Hhi hello um I noticeed you and uh *spills my drink which is revealed to be many leeches in a large soda cup* oh god oh fuck my leeches
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Inbox is empty just saying if anybody wants a matchup or a headcanon request
The line is non-existent
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Heyyy hun would you be down for a matchup?
I’m a pansexual demigirl, introverted but super rowdy and I rlly like parties and concerts. I am heavily dependent on caffeine, and I am a compulsive shopper. I dye my hair a different colour like three times a month, and my aesthetic is kinda like someone’s expensive secretary from the 1960s. I also rlly love baking and knitting and listening to music so loudly I have permanent eardrum damage. I am also incredibly disorganised and collect freezable fruit shapes.
Also I love your writing!!! You are very talented and have a distinctive style.
Keep slaying!!!
Hi, Julian
I mean, the word rowdy is in your request. What was I gonna do, not say Jules? Anyways, the rowdy raven is the perfect place for you. You can be rowdy and loud and drink if you wanna without actually needing to be extroverted. It's not the kind of party where you're expected to make friends. It's the kind of party where Julian gets a beer glass thrown at him (which he dodges) and later dances on the table with you. He'd also happily buy things for you, or maybe steal things, he is a pirate. Mazelinka and Jules both love that you bake and knit, and Julian would help you as much as he could in the kitchen. Though he'd be bumping his head against the ceiling a lot.
Thank you I'm so glad you love my writing!! ✨Slay✨
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I have no idea if this is where I ask for a matchup but- if it is hi if not you can ignore this and Im sorry. I am non-binary and bisexual. I am usually sorta shy, it takes me a very long time to open up to new people, I easily get flustered and usually hid my face in my hands when that happens. I like reading, drawing, walking around my house, I garden a lot. I love the way flowers look and there my go to gift to give and receive.
This is exactly where you go for this ✨✨
She's the extrovert to your introvert. She's sweet and talkative and friendly, so even if you aren't ready to open up she'll keep talking to you and just wait patiently for you to be comfortable. And you garden? She loves that. She would garden with you and help you plant flowers and such around her little cabin. It would be just the two of you deep in the palace grounds where nobody (besides Lucio's annoyingly loud bird) would bother you both. You'd have complete privacy there for when you want to be alone too. And her door would always be open to you. And of course, pepi would love to eat the flowers help you guys garden. And love to curl up in your lap and sleep while you read or draw. Not to mention, Portia finds your shyness adorable and she would gently pull your hands away from your face to call you cute when you hide.
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hey bro would you be down for a matchup?
i’m a straight transguy, if. i were to describe my personality i’d say i’m pretty friendly and laid back, I’ll talk to anyone but I keep to myself a lot too.
I think her high bouncy energy balances well with your laid-back personality. And you're friendly which she values a lot. She would keep you company in her cabin and her cat would love to curl up on your lap.
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Be me
Get writers block
Focus on art
Have writers block for two-ish years
Say you're coming back 3 seperate times
Dont actually come back
Consider deleting blog
Instead, open inbox
Impulse write everything in inbox
Be back?? Apparently????
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saw u were doing matchups *lipbite*
i’m genderqueer but i use he/him pronouns, constantly questioning my sexuality (but probably gay.) my personality is dad jokes and self-aggrandizing jokes to hide my horrid self esteem ha. i’m a bookseller and a teacher, and occasionally i find the motivation to play piano, write, or paint. i’m obsessed with aesthetic. which one? well, it swings wildly between dark/light academia, witchy, and celestial at the moment. my interests include your mom 😩 nah but fr i like acting, cosplaying, anything to do with costuming. NEway i hope u have a lovely day <3
Julian! I mean, what are you expecting? His personality is also wonderfully horrid jokes and self deprecating humor to hide his mid life crisis and self confidence that's in the negatives. even if it's not often he loves when you play or paint and he always asks to watch you and just sit with you while you do. He loves your aesthetic, matches his perfectly, and he thinks you have great taste. And of course he loves that you like acting, he's got a flair for the dramatics and lives and breathes the stage, you could help make his costumes for performances and give him a kiss for luck before he goes on.
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Hi!! I was wondering if I could get a matchup? I'm transmasc and demiromantic (though I prefer men) I stick with my usual friend groups since I'm not that social, I get excited about smaller stuff when I'm alone/with friends , and if I do talk about something I like ill probably ramble about it >:) my interests are mostly writing stories, drawing concepts for said stories, and playing calmer video games!
Hey! Asra!! He's not the most social either, and likes just staying in with you or hanging out around the usual people. they really enjoy when you get all excited about things, and he loves to sit and listen to you ramble about your interests and stories while he cleans the shop or shuffles their deck. They'll return the favor by rambling about magic and especially tarot, the cards meanings, and how to read. He really likes just talking and listening to you and being in your presence. He also loves your art and writing and loves when you show him the things you create.
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Hi! It says matchups are open, I’d like to request one if that’s alright!
