the-enfp · 5 years
still shocked I found my quora post on here 
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Easiest ways to spot an ENFP….
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the-enfp · 5 years
INTP: (purposefully has bad handwriting so that no one can replicate it and forge their signatures)
INTP: double-score
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the-enfp · 6 years
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the-enfp · 6 years
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181022 Taehyung’s Tweet
(dreams come true!!) JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT(Andy Warhol)& EGON SCHIELE(Gustav Klim)#FONDATIONLouisVuitton
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the-enfp · 6 years
ENFP: What is the word for horny but not in a sexual way? Like iam excited for Halloween but I don’t wanna fuck a pumpkin, you feel me?
ISTJ: I think the word you’re looking for is “excited”.
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the-enfp · 6 years
…. I don’t fear God, but I do fear the automatic stapler in the staff room
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the-enfp · 6 years
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forever rain.
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the-enfp · 6 years
ENFP: *sings* I HAVE A PEN
ENFP: *butts in* A PEN, UH
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the-enfp · 6 years
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ENFP humour.
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the-enfp · 6 years
“I don’t like when people say they have me “figured out.” “I” don’t even have me figured out!”
— an INFP
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the-enfp · 6 years
ENFP: So when are you free?
INFJ: I am forever imprisoned in my own personal Hell, so I am never truly “free"…
INFJ: But I don’t really have plans all next week except for Monday.
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the-enfp · 6 years
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the-enfp · 6 years
MBTI: The types and their sense of humor
Written by Ryan (I’M BACK, BABY!)
Disclaimer: These observational thoughts are largely based on stereotypes of the types as they are in middle-class, suburban, midwest America. Do not get offended if I got these “wrong.”
ESFJ - They have a tendency to be loud and obnoxious, especially in a large group setting, and especially if they are younger. Sometimes, you just wanna punch them in the face. They have an uncanny ability to reference mainstream, trendy memes, or use “modern-catchphrases” that are trendy at the time. Quite honestly, it’s annoying sometimes, other times it’s metaphorically “warm and comfy.” It honestly depends on the person. Example: Popular social media trends and humor, quite literally
ISFJ - The simplest, humblest type, and the backbone of our society. Quite honestly, this one’s hard to categorize unless you can observe (Can I though? What if I’m a hack? LOL). The ISFJ usually spends their alone-time binge-watching a LOT of streaming TV shows, especially sitcoms like The Office. They appreciate simple, modern humor, because Si is a comfort. In public though, they aren’t ones to initiate humor. They’ll usually go along with the ESFJ’s and their humor in a public setting, but the only difference is, it’s not as loud and obnoxious. Social media though, is the main source for their chuckles.
Example: Literally, just watch Gilmore Girls. The humor is subtle and simple, yet hilarious from what I’ve seen of it.
ISTJ - Deadpan. Sarcastic. “Dad-jokes.” These traits perfectly describe the ISTJ’s humor to a Te (ooh-hooh, corny MBTI-pun!). Like the ISFJ, they aren’t one for initiating jokes in public, as they don’t like to be the weight, burden, or driving force of conversations like extroverts (Ne, Fe, Se, Te doms) do. The ISTJ wants to sit in a comfy metaphorical backseat of a conversation and coast through it. Like ISFJs defer to ESFJs, the ISTJs defer to ESTJs and their humor most often in a social situation. But, also like the ISFJ, the ISTJ is more often likely to share whatever they find funny on their social media feeds, and they are more receptive to internet memes than ISFJs, who are more receptive to “real-life memes” like ESFJs. Oh, and ISTJs love to watch Seinfeld, because its humor tiptoes between real-life and absurd (more-so real-life), and it’s quite possibly the most outlandish thing that could fit a Si-dom’s humor. And we know how ISTJs prefer reality with their Si…….
Examples: Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby in his standup routine (more like Pill Cosby, *zing*! But that one’s obviously been done before), Seinfeld (TV Show)
ESTJ - The ESTJ loves to mess with people, provided they are stress-free and in a playful mood. Sometimes this can infuriate or annoy meeker people, especially N-types, because they’ll see it as “bullying,” but the ESTJ just sees it as being affectionate and “joshing around.” Te-doms have a biting wit to their delivery and can point out flaws in situations and personalities, turning them around in a pitch-perfect delivery. The difference between an ESTJ and ENTJ though, is that the ESTJ is more attuned to observation and past-experience with their jokes, because of secondary Si. Your ESTJ manager will rip you a new one, and then be-like “Ha! Just kidding, my boy!”
