tHE MOVIE REEL THEORY OF the...well, everything tbh
what’s goin on is, now just imagine reality is being printed onto movie reels, or onto a tape, like old fashioned cassette tapes or VHS tapes, whatever. Basically as time goes on, a new “frame” of existence is basically created and flashed through the senses to be manifested through the observers senses, oh and included on this frame is data for other senses like sound too...but also temperature, mood, hunger, curiosity, calculation, perception, memories, everything that goes into making a single moment of existence. Keep up.
Ok, so each frame is created in a recipe like this: 
about 80% of the frame is exactly like the frame before it. pixel for pixel. Oh and before we go much further, yeah these are the same infinitely denser and more clearly resolved pixels imaginable to create this “reality frame” are making up this picture I’m putting in your head. 
The other 20% is split between two different types of changes. changes from one reality frame to the next, a single pixel’s change spread randomly across 20% of the surface of a screen with the resolution of, oh infinity. Yeah, keep up.
So, were we able to chop time into these measurable “frames” and examine them we would see these infinitely small changes at certain points. 
Is the string and it’s infinitely more complex set of instructions to make sure the imaginary string in my vision matches the one in YOUR head’s made up universe working for you?
now imagine this infinity loop of string was segmented into...sorta areas of interest. how DNA is kinda grouped to what areas effect what genes. 
So this string is segmented into groups, you guessed it, an infinite number of groups, each representing an area effecting reality within the string’s universe. 
Oh yeah, and WE are the string. 
I know, I’m going out of order a little, try and keep up. If it gets to be too much, try taking a short break, stepping away, and coming back. Unfortunately the best way for me to get this out even this well is to just continue through it.
WE are the string. and yes, we are also still trying to imagine the string, but let’s lay that to the side for just one second and begin workin on step 2 in my recipe for reality: and picture this reality creating randomly vibrating string. Similar to the first, except this one is a biiiiit more simple. imagine a simple infinity symbol, you know the one from math when it started to get wild. Imagine that shape, and it’s kinda wiggling with random vibrations of varying intensity and timing. 
And then break your little mind by imagining that you could somehow zoom into this line with your mind’s eye and the “background” of this existence somehow simply became more and more densly populated with omitters of a color difference, allowing you to keep moving towards the surface of this imaginary string forever and never have it appear as nearer to you or in more or less detail...ok.
And now, imagine this string is what is making up YOUR reality. And it does that by these infinitely smaller pixels filling in a space on this shape, whatever it is or that it’s made out of. And this allows this...object? or whatever it is. to expand, and BE anything it needs to be. 
If only thinking hard burned calories, I’d be ripped. 
Your thinking IS calories.
So this string, is attached...to itself, yayaya I know I got you with that one before, just bare with me and try this again. It’s attached to itself through time. Ok, you got me, it’s the same string, it’s infinitely big and wide and goes on, so it’s just gonna serve as the basis for a lotta my discussions, seeing as it can do literally anything I want it or need it to.
sooooo anywaaaaaaaay...
A “picture” of this string is basically, what is changing on these “reality frames” sorry for all the air quotes, but I’m gonna get all funky with weird names and then eventually start to cleverly work in alternate names for the same types of things...you’re gonna love it.
So these reality “frames” are being made and this ever changing, but also ever changing, unimaginable string, is the subject being printed onto these frames. these pixels are being randomly selected to change by something I call the “infinite entropy equation”, a (hopefully) simple equation used to basically...pick a random pixel to change. Sounds simple enough right? Well, if given an infinite possibility of change, there’s no change that can be made. So within this equation needs to be a place for choice, or free will, to come into place. Choice combined with time, the only true way of tilting balances one way or another and making the non-choice of infinity give way to a perceivable forward motion through time and thus existence continues.
“huh?” You ask. Ok, one second.
So basically, all of reality is an etch-a-sketch, made of an infinitely denser collection of ink filled squares and it’s filled in to create the shape of anything...ANYTHING imaginable due to its inability to be broken and that includes whilst traveling through time to connect to itself, meaning it is vibrating at least as fast as the speed of light but...also NOT traveling at the speed of light? 
Well yeah, the string is kinda existing in all time and space at the same time, so....the way it does that is/ uh...well it kinda “pops” in and out of existence...in every possible location, in any possible moment. But remember, we’re dealing with OUR own personal universe, within our imaginations, which can’t possibly conceive all that nonsense, so we’re safe here...let’s come back...ok, we’re good. We can continue.
