was trying to find body positivity posts for trans guys that look like me and couldn’t. so here’s a post for all the trans guys with wide hips and dad bods. you are hot, you are desirable, and you are doing great
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back from the hospital
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Can we please for the love of god stop telling teenagers they’re too young to have aches and pains. Can we please stop being dismissive about these things. Fakeclaiming is disgusting period, but it is exponentially harmful to youth. Just because you didn’t start hurting until your 20s or 30s or 40s doesn’t mean every teenager complaining of chronic pain must be lying. I learned the hard way that if kids are invalidated enough about this, they will just learn to accept constant pain as a fact of life. And then they will need surgery they can’t afford in ten years bc it turns out constant pain is NOT a fact of life. At any age.
p.s. same goes for mental health
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i dont care about validity i care about my civil rights
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Oh the Gender Census for 2024 is open, it's available for anyone to do in the world that feels limited by the gender binary.
if anyone’s curious, here’s the Gender Census - you can also find last year’s report, an FAQ & info about data protection from their website
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letter from a mother of a gay man. sent to ONE magazine, 1958.
This post was flagged as adult content and the original poster was deactivated so I'm bringing it back.
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Here's a key part of the transfemme experience that is very overlooked: when you don't pass, people don't actually see you as a man, or treat you like a man.
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happy stimming
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we DO grow old and happy. btw.
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The printer proof of the ADHD Analog Brain is HERE and it is BEAUTIFUL!
I have to make some formatting tweaks to the final version. Then it will be READY for SALE: an analog brain you can hold in your hands!
More details coming soon....
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it literally HAS to be okay to choose to be fat in order for fat liberation to mean anything at all tbh
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*reads a manga about a boy's consciousness ending up in the body of a girl he's attracted to and learning to understand her life*
nothing weird about that whatsoever. i like this manga artist i'm going to read his earlier works!
*reads an older, fetish-y manga that obsesses over body hair and how the protag is often mistaken for a little girl and outright says he wishes he was like the girl protag because she has so much body hair, and is essentially pushed into helping her*
hm, well, there's not really a theme here or anything they're different
*reads an even older fetish-y manga obsessing over genitals and has a guy get pushed into helping the girl protag*
ok there's a theme developing here
*reads another early work of his where a boy's existence mixes with a girl's existence and they become "one" after said girl is bossy and pushing him into it*
no man you can't be serious this is all coincidence
*writes a vampire story where a girl forcibly turns a boy into a vampire and offers him to run away with her and begin a new life*
ok but this one can be seen as such a stretch it's not the same thing by a long shot i'm just finding false connections
*his most notable work is about how perversion is something all of us have, what defines the end of adolescence, and the story involves a pushy girl bullying the protag and makes him crossdress at points*
come on man, you can't be serious, you can't put it in every manga
*his newest manga is about an aggressive nonbinary trans girl and the main boy protag at one point says "even i don't want to be a boy sometimes!" when screaming at a transphobe harassing her*
you can not be serious man, you can not be serious
*in the afterward in a volume of the previously mentioned trans manga, the author says he would dream of being a cute girl when he was a kid*
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One of my least favorite mental illness things is "hungry but dont feel like eating" and its companions "hungry but all the food in the house is Illegal," "hungry but can't make anything," and "hungry, want to eat, but why bother"
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"can men be lesbians?" bestie in 100 countries women can't be lesbians is this really the most pressing issue rn
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I don't think people should be obligated to tag things like Goncharov and Glorbo as unreality because I don't think people who can't tell a hoax from reality should be using the internet. It's not the same as being told something paranoia-inducing like "there's someone behind you" or "you're being watched". It's a literacy and research skill issue.
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