Things about me
I saw @wickaph0bia doin it so i decided to do it as well -- 5 things you’ll find in my bag: - Books - My Keys with A LOT of Keychains cuz why tf not - My Polaroid Camera - A pencil case with pencils and shit (duh) - Chewing Gum cuz i live myself some gum 5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: - Furniture (?) - Posters .... many m a n y posters. - Action figures and PLUSHIES - Books, Comics, Manga.... and lots even - And ... electronic shit ? like tv, ps4, laptop and shit 5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: - MOVE TO LONDON! I LOVE LONDON - Explore! ((different countries, nature, ocean, S P A C E, etc)) - Go to an Art University ( I WANT TO DO THAT AND I HOPE I CAN)) - learn an instrument (( i'm learning to play the piano)) - get a pet (( i have two cats v 3 v)) 5 things that makes me happy: - Books - Friends/Family - Sleep and Eat - Drawing - M U S I C 5 things I’m currently into: - OVERWATCH - NETFLIX - HORROR - TUMBLR - @wickaph0bia (( She's not a thing but she's my boo v 3 v)) 5 things on my to do list: - Draw stuff - Buy a new Laptop and some games - Finish SCHOOL ugh - Meet my online friends in real life or just like videochat - GET A DOG 5 things people my not know about me: - I'm Vegan - I like rainy and relaxing saturdays - i like aesthetic shit - i'm a tumblr girl... like ... LITERALLY - I'm short af ; - ; (( 4'11 ))
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oh look @wickaph0bia it's me and you 😂 nah jk ly boo <3
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Please make it happen
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I'm literally all of them combined in one...
A dabbing, dead inside mess that will fight you.
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Daisy looks like she’s about to punch someone
Bowser Jr. is dabbing
Yoshi’s probably questioning his life choices
Boo’s just dead
Tag yourself
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To Ethan..
Hey @crankgameplays i know you’re told the same thing many times but i finally got enough courage to post this… So if you see this by any chance.. I want you to know that i look up to you. I remember seeing your video for the first time and i remember exactly which video it was! I used to be really depressed and i still am but now i have something to be excited for. Something to smile about. Or better yet someone. And that someone is you Ethan! I really love your videos and your dorkiness and your endless happiness and i just overall love you! You’re amazing and every speech you make really makes me think about life. Lol that sounded like i was some kind of philosophical scientist or something xD. Anyways i hope i get to meet you one day. I hope i get to talk to you one day. Virtually or Personally i don’t care. It would still be awesome no matter what. So yeah. You’re my Hero Ethan. And i adore you. Do i sound crazy? I’m sorry!! i swear i’m not one of those crazy fangirls!!! i just really look up to you. ok now i’m rambling sorry. Anyways. Stay Cranky Ethan!! and THANK YOU for EVERYTHING
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s'cute @crankgameplays
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very rare pic of the @crankgameplays , only shows up once every thousand years! reblog for 16 years of good luck from the blue boi!!!
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Being in a relationship with Negan would include:
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• Him getting rid of his wives for you • Him loving to make you laugh doesn’t matter if it’s with jokes, his behavior or anything else, just as much as you love to make him laugh • You being able to handle him in every kind of situation • Him bragging before his man about you being the best and hottest woman ever • Him bringing back little gifts for you from runs or in general making little surprises for and loving to see how your eyes lighten up when you see them
• Him treating you as his equal and expecting everybody else to do it as well
• You being the only one he lets and who is able to put him in his place when there are things going wrong or you feel like he’s being to much of an asshole to others
• Which leads to you actually being able to persuade him to handle situations at least a bit differently and more merciful
* You being the person that means the most to him and also through that you being the most important person in his life
• Him loving to hold you tight in the night and to wake up with you in the morning
• Him making sure that you always know how much he loves you, doesnt matter if its telling you or showing you that and being just as happy when you’re telling him that you love him back
• Him loving the feeling of you huddling up to him or falling asleep in his arms
• Him always somehow having an arm wrapped around you or a hand on your back when you’re walking around the sanctuary
• Him loving to hold you tight and feel your body while kissing you
• Him always making sure that you’re feeling well and you’re having everything you somehow need
• Always eating together, doesn’t matter if you’re cooking together or he’s cooking something you like for you as a surprise
• Him being really protective over you • Him showing only you his soft and also vulnerable side
• His men knowing that in case one of them just attempts to harm a hair on your head they would sign up for a slow death through Lucille • Long make out sessions that often lead to passionate and even rough sex • Even though he also loves to have sweet and loving sex with you
• Him not leaving your side when you’re ill and laying in bed with you, holding you and ordering his men to get you everything you want and need while he would make sure that you have the best medical treatment through his doctor  • You knowing everything about him and his past just as he knows about yours • Him and you trusting each other entirely and being irreplaceable for each other
• Him always giving you his jacket and scarf when he sees that you’re cold in first place because he really cares about you, in second place because he also  loves seeing you wearing it  • Him not being able to see you cry and taking you gently in his arms and comforting you to make you feel better
• Him directly noticing when something’s wrong with you or you’re not feeling well and dropping everything to look after you and only starting to work again when he knows that you’re feeling well again • Him kissing your neck and loving to see and feel the effect it has on you • Him loving to tease you and to sometimes even make you blush through his comments 
• Him making sure that besides the whole lot of work he has that he has enough  undisturbed alone-time with you, doesn’t matter what he has to do for it or where he has to go with you
• You making him a better person • Him always making you feel like the most desired woman and not being able to resist you
• Him being able to forget everything when he’s alone with you and just being grateful for every second he can spend with you • You and him sometimes staying up all night long doesn’t matter if you’re laughing the whole time together until your stomaches hurt or you have deep talks
• Him making sure that all his men know that you’re only his and they shouldn’t ever dare to hit on you
• Him realizing after all that you are the love of his life and he couldn’t ever think of a life without you and all the love and happiness you bring into his life
@dasani-saraai @myrabbitholetoneverland
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You finally get the courage to send Markiplier a message, since you've always been a really big fan, and when you less expect it he replies...
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