Examples: Elaine from Seinfeld and her biting sardonicism/sarcasm, Princess Leia (Star Wars) and her observational insults, your real-life grizzled shift leader
ESFP - The ESFJ on steroids, more or less, and far more obnoxious (when they are obnoxious, that is). No one is as attuned to popular trends as well as the ESFP. However, the ESFP is also attuned to underground humor, as being a Se-dom leads their uncanny knack of discovery of “non-mainstream humor” through exposure as a result of their large network of friends/acquaintances they have amassed from just being so dang friendly and curious. They are able to “get” and enjoy left-field and non-trendy humor and love it, but in the general public, being the Se-dom that they are, they will more comfortably resort to the trends. Why? It’s a safe bet, unless they want to trailblaze and set-trends, culturally and memetically. Remember when Rihanna stole Seapunk and the internet cried out and declared it dead? Se-hijacking of aesthetics. The ESFPs, those bold enough to trailblaze, are the reason for memes blowing up, and/or becoming “real-life memes”. The Harlem Shake was never the same after the second video.
Example: I think you’ve read between the lines enough to know what I’m talking about and agree with it. “Uh-suh dude” is the pinnacle and ultimate example of the efforts of ESFPs toward humor.
ISFP - Once again, we have a situation where introverts (Fi, Si, Ni, Ti doms) prefer to be a backseat passenger in social contexts. The ISFP is more of a  connoisseur and enjoyer of humor than one to try and set trends with it, or initiate it in public (like most introverts). To them, life is better enjoyed in a non-humoristic, personal point of view. That’s not to say that they don’t love humor. They’re the ultimate template “everyman.” The best quality of their sense of humor are their witty comebacks and biting wit at the expense of people who are stressing them out. Because of their Fi, they can sometimes find laughter at the expense of people who they think deserve a little repercussional “justice.” They’re also a great lover of slapstick, screwball, juvenile silliness in their everyday life, whether it be from the silliness of their friend after smoking a blunt together, or laughing along when everyone else is. To be honest, hand them a blunt and they’ll literally laugh at everything (I wouldn’t though. Don’t do drugs, kids).
Example: Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) with her biting comebacks at foes, Harry Potter laughing at the expense of the Dursleys whenever they get their “just desserts.”
ESTP - Like the ESTJ, they love jocular humor and joshing around. But, for better or worse (depending on your opinion), for older ESTPs, their tertiary Fe can hold them back in this regard and rein them in if they’re getting too strong with it. If someone cries, they’ll want to apologize (in a non-emotional, non-vulnerable-looking way, provided their Fe isn’t developed enough). The ESTP also loves physical humor, slapstick, and humor at the expense of others, laughing at the silliness of situations in their environment. The immature ESTPs (and ENTPs, when they are immature), love to mock others at their failures. Often, the people spreading insults on a Facebook/Youtube  comments feed are ESTPs. Just look at Donald Trump’s Twitter account. He laughs at the failures of everyone all the time.
Example: Donald Trump’s Twitter Account, Hank Schrader on Breaking Bad and his sense of humor, Shotaro Kaneda (Akira) and his lovable “joshing” of Tetsuo, Mr. Krabs in Spongebob.
ISTP - Like the ESTP, they also love slapstick and physical humor, but as a rather explorative type (like the ESFP), they love to expose themselves to non-trends, as it feeds their Ti. It provides them fuel for biting sarcasm they can use in stressful situations. They love pranks, and this is a reflection of a larger amount of sneakiness than ESTPs; it is how they manifest their love of “detrimental humor.” The younger ones appreciate simpler pranks, whereas older ones can develop a curiosity for expanding the grandiosity of pranks. Remember the kid in elementary school who would always repeat everything you said back at you cause he knew it infuriated you? Most likely an ISTP. It ultimately depends upon the culture the young ISTP was raised in, though. Most importantly though, the ISTP, being Ti-dom, has a tendency to retreat inwards towards their thoughts, where they like to make humorous observations of their natural environment, and this is where their real humorous wit is sourced.
