teukapasoe · 2 years
IKONIC: Your Personal NFT Marketplace!
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How are you doing, everyone? If you are interested in becoming a part of the iKONIC project, you should read the information below. It will assist you in obtaining information that will assist you in realizing your vision and goal.
iKONIC will empower fans to own and share the greatest moments in esports history, while also providing multi-million dollar esports events and businesses that are fast emerging as new ways to engage with their audience. With only a few clicks, you may print video clips of the craziest and most impressive game achievements to NFT. And they'll be registered and ready to trade on the iKONIC market in only one or two more clicks.
The creators of these NFTs can design them to pay perpetual royalties or even to produce an altogether new revenue stream via the selling of sublicense rights. And that is only the beginning! iKONIC will be more than a new NFT marketplace. That would be a community—that would be a movement. The iKONIC community's enthusiasm for gaming is enormous, and we'll assist them in harnessing it to do amazing things.
We will accomplish the following together:
Create a platform for a whole new business model—one that will promote and support a new, interesting, and inventive gaming genre called Game as a Service.
Establish a fresh launch pad for the next generation of indie blockchain games, hence generating money for average gamers.
Expand the marketplace for all project in-game components, thereby complementing the ecosystem that will support and enable their works prosper.
We are all aware that this is a period of significant game changes. iKONIC and its community will be on the cutting edge! Now is the moment for us to Have the Moment.
iKONIC's vision capitalizes on two significant trends in our day.
Esports are on the rise. Earthquake in the blockchain game Each one represents a monstrous economic potential in and of itself. Both, however, are connected to a broader game metaverse. This presents us with an incredible opportunity.
We can create a single firm out of these two developments concurrently and capitalize on the abundant synergistic potential between them. Before we go into the specifics of IKONIC's vision, let's take a quick look at the current situation of these two trends.
Blockchain Gaming Opportunity Games herald the start of a new era.
For quite some time now, we've had a big virtual game industry with millions of dollars in annual GDP. EVE Online, World of Warcraft, and Second Life are all notable examples. Until recently, however, the economic worth of the time spent playing these games and the transactions that occurred on their internal markets remained largely confined within their distinct unique universes.
This barrier is broken down by blockchain gaming. Users have the option of owning in-game currency and game assets in the form of blockchain tokens. Additionally, users are able to move and swap tokens as they like. This remarkable discovery means that this priceless asset can now be turned to monetary value outside of the context of the original game.
When you consider that blockchain enterprises have reduced operating costs and are not required to pay dividends to shareholders, this means that more value remains in the game. As a result, more value can be delivered each day to a greater number of participants and also focused into certain outstanding awards. Players can now earn money by playing. The new business models enabled by the blockchain-based marketplace also assist innovative new games and game developers. Additionally, imaginative creators can benefit from this blockchain-enabled commerce that eliminates the need for an army of intermediaries. As this trend is still in its infancy, we do not have many instances to share. Nonetheless, Axie Infinity's precedence is startling.
In 2021, we will see how individuals with low incomes in the Philippines are utilizing these video games to generate revenue and feed their families following the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. One fortunate gentleman even used his winnings to purchase two homes. We have only scratched the surface of the economic opportunity that awaits. However, iKONIC is here to contribute to the creation of more incredible stories like this one and to assisting its community in prospering as a result of this tremendous economic development.
Esports is massive. Today's esports market is about $950 million and is predicted to expand at a 9% yearly rate through 2023. When you're not paying attention, multimillion-dollar prize competition esports takes on new significance. Several currently offer larger purses than the world's first golf tournament, The Masters. However, upon examination of this expanding market, it is evident that something is missing.
There is a sizable secondary market in the legacy sports business that has been established by revisiting great sporting experiences from the past. This includes a sizable market for sports memorabilia and collectibles, which generates $140 billion in yearly revenue. This established industry is currently experiencing its own blockchain transformation. NBA Top Shot just claimed tremendous earnings of more than $230 million in a matter of months. They aided in the valuation of this single company at more than $2 billion.
However, there has been nothing quite like this for the esports business thus far—at least not yet. Perhaps this is all still very fresh, and things are moving and changing at a breakneck pace. Perhaps we've lost touch with a functioning legal infrastructure. Sub-licensing enables major sports companies to leverage and re-monetize their intellectual property without jeopardizing or damaging their claim to the underlying property. Until today, we did not have a blockchain replica of this type of structure. The technology is now available. And IKONIC is poised to be the first to put it to use!
