Yes yes yes absolutely would like to see that
Has there been anything that changed from when u started the comic to now? (Like characters or plots that got scrapped or changed)
Also If u could rewrite the comic, would there be anything that yu would have liked to add from the beggining?
Actually, it's funny that you ask because I was recently going through the document and noting all the little differences that ended up happening in the plot from my initial conception.
It's nothing Major, because the plot of this comic has been relatively solidified since its conception, but there are tons of small things that happened differently to how I had planned it.
I was thinking of making a video about it, since I haven't done that for a while. If you guys would be interested in that, let me know in the comment section, because maybe it'll give me the motivation to finally do it!
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Gotta figure out how to find 4chan messages from their id numbers. That way I might satisfy my curiosity while I convince someone to read this slumbering masterpiece with tried and true quotes.
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I’ve found it.
The most accurate summary of Homestuck.
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Literally found out just now! When was tumblr gonna tell me this!?
man-who-speaks-in-hands just came back too! Seems like they're gonna be wrapping up their story soon.
And I’m glad to see it. Good for them honestly. Wish them the best at that.
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Still one of the absolute best repositories for fighting impostor syndrome. Saving it right here for later!
You've probably been asked this question before, but...how do you deal with self-doubt/impostor syndrome as a creator? I'm no artist, but I channel my creative energy into being a writer, and I have a ton of ideas that I want to explore in my writing, but I fear that if I don't utilize those ideas to their absolute fullest, I'd be letting down hundreds of people who like to read my work. Do you have any advice? I'd love to hear it. P.S. I love your WD!Steven comic.
OH! Ha, yes, imposter syndrome. Let’s... let’s talk about that. 
For those that don’t know, imposter syndrome is the phenomenon many creative people go through where they doubt their own abilities. Especially if a creator has gotten a lot of attention for their work, they begin to succumb to the pressure of being “good enough” to have “deserved” their audience. 
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To put it simply, you feel like you’re an imposter that has somehow fooled people into believing they’re in for a ‘good’ story, and you will inevitably disappoint everyone when they figure out you’re not as ‘awesome’ or as ‘talented’ as they’ve been led to believe. 
It is self-doubt in its purest form, it is the fear of doing well and the fear of doing poorly all rolled into one bitter, stress-inducing onigiri. 
Let’s discuss self-doubt. I’m going to describe 3 things specifically to keep in mind for this. 
1) The Horizon Goalpost
You may have already read this in my other post about unrealistic goals. 
Basically this boils down to: Don’t set unrealistic goals. 
Utilizing Your Ideas To The Fullest is a wholly unrealistic goal to have, to be honest. No single idea can ever be ‘fully’ utilized because the concept will be different for everyone. Everyone will have a different idea of what the perfect, plot will look like. People literally argue about how shows ‘should’ have ended all day and all night. 
Saying ‘I need to write this story perfectly otherwise it’s garbage!’ is the same as looking at the sun on the horizon and treating it like a finish line.
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We know the sun isn’t AT the horizon, and it is impossible to arrive at the horizon in the first place because it only exists as the limit of our vision... your story is like that. You do have limits on how much potential you can see. But that doesn’t mean your goal should be to catch up to it. Take it one step at a time. Many people don’t even START their story, let alone finish it. Set achievable goals. 
2) The Man Behind The Curtain
The second fallacy of self-doubt is the idea that anyone is at all competent. 
It’s false. No one knows what the fuck they’re doing - you included. That’s just how the world is.
Look, I’ll give you an example. Maybe when you were little you would go to your local grocery store and think ‘wow, everything is organized and works so well! The cashiers do their thing, the self-check-out is working... everything is running like a well-oiled machine!’ 
Then you grow up, work in retail and realize that everything except the storefront is held together with chewing gum and cello-tape. No one is ever 100% adequate, at least one person is having a mental breakdown every day, and everything is five minutes away from collapsing like a house of cards - all the while customers are none the wiser. 
This holds true for practically EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.
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Sure, we may our good days where we function relatively well. But this is not a held constant and on average, most of us are struggling to maintain the illusion of Everything Is Fine while simultaneously worrying that we’re the only ones that do this. 
On average, we are all incompetent. The people that succeeded are not always better - sometimes they were just lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. For many of them, that moment happened when they were born to wealthy parents. For some, it was just about utilizing their 6 degrees of separation right. 
The truth is, there are THOUSANDS of people who COULD have been Beyonce, or JK Rowling, or whoever. The popular are not inherently more talented. They just happened to have the spotlight on them. 
3) Schrodinger’s Fanbase
The third thing to keep in mind when you write, or draw, or compose, or CREATE - is that your audience is not a set auditorium of people. 
And statistically, the beginning of your story is always going to be the point at which you have the largest number of potential fans. 
When you START your story, you only have to worry about satisfying people about the premise. You get them hooked and they’re more or less appeased - because the rest of the story is in their expectations. It’s in their head, and they will make up whatever they need to keep them happy. At that point, your story is still 90% their story (or whatever they think your story will be). 