I am a female (she/her) and my preference are males. My personality depends on people, with close friends and family I’m really childish and goofy, with strangers and acquaintances I’m really shy and awkward. I’ve been told I’m really passionate and talented in anything music related and writing, and I’ve also been told that I’m really persistent when I want to be and stubborn. What really interests me is reading, writing, singing and anything to do with thriller and mystery even when I get scared easily. I’m 148cm/4’10ft and usually get teased about that 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also like sleeping a lot even though I never have the time too, and people also have told me I’m clingy which can be both bad and good! I’m not sure if I’m missing anything but let me know!
Hey! I match you with Muriel! He understands completely being shy and awkward when you meet someone, and when you do eventually open up he loves your silly personality and you make him smile a lot. He loves your music and asks you to play or sing things for him a lot. Your stubbornness gets on his nerves sometimes but in the cute "you're such a handful and I love that about you" way. He likes to let you sleep on him or read with him near the fire. Especially since you're tiny compared to him, sometimes he's afraid he'll hurt you. He doesn't mind at all that you're clingy, he likes having your energy around and he knows you're safe when you're close to him.
Hi sorry it's been like 8 years
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Normalize not writing 💖 normalize opening google doc or word and just staring at it 💖 normalize not having ANY thoughts 💖
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I'm in a dnd campign rn and my character (chaotic neutral druid) was a former pirate & her captain's name was Ilya😭😭😭 ps I wanna hear your dnd story👀
Thats adorable and hell yeah, storytime! Also sorry I'm so heckin late to this-
So my very first time playing dnd I played as Julian. We arrived back at our inn from an adventure and were informed nobody was allowed in or out because a sickness broke out. We needed our stuff so a party member cast immunity to sickness on herself and another member and they went in. The rest of us went around back to clear a way out for them. Long story short we had to kill the gaurds because- and I swear we tried every other option- nothing else worked. We got a spook and thought we would get caught so my friend's character scaled the 3 story building and I had Julian follow him. Eventually the others come out and this sick dude runs out behind them. Again I swear we tried everything. Eventually I prayed for a low roll and had Julian shoot the kid with an arrow. "If I roll low Jules will just shoot him in the ankle or something so he can't run." I say as I toss the die down on the table and roll a nat 20. Julian headshotted the poor guy. And that's the story about how I gave Julian a 3 person kill count 15 minutes into my first ever dnd session.
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How far do you think you can yeet cunt guccio?
I meant to adress this ask the day I saw it but I just remembered and I remember that the day I read this it made me laugh so hard I rolled off my bed so thanks
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helo. ‘tis i, anon, and i would like an arcana matchup if that’s okay? he/him, gay, infp i’m an artist and i like reading (especially if it makes me incredibly sad) i have been described as a theatre gay on multiple occasions. my d&d alignment is chaotic neutral but i prefer the term chaotic stupid my interests include: drawing, dogs, looking at boys, d&d, stories, dogs, and dogs i’m awfully loud when i’m in groups but i’m much more quiet alone or one on one it’s also sad boi hours 24/7 thanque!
Julian! (Chaotic stupid buddies) Julian and you get into a whole mess of trouble together, you have stupid adventures where his sister has to save both your butts. Julian really enjoys your company and he loves wrecking havoc with you.
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Hi, I saw you mentioned a certain tabletop game in another post and had to put in this request. Headcanons re: the Arcana characters (who and how many at your discretion) sitting down to a game of Dungeons & Dragons?
-a high elf for sure
-Probably of noble background
-her character would reflect her in many ways
-a strong, leader type, female
-looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you
-lawful neutral/good
-Julians a bard but he plays a rouge cause he thinks it sounds cooler
-probably criminal background
-would make the character have a plauge doctor history if he could
-chaotic neutral all the way
-king of nat 1's
(I have a funny dnd story where I was playing as Julian if you wanna hear it)
-paladin/wizard/something like that
-his character would be skilled with potions and such
-his character would either highly reflect himself or the Magician
-his character uses tarot cards and you know I'm right
-lawful neutral probably
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Hi! Can you match me up please? I'm a short, 4'7 gay trans guy. I'm thin, have tan skin, auburn eyes and black hair in an asymmetrical cut. I love drawing, watching anime, roleplaying. At first I keep my distance from strangers, even if I seem to walk up to them. I just know what to say. But when you get to know me, you realize I'm rebellious, loyal and fun to be around! I'm blunt, saying it how it is. I'm also misanthropic, skittish, anxious and have a low self esteem. Sorry if this was long!
I match you with Muriel! I think the two of you would hit it off. You'd both come off as uninterested until you got closer and began to open up. You'd both realize that there's more to you than the front image and I thinj after he got used to you he would love having you around.
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This is canon and you cant convince me otherwise: MC: *is sad for two seconds* BIRB JULIAN: *Caws loudly in concern as he runs to MC from ACROSS THE HOUSE*
MC: *sighs*
Birb julian: *caws loudly in concern and nyooms over to them*
MC, laughing: Julian, oh my god-
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