teddy-roosevelts-guns · 3 months
When le freud triangulates oedipus
the nuclear family is the world's most normalized fetish
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 5 months
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its a new one. and yes i Built him with mh own two hands
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 5 months
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as part of my humbling journey to learn the life experiences of a Visual Artist, here is another installement of my web Comic, to celebrate the new year in a loving and COPYRIGHT-HONORING way
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 5 months
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i have decided to create some Art, using my very own images that i made by myself. so that i could finally understand the lived experiences, of the visual artist. enjoy my web Comic
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
Thinking about how Osamu Tezuka drew furry tf porn and hid it until the day he died and how even to this day artists still overwhelmingly have to base their whole career around two ends of the false dichotomy of 'serious art' and 'pornography' or be forever pigeonholed by whatever the public discovers first
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
porn rules maybe i will get knuckle tattoos that say girlcock
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
[Disney movie protagonist voice] yep, that's me. I'm nothing special, just your average 15-year-old. my best friend, though... that's a different story.
[cut to waterlogged corpse]
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
Little girls? Puppies? Whats the difference really? Can't use the potty, can't use adult words, needy, crawling, need to be kept in a crib/cage, humping everything, toys...
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
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her 🌼
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
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my idea for a new disney world ride. please signal boost this so that this ride can be at disney world.
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
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Post in question:
A: post doesn't mention pedophiles or zoophiles at all, but does mention furries and kinksters. Are we really equating furries to zoophiles and kinksters to pedophiles in the year of 2023?
B: even bad humans deserve human rights because otherwise it's really easy to falsely claim someone is a bad human to take away their rights. That is fascism 101.
C: not that it matters but my blog name hilariously has nothing to do with doberman butts and everything to do with a nickname convention a friend of mine had in the years before I started in the breed. They called me Jazbutt because my username at the time was Jazi. I told them I was getting a doberman and wanted to make a blog but couldn't think of a good URL. They said they would call my doberman a doberbutt. I thought it was funny and decided to use it as a blog name. I know that the people engaging in this behavior don't know The Deep Lore of this blog but like. It's actually not that hard to find this explination as it's one I've had asked of me for years.
D: this is a dog blog. It's all dog aesthetics because it's about dogs. Specifically mostly about my dogs. Specifically mostly about my doberman Creed who died in 2021 and it was too painful for me to continue trying to exclusively be a dog blog while I grieved him so I started just posting about whatever was on my mind. Then I got a doberman again in 2022 and another a few months ago and started posting more just about my dogs unless I spot something interesting on my dash or in my tracked tags. There's nothing nefarious here because I'm all about my dogs because competition dog sports are a long-held special interest of mine and I used to be a professional dog trainer. Dogs were my job until early 2022. I got paid to think about nothing except dogs for close to a decade. I decided to blog about it and stopped when my reason for blogging about dogs died and I switched professions.
E: this type of ask being spread around is exactly why I'm quiet about what I do like sexually because I don't think it belongs on a dog blog but also because too many people are interested in completely ruining lives off of one bad faith take. No thank you. It was bad when the straights were doing it to us and it's still bad now when it's happening as an intra-community conflict. The only people who get to know what I like are people I fuck. If I'm talking about it on a public blog, safe to say it's not a sexual interest of mine. You can continue to make assumptions if you'd like but you're way off base.
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
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Join our coffee adventure!-  Or at least check out more Art Goodies here:
[Check out Toonimated’s Coffee Quest]  <Take a look!
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
Some amount of time ago, fairly recently, paraphore was removed off of Itch.io.
This is generally inconsequential, as a matter in-of-itself; paraphore wasn't even originally released on itch.io, and the flash version is still widely available... on certain websites.
Yet, it makes me worry for the future of the internet.
For some reason.
I mean, I know in all likelihood paraphore will not become lost media (hopefully).
I think this feeling is thus better described as a fear of paraphore being doomed to obscurity, its cultural memory lost forever.
It feels, somehow, for some reason, as though the internet has gotten far more virulently hostile to people with weird fucked up fetishes and kinks. And media that depicts such weird fucked up fetishes and kinks without having a huge fucking label reading "THESE ARE BAD. YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD IF YOU LIKE THESE THINGS. YOU ARE BAD ARE YOU HAVE THOUGHTS ABOUT DOING THESE THINGS."
And of course, it makes sense that a game where one of the main intercharacter conflicts is that of internalized trauma over being treated as a degenerate pedophile wouldn't exactly hit the charts.
But, take for example, the newly released The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
No matter the 4chan-vibes emanating from the game's exterior, people have lampooned it for an optional incest ending. OPTIONAL. MEANING YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT.
And, of course, as expected, the creator has already been doxxed by the fucking sharty.
I suppose I'd ask for those reading not to take this as a sign of doomerism or cynical absurdism.
Pray for a cuter future.
Stay strong mynt.
Stay strong rebeca.
Stay strong new friends.
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
I suppose it is also worthy of reflection that I defend a piece of art so fervently which I, myself, did not create.
Paraphore does mean a lot to me, more so than I can fully articulate.
Also, I feel paraphore is again, fairly worthy of praise, despite its flaws, and its unique existence as a game is generally exceptional.
It's not as though it's fucking metal gear solid or undertale I am so fervently defending.
I know people like those games. But really, they do not need your defenses.
But I don't know if paraphore needs my defense.
After all, good art should stand on its own, without some shit to explain what it all means or why it is good.
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teddy-roosevelts-guns · 6 months
Logically, I know why paraphore is not a popular game, or even particularly and underground cult classic.
Logically, I know that its contents (gore scat cubs) alienates most of the very few who come across it.
Logically, I know that such a popular following, if it were to ever have been achieved, would cause unimaginable amounts of controversy.
Yet, I still as though it should be popular.
Like it deserves some form of recognition, more recognition than just a few 4chan threads and game reviews on yiff sites.
To be fair, it does lack in gameplay.
Yet what the fuck does, say, Doki Doki Literature Club make up for in its similar lack of gameplay?
Paraphore has a fairly solid lore and story. The characters are fairly well-developed and have actual, you know, DEPTH.
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