No doubt, Pakistan can develop
 Pakistan is under-developing country and has been moving on the track of development since independence. Pakistan has certain major issues which have always created disturbances in the development. Major problems like Terrorism, sectarianism, violation of borders from different countries like India and Afghanistan. Although these are some issues Pakistan has never stopped her journey towards development. CERTAINLY, Pakistan can develop by focusing on the solutions like,
i)  Political Stability OR Strong Leadership
ii)  Eradication of Corruption and Terrorism
iii)  Vanishing poverty
iv)  Well-Designed Education System
v)  Better Foreign Policy
vi)  Well-Designed Judiciary Structure
i)     FIRST AND FOREMOST THING, which plays pivotal role in the development of Pakistan is Political Stability.Although above mentioned each and every point is related to Strong Leaderships. Leaders are internally as well as externally sovereign and they better know how to cool down issues like terrorism and sectarianism. If these leaderships really becomes realistic to the country, no force will create disturbances in the development of Pakistan. In short and simple Political Stability is the root for the development of Pakistan. Creation of Pakistan is a good example of Strong Leaderships. Due to Strong Leaderships we got Pakistan.
ii)     Moreover, Terrorism has always created hindrances in the path of development of Pakistan. Terrorism has destroyed a lot of precious lives of the innocent People. However, terrorism is not effecting only Pakistan but the whole world. And for this critical issue each country is speaking volumes about it. Now the question arises what is terrorism to do with the development of Country. Yes, when a country is not internally stable and have always threatened the people of the country than HOW can a country think of being developed country. AS the most important thing is Safety First. Beyond doubt, when Pakistan will be terrorism free country than it will move towards development and it is only possible through Political Stability.
iii)     Along with that, As we are discussing regarding security of Pakistan, we need to discuss the issue of India’s Violation of border right here
AS  1965, 1971, 1999 wars are impossible to forget.Still they not stopped spreading hatred against Pakistan. Ingress upon borders have just a game for them and due to this reason India is violating borders rule and on daily basis she attacks on the populating areas. Not only Violation of border from India but Kashmir issue has also reached the pinnacle. Hundreds of Innocent kashmiri’s are being killed on daily basis. Conclusively, we are not stable externally as well. As discussed before, without being safe How could a country can develop. And same, it is the work of Leadership to sort out certain matter immediately. 
iv)     Strong Leadership can also work for obliteration of backdrop problem “Corruption”. Corruption has made Pakistan a debt country. Although corruption is illegal in Pakistan still each and every individual is indulged in this problem. Exactly, when whole money is being despoiled our country will stay at the same place. Unfortunately, in Pakistan total game is different, everyone wants his house to be filled with money. No matter if this act is outlawed.Credit of Corruption goes to Poor Leadership Who always thought of themselves. Pakistan can develop when Corruption would be eradicated perfectly from Pakistan and is only possible through Strong Leadership.Obviously, Leaders Who are honest, well-wisher of Pakistan will only lead the country towards development. In simple HAVE HIGH HOPES IN IMRAN KHAN AS HE IS AGAINST CORRUPTION.
V)     In addition to it, Education plays vital role in the development of the country. But, in Pakistan everyone is not so lucky to have been provided quality education. Certainly, Without educational reforms no country can develop easily. For quality education We need huge budgets but on the other hand everyone is aware of corruption as well. Although budgets are released but due to corruption educational reforms are harder to find in Pakistan. Actually the same thing to control corruption Pakistan need strong leadership. Along with that check and balance system should also be introduced in education department specially. 
vi)      Last but not least, Poverty is also a baffling issue in Pakistan. As poverty rate is increasing day by day. Many of people are dying due to hunger.They don’t have money to support themselves. They are not given basic rights. Obviously, for removal of poverty Government have to take action. As providing basic needs is their duty. And the same thing here comes again, for removal of poverty we need strong leadership. Because they are going to provide such basic rights. 
v)     For development of country, a country should maintain good relations with it;s neighboring countries.However, Pakistan’s neighbor countries are not cooperative. India due to extremism, Iran due to Sectarianism but only china is Pakistan’s well-wisher from neighboring countries. And with China Pakistan has good relations as well. For development Pakistan should shake hand with it’s neighboring countries with whom relations are not good. Absolutely, Relations can only be settled with negotiations rather than fighting with one an other. That means Pakistan should have Better Foreign Policy as well for the Development. Once again same thing, this Better Foreign Policy is only possible through Strong Leadership.
vi)      we are not given justice in the courts perfectly. However in the present scenario Courts are doing well and obviously everyone needs justice. We need our judiciary structure The Best. Our Pakistani people should be given equal Justice. So for that, For development Judiciary plays an important role as well. Because Justice is basic need of nation. we need rule of law in Pakistan. We need strict separation of Power in Pakistan which is only possible through Political Stability.
CONCLUSION: Certainly, Pakistan can develop when we have strong leadership and these strong leaderships are actually the source of eradication of terrorism, corruption, sectarianism, extremism and countless backdrop problems that have always created impediment in the path of development of Pakistan........
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