thatalicornstallion · 2 years
I was wrong. Things are still complicated.
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thatalicornstallion · 2 years
Scheduling issues continue to interfere with my ability to get another interview out, but I believe that everything has been sorted, and I should be filming the next interview soon.
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thatalicornstallion · 2 years
Sorry everypony. Schedules didn’t line up, I don’t have an interview to post today.
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thatalicornstallion · 2 years
Here’s my interview with Kingfisher and Heartseer using a new format!
“Okay, I hope you two didn’t try to talk ahead of time to study.” He took out the wheels and took his seat “Starting off easy. For both of you, what is the other’s name?”
KF: "Nah, we actually don't talk too much, being from totally different Deltas and all. Hard to find the time!" He gets behind his station. "Buuuut, this is Percussive Steel from Delta Theta's Manticore squadron. He's Heartseer."
HS: "That's correct! And this is Chummed Waters from Champion Primal in Delta Eta! He's Kingfisher!"
KF: "Also correct!"
“Time to spin the wheels.”
HS: Steel trots over to the wheel, giving it a big spin. "Sounds like an easy question, but you'd be surprised how many members of Delta would definitely get it wrong."
The wheel lands on peach.
"Off to a good start!"
KF: "Can't wait to spin and get garbage or something."
HS: He heads back to his station, pouring the small bowl of peaches into his blender.
KF: Chum trots up and gives it a spin."Please raspberries."
KF: "Okay! Okay, that's pretty good, I'll take that." He returns, pouring the yogurt into his blender.
“Next question. What does the other do outside of their delta duties? Specifically hobbies or work.”
HS: "Oh, easy, he fishes. He only fishes."
KF: "Yep. That's about it."
HS: "Hah!" He gives the wheel a spin. "That's the one thing I'm pretty sure everyone in Delta knows. He barely even comes to work socials or anything. He's always fishing.”
Whipped cream!
KF: "He's literally got peaches and cream. I know I'm gonna get fuckin' mustard or someth- am I allowed to swear on here?"
HS: Steel laughs, dumping the whipped cream into his blender.
KF: "Okay, uh, you...like to...um... Your name is percussive steel, so...you...probably..."
HS: "Oh my God. Seriously?"
KF: "You........fffffforge things. You forge."
HS: He raises his wing to show off his triangle cutie mark. "I'm an orchestral musician, Chum!"
KF: "Shit-! Fuck! Okay seriously wait am I allowed to swear or-?"
HS: He laughs, leaning on his counter.
“Feel free to swear. If the viewers don’t like it, I can always edit out the swears.”
KF: He groans in misery, dragging himself to the bad wheel and giving it a tentative spin. "No crickets, no crickets-"
Coffee grounds!
“Crickets!” Type shouted jokingly
HS: "Oh ew-"
KF: "Just the grounds-?!"
“Just the grounds.No filter.”
KF: "I mean, okay, there were worse things. Gross, but not as bad as it maybe could have been. The yogurt can maybe balance that." He trots over, pouring them in. "Maybe. God."
“Let’s see if we can get something to fix up that drink of yours. What is Percussive’s favorite animal?”
KF: “Fuck if I know that!"
HS: "Panda!"
KF: He GROANS, spinning the wheel. "I'm going to be poisoned."
KF: "Oh Jesus."
HS: "Yogurt and olives and coffee grounds. That's so yummy."
“Okay. Okay, here’s one for you, Percussive. Where does Chum live?”
KF: "He's getting all the easy ones!"
HS: "Vanhoover!"
KF: "That's so unfair!"
“Spin the wheel!”
HS: He spins it eagerly. Cherries!"Wooooooooooo!" Steel eagerly pours the bowl of pitted cherries into his blender. "Let's go!"
KF: "Mine's gross...Mine's not lets go..."
HS: "Start coming to the Christmas party I guess."
“Shot at redemption! Chum, what kind of role does Percussive play on his team?”
KF: "Okay, that one's easy, he's a healer. Support."
HS: "Yep!"
KF: "Finally." He trots over to the wheel, giving it a solid spin.
“Now, Percussive.. Where does Chum live?”
Type blinked “Hang on a moment.”
HS: Peach! "Vanhoover!"
KF: "Wh- No fair!"
He adjusted his cards “Sorry, I messed up my cards.”
KF: He trots over, pouring the peaches in. "Jesus, I dunno if this helps or hinders my slop."
“Ignore the repeated question.”