There is no reason why we cannot succeed NBA Top Shot in the esports market. We will assist the most well-known tournaments in leveraging the power of blockchain technology to increase income and engage new audiences.
6 THE MANNER IN WHICH ICONS CREATE VALUE Now that we've established the massive growth potential of this gaming trend, let's look at how iKONIC capitalizes on it. We want to accomplish this in six ways:
IN SECONDS, TRANSFER A GAME CLIP TO NFTS: iKONIC will provide consumers with an endless number of video clips for their NFT printing experience. Additionally, the platform will make simple editing and development of video content, such as the distinctive templates and effects available on Instagram and TikTok, simple and enjoyable.
This platform will be enjoyable and open to anyone. His ambition is to create a platform that is accessible to the masses, allowing any gamer—amateur or professional—to print and share gaming moments with friends and followers.
Royalty and sublicense rights will be offered in an easy-to-manage format.
for users within the platform, allowing them to effortlessly manage and monetize their content.
IKONIC NFT MARKET: iKONIC will include a fully established and integrated market. The initial design will be centered around NFT game clips. This enables users to easily get actual money values based on their own recorded gameplay experiences.
As iKONIC develops further, its existing market and community infrastructure will serve as the foundation for a bigger market for gaming-related digital assets. This increased market also benefits iKONIC's games-as-a-service offering. We will explain the launch pad concept in greater detail below.
SHOWING YOUR NFTS: Have you ever visited the home of a devoted collector? Their trophy cabinets are simply magnificent! iKONIC will introduce this experience to the world of digital NFT for the first time.
Having NFT on IKONIC—both video clips and in-game assets—will make it feel more authentic, engaging, and social, making it far more intriguing and useful to own than other NFT options.
IKONIC will provide an exceptional platform for elite esports teams and events to engage with their followers and grow in popularity. These partners will benefit from iKONIC's vast, diverse, and engaged user base, robust marketplace, and social experience designed to commemorate memorable video game memories.
Additionally, they will be able to leverage the sublicense function included in iKONIC's NFT templates to discover new and interesting income and fan engagement opportunities.
TOKEN OF IKONIC VALUE IKONIC tokens are used to compensate participants and unlock platform features.
Token Name: IKONIC Total supply: 2,500,000,000 Hard hat: $6,000,000 Seed sale: $2,000,000 Strategic sales: $2,000,000 Public sale: $2,000,000 Initial market cap: $3,200,000 Initial circulation supply: 157,916,667 Total diluted market cap: $50,000,000 Estimated listing date: Q2 2022
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website: https://www.ikonic.gg/ Whitepaper: https://global-uploads.webflow.com/615f264a1577bed3445ca158/623dbd2495e2c49f8aef3444_LitePaperIkonic.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/official_ikonic Telegram: https://t. me/ikonic_moment Discord: https://discord.gg/FPckz79SUy Medium: https://medium.com/ikonic-hq Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgq5Ws23RjNuUNc-Sth_gCQ
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
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teukapasoe · 2 years
FreeCity - User Aggregation Platform
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Introduction Nowadays, centralized platforms exert complete control over what users see and how they interact with services. How can a user truly know who is interacting with them? Interactions are described as instances in which users engage with an interface in a smooth manner, bringing them closer to their desired destination. However, with centralized systems, everything is managed by a single company that benefits from amassing an increasing amount of data about their users.
FreeCity is a one-of-a-kind platform that enables marketers to connect with their customers and reward them for engaging with their content. The platform makes use of the proof of Interaction protocol, which enables users to demonstrate their interaction with a business's content and assists businesses in identifying their users.
With the excitement surrounding Web 3 attracting crypto enthusiasts' interest and NFTs, SocialFi, GameFi, and DeFi providing an alternate source of income and investment, the field is undergoing an unparalleled spike in worldwide awareness and adoption. Yet only a small percentage of the world's population has adapted to this new environment.
Due to the enormous interest in the potential of blockchain, concerted promotion by corporate users, not just Web 3 projects, but also established players, has been necessary to ensure that NFTs are visible.
It indicates that attracting and retaining loyal users is a difficult effort for both players.
FreeCity is a web3 user aggregation platform based on the foundation of proof of interaction that utilizes smart contract technology to assist in identifying people for marketing and business intelligence purposes. FreeCity web3-based User Aggregation Platform FreeCity alleviates marketers' two primary pain points — metering and user identification. FreeCit accomplishes this by enabling them to create their own micromarketing campaigns and assisting them in rewarding the users that connect with the greatest value. This way, clients of FreeCity will be better equipped to deal with users in the future.
