Even random people on the street," he said with a laugh. "I don't want to wait either, Rach. But believe me, it's completely up to you with the timeline of everything. I mean, we're going to be moving, getting married and having a baby all in the span of nine months, you know? That's a lot of change and a lot of planning and I don't want you overwhelmed." Finn paused for a moment as he tried to think of exactly what they should do because he knew that he didn't want either of them getting stressed out. "Maybe we should hire a wedding planner for us, you know? Someone who can just get everything done for us so we don't have to worry. And that'll give us time to focus on moving. And then after we have the baby we can wait a little while and then go on a honeymoon once we feel comfortable leaving him or her alone." There was a lot in their lives that was about to happen but he knew they were both more than ready for it. "I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress," he said softly. "I just - I know when I see you that I'm probably going to cry." Finn laughed and shook his head for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I can't believe that I used to be the fourteen year old kid who sat in the cafeteria at school staring at you wishing that you would just look at me. And now we're getting married and having a baby."
Rachel laughed gently and bit down on her bottom lip as Finn spoke. "Random people on the street, huh?" She shrugged at his next comment, her appreciating that he at least didn't want to overwhelm her. He never did. "Yeah, I mean, I know. I don't want to be stressed out and I know that if I was stressed out, you'd be doing everything in your power to have me get de-stressed. I don't want to cram everything in, but we kind of have to. So the wedding planner might be nice to just have someone get everything together really quickly. I'll obviously be picking out everything, but she can set up all of the appointments and stuff to pick cakes and flowers and stuff and we just have to be there. Or she can do it herself if I tell her what I'd want." At his talk of a honeymoon, she nodded gently. She knew that she probably wouldn't want to leave their baby right away (if at all) but she knew that her and Finn could probably use a week to have some time to themselves. "It's my goal to make you cry, babe." She said, smiling at the kiss to the top of her head. "You always tell me stuff like that and I just... I find it crazy. I mean, I was such a bitch to everyone. Even to you before I really knew who you were. And then I was even a bitch to you back in high school, but I mean, I knew that I'd never be able to be a mom or be a wife with anyone else." She said, looking into his eyes for a moment. "I mean, I thought I'd always be in some shitty relationship with someone who didn't really love me until I met you, you know?" She really had to pinch herself sometimes to prove to herself that she wasn't dreaming now that she was with Finn and they were having a baby. "I don't know, I never expected any of this and then you just came into my life." She said, her turning slightly more towards him. "Well, now we have the entire vacation to celebrate having a baby and getting married extremely early. Hopefully I don't start getting morning sickness when we're on vacation. But I already know that I'm going to want you even more than I usually do all of the time. Especially because we'll both be wearing very little clothing," She teased gently, looking into his eyes. "I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. If I'm not in a bathing suit or something to go out in, we better both be naked."
Finn laughed when Rachel told him that it was her goal to make him cry when she was walking down the aisle to him. God, he couldn't wait for their wedding and he knew that even seeing her in a wedding dress was going to be absolutely surreal. "I wish you didn't find it so crazy, Rach. I mean, yeah, you weren't the nicest person in the world back then but you were inside, you know? I remember people used to shove me into the lockers when I walked down the hallway or laugh at me constantly and you just - you never did that to me. You were always nice to me even when all your friends weren't. And then you dated me which was even crazier." Finn loved that he made Rachel happy, that he made her feel special because he knew that he always wanted her to feel those things. Despite her tough exterior he knew that she was very sensitive and he always wanted to be the person to build her up when she was feeling down or feeling as though she needed to turn to drugs or alcohol. "I thought I wouldn't be in a relationship ever until I met you. I thought I'd never be able to talk to a girl let alone date one." As she began to talk about their vacation, he couldn't help but smirk. "This is going to be the best vacation ever. And believe me, I know you're not kidding when you say that. We'll pretty much be naked most of the time except when we're in public." A laugh escaped his lips as he looked at his girlfriend and he knew that he had never felt so carefree and happy in his entire life. Everything really seemed to be falling into place and he never wanted to forget this moment with her. "Hey, baby?" he asked softly as he looked down at her, a small smile on his face as their eyes met. "Do you ever think about how things were between us in high school?" he asked her gently. He knew that the topic wasn't exactly the best one in the world considering how things had ended back then but it was the start. It was what made them what they were today. "I just, I think back to those moments and who we were back then and I always just remember being so amazed that you loved me. I was so amazed that you even looked in my direction," he said softly. "Rachel, I know that you thank me a lot for being here for you through all this stuff but I hope you know how much you helped me too. You... you helped me believe in myself. You helped me like myself. Back then I hated who I was and I hated my life and I just focused so hard on school and the future as an escape but you made me see that I could really have it all, you know? You made me want the life that we have now and I will always be so, so grateful for that."
Rachel looked at Finn and she swore that every single day she fell even more in love with him. It was like he always knew what to say to her to make her happy or to immediately change her mood. He always was there for her and she was just so grateful that she had him, especially when she was struggling. "Babe, I'm not going to lie, you definitely weren't the most relationship-esque kind of guy, but I mean, it was fun to be able to change that. Believe me, I think about it all of the time. I sometimes think to how it could have been if things were a little different. Like... if I didn't say something or do something back then... we might not be here now." She said, smiling gently. She paused for a moment, playing with her fingers in her lap before she looked back up at him. "I loved who you were back then, babe. I do love who you are now even more, but I fell in love with who you were back then. I know that there were things that you wished you could have changed and believe me, I wished I was different, too. I hated myself back then, too. I hate myself sometimes now, too. I wish I was different and I wish that I would have just... kept control of myself back then. I wish that I would have been able to change things. Maybe I wouldn't be such a mess now, you know?" Rachel really wished that there would have been so much different, but she knew that things were better now. "I love that we have everything we ever wanted now. I'm so happy that all of those dreams we had are coming true. I love that things are finally falling into place. I mean, back then, I really thought I was going to be some no name artist fucking random dudes or being some groupie and I thought I'd be with Josh and just be unhappy. But the second I met you I knew that things were going to be different. I'm so happy with you and I know that I'm meant to be with you, but if I had just dated you in high school and partially in college, I would still be different. I would have... I would have known what it was like to have a solid relationship with someone who really loved me. I was used to people treating me like shit and I thought they cared about me but they didn't. I never really knew what everything was supposed to be like until I was with you. And I'm just so happy that I have you. We balance each other out and I just... I think we both needed each other."
Finn smiled softly at Rachel as she spoke, his hand still running up and down along her arm as he held her close to him. "Well, I hope you know that I loved who you were back then too. I mean, you were a little crazy with the drinking sometimes but you - you were so carefree and fun and you taught me to relax a little bit. You taught me how to have fun and be a teenager for once. But I love who you are now too, I mean, god, I've just fallen in love with you more every day since then. Even the time we were apart. You're not a mess, Rach." It broke his heart sometimes to hear her talk about herself because he wished she could see herself the way that he saw her. God, he loved her so much and he just wanted her to see all the reasons why. As she talked about where they were now and how she knew she was meant to be with him, he felt his heart swell with love as he looked down at her. "I thought that I'd be married to my career, you know? I'd go to school and become a doctor and that would be it. That would be my life. But you showed me how much more there is to experience," he said softly. "I know I'm meant to be with you too, Rach. I love you so much and I can't imagine a life away from you. We definitely balance each other out and I - I think that's why this baby is going to have the best life." A small smile pulled up at the corner of his lips as he held her close and he knew that he couldn't wait to experience this whole pregnancy with her. "When you think about it this kind of is really good timing for a baby. I mean, it's overwhelming to have a baby, move and get married all at once but, I don't know, this baby is going to help you stay sober," he said softly. "I know that you'd never even touch anything while you're pregnant and maybe this baby is a... a reminder to stay on a good path. There's no better reason to stay away from everything than a baby, you know?" Finn knew that Rachel would be an amazing mother and be very protective of their child, he knew that she wouldn't touch anything as long as she had that tiny life inside of her to be responsible for.
Rachel wanted more than anything to experience all of this with him. She never expected it before, but she was so happy that she finally had it. "Well, we really changed. I don't know, we both had such crazy ideas about what was going to happen and now we finally have it all." She said, looking at him with a smile. "I can't imagine not having you and everything we have." She said, looking at him and smiling gently. "I can't imagine a life without you, either. I can't imagine not having what we have now." She honestly couldn't imagine ever doing anything without him. As he started talking about the timing of everything, Rachel looked down and nodded gently. She didn't answer him right away, she just stayed silent as she tried to think through exactly what she wanted to say. "I know that you said you know I'd never touch anything and I just- I really want you to know that I'd never dream of doing that. I- I never want anything to happen to them. I just- I don't want to screw up anymore. And I just- I never want to do anything wrong to hurt them or to hurt us. I just want them to be happy." She said, bringing her hand to rub along her stomach for a moment. "I think it's very good timing, but I- I really wasn't expecting it. I knew that we'd probably have one pretty soon after we got married, but I never expected this so quickly. I mean, I love that this is all happening now, but... I just know it would have been a lot different if we planned it. Obviously nothing we ever do is normal or with good timing, but I am happy. I'm so happy. I mean, I always wanted to have a baby with you and now it's happening and it's so crazy. I can't believe it but I'm so happy. I mean, we're going to be parents. That's just so amazing to me," She said, her moving to press a kiss to his lips before pulling away and moving to lean against his shoulder to relax.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
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I think we clean up pretty damn good.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
I’m Yours
Tagging: Finn & Rachel Location: Fancy Place Notes: When Finn’s hospital holds a charity dinner, he finds it to be an awkward situation when him and Rachel are seated at the same table as Savannah.
Finn was nervous for the night ahead of him. The hospital he worked at was having a huge, fancy charity event and while he knew ultimately it would be fun, any kind of party always made him a little anxious. He looked over at Rachel as he buttoned up his shirt and he knew that he was relieved he'd have his girlfriend by his side. After everything that had happened with Savannah, things were a little awkward between them and while he understood his friend needing space, it wasn't like they'd be able to avoid each other when they worked together. "Are you sure I look alright, babe?" he asked Rachel as he pulled on his suit jacket, him smoothing out the fabric as he looked in the mirror before he turned to face her. "I mean, you're my date to this and you look like - wow, you look like a super model and I want to make sure I look okay. I - I mean, everyone I work with is going to be there and I know that they already probably wonder how I got a girl as beautiful as you are when I'm, you know, me." Finn stopped himself from rambling before he shook his head, knowing that he needed to stop with the anxiety. "Sorry, I don't know why I always get nervous before stuff like this. I just always feel strange being around some of these people outside of work, you know? Especially like, super important people. I mean, the owner of the hospital is going to be here and the head of the oncology department is going to be there too. I think I only met him like, once before."
Rachel knew that Finn was nervous. Even if it was with people he knew, he still got nervous and she totally understood that. Plus, he had been awkward at parties ever since he was young. Rachel offered Finn a smile as she saw him look over at her. "Yeah, babe. You look sexy. I never see you dress up and you look really good." She said, a small smile on her lips. She moved over to him and ran her hands over his jacket, her fixing his shirt and unbuttoning one of the buttons. "You always look really great, but you gotta let loose a little bit. If you think I look like a super model, you gotta keep one button open. You totally look even hotter now," She said, looking up at him. She laughed gently as she let go of his shirt and went to wrap her arms gently around his waist. "It's okay. You've always been nervous. And babe, you're like... a super star over there. It'll be really great. And honestly, if you have a shitty time, we can just eat and then hang around so you can network and then we can leave. It's all up to you. But... I think you'll have a good time." She said, pulling away from him to look into the mirror, pulling her dress down a little bit. "Are you sure it's not too short? I mean, I don't want to look like I'm trying to hard and I also don't want to look like... inappropriate or anything. I mean, everyone's a doctor here." She said, sighing for a moment before looking back to Finn. "Are you ready though? I mean, I'm not changing so if it's too short I'll just ignore the looks."
Finn smiled softly when Rachel said that he looked good and when she unbuttoned one of the buttons of his shirt, he raised his eyebrows as he looked down at her. "Gotta let loose, huh? I guess I can try and do that for you. I think that you just want to start the process of getting my shirt off so it's easier when we get home," he said with a teasing smile on his face as he looked down at her. When she wrapped her arms around his waist, Finn slipped his arms around her as well and he couldn't help but smile. God, he loved her more than anything. "I don't know about a super star but I guess I am kind of impressive. You know, being the youngest doctor at the hospital. It's kind of awesome." When she pulled away from him, Finn kept his focus on his girlfriend and he bit down on his lip as she tugged down on her dress slightly. Yeah, he was going to enjoy taking that off of her later, that much he knew for sure. "Rach, you look beautiful. It's not too short, I promise. You look insanely sexy in this dress and I'm kind of excited to show off my hot fiance tonight." A smile formed on his face as he stepped closer to her, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. "I'm ready, baby. And it's not too short, I promise. You look amazing and for someone so short your legs look like they go on for miles. I'm not going to be able to focus tonight." A laugh escaped his lips before he slipped on his shoes and once they were both ready to go, they headed out of the apartment and to his car. It didn't take long to get to the venue and once they arrived, Finn took Rachel's hand in his as they headed inside. He only took a few steps inside before he was being approached by the head doctor in his department and he offered the older man a small smile. "It's good to see you, Finn. Especially out of work. I made sure you had the day off for this, there's a lot of people I think you'll be excited to meet tonight. Oh - and you must be the famous, Rachel. It's nice to meet you, especially when this guy talks about you constantly," he said with a laugh, causing Finn to flush slightly.
Rachel really didn't want to be the talk of the night because she looked inappropriate, she just wanted Finn to be able to enjoy his time out with the people he knew from the hospital. "Well, thank you." She said softly, biting down on her bottom lip as she looked up at him. She kissed him back gently before pulling away and looking up at him. "That's the good thing about me. I may be shorter than anyone else, but I mean, my legs look really long. I'm still a midget compared to you, but it's fine." She said, moving to slip on her black heels as she walked with him to the car. She kept close to Finn as soon as they arrived at the venue and she held onto his hand tightly, intertwining their fingers and looking around. It definitely was a lot tamer than the dinners and parties that she had been to, but she just wanted to enjoy her time with him and she wanted to be able to keep calm, anyway. This was about Finn, not about her getting crazy. All she was going to do was have dinner, let Finn network, and just stay in his side so she didn't wander and feel tempted by anything. When an older woman approached Finn, Rachel smiled at the man and kept her hold on Finn's hand, her laughing gently at his words. "Oh, that's not the first time I've heard that from someone who works here," She said, a wide grin on her lips before she looked up at Finn for a moment. "It's nice to meet you too, though." Rachel said with a smile, outstretching her hand to shake his for a moment. "Finn always tells me a lot about everyone he works with, so I like coming with him to these kind of events to actually put faces to the stories." She wanted to appear friendly, especially because she really didn't know what anyone knew about her. She didn't want to assume they all thought she was insane, but she wanted to just be nice to everyone and hope for the best.