WE as humans, something a little special (I’ll get to that later), can perceive “moments” of this omniscient omnipresentness by creating these “reality frames” in our minds, or whever all of this simultaneous input is processed, which print out and infinitely denser slide show of randomly generated changes (but only across 20%) of an imaginary etch-a-sketch forming itself into the very existence we all know. Right, another rule I know shocker, these frames can be infinitely “stretched out” to show, in even greater detail, the change in pixels occuring upon a selection of frames. Because the frames don’t represent time, they are simply the window, the Polaroid print outs based on our individual sensory processing setup after a picture is taken of existence and sent to our brains for analysis.
And the changes made can be represented by that equation...what did I call it? The Entropy Equation? Somethin like that. So this equation is basically a simple random number generator, except boosted with sweet imagination juice and thus capable of truly calculating infinite amounts of random numbers...just imagine. Crazy huh? But, not so bad to fit into your head, if you’ve made it this far, you might be good.
But once again, were that machine actually able to calculate an infinite possibility of numbers, it would simply not move through time to fulfill that claim. The screen would freeze up as is calculated...forever, cuz that’s what infinite means, for fuck’s sake. C’mon. So in order for our “selves” to actually move through time and experience “reality” or “existence” we have to kinda...poke something into this infinity fueled calculator, in order to unbalance the ever-spinning top just enough to ensure it tips and falls onto a result, thus moving the machine forward and creating a new “frame” and filling another pixel in the string vibrating away over there forever. But also causing one other pixel to disappear along the string. 
Cuz that’s how things work? I dunno, I’ll probably circle back to that idea, let’s be real here I’m not exactly working in a straight line here lol.
Just imagine.
So anyway. This basically describing the way reality is filtered, through the goggles of...some greater selves, and manifested within some kind of “reality engine” (imagine a digital representation of the reality being created being filtered through this filter) the hologram we all live in? Holograms created by...us? A greater conscious we are all serving as micro individual computers processing pieces of the entropy equation in order to have true randomness in the creation of these frames? Like our whole lives are an episode of Black Mirror, and at the end we flip a switch of yes or no based of an entire lifetimes existence of experiences and memories and all there is to show for it is one random pixel lighting up, and one powering down. But the act of which is a beautiful thing, and part of something truly infinite. And if we’re pretending infinity is a thing, it sounds awful, it sounds like what I said earlier, an infinite amount of choices will lead to no choice being made, or something like that. And just...existing in an infinite state of non-change, sounds fucking awful. So it seems to be choice which separates us from infinity, being one with everything. 
Let me explain the entropy equation a little again, now this equation is responsible for causing changes in areas of this string responsible for forming reality to fit our whims and fancies within our own minds. This happens by a nudge from free will in order to create ever so slight changes from one “frame” of reality to the next as they are created on the monitor of our mind’s eye with the sensory input from the aggregates all converging together. 
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, we’re workin some Buddha into this mess now. Hold on to your seats, but not yet.
These different “areas” are everything. every.thing. ev. er. y. th. ing. and the string is infinitely long, so just keep goin, keep goin, nope...nope not yet, no don’t even worry about it. But it’s long enough to form into whatever it’s got to, and remember it can change states of being as in from mass to energy and back as needed, without actually breaking somehow, because it can’t be broken, but maintaining both states of being simultaneously in the sample place and time...ok, you’re getting all this fine? Sweet. 
This area is plants
This area is sand
This area is water
This area is sound range vibrational waves
This area is bloodborne fan theories and sequel predictions
Seriously, just everything, because the string can handle it, this thing warps and forms through space and time and states of being and in out of every state of energy, mass and light (or lack there of) all simultaneously and spread out through all time, this string is fucking amazing, I’m telling you. 
And YOU can make that fucking string do whatever and be whatever you want it to be.
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Another quick question
So if mass increases as speed increases, its the same in reverse. And nothing escapes a black hole, including light-something moving at aforementioned speed of magical bullshit becoming possible. And time also becomes a singular point...something I don't thing our language or any other might actually be able to explain to me. Then the Big Bang was probably the light speed equivalent to a sonic boom, like a "photo boom" or something, which happens when things that are not photons, things that have a mass at resting speed (relative to the speed of light anyway, kind of how we have melting point, flash point, this would be an objects...light speed point? the energy required to reach this point...anyway...) reach the speed of light with either increasing or decreasing velocity, and it was simply the remnants of our universe being sucked up at some point in the "future" by a black hole and shit back out the other "side" at some point in the "time" loop...anyone get me?
