tekobite · 2 months
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It was that around that time again. Rewatched some Tsuritama.
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tekobite · 2 months
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WYLLWEEK DAY 6: alternate class
Now the Blade of Frontiers is a ranger - a true hunter of monsters, a warden in more than just name.
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tekobite · 3 months
“Gaza is not the most beautiful of cities. Her coast is not bluer than those of other Arab cities. Her oranges are not the best in the Mediterranean. Gaza is not the richest of cities. (Fish and oranges and sand and tents forsaken by the winds, smuggled goods and hands for hire.) And Gaza is not the most polished of cities, or the largest. But she is equivalent to the history of a nation, because she is the most repulsive among us in the eyes of the enemy – the poorest, the most desperate, and the most ferocious. Because she is a nightmare. Because she is oranges that explode, children without a childhood, aged men without an old age, and women without desire. Because she is all that, she is the most beautiful among us, the purest, the richest, and most worthy of love.”
— Journal of an Ordinary Grief - Mahmoud Darwish
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tekobite · 3 months
hey hey HEY. when i joined tumblr in the early 2010s i remember a lot of millennials swearing they would never treat the younger generation as badly as they were treated and misrepresented. i'm seeing a lot of you going back on that. stop mocking young people and start remembering you were new to the universe too once
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tekobite · 3 months
for whoever needs to hear this:
starting HRT doesn't have to be a huge momentous all-or-nothing decision. you can just try it like you would an antidepressant you've been informed of the risks of.
there won't be any immediate irreversible changes overnight. you can always stop, change your dose, change your delivery system, decide it's not the right time. you can even microdose if you want to.
you don't have to tell anyone. you don't have to announce it if you don't want to.
stop waiting for a perfect time in your life because it won't come.
stop waiting to reach a mythical level of certainty that never comes to anyone, for anything.
you've been thinking about it long enough. if you have the opportunity, just give it a shot. you're worth the courage it takes to make a change in your life.
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tekobite · 3 months
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mosque cats x
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tekobite · 3 months
Ramadan Kareem to all those who observe, may Allah accept our fasts and duaa and allow us growth and harmony over the course of the next month. May Allah ease the suffering of those in Gaza and across Falasteen, Sudan, Congo, Yemen, Tigray, Kashmir, West Papau, and all those who are oppressed around the world. May He grant them shifa, tranquility, steadfastness, and sabr. May He grant us the strength and ability to fight injustice wherever we see it, and victory over our oppressors.
Here is a list of resources for Gaza and Falasteen. Here is an even bigger list. Here’s a much smaller one. Here is one with resources for both Gaza and Sudan.
Here is the link to a GFM that is very important to me. Here is the link to a GFM for a family in urgent need of evacuation out of Gaza.
Here is a way to help out Sudan. Here are links for donations, Sudanese businesses to support, and brief education about Sudan. Here is a post with resources for education and updates about what's happening in Sudan.
Here is a post with resources for Tigray.
Here is a post with important information on boycotting for Congo. Here is a post with links to support Congo.
Here is a list of resources for education on various issues around the world, including but not limited to West Papau, Hawai'i, Kashmir, and Armenia.
You can check my resources tag for more. I know tumblr's searching system isn't the best, though, so I tried to put as many as I could from that tag here.
Ramadan Kareem. May every action we take towards justice bring us lasting freedom and tranquility 🌙
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tekobite · 3 months
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I haven't seen anyone posting about this, but this is why esim donations are so important. This picture was shared by @mirna_elhelbawi both on her instagram and the eSim Donors broadcast channel (also on instagram). please consider donating an esim, as israel is actively trying to block palestinian voices from being heard. for more information check here, Mirna's own instagram, @connectinghumanity_, or gazaesims.com. there are esim plans as cheap as 10 dollars, and on her website you can find discount codes. they are running low on all kinds of esims but the top three on their priority list right now are nomad esims (middle east region or israel), holafly esims (egypt), and simly esims (middle east). you can check the order of priority on here, as it varies weekly.
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tekobite · 4 months
Either you're frolicking in this field with me or you're frolicking in this field against me.
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tekobite · 4 months
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tekobite · 4 months
today marks day 111 of the genocide in gaza.
and i need you all to keep in mind just how dire the situation in gaza is right now. and to keep talking about it. now is not the time to turn away.
today i want to talk about khalil again. yesterday, khalil posted about how his aunt passed away and they went to the graveyard to bury her, only to find thousands of tents in the cemetery. the people living as refugees in rafah have been so jam packed that they’ve started sheltering at the cemetery.
