thebillyblogs · 4 years
My 8th Grade Enrollment Disaster!
"I tried so hard and got so far, in the end, it doesn't even matter." It is a lyric from Linkin Park's song At the End which struck me the most during a scorching, skin-piercing summer afternoon of April 2015. Desperation can make someone do irrational actions if it means to achieve that pariticular goal. Let me recount the story of my 8th-grade enrollment disaster, where a series of unfortunate events went across my way. It was a moment of intense desperation, as I try to win a race against time.
It was 6:30 A.M. and I had prepared for my requirements the day before the enrollment for the upcoming grade 8 students, or so I thought. What I had was 6 pieces of one by one I.D. pictures with red background, a pen and myself. When I went to school, things ran smoothly in the line, until the head teacher announced: "Ang picture ay kailangan white background!" I didn't mind it at all because I still had more time in my hands and it was around 8 o'clock. So I took my sweet time to walk home (which was quite far) and get money from my mom for me to scan my ID picture.
I went to the nearest computer shop, scanned my I.D., and went to school. When I stepped outside the tricycle, I looked for the one by one picture in my plastic envelope and realized it's not there. I was so infuriated by my stupidity. I walked home and found my pictures lying on the table. I was so exhausted so I took a rest for 20 minutes.
It was already 10:30 A.M. and I haven't enrolled yet. I rushed and secured my requirements and double checked everything before I left. I was sure this time that I would be enrolled before lunchtime which was the cut-off. I pasted everything on my forms and went to the line to pass it. When it was my turn the teacher told to the students that proper haircut must be observed for the boys. At the time I had hair that surpasses the ears which was not proper for a boys haircut. I immediately went home and got money from my mom which at this point, so angry at me. I went to our nearest barber and told to trim it a little which was my biggest mistake at the time.
After the barber trimmed it, I went to school and went to the line. It was now 11:30 A.M. and it was scorching hot. When it was my turn to pass my form, the teacher said that my hair was too long and that I need to go to a barber to fix it. I felt really angry and at the same time desperate for me to finish this enrollment. I almost threw all my stuff away because I was that angry.
I walked home, enduring the pain of the heat as I choked on my own disbelief and desperation.
"I don't want to enroll anymore," I said while throwing my plastic envelope at the ground.
"I hate them! I hate them all!" I yelled as tears pour down my face.
My mom took pity in my situation and said, " You have to keep trying, or else you won't go anywhere,"
"I'll call your dad, he will help you." My mom added.
My dad went home and laughed at my situation. We went to the barber shop and told the barber that my haircut need to be short as possible. After that, we went to school and I passed my forms and they accepted it.
The whole situation was a mess. Because of my desperation, I had to make irrational decisions which affected my actions in the long run. If I had known the circumstances before, I could have made wise decisions. If I only thought things twice, I could have had a swift entrance towards my goal. This horrendous and excruciating experience gave me a lesson which I could not fully forget.
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thebillyblogs · 4 years
A Lost Loved One
Have you ever lost something very important to you? Humans have a tendency to lose things and it is almost natural for us to make that simple mistake. Losing someone, on the other hand, is a different story than losing an object. Recently, I lost my grandmother who was extremely special to me. I wish she was still around so I could know her better. My grandmother was a strong & caring, family-oriented woman who taught me how to value time and how to be responsible. Her presence still lingers until this day and I still couldn't stop reminiscing about our precious memories together.
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My grandmother being strong and caring is one of the reasons why I truly admire her. She's the second to the youngest of 5 siblings in a poverty-stricken community in Negros Occidental and their only source of income is their kamote crops which became their families staple food for as long as they can remember. The funny thing is that the tradition of eating kamote never caught up with us. Going back, her youngest sister begged their parents to continue studying but they never had the money to support all of their childrens education. My grandmother having heard the conversation took pity on her sister. She stopped studying and went to Manila to fund her sisters education at Negros. "Huwag kang tumigil mag-aral, ako ang bahala sayo. Ituloy mo lang yang pag-aaral mo" she said. Her sister right now is in Germany working as a secretary. Her sacrifice and care for her loved ones is unconditional, even if she won't benefit from it.