Finn smiled down at Rachel as she spoke. God, he loved her. "Well, you're definitely going to be meeting a lot of those faces tonight. And some new ones. I have someone I actually want to introduce you to, Finn. For a doctor as promising as yourself, I don't think it'll be long before you start rising up in the ranks." Finn raised his eyebrows in slight shock as his superior spoke, knowing that getting any kind of promotion would be amazing. It would not only mean better pay but better hours and more time to handle his patients the way he wanted to without always having to consult with other doctors. "Find your seats and mingle, I'll find you when he gets here." Finn nodded and smiled softly at the older man before he began walking towards the table with Rachel. "This is crazy, I can't believe he's already talking about a promotion," he said excitedly. Finn knew he was a good doctor. If there was anything he was confident about, it was his intelligence and the skills that he had learned in medical school. He was ready to get out of his residency. It had been three years and he knew that he wanted to be an established doctor in his hospital, he wanted to show that he was ready for that kind of responsibility. When they reached their table and Savannah was seated across from him and Rachel, Finn offered his friend a small smile. His smile fell when she forced a small smile back before looking down, hating that it felt so awkward between them when that was the last thing he wanted. "Hey guys. Um, for those of you who haven't met her yet, this is my fiance, Rachel. Rach, this is Kate, Adam, Brittany and Jay. And you obviously know Sav." When all of his co-workers greeted Rachel, Finn smiled before he pulled out a chair for Rachel to sit before he moved to sit down beside her. "Wow, we all obviously knew Finn was engaged to you but it's cool to meet you in person. Your music is awesome," Kate said with a smile. "You're the first famous person I've ever met." Finn couldn't help but laugh as he leaned back slightly and draped his arm over the back of Rachel's chair. "This kind of party must be so tame compared to what I'm sure you're used to," Brittany said as she looked Rachel up and down.
Rachel looked at Finn as the older man talked to him, smiling slightly as he spoke. She was really happy that Finn was so well liked at the hospital, especially because he was so confident and was so sure about his skills. Finn had wanted to be a doctor since he was in high school and she was so happy that he was finally able to do what he wanted. "Finn, believe me, I mean, you're working so hard and they really like you. I mean, if he's really important and he's saying that stuff to you, he clearly believes in you." She said, smiling gently at him as he led her towards a table. "I really hope things go well for you. I want you to just... really go up in the ranks and I want you to be happy." She told him, continuing to walk. As Finn introduced her to everyone, she smiled sweetly and just kept close to Finn. This definitely wasn't what she was used to, and she really did just want to relax and let Finn enjoy this time he had with his friends. "Nice to meet you. And uhm, thanks." Rachel said, sitting down. "I'm happy to be relaxing now. I love performing but I really want to relax sometimes," She laughed, looking at his co-workers with a smile before her smile dropped slightly at the other girl's words. "Oh, well, I mean... yeah. It's a little more tame than what I'm usually attending. But I wouldn't really count this as a party... more just a work dinner. I've been to award shows that are pretty tame. I'm more than happy to have some time to relax and to enjoy some time with Finn." She said, looking away for a moment and looking over to Finn after a moment. "Is it weird to be at a work dinner like this? I feel like you only ever see your co-workers when you're actually all stressed out at work," She said, running her hand slightly through his hair. She was glad for the most part that Savannah wasn't trying anything, especially because that was really the last thing she wanted to deal with. "I like your dress, Savannah." Rachel said as she looked at the girl, offering her a small smile, hoping that it didn't look overly nice. Rachel wasn't mad at the girl all that much, but she didn't want to be friendly and make Savannah think that things were perfect between them -- especially not after the talk they had not that long ago.
Finn loved how supportive Rachel was of his career. He knew sometimes it was overwhelming and took a lot of his time and focus but she had supported him from the very beginning. God, she was the reason that he had even gone to Stanford because he knew if she hadn't pushed him, he probably wouldn't have taken the risk. When Brittany made a bitchy comment, Finn suppressed an eye roll. While he got along well with all of his co-workers, he really couldn't stand her most of the time. "I feel like this is pretty similar to an award show, really. Except no rewards. But you know what I mean." Finn smiled as he looked at Rachel, his smile only widening when she ran her hand through his hair affectionately. "A little weird. Usually we're on in white coats or scrubs and running on three hours of sleep," he said with a soft laugh. When she spoke to Savannah, he looked over to his friend who was clearly trying her best to not look at him and Rachel. God, he felt horrible that she felt uncomfortable because of her feelings for him and he wish he could think of something to say to fix everything. "Oh - thank you, Rachel. You look amazing yourself," Savannah said with a small smile, clearly relieved that Rachel didn't seem to want to kill her. As all of them talked amongst themselves (mainly about work) Finn was happy to actually feel in his element at an event like this. There were a few people from his hospital that even walked over to their table to speak specifically to him and a part of him was shocked how many people knew his name and seemed to think so highly of him. When there was a break in his conversation with Adam, Finn turned to look at Rachel with love in his gaze. He ran his fingers through the ends of her hair and he smiled softly when their eyes met. "I love you so much. And I know tonight might be a little boring but I hope you know it means the world to me that you're here. I mean, you're basically the reason I'm even here in the first place for making me go to Stanford. I'll always be so grateful to you."
Rachel just wanted to be nice to Savannah. She knew that the girl was very clearly confused and she was trying to just let her work through it on her own. Obviously, Finn was oblivious. If he was acting to not be interested in her, Rachel knew that she would have been very easily able to tell that he was acting and trying to convince her otherwise. However, she didn't see anything, and Finn wasn't that good of an actor. As Finn continued to talk with his friends, Rachel tried to keep up a little bit and insert some of her own comments, but she just let Finn do most of the talking. She wanted him to have a good time and she wanted him to be able to enjoy his friends. As he turned to her after he was taking a break from talking, she looked at him and offered him a small smile. "I love you, too." She murmured softly, still looking at him. "And please don't thank me. Finn, you could have gone anywhere and been this successful. But I know that you wanted to go there and even if it hurt us at the time, I'm just happy that you're here now." She said softly, smiling gently and leaning forward to kiss him. She kissed him softly and pulled away, trying to tell herself that they were at a dinner with his coworkers, not at home or not with their own friends where she'd keep it going for a little bit longer. When she heard Savannah clearing her throat awkwardly and saw her pick up her glass, Rachel looked back to Finn more fully. "Everything is fine, right?" She said, her hand at his cheek before she leaned forward to kiss him softly again. She looked into his eyes as she pulled away, smiling at him gently. "I feel like I don't say it enough but I'm so proud of you, Finn. I really mean it."
Finn smiled softly as he looked at Rachel. "I'm happy I'm here now too. I'm happy we're both here," he whispered before they shared a soft kiss. When she pulled out of the kiss, he bit down on his lip. He knew if they weren't at an event like this that they would probably be more like their usual selves and be way more all over each other. When Savannah awkwardly cleared her throat, Finn glanced over at her and felt his stomach drop slightly. God, he felt so bad that she was uncomfortable and he truly didn't know what to do or say around her anymore. They hadn't spoken since she had kissed him the day before and he still hadn't talked to Rachel about what had happened either since it was so difficult for him to even process the fact that it had happened. When Rachel brought her hand to rest on his cheek and asked him if everything was fine, he nodded before he responded happily to her kiss. "Thank you, baby," he breathed out as she told him that she was proud of him. "I um, I do have to talk to you about something though." A waitress came over to their table to take their orders for their three course meals and once him and Rachel had ordered, he knew he had to explain what had happened to Rachel. He couldn't sit through this dinner without her knowing everything. "Come with me for a second, Rach," he said softly as he got up from his seat. "We'll be right back guys." Finn smiled at his co-workers before he headed off with Rachel towards a secluded hallway by the bathrooms. "So, remember how I told you that Savannah was avoiding me?" he asked her as he looked into her eyes. "Well, yesterday I pulled her aside at work to ask her why and she told me that she has feelings for me. And I - she told me that you knew that already. But um, after she told me that and said that she needed space... she kind of kissed me." Finn looked down for a moment before he looked back at Rachel. "I pushed her away right when it happened but I just need you to know. Because I can sense how uncomfortable she is and I feel bad because she likes me but I've never even thought about that with her, you know? I just don't know what to do because I'm not going to not kiss you or be affectionate with you but I also hate that it's hurting her feelings. This is so confusing," he breathed out, moving to lean against the wall as he shook his head.
Rachel raised an eyebrow slightly as he said that he had to talk to her. She knew it couldn't be anything that bad, but whenever anyone said they had to talk to her, it was usually something bad. And well, she wasn't exactly interested in dealing with any kind of bad news. "Uhm, okay." Rachel said softly, looking away from him for a moment and ordering when the waitress came over to take their orders. As soon as Finn started to get up from his seat, she bit down on her bottom lip and got up to follow him, her pulling down on her dress to stop it from riding up. She followed him away from the table and into a secluded hallway, her mind immediately moving onto just him. She started to wonder if this was just an excuse to get alone time, and she knew that she'd be more than willing to go along with it. "If you're trying to sneak me away to have sex, I'm totally down." She said, laughing before standing next to Finn. Her smile dropped as he started to talk, her just nodding at his words. "Yeah, she told me." She said as he talked about Savannah having feelings for Finn. If he was freaking out about it, she really wasn't that concerned, especially because she was sure that Savannah would stay away. Rachel was positive that the girl didn't want to deal with her. She raised her eyebrow slightly, her trying to start to speak but failing to make words. "I'm sorry, she did what?" She asked, her crossing her arms over her chest slightly. "I don't give a fuck if it's hurting her feelings. I told her to stay away from you," She said as she looked at Finn, rolling her eyes before looking away for a moment. "I didn't make a big deal out of her telling me what she did because I could tell she knew you didn't want her and shit, but like... I can't believe that she fucking kissed you." She paused, groaning softly. She wasn't really mad at Finn, but she was just pissed at Savannah. "I'm not pissed at you. I just really hopes she keeps her distance because if she even gets within breathing room of you, she'll wish she stayed away. I'm not dealing with this shit, especially because she knows that you don't want her." Rachel looked at Finn, unable to really wrap her head around everything. "I know you don't want her, but just in case you ever forget, you're mine. And I can give you as many reminders of that as you'd like. Because I'm not dealing with her pushing her way in. If she does anything else to you, you better tell me. Because I swear, I'll make her wish she never even tried." She wouldn't ever do anything physical to the girl, but whatever she said to Savannah would definitely get through to her head.
Finn wished he was trying to sneak away with Rachel to have sex but he knew that the conversation he needed to have with her was the opposite of a turn on. Immediately he could tell that she was pissed and while he didn't want her to be angry at Savannah, he also understood her anger. If someone had kissed Rachel, he would be pissed off at that person as well. "I can't believe she kissed me either. I was shocked and all of a sudden her lips were on mine and I pushed her away and asked her what she was doing. She told me that she wanted to know what it would feel like and then she - she apologized and ran away. This is my first time seeing her since then," he explained. As Rachel spoke, Finn nodded, knowing that he was relieved she wasn't annoyed with him for anything. He really was clueless when it came to other girls being interested in him because his only focus was on Rachel. Since he was in high school his focus had pretty much only been on Rachel. "Baby, first of all, you know I'd tell you if anything happened. I was going to tell you last night but it just took me some time to even process what she told me. And you don't have to remind me of anything, Rachel. Every time I look at you I'm reminded of how much I love you and how lucky I am. You are everything to me and no one will ever get in the way of that, I will never let that happen." Finn smiled softly as he looked down at Rachel before he dipped his head down to press a kiss to her lips. "You're my first kiss and I know you'll be my last too," he told her as he pulled away from the kiss, his eyes meeting hers. Rachel was his everything. She was the woman he was going to marry and have a family with and while he cared about Savannah as his friend, he also wasn't going allow anything to get in the middle of his relationship. Him and Rachel had come way too far for anything or anyone to get in their way. "Do you think the rest of this night will be okay? Or should I see if we can move tables?" he asked her. "I just don't want you to be uncomfortable at all because I know sitting with her is awkward."
Rachel really wanted to be more pissed off. She was extremely pissed off, but she knew that if she heard that Savannah had done anything worse, Rachel wouldn't be standing here right now, she'd be walking right towards the table to talk to her. "Fuck." Rachel said softly, looking down for a moment. "I know you'd tell me. I just want to make sure that you don't feel bad telling me anything but I want her to know that she can't do any of this. I don't want to let her just think she can do whatever she wants to resolve her feelings or whatever. She just is pissing me off because I told her the other day that she needed to stay away from you." Rachel said, sighing. She looked down at his words before looking back up at him, smiling against his lips softly. "I love you so much, but you realize that this is why she has feelings for you, right? I mean, come on, babe. You're way too nice and I love that you are the way you are, but you're perfect. And I love you for it, but you might be a little too nice to other women," She said, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "You're gonna be my last everything, too. I know it." She said, her looking up at him. Rachel really didn't think that the rest of the night would be a problem, especially because she didn't want to make things more awkward for Savannah. "No. If we leave, then she's going to feel worse. And then she's going to hate me even more because she's going to think that I said you can't sit with her or hang out with her anymore. It'll be fine. And I'm not uncomfortable. I'll continue throwing our relationship in her face. I really don't care." Rachel said, shrugging gently before moving her hands to his shirt and smoothing out a few wrinkles. "I know you're not going anywhere. But thank you for telling me and not just hiding it all from me." Rachel said, wrapping her arms around his waist before leaning up to kiss him. When she pulled away, she looked into his eyes and smiled gently. "Let's just go back so we're there for our food. Because I mean, I'm here to support you, but I'm also here for the food." She laughed, grinning as she pulled away from him slightly.
Finn nodded understandingly as Rachel spoke. "I will always tell you anything that happens, I promise. But nothing like this will ever happen again now that I know how she feels." When Rachel told him that the reason Savannah had feelings for him was because he was too nice, he sighed softly. "I uh... I'll try to be less nice? That's what Savannah told me. That I was too nice. But this is how I've always been and no one liked me in high school." A laugh escaped his lips for a moment before he shook his head, knowing that he definitely never thought anything like this would happen to him. "She doesn't have any reason to hate you but maybe I need to learn not to care too. I shouldn't hold back how I feel with you just because it might make her uncomfortable. She knew I was with you when we met and she... she needs to get that through her head and get over me." Finn knew he would still feel bad but he was really trying to just focus on him and Rachel and let everything else fall to the side. "I will always be honest with you, Rach," he breathed out as she wrapped her arms around his waist, him moving his hands to rest on her hips as they shared a soft kiss. "Very true, we can't forget the fancy food." A laugh escaped his lips as he pushed off the wall to follow after Rachel, him teasingly tugging her dress down a bit. "I'm also here for the view but I'll remind you how much I appreciate that later," he whispered in her ear before he moved his hand to the small of her back as they walked back into the dining room and towards their table. He loved being teasing and playful with Rachel, especially when he knew it drove her crazy in the best way. This was supposed to be a fun night and he wasn't about to let any drama with Savannah ruin it. When they returned to their table, Finn moved to sit down and once Rachel was seated beside him, his arm was right back to being draped over the back of her chair. "Am I gonna have to start making use three course meals for dinner to compete with events like this?" he asked her playfully as he focused solely on her while his co-workers continued to talk amongst themselves.
Rachel was glad that Finn was on the same page as her. She was glad that he wasn't concerned about showing off their relationship in front of Savannah. Honestly, Rachel didn't care at all. Rachel would make out with Finn right in front of her for all she cared. "Exactly. I mean, we just should be together and not worry about what other people think. I mean, it's her problem and she needs to get over it. I'm sorry, but just because she wants you doesn't change what I'm doing with you." She wanted to show off, if she was honest. That way, hopefully, Savannah would get over everything. Rachel grinned at Finn's words as he whispered in her ear, her looking over at him. "Mm, apparently we both have the same thing on our mind. I mean, you were the one accusing me of already trying to get your shirt off before." She said, a grin on her lips as they walked back to the table. She wanted him. Badly. But she pretty much always did -- it hadn't changed since they were young. Now? She just wanted him even more because she had spent so much time apart from him. As soon as they were sitting again, she smiled as he draped his arm across her chair and she looked over at him. "Oh, shut up. I don't need three course meals all of the time. I'll have you for dinner and then wake up and you can make me breakfast," She teased, a grin on her lips. "You spoil me at home with dinner. But I got a lot better at making food for myself and for you. I'll get better at making meals, I promise. I just need some recipes and I can give you whatever you want." Rachel looked over at the waitress as she came with one of their courses, her looking over at Finn. "I may be home more to make you dinner like a real housewife, but babe, sorry, I will never be making you a three course meal." She laughed as she went to start eating.
