to anyone who still follows me here hey ive been inactive for like half a year and i dont think ill use this any more. I stopped using tumblr cuz i got bored and now i use more twitter ill move there. In there i post ab random things sometimes ok bye. my @ is @/ItsaMeJoop bye
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Do you ever just randomly remember that the first time Daisuke laughed again since his mother's death was because of Haru or are you normal
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Ty @fugoukeiji-blog for tagging me! (sory for answering late-)
Ok so Ima start.
1. Hanako-kun (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
2. Kiara (Hololive EN)
3. Daisuke (Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimited)
4. Megumin (Konosuba)
5. Rushia very boing boing (Hololive)
6. V flower (VOCALOID)
7. Mikoto and Hime Meika (VOCALOID)
8. Hideri-chan (Blend S)
9. Haru (Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimited)
10. Lilia Podkopayeva (Terror Man)
That's all.
I will tag: @burnishyuri @silverquillsideas @thisismytrashok @linhzard @anime--irl @daisukesthoughts @frenchchives @painintheasskuroo @haikyuu-incorrectquotes @incorrect-given-quotes and anyone who wants to do this!
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags -> make a new post w ur fave 10 characters from 10 different fandoms, tagged by @luz-in-a-otter-suit thnx kai :)
ok i’m not even in ten fandoms so u get seven (i am even part of any fandom? that’s a conversation for another day, but it doesn’t feel right to say that i am bc i don’t actively participate in stuff u know i just exist here, which is fine by me i’m chilling)
1. marceline (adventure time)
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2. catra (spop)
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3. korra (lok)
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4. rangi (kyoshi novels)
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5. jiang (atla comics)
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6. amity (toh)
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7. asher (kipo)
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ok do u see a pattern bc i do lmao
i tag @longlivemomjeans @bi-turtleduck @pidgeonlol @idk man whoever wants to do this i guess
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But where are his hills?
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the dream that came to an end
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selfless love and endless sacrifices
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Daichi: Let's head into Plan B.
Asahi: Technically it's Plan L.
Daichi: Wait, how many plans do we have?
Tanaka: Up until Plan Q!
Daichi: Let's do Plan M then.
Asahi, alarmed: We sacrifice Hinata in Plan M though!
Tsukishima: I like Plan M.
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Compilation of some twitter doodles ft. steel chair, asian squatting, and reverse kakashi
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damn boii-
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I couldn’t stop thinking about shikigami slippers from jujutsu kaisen merch
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Kei loving big jackets is canon 👏👏💖
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- Thank you @kadoc for your support! 
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the dream that came to an end
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reincarnation au: to be reborn and meet you again – shinsha is drawn to the sea and frequently visits the beach, and one day, phos coincidentally decides to take their field research notes nearby where shinsha spends their time by the shore. although they don’t have recollection to their other life, they still naturally gravitate towards each other. this would be their first official meeting before they eventually form a genuine connection ;;
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tips on starting an art account?
firstly thank you for trusting me for giving tips ;;;;. secondly this will be a mix of what i would tell myself when i was first starting out and some things ive learned from people i follow :D (please learn from my mistakes T__T)
wait until you feel confident in your art before you start posting it. dont make an account when youre just starting out. this may just be a me case, but i started this account when i was first learning digital and knowing that people have seen the cringy things i drew when i was in middle school is just...*shudders*
try to post consistently! i know its hard ;__; (i struggled a lot with this) especially when youre slow but i feel like most people on the internet just kinda ??? forget you exist ?? unless you remind them constantly that youre alive ??? it is the sad truth but that is the consumerism capitalist world we live in 😔 so likeee maybe once every week idk?? it all depends on your own personal schedule. and please dont force yourself to draw constantly, personal matters and your health come first TOT (and forcing yourself to draw when you dont want to can be mentally taxing) 
consider peak post times! theres a certain time every day where people are more likely to log on, so by posting at this time you can get more exposure. i believe the peak time on tumblr is 7-10 pm?? and on twitter its around noon
and also fair warning...unfortunately...i feel like a lot of getting noticed is just up to luck with the algorithm gods 😔 a ton of artists i follow and admire greatly do not get nearly as much love as i think they deserve. sometimes i just *clenches fist* wish i can give them all my likes and followers cause they deserve them that much...social media is such a pain,,,,
this got kinda long, so please join me under the cut if you want to read the other half of the tips ^^
interact with your followers! when you get a reply or ask, reply back! its super fun and cool to get to know who the people who interact with your art TVT
dont feel discouraged if you dont get that much interaction at first ;;!!! trust me, ive been there, and so have most artists i feel, when i was first starting out ;v; and im gonna be completely honest and serious here, this may sound harsh, but you dont want to blow up when youre just starting out....the first couple of weeks, months, or even years of an art account is just trial and error: improving your art, finding your style, gaining an audience, finding whats right for you. but having hundreds and thousands of people watching you right from the beginning? my younger self would have been so excited when that happened, but my current self will wince at how naive that was. maybe you will understand this, maybe you wont? i actually dont know how many people share this mindset with me sooo *sweats*
please have faith in your work! the quality of your work isnt determined by likes or follower counts, its all how you feel about it. putting your art out for the world to be seen can be scary and sometimes disappointing :((( but please never give up! i promise your hard work and effort will not betray you in the end :,)
lastly and most importantly, have fun! having an art account can be super fun but also sometimes a burden 😔 no matter what happens, please just have fun with doing something you love! i believe that when you are happy, your art will be happy as well ^v^
thank you once again for reading! whenever i get asked for tips they always get so long,,,but i feel like all the explanation is important ;__; nonetheless i hope this is helpful to you ^v^
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thats it thats what happened
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