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A dramatic gasp. “How dare you say such a thing? I am very upset with you right now, Karin. I might even have to cry. But I think I understand… 
“You can’t help but wanting to impregnate me. My good looks and charm has finally reached you, too, and you can’t stand it. It’s only natural that you would want to have my babies. I will admit it is a bit unusual for the lady to want to give me the babies, but that’s alright.”
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                                                                                                   On cue, a slender eyebrow dangerously shot up, eyes hardened. “I’m not one of your dumb floozies who only want to do you. You’re the one having dreams about me, so don’t make it sound like the reverse is what’s happening” came the haughty remark, followed by an irritable huff.  “You just want all my babies but you’re scared because it’s with respect to someone who can beat you into a pulp.”
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“Fine, I’ll let you go…” He said with a slight pout. This was a lie, for he showed no sign of letting her go quite yet. “But not until tomorrow, I need much Karin hugs or I might just cry. You haven’t given me many enough hugs, so I just have to take it. Deal with it.”
Yes, it was her fault. There was only so long he could go without hugs. While it might not have been very long for her it was for him.
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                                                                                                “Well, it’s either your crying or me, because of how you deliberately talk like a two year old and it’s ridiculous” came the relentless rebuke, large eyes rolling themselves promptly as his juvenile conduct.  He was so silly, it was unbelievable. Nonetheless, she quietly placed her dark head upon his chest and let her lids flutter shut. He always meant well. Being overly affectionate was not as much a deficiency as being uncaring was. 
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“I’m not sure you that should fantasize about your friends being severely mutilated either. Which do you think is worse? Standard perversion, or fantasies of horrific disfigurement? I don’t personally think there is any question about it.
”Honestly, I might have to lock my penis away now. I’m scared you might try to impregnate me or something…”
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                                                                                                “Oh really?! You’d be lucky if I wanted to impregnate that mutilated thing, especially after you did stuff  with questionable people and seahorses. You’d be blessed is what you will be, you fool! If anything, you’re the one who wants to do all those weird things to me because you apparently have dreams of it... I’m sure we have a dozen kids in your fantasies. I am appalled at you, simply alarmed.” 
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“No, I’ll never let you go.” If anything he only squeezed her even tighter. “I might even glue you stuck, so you can never leave here ever. “And I’ll give you some broccoli, too, so it’s fine. Broccoli is very good for you. Eat all of your vegetables and you can eat all the ice cream. Trust me, it’s a true fact of life.”
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                                                                                                “Yeah, but if you just keep eating and do nothing, you’ll grow fat. I can’t get fat, that would cut down my speed. I will never allow that” she countered with a sigh.  “And while I appreciate your love, being glued to you would be a crappy as hell life. Imagine all the whining I’d be subject to...what torture” came yet another tired exhale, while a chuckle was bitten back. 
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                    “ So you’re fine with anything other than a peck on the lips? ” Neqamah asked, his expression brightening with her supposed permission for skinship. However, knowing she’d argue back, he subtly motioned to the cashier eyeing them and leaned down, pressing his lips against her cheek as he rested a hand around the small of her back. Straightening up then, he cast her an innocent gaze and added,                     “ Anything chocolate then, right love? I know how much you love chocolate: so I’ll buy you three treats and one drink! ”
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                                                                                                The moment that he voiced his first query, she knew he meant business. He didn’t ever beat about the bush regarding such matters because messing with her seemed to be his prime objective at all times. However, he had become successfully intimate with her physical being before she could even begin to question him. Lips parted to speak, trying to rationalize the sudden contact while answering his question, but words failed to escape her. “...I umm..want that one” came the absentminded mumble as she motioned to a certain item with her eyes.
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                                                                                             Perceiving cheeks bloom a faint scarlet, with swift tactfulness, attention was devoted once again, to all things edible to the eye with chocolate present in them, but with greater determination. The goal was to remain unfazed. There was a brief pause where she reminded herself that she was doing this for noble reasons. “I want a milkshake, if that’s alright?” she suddenly chirped, looking up at him with a unusually fresh smile. “You’re too sweet, you know?” she twittered, looping both arms around his. If he’d be sickeningly sweet, so would she. They could laugh about it later. Staying in character was crucial.
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“Nope! It sounded just as creepy as I intended it to sound. You see, what I implied was that instead of educating you with words I would show you how it’s done. I would imagine that ‘teaching’ a virgin how things work in practice is a pretty standard fantasy.