Finn raised his eyebrows as Rachel spoke. "You'll have me for dinner?" he asked her playfully. "I like the sound of that." It made him happy that him and Rachel were in a good place and while he felt bad for everything that was happening with Savannah, he also wasn't going to let it get in the way of his relationship with Rachel. This was his fiance and he wasn't going to allow anything or anyone to fuck up what they had. "You're good at making food, baby. I just like cooking and I like cooking for you. And I like when you distract me when I'm cooking too." When she said that she would never make him a three course meal, he couldn't help but laugh. "I don't expect you too, Rach." As he started eating his food, he glanced up and held back a sigh when he saw how quiet and uncomfortable Savannah was. He felt bad, he did, but he was trying his best to just not think about it since there was nothing that he could do. It didn't take him long to clear off his plate and as he leaned back in his chair, a content sigh escaped his lips. "Everyone has been talking about you tonight, man," Adam said. "I think you might be the first one of all of us to get out of your residency." Finn raised his eyebrows in surprise and tried his best to hold back a smile. "I - really? I mean, that would be cool but I'm not any more qualified than you guys are, you know?" He offered Adam a small smile and when his co-worker just laughed and shook his head. "You're way too nice, man. You're a really great doctor." "Oh well... thank you. That means a lot." Finn smiled at Adam before he turned his focus back to Rachel, looking at her with love in his eyes."Did I mention how much I love this dress on you?" he asked her, a playful smile on his face. "And I love that I get to see your legs." Finn moved his hand to rest gently on her knee, his fingers brushing against her soft skin as he sat contently beside her. He was so happy that he had Rachel by his side for this because as much as he liked his co-workers, he needed the fun and the good conversation that only his fiance could give him.
Rachel hoped that Savannah felt incredibly awkward. Rachel didn't want to be a bitch (or maybe she did) but she honestly didn't care what she felt. If Savannah had kissed Finn and was trying to resolve her feelings, then she could see exactly what she was missing. And Rachel was going to make it more than clear that later they'd be bringing the celebration home with them. Rachel honestly didn't care about her, but she did care that she was Finn's friend. Rachel got along with her, but Rachel wasn't going to get along with her when she was trying to go after Finn. "You're a great doctor, Finn. I don't even see you work but I hear all of your stories that you tell me. I know that people really like you. And people have been coming up to you practically every five minutes so they can talk to you." She said before looking at his friends. "I'm sure all of you guys are great, though. Anyone who's a doctor honestly amazes me. I don't know how you guys do it. It's nice to have a doctor around but whenever I have a cold he goes batshit crazy trying to get me better. I don't even want to imagine what he's like when we have kids and they're sick," She said with a laugh before she looked back to Finn as he spoke to her. As his hand rested on her leg she felt a small smirk rise on her lips as she grabbed onto his hand, bringing it slightly further up her thigh. "Did I mention how much I'm going to love seeing it on the floor?" She whispered softly as she looked at him, her squeezing his hand on her thigh. "I love that this is one of the only places that you're actually being super talkative and you're super in your element. Who knew Finn Hudson was such a party person? I guess you're only allowed to let loose when you're with other doctors."
Finn smiled at Rachel. It was difficult for him sometimes to take praise but it did make him happy that people were really acknowledging his hard work and his dedication to his job. He loved being a doctor so much and he knew that he was going to spend his whole life helping people. "Our kids better not get sick, I definitely won't be able to handle it," he said with a laugh as he looked at his girlfriend. As he place his hand on her thigh, he knew he was entering into dangerous territory but he didn't even care. He loved when the two of them were teasing and playful with each other, especially since it only made the end of the night even better. When she grabbed his hand and slid it further up on her thigh, he raised his eyebrows as their gazes met. "On the floor, huh? That sounds like a pretty good place for it too," he said playfully, him biting down on his lip as he continued brushing his fingertips against her soft skin. God, they were only one course into this dinner and he was already ready for dessert. "I guess I'm only a party person when I'm around other nerds," he said with a soft laugh as he shifted a bit closer to her. "Plus, I'm always in my element when I'm with you, baby. And, I mean, I'm also feeling pretty good tonight, you know? I'm definitely in the mood to celebrate." A smirk pulled up at the corner of his lips as he moved his hand up on her thigh just a bit more, his fingertips toying with the fabric of her dress as he looked into her eyes.
Rachel smiled as he bit down on his bottom lip, her looking into his eyes. The second Finn touched her, all bets were always off. Usually, she was the one with her hand under the table on his side, but she was really honestly surprised that the night was having them switch roles. Then again, he was the one who was really comfortable tonight and she wasn't all that comfortable. She was fine, but she just didn't want to deal with Savannah or some of his friends that she didn't know all that well. As he moved his fingers along her skin, she already found herself wanting to leave. Then again, this was his dinner, and she wanted to just let him enjoy himself. She wanted to go home and just be with him the way she wanted to. "You're more than in the mood," She said, looking at him and moving to bite down on her bottom lip. "I really love seeing you like this. It's really hot when you take control and get all handsy." She teased quietly, her hand moving to squeeze his for a moment before moving her hand to his leg. She knew that she was being obvious, but she was just trying to be close to Finn. "Just to let you know, we're skipping dessert. Or if you keep acting the way you do, I'm taking you in the back or we're going to the car and acting like teenagers trying to sneak off." Rachel went to look at his friends for a moment before looking back to Finn. "You know, I'm actually having a good time. I feel like we've been locked up in the apartment. Or well, I've been locked up in the apartment. It's nice to get out. A little weird. It feels a little weird to be somewhere like this and not be... I don't know. But I'm just happy to be with you, I guess."
Finn smirked when Rachel told him that he was more than in the mood. He knew that him being in control like this was a huge turn on for her and he loved catching her off guard with it and teasing her. God, he loved her so much. "If you love seeing me take control and get handsy then you're really going to like me later tonight," he said playfully. When she moved her hand to his leg, he knew that the two of them probably looked like they were in their own world but he found himself not caring at all what anyone else thought. This was his fiance and if he wanted to spend the night focusing on her then he was going to do just that. "I mean, I guess us sneaking off or leaving before dessert depends on you because I know that's all you've been thinking about since we left," he said playfully. When she told him that she was having a good time and that it was nice to get out, he looked at her with a smile on his face. "I'm having a good time too and it's all because of the fact that I'm here with you. Maybe we need to have nights out a little more often, you know? It doesn't matter what we do, as long as we're together I know we'll have fun."
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thefinny-d · 6 years
Here Comes the Hurricane
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“Told myself that I was fine It was something that I’d just ignore That I’d feel a weight lift up The moment that I followed through But I guess I fooled myself Cause I never really wanted to”
- “Hurricane”, Parachute
Finn didn’t know what he had done wrong. Ever since his movie night with Savannah and Rachel, Savannah had been avoiding him like crazy. She wouldn’t answer his phone calls and she replied to texts with one word answers. He had no clue what had happened but he missed his best friend and he just wanted to fix whatever he had clearly messed up. This was not only one of his best friends but his co-worker as well and it was strange for the two of them to be so far apart when they were in the same building for most of the day. As much as he hated confrontation, he knew that he had to talk to her. He had to get to the bottom of whatever was going on.
When he spotted Savannah walking down the hallway facing away from him, he hurried up to her, knowing that this was his only chance. “We need to talk,” he said quickly before he gently grabbed her arm and tugged her into an empty exam room.
“Finn, what the hell? You scared me,” Savannah said once he let go of her arm, her placing her hand over her chest for a moment.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you but I don’t know how else to talk to you. I mean, come on, Sav. You’ve been avoiding me like crazy. I – I don’t know what I did but whatever it is, I’m sorry. Ever since we’ve met we’ve talked like every day – especially at work – and it’s been so weird just… feeling like we’re not even friends anymore.”
When Savannah looked at him with sadness in his eyes, Finn grew even more confused. God, he just wanted to know what the hell was going on with her.
“You have no reason to be sorry, Finn. You didn’t – you didn’t do anything. I’m the problem, not you,” she said softly as she continued to avoid eye contact with him.
“What do you mean you’re the problem?” he asked her curiously as he stepped a bit closer to her, causing her to look up at him nervously.
“I – I don’t know when it happened… I think it was when Rachel was on her tour but things just… they started to change,” she said softly, only causing him to feel even more confused. What did Rachel have to do with any of this? “I started seeing you differently, Finn. I… the reason I’ve been avoiding you is because I have feelings for you.”
The second the words escaped Savannah’s lips, his eyes widened in shock and she quickly looked away from him as her face flushed.
“You have feelings for me,” he repeated softly as he looked at her.
“Yes. And I – I’m not stupid, I know you’re with Rachel and you love Rachel. I would never try and get in the middle of anything or confuse you. You and Rachel are perfect for each other and I see how happy you are with her. I see that’s where you’re meant to be. It’s just – it’s hard, Finn. It’s hard hearing you talk about how in love with her you are and it’s hard seeing you two together when I feel the way that I do. I don’t even know the exact moment when I started feeling like this but ever since I have I can’t get you out of my mind.”
“Savannah, I – I’m sorry. I had no idea you felt this way, I wouldn’t have talked about Rachel with you if I knew it was hard for you.”
“No, Finn, stop. You have no reason to be sorry. Rachel is your fiancé, of course you’re going to talk about her. I don’t need you to protect my feelings. God, see? This is why it’s hard to be around you, Finn. You’re just – you’re so you all the time and it’s so easy to get feelings for you,” Savannah said as she ran her hand over her face in frustration.
“What do you mean, I’m so me?”
“Finn, you’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. You’re… you’re so considerate and compassionate towards literally everyone. You’d give a stranger the shirt off your back. And you’re really, really attractive. I know you think that you’re some awkward kid sometimes but you’re not, Finn. Every girl that works in this hospital has a crush on you even if it’s impossible for you to see it.”
Finn didn’t know what to say as he looked at Savannah, truly shocked both at her admission and at the fact that she was telling him that there were other people who liked him as well. God, he really was clueless if that was the case because in his opinion the only person who ever really had interest in him was his fiancé.
“I think I just need space from you, Finn,” Savannah said softly. “It’s hard being around you when I feel like this and I know that I just need time to get over myself. I want to be at your wedding and I want to hang out with you again and just – just be your friend. I don’t want to feel awkward or jealous. But I’m going to need a little time and a little space to get myself together.”
Finn just nodded for a moment as he looked at Savannah, pretty sure that he was still in shock by all of this. “Space, right. I can – I can give you that, Sav. Whatever you need.”
“Thank you, Finn. Oh and – I already spoke to Rachel about how I feel that night I came over. So, please just – tell her that I finally talked to you and that I’m taking space to get over this whole situation.”
“You talked to Rachel? About having feelings for me?” he breathed out, his shock increasing when Savannah nodded. “And you’re alive?”
Savannah laughed softly and shook her head as she looked at him. “I’m alive, Finn. Probably only because you care about me but regardless, she was pretty understanding about the whole thing for the most part.”
A brief silence passed between the two of them before Savannah stepped away from him slightly, her eyes meeting his for a moment as she offered him a small smile. “I’ll see you around, okay? If you need me, let me know but in the meantime I just – I just need some time.”
“I – okay,” he said softly. “I’ll see you around.”
Finn stood there for a moment, still reeling from everything she had said as she moved towards the door, her turning around to face him while her hand rested on the door knob.
“Hey, Finn?” she breathed out softly.
Before he could even turn to face her fully, Savannah had made her way back over to him and leaned up to press her lips to his. Finn stood there in shock for a moment, his eyes wide before he moved his hands to her shoulders and gently pushed her away from him. “Sav, what are you doing?” he whispered as he looked down at her.
“I just – I needed to know what it would feel like.”
Finn watched as her eyes filled with tears before she stepped away from him, clearly in shock by what she had done just as much as he was.
“I-I – oh my god. I’m so sorry, Finn. I just – I need to go.”
“Savannah, wait –“
Before he could say anything else, she hurried out of the room and he stood there in total shock, unable to believe that the girl he thought was simply just his best friend had kissed him. A part of him felt bad because he hadn’t felt anything and he knew she probably wished he did but he couldn’t help it. His heart was with Rachel. His future was with Rachel. All he could do was hope desperately that space from Savannah would help bring his best friend back to him without it causing her any more pain.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
I Miss Those Days
Tagging: Finn, Rachel, Taylor & Jeremy Location: Finchel’s Apartment Notes: When Finn invites Taylor and Jeremy over in an effort to fix things between them and Rachel, things don’t go the way he planned.
Rachel knew that this was a bad idea. She knew that having Taylor and Jeremy over was a terrible idea. She didn't want to have them over and she really didn't want to talk yet, and she knew that it would have been sooner if Finn hadn't been so worried about upsetting her because she had actually been doing decently at staying sober. It wasn't exactly easy and she was trying her best, but being at home and isolating herself for a little bit just with Finn definitely helped everything. She doubted that it would go well, no talks with Jeremy ever went well, and she hadn't really talked to Taylor all that much, but she didn't want to get in a fight with him when nothing was horribly wrong with him. But Jeremy had gone after her so many times over the phone. "I really don't think that this is going to go well." She said, looking over at Finn as she grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen. "I just... I know they're fine with you and everything but Jeremy literally hates me and Taylor hasn't spoken to me in months." She sighed softly for a moment and looked down before she heard a knock at the door. "Just... stall them for a little bit. Make them feel comfortable even though I know the second they see me they're going to freak out, so I doubt it really matters," Rachel spoke quietly to make sure they didn't hear her before she went towards her and Finn's bedroom, shutting the door most of the way to hide herself so they didn't see her and immediately want to leave.
Finn was going to make it his mission to fix things between, Taylor, Jeremy and Rachel. During her tour he had tried his best to get them to calm down about everything that had happened and while it had worked with Taylor for the most part, it definitely hadn't worked with Jeremy. Finn knew Jeremy was much more stubborn and headstrong than Taylor but they were his best friends and they had been Rachel's best friends. God, he just wanted the four of them to be able to hang out again the way they used to. In an effort to fix things somehow, he had invited the two of them over and had simply just not told them that Rachel was there. He hoped if they were forced to talk that they would and that it might fix things. When Rachel said that it wasn't going to go well, he sighed softly as he looked at his girlfriend. "Baby, I don't know if this is going to go the way we want it but... this needs to happen, you know? You three need to fix things and this might not do it but it could be the start." When there was a knock at the door, Finn nodded when Rachel told him to stall. Once she was in their bedroom, he made his way over to the door and smiled at his friends as he stepped aside to let them in. "Took you long enough," Jeremy said with a laugh, causing Finn to roll his eyes. "You're finally free for a little while? I thought we'd never see you again since Rachel has been holding you hostage. By the way, I think you're an idiot for getting back with her and just taking care of her like you always do, man. History is just going to repeat itself," Jeremy said as he plopped down onto the couch, Taylor sitting down as well. It was clear to Finn that Taylor was tired of Jeremy talking shit about Rachel just as much as he was and he sighed as he moved to sit down as well. "First of all, she hasn't been holding me hostage and second of all, we were never broken up, just on a little break. And history isn't going to repeat itself. She's doing so well and I'm really proud of her." A few moments passed and Finn finally got Taylor and Jeremy talking about video games to distract them before he got up and headed to the bedroom. As he stepped inside, he offered Rachel a small smile. "Okay, they're distracted. I'm not sure how well this is gonna go with Jeremy but Taylor seems like he's coming around. He actually seemed annoyed with Jeremy when he was talking about you so I think things might be okay." Finn paused for a moment before he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. "I love you, okay? And I have your back no matter what. Now let's... let's go try and fix things, baby," he said as he took her hand in his and began to lead her out of the bedroom, knowing that he was going to be her support no matter what.