FreeCity's Vision The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) aspires to be the user aggregation layer for Web 3.0. User-generated content and an uncomplicated onboarding process will be critical components of Free City Web 3's strategy for achieving complete user integration.
FCC presents a unique value proposition to Web 3 protocols, communities, and enterprises due to its user-generated content capabilities and zero-friction onboarding methodology. The FCC is utilizing the proof-of-interaction approach for the first time.
The proof of interaction mechanism enables the use of the $FCC token to fulfill mutually beneficial goals. The FCC platform may accept users and communities in exchange for the FCC token, which acts as a marketplace for native Web 3 activity.
The $FCC community aspires to become a sufficiently decentralized DAO in the future, which will provide the most optimal point of mutual benefit.
$FCC $FCC will enable the First NFT Collection for $FCC holders and a Scalable Multi-Chain NFT marketplace built on the Binance Smart Chain, both of which will be referred to as "cross-metaverse" products. Citizens of FreeCity and game producers will be able to participate in, curate, and ultimately drive the growth of FreeCity and how the $FCC token may be used to sell, collect, and show their NFTs. As the FreeCity community grows, participation may result in prizes such as $FCC and more, NFTs tailored to boost play2earn returns, and NFT-backed assets from prospective future partners. As a result of this widespread interest in blockchain technology, a borderless frontier centered on community engagement and cooperation has arisen. Additionally, FreeCity will play a unique function. With the assistance of our active community, it is now possible to build an even more vibrant community, a DAO-governed ecosystem, a multi-chain NFT marketplace, and an eventual future game + web3.
Produts et utilisations The NFT marketplace at Free City is intended to serve as a central hub for a comprehensive 'one-stop-shop' and cross-chain solution, as well as a decentralized ecosystem, that will scale across multiple metaverses, play to earn, and web 3.0 environments. Users will be assigned an FCC ID and rewarded for their participation in Free City activities (Proof of Interaction). Along with third-party partners and external integration, Free City can create and deploy $FCC GameFi / play in order to achieve NFT and gaming environments, as well as the eventual objective of a decentralized web3 environment for FreeCity.
With business development focused on the aforementioned use cases and product releases, a dedicated team will oversee marketing and market acceptance.
Future advancements in Free City may include the creation of a variety of NFT GameFi, with $FCC serving as the earned currency. Finally, Web3 for Free City is a future aim.
Name : FreeCity Tokens : $FCC Max Supply: 10 billion NFT Airdrop Sales — 1.00% Initial Support Sales — 15,00% Growth Support Sales — 8.00% Public Sales — 5.00% Community Reserves — 20.00% Development & Marketing — 10.00% Treasury & Ecosystem Liquidity — 25.00% Founding Team — 13.00% Event Advisors & Partners — 3.00%
Conclusion In the future, the Web3 marketer will build a platform where people may join and be validated by providing precise verifiable information and conducting social media due diligence, without relying on costly third-party data. Thus, the information quality on a DApp stack is determined by the user's desire for value in exchange for the validation. By utilizing FreeCity, these new Blockchain services will be required to be accountable for not only what occurs within their service, but also to maintain an honest reputation on an open signaling network.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website: https://free-city.io/ Whitepaper: https://info-170.gitbook.io/freecity/free-city-whitepaper Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Free-City-104539602064999Z Twitter : https://twitter.com/FreeCity_OS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/freecity_official Telegram : https://t.me/freecityChat Medium : https://medium.com/@metaverseinternet.fun Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MjhkdZ6GeP
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
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teukapasoe · 2 years
Introducing The RBX Protocol Suite — The Decentralized Financial System for the DeFi 2
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Intro The RBX coin is a critical part of the Carbon ecosystem. Token staking platforms, cross-chain DEX, leveraged liquidity pools, token launchpads, escrow tools, and our decentralized fiat on/off ramp all utilise it for general usefulness.. If you hold RBX, you can use our converter to transfer your tokens directly into Ether. Your tokens can be burned straight into Ethereum, granting you special voting rights, seniority benefits, and the power to burn your tokens.
RBX items
To achieve this purpose, we built our goods from the ground up.
RBXchange, a decentralized cross-chain exchange and liquidity management tool, allows tokens to be traded across 18+ EVM chains. Uncensored. Unlimited. It is not possible to block.
Cash App, PayPal, and Venmo are just a few of the many P2P Fiat On/Off Ramps available for purchasing and selling cryptocurrencies. Nothing about this necessitates the use of KYC.
The Staking & Farming platform provided by DeFi allows for the creation of almost any type of reward scheme you can think of. Any and all initiatives that have undergone a comprehensive evaluation are welcome here.
