teiiatthelouvre · 2 years
bucci gang as bubble tea
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jasmine milk tea with grass jelly
25% sugar and less ice
i can already imagine him ordering this
it’s such a mom drink, especially the grass jelly
i bet narancia has tried it and immediately started gagging
definitely an acquired taste, but the whole combo just screams sophisticated and experienced
has probably ordered every combination of sweetness and ice to figure out the perfect middle ground
i could also see him drinking just plain tea but where’s the fun in that
bonus: a bubble tea store i think he’d go to
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ten ren’s hands down, it’s a classic for a reason and he probably buys himself some bubble tea as a treat after buying some actual tea from there
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original milk tea with tapioca
50% sugar and normal ice
i mean as we all know, giorno is definitely the most normal out of the group and therefore i personally headcanon that he has the most normal bubble tea order lol
he probably doesn’t enjoy it as much as some of the others, but still orders whenever the group goes out for bubble tea
maybe if he’s feeling really fancy he’ll go for the roasted milk tea but honestly it’s pretty hit or miss depending on the store
so to be safe he’d probably just stick to something normal
bonus: a bubble tea store i think he’d go to
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chatime 💀 no offence to anybody who goes there, feel like the majority of people who would choose it over other stores are people who haven’t tried other places…
but i think giorno’s fine with that. it’s definitely convenient since there are locations everywhere and the drinks are fairly consistent too.
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iced americano, no toppings
0% sugar, normal ice
i genuinely cannot picture him ordering bubble tea
idk i generally believe that anyone can enjoy it but this man?? this man?
okay but if i had to choose an actual drink for him
probably an espresso latte with coffee jelly
still 0% sugar and probably less ice because less ice = more drink = more value
and honestly it does get pretty expensive so he’s getting as much of the drink as he can get
bonus: a bubble tea store i think he’d go to
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does the alley serve any coffee drinks? no but based purely on aesthetic, it’s definitely a type of place i could see him going to. the music is always good and actually played at a normal volume, people are usually there to work or are generally pretty quiet, and there’s the tiniest amount of sunlight possible
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brown sugar milk tea or thai milk tea with tapioca and pudding
extra sugar and no ice
please get him and narancia away from all bubble tea stores
is the type of person who peels the lid off of the cup and probably eats the boba with a spoon
is doing it so that he can count the number of pearls and make sure it’s not 4 or a multiple of 4
sex pistols love bubble tea too, they’re probably the ones asking him to get it for them
also a big believer in the less ice = more drink = more value theory (which he probably got from abbacchio)
but while abbacchio understands why cold drinks have ice in them, mista does not
and italian summers are not playing so you know that 5 minutes after he’s gotten his drink it’s going to be lukewarm and his tapioca is still hot
bonus: bubble tea store i think he’d go to
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i can see both him and narancia liking kung fu tea and coco. mostly because they’re affordable and have pretty normal options, but are generally more interesting than chatime. but i think narancia would gravitate more towards kung fu tea and mista towards coco since king fu tea focuses more on fruit based drinks and mista would probably think it’s less worth it than a milk tea
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strawberry cheese green tea with osmanthus jelly, peach jelly, and crystal boba
25% sugar, fixed ice
okay so i may or may not be biased because this is the drink that i usually order
but i feel like out of the entire gang, fugo and bucciarati are probably the most familiar
and we know fugo has taste because he likes strawberry shortcake, so why not a drink that’s basically liquid strawberry?