Rachel really didn't want to do this. She didn't want to have to sit through a conversation with Jeremy especially when she knew how horribly it was going to go. Jeremy hated her. The few times he called her on break, she was pretty sure there was more insults than actual talking. And all of it was just to yell at her about Finn, mostly. Now that things were fine between her and Finn, she just wanted to resolve everything and move on. And if she couldn't resolve things, then she just wanted to be able to at least smooth things over a little bit so she could just move on with her life and not feel so shitty about everything. As Jeremy talked about her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest slightly as she paced back and forth in her and Finn's room. "Fucking asshole." She mumbled under her breath, shaking her head slightly. She was exhausted of listening to all of the insults, especially when things weren't even that horrible anymore. She was pretty sure that her getting to rock bottom was enough to serve as punishment. She didn't want to hear it all anymore. When Finn got into the room, she nodded and went to kiss him back before she started to walk towards the living room with Finn. Immediately, she saw Jeremy and Taylor's expression change, but Jeremy right away stood up, him looking over at Finn. "What the fuck, man?" Jeremy said, Rachel looking away. "God, am I the devil to you? Just sit down so we can talk. I'm just... tired of this. Please, sit down." She said angrily at first, trying to calm herself down so she didn't get him even more frustrated than he already was. "Sorry. Just- please. I want to talk. I can't do this anymore. For once I just want you to just listen and just accept that I'm not trying to ruin your life. Please." She said again, her rubbing her arm for a moment.
Finn sighed when Jeremy immediately grew angry the second that he spotted Rachel. Yeah, he wasn't sure how great this was going to go. "Jeremy, relax, okay? Just - please just let her talk. I know that you're still angry but the three of you used to be best friends. We need to try and resolve this somehow." Finn just wanted everything to be okay between the three of them, he wanted everything to go back to normal and he knew that unless they talked, it would never happen. "And why would I want to listen to what you have to say, Rachel? The only reason you even have Finn on your side is because you're sucking his dick," Jeremy said angrily, immediately causing Finn to get pissed off. He wasn't an angry person but with Jeremy constantly insulting Rachel, it made him way more annoyed than he wanted to be. "Dude, shut the fuck up, sit down and listen to her, okay? I don't care how you feel about her right now. If you have any respect for me at all then you won't talk to my girlfriend that way and you'll give her a chance to speak." Jeremy raised his eyebrows at Finn and sighed before he sat down on the couch and crossed his arms in annoyance. "Fine, I'll listen to what you have to say, Rachel. But I'm doing this for Finn, not you." Finn sighed and shook his head before he shifted his focus to Rachel, offering her a small smile as he ran his hand gently up and down along her back. He knew she needed to get this off of her chest. Hell, repairing things with them was just another step on her path of sobriety and he was proud of her for going through with it even though he knew she didn't want to.
Rachel immediately grew angry the second Jeremy continued to talk. "Fuck you. Maybe you wouldn't be in such a pissy mood if someone was sucking your dick." She spat, looking into his eyes as he continued to be angry and stay frustrated. As Finn tried to defend her, she took in a deep breath and looked away for a moment waiting until he sat down again, crossing his arms. "That's what it's always for, right? It's always for Finn? You told me that every single time that you called me on the phone to yell at me. That it was just all for Finn and not for me. I just want you to listen." She said, moving to sit on the love seat that was in the living room so she hat at least some kind of distance from them. "Look, I get that you're pissed at me and all, but I'm pretty sure I've gone through enough punishment for you to at least be a little nicer to me. I want you to at least not hate me, okay? I get that I hurt you and everything but-" Jeremy laughed, her looking away for a moment so she didn't immediately roll her eyes. "I know part of it is just be being a bitch and I'm sure some of it is about the money and if it's about the money and you want a cut, I'll give you it. I don't care. It's not about the money for me. I just want you to... to be able to at least talk to me and be civil. I get if you don't ever want to make music together again and that's fine. I want a break anyway. But we just... need to be able to be civil. I know that you don't give a fuck about me and that's fine but I-" "Don't give a fuck? That's an understatement. You ruined any chance of that in that meeting. I don't understand why you're even trying." Jeremy said, her sighing. "You did fuck up, Rachel. I mean, it's not like you just didn't include us in something. You really fucked us over." She groaned, running a hand through her hair. "But I didn't. You didn't even look at the contract. You looked at the first page and left and you said I was ruining your career and being a fame hungry bitch. But guess what? You were in there. And you didn't give a fuck, you just left. I had to have someone rewrite the entire contract to get your name out of it for legal reasons. I never wanted to be doing it alone. I wanted you involved. I just am so tired of this. If you want something, let me know. I'll do whatever, I don't care."
Finn was nervous for this conversation but he knew that it had to happen. He moved to sit beside Rachel on the love seat, knowing that he just wanted to be close to her in case anything got heated between her and Jeremy. When Jeremy laughed as Rachel spoke, Finn sighed as he looked at his friend. He understood that the guy was upset but he wished that Jeremy could somehow just move past everything that had happened when Rachel had been in a bad state of mind. "I don't want anything from you. And you know you wanted all the fame to yourself. Why would you want us along for the ride when we were just buzz kills on your path to fame and all the drugs that came along with it." The second the mention of drugs escaped Jeremy's lips, Finn felt himself getting annoyed again. "Hey, you have no idea what you're talking about Jeremy. Look, at that meeting there was clearly huge miscommunication between the three of you. Maybe pushing you guys to the side is what the management wanted but it wasn't what Rachel wanted. She never wanted you guys to be out of the picture. Clearly that management was all wrong anyway and she isn't with them anymore. The three of you had something so special and you shouldn't throw it away because of this." "Oh, I'm sorry, Finn. Were you at the meeting?" Jeremy said before a laugh escaped his lips. "Because I don't remember you being there at all. You know what she told you and obviously you're always going to take her side." Finn clenched his jaw as he looked at Jeremy angrily. "I didn't take her side, Jeremy. I listen to both sides of the story and I think all three of you were in the wrong. I think that the management wanted Rachel on her own and they played their little game with all of you to turn you against each other to get what they wanted. But what they wanted isn't what Rachel wanted and she's been through hell and back and all she wants is to make peace with you guys."
Rachel sighed at his words and looked down for a moment, knowing that while he was very upset, he was also right. "I don't want to throw things in your face. Yeah, I was stupid and I got involved with bad shit but you guys weren't saints when we were on tour the second time together. You guys slept around and drank and got involved with bad shit. I was just trying to have a good time and I take things to extremes. I just want you guys to be back in my life again. Somehow. If it's not now, that's fine, but I want to just work on at least talking again. I miss you both. Even if things are horrible between us. I miss it all." She said, looking over at him before keeping quiet for a few moments. "Exactly, I just- Finn wasn't happy with me either and I get it. But all you did was feed him horrible information about me. He knows that I'm not perfect and that things were blown out of proportion. But I just- I'm tired of this and I want to go back to the way it used to be. If we ever wrote together again it wouldn't be small venues, we'd be selling out stadiums and we-" "Write together again? You have to be insane. I'm not sitting in a recording studio with you again. I have enough money, I don't need to stay with you to make money. I can do my own thing." Rachel just looked at him, nodding after a long pause. "And you're right. You can do that. And I... I'd be happy for you. But I just- I want to try and be us again. I miss just being able to be us." She said as she looked at him before looking to Taylor. "You're being quiet." She said softly, "Say something. Please." She wanted him to be involved, and if she thought she could get through to anyone, it would be him. "I'm just thinking." Taylor said, looking down for a moment. "Thinking?" Jeremy said as he tried to get involved in the conversation again. "Thinking about what? You're being an idiot if you're believing her. She's done enough already. SHe's just going to go crazy again and fucking go off the deep end. You never stay sober for that long." He said, looking at her. She knew he was trying to hurt her, and she didn't blame him. "Why are you being so mean? God, I just- I'm trying, doesn't that mean something to you? I've been doing shit since I was fifteen years old, I don't think it's exactly an easy road. So leave me the fuck alone with that shit."
Finn winced when Jeremy immediately dismissed the idea of ever writing with Rachel again. He knew his friend was just being angry and trying to hurt Rachel but he wished that he would stop. God, he wished that they could all just go back to the way they used to be. "Come on, Jeremy. If you want to do stuff on your own, that's great but you guys were all awesome together. You all wrote some amazing stuff together." Jeremy just stayed silent and shook his head and Finn hated that he was making this so difficult because of how stubborn he was. When Rachel shifted her attention to Taylor, Finn smiled softly at his friend when he said that he was thinking. However, when Jeremy started to get angry again, Finn looked at him angrily. He was tired of this. Tired of Jeremy telling Rachel she was going to relapse, tired of Jeremy acting like everything that had happened was all her fault. "You know what Jeremy?" Finn started after Rachel spoke, feeling himself getting more pissed off than he had been in a long time. He didn't like fighting but he was done with this situation. "I'm done with the way that you're talking to my girlfriend. I've been in the middle of this stupid fight for months and you know what? The only person who can't seem to just move past it is you. Rachel apologized, Jeremy. She said that she was sorry and I don't know what else you want from her but that's all she can do. If it's not about the money and it's not about the fame then I don't know what it's about but you're not going to stand here in my fucking apartment and talk to Rachel like that. You know how hard it is for her to be sober, you've seen how hard it is for her and you talk to her like that? Like she's just - like it all means nothing? This is the woman I'm going to marry, Jeremy. Does that not matter to you? She's working on being sober and will this be the final time? I - I don't know. But I know that I love her and I know that she really wants to be sober and she really wants to get everything back on track. You using her addiction to attack her is wrong and I'm not going to stand here and let you say that shit." Finn crossed his arms angrily as he looked at Jeremy who seemed shocked that he had made him so pissed off. "Come on, dude, this isn't about you. I know you feel like you have to defend her because she's your girlfriend but this doesn't have anything to do with you so just stay out of it." "No, it does have something to do with me when you're sitting here insulting my girlfriend and if you want to keep going then you can get the fuck out of my apartment," he said angrily.
Rachel really didn't want to deal with Jeremy practically yelling at her the entire time. She just wanted things to go smoothly, but it seemed as if he was insistent on ruining her entire day by his horrible words. She just wanted to have a nice day and fix things and he was ruining them. She was honestly just glad that Taylor didn't seem to be attacking her, and she hoped he was just as tired of the drama as she was. While she didn't want Finn to fight her battles for her, she was grateful that he was at least standing up for her. Jeremy was being terrible to her and he had been terrible to her for the past few months. While Taylor had been mean to her in the beginning of everything, he at least didn't attack her over stupid things. Rachel was honestly surprised by Finn's words. She had only seen him this upset on very few occasions, and every time it surprised her. If she wasn't so upset, she knew she'd definitely be turned on by him acting this way, but she knew that this definitely wasn't the best time. "You're the one who said it was lonely at the top, right? How fucking lonely do you feel right now? You always say I'm alone here, but who do you have?" She asked, him looking at her. "God, you're such a bitch sometimes. You want me to leave and not insult the addict? Fine. Don't bother inviting me back. I'm tired of listening to the shit that comes out of her mouth because I know it'll change a week from now." Jeremy went to stand up, him running a hand through his hair. He looked to Taylor, Rachel moving to look to him as well. She didn't blame him if he left, but she really wanted to at least fix things with one person if anything. "Are you coming or what?" Taylor sighed, looking to Rachel before looking back to him. "Uh, I'm gonna stay, I think. I'm tired of this shit." Taylor said, sitting back a bit in the couch. "What?" Jeremy said, Taylor just looking down and off to the side slightly to avoid his gaze.
Finn didn't want to fight with Jeremy but his friend was leaving him no choice with the way that he was talking to Rachel. When she told Jeremy that it was lonely at the top, Finn knew that she was right. Jeremy had become so consumed in his own anger that he was the one alone. He had become exactly what he was angry at Rachel for doing all those months ago. "Don't call her that, Jeremy," he said angrily when he called Rachel an addict. His eyebrows raised in surprise when Taylor didn't want to leave with Jeremy and while he was glad that Taylor seemed to be coming around, it wasn't often that the two of them were apart. "Wow, you're really going to stay here?" Jeremy said as he looked at Taylor angrily. "Fine. Stay. You guys can go fuck yourselves." When Jeremy stormed out of the apartment, there was a silence that fell over the three of them and Finn bit down on his lip as he looked from Taylor to Rachel. "So that went... that went pretty bad," he said before a sigh escaped his lips. "Honestly, I think that needed to happen. He's been miserable to be around for weeks because of this and I'm tired of all the fighting. I just want things to go back to normal. And I miss all of us making music together." Finn knew that things had to be bad with Jeremy for Taylor to say what he was saying and he was relieved that they had at least gotten him to open up. "I just don't understand what his problem is. Rachel apologized and it's not like that meeting happened yesterday. It's been months and he still hasn't calmed down," Finn said, running a hand through his hair before he leaned back on the couch beside Rachel. He wanted things to be okay but he also knew that there was nothing any of them could really do other than give Jeremy time.
Rachel looked at Taylor as he spoke after Jeremy walked out, her just nodding sadly. "I just... I'm so tired of this. I know I fucked up and I've done so much to try and fix it and no one is even trying to resolve anything. I just want to talk things out. I'm so tired of fighting and of being mad at each other." She paused for a moment, looking over at Finn for a moment before looking back to Taylor. "I wasn't thrilled with everything in the beginning, but I mean, he was just pissed off for months and I can't listen to him complain anymore. I'm just tired of it. And like I Said, I want to just... make music. Not be involved in drama." He said, sighing softly. "Me too, Taylor. And I- I want to just do our own thing. I want to be able to make what I want to make. I don't care if we have to make our own label or find an independent label because I mean.... we have the money and we'll get people to buy the album. And I want to keep things a little bit more low key. I mean, we'll still get huge venues but I can't do this... constant every day shit. I was practically locked in a recording studio for two weeks." She looked at him and she shrugged, offering him a small smile. "I want to keep things normal and I want to go back to us. If you want to make music, we can make music. He'll come around eventually but I... I know he needs some time. I want to just write and find a place to record and take things slow. And if Jeremy never wants to come around then... it'll be you and me." She said, him sighing for a moment. "I feel bad for not going with him because I've like... been on his side and shit, but.... I'm just exhausted with trying to be pissed at you."
Finn nodded understandingly when Taylor said that he just wanted to make music and not be involved in any drama. "We're all tired of it Taylor, believe me. I don't know what's going on with him." When Rachel told Taylor that she wanted them to do their own thing, that she wanted to make music on their own terms, he smiled softly at his girlfriend. He knew that taking everything slow was exactly what she needed after what she had been through. It was obvious that the fast pace she had been dealing with wasn't healthy for her and Finn knew that if she could take her time and stop touring for half of the year that she would be able to focus on staying sober. "Taylor, you shouldn't feel bad. I know he's your best friend but he's in the wrong here. For months I've been trying to talk to him about this - you know that - but it just seems impossible, you know? Maybe he does just need to be on his own to understand that what he did wasn't right." Finn sighed softly for a moment before he turned to face Rachel, him offering her a small smile. "I'm sorry for the way he talked to you, by the way. I'll never let anyone speak to you that way, especially about your addiction," he told her. "So you're really going to be sober this time?" Taylor asked softly as he looked at Rachel, offering her a small smile. "I'm not - I'm not trying to sound like a dick when I ask that too. I just - I'm happy for you, Rachel. It's really obvious when you're sober because you always seem a lot happier." Finn smiled at Taylor before he looked back to Rachel and rested his hand on her thigh. "This time around is going to be different, I know that for sure. And I know Jeremy will see that eventually too."
