South African Motorists
One constant reminder of the failing education system in South Africa is the lack of math skills used on the road. Fro example, when two lanes merge, that means it becomes 1. I might not have honors in Math, but I can confidently say I do know basic math.
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South African Decline
It truly saddens me that men’s ego’s are so fragile in our country. The amount of companies I’ve worked at where women accept having to be submissive just to spare a poor man’s feelings. I have always believed our genders are more than our stereotypes, but it seems I was wrong.
#boomers #genderstereotype #southafrica #equality #takeitlikeahuman #dontbesooverlysensitive #business #saddening
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I don't
I don't want to cry silently anymore
I don't want to go from crying in my parents bathroom to my own bathroom because of my boyfriend
I don't want to feel like I'm an slut for exploring my sexuality during my uni years
I don't want to continue not wanting sex since I've felt this way with you
I don't want to be your maid
I don't want to feel like your feelings come before mine
I don't want to be argued with each time I try to enthuse a beautiful part of the world, being told its actually shitty and awful
I don't want to be told every previous bf of mine was ugly as trash. You are not allowed to say that unless you know them
I don't want to feel trapped in a cage
Plucking my feathers out
One by one
Hoping the bloodloss will numb my suffering
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Parents shouldn't be racist and make jokes about how poor black people are
Parents shouldn't body shame you for being tiny and skinny
Parents shouldn't have screaming death matches in front of you (especially when you door isn't ever allowed closed)
Parents shouldn't want to strangle you and send you to hell when they find out you've been suicidal
Parents shouldn't boast about being heroes for adopting you
Parents shouldn't allow abuse to fester in the house
Parents shouldn't beat animals out of anger ever
Parents shouldn't be like mine
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Bird in a Cage
I've been a caged bird before.
Singing and dancing naively for my master.
Staying where he could see me and where I could not possibly betray him.
Yet a raven saw me through the bars of my cage.
This raven kept me company when he could, sang the softest and sweetest of melodies to hush my crying.
My master mightve put me in my cage...
But my raven stole me
And I shall forever be
Singing softly and sweetly
On my white little swing
With my raven at my side
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I don't understand. I don't understand why people don't want to make each other happy. Just a small smile or a "are you OK" can make a massive difference for someone's day.
Where did the lessons we learnt as children die? To not hurt people, to love those around you, to be kind and forgiving. What disgusting villainy creeps itself into our hearts when we grow up?
Why can't we stay kind and sweet?
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Start the day off the way you want to. My way is playing some games.
Who else? 😊😊
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These Islands
Someone told me you can actually buy a small random island for cheap change. If this is true... Let's start a new age island.
Scratch that, islands.
Imagine having different types of islands with different types of freedom. An island for all the hopeless romantics(be they straight or not), an island for book readers, an island for botanists (not going to lie, new undiscovered plants make most botanists tingle with happiness), an island for gamers (imagine an island of Call of Duty, or even themed per month with a different game), and many more.
Don't actually know how many islands we have to spare😅
Well it's fun to daydream
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Tell me you don't melt when you receive the "puppy eyes"?
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My mind truly opened to how much work goes into a show in my third year of university. I was an apprentice for the university Theatre team. However because I am tiny my main job (most of the time) , was to climb high and attach lights to the upper metal poles. I have a much higher respect for people who make events, concerts, weddings and other massive events happen. It takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears, and when you have to take everything you have been setting up for 2 weeks, down in 12 hours.... You will know the meaning of drinking pure black coffee to survive.
What job have you had that showed you an entirely new world?
Let me know😊
Have a nice day😁
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Silver lining
The world I knew didn't end with a massive twist or stab in the back. It came slow and painful, like poison through my veins.
A life that was full of innocence and possibilities withered away before my eyes. I could only watch as that which I knew, which had kept me safe, changed and morphed into a disgusting poisonous beast. It crept up out of its grave, content on making my life hell.
Even though I had lost something beautiful, I now see it for what it has become. A beast. My new world might not be the same, but it's different for a reason. It's my way of defeating the beast.
It's not always bad when things change
Just remember to look for the light
Be kind to yourselves
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Out of the Nest
Have you ever been manipulated? You know the feeling, you feel one way but then all of the sudden a person manipulates you to feel another way.
I've recently realized something that shook me to my core. It's burned a mark on my heart that still stings everytime I breathe.
My parents have been the most prevalent manipulators in my life. I have been called a whore and slut more by my own father (from age 12) than any other human on this planet. I have been shamed of how small I am built more by my own mother than by any magazine or TV show. They see themselves as the God's that graced me with their presence when they adopted me.
I have even been told I have to watch what medicine I take, because I have a "history". That "history" refers to my beautiful kind biological mother having done drugs when she was younger.
