tehsibbis · 7 years
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✧ ゚ ☆ Studio Ghibli : P o s t e r s ☆ ゚ ✧
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Flower Art by Bridget Collins
Seattle based artist Bridget Collins composes ethereal works of art, highlighting her love for Mother Nature.
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Quotes from ‘The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness’ (#1)
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tehsibbis · 7 years
Show Up Early to Your Medical Appointments!
My clientele have a chronic tardiness problem that has only gotten worse as time has gone on. Other veterinarians and human doctors also report that people are showing up late more often. This creates huge problems and is very frustrating for everyone involved.
Most medical facilities for both pets and people have specific appointment times that can vary depending on what the visit is for. At my hospital all appointments are 30 minutes. Let’s say you have an appointment with your dog for vaccines at 10:00. That means from 10:00-10:30 my schedule is blocked off. If you come in at 10:20 I likely will not have enough time to do everything I need, answer any questions you may have, and fully examine your dog. If my 10:30 shows up on time do I stop your appointment and go see the punctual person? Do I continue your appointment and then show up for the other one late? Or maybe I should juggle both appointments at once, hopping from room to room. As you can see none of these options are good ones. People that show up late are generally the ones that complain the most if they have to wait or if they feel they didn’t get enough of the vet’s time. We simply cannot keep everyone happy and practice good medicine if people do not show up time. So what should you do?
Plan to arrive to your appointment 15 minutes early. This will help in case there are traffic problems, computer issues, etc. etc. the worst that will happen is you wait for 15 minutes. Sometimes we can even get you in early and you can leave earlier.
Be honest about your visit and bring only the pet scheduled. We plan our days based on what we have going on. If you say you just need a rabies vaccine for your cat but then once you come in let me know she has been vomiting for 4 months and now isn’t eating, it messes up the schedule. Also only bring one pet at a time unless you booked more than 1. We really cannot “just take a look” at your other animal.
Be understanding. Sometimes emergencies come in and we must see them first even if you have an appointment. Be thankful that it isn’t your pet that needs help and also realize that if it were you with the emergency you would not want the vet to finish up a vaccine appointment before taking care of your pet.
If you are going to be late, call us! Please let us know. Far too often people just show up sometimes hours later than they were scheduled without telling us. We can often fit you in elsewhere or let another doctor see you. Back to understanding- if you are late please understand that we may not have another spot to put you or it may not be a time that works for you.
This is becoming a problem of epidemic proportions and we are unable to provide the care needed to people and pets because of it. My hospital is considering charging people for the visit if they are more than 10 minutes late and don’t call or if they are don’t show up at all. I know other places that make people pre-pay for the visits to encourage them to show up. A few vets I know have actually had to raise prices to make up for the huge number of people that take up slots but never show, they were losing money.
Be kind. Be considerate. Show up early to your appointments.
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Listen here kiddo
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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01/17 | 11:55a | Here is this week’s spread! Feat. some goodies. 😜
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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David Attenborough’s Final Statement for Mankind in The Life of Mammals 
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tehsibbis · 7 years
do not buy your child a rabbit this easter season. 
do not buy your child a rabbit this easter season. 
do not buy your child a rabbit this easter season.
it’s not even easter yet, and i’ve already seen plenty of people posting up in parking lots with signs that say “bunnies for sale” and it makes me cringe. 
80% of these easter bunnies are abandoned, and 5% of them don’t live to see their first birthday. 
rabbits are a huge responsibility, not just some cute conversation piece you can keep locked up in a cage all day. 
even if you do keep it in a cage most of the time, the cage needs to be 4 to 6 times as big as they are so they can stretch and stand up on their back feet. (source: house rabbit society) store bought cages generally are not suitable for rabbits even if they’re marketed as such.
rabbits require 3 to 4 hours (minimum) of playtime outside of their living space in an area big enough for them to binky and run around. 
their litter boxes need to be cleaned at least every other day if not more often. 
rabbits chew everything, from furniture to electric cords - be prepared to “bunny-proof” everything in your home. 
they have a strict diet, and an extensive list of foods they can and cannot eat. [bunny safe fruits & veggies]
they are prey animals that do not like to be picked up 99.9% of the time - a small child will not understand this and may end up hurting the animal.
they are loving animals but may or may not like to cuddle or even sit next to you sometimes - you should never expect a rabbit to act like a cat or dog, even though some of them do. 
they require annual vet visits, and should be spayed or neutered as soon as they are old enough to do so. 
rabbits groom themselves and should never, EVER be bathed or submerged in water - this can cause an ailment called head tilt, hypothermia, shock, and even death. 
a surprisingly little known fact, but rabbits aren’t rodents - if you don’t know this, maybe you shouldn’t be getting a rabbit in the first place. 
please be responsible and don’t get your child a rabbit this easter season unless you’ve done your research and plan to take full responsibility in caring for this animal. 
Bunny Care 101
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tehsibbis · 7 years
alright disney,,,,,,if yall are really going on some ‘live action remake of all our old cartoon movies spree’ then listen up,,,,,atlantis. do you hear me?atlantis the lost empire (2001). diverse cast. strong plot. good moral lessons that kids will understand. everything. no more cinderella no more snow white no more sleeping blondie. a t l a n t i s
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Song Sparrow Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 6 This photo was taken late last week – before city temperatures rose to the high 50s and melted all the snow! You can find Song Sparrows foraging on the ground in many locations throughout Brooklyn Bridge Park, including the lawns on Pier 6, Pier 4 Greenway Terrace, and Pier 1. This morning, one was singing while perched in a tree on Bird Island (Pier 4). Listen for them as you walk through the park.
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Sinnoh is safe once more
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Momma Pinball and her pink inflatable raft. 😂
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tehsibbis · 7 years
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Well, ghosts are a lot harder to see. But when you suddenly move from a lighted room to a dark one, you can’t see for a second, and that’s when the dust bunnies come out.
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