Furthermore, she has proved all her life that blood will always be thicker than water. She prioritized her family first than others. For instance, when I was a toddler, I used to be anemic and would always get sick. She used up a majority of her life earnings to pay my hospital bills. That is why all throughout my life, I have learned to treasure all the things my family does for me and not take them for granted.
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There are many lessons which I have learned for my grandmother that I will never forget and these are: how to value time and how to be more responsible. In the mornings, she would always wake me up too early. I missed her soft warm hands patting my head just to wake me up. There was this one time when I really don't want to go to school. She poured a glass of cold water to me which really woke me up and gave shivers all over my body. She then scolded me and said that I should treat time like gold. That is when I learned how to value time.
I am a "Mr. Know it all" type of guy. I always believe that I know how to do everything. Of course with that mindset I am destined to make mistakes. My grandmother always taught me how to be responsible of my actions all the time.
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Nanay, you're strong like a rock and caring like the soothing breath of the calm winds. You were my teacher, my best friend, and my hero. You were there during the deepest depths of our adversity. I wish I could tell you how much I love you before you reached your final destination. This is to everyone who still has their loved ones. Love them with all your heart and value them because they are not an object that can be replaced. Once they're gone, they're gone for good.
-Reflective Essay-
February 16, 2020
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thebillyblogs · 4 years
Enchanted Kingdom: The EKsperience
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” -Hellen Keller. Enchanted Kingdom (EK) is an amusement park in Sta. Rosa, Laguna where people all over the world visit across all seasons. It is a place for people who seek thrill and escapade. It is the best amusement park in the Philippines because of its magical ambiance, exhilarating rides and beautiful attractions that captivated my heart. Come and join me on this journey to my EK EKsperience.
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EK is one bus ride from Manila. It is located at Sta. Rosa, Laguna and bus fees aren't that high. The trip would cost a visitor about 80 pesos. Ticket rates vary depending on which day the visitor decides to go and the corresponding height that you have. On weekdays, standard tickets sell for 800 pesos to persons who are above 4 feet while children below 4 feet but between 3 feet, the ticket cost 500 pesos. For those who are below 3 feet, the entrance fee is free. As you walk towards the place, you can already see its rides that stand tall like the houses of the gods in Olympus. EK’s entrance gate is majestic. It will look like you're in one of Disney princess films castle. Eldar the Wizard, the chubby round man with a long gray wavy beard that wears a purple cloak, greets you while you enter his magical kingdom.
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The magical ambiance is one of the reasons tourists all over the world visit this amusement park. The colorful bright paths radiated on my eyes that lead to different sections of the park. There is an abundance of tawny-green palm trees and bushes that will make anyone feel relaxed and calm as they wait in a queue. The park is filled with stalls that sell a variety of items like toys, t-shirts and souvenirs. People who wear extravagant costumes roam around the park and they would sing or perform dances. Indeed, being in EK will make you feel like you’re in a fantasy world.
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EK is known for its exhilarating rides and is the reason why so many people flock from far away places just to experience it. As I step towards the vicinity of the park, I can already hear the loud screeching screams of the people as you enter the park. Since I went to this park for three times now, I got to ride most of them.
Here are all of my favorites.
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First, the Disco Magic. In this ride, I sat in a tight seat with a handle in the front. The purple disc will spin rapidly and will sway back and forth on the arches. I felt the gushing wind as the disc moves and spin on top of the upside-down arch.
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Second is the Ekstreme Tower. This tall and scary ride carried me slowly 40 meters above the ground that usually takes a minute. For a couple of seconds, I saw the scenic view of the whole amusement park and the natural landscape around it. Then suddenly, the whole thing drops at a speed of 76 kph. The first time I tried this ride I almost puked because I wasn't expecting that sudden drop.