Example: Darryl Philbin (The Office) pranking Michael and Andy, Dexter Morgan (Dexter) and the way that he makes sardonic and humorous anecdotes about life situations through his serial killer mind, Bojack Horseman’s sardonic quips in the face of reality, Han Solo’s (Star Wars) sardonic wit, Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) and his sense of humor. 
ENFP - They’re bouncing off the walls and love to be the center of attention, like ESFPs, but they would rather not resort to trendy humor and only do it to fit in. In fact, if you take a look inside the inner-mind of this hipster, you’ll find a large database full of media-references, theoretical observations, inside jokes, appreciation for juvenile silliness, and zany ideas that they think will make them look “novel,” funny (in an outlandish way) and subsequently unappreciated. In fact, the ENFP is an appreciator of nearly all types of humor. The ENFP is entertaining when you wind them up, however, sometimes it can take a lot of effort just to wind them down, and people will often ignore their quips sometimes just to secretly quash and rein in their high. Depending on the social ability of the individual, the ENFP can be awkward, sometimes insensitive with their timing and jokes. Despite this, ENFPs make great stage comedians due to their knack for humorous theatricality, storytelling, and cleverness. Male ENFPs are more outlandish than female ENFPs, whereas female ENFPs often tend to reserve their kookiness just a little bit. The most unique trait of an ENFPs sense of humor, however, is their tendency to derive a self-directed humorous kick out of the novelty of certain situations, such as wearing their shirts inside out one day or selecting a plastic putter specifically designed for a toddler as their club of choice at a mini-golf course.
Examples: Michael Scott (The Office), David Brent (The Office (UK)), Spongebob Squarepants, Jessica Day (New Girl), The sense of humor of the Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who (although the character is ENTP)
INFP - Purveyors of the weirdest inside jokes and memes that make those who don’t understand them scoff at their personality (much like INTPs, but to a less extent for INTPs), the INFPs are definitely a breed of jokers fit for the internet and internet ONLY. The majority of the world’s memes are created by these weirdos, and they will spout references everywhere on the internet in public posts, but not to get attention because the joke was only meant to be enjoyed by them and a few friends, thus baffling people as to why it was made public in the first place. INFPs, being individualistic in nature, like to think they are setting trends with their weird jokes and memes, and they sometimes do, in the furthest corners of the internet. Self-deprecation is also a common topic to these emo-kids, because they love telling jokes to themselves as the INFP is the type most comfortable with literally talking to themself (yet they paradoxically don’t like being alone). The INFPs not as in-touch with their abstractly artistic side tend to show either a more “childlike” sense of humor, so to speak, or a weird and twisted form of dark, possibly self-deprecating emo humor. Despite all of this, the weirdest and zaniest of humor (particularly surreal humor) is borne of their brilliant, insipid minds, and we can thank them for that (that is, if you get it or not. Otherwise, you’ll hate it, ha!).
Examples: Sh*tpost memes on social media such as Facebook and Tumblr, the works of Noel Fielding (creator/leader of The Mighty Boosh comedy-troupe), anything deemed slightly humorous through being whimsical (courtesy of authors such as J.K. Rowling, Lewis Carroll, and J.R.R. Tolkien), Louis C.K. and his comedy routines.
ENFJ - Like ESFJs and ENFPs, they will often go along with cultural trends for humor, but like ENFPs, they secretly don’t enjoy it as much and only do it to fit in. The ENFJ is almost like the ESFJ (probably the closest to resembling another type’s humor), but unlike them, they are less bombastic and obnoxious with their comedy and are a little bit goofier in their timing and wit (probably providing one of the few weaknesses to their stereotypical “squeaky-clean” personality, so to speak). This timing can also lend a certain corniness to the jokes they tell. Because of this the better sense of their humor can be more found in the jolliness of their personality, whenever it comes out. But when you get them laughing about something, they burst into eruption with laughter and full of heart.