HS: "Aw, okay."
“Okay, so. For Chum. Where does Percussive live?”
KF: "Red Ruby Desert."
HS: "Hah, yep."
KF: He snickers, trotting over and spinning the wheel.
KF: He wails and trots back over, pouring the pineapple in. "All these things would be so good if there weren't fucking olives and coffee grounds in it!"
Type chuckled “Okay, Percussive. What is Chum’s favorite animal?”
HS: "Neon Tetra. Unlike him, I watch Delta interviews."
KF: "Shit. Dammit. Shit. Yeah."
HS: He gives the wheel a BIG spin. "Oranges!" He trots back over, pouring in the oranges. "I can fit like...two more things in here."
“Okay, okay. Chum, what drew Percussive to join Delta?”
KF: "Shit, uh... You...were a fan...and you really wanted to be like your favourite superheroes."
HS: "Yeah? Is that it?"
KF: "...Yyyyyes."
“If it’s partial, it’s wrong.”
KF: "No, no, that's it. That's the main reason at least."
HS: "Well Chummed, that's... Totally correct!"
HS: "You're only two years older than me!"
Type grinned “That was perfect for the dramatic tension!”
KF: "ORANGES! This probably still tastes like shit actually." He trots over, pouring the oranges in. "I'm very afraid."
“Chum again. Is Percussive married, and if so, what is his spouse’s name? Three questions remain after this one.”
KF: "He...is NOT married, he's ENGAGED."
HS: "Correct!"
HS: Steel is losing his shit laughing.
KF: He trots over, pouring his strawberries in. "Please save this smoothie, God please."
“Last one for Chum.” Type slipped the card into the back of the stack “What is Percussive’s favorite color?”
KF: "Green!"
HS: "Blue."
Type cackles
KF: "GOD DAMMIT!" He groans in despair, dropping his head on the counter. "Why's your fucking uniform green then?!"
HS: "Because my power markings are green!"
KF: "Fuuuuuck...alright, please no crickets..." spin
Type hoof pumps, watching the wheel intently “Crickets!”
Hot sauce!
KF: "Okay, okay, at least hot sauce is food." He trots back over, pouring it in. "God..."
“Okay, Percussive. What did Chum do before Delta?”
He set the cards down
HS: "He was a fisherman. He's still a fisherman."
KF: "Oh my God, this is so unfair, his are so easy!"
HS: "Hah!"
"Fishing is your entire thing!"
"I love melon!"
He trots over, pouring it in.
“Last and final question. What color….. Is… Chum’s…..”
KF: Chummed flops against his counter, letting himself slide to the floor.
“Super suit?”
Type is lolling
HS: SPIN! "PINEAPPLE!" He pours it in, still laughing his ass off.
“Wooo! It’s clear who knows the other super better! It’s time to blend!”
KF: "Bullshit, his questions were WAY easier than mine! I gotta know his motivations for joining Delta Host but he just has to know what colour my suit is?!" He huffs, standing up and hitting blend.
HS: Heartseer blends his as well.
“Sorry, that’s just how the cards fell. Maybe you should attend the Christmas parties?”
KF: He stops his blender, groaning painfully and pouring himself a glass.
HS: Heartseer pours his as well. "Yeah Chum."
“Bottoms up.”
HS: "Bottoms up!" He chugs his drink
KF: "Oh God..." He chugs his drink.
“And there you have it!”
HS: "That was pretty good!"
KF: "This actually wasn't as bad as it could have been- way too salty with the olives, but like...I could drink more if I had to."
HS: He snickers. "I had fun!"
KF: "God...at least there were no crickets."
The interview was a fun time, both Kingfisher and Heartseer were amazing, and quite the good sports. I’m glad I had them, and I feel like we all had a great time, and thank god there were no crickets.
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thatalicornstallion · 2 years
Here’s my interview with Dreamwalker with the new format!
“I’ve decided to try changing up my interview format, how are your baking skills?”
DW: "Um...pretty okay I guess, not anything special though."
“I guess we’ll have some fun.” *He chuckled* “So the idea here is that we’re going to try to make the recipe up on the fly. What kind of dish should we try baking?”
DW: "Did you not have something in mind?"
“I thought I’d ask first. I was thinking maybe a loaf of bread would be fun and easy.”
DW: "Sure then."
“So, as per my usual start, is there anything that you’d like the fans to know about yourself?”