The further you go into your story, the more you will narrow down your fanbase. People who expected it to take a different turn in chapter 2 will drop off. Then people who wanted something specific to happen in chapter 3 (but it didn’t) will also leave. 
And you know what? THAT’S FINE. That’s the normal way stories go. You cannot appease everyone at the same time - you will always have people who will be dissatisfied with the way you decided to do things. 
The important bit is - that doesn’t mean you are a worse writer. It just means that your fanbase organically shifts and expands as necessary. Your story will speak to different people at different stages. Let them enjoy it or not enjoy it. You cannot force someone to like something - but you CAN form connections to those people that do like it! 
In other words - let the fanbase exist as its own separate ecosystem, and don’t depend on it. It will morph and evolve as you write, and you and your fans will find each other and drift away as necessary. 
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I also encourage other people - fans specifically - to allow consider this approach! 
I know we all love to kvetch, and yeah, it’s good sometimes to let off steam... But I don’t think hyperfocusing on something you dislike is healthy. If a story doesn’t satisfy you, don’t waste time forming an anti-fandom for it. Don’t fuel more effort and time into something that makes you unhappy. Just... go find something that you DO enjoy! Give THAT your time and attention!
Anyway, that’s just the way I think about it. Maybe it’s because I’ve been around long enough to know that pretty much every author and artist suffers from self-doubt and it’d be silly to hold myself to unrealistic standards that no one else is able to meet?
Hope that helps!
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Honestly never even felt like a title. Every time I see “My Name Is Earl” in TVTropes I immediately think of this comic.
I want you to know that Earl doesn’t feel like a boy’s name anymore and it’s entirely your fault
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Reblogging. The ones who did this are a dissappointment to all users. And set a bad example in so many ways, even compared to the good chans of old.
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What I find extremely curious is that the humble servant text was originally an anti-hacker warning, kinda like how abc_123_a.ogg was. After 1.001 it was replaced with this, and just like abc_123_a.ogg it was replaced with something else that implied that Toby did not think about the topic in the same way. I have always interpreted these lines as a “Alright, so you want more datamining? So be it, you’ll get it”, even if I am generally alone in that interpretation nowadays. If it IS made by Chara though, and given that abc_123_a.ogg was Gaster’s voive byte in Entry 17 it very well could be, that opens the above can of worms just as much!
Thanks for listening to my rambling! I hope you will see this.
The Chara-Gaster connection
Gaster and Chara could have had a connection before Chara’s death.
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Chara might have been his assistant while alive, as the only human source of Determination, as it’s implied Gaster made the original Determination Extractor and left the blueprints behind.
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…and Gaster may have inadvertently contributed towards Chara’s early death by taking more Determination - or “will to live” - than Chara could spare…
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…with the guilt over his failed experiment sending him over the edge, just as it does for Alphys in some endings.
Cw for discussion of suicide.
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The best arguments.
Kris has a trusting nature.
…and to some extent, that may include towards us.
They have good reason to generally trust others - Kris grew up in Hometown, which has about 95% good-natured people, and 5% inscrutable assholes, which is much better odds than one gets in human towns.
But this trusting nature has gotten taken advantage of before.
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Mine used to look at pidgeons and do a noise that was very simillar to stereotyipical chicken sounds (Mc-Mc-Mc- Mc-Meooww!)
Ekekekekekek compilation.
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Actually, I am that anon. It wsn’t supposed to be Anon. Definately the nails, mostly when they aren’t painted or something. I find them especially weird when seen from the side (like when the hand is resting in a table) or when they are drawn on a smaller characters. Probably my brain just having cognitive dissonance with the show’s models because of how alike they look. Still, keep in mind this is my only nitpick here.
I really like your comic. The art (except the hands, sorry, but they are off-putting) feels exactly like the show's! Your own sensibilities and tastes don't feel out of place and the characterization is so good and believable that my brain stiches the actual voice actors into the dialogue. I love it! You are so good! I am reading on Tapas and will reread slowly soon!
I'm sorry, hold on, go back to that first part 😂 I wanna know why they're offputting. Is it the nails? It's the nails isn't it.
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I mean, it HAS to be the classic “cuac” sound that is a very popular cutaway-from-shame sound in the spanish meme community.
I have a question: what does the thought bubble with the duck mean?
readers, comment below: wrong answers only!
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I just have to. Had I not read other works with the Awakening property (Such as I guess Homestuck), this would have fully made me realize the marvels of the Genre and the Internet in general. Remember to read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. This is here for future use and ease of access.
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Do recap for people who want it. I would recommend an AH style recap with a paragraph per 30 panels or whatever but if you want a big collage of panels interlined with text that is fine too.
Oh god I missed so much of this comic Are you gonna make an abridged recap of every season so that people like me can get caught up with the story faster or do you not have any time for that?
I’ve already answered this in DMs but I wanted to post this question to get an answer from you guys:
Would you guys like a recap every time a season ends/begins? Would that help? I haven’t been doing it, but the story is just getting longer and longer, and I’m sure not everyone has time to re-read. 
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