Rachel sighed gently at Finn's words. "I know that no one should talk to me that way, but I- I get that he's upset but I'm still annoyed by it. I've heard people say shit about me in magazines and stuff but hearing it from someone who's close to you kind of makes you feel like shit." She said, looking down for a moment. "I want to just forget about it. I'm not worrying about it." Rachel looked up at Taylor as he started speaking to her, just nodding gently. "Yeah, uh, I know you're not trying to sound like a dick, I can tell you're not. I want to be sober. Finn and I want to finally have our wedding and we want to start our lives and stuff and I just... I don't want to touch anything anymore. I'm so tired of making myself feel like shit." She said, her looking at Finn for a moment and smiling gently before looking down and bringing her hand to rest on his hand that was on her thigh. "I want to do all of the things I wasn't able to do before. I want to get married. I want to have a baby after we get married. I want to still make music, but I don't know. I want to just... be me and not worry about what other people think." She shrugged and bit down on her bottom lip. She knew that things were still not perfect, but she was trying her hardest. "I've been sober since I got home. I had my last concert and Ed took me to his house and kind of locked me in his house. It sucked. Bad. I never felt so shitty in my life. Physically mostly, but god, I just... felt like shit. And I don't want to get to rock bottom again. I don't want to go through all of that hard shit again. I want to just be friends and work and figure things out." He nodded, offering her a small smile. "I get that. And I saw that performance. Someone took a video of it. The songs were great, but I could tell that you were uh... not all there. You looked high out of your mind. But I mean, I know Finn is gonna help you the most, but I'll help you and keep you distracted if we're out together and stuff. I'm not an expert at helping you like Finn is, but I've been your friend for a long time now. I just want to help you, too. I like seeing you happy and I know Finn does, too."
Finn couldn't help but smile as he heard Rachel talk. Just hearing her say that she wanted to get married and that she wanted to have a baby was something that he was pretty sure he'd never get tired of hearing. It meant the world to him that she wanted all of those things with him and he could tell by the look of Taylor's face that it amazed him to hear her say that as well. While she had said it before, he knew when she said it now that she meant every word. God, he could see it in her eyes. "I still haven't watched that video of your performance. I don't... I don't really think that I can," he said with a soft sigh. "But happiness and sobriety is the main goal and I know that you can do it, Rach. And we're going to be here to support you." Finn smiled at his girlfriend and he knew that while things were still shitty with Jeremy that having Taylor on their side was exactly what Rachel needed. Progress. God, they just needed some kind of progress. A comfortable silence fell between them for a few moments before Taylor spoke up, a small smile on his face as he looked over at Rachel. "A baby, huh? You being away really did change you because I mean, I know you wanted to have kids but you've never said it like that." Finn smiled at Taylor’s words before he looked at Rachel with love in his gaze. "This is it this time, I know it is," he said softly. "Soon enough we'll be married and wow - we'll really be ready to have a baby." Finn smiled at the thought of having a kid with Rachel, knowing that while it was a little scary that it was also exactly what he wanted. "Alright, calm down before I become a third wheel," Taylor said with a laugh.
Rachel knew that she wanted a family with Finn and she wanted to get married and just have a normal life. She wanted to be able to just do normal things with him and start their home together. "I really don't want you to see it. It's not horrible, I just look really out of it. The song was great and everything and everyone said the concert was amazing, I was just a little out there, that's all. You don't have to watch it, though. And I know, I just- I want to be happy and if that means taking it slow with the music shit and just enjoying myself, then I'll do that." She paused for a moment and shrugged gently at his words. "See? I'm not even blushing anymore when I talk about it, so I know that I really do want it and I'm not just... saying it because I want to rush into it. I just want to take it slow still, but I want it in the future. I want to get our own house and be able to do normal things with Finn." She said, her leaning into Finn slightly before laughing gently at Taylor's words. "Sorry, sorry. We'll stop. But I just- I really do want to thank you for staying here and sitting and talking with me. I want to give it a little bit until we jump back into the music thing, but I do want to write with you again. And we can just do things at our own pace and find a good label and just be our own management, you know? I want to make what we want to make." She said, him nodding. "We'll take a little break, but we can hang out and write and stuff. And Jeremy'll come around eventually. I just think he's convinced you're like the devil or something, but I'll talk to him. We'll figure it out. And if he never comes around then... we'll just see what happens. Until then, we'll do what we do best and we'll just have fun." He said, Rachel sighing softly. "Okay. I want to sound like us again. No more mainstream pop stuff." Taylor laughed, nodding. "You were never a pop princess. We'll go back to being us."
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thefinny-d · 6 years
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Lazy day with my girl.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
Three’s A Crowd
Tagging: Finn, Rachel & Savannah Location: Finn & Rachel’s Apartment Notes: When Savannah comes over for a movie night with Finn, Rachel begins to see that Finn’s friend may have more than friendly intentions.
Finn was truly beginning to feel as though everything was normal again. After spending a few days holed up in the apartment with Rachel trying to get her and their relationship back on track, he was back to his routine. He was back to work and back to feeling like things could get better even if it had once felt impossible. As long as Rachel was committed to being sober, he knew that she could do it and he was so incredibly proud of her. "Savannah's coming over for a movie night tonight, Rach. You're more than welcome to join us. This is her night to choose what movies we watch though so I'm not sure what she's bringing," he said with a small smile on his face. He had gotten home from work a couple hours earlier and he was ready to just relax with his two favorite people, that much he knew for sure. When there was a knock at the door, Finn shifted his gaze over to it and he smiled when Savannah let herself in. "Ready for movie night? I brought some horror movies! I figured we could channel the creepy doll sub genre," she said with a laugh as she walked into the apartment, her face falling slightly at the sight of Rachel. "Oh, hi, Rachel! It's so good to see you again," she said, clearly trying to force a small smile. "Rach is gonna join us, Sav, I hope that's alright." "Of course that's alright! No problem at all." Finn smiled at his friend before he headed into the kitchen to get some popcorn ready while Savannah set down the DVDs she had brought on the counter. "How have you been, Rachel? I'm glad you're home, this guy was going crazy without you," Savannah said, clearly trying her best to force a smile before she shifted her gaze longingly towards Finn. "I was definitely going crazy, that's for sure." Finn was so happy that everything was back to normal and he knew that he just wanted to hang out with the two people who meant the most to him.
Rachel really didn't mind what Finn wanted to do with his friends. Not at all. And she figured if anything, she was the one who was ruining his daily routine, especially because she had been gone for so long. She didn't care if there were any days that she had to just relax in her and Finn's room to give him space, especially because she knew that he probably had plans and she didn't want to ruin them. But she knew that Finn and Savannah had a long time to get closer without her in the picture, and while she knew Finn would never try anything, she really didn't know if Savannah would. She doubted it, but she also didn't know the girl that well. "You know I don't care who you have over, Finn." She said, shrugging gently. "I'll hang out with you, though. I don't want to sit in our room all night if you're going to just watch movies." After cleaning up a bit and putting some blankets by the couch, she stopped when she heard Savannah's voice and moved more towards Finn, her stopping herself from raising an eyebrow when she saw Savannah not seem extremely thrilled that she was there. "Oh, yeah. It's so nice to see you again." Rachel said, trying to be overly nice. "And I've been great. Finn and I have had a lot of alone time, which definitely helped. It's amazing what some TLC can do, you know?" Rachel said with a soft smirk as she looked at Savannah before moving towards Finn and wrapping an arm around his him for a moment, grabbing onto the fabric of his pants before letting go and leaning against the counter. "I was clearly going crazy, too." Rachel said with a small smile. Rachel wanted to make sure the fact that she wasn't going anywhere painfully obvious for the girl, especially since Savannah already was incredibly obvious. Rachel knew that every girl at some point grew feelings for their best guy friends, and well, clearly the girl thought that it would have been the perfect opportunity since she was gone. Unfortunately for her, Rachel didn't plan on going anywhere and she'd continue to make that fact known. "Finn is going to need some relaxing nights now that he's working again. The past few days have been spoiling him because he hasn't been working. You still have to deal with me, though. And I can imagine that's more annoying than work," She said with a teasing smile, looking over at Finn.
Finn smiled as Rachel and Savannah spoke, glad that the two of them got along so well. When Rachel wrapped her arm around him, he looked down at her happily. The two of them had definitely been all over each other since she had gotten home and he knew that he would never get tired of the closeness that they shared. God, he loved her. "Babe, I don't have to deal with you. You're not annoying at all, especially when you spoil me," he said teasingly before he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. He pulled away when the popcorn was finished, completely oblivious to the saddened expression on Savannah's face as she stared down at the counter for a moment. "I am glad you're back at work though. It's boring without you,"Savannah said, her looking up at him with a small smile on his face, one that he returned quickly. "Oh, I'm never gone for that long, Sav. I'm a workaholic, I can never be away for too long," he said with a laugh. "Let's get started on these movies. What do you have for me, Sav?" Savannah smiled at him before she grabbed the DVDs and walked into the living room. "Um, first movie is Dead Silence," she said as she handed the DVD to him. Finn set down the popcorn on the coffee table as Savannah sat down on the couch, her eyes on him as he leaned down to set up the DVD player. "I'm pretty sure I saw this back in the day but I don't really remember it at all," he said, looking behind him at Savannah who quickly averted her eyes, not wanting to be caught staring at him. "Yeah, me too." Once the movie was set up, Finn plopped down on the couch and he patted the spot beside him for Rachel. "The tag on your shirt is sticking out,"Savannah said with a laugh, her leaning towards him slightly to tuck the tag back in his shirt, her hand lingering on the back of his neck for a moment before her face flushed and she pulled away, quickly avoiding eye contact with him and Rachel. "Oh - thanks Sav. What would I do without you making sure I don't look like a mess all at the time?" he said with a laugh, her looking over at him and smiling softly before she looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap.
Rachel already knew tonight was going to be annoying. Ridiculously annoying. But now that she knew that Savannah was going to be all over Finn, she knew she couldn't exactly leave. Rachel kept near the kitchen for a moment and went to grab the blanket from the stash she put near the couch, her standing as she looked at Finn, waiting for him to sit down so she could sit half on top of him as usual. Honestly, her and Finn were all over each other all of the time, and she loved that they were able to be so close yet not act incredibly ridiculous all of the time. They were all over each other, yeah, but they didn't take it to extremes. Rachel kept her eye on Savannah and rolled her eyes as she tucked the tag of his shirt in, her moving to sit next to Finn. She took the blanket and covered both her and Finn up with it, immediately moving into his side and moving her legs over his lap slightly while she rested her head on his chest. She usually fell asleep a lot if her and Finn ever watched movies, but she was determined to stay awake to make sure she didn't miss any conversation. That, or feign sleep to see if Savannah would be more open with Finn. "Well, I'm ready to watch some horrible horror films. They're always so fake its cringy. But I guess that's what makes them good. Because I mean, the actors always try so hard to get what they want or they do stupid shit and get caught so it's just really surprising why they even try, you know?" Rachel said, looking over at Savannah for a moment before looking up at Finn. She resumed the spot against his chest as she got comfortable again, still holding onto him to stay close.
Finn looked down at Rachel as she shifted into his side and he smiled as she covered them with a blanket and moved into his arms. He draped his arm over her shoulder, holding her close to him as she draped her legs over his lap. Finn dipped his head down to press a kiss to her forehead as she rested her head on his chest and he knew that he always felt so incredibly content just getting to have moments like this with her. "If common sense was a thing in horror movies none of them would exist," he said with a laugh. Savannah leaned forward to grab the bowl of popcorn as the movie started, her grabbing a handful before offering it to him and Rachel. "I don't want you guys thinking that I'm hogging the popcorn," Savannah said with a small smile as she shifted closer to him, keeping the popcorn on her lap. "You're always hogging the popcorn," he said, a laugh escaping his lips as he nudged her playfully. Savannah laughed before she bit down on her lip and brought her focus to the movie, trying her best to take her focus off of Finn. His focus was completely on the movie that was playing and he was completely oblivious to the way that Savannah kept glancing over at him, her gaze longing. "I'm starting to remember this movie now, I think but I won't spoil what I remember happens," he said with a laugh, his eyes on the screen as he reached for more popcorn. Finn's hand missed the popcorn bowl and he accidentally touched her thigh, causing Savannah's face to flush slightly. "Woops, sorry, Sav," he said as he glanced down at her, laughing for a moment before he grabbed more popcorn. "Don't be sorry," she said softly, looking up at him before looking back at the movie.
Rachel honestly felt like tonight was going to be a huge eye roll. Honestly, she had never even acted this way with Finn when they had first gotten together and she honestly felt like it looked like Savannah had never even had a relationship with the way she was acting towards Finn. Then again, Rachel wasn't the subtle smile and say nothing kind of girl, if she was into someone, she'd tell them so, and that was usually how she ended up in most people's beds, but that had been a long, long time ago. But still, even with Finn, the process was long to actually be with him, and that's how she knew that it was real. Plus, she was pretty sure that they'd always find their way back to each other. Somehow. As Savannah told Finn to not be sorry, Rachel sighed and shook her head slightly against Finn, her just relaxing against him and attempting to concentrate on the movie before she moved her hand slightly underneath the blanket, making sure it wasn't visible. She moved it to the waistband of his pants, one finger teasingly running along the skin right above it, her hand underneath of his shirt. Savannah could say all she wanted, but Rachel had the advantage of actually being able to be with him. And while Savannah was normal and she could give him anything honestly, Rachel wasn't about to leave and give up her one shot at actually being who she wanted to be. Rachel was trying to keep calm, but every single stupid thing Savannah did was pissing her off because she knew it was stupid for the girl to even try. "I don't know how people sit and watch all of these movies for fun all of the time. I swear, I'd never pay actual money to see a movie like this in theaters. It would be a waste. And it's so typical. It's like... the first person who fucks someone else in the group dies and them people just start dying left and right because they're stupid." She said as she moved her hand slightly under the waistband of his pants, just resting it there for a moment against his warm skin.
Finn was enjoying his movie night with Savannah and Rachel and he hoped that the three of them could hang out more often. It made him happy that the two girls got along because she was really the only friend he had left aside from Sam and Artie that could be around Rachel. Taylor and Jeremy weren't options anymore, at least for the time being. When Rachel moved her hand beneath the blanket, he was completely oblivious. However, when her hand slipped beneath the fabric of his shirt and her finger ran along his skin at the waistband of his pants, he flinched slightly. "I mean, I wouldn't pay money to see them in theaters but watching them is fun, you know? It's all about the element of suspense," Savannah said in response to Rachel. Finn kept quiet, all of his focus quickly shifting to Rachel's hand as she moved it beneath the waistband of his pants. "Rach," he whispered softly, him looking down at her with raised eyebrows. He didn't know what she was up to but he knew if she kept moving her hand that the movie was going to be the last thing he was thinking about. God, just having her hand so close to where he pretty much always wanted her hand was a massive distraction. "Oh my god, what an obvious death," Savannah said with a laugh. "Right, Finn?" At the sound of his name, Finn turned to look at Savannah for a moment, him nodding. "Oh um - yup. Super obvious, that's crazy," he said with a laugh. He quickly brought his gaze back to his girlfriend while Savannah looked at him in confusion before bringing her focus to the TV. God, him and Rachel were never able to make it through a movie together - they hadn't been able to ever since their first time and he knew watching a movie with her and Savannah probably hadn't been a great idea. "Where are you going with that hand?" he whispered in Rachel's ear, being sure to keep his voice quiet so Savannah didn't hear anything.
