"I'm not sure, but he wanted it to look for his son. Rumpel wouldn't leave the town if he thought his memories were at risk, so I'm sure it works." Her faith in the magic's abilities only stemmed from her faith in Rumpel, who she knew wanted to get back to son at all costs. Now, the whole thing was moot because Neal was here in town and Rumpel had never had to leave to find him. 
"Where would you go if you could leave," she asked curiously. 
Food Adventure || Archie & Belle
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Bookworm || Open
The sunshine provided the perfect reading light for Belle as she sat out on a bench, legs crossed and a book caressed between her hands. This book had come highly recommended on the internet and she could easily see why. From the very first page she had been hooked and she wasn't aware of how much time had passed while she set on this bench, immersed in the book's world.
Until someone stepped up, their shadow falling across her book. She frowned, her mind jolted from the story. "You're in my light," she said, looking up to see who it was.
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Belle couldn't agree more. "Rumpel was actually working on a way to cross the town line so he could look for his son. I think he was going to use a bit of magic to do it but it looked like a viable way. Something about..." she thought about it for a moment, pursing her lips in thought, "using an item that's important to you and putting a potion over it. If you kept the item on you, it would retain your memories." She took the last bite of her food and chewed thoughtfully, wondering if they could do something like that.
She shrugged and swallowed. "It may be possible if we ever just want to take a small trip outside." Personally, Belle would be fascinated to go and explore this world, even if it wasn't very far.
Food Adventure || Archie & Belle
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Belle couldn't deny that she often felt like Hans was distant from her, that he kept a part of himself hidden. Didn't everyone hide themselves though? Had a part they wished to not talk about? She was willing to accept that, but what Eric spoke of was far darker than that. 
She didn't want to end the engagement but....
"I want to look into this," she said, turning to Hans. "This arrangement is suppose to be for the benefit of both our kingdoms, it's not about emotions. If any the slightest doubt has been cast, then I owe it my kingdom, to myself, to investigate." It was the only thing she could do. "If nothing turns up, we'll hold our ceremony as planned. If something does, then I will have to break our engagement." She turned to Prince Eric.
"And since you've brought this matter to light, I ask that you bring forth any evidence you have to this claim. I will not toss aside someone based on words alone." Belle thought this was the only way to go about the situation. She would need evidence before making any decision on what to do.
For The Good Of The Kingdom || Belle, Hans & Eric
"Of course I do!", he rushes to say, already seeing his entire plan falling apart. Damn that fish-fucker! Why would he show up there, of all places? He had expected to see a familiar face or two amidst the crowd, but not that smug one in particular.
Eric’s kingdom made imaginary borders with the Southern Isles (imaginary, yes - given it was, y’know, an island), so it wasn’t uncommon to see the monkey-faced prince of Esperanza hanging out with one of his brothers. Probably blowing each other in their chambers; what else could he be possibly doing with a guy like Andrew, if not dropping a load or three down his throat?
He had never had any love lost for that butt-headed monarch in particular, and the thought of poisoning him during one of his visits had crossed Hans’ mind a couple hundred times. He had never done it, though.
Now he regretted that.
"Do not let Lord Eric’s words poison your mind", he said, taking her hand gently into his. "His family is an old rival of mine; his tongue is a bitter and jealous one. He would stop at nothing to ruin my family’s reputation - and mine."
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"Definitely spoiled," Belle agreed with a grin, which turned into a sigh. 
"Can you imagine what the rest of this world would be like? It would be amazing to see it." A bit of wanderlust settled in her eyes as she imagined what the rest of this world was like. "Instead of kingdoms they have democracies, but there are still people who suffer and starve. And there are people who travel in the air in planes." Belle had thought that amazing, to be able to fly through the sky in a metal box. How did it stay afloat? What did it feel like to fly through the sky?
Food Adventure || Archie & Belle
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Belle nodded and made a mental note to ask Rumpel about it later. She didn't think he might be lying, it wasn't like she had a super power like Emma, and Naveen seemed like a good person to her. In short, he hadn't presented any reason for her to distrust him.
The clock struck the next hour and Belle looked over. Whoa, was it already that time? 
"Sorry, Naveen," she said, standing up. "I have to go meet Rumpel. But you're always welcome around here." She smiled at him warmly.
Damsel In Distress || Naveen & Belle
"That sounds good. Sorry to emotion it now. I just forgot about it" he said and he wished he had really forgotten about it. It really wasn’t like he was dying to help Hans.
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"Oh, I agree." Belle nodded with a laugh.
"Most of the books, for one. They're absolutely amazing with literature. Do you know that some of the stories match our own? Emma showed me a book, Beauty and the Beast. She thought it was pretty funny." Belle had found the book... interesting, to say the least. And a little heartwarming. "And there are movies too."
Food Adventure || Archie & Belle
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"Well, if Rumpel has it you can certainly use it. I'll ask him and tell you what I find out." She smiled. "How does that sound?"
Damsel In Distress || Naveen & Belle
"Hans says that he does. That it would help me to find my brother. I don’t think he wants me to have it. He seemed a little hesitant. I just remember now that he mentioned something about it when he was trying to piss me off" which was false. Hans wanted the compass and he wanted Naveen to steal it, but he was not going to steal. Lies could work and it wasn’t like he was lying about everything.
