the-last-tyrannosaurus · 10 months
Your words are bullets
When I get nervous I clench my fists The nails tuck into the flesh As if it were to make me bullet proof But recently My palms have been looking More and more Like shrapnel And I wonder if Someone were to read them They would find my heart line See the entry wound And be able to match it to the calibre of your mouth
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Pentax SP
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How to love the signs:
Aries: Give plenty of reassurance even if they act like they don't need it, make a point to gently pry even if they say they don't want to talk about it, and always remember there is more sensitivity underneath an Aries than is shown. Encourage their dreams but keep them grounded, take them on adventures, and never take their romantic and chivalrous gestures for granted.
Taurus: Be loyal and dedicated, show them you won't give up without a fight. Let them win the argument every now and again, to keep the peace. Never make a promise you cannot keep, show up when you say you will, and be reliable. Encourage them to express their discontent healthily, push past their comfort zone, and respect their strong opinions when you disagree.
Gemini: Don't get impatient with their distractibility, always make time for a really great conversation, and be understanding during the times that they're moody. Help them move past their insecurities, tell them that its not their job to please everyone, and always ask how their day was. Let them have some space but never let them be lonely.
Cancer: Listen to all the stories of their past, but be patient when they don't want to tell them just yet. Speak the truth and don't deceive, take them on romantic dates, and fill their ears with sweet words. Show them the optimistic side, never dwell on their flaws, and react gently. Give them the kind of loyalty they give you, be in it for the long haul, don't run when it gets rough.
Leo: Build up their delicate ego, take pride in their accomplishments, be a part of their grandiose dreams. Tune into their softer and more sensitive side, and let them shine. Never call them out in public, give them time to cool down when they're upset. Be concerned with their feelings, and don't fall for them saying they're fine if you know otherwise.
Virgo: Respect their private space, help calm them down when they're feeling anxious, and even if you think its silly, let them do things in their way and have their particular routines. Appreciate their helpfulness, return their great loyalty, and don't rush them; give them time to think things through. Be empathetic and understanding, allow them to open up slowly, and move at their pace.
Libra: Indulge their romantic side, go out in nature with them, enjoy the simple things in life. Write them a love letter, have a deep discussion, support their decisions and feed their confidence. Treat them the way you would want to be treated, don't be overly critical, and make a point to accept them for who they are. Be open to their crazy plans and openly exchange idea's.
Scorpio: Defend them and brag about them in public, do them little favors that make their life easier, and always try to show initiative and consideration. Don't push them if they say they need space, and be there in the moments that they don't. Encourage them to express themselves and not hold things in, and don't ever betray their trust. Protect their secrets with your life.
Sagittarius: Be their partner in crime, let them explore everything. Don't try to confine them, let them ramble about their thoughts and idea's, always return their honesty. Don't try to tarnish their optimism, push them to work hard to achieve their dreams. Make them laugh, be spontaneous, accept their quirks and be open to their unconventional way of seeing things in life.
Capricorn: Be trustworthy, consistent, and never flakey. Don't let them get away with not talking about how they feel, prompt them to express their emotions more often. Be their biggest supporter when it comes to their goals and always make sure they make time for fun and its not all work. Let them have their private time every so often, and help them to de-stress and relax.
Aquarius: Be open to their advice, let them talk about their interests, be down for spontaneous adventures as well as cozy nights at home. Have a debate with them, become well versed in the things they are passionate about, and take up a hobby together. Always respect their space, let them have some independence. Be their best friend above all else.
Pisces: Listen to them talk about their fantasies and crazy dreams, reassure them, and always be genuine- don't mislead. Be very affectionate, and never sweep feelings under the rug. Don't let them get away with laziness, be kind and gentle in your words, and don't abandon them. Encourage them no to people please and don't disregard their intuition.
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“And kid, you’ve got to love yourself. You’ve got wake up at four in the morning, brew black coffee, and stare at the birds drowning in the darkness of the dawn. You’ve got to sit next to the man at the train station who’s reading your favorite book and start a conversation. You’ve got to come home after a bad day and burn your skin from a shower. Then you’ve got to wash all your sheets until they smell of lemon detergent you bought for four dollars at the local grocery store. You’ve got to stop taking everything so goddam personally. You are not the moon kissing the black sky. You’ve got to compliment someones crooked brows at an art fair and tell them that their eyes remind you of green swimming pools in mid July. You’ve got to stop letting yourself get upset about things that won’t matter in two years. Sleep in on Saturday mornings and wake yourself up early on Sunday. You’ve got to stop worrying about what you’re going to tell her when she finds out. You’ve got to stop over thinking why he stopped caring about you over six months ago. You’ve got to stop asking everyone for their opinions. Fuck it. Love yourself, kiddo. You’ve got to love yourself.”