Anyway, your thing is way creepier. At least my example doesn’t involve my penis being severely mutilated.”
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                                                                                          “...I suppose I can’t really argue with that... it’s your most standard porn story line too...but I’m not exactly sure if you’re supposed to fantasize about your friends like that. It’s uncharted waters, is it not? Severely mutilated penises can be amusing as long as they’re not in you, alright? You wouldn’t understand.”
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“It’s okay… Men and tall people die younger, so I’ll probably die before you. Besides, I’ll just feed you cake and ice cream, then you’ll be fine. It doesn’t matter if I die anyway if I have had lots of Karin hugs.”
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                                                                                          “You think I’ll live longer from the diabetes that you’ll so definitely give me? My, aren’t you optimistic?” she chimed, evidently reveling in her ability to taunt him to such a degree.  “Shouldn’t you let go now, silly?”
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Send 🍶 to share a drink with my muse. Send 🍶🍶 to make my muse tipsy. Send 🍶🍶🍶 to make my muse very drunk.
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               “ Well, if you weren’t listening, I’ll say it again: you are not always irresistible; I only said you were beautiful. But with the flower in your hair, you’re even more beautiful! With the flower, you’re irresistible. ” In contrast with his flirtatious posture- his hand wrapped around her back and a hand pressing her chin upwards as if he was preparing to kiss her, his expression was one of embarrassment. It was just a barely convincing expression unless one looked closely enough to notice the lack of rosy color on his cheeks. The slanted shape of his eyes, the meek lack of eye contact- everything about his visage portrayed bashfulness.                “ It was hard enough to say it once. Don’t make me say it again… it’s embarrassing. Confessing my feelings. ”
                                                                                               Fathoming why he held her the way he did was beyond her at this juncture. The unwarranted proximity along with the unanticipated shower of abrupt appreciation had severely thrown her off her usually apathetic track. Fortunately, she did not have to dwell upon this conundrum for too long for she was presented with another one.  Whirlwind of fluster died down upon hearing the ‘confession’, only to morph into an inward befuddlement upon perceiving his unusually vulnerable condition. 
                                                                                               Demure Neqamah, she was convinced, was unknown to man. Greatly vocal in his ways and opinions (as long as they did not concern his own self), and unapologetically so, this sensitive stance was deviant, and even faintly unsettling.  Closely examining his face, their closeness aiding her, analytical grey irises scanned him. One look into those serpentine eyes, and she was convinced of the discrepancy between appearance and reality. 
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                                                                                               While disbelief shrouded her momentarily upon his mockery of her obliviousness, his sham of shyness should not have been a matter of such alarm.  She would not allow it to be so. In fact, she was even slightly amused by his attempt to sway her. She would agree to play along.  “Are you telling the truth...?” softly murmured the lips that now feigned sudden understanding, her large eyes peering up at him sympathetically. “I never knew that about you.. It was really brave of to open up to me like this, I appreciate it.”  His hand was squeezed in affirmation for added effect, and in an attempt to mask any signs of affection.  A part of her also ventured to think about how long they would take to drop their acts and burst into laughter. She bit back her urge to with great difficulty. 
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               “ Weird? I’d be fully okay with a little PDA if we needed to— in fact, I’d be okay with it even if we didn’t need to! ” He peered down at her as they walked, Neqamah beginning a course towards a shop he’d seen open recently. Apparently they had good cake, and they were hosting a Valentine’s deal to increase foot traffic and sales.                “ You can handle a little peck on the lips, can’t you? My hand around your waist? Most couples do that nowadays, so if we don’t do it occasionally, they might get suspicious! ”
               Pulling the door open, he found the cafe decorated with an obnoxious amount of pink, from balloons to streamers, as if they’d been decorating for a newborn girl.                “ And I mainly chose you because you’re cute. Your personality could use a little tweaking, but I’m fine with spending time with you despite that. ” His warm hand tightened firmly as if to show affection for her, then pulled to let her walk inside first,                “ Order whatever you want! ”
                                                                                               She experienced a range of emotions within the span of a mere minute. A cringe upon taking in the multitude of ornamental pink decorations, then the urge to throw her dagger like sharp glare his way upon being insulted, followed by the begrudging curbing of this urge upon realising that he was only joking, owing to his seemingly fond touch. It was typical of her to focus on the jibe rather than the compliment it came with instantaneously.  “Well, you’re no enchanting creature either, so you should manage just fine with someone of the paltry variety like me” came the irritable huff, accompanied by a roll of those large, ashen eyes. 