Rachel was barely paying attention to the movie, but she doubted Finn was either the second she heard him whisper her name. She looked up at him for a moment and smiled gently, licking her bottom lip. Since they had first had sex, they had pretty much been all over each other, but she really did try to control herself when other people were around even if she didn't do a great job of it. She didn't do a great job in general of controlling herself in any kind of situations. "Hm?" She murmured softly, feigning innocence. She stopped moving her hand for a moment as Finn moved down to whisper in her ear, her shrugging and smirking for a moment. "Movies and us are a great combo. Right, babe?" She whispered incredibly softly, looking into his eyes for a moment before leaning up to kiss him, letting her lips linger against his for a moment before pulling away and moving her hand against him, her fingers gentle. She really wasn't trying to do anything too intense, but she did want to get his mind on her and only her. Then again, Finn was pretty oblivious to when any girls flirted with him, so he probably didn't even know what was going on, but even if he did, he at least wasn't thinking of it now. Rachel brought her gaze to the movie for a moment as she moved her fingers slowly, moving away from him after a moment to not get him too worked up. She moved her fingers along his hip before they dragged closer, teasing him again. "The best horror movie I ever saw was It Follows. It was my kind of horror movie. You had to fuck other people to give away the scary thing following you so it didn't catch you and kill you. I mean, it was super mentally scary. Not this stupid jump scare shit that I've seen a million times."
Finn knew that Rachel was more than aware of what she was doing to him and when she told him that the two of them and movies were a great combo, he couldn't help but smile softly and shake his head. Before he could say anything she pressed her lips to his and he sighed contently into the kiss, him moving his hand that was around her to rest on the curve of her waist. When she teasingly moved her hand against him, his breath hitched in his throat for a moment. "Rach..." he breathed out, his voice trailing off for a moment as he looked down at her while she brought her gaze back to the movie. He squeezed her waist gently before he slipped his hand beneath the fabric of her shirt, wanting to feel her skin beneath his touch. God, he already couldn't focus on anything other than her and she had barely done anything to him. "I've never heard of that one, it sounds interesting though. I got a bunch of these movies from some of our co-workers that suggested them. I don't know their taste too well though," Savannah said with a laugh as she looked over at Finn who was staring at the screen in an effort to keep himself calm. "The next movie is from Kate, I don't know about her taste, she's scared of everything. Remeber when you scared her just sitting down at the table with us, Finn?" "Yeah! I love that movie too," he said quickly, immediately causing Savannah to furrow her eyebrows as she looked at him in confusion. "Um, you okay?" Finn shifted his gaze to his friend and nodded, offering her a small smile. "Yeah, I just - sorry, I was just focusing on the movie. Really just want to watch the movie and um, not ruin the suspense." Savannah stared at him as he looked back to the screen, her expression one of confusion as she looked from him to Rachel before returning her gaze to the TV as well.
Rachel could remember back to when her and Finn first got together back in high school. If she had done any of this to him now, they'd either be naked in this same spot, or he'd be in a much worse position. But now, he obviously was a lot more in control of himself, so she knew that he would be more than fine. "Oh, yeah, well, it's really good. You should watch it one time." She said, not even looking over at Savannah. Rachel kept her gaze on the movie for a moment before moving it up to look at Finn, laughing softly at his answer to Savannah's question. Obviously, he was very distracted, which was just how she wanted the night to go. She just wanted his mind on her and honestly, everything would be fine. SHe'd deal with everything else another time. "Yeah, you don't wanna ruin the suspense, Finn." Rachel said softly, her pressing a kiss to his chest before she hid her face slightly against him, sighing gently against him as she moved her fingers gently against his skin for a moment. Rachel moved her hand against him again for a moment before pulling her hand away from underneath of his pants before she just rested her hand against the fabric of his pants, relaxing against him. "I'll give you a break before things stray away from PG-13." She said as she went to whisper into his ear. "I'll give you a break before I have to take you in another room," She said with a soft smirk against his ear, her smiling as she pulled away to rest her head against his chest. Honestly, while she was distracting Finn, she was distracting herself, too. She always tried to be doing something lately, especially because she knew that the second she was just sitting idle, her mind started to wander and she started to think about things she didn't want to. And even while Savannah was here with the two of them and making Rachel frustrated, it was better than sitting in a silent room doing nothing to start thinking about things that were tempting.
Finn both loved and hated how easy it was for Rachel to distract him with such a simple touch. He was weak when it came to her but there was really nothing that he could do about it. She knew him and his body more than anything and she knew the little ways in which she could touch him or talk to him that could totally shift his focus onto her and nothing else. When she teased him once more, Finn bit down on his lip, looking down at his girlfriend with lust in his eyes before she tugged her hand out of his pants. "Nothing with you is ever PG-13 for long," he whispered, him returning her smirk when she said that she would give him a break before they went into another room. "Just wait until later," he whispered in her ear as she leaned against him, knowing that he was definitely going to drive her crazy with teasing later that night for doing that to him. If it had been Taylor and Jeremy, he probably wouldn't have cared as much but he really didn't want to make Savannah uncomfortable in any way. Finn dragged his fingers teasingly against the curve of her waist as they watched the movie, him wanting just a little bit of revenge for her touching him and totally distracting him. He dipped his head down to press a soft kiss to her lips and when he pulled away, he smiled as their eyes met. "You know what, I - I think I should head home," Savannah said quickly, causing Finn to tear his gaze away from Rachel and focus back on his friend. "What?" he breathed out, him sitting up slightly as he looked at her when she sat up on the couch. "I don't - I don't feel good suddenly and I - I should probably sleep it off. And I don't want to get you guys sick too if this is something that's contagious,"Savannah said quickly. "Sav, if you're that sick you shouldn't drive home. You can lay down in our guest room if you need to." "N-No, no, that's okay. I - I'd rather be home in my own bed, Finn. Thank you though." Finn had never witnessed Savannah so shaken up before and while he could definitely tell that she was upset, he didn't understand how something could have come on so quickly. He moved his hand to rest on her forehead and she pulled away from his touch as if he had burned her. "Sav, you don't feel feverish. Did you eat something weird?" he asked her. "Maybe. I - I just need to go home. You guys can finish the movies, I just - I need to go home."
Rachel sat up a little straighter as Finn moved to sit up, her holding onto the blanket slightly as she sat on the couch, seeing Savannah clearly worked up about something. She figured it was her and Finn, but of course, Rachel wasn't going to make any comments when Finn was sitting right there next to him. Honestly, Savannah was probably just jealous and annoyed, and Rachel didn't blame her. She was all over Finn and Finn was just as much all over her, so Rachel didn't want to put anything in her face. And really, Rachel didn't think they were being that inappropriate -- they had only kissed a few times. And if that was enough to make Savannah this upset, then she really had it bad for Finn or she was just really sensitive. "Oh, I understand wanting to be in your own bed. You probably should go home and take some Advil and sleep it off. I'll help her out to her car, Finn." Rachel said as she went to sit up and get off of the couch, her putting the blanket back onto the couch. "If you're not feeling good, I don't want you falling over or something. I'll make sure you get to your car okay and you can call us later and let us know that you got home okay." Rachel went to put a pair of shoes on, her running a hand through her hair. "Come on, I'll help you." Rachel said sweetly, an overly nice smile on her lips. Finn would obviously be oblivious to anything that was going on between them, but she wanted to make sure that Savannah knew she wasn't playing around. And plus, she wasn't going to let Finn take Savannah down there, especially not when Savannah was so worked up and would probably do anything to get his attention.
Finn looked at Savannah worriedly as she said that she didn't feel good, knowing that he really did want to help in any way he could. However, she seemed to not want his help at all and he backed off. If she really wanted to come then he figured that was what was best. When Rachel offered to help her out to her car, he smiled at his girlfriend. "That's really nice of you, baby," he said softly. "O-Oh, okay. Thank you, Rachel," Savannah said, clearly caught off guard by her offer. Savannah got up from the couch and Finn did as well, walking towards the door with the two of them. "I'll give you the movies back when I see you at work, okay?" he said to Savannah who simply forced a small smile and nodded at him. "Feel better, Sav." Finn leaned down to give her a hug goodbye and she held onto the fabric of his shirt tightly for a moment, closing her eyes before he pulled away from her and offered her a small smile. "Bye, Finn." Finn couldn't help but feel as though something was off with Savannah but he chalked it up to the fact that she didn't feel well. God, he just hoped it wasn't something that would keep her out of work since the two of them often worked together. As Savannah walked down to her car with Rachel, she knew that the brunette was aware of what was going on and she just hoped that she wouldn't have to talk to her about anything. "Thanks for helping me out. I um - I don't know what came over me," Savannah said as they approached her car, just wanting to get home and try and get her new affection for Finn out of her system.
Rachel just nodded slightly as Finn spoke. "It's no big deal, I'm just trying to help her out a little bit. If she doesn't feel good, I'm just not going to let her walk down there all by herself." Rachel said, sighing gently. As they said goodbye, Rachel looked away for a moment, moving to open the door. As soon as Savannah said goodbye, Rachel started to walk out the door, her looking back to see Savannah walking behind her. Rachel knew she wasn't sick so she didn't bother really waiting up for her, she just continued to walk to the parking area. "You're welcome. And you're stupid if you don't know what came over you. The whole world can see it." Rachel said, stopping next to her car. Rachel went to lean against it, crossing her arms over her chest. "I get it. You're all nervous and acting like a love struck little girl around Finn. But you should probably get it through you're head that he's not going anywhere. And you may think you're being obvious to him, but he doesn't even know when a girl other than me smiles at him." She said, clearly not amused. She paused for a moment, just staring at her. "You should probably learn to get him out of your mind because he's not going anywhere, sweetie. But I mean, it was cute the first time you looked at him with those little doe eyes and you've probably been doing it for a long time while I've been away, but I'm back and I'm not going anywhere. So learn to love your place as his best friend because that's what you're going to be."
Finn knew that a lot of people thought negatively towards Rachel but he wished more of them could see this side to her that he loved more than anything. This side to her that was so incredibly caring. As Savannah walked with Rachel out to the car, she hurried to keep up with Rachel and she looked at the other girl in surprise when she began to speak. "Rachel, I'm not - I'm not trying to steal him from you," Savannah said softly. "I know he's not going anywhere and I know that he - he's oblivious. He only has eyes for you." While Savannah wasn't trying to sound hurt, she was and it was difficult for her to admit this to the girl who had the man she had found herself developing strong feelings for. "Please don't call me sweetie, Rachel. I know my place, okay? I get it. I'm his best friend and that's it. It's just that while you were away it - it felt like it was just us, you know? And I know that's wrong and I know you two are it for each other but I - I don't know. I developed feelings. Please don't tell him, I just - I'll get over it, I promise. I think I just need space from him for a while to... to get over this." Savannah wasn't expecting kindness from Rachel for admitting that she had feelings for her man but she hoped that somehow she could get the other girl to keep her admission from Finn.
Rachel rolled her eyes slightly at Savannah's words. "You're not trying to steal him from me? Come on. Oh, Finn. Your tag is sticking out. Let me fix it for you and let me massage your neck for a minute." She mocked, laughing for a minute. "You know it's wrong and you still continue to act like you're in love with him, which I don't get. He doesn't want you like that and if he did, he would have made a move already." Rachel said, looking at Savannah. She hoped that the girl would get over it, because Rachel really didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable and ruin her friendship with Finn. Rachel knew that Finn liked Savannah as a friend, but that was all he ever felt. "I'm not going to tell him anything. That's your job to fess up and tell him." Rachel said, moving away from her car. "Now get home safe and call us later. Or maybe just send us a text because we'll probably be busy," She said with a slight smile as she walked away before turning back towards the girl. "I know you act all innocent Savannah, but I know that girls can get crazy. I like you, alright? You're the one person I thought I'd never have to worry about and now I have to. Figure it out." Rachel said before starting to walk away and back towards her apartment again and up to Finn. "She's going to call us when she gets home. She seems like she might just be getting a bug. She's probably fine," Rachel said, shrugging before taking off her shoes to get comfortable again.
Finn Savannah avoided eye contact with Rachel when she mocked her, knowing that the other girl was right. "I know he doesn't want me, I know that," Savannah said quickly. When Rachel said that she wasn't going to say anything to Finn, that it was her job to tell him, she nodded. "And I will talk to him about it. I'm just not ready yet. You know more than anyone how easy it is to... to feel something for him." Savannah knew she needed to figure her feelings out and she just hoped that she could do it and not ruin everything with her best friend. When Rachel walked back into the apartment, Finn looked at his girlfriend with a smile. "Okay, good, I just want her to get home safe. I don't really like her driving not feeling well but she is a doctor and I guess I can trust her instincts." Finn slipped his arms around Rachel's waist and tugged her close to him before he dipped his head down to press his lips to hers. God, he loved her and he was so happy that things felt normal again. Sure, they had a long way to go but they were definitely on the way to a healthy, happy future together, he was sure of it. "You are so bad, you know that, right? We can never get through a movie without your hand going in my pants," he said with a laugh as he looked down at her, his hands slipping down to rest on her ass playfully.
Rachel knew that she had to get it through Savannah's head that Finn didn't want to be with her in a romantic or sexual way. Honestly, Rachel didn't want to seem like she had control over Finn, but she knew that he never really thought of anyone in a sexual way other than her or some random celebrity. She complained about girls being all over him all of the time and he never even noticed. As she talked to Finn, she smiled, her smile widening as Finn slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him to kiss her. "I know I'm bad, but that's why you love me." She laughed, her grinning up at him. "And hey, we're like... never allowed to have an innocent movie ever again, especially after our first time. I feel like we have to fuck every time we watch a movie," She laughed, her looking up at him. "And my hand is always down your pants, even on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure we've been out to eat and my hand went down your pants. I'm pretty sure I'm always trying to get you in bed. It's like.... my job." She smirked gently, her leaning up to kiss him. "And you always have your hand places, too. You're a little bit more subtle about it. I mean, we've fucked when Taylor and Jeremy have been in the apartment. I'm pretty sure anything goes now." She laughed, rolling her eyes. Rachel pulled away from him for a moment and she looked over at him, smiling gently. "I love you. And I know your movie night was cut short, but we can have our own movie night in bed." She said, a smile still on her lips. She loved being home with him and even if she missed him while he was at work, she still knew that she cherished moments like this with him.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
Tell Me You Love Me
Tagging: Finn & Rachel Location: The Apartment Notes: After a while apart, Rachel finally comes home much to Finn’s surprise.
Rachel didn't know what she was doing int he slightest. She felt so lost and so confused and she was exhausted. She was grateful that she was staying with Ed because she knew she needed time to collect herself before she tried to go back to Finn. She just needed to relax and get sober and just try her best to figure out what she wanted so she could get her life back with Finn. Rachel had Ed drop her off at the apartment and just standing in front of the door felt incredibly weird. Rachel grabbed her keys from her bag and went to open the door, opening it slowly. It was still pretty early in the morning, and she honestly really wasn't too sure what Finn's routine was anymore. She wasn't sure at all what she was doing or what he was doing, but she was trying to fix things. She wanted to know what he was doing so they could just go back to normal. As soon as Rachel got inside, she kicked off her shoes and brought her bag inside further, dropping it by the couch. When she walked to the kitchen and saw him in it, she stopped for a moment, looking at him and smiling gently. "Hi," She whispered, her unsure of what to do or what to say. It had been way too long and he felt so far away. And honestly, she didn't even know if he'd even want her anymore. Still, she hadn't taken off her ring because she was convinced that this was all she wanted. "I... I've been staying at Ed's for a little bit and he uhm... he dropped me off. He's still in the parking lot, so if you're not ready to talk or ready to see me yet, I can uhm... I can go." She said softly, rubbing her arm.
