theatreforthemasses · 4 months
Resources for Mending Clothes
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We toss out over 80 pounds of textiles each year. These textiles are often made of plastic materials (polyester, nylon), made in unethical conditions, dyed with harsh dyes that often get put into the rivers, etc. Even a single cotton shirt releases carbon emissions and uses tons of water. 
So the best thing to prevent the unsustainable growth of the fashion industry is to make sure that your clothing lasts as long as possible. To do so, mending clothing is a must. So here are some resources to help you learn how to do various things, such as sewing a button, to tailoring clothes, or even upcycling old clothing into new styles. 
* How to sew on three different types of button
* How to hand sew on a patch on a torn pair of jeans
* How to sew up a hole in an old shirt
* How to sew a simple T-shirt
* How to upcycle old clothing into new clothing
* More upcycle and sewing techniques
* How to repair a damaged sock
* How to do an invisible stitch
* 3 different stitches to work with for different results
* How to make a T-shirt smaller so it fits you better
* How to make repairs to your shoes
These are just a few of the things that you can do in order to make sure that your clothing lasts for a long time. Nobody wants to keep buying new clothing, as it is expensive and wasteful. 
So making alterations to your clothing, or fixing small holes hen you see them can be hugely beneficial to your wallet, to garment workers, and to the environment in the long term. 
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theatreforthemasses · 7 months
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Celestial ceilings
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theatreforthemasses · 11 months
[ID: a link preview of a stock image coffee table with a laptop with the facebook logo on the screen with text on top that says 'anyone who used facebook in the last 16 years can now get settlement money. here's how." end ID]
Time Sensitive- Apply before August 25th, 2023 (8/25/23)!
Filing a claim takes less than ten minutes, and can be done HERE
Excerpt from article:
Anyone in the U.S. who used Facebook in the last 16 years can now collect a piece of a $725 million settlement by parent company Meta tied to privacy violations — as long as they fill out a claim on a website set up to pay out money to the social network's users. 
The settlement stems from multiple lawsuits that were brought against Facebook by users who claimed that the company improperly shared their data with third-party sources such as advertisers and data brokers. The litigation began after Facebook was embroiled in a privacy scandal in 2018 with Cambridge Analytica, which scraped user data from the site as part of an effort to profile voters.
Meta denied any liability or wrongdoing under the settlement, according to the recently created class-action website. However, the agreement means that U.S. residents who used Facebook between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, can file a monetary claim as long as they do so before August 25, 2023. 
Please reblog to signal boost this! As many people as possible should know about this to make their claim, if you don't do anything you don't get anything. It takes less than ten minutes to file and pick your payment option including pay/pal and ven/mo .
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The World of Interiors, February 1992. Photo - James Mortimer
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How many of these movies have you seen that people said “you haven’t seen [blank] yet??” to me about
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
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The World of Interiors, February 1992. Photo - James Mortimer
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
Idk what to call this but ain’t it pretty?
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
i can not and i mean i can not stress this enough… make a bibliography as you do your research. i mean, make a fully formed, correctly cited bibliography as you work. just do it. i know i know you’re being lazy or you hate making citations or you’ll just get to it later or you don’t want to get distracted etc etc etc
whatever your reasons just make the fuckin bibliography
and while im at it… put the footnotes in properly as you are writing. just… do it. for future you. please. for your sanity. do it.
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
do you believe in any theories that attempt to explain s4 being the way it is? if so, please recommend me some!
Hi anon! x
Aaaaah this is going to be a veeery long list of metas.
I actually don’t believe strongly in only one theory, but the one that I think represents the only way to take seriously TFP is that the entire episode is in John’s mind, since he’s in coma after Eurus had shot him.
Basically, some people thinks that the EMP theory is extended to S4 too, others support the EDT theory and others (like me) think that TFP comes from John’s dreams during coma.
There are many theories about S4 or its episodes in particular and these are the meta I have.
It was a bit difficult to categorize them but I hope that this masterpost will be easy to use.
•List of the weird things that happened
•Masterpost of reasons why S4 is a mess
•Why do many people not accept s4?
•Why did they do that to John’s character?
•Analysis and critique of Eurus
•Why Mofftiss should have made a fake s4?
•EMP theory masterpost
•HLV/TAB parallels - hospital scene
•HLV/TAB parallels - weird things that make sense only if we assume that EMP theory is true
•Alibi theory (see down) and EMP
•EDT theory
•Dream theory - doctor who parallels
•Princess bride - love story
•Princess bride - bedtime stories - nightmare
•S4 and S5 are twin series
•“It’s never twins”, says Sherlock, but John is always right
•The birth scene was filmed twice in different ways
•The birth scene - Sherlock is driving and John is helping Mary
•Freud - wish fulfillment
•TFP is John’s mind palace - masterpost
•John’s mind palace - “Listen to the tape”
•Video - all the evidence that S4 is a dream/mind palace
•Trance theory
•John’s alibi theory
•Culverton = dark John (the duplicate man - John killed someone/Mary)
•The texts are from Sherlock since he’s narrating the story
•Why does John cheat on Mary? Is it ooc? Why does Mary looks like Sherlock’s partner?
•Eurus as the lady at the bus stop - she’s working for Mycroft
•Sherlock is the person John is writing to
•John is writing to Sherlock - we can deduce this by the soundtrack
•Mary is a villain -masterpost
•Is Mary the reason why Sherlock and John didn’t see each other for one month?
•Mary works for Moriarty - John is Sherlock’s heart and has to burn
•“You don’t tell John”
•Moriarty wanted to kill John to stay with Sherlock - Mary wanted to kill Sherlock to stay with John
•Mary’s revenge after her death
•How John reacts to Mary’s death and how he reacted to Sherlock’s death
•Why did John forget how to be a doctor while Mary was dying?