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in a heartbreaking sentence, khalil says “they are living in the cemetery, waiting for their time to be buried”. can you imagine the situation one has to be in to say something like that?
not only do the gazans not have a safe place to live, they are also starving and suffering from diseases and lack of medication. in fact, that’s the cause of khalil’s aunt’s death—bad food and no medicine.
the people of gaza barely have food to eat. the children have to clean dirt and insects off animal feed before milling it to make food. medicine isn’t coming into the gaza strip. there are pharmacies all around but none can help because they do not have the means to. why?
because israel consistently denies shipments of vital aid. in fact, according to the UN, israel recently added insulin pens for children to the list of prohibited items that are not allowed into gaza. this list also includes other medicines for chronic illnesses are also not allowed [here is the full press conference for anyone who’s interested].
this claim is also backed by the report journalist motaz azaiza was making as he was evacuating gaza of a plethora of aid trucks waiting at the border to enter gaza. and for the little bit of aid that is available to gazans? yesterday the israeli military opened fire at starving citizens who were queueing to get aid in northern gaza.
there are too many heartbreaking stories coming out of gaza; there is at least one per person, in a population of 2.2M people. i urge you to not turn away from hearing their stories and facing the reality of the crimes being committed against them by israeli occupation forces.
whatever anyone else might say, whatever the verdict of tomorrow’s hearing may be… i want you to remember that what’s happening in gaza is nothing short of a genocide—a collective total of 33,360 deaths, and 64,150 injured. don’t let them just be numbers. these are people.
people who are not just being killed in cold blood, but are also being starved. they are being tortured physically and psychologically. they are being subjected to illnesses with no treatment given. they are being subjected to eating things like grass, immature food, expired food. read the euro med monitor report for the full picture of the destruction happening in gaza at the hands of the israeli occupation forces.
this is a genocide. this is one of, if not the deadliest war crimes we’ve seen in the 21st century.
i am so heartbroken i barely have the energy to type today. please call for an end to all of this, for a permanent ceasefire. and subsequently an end to the israeli occupation.
we cannot leave the palestinians to fend for themselves and continue being oppressed directly or indirectly by their oppressors and colonisers. this occupation must end. palestine must be freed in its entirety.
من المية للمية
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please especially send donations to help supply aid and food to gazans. especially to the organisations working within gaza. it’s not like there isn’t any food at all. gaza is not a barren land. the food is just inaccessible and very expensive and unaffordable for most gazans (if you follow journalist muhammad smiry, you’ll see he posts a lot about the atrocious prices of food in gaza). so your donations help people purchase food in bulk within gaza and supply to the civilians.
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tekobite · 4 months
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My father was martyred by Israel on 10 October 2023 after sacrificing his care in hospital so the injured children could take priority. Today would have been his 60th birthday. He was always selfless, kind, and giving for others. My father gave up everything for me to be able to have a better life, because that is what he always dreamed for me and my sister. The world suffered a great loss when he died, and my heart is always with him and every Palestinian who has lost someone.
In his honour and memory, I would love for anyone who is able to do so to consider donating to The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
The PCRF is an amazing organisation that does so much for those in Gaza right now, including helping provide food, water and medicine. You can donate any amount you are able to- there is no minimum! My father would have given his very last cent if he saw the way Palestine was continuing to suffer after over 100 days with this limited aid, so I know celebrating him by helping others is the least he would have wanted.
I saw @parrot-parent do a very successful donation match and I thought it was such a good idea so I will also match all donations up to $500! If you feel comfortable sending me proof of the amount of your donation, I will match it as a donation at the end of February. (My messages are set to mutuals only, but if you donate and we aren’t mutuals if you send an ask with the proof I will make sure to answer it privately.)
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tekobite · 5 months
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Eurovision is allowing Israel to participate despite its ongoing genocide against Palestinians.
Boycott Eurovision.
Do not watch it. Do not support it.
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tekobite · 5 months
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7 minutes. 7 minutes is all I can spare to say... Happy birthday, @tekobite! 😈🧁🧡
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tekobite · 6 months
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tekobite · 7 months
There is nothing Jewish about genocide
There is nothing Jewish about colonialism
There is nothing Jewish about committing war crimes
There is nothing Jewish about ethnic cleansing
There is nothing Jewish about censorship
There is nothing Jewish about the way Isreal is treating other Jews
There is nothing Jewish about the way Israel is treating Palestine
Many Jews have always stood with Palestine
Many Jews always will
Do not let anyone trick you into believing that Judaism and Israel are interchangeable or that Israel is in any way speaking for what Jewish people globally want
There is nothing antisemitic about speaking out against Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. We stand with Palestine
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tekobite · 7 months
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lesbian rpg ocs (each one looking for gf)
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