Examples: Obi-Wan Kenobi’s (Star Wars) witty remarks during the prequels and The Clone Wars, Agent Phil Coulson (MCU) whenever he’s feeling humorous
INFJ - Not to bag on INFJs like I used to do (for the humor within it), but since real-life INFJs are definitely hard to come by (because I side with the analysis that INFJs are still the world’s rarest type and that the majority of people who claim to be INFJ have mistyped or simply want to claim being unique), it’s hard for me to pin down the INFJ’s sense of humor. But what I do know is this: because INFJs are great social chameleons as well as undercover nerds, they have a deep appreciation for non-trendy humor, but also feel by understanding and appreciating trendy humor, it will better help them get closer to all types of people. But to be honest, the INFJ has a secret (and I mean, secret) penchant for dark comedy, offensive jokes, and maybe a few racist jokes (depending upon the individual). No, I swear, I’m not making that up! This is not me bagging on them, ha! For real though, I’m serious. The INFJ is driven by a sense of guilt, but they are also objective with their feelings and understandings sometimes by making exceptions, whether being driven to an “ends justify the means” mentality or being offensive or slanderous in private (because it can’t hurt anybody if no-one hears it or sees it, according to their reasoning). But ultimately, the INFJ can burst out and be theatrical when there’s passion in their jokes. They really are chameleons, and they can surprise you; ENFPs may appreciate every style of humor, but INFJs can enjoy enacting every style of humor when they burst out of their shell.
Examples: Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation) whenever he’s humorous or witty, Yoda (Star Wars) whenever he’s being a kooky old jokester, Hitler whenever he laughed (just messing around with that one, lol, but it’s also for real too)
ENTP - There are multiple subtypes of ENTPs. One of them is that annoying, smug “alpha nerd” from your school days who would love to troll and act out theatrically in class. Another is one who complains too much about situations and loves to do insult humor (a lot of stand up comics). Then there’s the guy who loves pulling references out of nowhere (and unlike INFPs, they confine them to the range of whoever is intended to get it, as well as try to not make it too weird). Then there’s the “cool guy, who doesn’t seem to be too masculine,” who loves to prank others and flirt with women in a humorous way. Speaking of women, female ENTPs bounce off the walls and are less afraid of being kooky, theatrical, and outlandish in the furthest of extremes than female ENFPs, however, they know better how to dial down to fit in when they need to (despite the female ENFPs large desire to do so they don’t do it as effectively and can’t help exuding some quirkiness). Contrary to popular opinion though, most ENTPs don’t create memes because they (unless they are teenage ENTPs) are not enough of a novel, or “boundary pushing” act of humor; if they’re going to be inventive with the way they joke, they would rather go outside the norms, even the norms of underground sub-cultures. Dang hipsters. And when they want to fit in (due to tertiary Fe), they’ll resort to clever comments in group discussions with impeccable wit and timing. The common misconception of a stereotypical ENTP on “the types doing _____” blog posts and list posts tends to be an observational caricature of younger ENTPs (during adolescent years). Overall, the ENTP’s sense of humor is more similar to the ENFP than other rational types (who tend to overthink their humor). Both types tend to be playful and witty (and share a knack for “novelty” humor), but while the ENFP places more emphasis on the “playful,” the ENTP places more emphasis on the “witty.” Many Adult Swim series are dreamt up by ENTPs, borne out of randomness and a “what if” mentality first and foremost. 
Example:  Shawn Spencer (Psych) and the way he throws out references, acts theatrical for fun, and makes witty jokes directed at Gus and Lassiter, Tony Stark (MCU) and his quips, Deadpool (I prefer the comics’ Deadpool and his sense of humor to the ultra-juvenalized, middle-school-appropriate Ryan Reynolds version on film, or versions inspired by that one in recent media. The Joe Kelly run (to be specific, the first ongoing run) emphasized a more normal, less-cartoonish ENTP who would bust out witticisms and references, yet didn’t dumb down the style of humor or his personality), Superjail! (TV Show on Adult Swim) .
