the-vengeful-maiden · 10 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 10 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 10 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 10 months
Nothing more sad than a wannabe-homosexual. You bullied, discriminated, attacked, humiliated, and terrorized gay people for years and now you want to be "queer" and call yourself gay. So sad. You'll never be gay and you're certainly not an ally.
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the-vengeful-maiden · 10 months
It’s really sad seeing women make videos making fun of how their former selves did their makeup (example: “how I looked doing my makeup in 2016”, “we all thought we did something with the 90’s blue eyeshadow”, etc.). Because they act like the problem was them not knowing how to do makeup…instead of recognising that the problem is that trends change constantly, and women are expected to relearn how to paint their faces to keep up.
They don’t seem to realise that the makeup they’re wearing in these videos that they deem to be “better” and “right”, will be subjected to the same mockery the looks they laugh at today are. One day, they’ll all be laughing at “soap brows” and “e-girl blush” while wearing the current trend. And then they’ll mock that trend in a few years.
It’s a never-ending cycle of makeup looks going out of style, and being deemed Bad for it. In the 90’s and 2010’s you thought your makeup looked great, so did everyone else. You laugh at it today, thinking your 2020’s makeup looks good. Do you think you won’t be laughing at it in 2030? Do you not see where this is going?
Women’s faces are a trend. Men look back at pictures of their younger selves and may cringe at their hair or their clothes, but their face is the same and never the subject of mockery. But women? Women’s faces change because makeup changes. Women don’t just cringe at the clothes and hair of their younger selves—they cringe at their faces. It’s sad.
The only way to stop this is to stop wearing makeup. That tik-tok trend makeup you think looks good? I promise you, it will be a joke in ten years. Maybe even five. And the reason this keeps happening isn’t because you were bad at makeup back then. It’s because all the looks you worked so hard to get good at looked ridiculous all along—you were just blinded by trends. Today they’re “soap brows”. Tomorrow when the novelty wears off, they’ll be what everyone else sees—ridiculously brushed up eyebrows. Today it’s “e-girl blush. Tomorrow when the trend dies away, it’ll be what everyone else sees—sickly looking.
What I want to get at here, is that it breaks my heart to see women fall into the never-ending cycle of learning to paint their face a certain way because it’s the trend, then having to learn a new thing in a couple years when that trend becomes a laughingstock. And saying “wow I was so stupid back then, but I know better now” every five years.
Faces are supposed to be timeless. Let’s keep it that way.
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
Андрей Анатольевич Левитин
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Андрей Анатольевич Левитин
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
we dont talk enough about how addictive beauty procedures are.
it starts with makeup. many women start out with little and then continue to add more and more until their natural features are completely covered. this alleviates and enforces insecurity at the same time: makeup becomes the only way to alleviate insecurity, so women become dependent on it.
fake nails, hair extensions and fake lashes have to be renewed every few weeks or months. once you got used to it, letting go is hard, like getting off a drug.
then it goes to fillers, botox and hyaluron. the effect is only temporary; many women start out with small amounts and then get more everytime, because it made you happy - but only for a while. the amount you had last time doesnt give you the same happiness it did the first time, so you get more.
at last, women might choose to have surgery. the women you see with grotesquely changed faces didnt start out by changing their whole face; they usually start out with what they perceive as their biggest „flaw“, but once they get used to the change, they‘re chasing that fleeting feeling of happiness after the change.
it‘s the more harmful version of women changing their hair over and over and over again. this is a result of ads and media and society in general communicating to women we are not enough, our natural state isnt good enough, but hey, you can change and become more worthy, more valuable!
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
it shouldbe illegal for men to be gynecologists and women's prison guards
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
"i have a good male gynecologist" don't care + what motivated him into that field + male doctors are worse in general + allowing men into these professions attracts perverts and i'd rather have 0 perverts than many perverts for the sake of a few "good" male gynecologist's feelings + "good" male gynecologists don't exist
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
they told you it’s cleaner to wax your pussy raw remove its natural barrier completely fucking up your follicles and risking damaging your skin permanently and then they told you it’s sexy to wear polyester underwear that doesn’t let air through creating the perfect environment for all sorts of bacteria to proliferate in and also goes IN your ass creating a direct channel from your anus to your bald defenceless pussy and you believed it. you believed it
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
Unpopular opinion? idk but the fertility industry is a cash cow feeding on women's insecurity of not being able 2 carry a child like there r women who literally experience horrific cases of miscarriages that obv cannot be healthy 4 their bodies like that's literally a sign that ur body cannot carry a child but they go through ivf which's not only expensive but cannot grantee u the results yk carrying a baby full term it's heartbreaking seeing women in their mid 40s draining their life savings on smth like this bc society convinced em that ur life isn't full if ur don't become a mother
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
Hate how we’re starting to be like “having a niche interest in something = autism” in the same way that “i like to be organized/need my colored pencils in order = ocd” used to be repeated
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
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the-vengeful-maiden · 11 months
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