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The third is the Flying Fiesta. The flying fiesta resembles a top with strings attached to it. As it spins, the strings will follow the motion of the top. That is basically the Flying Fiesta. In this ride, I sat in a metal-like seat with a seatbelt. There are seats that accommodate 1 person and there are also seats that are meant for a group. The round top will spin and so as all the seats. It is a fun and exciting ride.
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Last is the Space Shuttle, my favorite ride of all time. This ride is the most extreme ride in EK because of the way it is constructed. The Space Shuttle is a thrilling roller coaster ride that turns guests upside-down 6 times – 3 times forward and 3 times backward – all in two minutes. This crazy ride got my adrenaline pumping in my veins. When we went there we rode it 3 times in a row which made me and my cousins very sick but at the same time thrilled and exhilarated.
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The park is divided into 6 different regions each with its own theme. The first is Victory Park with the Grand Carrousel as its main ride. Second is Midway boardwalk. A region of the park specifically for the children and the elderly with gentle rides. The third is Boulderville which lies in the heart of the park. This region is themed prehistoric with dinosaurs and dinosaur-themed rides scattered all around the place. The fourth is Brooklyn Place. From the name itself, you'll figure out that it is like the one in Brooklyn, New York. This is the region where most staffs where extraordinary costumes walk and perform. In here you will also see the 4D Theater and also the crowd favorite, the Swan Lake. The fifth is the Portabello. It is themed like a NASA facility and it is where the Space Shuttle lies. It is here where most restaurants are located. Last is the Portabello where the AGILA the Eksperience is located. AGILA the Eksperience takes you on a thrilling journey across the Philippines’ majestic mountains, breathtaking beaches, and incredible islands, right in the comfort of your own seat. Those are the six attractions of EK
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One thing I notice when I went to this park is that the food is so expensive. The food you bring will be confiscated by the authorities on the entrance gate so they will force you to buy the foods and snacks inside the park. When we went there we hid our food in the bottom-most part of our bags where most guards won't look at so we won’t get to waste our money to overpriced coke and piatos. But there are restaurants up at Space Port that will fit everyone’s budget that serves Filipino cuisines.
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In total, Enchanted Kingdom is a place I will never forget because of the magical ambiance, thrilling rides and delightful attractions. For me, it is also a place for happiness and adventure where everyone of all ages will surely enjoy. I can already say that Enchanted Kingdom is the best amusement park in the Philippines. Not because of its rides and attractions, but the special place it holds in my heart.
January 24, 2020
• Enchanted Kingdom. (2019). Ticket rates. Retrieved from: https://www.enchantedkingdom.ph
• Enchanted Kingdom. (2019). Rides and attractions.
Retrieved from: https://www.enchantedkingdom.ph
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thebillyblogs · 4 years
"Collect moments, not things"
According to my partner @fayecristobals-blog ...
Travelling is not just buying things and souvenir, it is making memories and moment with yourself or with your family and friends. It is better to collect moments than things because moments will keep in your memories and can remember it anytime you want. You can also share and show what moments you collected in the particular place that you have travel.
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thebillyblogs · 4 years
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3 lessons that I've learned
- I have learned about travelogue, the things that I can write in my travelogue and how travelogue can make you earn money
2 questions?
- how do I write a great hook that could capture the readers attention?
- how can I critique my peers work constructively?
1 aspect of the class I enjoyed?
- I enjoyed the lesson in general because travelling is something that one would enjoy and talking and learning about it makes me happy.