Finn hated that he had ever suggested taking a break with Rachel. He hated not talking to her and every day when he woke up without her by his side, his heart broke. While he tried his best not to look at articles about his fiance, some days he truly couldn't help it and when he saw pictures and videos surfacing of her clearly high, it terrified him that he was going to lose her. God, he couldn't lose her but he also knew that he couldn't help her get better unless she wanted to get better. Otherwise this cycle was just going to continue. When he woke up in the morning alone once more, Finn sighed tugging on sweatpants and a t-shirt before he headed out to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. He didn't have work and while most people would look forward to days like that, he didn't. Work was his distraction and he just wanted to focus on that, he just wanted to focus on that even if it was stressful as well. In his half-asleep state he didn't hear the door to the apartment open and it was only when he heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen that he turned away from where he was standing at the Keurig. "Rachel?" he breathed out, his jaw dropping slightly the second that he saw his fiance. Well, if that was what she was anymore, he wasn't really sure. If he was being honest, he had been waiting for weeks for her to call him and tell him that it was over, that she was done with him. "Hi," he said softly, truly unsure of what to say even though he had been wanting to talk to her for weeks. "N-No, please - stay. You can stay," he said quickly, making a mental note to thank Ed for whatever he had done or said. Finn wanted to close the space between them and kiss her but he knew that he couldn't, especially since he wasn't exactly sure what the status was between them anyway. "I missed you," he breathed out as he looked into her eyes.
Rachel wished that she knew what to say. She wished that she knew exactly what to say and what to do because she had been imagining this moment for weeks. She just wanted to make all of the awkwardness go away, but she knew that she couldn't. "Okay. I'm gonna just uhm... text him to let him know that he can leave now. He picked me up the other day at my last concert and he brought me to his house for a little bit. It was good to have an old friend that actually still liked me." She said, trying to make the mood a little light. She paused for a moment, moving closer to him to lean against the counter, still making sure to keep a little distance between them. "I missed you, too. So much." She said, looking into his eyes. "I feel like it's been forever. I know it really has been and I- I'm sorry about that." She said, sighing gently. "I'm just really glad to be back in LA. To be home again. I'm just so exhausted, you know? I know that you probably are too, but I know that we both just need some time to relax again." She paused, biting her lip as she looked down before looking back up into his eyes again. "To feel like us again." She wanted more than anything to just feel normal again and to feel like they were back the way they were back then. "We don't have to talk about everything today. I wouldn't expect you to want to talk about everything again, but I- I'm just really happy to see you, Finn. I feel like I've been so far away from you and I missed just being able to talk to you. I miss it. And I get that things aren't the same, I really do get it and I know it's all my fault but I want to fix things, okay? Even if it takes forever, I want to be able to fix all of the things that I fucked up at home."
Finn nodded slowly as Rachel spoke, his heart breaking hearing her say that Ed was her only old friend that still liked her. While she obviously had a falling out with Taylor and Jeremy, he knew she had stopped speaking to Mia and a few of her other old friends as well. Mia was still the one he was the most shocked about, if he was being honest. When she told him that she missed him as well, Finn smiled sadly as he looked into her eyes, truly unsure of how to act around her. He didn't know what she wanted and he didn't know what he wanted either anymore. "Hey don't be um - don't be sorry about that. I mean, it's my fault that we weren't talking in the first place," he said softly. "I'm glad you're home too a-and yeah, relaxing is definitely what we need." Finn bit down on his lip when she told him that they needed to feel like them again and simply looked down and nodded slowly. "R-Rach, look, I - I missed you a lot and I'm happy that you're home but what - what is going on?" She had completely caught him off guard and while he was more than relieved she was home he also needed to know where they stood, he needed to know what her plans were moving forward. "I mean, last week I saw pictures of you snorting something at a party a-and now all of a sudden you're home. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're home, I really am. But does you being home mean that you want to get clean? I just - I know we don't have to talk about everything right now but I just need to know that. I need to know what you coming back means." He could tell that she was nervous and while he wanted to scoop her up into his arms and tell her that he loved her, he also needed her to understand what she wanted because if things were going to get better, history wasn't going to repeat itself anymore. He couldn't handle it all over again.
Rachel looked at Finn and she sighed gently. She hated that things were so awkward and she wished that they were back to normal even if it couldn't happen overnight. She knew that they needed to relax and they needed to get back to normal slowly. It was possible, she knew it was -- they had come back from much worse. "It's not your fault, we both agreed to take a break. And it was good for us, I think. We just needed to figure things out on our own and even if it was weird, it was still just... something we needed. I barely saw you or any of our friends anyway, so even if we weren't on a break, we'd still be so far away from each other." She paused for a few moments, looking at him before biting down on her bottom lip. So he was looking at pictures of her -- something she knew he would but she hoped he wouldn't. "I-" She wanted to justify it, but she knew that there was really no use. "Yeah, I- I know you're confused and I'm confused too. I'm getting clean, I promise. I-I've been clean since Ed picked me up from that concert. I don't know if you've seen videos from it, but it... it was definitely not my best day." She ran a hand through her hair before looking at him. "I know everyone was trying to smack some sense into me, but... I don't think you realize there's a huge problem until you hit rock bottom and I definitely did. Ever since I got out of my contract I just feel like I've been going crazy and I mean, I know you tried to tell me that, but I didn't... I didn't see it then." She sighed. "I know that I can't just have fun with stuff, I always go to extremes and I still haven't learned my lesson, clearly. I just- I want to be normal again. I loved what it was like six months ago. When I felt like a normal person and I was just... completely clean and sober and I felt great. And I feel like shit right now because I know that my body wants what I'm not going to give it, but I just- I know I've been a mess and I'm sorry. But I want to really just have this be the last time. I can't do this again and I know that you can't either."
Finn looked down sadly and nodded when Rachel said that their break had been something they needed, especially since they would have had to deal with the distance anyway. "I didn't see videos from it. I - I haven't looked at anything since those pictures, I just... I didn't want to see anything else," he said softly. Finn knew there were tons of tabloids being written about her, tons of headlines talking about how out of control she was but he didn't know what was true and what wasn't. When she explained to him that she had hit rock bottom, it broke his heart to know that he hadn't been there for her because he hadn't known what was going on. "I heard about the contract thing. I uh - I'm glad you're out of it. I'm glad you're away from those managers who just want to make you into something you're not." Finn looked at Rachel sadly as she told him that she wanted to be sober again because as proud of her as he was to hear her say that, it terrified him to think of everything falling apart again and again. "I know you're sorry, Rachel. You don't have to apologize, I - I understand. I want this to be the last time too." Finn bit down on his lip for a moment before he shifted his gaze back to his girlfriend. "Last time I talked to you I was - I was frustrated, I was mad if I'm being honest. But I've reminded myself that you have an addiction, you have an illness and I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did, you know? I should have been more patient, I shouldn't have attacked you the way I did when I visited you." Finn ran his hand through his hair before he moved over to Rachel, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him in a tight hug. "I was waiting for the article to come out that would say I lost you," he breathed out, closing his eyes for a moment as he held her tightly. "Rachel, I love you so much but when we say this is the last time, I really need it to be the last time. I need you to be okay."
Rachel nodded as Finn spoke, looking down for a moment as she rested her hands behind her against the counter. "Yeah. I'm glad I'm out of it, too. I just- I needed to do my own thing and I just think there was way too much pressure to be perfect and to be the Hollywood idol and everything. And then I got free of that and I don't know, I just felt like I could do anything and then it was way too much. But I need to just regroup and figure shit out. And I've had only one conversation with Jeremy and I just- I know I need to talk to the two of them but Jeremy is definitely more pissed at me than Taylor is. I just want to figure shit out." She said, shrugging. When he spoke again, she looked up at him and sighed, knowing exactly where he was coming from. "You had ever right to be mad, Finn." She said as he ran a hand through his hair. "I would have been mad, too. It's okay." Her eyes shut as he pulled her into a hug, her instinctively moving to hold onto him just as tightly as he was holding onto her. "It will be the last time, I promise." She said, not speaking for a few minutes as she held herself against him. "I'm just so tired," She whispered, shutting her eyes tightly as she felt her eyes sting with tears. "I'm so, so tired of all of this." Rachel was honestly just tired of constantly screwing up and losing all of her progress. She was tired of never being able to enjoy anything without becoming addicted -- but it was just who she was. "I just... I know that I'm really messed up and I'm so tired of being disappointed in myself and I'm tired of losing myself. Because I don't feel like me anymore."
Finn knew that Rachel had lost control of herself but he truly did have faith in her to get better. He knew she could do it if she wanted to. "Hey, don't worry about Jeremy, okay? He told me about that phone call and I already told him what an asshole he was for talking to you the way that he did. The two of them will come around, I know they will." If there was anything he knew for sure it was that he wasn't going to let the two of them be horrible to Rachel no matter how upset they still were. When he hugged Rachel, he could feel her hugging him back tightly and it made his heart swell with love just knowing that she had missed him. There had been that fear in the back of his mind that she wouldn't want him anymore but he knew she had been faithful. He knew she hadn't taken her ring off no matter what she had been going through while she was away. When she told him that it would be the last time, he nodded as he held her close, his hand running gently up and down along her back. "I know you're tired, baby. I know," he breathed out as she spoke. He pulled away from her slightly so he could look into her eyes, moving one hand up to cup her cheek gently. "If you want to get better, we're going to get you better, okay? I promise. I - I don't know if you want to go to a rehab or just try to get better here but whatever you pick, I'm right here for you. Everything is gonna be alright, I promise." Finn knew that he was Rachel's stability and he wasn't about to walk away when she needed him most. He dipped his head down to press a gentle kiss to her lips before he pulled away slowly and offered her a sad smile, his hand still cupping her cheek and his thumb caressing her soft skin. "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, Rachel. I wish you could see how - how special you are to me, how much I love you. You don't have to be tired anymore, baby. We're gonna get everything back on track, I know we will." Finn didn't know if everything would get back to the way they both wanted it to be, he didn't know if temptation would come back to her and take her away again but he knew that he had to try. God, he knew he had to try.
Rachel looked into Finn's eyes as he pulled away from her, him cupping her cheek. She loved that things were still so similar to how they were before even if they were extremely different at the same time. "Okay. I just- I don't want to have to sit in rehab. I- I know some people do really well with it but I can't. I've already spent so much time away from you and I'm going to have to be there for so long. And I know some people leave that place and just get worse than they already were before." She said, sighing softly. "I got clean on my own before, I can do it again. I just need to keep away from everything for a little while." She said, looking up at him. When he leaned down to kiss her, she kissed him back before he pulled away, her taking a deep breath. "You always say that to me." She whispered softly, a sad smile on her lips. "You always tell me that you wish I could see me through your eyes. And sometimes I wish I could, too. But I can't. Some days I feel like shit and other times I feel like I'm on top of the world but lately I've just been feeling pretty shitty." She sighed, her moving to lean against him. "I love that you always want to help me and I don't want it to always be like this, you know? I just... I want us to be normal and I want to not be tempted by everything all of the time. I want to be able to wake up in the morning and feel normal." She paused for a moment, taking a soft breath as she looked into his eyes. "I agree with what you said when you visited me, though. I don't want to get married until I've been clean for a while. At least a few months. I don't plan on... on getting high again. I don't plan on touching anything. When Ed picked me up from the concert and took me back to his place he kind of was like another little push I think I needed."
Finn nodded understandingly when Rachel told him that she didn't want to go to rehab. "If you don't want to do rehab, you know I understand. I don't really want us to be apart again either. But I know you can do this, I know you can get clean." As Rachel spoke, telling him that she had been feeling shitty, he looked at her sadly and slipped his arms back around her as she leaned against him. "I'm sorry you've been feeling bad," he breathed out. "I hate knowing that you've felt like shit and I wasn't there to take care of you." He ran his hand gently up and down along her back and when she said that she wanted to feel normal, he nodded. God, he was going to do whatever he could to help her feel that way. He was going to do everything in his power to help her get back on her feet. "Remind me to thank him. But I um - I think us waiting to get married until you're in a good place is the best option. Plus, wedding planning is stressful and we don't need that stress on top of anything else. We have all the time in the world." Finn dipped his head down to kiss her softly once more before he pulled away from her and offered her a small smile. "Do you want something to eat?" he asked her. "I just woke up, I was just going to make some coffee, actually. I don't have work today so we can just spend the day together. I've kind of been a robot again while you've been gone. I mean, I've been eating right and going to the gym and stuff but, I kind of just run on auto-pilot a little bit. If it wasn't for Savannah dragging me out of the house every now and then I probably would have been stuck in this apartment and at work all the time." Finn knew that to get Rachel back to being healthy that they had to establish some kind of routine. They had to get her back to feeling good. "I want to get you back to feeling good so we'll - we'll make a healthy breakfast. I can even make you a smoothie or something if you want," he said, hoping desperately that he could help her feel better in any little way that he could.
Rachel nodded gently as he spoke. She wanted to get married as soon as possible, but she knew that it was a stress she also didn't want to have to deal with. "I- I know we have all of the time in the world," She started after he pulled away from the kiss. "But I want to marry you. I just want to be able to make it official. We've been together for so long and I really, really want to marry you. I just- I know that it's best to wait a little bit but I don't want to wait for a year to get married, you know?" She didn't mind, especially because she knew that they needed to take things slow, especially for her. "Yeah, I'd like something to eat. I kind of only had coffee this morning because I was feeling kind of gross, but I'll take some fruit or something. I'm not starving, I'm just a little hungry. I mean, I can have a smoothie, but I'll just eat the fruit plain, it's fine. I don't want you to... to feel like I'm your kid and making me breakfast and shit, you know? I'm okay." She said, managing a small smile. "I'll just have whatever you're having, okay? I don't need you to go crazy." Rachel paused for a moment, moving to sit at the bar stool by the kitchen island. "I know that things aren't perfect still but I'm glad that things feel somewhat normal. I was scared of coming home, kind of. I was staying with Ed for almost a week and he kind of packed my shit up for me and brought me here against my will. I wanted to wait a few more days, but... I think it's good that I'm back. I just need some kind of normalcy. Plus, I really missed you. I missed being able to be close to you and talk to you. I never forgot how you made me feel but I forgot how much that just even being close to you helped me. I'm not leaving again for a really long time. No more music shit for a while. At least not until things are smoothed over with Taylor and Jeremy. And then I need to do something just... a lot more low key. I can't do this all over again. It was so much stress. I just want to be able to come home to you at night and wake up next to you in the morning," She said softly, leaning slightly against the table top she was sitting next to.
Finn smiled when Rachel told him that she wanted to marry him, that she wanted to make it official. God, he loved her and it made his heart swell with happiness to hear her say how much she wanted to marry him. "I want to marry you too, baby. I promise we won't wait forever, just until you start feeling better." When he began to ask Rachel what she wanted to eat, he laughed softly when she said that he didn't have to go crazy. "Rach, you've known me since I was seventeen. You know I'm crazy." A laugh escaped his lips before he started getting out fruit to make a smoothie, wanting to make sure he had something healthy for her. When she told him that she had been scared to come home, Finn looked at her sadly as he prepared their food. "I mean, I understand. I was kind of scared for you to come home too. I just - I was scared that you'd come home and everything would fall apart somehow. But I - I'm so happy you're here." Just hearing that Rachel wanted to not only fix things with Taylor and Jeremy but to also pursue something more low key with her music career made him smile softly and he knew that as bad as her leaving had been that she had clearly needed to bit rock bottom to see why the path she had been going down wasn't a good one. "Well, I like the sound of us going to sleep and waking up together. I really missed that - I really missed you." Finn looked at Rachel with love in his eyes before he focused back on their smoothies and once they were finished and he poured two tall cups for them, he placed it on the counter in front of her. "I'm glad that I can help you by being close to you because you - you do the same for me." He took a sip of his smoothie before he set the cup down on the counter, a small smile on his face as he looked at his fiance. "You know what I think might be good for us?" he said softly. "Maybe me and you could take a little vacation. Obviously not right now, I mean, you just got home and I think we should establish a routine and fix things with our friends but we've never taken a vacation together. I think it could be nice to just - to leave everything behind and just focus on us for a week or two."
