the-sound-n-the-fury · 9 years
Where In The Internet Am I?
You can also find me here: http://allpoetry.com/L._J._Romirson
And here: http://www.andgodcalledmewoman6.deviantart.com/
And no, none of these are my real name. Pseudonyms are fun. I've signed up for accounts on websites using such ridiculous aliases as:
Dereaint Neaux-Chance
Adam Baum
Constance Noring
Harry Leggs
You get the idea. This technology age gives us the freedom to express ourselves without fear of retaliation (beyond flaming, that is). Thank gods for computers.
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the-sound-n-the-fury · 9 years
Laws of Life
Murphy's Law: What can go wrong will.
Nixon's Law: If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.
Newton's Fourth Law of Gravity: When your body is immersed in water, the telephone will ring.
Homework Law: The assignment you forget to do is usually the one worth 348723 points.
Secrets Law: If you tell one person, they will tell everyone else...but only one at a time so they can make it seem less wrong.
Morrison's Law: If you take off your shirt for the camera, you are doomed to sex-symbol status. Forever. Regardless of your other attributes, such as writing talent.
The Oh, SHIT! Law: The toes you step on today are more than likely connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.
Cobain's Law: With success comes great pressure and torture...and occasionally, suicide. Pity.
Hendrix's Law: One foxy lady (OR LAD!) is not enough.
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the-sound-n-the-fury · 9 years
TheTruthAbout: Romantics
I'll let Dostoevsky do the talking:
Romantics…are no fools. This is a known fact. […] Our romantic understands everything, sees everything, and sees it far more clearly than our most positive, practical minds. He reconciles himself to nothing and no one, but at the same time will not spurn anything; he’ll sidestep everything, yield on every point, treat everybody with politic tact; he’ll never lose sight of useful, practical objectives…and he will keep an eye on these objectives through all his enthusiasms and volumes of lyrical verse. At the same time he will to his dying breath preserve inviolate his vision of “the lofty and the beautiful” and, while he is at it, preserve himself as well, wrapped tenderly in cotton wool like a bit of precious jewelry – again, perhaps, for the sake of that “lofty and beautiful” vision of his.
He’s a man of breadth and scope, our romantic, and…I assure you of that. […] Of course, all this is so if the romantic is clever. But what am I saying! The romantic is always clever. […]
Countless romantics attain considerable rank as time goes on. What admirable versatility! And what capacity for the most contradicting emotions! Think how often we see our romantics turn into the shrewdest rascals (and I use the term “rascals” affectionately), suddenly displaying such a nose for reality, such a positive sense of the expedient, that their stunned superiors and the general public only cluck their tongues in amazement...Their versatility is truly remarkable, and God knows which turn it will take and how it will develop in time to come, or what it promises us in the future.
                            -Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground
So why are romantics, artists, dreamers still characterized as weak, unreliable people who would tear out their own hearts for the sake of art? It still eludes me.
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the-sound-n-the-fury · 9 years
Tumblr media
Yeah, I'm a Photoshop artist. Too early for Halloween, but still. Feel free to set your friends' desktop backgrounds to this and hear the screams of shock and confusion...
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