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thebillyblogs · 4 years
A Journey to My Life: An Autobiography
I, Bill Howard De Asis Diaz, was born on September 10, 2001. My birthplace is at Sta. Cruz, Manila in Jose Reyes Memorial Hospital, a cyan building surrounded by lush calming trees. My parents described me as having two full black round eyes and a noticeable dimples just hanging around my cheeks whenever I smile. I have two lovely parents, they are Garry Diaz and Lani De Asis which is my father and my mother respectively. My father is a company driver at Manila Polo Club and my mother is a freelance worker. They are like cats and dogs, They make it seem like they're arch enemies as I grow up. I also had a grandmother whom which I truly love. Her name is Angeles De Asis. She died last year on March 6, 2019, she was our only companion during the times my parents left me. And my brother, John, who's been alongside me as long as I can remember.
I was born with a condition in which I lack white blood cells. My parents said that my skin is as white as a snowstorm. They would say that I get frequent seizures, like a brown worm salted with every grains of salt penetrating through its body. but it all stopped when my father finally transfused his blood to mine. They really had a traumatic experience with me as a toddler. With all the things they sacrificed for me, I learned how to take care of myself.
I was five years old when I started to go to school. I studied at Maximo Estrella Elementary School when I was in Nursery and Kinder, up until grade 1. I was a top student and I liked dancing more than anything else.
On my 2nd Grade, in 2008, we transferred houses in San Pedro, Laguna. That would also mean I would switch schools. I studied at Jesus the Risen Savior School, a catholic private school, for the rest of my elementary year. During those days, I was able to hone my skills in dancing. I took up hip-hop as my extracurricular activity. I was able to dance in big events like in SM Muntinlupa. While perfecting my skill as a dancer, I was also able to boost up my academic performance. I participated in quiz bees and contests in Laguna.
It was also this time period where I begin to notice something about myself. I always feel like I don't belong. Like a fish out of water. Especially with boys. But I kept those feelings aside and focused on my studies. I graduated 2nd honorable mention in the class and I got the "Best in Hip-Hop" award in 2014.
We moved back to Makati for my high school because we want to move as far away as possible from the grasps of my grandmother in Laguna. I studied at San Antonio National High School located at Barangay San Antonio. I enrolled late at the time, so they assigned me to the second to the last section, section 11. Being a transferee from a private school is really hard for me. I'm not used to the atmosphere of a public school. At first, I thought I wasn't going to fit in at all. But as time pass by, I quickly adapted and was able to have friends. And eventually,had a best friend. I also had a group of friends who were like me. During this year, I wasn't able to dance as I focused mainly on my academics. I danced occasionally here and there but it wasn't all that serious . I didn't finish 7th grade with honors, but I was drafted to the first section the next year.
Grade 8th, section 1 was where I really belonged. I had classmates who I had a lot of in common with. We were all academically advanced with all the other sections. This is where I really stepped up my game and by the end of the school year, I finished with honors.
Most of my classmates in grade 8 were my classmates for the last 2 years which was grade 9 and grade 10. In the 9th grade, I finished with honors and In the 10th as well with me being rank 3rd overall in the class in 2018.
It was in this time where I experienced the most problems in my life. My mom left and my dad went alcoholic. That's why I am so thankful for my grandma who was always there with us even if we are not her responsibility anymore.
When I graduated junior high, I tried to enroll at PUP Senior High School but I didn't pass the initial standard grade that they were looking for. So my last option was Maximo Estrella Senior High School which was very near to our house at the time. Humanities and Social Science was always my choice because I really want to be a teacher.
Grade 11 feels like I was back in the 7th grade. There was only one section and my classmates have the same characteristics as my classmates in 7th grade. Luckily, I have a close friend by me, Jahna, which is a classmate of mine from grade 8 up to grade 10. I thought I'm never going to be friends with those people. We have Bisaya classmates, delinquent boys and girls and quiet classmates who are which I'm not used to. Thankfully, we have a strong adviser who's willing to be patient just for our section, Ms. Samson.
I also had the best group of friends that I belonged to. Bibs. They were the best people I have ever met. They made my grade 11 experience amazing up until this moment.
I opened myself up for my classmates and I got to know them better. It turns out they are good people with dark pasts. I became more understanding.