I don't know about you
But I'm done feeling bad about being me
Time to live life
Out of the nest
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Hidden or not
For those of you currently in an abusive situation (or have been), I want to say you are strong and you can get out of it. I didn't realize when I was younger, but both of my parents are emotionally abusive. Me being called a whore or a bitch was common knowledge in our house(even though I brought no men/women home) . Both my parents adored bringing up money that I owed them (for food or clothing before age 18) and how I was ruining my life with my choices and how it impacted on them extremely.
As I got older, I realized how they spoke to me and treated me, and that it is never anyone's right to treat anyone like that.
If you are in an abusive situation, just know that you aren't alone. Sadly humanity has its awful side, but it also has beautiful communities and people that truly want to help.
Don't stay quiet.
You have a right at a happy life
Now go live it
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Dog Mom
I have a rescue pekingese named Mishka. I got her at Puppy and Kitten Haven in Midrand about 4 months ago. She was rescued with other pekingese from breeders,so she does have some quirks(easily gets scared of the smallest noises, etc).
Recently I've started seeing her as not just my female pet companion, but also as someone who has been a mother (for 7 years). It's changed my outlook a lot, realizing that she has gone through something that even us women are afraid of, being used as a breeding device locked in a cage for 7 years, only allowed out to give birth or make more.
When we realize that animals feel pain and sadness like we do, it becomes clear that they have to heal and take time, just like us.
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The Chad-Boss
I honestly despise a Chad-Boss. Sexist, rude, uncaring and simply... Unintelligent. I've worked for two Chad-bosses these past few months. One is a rich Chad with no family or friends,the other is a "event planner" that gets drunk at his own events to flirt with girls 10 years younger than him.
Something I learned when dealing with them.... Pity them. Both these Chad's have no family, no friends, no future plans, and both are over 35 years of age. I'm sorry if someone likes the Chad-Boss but I've only seen that they represent a stereotype that should've died long ago, the spikey first year look that answers questions with "Piele" (Meaning Dicks in Afrikaans).
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Am I pretty?
Hello Tumblr!
Now this post is dedicated to those of us who don’t enjoy being pretty or beautiful or handsome (hay, men can feel this way too, you know) . When you’re young being called pretty or beautiful or handsome is such a big thing. You smile from ear to ear thinking about someone noticing how you are different and unique and oh so beautiful . As a kid, I loved being told I’m pretty and that I would grow up pretty. That brings us, my dear tumblrs, to the bad part. Some of you loved the idea of growing up pretty, I know I sure did.
However I realised, being pretty kindof puts a large bullseye on your back, head and every other shot worthy part of your body. Some will look at you like your competition even before you can utter a simple “how do you do”,while others want to be with you out of curiosity or attraction or even just a stroke of luck.
Now I’m not saying I’m the best thing since sliced bread (definitely not! Have you ever had freshly cut bread? It’s delicious ), but my “prettiness” has caused me some trouble over the past 3 years. Friends leaving because of feelings, girlfriends of my best friends hating me (Meh, maybe I deserved it) and then being alone, left to my thoughts,because my male friends couldn’t see me without them romantically and most women hated me on sight.
It’s only recently that I’ve made some amazing female friends,and I can tell you… It’s amazing. These women don’t hate or judge, they even compliment random people they see and make them realize they have beauty. Ugh I’m getting off topic again!
I used to love being pretty. I loved making sure every part of me was perfect for everyone to see. Now? Now I want to smudge the newest brown eyeshadow all over me and look like one of those cheap hookers (still making more money than I do). I don’t know if someone feels this way… But it’s worth a shot to try.
Because even if it’s only one other person who feels like this, it’s enough.
Thanks for reading my rant, dear tumblrs.
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Goodmorning dear tumblrs
We've all had that really bad dream. The one that wakes you up, gasping for breath and clutching the closest thing close to you. It's terrifying that our brains, that do so much to protect us (even forgetting bad memories), can still be this frightening.
My dreams get pretty hectic. Creative some might say. Terrifying is the word I use the most. When you wake up in the dark from whatever terror awoke you, it can seem pretty difficult to handle it. I usually light a candle or two (don't worry, we have electricity) and I focus on the now. I focus on what I can hear. In South Africa, in the mornings, you can hear some birds chirping, a few crickets making their presence known and then - here's the best part, my dear tumblrs- I see the slow movement of light. The sun is coming up. It's a new day. I made it. The nightmare didn't happen. I'm still here, enjoying the sun coming up. Enjoying the flicker of the candles as a cold breeze greets me through my window.
It's all OK. Even if it doesn't seem to be.
Have an amazing day, my dear tumblrs
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