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just imagine trying to infinitely zoom in your brain onto such an image/ even one that simple. I’m just sayin, it seems insane.
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In the same way as there is a sonic boom when an object exceeds the speed of sound, is there a "photo boom" when an object, theoretically, exceeds the speed of light? Say, things being sent through a black hole, if that were possible? And could such a big boom be the creation of a new universe, imparting the energy it takes to convert some...thing to passed the point at which it's mass becomes infinite onto a collection of matter and whatever else is sent into it? Kick starting a new pocket universes energy/mass cycle.
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String theory, in a nutshell (a.k.a. the answers to the test, I probably won’t give you)
E, energy, is for everything. The big bang was the light speed equivalent to a sonic boom when something breaks the sound barrier. Something broke the light barrier and created our universe. A black hole. A black hole was the something I was referring...to...yeah, maybe you got that already. Did I get you in a time loop yet?
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Tumblr media
lol remember back when you thought the string was attached to two fixed points? 🤣🤣🤣
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rule #1; start from the beginning of the thread.Not tumblr, this idea.
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The Big Bang of My Idea...so basically get ready for a lotta hot crazy nonsense over here all exploding out in one big infinitly expanding mess
During this thread, I will continue to apply some “rules” but remember that the only real rule here that matters, is that you simply give this little experiment an honest read and to give it’s ideas at least a real good ponder before moving on, thank you.
Let me begin with a small, sidenote (I know, STARTING with a sidenote...weird).
Time Travel is simply not possible. Many may dream it might be, in that deep rooted dream carried by all man as a species like our dream of survival and happiness, but it simply is not. Einstein did, however, pull back a bit of the curtain of the ultimate mystery of life, the universe, and everything with his so...so very simple equation E=mc2.And this little experiment is to try and explain just how insane that tiny little equation really is.
I’d like to start by asking you, how limited is your imagination? At what point do you sit and reach a point at which you cannot simply grasp the thing you are piecing together in your mind? This happens to me a lot. Let me continue.
[Imagine actually being able to follow this thread] [justimagine][infinity]
Time is...everything. Space...and time. The two do go together, but I’ve been going over these thoughts enough that using the same name for these two ideas seems so proper now because the two ARE the same. I AM the ground under my feet. I AM the bird sleeping in the tree outside. I AM the clouds in the sky. But it’s not just me, YOU are these things. YOU are the desk in front of you. YOU are the metal spoon in the kitchen down the hall. And it’s not just objects. WE are the sadness felt in the pit of your neighbors stomach. WE are the thoughts and prayers sent around the world by caring, well intentioned believers. WE are the energy heating your coffee in the pot in the morning. The gravitational pull on your fat sister (weight) IS the cute dog outback yapping at the neighbors. The perfectly tuned piano note playing through your speakers IS the stale hotdog finally being thrown away four days late in the 7-11 down the street, yeah i know, got a little carried away there. You get the idea. Well, probably not, that’s the point. I’ll explain.
If I didn’t weird you out enough yet, that is. But imagine having actually giving this a real try to understand and follow throught, just how much better you would have felt? I have a little thought experiment.
Picture a string, pulled taught between two fixed surfaces two points in time. Remind myself how to change tumblr font from black to red later. Eh, nevermind.
Did I get you in a time loop yet? Just imagine though.
[with a pause at “two fixed surfaces flashing on the screen. And me crossing out two fixed surfaces in a red line. (We don’t know why yet, but we will…)
Did I get you in a time loop yet?
“What?” you ask.
I know what you’re thinking, and indeed yes, the string is made out of a specific substance. This string is made out of your very imagination, i mean...what exactly would we call that? Imagination...sensory energy? I dunno, somewhere in your brain you have the ability to form invisible, matterless, massless, timeless (?) pictures and “things” so just do that real quick and imagine a simple black line on a white scree. Easier than all that nonsense sounded huh? 