I finished the 11th grade with high honors and now it's the 12th grade. Being in Maximo Estrella Senior High School has opened me up to many opportunities that I couldn't have gotten to my junior high school. Like being a part of the Supreme Student Government, Rotary Club and many more. Because of this school, I was able to join quiz bees and contests. It was in this school year where I won my first championship in regionals in research. I am truly thankful for what this school has done for me.
Today, as of me writing this, I realized that there are a lot more things I could face in the future. This is only a fraction of what my life is and I am looking forward to facing more obstacles with a good attitude and determination. Next chapter, college life.
Passed on: December 22, 2019
Edited: January 7, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 4 years
Bill: The Protector 🛡️
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Mahatma Ghandi once said, "Bravery is not a quality of the body, it is of the soul." In the battle of life, the soul is braver than the sword. The soul in which our true essence as human beings originate. It is in our soul that we should integrate bravery so we can face every situation without fear. I for one has managed to do this, no wonder that my name even proves my point. Because my name Bill means brave and protection, I always fight for what is right, stand for the truth and protect my family from any harm.
As a Humanities and Social Science student and as a student leader in the school, being right and just is a must. I always take into account fairness in every situation I engage in. For example, when I was 12 years old I would always play with my friends and every time I caught someone cheating in a game, let's say for example in a game of blindfolding. I would always call out a redo because I always value fairness even when I was still a kid.
Futhermore, speaking out the truth is one of my biggest principles in life. I'm going to be completely honest here, I lied countless of times. But when it comes to serious circumstances, I always stand for the truth no matter how many people get in my way. For instance, there was an issue about my two classmates fighting way back in elementary school. I completely saw how the series of events unfolded right before my very eyes. I volunteered as witness for the case. I expressed everything that I saw truthfully with exact details and because of me, the case was resolved easily.
Lastly, my family is my number one priority. I do what I do because of them. Growing up, my family hasn't been perfect. My mom and dad weren't always in good terms. Often, I would catch them yell and fight with each other until recently they separated for good. Even with those difficulties, I still value them and would protect them at all cost.
To sum it all up, bravery is the quality of the soul in fighting for what is right, standing for the truth and protecting your loved ones at all costs. My name has reflected the core essence of bravery and has transformed me into becoming the brave person I am today. Mahatma Ghandi was right. To achieve bravery it should not only be integrated in the mind, but also in the soul and in our hearts.
December 8, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
The Name Game
1. Your real name:
Bill Howard
2. Your gangsta name (First three letters of real name plus “izzle”): 
3. Your detective name (favorite color and favorite animal): 
Pink Panther
4. Your soap opera name (Your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it’s a number): 
De Asis Rubi
5. Your Star Wars name (The first three letters of your last name, first two letters of your first name): 
6. Your superhero/criminal name (Your second favorite color, plus favorite drink): Yellow Fruit Soda
7. Your Iraqi name (second letter of your first name, third letter of your last name, first letter of your last name, second letter of your mom’s maiden name, third letter of your dad’s name and last letter of your mom’s first name): 
8. Your witness protection name (Parents’ middle names): 
Bohol De Asis
9. Your Goth name: (black, plus the name of one of your pets): 
Black Doggy
10. Your hood name (First three letters of your first name then add “aqua”): Bilaqua
November 11, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
Mr. Teddy
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I am your childhood friend who fought the monsters away.
At night you hug me tight, didn't lead you astray.
I was always there when you're afraid.
Your childhood friend, who always stayed.
Day by day, you grew faster.
Leaving me without a master.
I understood because you're growing older.
I'm just one of your toys in your ended life chapter.
You picked me up one day after what it feels like a thousand years.
I missed those warm and soft hands encircling my entire waist.
You've grown tall and confident my dear.
Slowly I realize I am being encased.
Darkness is all I see here.
Together with my fellow toys who were meant to dissappear.
Slowly being lift up, giggles of children I can hear.
It opened and a fresh beacon of light and hope has appeared.