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                                                                                               Deciding to focus on the pleasant rather than the frustrating, attention was devoted to the gorgeous confectionery that surrounded her. “You know that chocolate is my forever” she piped, features immediately lighting up and shamelessly ogling some of the items that appealed to her, hands still linked with her supposed ‘date’.  Staring back at him with certain solemnity she spoke again. “No pecks on the lips though. I can allow the other things just for free stuff.”  Breaking into a smirk, she continued. “You wouldn’t want to kiss someone with an undesirable personality now, would you?”
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               Neqamah stayed quiet the entire time she spoke, almost as if he was listening, but he was trying his best to ignore. He didn’t much appreciate being lectured to, but getting worked up over it would defeat his purpose. Instead, he continued to silently run his fingers through those soft locks, pieces of her words finding their way to his ears. He wasn’t sure if he agreed that he always had to have situations play according to his will. He felt that her cocky attitude is what pissed him off the most as opposed to not being able to control her fully.
               When she brought her hand down from having played with his own hair, he caught her wrist with one hand and used the other to lift her face to his. Bringing his face close to hers as if preparing to kiss her— their lips almost touching— he stared deep into her eyes with a smirk adorning his visage,                “ If you say that making you happy is the best way to tame you, then I’ll do it constantly. I’ll make you happy until you’re dependent on me. How’s that sound? ”
                                                                                               The unforeseen action and startling proximity to him gave way to silent discomfort to percolate into her being. His words threatened the frigidity she had cast aside graciously to creep back in, along with her general, caustic persona.  If he looked very closely, (and she was very sure he was) he’d see her pronounced jawline tighten as she clenched it to bite back any kind of tart remark. 
                                                                                               It was obvious he had not taken her harmless honesty in good stride. Taking it upon herself to be the mature one by not point out that he was doing exactly what she had claimed to had the tendency to do, she blinked once to rid herself of any anger she felt. A mammoth task for one like her who could burst into flames at the drop of a hat.  Perceiving her lashes brushing against his appallingly close face ever so subtly, she used the slim space between them to turn her face to the side, confused at the awkward mingle of a rise in body temperature and mild annoyance in reaction to his intent to once again, manipulate.  Her faint flustering was masked from him. 
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                                                                                            “There you go again with your taming and dependency and all that... It’s like you didn’t hear a word I said about how I liked this balance where you’re nice and I’m calm. You should make me happy because it makes you happy, and not because you feel some triumph upon some irrelevant subjugation.”  A tired exhale was given as she stared into his eyes from the corner of her own, as if disappointed. This was followed by a quick spasm of short laughter.  “What’s with this whole leaning in thing? Is it your power move?” she questioned, amusement making its way back to her features.  Things needed to be light again.  With her free hand, she playfully poked his cheek. “Or do you want to do some corny shit like sniff my hair?”  Sincere hope was harboured once the remark was made, that he would take it as a joke and not indulge in anything more absurd. 
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My muse is a diety! Tell me what offering your muse leaves at their shrine.
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“Yes, you’re very strange like that. I personally don’t see why you would want me to have a baby in my tummy. I don’t think you really know how babies work. I would teach you how, but that’s another fantasy entirely.“
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                                                                                          “You know its practical application better than I do, surely. But I know the basic theory, so no thank you. I’d only like to see this seahorse birth, and nothing else come out of you. ...and how is you educating me a fantasy? That sounded way creepier than you intended.”
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               “ I’m offended you would even think that I would consider inviting you for ice cream and not pay! ” He was rich after all. He had nothing to lose, and he was proud of his ability to use his money efficiently and to get what he wanted most times. In this case, if he spent money to tame her, it would be money well spent.