No, I’m being serious, for this to work I need you to actually do your best to not apply any kind of known material to this string and just know that it is simply...incapable of being broken in any way... It is simply an infinitely more dense screen of pixels on your mind’s own eye in the shape of a simple horizontal line. If a situation were to arise during the course of our experimentation when a normal string would have been broken such as too much force (whether tensile, normal, heat, potential, pressure, etc.) in the space between that normal strings two ends after breaking simply imagine a new segment of string simply already existing exactly where those breaks start. As I said, this string is not able to be broken even by your own imagination. Easy right?
Ok. I’m not sure how to explain this but I am very much typing these things sort of ... “outside” time, if that makes sense, which will make sense if you bare with my problem here and follow me on this journey, and so much might be revealed.
Just imagine though. Just imagine if you’d finished. And you could understand the mind of someone mentally impaired but knew this much.
This imaginary string also kinda...breaks my first rule right from the get go, I’m not gonna lie. It does actual travel through time. But that too shall be explained away in brilliant and clever fashion that will make complete sense, trust me, thanks. No, you’re not using too many commas, calm down. This string does, indeed, travel through time. Imagine now, that string has been plucked. When was this string plucked? That is an interesting question, this string was plucked forever and for always ago...take a deep breath, you can do this, OK. That sentence couldn’t make sense could it? Did I get you in a time loop yet? 
It might sound annoying as all hell, but it will definitely help, I promise. Just start back over at the beginning and slowly read through again, but ignore some of the stuff you know now is kinda nonsense and meet me back here...I promise, it’ll help.
Ok, if you really did do it, let’s continue.
Certainly it does not make sense, but yeah it does. Cuz that string has too always had done been plucked. Always had been plucked. Always...will have been plucked. Will always..will always been (no certainly not...), will always...have been...and is to always be plucked!!! Wooooo! I figured it out. Did i get you in a time loop yet?
Remember the first time you read this and it didn’t really make much sense, but as you’ve taken the time to skim a bit and skip ahead maybe, and try reading parts or even the whole thing again it’s kind of started to maybe make a bit of sense once you learn to filter the nonsense and approach it again? See how’ve Weeeeeeird huh? Anyway…that’s how my brain works. Let’s continue.
It’s all about time traveling strings and randomness. Except the string is made of a definitive amount of imagination pixels at any given moment, how can motion possibly be translated on such a device? 
Ya know what? Ya got me, beats me, really, it really does I just need to continue with the experiment and if you got a better idea, go ahead, I’m just trying to explain the nature of reality and all things here, don’t mind me.
Right, what I mean is that simply because this imaginary string only and. i hate thinking this way, sometimes, please help meeeee. exclusively exists...inside YOUR mind, your own private little universe within you (whatever you wanna call “you”, like your brain...the collection of your body and soul, whatever you consider to actually be “you” etc.) where nobody else can possibly access, it ALSO just happens to have the ability to have always been in what will always be its state of matter and being and amount of energy whether it be potential, real or imaginary because it’s just that special. And the state of this string that it has always existed in and will always exist in is...yeah, that’s right, is an imaginary horizontal line that has been plucked and is therefore vibrating, you’re catching on. Just imagine huh? 
If you’re having trouble keeping up, I highly suggest just stepping away for a little bit and coming back and skimming back through this mess of a thought and you should be able to filter out some of the nonsense better now and my thoughts will be a littler clearer, and hopefully I am making myself understood as best I can.
Just imagine if you finished though.
Next rule about this string is that it needs to appear to you as a flat, perfectly smooth horizontal black line on a white field at all times no matter how far away you are from it, or how close you are to it. Quite the mental feat, this one here. No time to rest, let’s move on.
I don’t enjoy this all the time, sometimes it’s pretty cool tho, ya know- being special, I mean.
EDITOR NOTE: I’m using too many commas.
Ok and now one more complication. I actually lied in the beginning and the string ISN’T being held at each end by a firm point (Or did I say, solid point? Or a fixed point?...)
[insert clip of rewinding footage to the part where I say “pulled taught between two fixed surfaces” with a pause at “two fixed surfaces flashing on the screen. And me crossing out two fixed surfaces in a red line. Then I say:
Wait..did I just witness myself time travel to the beginning of this video? Am I caught in a time loop? I mean, I’m kind of time traveling in my imagination...ah well, let’s move on, I mean just imagine if you finished. 