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Open her eyes? Her brow creased and she looked between Prince Eric and Prince Hans. Eric's words were more than troubling. She had always thought Hans distant but surely he didn't marry princesses for their titles and heirdom, as Eric was suggesting.
"Hans, what is he talking about? Explain." Her tone indicated that she wanted an answer and she wanted it now. If he hesitated, she was not above causing a scene in the middle of the ballroom. This was her kingdom at stake. "I know we're not marrying for love," she was certainly not under the illusion that they loved each other. To Belle, that would come with time. If it came at all. "But surely you have better intentions than using me for my kingdom."
For The Good Of The Kingdom || Belle, Hans & Eric
"We already know each other", Hans said, with a contrived smile. And how could they not? Their kingdoms made borders with each other - or as much borders as you’d get between an island and the main land. 
He’d seen that smug, rat-like face a hundred times, and then some more. Swaggering around the place with his stuffed underpants, always with one of Hans’ brothers following him around like a lovestruck puppy. It was laughable if it weren’t so pathetic.
"Aren’t you perhaps a bit far from home, prince Eric?" he said, in disdain. "Here doesn’t quite seem like the kind of place for a fish-lover such as yourself.”
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He only had memories of his cursed self, which weren't really memories at all she supposed but they were all he had. She wondered what had made him forget in the first place. The curse hadn't been designed like that, or so she thought.
"A compass?" She hadn't heard of anything like that, but... "I can ask Rumpel about it. He might have something like that in his shop." He kept a lot of items secreted away.
Damsel In Distress || Naveen & Belle
"Oh I do have memories of myself, or Ty’s.  There is just nothing about my real family. It is another family that I remember, you get me?" that was not the strangest part of it all. "Well…Ty couldn’t kep a job. He…I always got fired of them and Granny just gave me a chance after I begged her" he said and then suddenly got a realization. "Actually, may you can Rumple… his name is too long…you and Mr. Gold can help me. Hans mentioned a compass, something that would guide you anywhere you desire to be guided to. Do you know if that exist?"
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"True Love's kiss?? Oh that's wonderful Zoe! I'm so happy for you two!"
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"You two should come by and have dinner with Rumpel and I."
Hello, Granny's diner!
"It happened only recently!! As in last night recently!! It’s all very exciting, really. Dr Whale woke up from his coma and we kissed and it broke my curse and…!" She shrugged. "Ta-da!"
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Belle nodded and dropped the issue. Naveen could look after himself.
"So, if you have no memory of who you are, it must've been tough adjusting here. How did you get the job at Granny's?"
Damsel In Distress || Naveen & Belle
"I’m aware of that" he heard himself say. He wanted to stay away from pepople with magic as much as possible even if in a way it was impossible to do so. He would have to talk to Neal about it and see if he could measure his pros and cons
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"You have... well, skin! And you're breathing! And eating! Oh my god, how did this happen??" 
Hello, Granny's diner!
Zoe licked her fingers clean just as the pizza was served onto her table, batting her eyelashes at the confused accomplice. “Yes…?” she said, smiling in a bright but unsure manner.
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"I guess we didn’t spend much time in Storybrooke when I was undead but, um… Zoya? Eldritch? With the…?" She gestured to the whole of her face, emphasising her now blue eyes and unscarred cheek. "Think white hair, maybe."
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Belle paused.
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"Ah... I'm sorry, have we met?"
Hello, Granny's diner!
Zoe nodded, still helping herself to more and barely swallowing enough to talk clearly. “Gods, it’s been so long since I had something to eat!” She looked up at the brunette briefly through her food. “It’s so good, Belle, really. Hopefully the pizza will be here soon and I’ll tell you what I think of that. Ugghhhhh, I could eat for days…!”
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"That's quite the appetite!" The girl looked absolutely famished and Belle could only laugh.
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"Is it good?" She gestured to the fries and mustard. She was pretty sur from the slightly repressed groan that it was. The woman certainly looked like she was enjoying herself.
Hello, Granny's diner!
"Aw, that’s so cute!" said Zoe, who was beginning to furiously squirt mustard all over her plate of chips. "I’m here to eat everything I’ve missed out on for the past year. I am so hungry, honestly, I could eat a horse if I had to!"
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She didn’t bother with cutlery and began to eat the chips one and two at a time, trying to push back the loud groan in her throat. Food. Yes. Finally…!
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"There are others who are good at that," she replied. "But, it's your decision. Just remember that there are always other options open." Naveen at least knew Hans wasn't to be trusted, so the likelihood of getting the wool pulled over his eyes was decreased. Right?
Damsel In Distress || Naveen & Belle
"I know what you mean, but he make a very compelling argument and he already helped me figure out who was the witch that turned me into a frog" he informed her."I hate the guy, but he seems good at gathering information"
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Belle's eyebrows raised. "Him reason to distrust you? I honestly can't believe you're working with him. You should worry about trusting him, not the other way around."
Damsel In Distress || Naveen & Belle
Naveen remembered Neal offering the same deal, but he wasn’t sure yet. “I’ll ask if I need to, but I think I’m fine for now, plus I don’t want to give Hans more reasons to distrust me”
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