OTC Assist is a virtual escrow platform that allows two or more parties to conduct OTC exchanges from any digital asset.
RBX has established a platform for digital asset offerings in order to screen out problematic enterprises. Token lock, vesting schedule, and auto check are also available.
It is possible to use the Multi-Cross Chain Connector to link RBX and other assets to nearly any public EVM chain. In a matter of seconds, you may exchange BTC, XMR, ETH, and BN across different blockchains.
Ecosystems require food.
This service is completely free of charge. There's no fluff in this place. The only option is RBX.
You must avoid problems when designing items that are simple to use. Priority number one is to make RBX move more quickly by reducing token transaction taxes. Staking, farming, providing liquidity, or simply interacting with external features should delight token holders, regardless of how they use their tokens.
The RBOX system does not impose any transactional taxes. Buying, storing, moving, staking, and playing can all be done without lowering your total holdings.
Recognizing the Importance of Reputation is Long Overdue.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. RBX jots down notes as inspiration strikes him.
Because a blockhain can't alter, its beauty is undeniable. No matter how hard one tries, one cannot undo the consequences of one's actions. Despite the fact that this feature is already a part of the blockchain, we wanted to make it more accessible..
For example, as well as the total supply, RBX also contains the holdings of individual investors. Thus, we may design products and features that are only available to those who carry their wallets about with them all the time.
Biomass Energy Sources
Carbon's unique procedures have been commercialized in RBX.
Carbon, our umbrella brand and technology provider, oversees all we do at RBX. Carbon has developed the complete RBX ecosystem, which isolates R&D from the market. Both the government and the economy benefit from carbon.
Each Carbon token is backed by an ever-expanding digital asset portfolio in Carbon's ecosystem. Since everyone gets to own a share in what we do and the new projects we take on, the value we create grows steadily over time.
See how we've evolved over time.
Here you'll find a look at our long-term goals.
Phase I of the concept includes decentralized exchanges, EVMs, leveraged liquidity lists, and fiat on-ramps.
Summer of 2021 will see the release of a new version of the game.
RBXchange Phase II launcher widgets and limited orders are now available, allowing anyone to embed our products on their website.
During [Beta] November of 2021
RBXchange Phase III There are now options for recurring orders and large block trades.
RocketBridge Phase 0 - Q1 2022
RBX interoperability across chains (and Clients). Polygon (Matic) and Avax are the next three blocks after Ethereum Classic (ETH). [Released] Oct. 4, 2021 RocketBridge supports cross-chain asset transfers, including ETH, XMR, BTC, and BNB. RocketBridge Phase II - Q1 2022 RocketBridge can bridge any ERC-20 token, including tokens with unique features that must be kept on the destination chains. In the first quarter of 2022, RocketBridge will complete Phase III. Chains can directly trade tokens for other tokens. Users now have access to cross-liquidity agricultural automation. The RBX's farming and staking This time next year. The volume yields are consistent and independent for at least a year. [Released] The next November. OTC Trading or EscrowSmart is a peer-to-peer asset exchange based on contracts. In the first quarter of 2022, a range of derivatives will be made available, including traditional, exotic, and brand-new options. Stablecoins, which are backed by real assets, are traded directly on our DEX. The non-centralized On/Off Ramps 2022P2P There are more than 20 payment options that may be used to enter and depart the Carbon Ecosystem asset path thanks to our automated smart contract technology. It's all done through Defi, which does not require the user to provide any kind of KYC information. Claim Investing in Q1 2022 To ensure that the project team, clients, and other stakeholders have a predictable release schedule, tokens will be distributed on a regular basis (Day-Year). Conversions for Q1 2022 have begun. To keep the value of RBX steady, simply burn it for Ethereum directly. The value of Rocket Knockers NFTs can increase by up to 30%. TBD.
RBX is a fork (RedBrickX)
Price of RBC Token: RBX
There are currently 100,000,000 RBX in circulation.
ERC-20 and BEP-20 are two of the most popular networks in the world.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website : https://www.rbx.ae/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/RBXtoken Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RBXtoken Discord : https://discord.gg/HpuuYRheKp Telegram : https://t.me/RBXToken Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/RBXToken Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rbxtoken/ Github : https://github.com/RBX-Carbon Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbrDUD1oM7P1DnMcytpjlgg Medium : http://rbxtoken.medium.com/
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
0 notes
teukapasoe · 2 years
11 Minutes: The First Blockchain Gaming Platform With A Revenue Model That Is Beneficial To Players
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I'd like to extend my warmest greetings to all of my fellow enthusiasts. I'd like to tell you a little more about 11Minutes, a new cryptocurrency that has caught my attention. According to preliminary consensus, more efforts are needed to promote blockchain adoption in order for it to continue to grow and develop. The 11Minutes project is the subject of the following sections, which will delve deeper into it.
