TTemperate deciduous forests have a wide array of trees, such as oak, birch,  and beech.
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Oak- Oak trees are the oldest brand of tree on the planet and also happen to be the most widespread. They produce about 10 million acorns within their lifetime and feed many woodland animals with their acorns and leaves. Oaks also have a prominent role in history. Early humans built their shelters, tools, and ships out of the wood of the tree. They are also considered a symbol of nobility and wisdom. 
Birch- Birch trees are found in nearly all countries that have a temperate climate. These trees thrive in moist soil and lots of sunlight. The usual lifespan of birch trees is 40-50 years but they sometimes live for over 200 years. 
Beech- The beech tree has a short trunk and a wide-spreading crown, and the bark is generally smooth and a light grey color.  They can have a lifespan of 150 to 400 years, depending on the species. 
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