DW: "Well, my name is Celestial Mural, I'm the leader of Dream Exile, I'm an S-ranked disruptor and I work for Delta Zeta. I also teach astronomy and aerospace engineering at the University of Klugetown. I've been with Delta for a few years now."
*Type got out some ingredients* “I see. And how did you get your start with Delta?”
DW: "I was exclusively a professor before then."
“How many eggs should we use?”
DW: "Oh- You don't need eggs for bread."
“Okay, what should we start with?”
DW: "Well we're going to need a dough, so...flour, oil, water, salt, sugar and yeast."
*Type got the ingredients* “How much do you figure we should use of each?”
DW: "Well first we need to do about two cups of warm water to dissolve the sugar and yeast, let's call that...half a cup of sugar, tablespoon or two of yeast. Let's say two."
*Type tried to follow the instructions* “So, you said that you are pretty okay at baking, what kinds of things have you baked before?”
DW: "Not much, really. My mother was a pretty impressive baker, so I just picked up a few things."
*He added two tablespoons* “What would you say your favorite thing your mother baked is?”
DW: "Her banana bread was perfect."
“I’m a fan of banana bread myself. How do you feel about your core and role on the squad?”
DW: "I feel very connected to my core. It relates to me and my combat style very well. I feel the same way about my role on the team - I enjoy leading. I love my team."
“How did the selection process go for your core, was this one similar to what you had in mind when signing up?”
DW: “I didn't particularly have anything in mind when I signed up. Sequence helped me figure out what it was I wanted, then I got a shortlist and he helped me pick from there. He has a lot of say in these things."
I see. Do you recall what the other items on the list were?”
DW: "Lunar weaponry was on there, I believe."
“Do you think you’d feel less connected to the core if you picked that one?”
DW: "Who can say? All I know is that I'm strongly connected to the one I did pick."
*He nodded* “So, what’s step two?”
DW: "Salt and oil, then mix in the flour one cup at a time."
*Type mixed the ingredients in as instructed* “Do you eat a lot of baked goods?”
DW: "Definitely not. My training regimen keeps me on a pretty strict diet. Athletic form is important in my line of work."
“Ah. What’s it like leading a squadron?”
DW: "It's a fairly massive responsibility. A lot of things rely on my ability to perform. It's important to have confidence in that ability, or I might as well not even show up at all."
“Is there a reason why your team has no damagers?”
DW: "No particular reason, no. It's just how the team played out. We knew what members we wanted and none of them happened to be damagers. It gives us a unique structure, but it was never intentional."
“How has it impacted your team and the way you fight?”
DW: "We have to be more creative than other teams, but I don't think it hinders us. Classes aren't exactly rigid. Plenty of damagers tank. Plenty of supports damage."
“Step three?”
DW: "We'll need to knead it for a few minutes, then it needs to sit for about an hour."
*Kneeding time* “Do you have any stories of interesting fan interactions?”
DW: "Surprisingly, no. All of my fans have been plenty polite and well-behaved. That might be because I'm a bit less popular than those in, say, Alpha or Beta."
I found Dreamwalker to be quite intelligent and it was a fun interview, though I don’t think this is the format I’ll be using going forward. Stay tuned for the next interview featuring Kingfisher!
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thatalicornstallion · 2 years
For my second interview, I spoke to Crab Rave. Here’s what he had to say.
“To start, is there anything you’d like to let the readers know about yourself?”
CR: "Well uh, let's see...my name is Scott Dorsey, I'm part of Delta Zeta's Magma Squadron, and I'm Crab Rave."
“What did you do before you came to Delta?”
CR: "Pfft, very good question. I used to sell drugs, actually. Amphetamines."
“And Delta helped you get out of that?”
CR: "It did, yeah. Delta's probably the best thing that ever happened to Klugetown."
“Do you have any words for fans who may be involved in that world you came from, buying or selling?”
CR: "Nothing they haven't heard a million times. That world can be impossible to get out of. It's a matter of taking responsibility for yourself. I'm not going to act like I'm a martyr or anything though. I didn't pull myself out of that life, Sequence pulled me out."
“I understand. When you’re not on duty, what do you do?
CR: "Training takes up a lot of my time, but outside of Delta I've got my own company that keeps me pretty occupied. I don't really get a spare second in the day anymore. Honestly though, I'm fine with that, I like being busy. Anything's better than being bored."
“I see. Your power is crustacean swarming, is there a minimum number of crabs that you can turn into?”