Gamers can now participate in and earn rewards on cryptocurrency-based gaming platforms. Online games and promotions will become more accessible to players thanks to the use of digital wallets. In addition, this method is convenient for players because they can start playing right away without registering or providing any personal information. By linking their wallets directly to the platform, players can save time while still participating in the same games they would have otherwise had to. Playing and earning money can be done on a wide range of devices. Naturally, this is good news for gamers all over the world, who are increasingly looking for a platform that rewards them for their hard work.
11Minutes allows gamers to make money by playing games they enjoy. With 11Minutes, players can make the most of their winnings in a safe and convenient manner while still having fun. Innovative and profitable 11Minutes features, which make it easier for users to play and earn from their games, can be viewed by those who utilize it. The features of this platform are geared toward making gaming and earning money easier for everyone who uses them. Having a real economic system they can rely on is exactly what today's cryptocurrency users want. The 11Minutes system should make gaming more accessible to gamers all over the world.
The Play2Earn Platform uses Blockchain technology to allow gamers to make money by playing games.
It's never been easier to play games and make money online with 11Minutes. Players will be able to participate in the game more easily thanks to an innovative platform created by an experienced team. There are no registration or KYC requirements for the games provided by 11Minutes, and the games can be used on multiple devices without the need for additional registration.
Powered by blockchain, it's a gaming platform. So, players can rest easy knowing that the games they play on 11Minutes are free of any dangers whatsoever. Third parties will no longer be able to interrupt you while you're playing. Due to the use of blockchain technology, the game's entry fee is relatively low. For a 45-dollar fee, players can begin playing the game 11Minutes by paying a small entry fee (less than 0.1 USD). As a result of its affordability, it is attracting more players than other gaming platforms.
On top of that, 11Minutes plans to make this platform compatible with the NFT protocol that's currently being built. People can play more safely and creatively with implementation of the NFT protocol. NFT tokens can be used to store a wide range of game assets, including gold and diamonds, in digital wallets. As a result of this change, players will have more control over the items and characters they own.
Additionally, 11Minutes has launched a liquidity program for users who want to get the most out of the money they've invested with them. By participating in the provision of liquidity services, users can earn a passive income. You can earn rewards outside of the games you're currently playing if this is implemented.
Token-related information is available here. ELVN is designed to be a payment method on the platform as well as a stable and rewarding token for its users. Having an ELVN token gives you the opportunity to earn passive income from the token by staking or providing liquidity. Holders of ELVN tokens can use a blockchain wallet or a BEP-20-compliant wallet to manage all of the tokens they own.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website: https://elevenminutes.io/ Whitepaper: https://elevenminutes.io/11Minutes_Pitch_Deck.pdf Telegram: https://t.me/minutes11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/11minutesnft Discord: https://discord.gg/invite/cxMzwcVxR6 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrJpu1t78UTYCDePokeSrw Medium: https://medium.com/@11Minutes
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
0 notes
teukapasoe · 2 years
CoinRadr is The World's First All-In-One DeFi For Your Blockchain Wallet
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The issue of crypto education cannot be ignored. However, there is a great deal of information out there to be found. There are a lot of people in the front selling new users on the idea that they will be able to make a lot of money quickly. Because of the widespread belief that cryptocurrency is a "get rich quick scheme," this causes a great deal of harm.
It can be difficult to keep track of all the different crypto projects, platforms, and technologies that are currently available. We're here to improve the landscape for local users by providing them with more information about what's happening.
Even though there is a wealth of information available, the issue of education in the crypto space cannot be ignored.
In light of the growing interest in crypto, there is a problem that is stifling adoption and growth. It's hard to tell what's real and what's not when there's so much information out there. Beginners have a difficult time learning about the various coins on the market, as well as new ways to improve their investment strategies.
When you use CoinRadr's All in One, there is no need for you to spend countless hours and resources researching these various infrastructures on your own.
Conveniently manage your crypto assets and find profitable trading opportunities with CoinRadr, an all-in-one tool. For those who want to connect with other cryptocurrency traders, CoinRadr provides an easy way to do so. Traders and investors can take advantage of Coinradr's full suite of tools and services.