INTP - The corniest witticisms come from INTPs, because their supercharged Ti can’t help but be too specific with literally everything in their speech, and this has a tendency to make their jokes really goofy and corny.  That is, being “too precise with humor” to really let loose with it, if you know what I mean. Unlike an INFP or ENTP. I think that the INTP, telling a “reference-based joke” will almost have a tendency to ruin that joke by saying what the reference is from. Being too analytical has its problems. For example, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, when Spider-Man tries to make a movie reference, he always starts out like “you remember that really old movie, _____?” Like INFPs, INTPs’ humor can be seen as misunderstood, but unlike INFPs, they less-often purvey surreal or absurd humor, and more-often purvey far more goofy, perhaps childish witticisms. That’s not to say that certain INTPs are incapable of overcoming these limitations. There are many great INTPs I know with great comedic timing. However, a common limitation is that INTPs are too focused on studying the outside world with their Ti to be humorous in public. That said, INTPs, while they may not tend to purvey absurd humor, often enjoy appreciating it in forms of art, that is, if they decide to explore the realm of comedy with their Ti (being as curious as it is).
Examples: Spider-Man (comics) and his witty but corny one-liners against villains, Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory) whenever he’s trying to tell a joke, George Costanza (Seinfeld) and his awkward/terrible comedic timing (“Oh yeah? The jerk store called. They’re all outta you!”)
ENTJ - The ultimate purveyor of dark comedy and shock humor is the ENTJ, and they are not afraid to cattle-prod their boundaries because of their primary Te. They also love to act out theatrically, but often they wish to retain an authoritive air to their figure. “Joshing around” is also common for them, like the ESTJ, although they are able to slow down better than ESTJ if they notice it makes others uncomfortable. They tend to feel slighted though if someone doesn’t laugh at their jokes though, like ESTJs do. They also have a soft spot for inside jokes.
Examples: Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Alexei Volkoff (Chuck) whenever he feels like being humorous, Dr. Evil (Austin Powers)
INTJ - Sardonic, sarcastic, biting, sometimes goofy but still biting. Mostly biting. The INTJ becomes humorous when stressed, or when they decide to be humorous (because everything is a decision to them); unlike other types who can’t help but be humorous as a part of their personality, INTJs would rather just be “matters-first” in their thinking, and any sort of extra humorous exchanges are mentally and willfully set aside for appropriate times or less eventful lulls during a period of low stress. At least, from what I’ve noticed and gleaned from talking to INTJs. Like INTPs though, they tend to be very specific and rational about all thought and speech that exits their mouths so much that “letting loose humorously” is a difficulty to them. Unlike INTPs though, they feel comfortable in this position and would rather stay in it because they would rather have “control” and “consideration” of their actions, so to speak, as Ni-Te users. Thus, their humor comes out a little goofy, but less awkward than INTPs because they give a little more deliberation to crafting it. Thus, it can lead to some truly brilliant humor, but the INTJ must plan it out (or rather, give it more deliberate thought than most rational types), because improvising is one of their weakest skills. However, of all the rational types, the INTJ is the one most prone to appreciate “dad jokes.”
Examples: Doctor Strange (MCU) and his sense of humor, Hank Pym (MCU) and his sense of humor, Batman whenever he finds something funny (particularly the last page of The Killing Joke)
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the-enfp · 6 years
Me: Can type people I’ve just met accurately
Also Me: Cannot type close friends who I know well
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the-enfp · 6 years
Kill the stereotype that Fi users are selfish and don’t care as much about others as Fe users.
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the-enfp · 6 years
NTs as Languages
ENTJ: Classical Latin. Very formal, lots of rules, seems a bit cold, but full of warmth and life and wisdom if you care to look; academics aspire to it, but few completely realize it
ENTP: French. Full of heat and the vibrancy of life, and sometimes discredited because of that, but with amazing depth of thought and rule of logic just veiled; overrated for reasons it deems less important
INTJ: Russian. Often associated with evil tyrants, but actually quite beautiful; strong and structured, but by turns lyrical and almost mystical; many times overlooked
INTP: Old English. Lots of depth but is can seem like a mess, taking bits of information from here and there and cultivating them; either over or under appreciated
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the-enfp · 6 years
MBTI Types as Things They Do Regularly
ESFP: Party
ISFJ: Bake cookies
INTJ: Twirl Mustache
ENTJ: Murder
ESFJ: Pinterest
ISTP: Secret ninja missions
ISTJ: Nothing
ESTP: Ride sharks
ENFJ: Empathic Link
INFJ: See the future
ENFP: Vomit rainbows
ISFP: ???
INTP: Calculate the mass of science
ENTP: Make awful posts like these
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