Nah, nah we’re all good...but ponder whether I’m lying or not while I distract you from the fact that I need to change this one thing I said earlier to better explain my point and get you thinking...thanks. 
Do yourself a favor and write down the rules for the string, it’ll definitely help you stay on track while I can’t. i’m sorry. really.
Remember the first time you read this and it didn’t really make much sense, but as you’ve taken the time to skim a bit and skip ahead maybe, and try reading parts or even the whole thing again it’s kind of started to maybe make a bit of sense? See how’ve you now experienced somehow the same emotion over again as that first time yet also a new one at the same time like on top of that old emotion? is that deja vu? That’s emotional energy traveling through time. Did I get you in a time loop yet?
“Uh...what?” Is what you want to ask me right now. And I know, I know. Did I get you in a time loop yet? Weeeeeeird huh? Anyway…
Rememeber when this paper made sense? It will
back to the line.
If you’re having trouble keeping up, I highly suggest just stepping away for a little bit and coming back and skimming back through this mess of a thought and you should be able to filter out some of the nonsense better now
back to the line.
See how that line, while simple and not the same, kinda reminded you of the first time you read that line way up above about if you remember when this idea made any sense. Except it’s not quite the same feeling or reaction, kinda layered on top of it. I guess I’m trying to explain how my mind works sometimes?
But also this one, thing I’m trying to say.
thank you for trying.
Where were we...Oh yeah. This string is not being held by two fixed points, and I know what you’re thinking and no, it’s also not being held at one by a fixed point and free at the other. I actually kinda thought i was gonna go down that direction for a few minutes there but nah, I - Oh right right right right right...So no, this string is not even connected at just one end and free at the other, it’s much simpler than all that and the string is connected at both ends too….itself? But again, be careful and don’t violate any of the rules mentioned in my rant before. Feel free to review it, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere. Meet me back here.
How limited is your imagination? Just imagine. 
Remember the first time you read this and it didn’t really make much sense, but as you’ve taken the time to skim a bit and skip ahead maybe, and try reading parts or even the whole thing again it’s kind of started to maybe make a bit of sense? See how’ve Weeeeeeird huh? Did you Did I get you in a in a time loop yeeeeeeyyet? you read this paper when it still made sense and remember thinking...wow I thought that paper was gonna actually say something good...anywaaaaaay.
This is how my brain works sometimes...I honestly don’t know how I feel about it “I said cool”
...what do you mean, cool?
“I mean...that’s it right? I’ve imagined your string
There’s no way you’ve imagined my string.
“Sure I have, I mean some of it is...well, yeah a little out there, but not all together unable to be imagined on the minds eye the way you said. Just a simple, flat horizontal line on a white background.”
That can also be observed from any distance as to appear the same relative size and shape’-
“yeah yeah yeah, that stuff too, what’s that mean.”
Ugh...that means that no matter how far away that string is from the lens of your mind’s eye, the string simply becomes more clearly resolved on the screen of your minds eye by...by those infinitly more and more dense pixels, yeah i know this is getting out of hand. I almost used two extra commas in that sentence. 
“...right... i think i got it? Maybe.”
Uh...You don’t understand. I’ve described something that you could simply zoom in on...FOREVER...and it stayed the same relative size and shape to your eye because it also becomes an infinitely growing clearer resolution on the monitor of your mind’s eye and being forever filled in by an infinite more ever spawning pixels. Which is possible only because all of this exists inside your imagination? And your imagination is limitless?
“Ok ok ok, you got me, this is just a metaphor? Or a parable on the dangers of hubris?”
No, I...don’t think so. Oh...it IS limited? Ok...makes sense. Anywaaaaaaay let’s continue anyway, for those whose imagination is NOT limited and have stayed with me so far.
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Can You Imagine?
imagine if you actually stuck to Rule #1 huh?
I am running a thought experiment, I am going to explain some simple parameters and I would like to just kinda see where the conversation goes and down the line I would be able to remove myself to an observatory position and when the results of my studies are complete I will make my collected data known that might reveal some tremendously beneficial information with regards to our future. 
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!000719810: ERROR: unauthorized message[01]
Did I catch you in a time loop yet?
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Rule #1
Rule 1: Just give it your best effort, and feel good about however it is you end up performing, thank you.
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Thread Idea: The theory of the string.
TESTING: TESTING: TESTING: Disregard this post. This is a test post and placeholder for [future content]. Thank you. 
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