The All-in-One DEFI Solution
All of these tools will help you stay on top of the market by allowing you to track your portfolio and analyze your transactions, as well as providing you with day-trading signals and news as well as alerts for Pump & Dump trades.
To keep you ahead of the market, generate consistent profits, and manage your risk, CoinRadar provides a powerful set of tools in one place. Trading signals, direct trading on the exchange, day trading signals, portfolio analytics, and so much more are all available in one convenient location.
It's CoinRadar's opinion that you should use Defi differently and earn more money. As a result, it was created by CoinRadar.
Staking your coins on the CoinRadar platform will earn you DPYs.
The CoinRadar exchange is a great place to buy and sell DPYs. You can stake and earn DPYs, track your portfolio, and easily trade on the exchange.
There are a number of features included to make the cryptocurrency world a better place for everyone. Data from various sources is analyzed using Artificial Intelligence by CoinRadr, which then presents the results in an easy-to-understand format and provides useful insights. Our goal at CoinRadr is to provide our users with a comprehensive view of the cryptocurrency market by combining data from a variety of different sources. Thus, users will have a clearer picture of how various cryptocurrencies, projects, and technologies interact with one another and how they can take advantage of this to achieve their own financial objectives faster and more effectively.
DeFi is a blockchain-based solution An ecosystem of decentralized services and products is provided by CoinRadr.
All things cryptocurrency-related can be found at CoinRadr, from the most basic information to advanced trading and educational functions. This is the primary goal of CoinRadr.
What is it used for?
Using this tool can help you generate a steady stream of income through yield farming and more.
What are the benefits of utilizing it instead of something else?
If you're new to DeFi or yield farming and aren't sure where to begin, this app is for you. As you use the app, you'll be able to keep track of the latest DeFi protocols and the best deals around.
How can you put it to work for you?
The more you use the app, the more you'll earn in DPY (CoinRadr's native token).
What else can DPY tokens be used for?
Additionally, DPY tokens can be traded on Uniswap or used to stake in the app. Use them to pay for any of our premium services, as well, if you'd like.
When it comes to making informed decisions about their crypto currency investments, CoinRadar is here to provide them with the most reliable and advanced Defi tools and data available. It's the ultimate destination for all things Defi on the internet. For this reason, CoinRadar was founded: To quickly and effectively resolve issues. CoinRadar is committed to providing you with the best all-in-one defi solution that will not only give you an edge in the market but also make it easy for you to earn DPYs by actively contributing to our community.
CoinRadar will share premium subscription fee revenue with you based on the number of impressions and page views you've generated as a result of your contributions. As long as your friends sign up using the referral link below when they do so, we'll reward both of you if they upgrade their subscription.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website : https://coinradr.com/ Whitepaper : https://coinradr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/coinradr-whitepaper.pdf Litepaper : https://coinradr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/coinradr-litepaper-final.pdf Twitter : https://twitter.com/CoinRadr Telegram : https://t.me/coinradrtoken Medium : https://medium.com/@coinradr
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
0 notes
teukapasoe · 2 years
FiPi App – Revolutionizing The Way The World Saves
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The FiPi app is a tray of the cryptocurrency market for everyone to use. To earn FiPi coin, simply read and watch the app's advertisements. Introducing FiPi, the world's first decentralized cryptocurrency, which anyone can easily obtain and exchange with anyone, anywhere, at any time. FiPi FiPi is no longer constrained by the barriers of age, gender, status, or nationality because of its generalization of mining. All it takes to become a miner is to put in the time and effort. FiPi APP is a revolutionary application that can make you rich simply by watching ads and reading content!
A cryptocurrency trading app called FiPi APP is the first of its kind. If you join us, you'll get back 1–5% of your purchases in the cryptocurrency of your choice. Give it a go... Save in a cryptographic format!
Cryptocurrency is unfamiliar to most people. They only invest a small portion of their assets because they view it as a small percentage of their overall wealth. Over $2 trillion is expected to be invested in cryptocurrencies by 2020. This app encourages the average person to participate in this mainstream asset class by allowing them to save money on purchases at restaurants and other places of business.."
The FiPi app is a cryptocurrency trading app that allows users to create their own wallets and keep track of their digital assets. FiPi is a free, open-source program that can be used by anyone, anywhere.
The FiPi app will be available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play, respectively. If you have a smartphone, you can download this app to it. The FiPi App is a must-have if you own a smartphone. You can earn money by saving or baking with FiPi. Only your time and patience are required to maintain these financial assets. The FiPi APP will revolutionize the way people around the world save money.