               As he played with the hair near her skull with well-practiced movements, he took pride in his ability to effectively reduce her behaviors to that of a cat. His warm massage found its way to her cheeks and forehead as well, to enhance the feeling of comfort before he continued,                “ I’m never a ‘dick,’ you’re always just aggressive and verbally abusive! ”
                                                                                          “They’re all true, all the things you said, I’ll admit. I’m fully aware of that stuff.”  Eyes scrunched shut as a small yawn was was given vent to behind her hand which covered her mouth. Growing steadily drowsy, there seemed to be no room for irritability whatsoever. In fact, his honesty was appreciated, and would surely be reciprocated.  “But you are a dick a lot of times. You know why? I’m sure you know, but I’ll tell you anyway” she mumbled, lulled, but forever an advocate of truth.  “You’re always trying to manipulate situations according to your will. I don’t know why you do that, it can’t just be a simple pleasure all the time. I’m sure there are more deep rooted reasons other than the sadistic aspect. But your problem is that you can’t fathom seeing how things will play out without you controlling all conditions” she began before elaborating.   “And I understand that it can be uneasy not knowing what can happen, but isn’t it so much work to always make sure things go your way? I’d rather just sit back and watch the fun instead of get involved and change things up, even if I may be affected later. You know, like letting life run it’s course.”  She needed affirmation as to whether he followed. “I’m really not making much sense, am I?” A small laugh sounded, soft and short.   “I’m sure you’re secretly pleased about how I’m like this around you for now, not yelling, not fighting, just being subdued. And you may think of this as a victory, and I’d say that it is because you’ve successfully not pissed me off today. But I really lose nothing when you win. I’m experiencing something pleasant, despite all your inner motives, and I’m having fun. If you winning means enjoyment for me, then I’d let you win any time.”
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                                                                                             Lids fluttering open to meet her gaze with his, her arm reached up to gently push her index finger into his forehead, almost affectionately. “Sometimes, you need to ease up and try other ways, and allow yourself to have fun different from the kind you’re always indulging in. You might just like it more than your way, you won’t know unless you’ve tried.”  Finger tracing a line along his temple moved near his ear to twirl a stray lock around itself, like a dark vine around her pale digit. “You’re fun like this, and I like it. We should be more like this and not be petty bitches all the time. Sweet you and calm me is a pretty fine combination.” While her lips were curled upward, she smiled through her eyes more than her mouth, a clear depiction of genuineness. 
                                                                                          “Also, what the hell is this now? A face massage? Where’d you learn it? It’s working too well! If you keep this up, I’ll be sleeping here and you’ll just be lingering like a sad dude” chuckled she, letting go of the cluster of strands, allowing her arm to rest below her chest instead, smile still in place. 
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               Neqamah dismissed her questioning gaze without paying it any regard- instead entwined his fingers with hers and began walking to the shopping district. Without meeting her gaze, he explained,                “ I just happen to like the same things you do! Chocolate? Ice cream and hot chocolate? Don’t think you’re special just because you like sweets! ” Finally, he peered downward at her, crimson hues sparkling with enthusiasm as he voiced his next comment,                “ I say we get some cake and hot chocolate first! Or maybe you’d like to snack on some chocolate first? ”
                                                                                             “Hey, I’m extremely special” came the indignant huff. However, it was devoid of any irritation or hatred. “You chose me to be your fake date because I’m delightful” she added confidently with a smirk. She wasn’t quite sure what kind of situation she was placed in, and it perturbed her. His enthusiasm seemed genuine, and although she had little reason to be suspicious of him, she had regretted being overly trusting of people in the past. 
The hand that held her own seemed firm, and perhaps even reliable.  Looking ahead, she shrugged, conceding. He was paying after all. 
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                                                                                          “Since you’re the one shopping and paying, I’ll let you decide. We’ll do whatever you want” she declared, small grin on her face with an air of decided civility.  “If you want cake, then that’s what we’ll do.”  While their legs moved, her lips paused for a few moments. “But I hope you and I have to do nothing more than hold hands, otherwise it would be so weird, wouldn’t it?” she questioned with a chuckle, gazing back up at him. 
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“Forever.” Damien wrapped his arms around her as well; holding on tightly, but not so much that it would be painful or constricting. “You’re very mean, so you need to hug me so I won’t cry.”
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                                                                                          “Forever? That’s so crazy. You’ll be holding my decaying body at this rate” she mumbled into his chest, chuckling, ever ready with a sarcastic jibe.  “But then you’ll cry loads when I die, won’t you? Now that isn’t any good.”
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“…You’re such a mean, Karin. I think I might start to cry now. And that’s just weird. I have a lot of weird fantasies, but none of mine are that strange.”
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                                                                                          “Your grammar makes me cry too. We should sob together, it’ll be nice.  Are you implying that I have fantasies about you delivering babies into the world from your penis? Why, how right you are!”
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