CR: "Three hundred seems to be the bare minimum I can do. I prefer to keep it in the thousands."
“Is Crustacean Swarming the core you had in mind when going into Delta?”
CR: "I didn't have *anything* in mind when I first went to Delta. I hadn't even heard of it when I was scouted. When they had me looking over the shortlist of powers, I didn't really feel strongly one way or the other about any of them. I was apathetic. Sequence came down and talked to me because I couldn't decide, and when he was done talking to me, he thanked me for the meeting and then left. He picked out my core that night and I got it the same night. It was a perfect fit. No idea how he knew."
“What is it like inhabiting multiple bodies at once?”
CR: "Surprisingly normal. It feels just like having one body. You're perceiving a lot more with your senses, but you're still one mind. It just feels like being a bunch of little chunks of yourself, I guess."
“I imagine it might be a disorientating experience at first. Is that accurate to how it was when you first began using your power?”
CR: "Oh yeah, for sure. You're perceiving so much at once that you can't really tell where you're facing or which way is up or anything. Definitely disorienting."
“I see. Are you happy with how you performed in the recent tournament?”
CR: "The Neph? Yeah, sure. I mean, it was just for fun anyway, but I still made it pretty far. I'd say that's good enough for me. Mostly I'm just really happy that Berg won. She's a good friend of mine and a really incredible super."
“When one of your crabs are hit by an attack, how are the rest affected?”
CR: "They're super tiny crabs, so they can't really take a hit. They just poof if they do. Then they're just out of the hivemind, simple as that."
“Would you be able to reform yourself from a single crab?”
CR: "If the number went under 300, I'd turn back into me."
“I see. As for the mechanics of your core, does your entire body transform regardless of the number of crabs? Or would it be possible to have smaller swarm and still fight with your regular body?”
CR: "I have to give up my whole body."
“Ah. I had a theory about hiding a small swarm in a secure location, but it seems that strategy wouldn’t really be as viable as I hoped for the tournament.”
CR: "Hah, nah. Wouldn't work."
“Has being in the form of a crab affected your opinion on eating them as food?”
CR: "Hah! No way. Crab's delicious."
“Have you had any trouble with wild creatures trying to eat your crabs while working?”
CR: "Nah. I don't usually end up working out where wild animals are. I work for the city, after all. Besides, Klugetown's in the desert, not a lot of animals."
“I see. Are there any media projects that you’re currently working on for Delta that you can talk about?”
CR: "Nah, nothing right now. I can say that pretty confidently. There are a lot of supers and a lot of squadrons in Delta. Working their way down to us Zeta teams takes a while."
“About your suit, were you involved in the design process?”
CR: "I was! A bit, at least. I was consulted on what I'm comfortable wearing and I was interviewed a bit to get a feel for my personality. Ultimately, the design comes down to Seam Splitter's amazing mind."
“Were there a few different concept sketches, or is the first design she came up with the one we know and love?”
CR: "There were definitely a few different sketches, she's got sketches all over her office. None that I got to see, but there were definitely a couple iterations of the suit before she got to this one. Her job's super complicated, it's hard designing clothing for someone who turns into a thousand crabs."
“I imagine it is. Do you have any fond memories or stories that the fans might be interested in from back when you were training to use your core?”
CR: "I mean, I wish I had something exciting to say, but not particularly. My core's pretty straightforward in use, unlike some of my friends' cores. It's kind of an on or off thing, I'm crabs or I'm not crabs. Luckily I've never had any trouble switching between the two forms."
“Is there an upper limit to how many crabs you can turn into?”
CR: "As long as I don't exceed my own mass, nope."
“Ah. So you can only produce a number of crabs, the combined weight of which can’t exceed your own weight. So then higher numbers mean smaller crabs?”
CR: "Exactly."
“Have you had any interesting fan interactions since starting this career?”
CR: "Well pr-"
Wouldn’t you know it, the interview got cut short by a call to super duty. It was incredible and exciting! I can only hope that the interview didn’t have an impact on whatever happened. I apologize for the delay in the article being posted, I’m currently working on some changes to be made to my interview format. Watch for my next interview, featuring Dreamwalker, coming soon!
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thatalicornstallion · 2 years
Kicking off my Delta Host super interviews, I interviewed Goatman! Here is what the mighty goat had to say.
“So, is there anything you’d like to start off with that you’d like the readers to know about yourself?”