Smartphones are the best way to keep up with the latest news. You have full access to and control over your cryptocurrency funds from any computer or mobile device, at any time. The FiPi APP summarizes the most popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, IOTA, Ripple, ZCash, and EOS, in an easy-to-understand format. Each coin's major and current market value can be viewed in real time.
In order to facilitate cryptocurrency exchange, central management, and asset storage, the FiPi APP was developed as an easy-to-use application. The FiPi APP begins with the creation of an account. Using a user-friendly visual language, the application aims to educate users about cryptocurrency management. In addition, the FiPi APP has additional features such as balance deposit, asset exchange, and wallet management, all of which are supported.
Congratulations, your cryptocurrency investments have arrived. Using the FiPi APP, you can do as follows:
With FiPi you can start receiving cryptocurrency on your phone immediately thanks to its cutting-edge, innovative and interactive application. An intelligent algorithm provides information on the current and future state of the digital market from a technical standpoint, and the app describes and teaches about every cryptocurrency in real time.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website: https://fipi.io/ Whitepaper: https://fipi.io/docs/whitepaper.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/FiPiToken Telegram: https://t.me/FiPiToken Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FiPi-APP-110579838121492/
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
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teukapasoe · 2 years
LPI DAO: the investment platform that embraces early-stage crypto investing
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A new partnership with DREEM — Dreem is a marketplace for metaverses — has been announced by LPI DAO. Come create your own tokenized realm, sell it as a non-fungible token (NFT), and monetize it. Make use of our realm editor, upload existing metaverses, or create new realms on top of our existing realms to get started. Characters who are designable, rent-seeking, and time-decomposable NFTs can be used to gain access to realms. Collaboration with the DREEM Foundation
As part of their collaboration with DREEM, LPI DAO will expand their reach into various market sectors, including but not limited to the following countries: Turkey; China; Russia; India; and Indonesia. This will help them to generate additional interest and grow their community. At the same time, the DREEM team has access to a wide range of influencers, key opinion leaders, launchpads, CEX platforms, pre and post launch services, and numerous other industry connections through its partnership with CEX. By joining as one of the project's early backers, LPI will be able to contribute to its success by bringing value to the table. By partnering with only high-quality projects, LPI DAO is able to provide significant value and support to the projects in which it invests.
DREEM is a newcomer to the scene. You will be able to explore existing features and watch product videos for the following products: Initial spheres of influence Domains are being constructed and designed. NFT your sphere of influence Characters based on NFT who are looking for a place to stay. Tokens for use in the realm Taxes and fees are additional costs. Realms at the start of the game
It is planned to have several realms built by Dreem designers who have made use of the toolkit that will be open to the public to explore and use. These will serve as the initial realms that will serve as sources of inspiration for further development. These range from realms based on the Earth to realms based in space. All of them are multiplayer, and they all require NFT-based characters to enter with a pre-selected selection of monetizable objects and experiences.
NFT your sphere of influence Realms can be sold as a non-functional toy, for example, if a designer creates and sells a realm that contains objects that display non-functional toys or exclusive sounds. This NFT is automatically ported to OpenSea, and it has the capability of providing multiple ownership of a single NFT through the use of smart contracts. Suppose there were multiple collaborators on that realm and the objects/experiences that existed within it, as an example. Simply drop your Unity file, videos, and whether or not you want to make the realm public into the appropriate boxes, and you're done. It's really that simple to sell a realm that you've created.
Tokens for the Realm Each realm can have its own unique token. As a result, it is able to develop its own economy. If a realm DAO or the realm owner wishes to mint these tokens, the timing of the minting will be determined by a number of factors that will be decided by the community that is a part of that realm. Build the realm, build and drop experiences in the realm, attract people (characters) to the realm, release a realm token, make money, and share the money with the world would be the progression.
Token Utility for the $DREEM Token In addition to serving as a central tool for governing DREEM, the DREEM token will be used to continuously decentralize the future and place control over it in the hands of the community. A fee structure that is tied to the DREEM token and provides holders with more options for funding future development and projects on the DREEM ecosystem can also be implemented for the tokenization, rental, sale, and usage of new realms that are deployed to the DREEM ecosystem.
Partners and investors include X21 Capital, Shima Capital, Kaso2ka Ventures, NFTtech + IBC Group, DCI Capital, Synapse, Oracles Investment Group, Blackdragon, DuckDAO, Truepnl, Dextforce (Dextools), DAOstarter, Synapse Network, Avstar, Moonstarter, Duckstarter, Ready Player Me, LPI DAO, and others.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website: https://lpi.finance/ Telegram Group: https://t.me/LpiDaoOfficial Telegram Channel: https://t.me/LpiDaoNews Twitter: https://twitter.com/LpiDao Medium: https://lpi-dao.medium.com/
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
0 notes
teukapasoe · 2 years
Euler Tools: Blockchain Made Easy, Fun and Intuitive
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Using Euler Tools, you can search for and discover blockchain-related content. The User Interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.