he definitely has very bougie preferences, probably likes herbal or “healthy” toppings like bucciarati
only difference being he tends to go for strawberry flavours instead of actual tea
despite his preferences, he’s probably tried every drink out there for research purposes
probably has a spreadsheet with different stores, their drinks, and ratings for things like their atmosphere, customer service, drink to topping ratio, etc
all in all, the most seasoned boba enjoyer
bonus: bubble tea store i think he’d go to
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as the only store that sells this drink (and also my personal favourite), i think that his favourite would be shuyi tealicious. it has a lot of drinks and toppings that are hard to find outside of taiwan and has a very curated feel to it that i think fugo would enjoy. the store’s aesthetic is also bright and minimalistic, so it’s the perfect place to study
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the other half of the probably shouldn’t be allowed to drink bubble tea in public duo
any yakult or fruit drink with rainbow jelly and popping boba
extra sugar, extra ice
has the taste of a toddler and probably the decisiveness of one too
doesn‘t have a set order, he’ll just walk into the store and order whatever catches his eye first
sometimes there are too many things and then he becomes one of those people at the front of the line trying to decide what he wants to order as there are 20 more people after him
probably also thinks out loud, asks the person at the cashier what they recommend, and then goes with the opposite of that
genuinely enjoys and appreciates bubble tea though
he’s probably really into the customization aspect of it and how the combinations are basically endless
definitely not as bad as mista in terms of drinking etiquette, but still makes a mess somehow
i genuinely don’t think he’s ever out the straw in correctly in his life
has probably accidentally stabbed the straw in through the bottom
and broken the cup at least a few times
bonus: bubble tea store i think he’d go to
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as i mentioned before, i think kung fu tea would fit his vibes. they have a lot of promotions, fruit flavoured drinks, and also a yakut line. i think out of the entire group he’d also be the most into drinks with honey in them instead of sugar (idk why but hey to each their own)
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strawberry latte with panna cotta
fixed sugar, fixed ice
you know that if trish had a smartphone during the anime she’d definitely be on instagram or tiktok
it’s such a photogenic drink and matches her hair too, so i can definitely see her posting about it a lot
is one of those people who consider bubble tea an accessory, sort of like how starbucks used to be, so her drink must look as cute as she does
i don’t see her experimenting that often, like once she’s found a drink that fits her aesthetic that’s it
but she’d probably also enjoy things like drinks with edible glitter or an ombré effect to spice things up
bonus: a bubble tea store i think she’d go to
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machi machi is definitely up her alley. it’s very cute and instagram worthy, especially those iconic bottles. nothing much to say here, i just think she’d like it, especially the colour scheme
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teiiatthelouvre · 2 years
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Saint Brando’s Green Dolphin Street High School (Yep, I’m out of good AU ideas, have some fluff lmao)
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teiiatthelouvre · 2 years
i’ve never thought about this but i have never agreed with a post more in my life
giorno has been on a one track mind of taking over the mafia since he was like 7 so theres just vast swatches of knowledge that he does not know about that would frankly be horrifying to the average person. But hes picks stuff up quickly and is also so good at bullshitting it that it borders on gaslighting
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teiiatthelouvre · 2 years
told myself i was going to wait until crazy diamond demonic heartbreak finishes before i start reading it, but then i ended up caving
usually i avoid reading incomplete series (probably because of the plague of incomplete fanfiction) but so far i’m really enjoying it! i’ve always liked josuke and hol horse but was not expecting to like their dynamic as much as i do. especially love the way that they’ve addressed dio’s influence on the stand users who worked for him even after his death. not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but honestly i felt his weight as a villain more in this series than i did in part 3.
can’t wait for new chapters! and does anybody know if there will ever be an official english release? would love to have the manga on my shelf
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teiiatthelouvre · 2 years
hi tumblr! i started jojo’s in march, finished part 8 in the next 2 weeks and have been hooked on it ever since.
i’m not new to tumblr but i usually just lurk so i’m not very used to posting haha. i’d love to find more people to talk about hiba and anime in general with so i guess this is a little intro about me!
my name’s teii, i’m 17, i speak english (và một chút tiếng việt), i’m a big fan of jojo’s bizarre adventures, i’m caught up with the anime and manga, currently working my way through the spin-offs, and surprise my favourite part is part 7
i also like writing, sewing, cosplay, svt, baking, and collecting manga
thank you if you’ve made it this far and please interact if you want to be moots!
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