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Beach stimboard for @somesurrealist
🐚 x x x - x x x - x x x 🐚
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Till Death Do We Part
I wrote a cute lil Larsie wedding fic because I love my system babies :,) please enjoy this 1k word fluff fest where my OCs are the cutest in the world
Also I suck at writing vows, deal with it ajksjdkdjkskd
Summary: Elsie decides they want to be married to Lara. Though their proposal isn’t the most eloquent or elaborate, the wedding itself is one to be remembered.
Characters: Elsie, Lara, Logan (fictive of Logan Sanders), Roman (fictive of Roman Sanders), Zeus (dog alter), Nat (briefly), Lance (mentioned), Samuel (mentioned)
Pairing(s): larsie
Warnings: lotsa fluff, some happy tears, idk if it/its pronouns usage needs a warning but just in case lol, and I think that’s it but lemme know if I missed anything!!
Word count: 1,077
Elsie let Samuel take the front, so they could spend time with Lara. For a demon, she was surprisingly soft and warm. The headhouse was a castle, and they were in their chambers cuddling on the bed.
“Let’s get married,” Elsie said randomly, Lara pausing in her stroking of their hair.
“What?” she asked with a chuckle.
“Yeah. Why not? Just a little ceremony here in the innerworld, maybe out in the garden. Lance can officiate, I think. Nothing too… extravagant. Unless you want extravagant.”
“Wait, why marriage? Where’s this coming from?”
Elsie blushed. “I don’t know, I just love you. Or, wait, maybe Logan should officiate. I think the embodiment of logic would make a good minister.”
Keep reading
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Why do I feel like Keith would get shipped with himself when he becomes corrupted
Keith x Corrupted!Keith 😳
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If you wanna avoid spoilers for this series, block the tag #book spoilers!!!
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Not to be a nerd on main but GOD i love math and science
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New profile picture and working cover
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> Searra unplugs her phone
> She enters her passcode
> romanocheesy is typing...
“yooooo gimme questions to answer dudes”
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Keith is a complicated baby but I love him because he always does his best 🖤
When I say he was worried he was homophobic, I say he wasn’t but couldn’t elaborate cos I had no room, but he wasn’t upset that his mom married a woman, he was just upset she got married at all. He misinterpreted his own anger and thought it was one thing when it was actually another. Therapy really helped him work out his emotions. Poor lad
And also he wears his dads letterman jacket cos it makes him feel connected to his dad. Btw he’s british, the football mentioned is what america calls soccer
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Kiss the Boy
Characters: Aidan Bellcamp, Keith Manchester
Pairing(s): keidan
Warnings: fluff, a playful threat (like a non-legit threat), and i think that’s it but lemme know if I missed anything!!!! 🖤
Aidan wasn’t planning on watching a bunch of Disney movies with Keith, but he’d practically insisted on it. It was a good date, Aidan wouldn’t lie, but damn if he was unprepared.
“Should we start with The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast?” Keith asked, Aidan smiling at his painfully British boyfriend.
“The Little Mermaid ‘cause I love how you say it.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “What, you mean the li’ol mermaid?” he asked, putting more emphasis on his accent.
“Music to my ears,” Aidan teased.
Keith started the movie and they cuddled up on the couch to watch it. Keith ran his fingers through Aidan’s buzzed hair, feeling the plants that grew from his scalp as he did so. It was rare for him to not hide them with his beanie, but he was honestly too lazy to put it on.
By the time they got to the “Kiss the Girl” scene, Aidan had practically melted into a puddle with all the affection he was receiving. He smiled over at Keith and began singing along.
“Sha la la la la la, my oh my, look at the boy too shy, ain’t gonna kiss the boy,” he sang, changing the lyrics slightly.
“Who are you and what have you done with Aidan?” Keith asked with a smile.
“What? I can’t be in a good mood?”
“I mean, you’re more than welcome to be, but it’s unusual for you.”
Aidan knew this was true, but the gerbera daisies sprouting around the couch was certainly at least an indication of how good he was feeling.
“Does this mean you’re not gonna kiss the boy?”
“Oh, I’m definitely gonna kiss the boy.” As promised, he leaned in and planted his lips against Aidan’s. “And I’m gonna cherish the boy.” He kissed him again. “And I’m gonna make sure the boy feels like this every day.” One more kiss.
“You’re so sappy.”
“Says the one who was just serenading me.”
“I’ll punch you.”
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> Searra unplugs her phone
> She enters her passcode
> romanocheesy is typing...
“yooooo gimme questions to answer dudes”
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Sorry if my writing sucks, I prolly should’ve done it all in text lmao lemme know if there’s something you cant read
Hopefully this gives y’all a good idea of what Aidan’s like!!!! :D hes highkey rude but I still love him 🖤
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here have a drawing of my oc Aidan Bellcamp (he/him/xe/xyr). If you don’t know the Elementals, Aidan controls nature and earth uwu
i cant draw beanies to save my life jakdjdkdjd
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Aidan, what do you do as a Peacekeeper? (don't answer if you think it'll be too spoiler-y)
well we all stop bad guys basically, like the big bads and stuff. we also do patrols around the city and keep an eye on the news to make sure nothing slips between the cracks. it’s almost like a full time job, and it’s tiring af but i don’t mind it much since we keep people safe
Aw, you DO have a heart :P
...shut up searra
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I swear asks were on before ahskdjdkdj
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> Aidan walks into his bedroom
> He logs onto his computer
> ayyydan is typing...
“im feeling pretty open rn so AMA time ig”
Aidan Bellcamp is open for questions
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Searra walked through the bedroom door, dead on her feet after a long shift at McDonald’s. She was comforted knowing Jessica was there, in bed on her phone. She flopped down next to her, laying on her stomach with her face buried in her pillow.
“Long day?” Jessica asked sympathetically, running a hand through Searra’s hair.
“Mhmm,” Searra replied, muffled by the pillow.
Jessica laid down, placing a hand on Searra’s back and kissing the side of her head.
“I love you.”
Searra turned her head. “I love you too.”
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