By pulling data from the blockchain and combining it with data from other sources, we can provide you with everything you need in a single location.
The payment system has been revolutionized by the crypto world, which has shifted from the traditional method to a more secure and decentralized one. With the advent of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, it is now easier than ever to accumulate wealth and make payments around the world. Blockchain technology is now being used by people to create value. In an effort to bring blockchain technology into every aspect of human life, there are a number of crypto platforms that people enjoy using.
Introduced by EULER
It is possible to use Euler Tools to find and explore blockchain content. It is possible to securely access the blockchain, view movement and verify the source of information through a single platform, which we have created.
Blockchain information can be easily disseminated to everyone, including traders and investors, businesses, and technology enthusiasts, thanks to Euler Tools. Euler is a program in which all data and information are presented in a straightforward and complete manner. Of primary importance is the accuracy of all data. A platform that can be scaled to meet the needs of large organizations.
Mission of the Euler Tool
With the help of these tools, your friends and customers will be able to securely access the blockchain, view traffic in real time, and independently verify the accuracy of all sources of information. change the world around us.
Customizable block explorer with advanced dex tools, Euler Tools is a powerful platform. Access to any blockchain is made possible by a comprehensive set of data visualization tools.
Euler Tools: Fitur platform
Affordability for all This transparent block offers a wide range of options.
It is possible to search for specific tokens, contracts, or exchanges using filters.
For example, you could perform token comparisons, print and burn tokens and address and contract checks.
Set up notifications for changes in the price or other significant occurrences related to cryptocurrencies.
Connect all of your wallets to the platform so that you can monitor your investments.
Study any pair or create your own and save it for future reference
The library of charts provided by TradingView
tedegram, browser, and discord can all be used to get alerts and notifications for any event.
Asset values, price changes, and transaction history are all included.
Copy transactions from other wallets and keep track of them.
Get notified when new tokens or forks are released.
Conduct in-depth analysis of large amounts of data.
Schema for the operating system on which computers run
This image doesn't have any alternative text.
There is a cluster for each network that retrieves and analyzes data. ETL, Data Pipelines, and Machine Learning are used to clean and filter data.
The most up-to-date technology The Euler Tools team provides a technological product with its own technology and API to its users. In order to create a world that is organized by formal methods, everything is made to run automatically.
Tokens issued by EULER are known as EULER tokens.
EULER is a BEP20 token utility designed for Euler Tools' premium features. With EULER tokens, premium users can access many of Euler Toll's functions, but the more advanced premium features of Euler Tools will be available only to those who purchase them. Premium features can be put to use in three ways:
The EULER token's usefulness
In exchange for a monthly fee in EULER tokens, users can gain access to this platform. A precise USD equivalent will be maintained at all times thanks to the creation of these fees. EULER token holders with a minimum balance of 4,000 tokens
Premium features will be free for EULER token holders (or their equivalent) with at least 40,000 EULER tokens (or their LP equivalent).
A monthly EULER token reward with shares equal to a percentage of the monthly fee received is one of the additional benefits and exclusive rewards that Big will receive.
If you're a private company, a financial institution, or a similar client looking to use Euler Toll technology in your platform, Euler Toll offers the ENTERPRISE package.
In order to ensure a stable price, each transaction records 1% of the total EULER token supply, making it more suitable for use.
Initiation and tracking of outstanding offers through subscription fees.
the European Union Levy
token In exchange for their $ EULER token, users gain access to additional platform features.
The BEP20 utility token $EULER provides access to our tool's premium features.
In order to keep the price of $EULER rising, each $EULER transaction burns 1% of the amount.
As an added bonus, subscribers receive a portion of the subscription fee as well as free access to premium features.
Please go to the following link for more details:
Website: https://euler.tools/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/eulertools Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Euler-Tools-101041785456000 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eulertools/ Telegram: https://t.me/eulertools_news Medium: https://medium.com/@euler.tools LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eulertools/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7DdHMPyVyqOIFfQ-SNx3mg
Bitcointalk Uѕеrnаmе: Thijm Wisselink Bіtсоіntаlk Prоfіlе Lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3402673 BSC Wallet Address: 0x4B65a709EdE8520478742A90688f3E4C1683C588
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