thatguywiththecape · 4 years
That poor Satyr...
Usually I would condemn someone of predatory inclination being so blatant but you have managed to amuse me. Just refrain from entering my castle again this century.
Normally, that would be enough to have me dropping by asap but...I’ve never been one to mess with a man who practices extreme forestry and thinks that fatally poking people with large bits of metal should be an Olympic sport. So, I’ll just wait until Jan 1st of 2100, TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
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Fie ca următoarea capră pe care încercați să o mâncați să se dovedească a fi un faun excitat cu puterea de a provoca o șchiopătare persistentă. 
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Usually I would condemn someone of predatory inclination being so blatant but you have managed to amuse me. Just refrain from entering my castle again this century.
Normally, that would be enough to have me dropping by asap but...I’ve never been one to mess with a man who practices extreme forestry and thinks that fatally poking people with large bits of metal should be an Olympic sport. So, I’ll just wait until Jan 1st of 2100, TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
That was not an invitation.   And this is not a threat.
(See image below.)
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It is a promise of things yet to be.  Enjoy the remainder of the century.  
Usually I would condemn someone of predatory inclination being so blatant but you have managed to amuse me. Just refrain from entering my castle again this century.
Normally, that would be enough to have me dropping by asap but...I’ve never been one to mess with a man who practices extreme forestry and thinks that fatally poking people with large bits of metal should be an Olympic sport. So, I’ll just wait until Jan 1st of 2100, TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
"I've heard varying theories about whether or not vampires simply absorb their meals or need to expel waste as they did with their formerly mortal bodies. Are you willing to explain the truth?" ~Fate-Is-Woven-And-Cut (Jubilant)
All components of the blood are usually burned in the process of absorption.  Erythrocytes (Red blood cells) for nutrients and oxygen, leukocytes (white blood) cells stimulate healing and are altered into our own cellular structures to prevent the invasion of bacteria or viruses, platelets for coagulation when wounded, and plasma for hydration. 
The metamorphosis into one of the Nosferatu alters the metabolism in such a way as to make of us very efficient in matters of digestion.  Nothing goes to waste, figuratively and literally speaking.  
The lack of waste production is also why human food is indigestible for most vampires.  As that aspect of the digestive tract isn’t really in use anymore, the only way to expel the unnecessarily substance is regurgitation. This is why that poor child vampire reacted so terribly to the sweet in the novel Let the Right One In.  It is not pleasant, nor is it pretty.   The famed Stoker line “I never drink wine” and “I do not sup” has a practicality in its origin.   
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
Is this account still active?
When I choose to remember The Internet exists, yes.
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
The REAL story of “I am Legend”
This video is The Last Man on Earth starring Vincent Price.  This is the only faithful film adaptation of Richard Matheson’s I am legend.
 Most people don’t know it but “I am legend” was not about zombies or mutants.   The Creatures were old school, traditional vampires.  Warded by symbols of faith and garlic.  And killed via stake through the heart.   The hero learns (at the end) that he had been killing the intelligent race that had replaced humans.  Killing them when they are most vulnerable (in their daytime sleep).  He had become their boogie man. 
That’s where the line “I am legend” comes from, the moment he realized he was the monster in a world of vampires… 
The twist, the meaning, these things have been so distorted that no one would recognize a faithful adaptation of “I am Legend” today, they’d think it’s a stupid vampire knock off version or something to that effect.  I wish someone was brave enough to try a faithful version again…
Black and white
And colorized option.
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
I approve.
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I hope this offends you. 🖕🏻
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
The 26th of May is Peter Cushing's Birthday. The 27th is Christopher Lee and Vincent Price's Birthdays. It's the trifecta of Gothic Horror Icons whose birthdays are only hours apart from each other. Not the same year.
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Further note:   Peter Cushing and Vincent Price were the basis for Peter Vincent in the original Fright Night, Fright Night Part 2, and Fright Night tie-in comics.
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
Happy World Dracula Day!
On this day in 1897 the novel Dracula was first published.   It is also the birthday of Peter Cushing (who played Van Helsing in all the Hammer horror films).  And tomorrow is the Birthday of Christopher Lee (Who played Dracula in the Hammer Dracula films and many others.)  And tomorrow is also the Birthday of Vincent Price (also a great and classic horror actor.)
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
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We have a few major celebrations today.
1. Happy Birthday to the late Peter Cushing- who played Doctor Van Helsing more than any other actor in film. (Born May 26th)
2. Happy Birthday to Christopher Lee and Vincent Price, both of whom were born tomorrow (May 27th).
3. Happy World Dracula Day!
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
@sicklythiasus​ You’re had your fun.  It’s time to come home, Renfield.
why the FUCK is there a big spider on my bedroom wall it doesn't look like any spider i've ever seen in my entire life what the fuck
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
You want a man to be suppressed from writing because of his race... Neil Gaiman is Jewish.  He's already a member of a repressed race, but I fear you already knew that . I sense antisemitism disguised as righteousness.  
Why'd they change Crowley's hair color for the TV adaptation? It seems like an odd thing to change, especially because David Tennant's hair is naturally pretty close to the same color as book!Crowley's.
Book Crowley’s hair is “dark”. That’s the only description. TV Crowley’s hair is definitely dark. (It’s not dark brown or black, it’s a dark red.) Aziraphale is the one with the light coloured hair.
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thatguywiththecape · 4 years
Anyone who even remotely thinks I might have liked the BBC / Netflix Drcaula will be blocked as a matter of principle...  That is all.
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thatguywiththecape · 5 years
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thatguywiththecape · 5 years
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by RamyB
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thatguywiththecape · 5 years
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