Goatman: "Well, I mean, the basics: My name is Runner Shell, I've worked for Delta Host for a few years as the super known as Goatman. I'm an A-ranked damager and I use a gold constructs core."
“How did you get your start with Delta?”
Goatman: "Well when I joined, there was no Delta academy. You sent in an application directly to Delta and they'd reach out if they were interested in pursuing a partnership with you. I did that, and a few months later they called me up and said they wanted to speak with me. A few months after that I was in training. It was actually a friend of mine that prompted me to sign up, she thought I had a sense of responsibility that would make me a good super."
“I see. Did you have your name chosen before you got your core?”
Goatman: "Nope, the identity comes last. First, core. Then you train. Then you get your suit and name."
“I see. Can I ask about the reasons why you chose Goatman as your name?”
Goatman: "Because every time I battle, the first thing I construct is a set of goat horns I can use for ramming."
“I take it that it just came naturally that way, then. Did you pick your core or was it assigned to you?”
Goatman: "We get some say in our cores when we go in, but ultimately the decision's up to Sequence. I had a bit of say. They asked me about my combat style and what kinds of powers I'd like to have, then they gave me a shortlist that I could pick the best options from. Sequence made the final call."
“I see. If you can remember, could you tell me more about the cores you had in mind going in, and the list you picked from? I’m sure the readers will be interested in what possible other forms of Goatman could have existed.”
Goatman: "I honestly don't even remember anymore. It was years ago. I know it was a lot of tanky stuff though. A lot of manipulation and construct abilities."
“How about moving from the basic stuff for a bit. Have you had any fan interactions that stick with you?”
Goatman: "Oh, I mean, for sure. I'm from a pretty small town where nobody really gets *known,* so any time a fan comes up and tells me how special I am to them and how much they look up to me, that feels pretty amazing. I never thought I'd be much of anything beyond the peanut farm I grew up on. People talking about how I inspire them is surreal, even to this day. I'll never get used to it."
“I see. Aside from your horns, what are some of your favorite constructs you’ve made?”
Goatman: "I mean, I stay pretty consistent with my constructs. I go for defence first and foremost. Battering tools are also pretty good to have."
“Your partner Pokemon was Gogoat, was that your decision or was it someone in marketing that picked it for you?”
Goatman: "Pfft, I dunno anything about Pokemon. That was a collaborative effort between the incredible people in our event department and the incredible people at Skeebtendo."
“I take it then the other events would yield a similar response?”
Goatman: "A lot of them probably would, yeah."
“Are there any that you provided input on?”
Goatman: "Off the top of my head? I don't think so. I don't really go into the event department and start acting like I know anything about marketing or design. They do ask me questions sometimes if they're having trouble with my theming or if they want my input for something, but yeah."
“Do you have any moments you’d consider highlights for your career, in battle or otherwise?”
Goatman: "Kind of a tricky question. It gets ingrained pretty hard into us by Sequence to not think of our battles as big conquests or wins to be celebrated, but more like a job that needs to be done. It's the mindset that keeps us from becoming corrupt or doing any of this for the valour, so I don't think you'll find any supers who list a specific battle as some sort of major high point in their career. Cuz I mean, at the end of the day, lives are at stake. People get hurt, property gets destroyed, there's no real happy ending when you need to fight another person. Definitely not my highlights. But in terms of my other work, I think my biggest highlight would probably be seeing the Nova Squad animated series come together. It really felt like the pinnacle of everything I've done. Consulting on that show has been an amazing experience."
“I see. Does it feel strange to see yourself as a cartoon character?”
Goatman: “No, it honestly feels amazing. The animators working with us at Whammy are incredibly talented. Seeing them bring me and my teammates to life is super special.”
“Do you own bits of your own merchandise?”
Goatman: “Hah, not really. It would feel kinda vain to have that stuff around the house. Some of it, if it’s really special, but not really.”
“What do you consider to be really special?”
Goatman: “Well like- I dunno, one-of-a-kind event stuff or special convention stuff.”
“How has being in Delta impacted your life?”
Goatman: “It’s changed everything. Delta *is* my life now. Every day I wake up as a super, I live as a super and I go to sleep as a super. I revolve my entire life around how I can improve myself to be a better super for my team and for the world. Everyone’s eyes are on me. I always keep that in mind.”
Goatman seemed at first to be quite the intimidating person, though I feel that most of it was just the intimidation that one feels when meeting a celebrity. I found that he was quite the humble person, and it was a great experience, and I see why the fans love him so much.
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