Rachel hated that she had gone through everything she did. She hated that it was like this, especially when she just wanted to go back to her normal life. But now? Now she couldn't because she had lost practically all of her friends. She knew that Finn would always be there even if he wasn't necessarily completely happy with the decisions that she made. She knew she had a lot of work to do, but she knew that Finn would help her get there. "I know, I just- I need to just know you're here, you know? I know that we were technically still together but it felt like we weren't and I don't know, it made me feel way worse. Just because I know you weren't really there as a support system even if you kind of were." She said, offering him a sad smile before she took her glass in her hand and started drinking her smoothie. "This is really good, thanks." She said, a smile on her lips before taking another sip and listening to him as he spoke about going on vacation. "I think it'd be good. Just to get away. We can go anywhere you want. We definitely do need to get away for a little bit. Maybe in a month or two we can go away.. I mean, somewhere nice and romantic and just... somewhere we can spend alone time together." She said, bringing her cup to her lips again. "It's probably a good idea to get me out of LA for a little bit, anyway. But for right now, I Just want to spend time with you here at home." She knew she'd practically be on top of him the next few weeks, mostly because she knew she needed him to honestly have a good mindset. "I just... I understand if you can't get off of work for two weeks for it and I mean, I'd love to have you be home a few extra days or even just a little longer every day, but I... I get if you can't. You're busy and I totally get that. But maybe we could use some time. I know I could use you being home a little right now but I'll take whatever I can get." She said, running her finger along the glass of her smoothie.
Finn nodded when Rachel said that she needed to know he was there. "Hey, I'm here, Rach. Believe me, I know it felt like we weren't together but we were - we are and I'm here for you no matter what, I always will be." He looked at her with affection in his gaze as she took a sip of her smoothie and he knew that he would always feel an overwhelming need to take care of her. Ever since they were teenagers he had wanted to take care of her and make sure that she was okay. "I like the sound of that. I can't believe after all the time we've been together that we've never been on a vacation, you know? I mean, I guess our jobs kind of got in the way of that, though." Finn knew that after Rachel was used to being home again that it would be good for them to get away and just spend some alone time together. "Hey, I'll be able to get the time off, okay? I've worked here long enough at this point where I have their respect and the ability to do that." Just hearing her say that she wanted him home with her made him smile softly and he knew that he was going to ask for a few days just so she could get used to being back. "I'm gonna call my boss today and explain to him what's going on, okay? He's really cool about everything and I know he'll let me stay home for a few days this week. I mean, I've basically been living there for months so no one can really argue with me." Finn paused for a moment before he drank more of his smoothie, a sigh escaping his lips as he set it back down on the counter. "Do you remember that kid who you visited with me a few times? Noah? He um - he passed away last week. So I - I actually really wouldn't mind a little time away from there because it's hard to walk past that room and know he's not there anymore." Finn knew death was a part of his job but it still made his heart hurt to know that he hadn't been able to save that child's life. "I just want to focus on you and getting everything back on track." He looked down for a moment before he looked back to his girlfriend, a small smile on his face when their eyes met. "Have you tried talking to Mia?" he asked her. "I know Taylor and Jeremy are angry but I don't think she is. I just think she misses you."
Rachel knew that they needed to just be normal for the first time in a long time. But honestly, she knew that this was all on her. She really needed to figure everything out on her own and she needed to get better. However, she really needed some kind of support system and if she had Finn, that was more than enough. All she needed was Finn and she'd figure things out. Honestly, without Finn, everything just felt so hard and so confusing and life was just better when she was with him. "Okay. And if you can't get off of work, it's okay. I mean, I'll be okay just being home. I just want to relax and not... not have to worry about doing everything that I had to do on tour. I don't want to go out. I just want to be able to relax and watch Netflix and eat food and work on everything. And like you said, get used to being home again." She paused again and she sighed softly at his words. "I'm sorry, Finn. He was such a sweet boy and I could tell you cared a lot about him. I know you, though. And I know that you did everything you could to help him. I know it won't matter what people say, but I'm sure he was so grateful to have you as his doctor." She smiled gently, looking into his eyes for a moment. She hoped that now that she was back home, she'd be able to fix all of her relationships with her friends and as Finn brought up Mia, she shrugged gently. "I kind of just... cut off contact with everyone once people started fighting with me and yelling at me. I'll call her to see if I can come and see her. And I'm going to work on talking to Taylor first. Jeremy just jumped down my throat every second he got. It was annoying." She said before taking a sip of her smoothie, looking into the glass after she pulled it away from her lips. "I just want to smooth things over. I mean, I know things won't go right back to normal, but I just want to be able to talk to them again. I feel like shit for everything and I know that Taylor really hasn't shown that he's that mad right to my face, so maybe I'll actually be able to talk to him." She paused, breathing out softly. "I want some time first. I can't do that right away."
Finn knew that Rachel would be okay if he couldn't get off of work but he still wanted to be there for her. "I promise I'm going to get the time off, Rach. I want to spend time with you. And, it's okay. I mean, it was rough - he's the first patient I've lost but... yeah, we did everything that we could. I just feel bad, I wish I could have helped him." When he mentioned Mia, he could tell that Rachel felt bad about what happened between her and her friends and he knew that he was going to help her fix things as best as he could. While he knew he wouldn't be of much help with Mia, he knew he could talk to Taylor and Jeremy and get them to calm down somewhat. "I don't think that Mia will be angry so I'm sure you two will be able to fix things, you know? I'm sure she misses you. And talking to Taylor and Jeremy separately is probably a better idea. Jeremy took everything with you really badly and I - believe me, I've been trying to get him to calm down." Finn finished off the rest of his smoothie as Rachel spoke and he smiled sadly at her. "I promise, Rach, you're gonna be able to fix things with everyone. Taylor and Jeremy love you even if they're doing a really bad job of showing it lately." A sigh escaped his lips before he moved to sit beside Rachel at the island counter. "You don't have to do anything right away, I hope you know that, baby. Take your time with everything. I just - I don't want you to get overwhelmed, you know?" Finn looked at her with love in his eyes and moved his hand to rest gently on her back, him running it up and down gently. "Maybe for the next couple of days we can just hang out here. We can just focus on each other and relax." Finn wanted to make sure that Rachel was okay. He wanted to make sure that she didn't jump into anything too quickly and feel as though she needed to turn to alcohol or anything else to cope. "I'm sorry that you had such a hard time while you were away, Rach," he said softly. "I know that you're going to tell me that I shouldn't say sorry but I - I love you and knowing that you were sad breaks my heart. I just wish I could have been there for you but I know that we needed the time apart for us to even be at this point."
Rachel really didn't want to talk to Taylor and Jeremy, especially because she knew that they were on such bad terms. She knew Taylor was upset, but Jeremy usually took the lead in the confrontation, and of course, Taylor followed because he trusted Jeremy. And she understood, she did. But she didn't want to ruin anything even worse by talking to them at the same time. She at least wanted to get Taylor on her side before she went to talk to Jeremy. As Finn moved to rub his hand along her back gently, she nodded gently. "Yeah, I know. I... I just know that everyone needs some time. I know that they were really upset with me, and I don't blame them. I was horrible but I still know that I wanted what I did. I wanted to be on top and see what it was like. And I loved it, I did. I mean, the stuff I remember completely." She shrugged gently before looking over at him. "It's okay. I mean, I.... I don't want you to apologize for shit I did. At first it was just like innocent fun, you know? But you know me. I just do something for fun and then I get hooked really easily and I can't stop." She said, sighing. "I wish you could have been there, too. But I know that we would have just been even worse than we are now. I know we're not perfect now, but we're better than we were. The phone calls were just... strained and we weren't in a good place." She bit down on her bottom lip and shrugged for a moment. "I wasn't as bad on the tour as I was when I left and I was out of the contract. Last week I just... god, I was a mess. And I know my body hates me for it and I hate myself for it and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Just... people always think they're invincible when they're getting high or getting drunk and then the high is gone and you're just exhausted and you feel like shit so you want to do it all over again to feel good. I know I just need time away from it all. Just... get myself into a good routine so I don't need to think about anything else for a while."
Finn looked down sadly when Rachel told him that she had loved it at the top. He knew that she had wanted what she had gone after but it broke his heart to know that she had enjoyed it when it had been so destructive. "Innocent fun with drinking and drugs always turns into something like that. I - I wish it didn't, Rach. I wish that you could... could do the things you wanted to do for fun but they're just so dangerous. It scares me when you get like that, you know? And I - I feel like you hate me sometimes when you're like that because you know I don't want you to do that stuff." When she told him that she hadn't been as bad on the tour as she had been when she left, Finn looked at her with sadness in his gaze. "Yeah, a good routine will be perfect. And we'll just - we'll figure it all out. Do you - have you been having any withdrawals or anything? Or did you have them at Ed's? Because if you need anything if you're feeling bad, you just let me know. I can make you whatever you want to eat and we need to make sure you're drinking lots of water too." Finn stopped talking for a moment, knowing that he needed to just calm himself down. The last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm Rachel because he knew that she had to take things one step at a time. This had to work this time, she had to get clean and they needed to make things right because there was no way he wanted to lose her. Their relationship had been through so much and he truly wasn't sure if it could survive anything like this again. "Rach? I need you to talk to me this time around, okay?" he said softly. "I know you sugar-coat things for me a lot. But I don't want you to do that anymore. I need you to talk to me when you feel down and I need you to tell me when you're feeling tempted. We just - we have to talk about things because every time we don't we fall apart. I really don't want us to fall apart anymore."
Rachel knew that Finn was right. In a perfect world, she'd be able to just enjoy herself without going crazy, but she couldn't ever do that in this life. Not at all. As he continued to ask her questions, she held onto her glass with both hands and shrugged gently. "A little bit. Uhm, a few nights at Ed's I couldn't really sleep and I was throwing up one night, but it hasn't gotten that bad again. I just feel really anxious and all over the place. I don't know. Just sitting here makes me feel anxious, but I know it's because of the drugs and shit. I think I already passed the worst part, now it's just the annoying shit with me wanting it but not having it. I haven't been that shaky or anything so... I don't know, I'll have to just keep an eye on it." She looked at him after a moment and nodded gently. "I know, I will talk to you. I sugar-coat things because you never had to experience any of this shit before. And I know you're a doctor and everything and you treat symptoms for people but you've never actually felt some of the shit I've felt. And I don't want you to freak out or get overly worried. But I will talk to you. I just haven't felt like myself and I still kind of don't." She sighed before taking a long few sips of her smoothie and pausing for a few moments. "I don't think I'm like... depressed or anything but I just feel like shit. Physically and mentally. I just need time, I guess. I'll figure it out eventually. And like you said, being home will help."
Finn felt horrible when Rachel told him that she had been going through withdrawals while at Ed's house. That alone showed him how intense her drug use had been if her body had grown dependent on the substances she had been using. "Yeah, we'll keep an eye on it. Anxiety is a huge part of addiction so we just have to focus on distracting you and helping you relax in any way possible." All he wanted was for Rachel to get better and while her relapsing again scared the hell out of him, he really did hope that this was the last time. He really did hope that they could restore the trust that had been fractured once more in their relationship. As she spoke, telling him that he would never feel what she felt, he nodded sadly as he looked at her with worry in his gaze. "Yeah, being home will help," he said softly. "I um - I know that I haven't been through what you've been through in terms of knowing what addiction feels like but I promise, don't feel like you have to sugar-coat things. I know you might forget because I seem like I have my shit together but I didn't grow up with anything sugar-coated. I - I spent the first eighteen years of my life taking care of my mom, you know? I watched her drink herself unconscious, I watched her and my dad do coke every now and then when I was little, I watched both of them go through withdrawals at some point. I just - I know you feel like I'm innocent to all of this sometimes but please remember that I'm anything but, Rach. I don't know what you're feeling but you're not going to scare me away or - or shock me with the things that you've done. I've been around addiction my whole life and I know how hard it is. I - I see how hard it is to get clean. My mom is still fighting it, you know? But I just - I want to be here for you and I don't want you to feel like you need to protect me from anything. I love you and I know you're struggling and I want you to know that whatever anxiety you're feeling and whatever sadness you're feeling that I'm here to take some of it off your shoulders."
Rachel kept quiet as Finn spoke. She knew that he had to take care of his mom and she knew that he mentally had felt everything that his mom had gone through. He was the one who would cook for her and take care of her and clean up after her and she had seen him do so much for her even during the time that she had known him. After all, it had been so long since they had known each other, but his mom didn't keep that good of a relationship with Finn, if one at all. And right now, she was just upset with him and didn't want anything to do with him. And this had been going on for a really long time. "I know, I know. I just forget sometimes because all of that feels really far away, you know? I know you're not innocent I just don't want you to feel like I'm miserable every day. I just want you to think everything is okay even if it's really not." She said softly, shrugging gently before looking down into her glass. "I want to be over all of this. Finn, for the... for the first time in my life I want so much more. I want to get married. I want to have kids. I want to have the house and the family dinners and I want to just... be fine. I don't want to drink when I have kids. I don't want to touch anything." She said, sighing after a moment. "I want to just be... happy. I know I won't ever be that perfect, but I just- I don't know. I want to start a family with you and I want to just... find a place that's home. I want to plan our wedding. I want to do it all with you and it's just insane to me. I can't believe that I'm still able to have those things in my future after everything I've done and everything we've been through." She said before looking over at him and smiling sadly. "I sometimes still can't believe that we're together. That we ever were together. I guess opposites to really attract, huh? Or I'm just in love with you because you're my knight in shining armor always saving the day."
Finn smiled sadly when Rachel told him that she wanted him to think everything was okay even though it wasn't. "I know you want me to feel that way, Rach. And I wish that was realistic but I understand that it isn't. I just - you may not realize it but you're really protective of me and the way that I feel. I love you for it, I do, but you don't have to protect me from you." When she began to tell him what she wanted for her future - for their future, he couldn't help but smile softly. God, he loved this woman more than anything. "Baby, we're going to have all of that, I promise you we will. Just because you're struggling right now doesn't mean that you will be forever. We'll get you through this and one day soon you will feel fine, you'll feel amazing." Finn knew that the future was scary but he also knew that him and Rachel were going to have all of the things she was mentioning. They were going to have the house, the wedding, the kids, they were going to have it all. "I can't believe we're together sometimes too. I always felt like... like you were the popular girl and I was just some loser, you know? But somehow we just - we ended up together," he said softly as he looked into her eyes, a small smile on his face before he closed the space between them for a moment to press a kiss to her lips. "I love you so much, Rach. And I'll always save the day for you, I promise. I'll be here for you until the day that I die and that's exactly what I plan on vowing to you the day that we get married." Finn paused for a moment as he looked at his girlfriend and he knew that despite everything they had been through that he loved her so much. "You know, it makes me so happy when you talk about how you want all of that stuff with me. And I know that things are hard right now but we're going to have all of that together. Soon enough we'll be married and then one day we'll be mom and dad and - and our kids will never have to go through any of what we did." Finn knew Rachel was committed to turning everything around and he truly believed that she was going to be able to. He truly believed that they were going to get the future that they had been talking about for so long.
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thefinny-d · 6 years
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↳ INSTAGRAM finnhudson posted a photo 2 minutes ago
Wow, a rainy beach day? Didn’t know this was possible in LA.
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