•Mary’s death was physically impossible - contradiction with HLV when Sherlock is shot
•It was impossible for her to reach the bullet - contradictions
•Eurus and Moriarty - Redbeard is Moriarty
•Molly is John’s mirror - TFP - “I love you”
•Sumatra/Samsara music
•Mary and the pink elephant peluche - John’s drinking problem
•Sherlock becomes blind
•John lost his eye
I’ll keep it updated if I find other interesting meta!
If you have any to suggest, please tell me!
I hope this is what you asked for! x
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
no actually I’m gonna give this its own post.
get yourself a USB stick from any dollar store, install ubuntu with persistent storage on it. There is literally no reason not to, and it means that you now have a little computer of your very own that no one except those who physically get their hands on your USB stick can use (and you can password lock the OS) and that you can run from literally almost any PC with USB ports. Including public machines in libraries and, probably, school laptops.
If you’re a kid who needs privacy, someone in trouble who just needs their own machine to play and talk to people on, somebody who doesn’t have the money to get your own computer, etc etc etc, do this. Actually do this even if you do have your own computer. There is literally no reason to not have a little backup system on a thumb drive that you can use anytime. If your main computer starts acting up or gets fucked over by an update or something? Just plug in your thumb drive and use your computer from your handy-dandy mini Ubuntu installation.
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
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Widows (2018) dir. Steve McQueen Set It Off (1996) dir. F. Gary Gray The Real McCoy (1993) dir. Russell Mulcahy Hustlers (2019) dir. Lorene Scafaria Sugar & Spice (2001) dir. Francine McDougall Bound (1996) dir. Lana & Lilly Wachowski A Fish Called Wanda (1988) dir. Charles Crichton Ocean’s 8 (2018) dir. Gary Ross The Hustle (2019) dir. Chris Addison Jackie Brown (1997) dir. Quentin Tarantino
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
ADHD masterlist
How to get a 4.0 with ADHD-C and Dyscalculia (Or, how to survive Uni as a disabled student) + some lifestyle tips
ADHD facts and experience
What is stimming?
Help for getting diagnosed with ADHD
How to Support People with ADHD
Books to help you deal with life when you have ADHD
Avoiding boredom with ADHD
Favourite soundscapes for sleeping & studying
Task Management
Creating + Maintaining a Schoolwork Schedule
Practical bujo post for people work ADHD and/or other executive function difficulties
Make it a 'did list'
Watch "How to Create a Bullet Journal Plus My Top 10 Tips" on YouTube
trick for perceivers--time management (not specifically ADHD but it can help)
Trouble getting started
Task prioritizer tool
Books to deal with chronic procrastination especially for teens living with emotionally abusive parents
Study tips for ADHD
Study/focus tips
Studying for math with ADHD
Tips for Studying When You Have ADHD/Never Learned How
How to overcome executive dysfunction and just get it done!
Study (?) tips that you don’t see on every study post
Quick ADHD and study tips:
Study/planning methods that work for me w ADHD
Uni study problem:
You are not alone-- for when you feel like you're the only one struggling with this...
When something goes wrong and you're over whelmed
Nothing sticks in your brain
ADHD things no one talks about
adhd culture is:
The Downsides of Being A (subtly adhd) Bookworm
What people think ADHD inattentiveness is...
I created this list for my very best QPP, as part of her birthday gift! So this has been tailored specifically for her but I hope this will help other people too!
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
17 free and helpful things, that everyone can take advantage of
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library They send an age appropriate book once a month if you have a child younger than 5.
Project Gutenberg Lots of free classic books.
Library Genesis A great place to look for and download college/university textbooks for free, as well as other books.
Scihub Endless Free college books. (and peer-reviewed scientific publications that are otherwise hidden behind a paywall)
Khan Academy Free knowledge that you can use to clep out of university courses, or to simply invest your time in a worthwhile topic.
Openlearn UK’s Open University - free courses for all levels of study, samples of university materials, study skills and tie-ins to BBC documentaries. Everything under Creative Commons licence so you can use it as you see fit.
Duolingo The Green Owl of Languages. There are a few hundred that it teaches and the mobile app makes it easy to do anywhere while waiting (!warning! only good for Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Esperanto, and English. with anything else it gets very low-quality and short.).
Codecademy An awesome site to learn how to use some programming languages. Doesn't get into the really advanced stuff, but it's good for a start.
Photopea Completely free Photoshop clone that has all the basic features of Photoshop, using basically the same interface.
Gimp Another free version of Photoshop.
Unsplash Stock of free photos of just about anything, provided by the photographers themselves, to do with what you like.
Futureme You can write letters to yourself (or other people) in the future! You can also make notifications and reminders of a +doctors appointments or anything else important.
Heavens Above You can look up all the satellites flying over your house tonight, including the ISS, Hubble Space Telescope, those pesky Starlink satellites, and whatever else your heart desires, complete with star maps and precise timing. And there is an Android app, but unfortunately no iOS one last I checked. (For iOS you can use “Sputnik!” which is free and tells, when ISS and Hubble passes overhead.)
Night Sky Other astronomy app for iOS. If you hold your phone to the sky the app tells you what you're looking at (or point it at the ground for a view from the other side of the planet). Zoom in with two fingers and tons of deep space stuff is revealed.
Freecycle its literally people giving away stuff they don't need/want any more that they can't/don't care enough to sell.
Nexus Mods Has thousands of video game mods (for 1,509 PC games), made by independent content creators, available to download at no cost.
Archive The Archive aka Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and so much more... For example a lot of DOS games (classics like Prince of Persia, Oregon Trail, DOOM, Monkey island, Rayman, Turtles), directly playable through the browser.
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theatreforthemasses · 2 years
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