the-karate-girl · 8 years
When someone thinks every martial art is karate
I’m like
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Originally posted by ohmyreactionsgifs
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
I know this is not RP related but my sister, her two boys, and her roommate just lost everything because her neighbor was extremely careless with a firework and set her apartment complex on fire. The structure is a total loss. Fortunately everyone that lived in the apartment complex made it out alright, but now 16 families are without a home.
To make matters worse is that Erica is just getting back on her feet after breaking away from the boys’ father, a very neglectful abusive alcoholic who is going to jail. Just when she thought she was finally getting on her feet, this happens. She’s even more devastated because she lost a bunch of family heirlooms, including things that our father owned. For those of you who don’t know, our father died 15 years ago.
So please, I’m beginning you, if you can’t donate can you at least signal boost? Unfortunately most of our family (myself included) lives in poverty and while we are doing everything we can to help her, no one really has the financial means to do a whole lot (which trust me I’m in tears right now because of how useless I feel). Even if you can only give a small amount I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
Love, Quin.
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
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Karate: Kururunfa bunkai (video)
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
Still going strong from what I understand! I was supposed to go to it a few years ago (before my 2 year hiatus) but I wasn’t able to so....yeah. I’m totally excited! ^_^ Thank you!
Sending out my registration tomorrow for the KIAI Grand Nationals down in Southfield Michigan. I’m so excited! Now just as long as I get the Dr’s okay on Tuesday with my hand, I’ll be all set to spar.
It’s probably a long shot, but are any other IsshinRyu students going? I mean I know there’s not a lot of us here on Tumblr, but worth a shot. Heh. This will actually be the first tournament that I go to. I’m already so freaking nervous and excited and there’s still three weeks to go.
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
Sending out my registration tomorrow for the KIAI Grand Nationals down in Southfield Michigan. I’m so excited! Now just as long as I get the Dr’s okay on Tuesday with my hand, I’ll be all set to spar.
It’s probably a long shot, but are any other IsshinRyu students going? I mean I know there’s not a lot of us here on Tumblr, but worth a shot. Heh. This will actually be the first tournament that I go to. I’m already so freaking nervous and excited and there’s still three weeks to go.
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
That intense relief when the hair in your mouth is yours
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
Holy crap guys I know it’s been a bit of forever since I posted.
I think I told you that I fractured my fifth metatarsal (aka: a Boxer’s Fracture) while sparring with one of the black belts about a month ago. well it was casted and all that. cast is off now but i’m in a brace until June 7th. but its healing up nicely but that means no sparring or Ippon until then. grrrrr
fortunately it should be healed in time for the Kiai Grand Nationals at the end of June (Sensei told me that I didn’t have to spar if it was going to be too close to call, but of course I want to so... :) ) so i guess the timing was right for it to have to happen. 
um, well let’s see Tuesday I finished learning all of Chinto Kata (!!!). I am still struggling remembering the end of it but I have it now. Sensei loooooves my double jump kick (here’s where figure skating has really helped). he even got distracted watching it when instructing another kyu (whoops)
my stances are soooo off though, i’m getting a bit frustrated with that (here’s where figure skating has hurt me). ah well. i’m feeling soooo good about it though. don’t get me wrong, Wansu’s still my favorite so far, but Chinto’s coming in at a verrrry close second.
(pics of my hand under the read more just so i’m not cluttering people’s dash. nothing graphic i swear, just bruising and swelling)
The night it happened:
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The next afternoon (what made me go into quick care in the first place)
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What my hand look like 4 days later (when i got out of that horrid temp cast and into my permanent one). The bruise on the inside of my hand was way worse but, like this one, the pic doesn’t do it justice
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This cast was soooooooo much better than the temp one quick care gave me:
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And this is what i’m using now with minimal PT:
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
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Martial Arts: Caitlin Dechelle - Women’s Traditional Weapons ISKA World Championship. (x)
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
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What I thought was just a sprained finger last night was actually a spiral fracture in my 5th metacarpal (as I found out today). I'm more proud of this than I probably should be. Sparring was great last night, even though this happened in my first match. My boss who is also a paramedic was super impressed at my high pain tolerance. Boom!
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
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Why you should never friend your Sensei on facebook :P
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
I have a leg up (if you excuse the pun) on most of my fellow karate-ka because of it, I’ll admit. That’s not to say I do those moves well of course, they just come to me a bit easier.
Of course other areas suffer more. I have to be super aware of my stances because they don’t come naturally. In fact Sensei is constantly having to correct me on my stances. So I guess there’s a bit of a trade-off.
All in all though, after learning a bit more of Chinto I must say I am really loving it. I can’t wait until I have it and it clicks!
So, Sensei decided to start me on Chinto kata last night. I actually can’t believe it…I’ve only been back for a month.
Chinto is going to be cool and I’m pretty sure I’m going to really like it. It was funny though there’s this backward pivot, almost 360 degrees. So I did it, and Sensei looks over at me and comments that I did it better than he does.
See, crosstraining in figure skating\dance does help. In case you were wondering ;)
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
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shinchido replied to your post “So, Sensei decided to start me on Chinto kata last night. I actually...”
Chinto! I'm working on that one too! It's hard but once it starts going okay, it seems like you can't stop improving! :)
I know once I get that moment where it just clicks I’m going to love it. I’ve learned a bit more since this original post. I absolutely loooooove the double jump kick. I am very excited for this kata. 
It is hard but I have no doubt on that. :)
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
I wish I had a cool reason. I mean I always wanted to study a martial art, but there’s not a lot of options in my area. I actually met my Sensei through the self-defense class that he taught at the college and learned that he taught Isshin-ryu Karate.  Because I really liked my Sensei and because it’s really the only art taught in this area, that’s how it happened.
I mean I want to study many different others too but while I’m in northern Michigan, my options are kind of limited. 
A question for my Fellow Martial Artists
Why did you pick your martial art? If you had to chose a different one what would you pick?
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
Here’s the thing about my Sensei...
So, I was finally able to make it to a Thursday practice (I usually work Thursday nights). And those are the nights we do Ippon and sparring. Well we got to spar and, despite the fact that I hadn’t done it in 2 years, I held my own fairly well (I won’t say I did great because I certainly didn’t.)
Of course after practice, my Sensei had some constructive feedback, and I was no exception. But what he did make a point to mention was how proud  he was of me.
Now for any martial artist, that’s amazing.
For me? It’s even better. Because my Sensei became like a father-figure to me. As mentioned in a post years ago, he was the first man I grew to trust after an abusive relationship. Also, and perhaps it was because of the time of year it is, it made it that much more special to me.
You see, it was the anniversary of my own father’s death on the 19th (so 2 days after this happened). And the lesson helped keep me distracted from that. But, as my own father died when I was 12 I didn’t have a real father-figure in my life until my mom remarried about 2 years ago. Sensei came before my step-dad.
So hearing that my Sensei is proud of me is akin to my father being proud. And seeing how close it was to the 15th anniversary of my own father’s death...it meant a lot. He’ll never understand how huge of a role he’s played in my life.
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
What your instructor says: "It's going to be a fun class"
What your instructor means: "I'm going to watch you die in a pool of your own sweat :)"
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
I have a feeling someone is up for a promotion here soon. After each kata tonight, our Sensei quizzed us on the katas we just did (things like origins, age, nicknames, etc). 
I swear to god it better not be me...I mean I know I was about ready for a promotion when I left but...
I have been back for almost two months. And learning new stuffs...
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the-karate-girl · 8 years
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Martial arts: Veronica Macedo Jiu Jitsu Highlights (x)
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