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50 Self Care Ideas
Do some breathing exercises.
Dress in your comfiest clothes.
Go for a drive.
Take a power nap.
Stand up and stretch for a few minutes.
Listen to any happy voicemails you have.
Take a hot bath/shower. Take an extra 5 minutes than usual.
Have a cup of tea, coffee, or hot cocoa.
Cuddle your favorite stuffed toy.
Visit or call a friend.
Make funny faces.
Make a new playlist.
Make a list of movies you want to watch.
Drink a glass of water.
Stick post-its with positive affirmations around your house.
Think of your happiest/funniest memory.
Clean your jewelry and/or moisturize your tattoos.
Watch your favorite childhood movie.
Watch your favorite television show.
Youtube videos of others laughing ridiculously.
Take your dog for a walk.
Go for a walk without your dog.
Play with your cats/other pets.
Clean out your closet. Put out of season clothes in storage.
Learn to cook a new meal.
Light a candle.
Improve your skills at a task you can already do.
Give yourself a massage or have someone else.
Get lost in a book.
Go to the museum.
Declutter your surroundings.
Take an hour (or a full day) just for yourself.
Curl up in a big blanket.
Do a word search, sudoku puzzle, crossword, etc.
Interact with others. If nothing else, ask a cashier how they are.
Fill a notebook with positive quotes/coping skills.
Complete one five-minute chore.
Paint your nails.
Stay away from mood-altering substances.
Write a poem.
Clean out your computer/email/phone/etc.
Color something or draw without thinking.
Send a loving message to someone.
Sing/dance along to an upbeat song.
Step outside and get some fresh air.
Take photographs of/doodle nature.
Dress up and take selfies.
Take a break from your computer and phone.
Find a new hobby.
Fill a box with your favorite things.
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fave vine forever
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““Can we at least stay friends?” His words make you pause and your breath catches in your throat. Can you? Can you accept that his lips will only ever graze your cheek and his kisses won’t trace the curve of your spine and you won’t get to see if he tastes like that strawberry-flavoured chewing gum he always has in his pocket? Can you keep your mouth shut when she buys him a shirt that’s the colour of the setting sun but you know his favourite colour is the shade of blue the sea is when it’s calm? Can you live with the fact that he will call you when she breaks his heart but you will never have the power to mend it? Can you listen to him talking about his wildest dreams for the future and know that you only play a sideline to his crazy wishes? Can you watch him live a life you dreamed having with him with someone else by his side? Really, honestly, can you? But love, even unrequited, is irrational and even as your head and heart are screaming no your lips are forming the words which may sentence you to a kind of torture worse than death. “Of course we can.””
— And I’ll just close my eyes whenever I see your gaze linger on someone else, 16/07/2015 #13
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if santa can eat thousands of cookies in one night why can’t i
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people try to fix things without actually helping. they jump straight in there making things “better”, but that’s bullshit. sometimes people are so
there is no point. instead you should just be there for them, to understand them. no. you may never understand them so don’t try to interfere. just be there to talk to, to prevent them from doing anything worse.
some people cannot be ’fixed’, but they can be appreciated for what they are.
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You Mean The World To Me
I don’t understand this phrase of affection in a modern world (as it is) I can’t stand the place. The world means shit to me. Nature means nothing to the people in the world and so is not existent in its natural beauty, it is distorted and shrouded by something it isn’t. I look beyond the world and marvel at things in their true captivation, you don’t mean the world to me. To me, you mean all of the little things You mean the morning dewdrops on little blades of grass You mean the afterglow where the world isn’t awake, isn’t pressuring you to be alive You mean lye ins on a bad day You mean peach blossom in early spring after a long winter of moody hues You mean quaint coffee houses And new nail varnish And my favourite book And little puppy dogs. The WORLD means nothing without YOU.
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