I now know my purpose in this harsh and temporary place.
Is to give smiles across all the children's face.
July 29, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
It Is Within Ourselves
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We are our own poets. Each and everyone of us are capable of producing a work of art. All we have to do is to find them within ourselves through the process of self discovery.
July 20, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
The Value of Taking a Creative Writing Class ✏📖
In taking a creative writing class, I can express my thoughts, emotions, my crazy ideas and creativity into writing, which is very impossible for me to express fully verbally. That's why creative writing is very important for every student. Especially for the ones who can't vocally express their feelings and emotions. Creative writing can take a persons mind to a whole new different level of understanding and thinking. It challenges the mind to be themselves and to express themselves, which is very uncommon nowadays in our generation.
July 20, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
A Perfect Man 'Living' In A Perfect LIfE
Tall like a tree trunk holding strong and still, handsome like the sweet and tempting looks of cupid and blonde as white as the sands of beach in the pacific.
He is as powerful as the god of lightning, Zeus. He can fly above and touch the fluffy wet clouds and travel the vast expanse of space in the speed of light. He has the voice of a mermaid, soothing and harmonious in every way.
But he has one weakness, accepting fate. The inevitable fate he can't accept, death.
July 20, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
My Grandma
She is as fragile as a glass.
Her giggle whispers to me from the heavens above.
Holding her warm, rough hands is something i'd never pass.
If I could, for the last time, show her my love.
Regret to reset and remake a longlasting life lush of love and light.
Whistle, she does, to call upon her dying grace.
Her spirit can be felt on the whirling wind of the night.
Her inevitable passing is something I couldn't face.
Her wearing a long white elegant dress was the last time I saw her.
My whole entire life flashed before my eyes.
I realized that in every scene her voice was the only thing I heard.
Dirt pours on her little by little, it is time for my final goodbye.
July 19, 2019
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
An Octosyllabic Poem for My Crush
Your presence makes my mind go wild
Like a starving pack of lions
Desiring every inch of you
July 15, 2019 -5/5
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
Can you guess what animal I'm talking about in my haiku?
On below it hisses
It preys on the innocent
Slithering slowly
Did you guess it?
Yes! It's a snake! 🐍
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July 15, 2019 -5/5
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
Imagery and Meaning ❤
Last friday our wonderful teacher, Mrs. Agaton, tasked us to change these plain and boring sentences into a much more meaningful one by using imagery or the use of sensory words in order to make the readers feel what the writer is trying to imply rather than telling it to them.
Credits to @janegers for making these sentences with me.
The sentences are as follows:
1. We drove at the dessert last summer vacation.
2. My trip to the theater is memorable.
3. The weather is changing.
These are the transformed sentences of the original three where we used imagery to convey a deeper feeling:
1. Tiny bits of sand touched our faces as we drove right pass the boiling climate in Egypt last summer vacation.
2. I remembered when I entered the movie theater, my mouth immediately watered as I smell the sweet and buttery scent of popcorns.
3. The dark grim weather turned into a bright mellow day in an instant.
You see, using imagery is the way to make your work more interesting and fun to read. Go ahead and try using imagery!
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thebillyblogs · 5 years
Orange: Something that I do well.
Ghana 🇬🇭, Estonia 🇪🇪, Oman 🇴🇲, Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇼, Rwanda 🇷🇼, Austria 🇱🇻, Philippines 🇵🇭, Honduras 🇭🇳, Yemen 🇾🇪. Take the first letters of those countries altogeher and geography will be formed.
Memorizing countries is my forté. Almost all the flags and geographical features of every country, I've already memorized them.
It's quite embarrasing how I did it. When I was a kid, I watch Miss Universe. When they show all the ladies with sashes and their countries written on it, I get curious on where and what they are. So I searched each and everyone on them on the internet and voila! I am captivated by the variety and culture of every country. Up until now, I still study them and the more I do it, the more I become knowledgeable and understanding about the small world in which we live.
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